=== Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu === Contributors: expresstech, responsivemenu, imvarunkmr, moha12351, infosatech Tags: responsive, mega menu, navigation, mobile, hamburger Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 6.6 Stable tag: 4.4.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Highly customisable Responsive Menu plugin with 150+ options. No coding knowledge needed to design it exactly as you want. == Description == Highly customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress. With over 150 customisable options you get a combination of 22,500 options! No coding experience or knowledge is needed with an easy to use interface you can get it looking exactly as you want with minimal fuss. **See it in action:** [https://responsive.menu](https://responsive.menu/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=reponsivemenu_plugin) [https://demo.responsive.menu](https://demo.responsive.menu/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=reponsivemenu_plugin) **Requirements:** PHP 5.5+ **Full Knowledgebase and dedicated support forum:** [https://responsive.menu/knowledgebase/](https://responsive.menu/knowledgebase/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=reponsivemenu_plugin) [https://responsive.menu/support/](https://responsive.menu/support/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=reponsivemenu_plugin) **Fully unit tested:** 100% unit test coverage with tests included in the plugin so you can run them yourself for peace of mind **Basic Functionality:** * Change every text, background and border colour * Set the fonts, font sizes and text alignment you want to use * Set which side and where you want the button to show * Set which side the menu appears from (left, right, top or bottom) * Use background image for the menu * Choice of menu animations (slide over the top or push the content) * Choice of which Menu to use * Choice of screen size at which the menu will be shown * Choice of CSS elements to hide when menu is showing * Choice of Sub-menu depth to display down to * Choice of Animation Types & Speeds for the Menu & Button * Integrated search (fully customisable) * Ability to disable and re-order the different components * Ability to fix the button to the top or to let it scroll with the page * Ability to upload logos, sub-arrow images etc. * Ability to include Scripts externally, minified and in footer * Ability to import and export options in a click of a button * Ability to add custom HTML components * Ability to choose custom menu triggers * WPML/Polylang Support * RTL Support * Plus much, much more! **Advanced & Pro Functionality:** * Preview your changes before implementing * Animate the menu items when menu is opened * FontIcon Support for individual menu items * 15 button animation effects * Colour opacity for all colours * Custom overlay colour and opacity * Integrated header bar * Let the plugin provide and style your main menu as well as hamburger menu For more reasons to go Pro, please visit [this page](https://responsive.menu#why-go-pro) or check our [roadmap](https://next.expresstech.io/responsive-menu) [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3jLRvtRiDE&t] 🌐Our themes and plugins If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other themes and plugins: 🧱 [Gutena](https://wordpress.org/themes/gutena/) - Block Based Theme for WordPress includes over 50 free block patterns with new patterns added every week. ⏱️ [Quiz and Survey Master](https://wordpress.org/plugins/quiz-master-next/) - Best WordPress Quiz Plugin to create engaging quizzes, surveys, & exams using WordPress and convert your website into a lead generation machine. 📙 [Projectopia](https://wordpress.org/plugins/projectopia-core/) - Project Management & Invoicing plugin for WordPress. Generate invoices, send quotes, generate leads, manage clients, provide support - all inside your WordPress website. 📅 [Booking Ultra](https://wordpress.org/plugins/booking-ultra-pro/) - Appointment Booking plugin for WordPress - Show a quick form to accept bookings for your services with pre-set booking slots. Ideal for salons, medical professionals, lawyers, consultants, etc. ⚡ [InstaWP](https://instawp.com/) - Launch a quick WordPress site with this sandbox service. Create New WordPress instance within a second. == Installation == 1. Upload `responsive-menu` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress 3. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area Alternatively: 1. Login to your WordPress admin area 2. Search for `Responsive Menu` 3. Click install `Responsive Menu` 4. Activate through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress or when asked during installation 5. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area == Frequently Asked Questions == To view our FAQ, please go to [https://responsive.menu/faq/](https://responsive.menu/faq/?utm_source=readme&utm_medium=plugin&utm_campaign=reponsivemenu_plugin). == Screenshots == 1. Dashboard 2. Select theme 3. Menu setting 4. Mobile view setting 5. Desktop view setting 6. Toggle button 7. Main menu == Changelog == = 4.4.2 (13th August 2024) = * Bug: Resolved parent menu active class issue = 4.4.1 (26th July 2024) = * Bug: Fixed compatibility issues with php 8.3 = 4.4.0 (4th July 2024) = * Feature: Added option to use custom SVG or icon code in menu item * Enhancement: Improved security and addressed vulnerabilities = 4.3.5 (25th April 2024) = * Enhancement: Update scssphp library to 1.12.1 = 4.3.4 (17th April 2024) = * Enhancement: Added option to minimize script file = 4.3.3 (11th March 2024) = * Feature: Added the functionality to navigate menus using the tab key for improved accessibility = 4.3.2 (27th Dec 2023) = * Enhancement: Added class to highlight active parent menus = 4.3.1 (14th Aug 2023) = * Bug Fix: Addressed the problem related to hamburger line height option * Enhancement: Anchored tags are now removed if not utilized within the title = 4.3.0 (16th May 2023) = * Enhancement: The tablet default breakpoints have been adjusted to improve responsiveness * Enhancement: Improved UX = 4.2.3 (29th Mar 2023) = * Bug: Fixed PHP warnings * Enhancement: Checked compatibility with WordPress 6.2 = 4.2.2 (2nd Mar 2023) = * Feature: The option to set multiple columns in the menu container has been added * Bug: Resolved a conflict with a third-party plugin that was caused by extra space in menu attributes = 4.2.1 (6th Dec 2022) = * Bug: Bug: Fixed CSS conflict issues with other plugins * Bug: Fixed issue with submenu animation = 4.2.0 (8th Sep 2022) = * Feature: Added classic menu support for block themes * Bug: Fixed conflict issues with Beaver Themer Plugin * Enhancement: Added alert popup if WordPress Menus are empty = 4.1.12 (1st Aug 2022) = * Bug: Fixed conflict issues with Multiple Page Generator Plugin * Enhancement: Added timestamps as a version to generated CSS/JSS urls = 4.1.11 (25th May 2022) = * Bug: Fixed conflict issues with Import Eventbrite Events plugin * Enhancement: Added rmp_nav_item_class hook to update nav item classes * Enhancement: Removed unused resources = 4.1.10 (30th Mar 2022) = * Bug: Fixed issue with submenu font-wieght * Bug: Fixed issue with svg icons * Enhancement: Updated scssphp to latest version (1.10.2) = 4.1.9 (8th Mar 2022) = * Enhancement: Fixed issues with admin bar settings = 4.1.8 (8th Feb 2022) = * Bug: Fixed security vulnerabilities * Bug: Fixed w3 validator CSS errors * Bug: Fixed unnecessary HTTP requests to theme config files = 4.1.7 (4 Jan 2022) = * Hotfix: Fixed issues where menu got disappeared after updating to 4.1.6. * Hotfix: Fixed issue where users were seeing a shortcode instead of actual menu after updating to 4.1.6 = 4.1.6 (20th Dec 2021) = * Enhancement: Refactored code to enqueue JS and CSS files as per coding standards * Enhancement: Refactored code to utilise libraries bundled with WordPress core * Enhancement: Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated all variable, file uploads and data * Enhancement: Moved inline scripts to wp_enqueue_script and wp_add_inline_script = 4.1.5 (17th Nov 2021) = * Enhancement: Refactored code to use wp_enqueue functions while including JS and CSS * Enhancement: Removed external dependencies (CDN url and third party server scripts) * Enhancement: Removed legacy code and rollback feature * Enhancement: Removed encrypted code from third party libraries * Enhancement: "Sanitized, Escaped, and Validated" all variable, file uploads and data = 4.1.4 (17th Sep 2021) = * Bug: Fixed transparent background issue. * Feature: Added option to search settings in customizer. * Feature: Added shortcuts to related settings in different sections of customizer. * Feature: Added custom selector for hamburger icon position. * Enhancement: Moved "Padding" setting from (Mobile Menu > Container > Menu) to (Menu Styling > Menu Settings) * Enhancement: Moved "Enable Smooth Scrolling" setting from (Menu Styling > Menu Settings) to (Setting > Advance Setting > Technical) = 4.1.3 (25th June 2021) = * Bug: Fixed Adjust Page option issue * Bug: Fixed the issue of conflict with WooCommerce plugin * Bug: Fixed the issue of wrong button text position * Feature: Added banner for providing plugin feedback * Enhancement: Renamed `Roadmap` to `What's Next` = 4.1.2 (1st May 2021) = * Feature: Added dark mode option for menu customizer * Enhancement: Added new filter rmp_menu_markups * Enhancement: Added demo links for free themes * Enhancement: Enabled device visibility options by default = 4.1.1 (19th April 2021) = * Bug: Fixed responsive menu elementor widget issue with PHP version 7.2 and older = 4.1.0 (26th February 2021) = * Feature: Bundled all free themes in plugin * Feature: Added new option for font weight and font family for menu title * Feature: Added home button on preview device * Feature: Added border radius as new option for toggle button * Feature: Added theme upload feature in wizards * Feature: To support the advanced menu themes * Enhancement: Improved push animation to work with only body element * Enhancement: Added loader to show while uploading and changing theme * Enhancement: Show message when theme page is empty * Enhancement: Show spinner while deleting theme * Enhancement: Redirected user directly to customizer after creating a new menu * Enhancement: Prevent deleting a theme if being used by active menu * Enhancement: Added color alpha feature and push animation * Enhancement: Added custom admin notice to upgrade * Enhancement: Added admin notice with doc link if no menu created. * Enhancement: Improved the default theme with new UI * Enhancement: Improved the wizards UI * Enhancement: Added hide menu input in new menu wizard * Enhancement: Improved caching and minimize API requests * Enhancement: Added support for WordPress core version 5.7 * Bug: Prevent to load the customizer screen in preview section * Bug: Fixed additional contents to process the shortcode * Bug: Fixed Menu item height issue with long text * Bug: Fixed default wp menu items * Bug: Improved live preview and update required * Bug: Fixed PHP warning and errors = 4.0.4 (19th January 2021) = * Bug: Fixed security vulnerabilities = 4.0.3 (07th January 2021) = * Enhancement: Improved caching for API response * Bug: Improved multi language menu support with WPML * Bug: Fixed theme compatibility issues * Bug: Fixed some php notices and errors = 4.0.2 (29th Dec 2020) = * Feature: Added responsive menu elementor widget * Enhancement: Improved theme visibility in new menu wizard = 4.0.1 (15th Dec 2020) = * Enhancement: Hide WordPress admin bar from menu preview * Enhancement: Added notice message when WordPress menu doesn't exist * Enhancement: Added admin notice banner for new version update * Enhancement: Improved menu customizer options visibility * Bug: Fixed some php notices and errors = 4.0.0 (7th Dec 2020) = * New and improved admin user interface * Added menu customizer with live preview features * Added feature to create menu templates * Improved menu themes * Added support for multiple menus * Added support for WordPress core version 5.6 and PHP 8.0 * Added support for twenty twenty one theme * Fixed several bugs in older version = 3.1.30 (23rd July 2020) = * Bug: Fixed menu arial-label = 3.1.29 (4th May 2020) = * Bug: Fix Menu import functionality when menu names do not match = 3.1.28 (13th April 2020) = * Feature: Added keyboard accessibility = 3.1.27 (19th Mar 2020) = * Fix: PHP v7.4 Compatibility = 3.1.26 (19th Feb 2020) = * Fix: WordPress 5.3 Compatibility * Fix: PHP v7.4 Compatibility = 3.1.25 (14th Dec 2019) = * Fix: Sub Menus -> Text Alignment Option does not work * Fix: Trigger Icon Position * Fix: Trigger Icon Border CSS code * Fix: Menu Text goes under Trigger Icon = 3.1.24 (14th Aug 2019) = * Allow support for PHP 5.5 again. * Downgrade Twig back to 1.33.0 as it doesn't play nicely with other plugins. = 3.1.23 (13th Aug 2019) = * Added option to hide the original desktop theme menu. * Drop support for PHP 5.5 * Update Twig to 1.42.2 * Fix bug with pre IE10 javascript when disabling background scrolling. = 3.1.22 (30th May 2019) = * Expand Exclude Pages option to include all post types. = 3.1.21 (19th May 2019) = * Added Exclude Pages option. = 3.1.20 (16th May 2019) = * Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5.2 * Minor bug fixes. = 3.1.19 (1st April 2019) = * Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5.1.1 * Updated noscroll js file. = 3.1.18 (19th January 2019) = * Update tested up to flag for WordPress 5 * Improve logic around click to expand sub-menu items. * Updated noscroll js file. = 3.1.17 (21st September 2018) = * Improve logic around word wrap. * Change approach to disabling background scrolling. * Improvements to smooth scrolling across different URLs. * Added menu title text alignment option. = 3.1.16 (15th August 2018) = * Added ability to upload and use themes. = 3.1.15 (26th July 2018) = * Fixed Sub Menu line height bug. * Removed Min Admin Guide. * Upgrade to FontAwesome 5.2 (Pro) * Fix search placeholder colour issue (Pro) * Added options to hide on mobile or desktop devices (Pro) = 3.1.14 (30th March 2018) = * Added line height options for all menu items. * Added title to Search element to meet WCAG accessibility requirements. * Improvements for admin option filtering. * Added Height and Width options to Title Image. * Added customisable options for sub-menus. * Allow translation of search placeholder text. * Fixed bug with Adjust Header Bar option. * [PRO] Added inner Header Bar HTML element for easier customisation. * [PRO] Option to close menu on page scroll. * [PRO] Option to smooth scroll same page links. = 3.1.13 (19th January 2018) = * Move custom data to the uploads folder. = 3.1.12 (17th January 2018) = * Added option to control sub-menu speed. * Added "Minus" button animation. * Added option to adjust the page to account for the Header Bar. * Added image height options for Header Bar. * Updated FontAwesome version to get latest icons. * Fix for Slide effect on Desktop Menu. = 3.1.11 (28th November 2017) = * Hotfix to remove annoying pro overlay = 3.1.10 (28th November 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Remove annoying pro overlay * Fix for double scrollbars on disable background scrolling - Pro = 3.1.9 (17th November 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fix for drop-downs not saving their information. * Fix for Desktop Menu with 3rd level drop-down items. * Fix for Touch Gestures stopping the Search box being selectable. * Fix for Touch Gestures stopping menu scrolling. * Center Desktop Menu option added. - Pro = 3.1.8 (26th October 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added a new dark admin theme * Updated the old light admin theme * Added a "hide pro options" button to remove some of the clutter * Improved UI interface * Made the Word Wrap option a free feature * Change database option value type to LONGTEXT to accept longer values * Fixed bug with Enable Gestures option - Pro * Complete overhaul of the Desktop Menu options including Mega Menus and more - Pro * Added vw and vh sizing units - Pro = 3.1.7 (22nd September 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added depth padding side option * Enabled touch gestures - Pro Only * Fixed fade animation hiding the single menu bug - Pro Only = 3.1.6 (28th July 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added more translatable options to PolyLang and WPML * Added option to turn sub-menu descriptions on = 3.1.5 (22nd July 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added ability to use description in menu items * Added option for button open title * Added ability to have the menu automatically opened on page load - Pro Only * Added ability to use keyboard shortcuts to close the menu - Pro Only * Added ability to use keyboard shortcuts to open the menu - Pro Only * Added ability to disable plugins FontAwesome and BootStrap scripts in case you want to load your own - Pro Only * Improve selection of menu items by menu item drop-down selection rather than by ID - Pro Only * Fixed bug with 3Dx animation and hover colours - Pro Only * Optimised twig imports to only include what is needed. = 3.1.4 (10th June 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added CSRF protection using nonces in admin * Updated wpdb method to use replace() instead of update() to protect from migration issues * Added selectize JS library * Allow custom trigger types for button - Pro Only * Fixed custom HTML icon bug - Pro Only = 3.1.3 (19th May 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * RTL improvements for admin UI * Added options to change the depth level values * Fixed twig deprecation notices - thanks to stodorovic for this * Fixed bug where having auto-height would break menu scrolling - Pro only = 3.1.2 (11th May 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Updated badge counts * Updated Font Icon area text * Fixed bug with single menu breakpoint width - Pro Only * Fixed bug with empty Font Icons - Pro Only * Fixed bug with WP CLI = 3.1.1 (5th May 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added filter box in admin for options * Added menu container background colour option * Added hover line colour option * Added active line colour option * Added active button background colour option * Added migration scripts to make data upgrades smoother * Added option to choose custom Font Icons - Pro Only * Removed browser button outline and enabled focus/active states for better accessibility * Bug fixes = 3.1.0 (25th April 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Massive overhaul of codebase * Speed improvements to front and back end * Admin now uses BootStrap * Twig templating engine implemented * Added admin form validation to help catch data errors * Added a rebuild database option * Done away with SASS on the fly compilation * Back to on slide effect now customisable - Pro only * Added option to adjust for WP Admin bar - Pro only * Bug fixes and compatibility fixes = 3.0.18 (2nd February 2017) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Improved border sizes for sub-menus * Improved "Back to" text on beta slider menu functionality = 3.0.17 (26th November 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed bug that stripped slashes from text inputs in admin screen * Fixed junk pixel residue left behind on screen on menu close issue * Fixed hiding of menu items in slide animation beta * Fixed "Back to %previous_category_name%" text check on slide animation beta * Bug fixes = 3.0.16 (21st October 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added functionality for admin to remember last saved tab * Improved local scope of self = this variable in JavaScript * Improved slide across animation option (Pro only) = 3.0.15 (11th October 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added border size option * Made submenu active colours free * Improved FontAwesome Icon check (Pro only) * Added sizing unit options (Pro only) * Bug fixes = 3.0.14 (4th October 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Improved PHP check on pre 5.3 systems * Improved width of first and last menu item borders * Added animation of menu items when menu opened (Pro only) * Added slide effect animation option instead of standard dropdown (Pro only) * Removed button from header bar to aid with z-indexing (Pro only) * Bug fixes = 3.0.13 (22nd September 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Made menu background image option free (feeling generous today!) = 3.0.12 (22nd September 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed close menu on link click bug with single header (Pro only) * Fixed conflict bug with "close on link clicks" and "disable parent click" options * Added header bar title link to WPML/Polylang * Added alt tag option for every image * Link target now taken into account with "Close Menu on Link Clicks" = 3.0.11 (29th August 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed export options bug (Pro only) * Fixed shortcode attributes bug = 3.0.10 (27th August 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Improved RTL support * Additional Content added to WPML/Polylang * Added sub-arrow active colours - Pro only * Added sub-arrow positioning side option * Allow 0 values to be entered * Switched sub-menu padding round if right text-alignment used * Added item link colours to transition list * Minor bug fixes = 3.0.9 (4th August 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added current item border colour option * Added current item border hover colour option * Apply title link to title image * Fixed transition bug with iPhone Safari iOS on links * Fixed Import option bug * Import native jquery-ui-core instead of externally * Minor bug fixes = 3.0.8 (25th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added placeholder search text colour option * Improved update process (no longer need to login to admin to trigger) * Bug fixes = 3.0.7 (22nd July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Added preview option - Pro only * Added search box text colour option * Added search box background colour option * Added search box border colour option * Fixed header bar bug with disabled scrolling - PRO * Fixed smooth scrolling issue on iOS with disabled scrolling - PRO * Added string translation to Search text = 3.0.6 (13th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Improved Database Migration Scripts * Changed sub-arrows to only show border on left edge * Improved button title text spacing * Improved PHP version checking process = 3.0.5 (13th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed bug with push animation * Improved PHP version check functionality * Fixed issue where custom menu classes weren't being added = 3.0.4 (9th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed bug with overwriting values with shortcode = 3.0.3 (9th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed bug with custom trigger * Updated Polylang Support * Removed extend() function from Pimple Container as it was throwing security notices in VaultPress - thanks to Brin @ WinningWp.com = 3.0.2 (8th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Fixed issue with close on link click option * Improved database migration scripts * Updated default button size * Improved License Checks (Pro) * Removed tab memory (too resource intensive) * Fixed Query Monitor "IF" error - thanks to KTS915 * Bug fixes = 3.0.1 (7th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** * Initial Bug Fixes * Catch non-updated option errors * Those using under PHP 5.4 will not crash their site but deactivate * License Key Checking Fixed (Pro) = 3.0.0 (5th July 2016) = * **Requires PHP 5.4** - Please ensure you have it installed to work * Version 3 released! * Please login to your admin and hit 'Update Options' upon installing on all sites * Awesome FontIcon integration * Much Smoother Animations * Button Animations * And much, much more * Many bug fixes * Completely re-written from the ground up = 2.8.9 (17th June 2016) = * Last Version 2 release with beta notice = 2.8.8 (12th May 2016) = * Added class to body when menu is opened = 2.8.7 = * Added absolute paths to file inclusions * Added ability to set menu title text location (top, bottom, left, right) * Added ability to set menu title text line height (useful for above) * Fixed width on custom menu images for consistency = 2.8.6 (28th January 2016) = * Added Menu Title Link to WPML * Fixed issue with fixed menu widths and push animation = 2.8.5 (11th Sept 2015) = * Fixed menu not opening on first click bug * Added empty check to additional html content = 2.8.4 (19th Aug 2015) = * Fixed middle mouse scroll button bug = 2.8.3 (13th Aug 2015) = * Fixed bug with accordion sub arrows not re-setting correctly = 2.8.2 (13th Aug 2015) = * Fixed bug with push animation from right side = 2.8.1 (27th July 2015) = * Import/Export issue with geometric shapes fixed * Default export.xml file added * Other bugfixes = 2.8 (26th July 2015) = * Launched Pro Version 1.0 with: - Ability to use as the only menu on the site (responsive and desktop) - Option to only show on mobile using wp_is_mobile() - Various colour themes - Header bar creator - Menu Auto-Height option - Background scrolling disabled option * Added "Reset to default" option * Removed Metatag check * Improved transient caching * Bugfixes = 2.7 (14th June 2015) = * Added Navigation Tabs for Admin Pages -thanks to mkdgs for this! * Bugfixes = 2.6 (26th May 2015) = * Added Theme Location options - useful for Polylang - Thanks to mkdgs for this * Fixed Issue with Auto-Expanding Links * Fixed Issue with Data Folders Incorrect Location = 2.5 (20th May 2015) = * Fixed issue with duplicate sub menu arrows * Added option to set if menu is shown on left or right * Fixed issue with custom sub menu classes * Button now compatible with Apple Voiceover * Changed "X" close icon to the math symbol "x" - Thanks to patlog for the idea! * Added many more shortcode options as below: - "title" - "title_link" - "title_open" - "title_img" - "html" - "html_loc" - "search_loc" - "btn_img" - "btn_img_clicked" - "btn_title" = 2.4 (18th Feb 2015) = * Added option to turn transient caching off as it causes issues with active link colours etc. * Made Menu clear the transient caches and rebuild menu on Menu/Page/Post updates. = 2.3 (16th Feb 2015) = * Added ability to set custom click menu trigger * Added ability to set custom walker function - Thanks to Mickael Desgranges for this * Added option to push menu button with animation * Added option to change Current Page background hover colour * Added option to change Current Page Link hover colour * Fixed issue with accordion menu not retracting * Enabled 0 values for animation speed to in affect remove animation * Added easy view of Shortcode options in admin * Added ability to place shortcodes in extra html content - Thanks to Mickael Desgranges for this * Leveraged WordPress persistent transient caching to significantly increase load speed = 2.2 (29th Oct 2014) = * Added Ability to Export Options * Added Ability to Import Options * Added option to change 3 lines width * Added option to change 3 lines height * Added option to change 3 lines margin * Added option to change sub arrows using HTML shape or Image * Added option to change the click menu image once clicked * Sub Menu Animation added to improve smoothness * Accordion sub menu animation option * Added shortcode option to change menu (use "RM" argument) eg. [responsive-menu RM="footer-menu"] * Minor bug fixes = 2.1 (17th Aug 2014) = * Basic shortcode support added - To use, tick the option in the admin and use the shortcode [responsive-menu] * Multiple bug fixes = 2.0 (13th Aug 2014) = *** WE HAVE REACHED OVER 50 CUSTOMISABLE OPTIONS! *** * Complete overhaul of the codebase * Increased menu depth to 5 * Added Spanish Translation - Massive thanks to Andrew @ WebHostingHub for this! * 'Double Click' menu bug fixed * Various bug fixes * Added Choice to Auto Expand Parent Links * Added Choice to Ignore Clicks on Ancestor Links * Added Choice to Close Menu Automatically on Page Clicks * Added Top and Bottom Slide Options * Added Option to set a Maximum Width for the menu * Added Choice of Positioning of Search Box * Added Choice to Specify Title Menu Link * Added Choice to Specify Title Menu Link Location * Added Ability to add custom HTML snippet inside the menu * Added Choice of location for custom HTML snippet inside the menu * Detect if WP Login bar is active and adjust accordingly = 1.9 (5th Apr 2014) = * Changed where custom CSS/JS files are stored. If you have issues when upgrading, please just click "Update Options" from admin and this should return back to normal. * Added option to include scripts in footer * Added ability to upload custom menu button image to replace the 3 lines * Added ability to close menu on each link click (good for single page sites) * Added ability to minify output (saving 50% on file size) * Remove title section if title and image are empty * Added ability to change 3 lines to an x when clicked * Added ability to set the minimum width of the menu * Added Croatian Translation - Massive thanks to Neverone Design for this! = 1.8 (26th Mar 2014) = * Added option to include styles/scripts externally/internally * Added WPML Support * Added internationalisation functionality, awaiting translations * Added ability to choose which side the menu slides in from * Minor Code Improvements = 1.7 (13th Mar 2014) = * Ability to auto expand/hide sub-menus * Inclusion/Exclusion of Search Box * Transition speed * Slide Animation Speed * Menu Link Heights * Text Alignment * Removed potential jQuery conflicts * Minor Code Improvements = 1.6 (6th Mar 2014) = * Added Animation Options Section * Added Animation Speed Customisation Option * Added Choice Of Slide Animation (Overlay or Push) * Added Menu Title Background Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Title Font Size Customisation Option * Added Click Menu Title Font Size Customisation Option * Added Menu Links Font Size Customisation Option * Removed Image Size Restriction * Minor Code Improvements = 1.5 (4th Mar 2014) = * Added Menu Title Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Title Hover Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Text Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Text Hover Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Background Colour Customisation Option * Added Menu Link Background Hover Colour Customisation Option * Minor Code Improvements = 1.4 (2nd Mar 2014) = * Improved menu sliding animation. * Fixed bug where the menu wouldn't retract on re-size. * Removed the use of namespaces to support pre PHP 5.3 systems. = 1.3 (1st Mar 2014) = * Added ability to upload image for menu title. * Added ability to switch between fixed and non-fixed positioning. * Added ability to change menu font. * Minor updates. = 1.2 (28th Feb 2014) = * Added support to include all site menus. = 1.1 (25th Feb 2014) = * Added transparent menu background option. = 1.0 (22nd Feb 2014) = * Initial Version Released. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.8.9 = Requires PHP 5.4 - DO NOT upgrade if you do not have this installed. = 2.8.8 = Requires PHP 5.4 - DO NOT upgrade if you do not have this installed.