File "default_common_inc_code.php"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/-20240930230508/wp-admin/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin-extension/default_common_inc_code.php
File size: 3.2 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

 // ============================================================================= //
 // =========================== wp-phpMyAdmin addition ========================== //
 // ============================================================================= //
	$libdir = $DIR_PATH; //__DIR__

	// ============= INCLUDING WP CORE ================= //
	// Including core breaks whole application. So, this has been disabled
	if ($include_core)
		$abspth = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname($libdir)))))); 
		$wp_loader = $abspth."/wp-load.php";
			if(!defined("ABSPATH")) include_once( $wp_loader );
			if(!current_user_can("install_plugins") || !current_user_can("manage_options")){ 
			if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE)  session_start();
			if(session_status() != PHP_SESSION_NONE)  session_write_close();      //this line is needed to close any open sessions in WP , otherwise pma errors caused
			remove_action( "shutdown",  "wp_ob_end_flush_all",   1 );
		//function __($str) { return __RENAMED($str);}
	// ============= ## INCLUDING WP CORE ##================= //

	//note, cookies are nulled after the below "use" namespaces load, so lets check here.
	$file = dirname(dirname($libdir))."/_session_temp.php";  	if (!file_exists($file)) exit("session file doesn't exist. This might happen if your wordpress does not have write permissions, try to fix it and re-login into phpMyAdmin from plugin dashboard page.");
	$your_ip 			= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
	$expiration_hours   = 1;
	$incorrect_session	= ( empty($_COOKIE[$sess_vars["name"]]) ||  $_COOKIE[$sess_vars["name"]] !=  $sess_vars["value"]);
	$incorrect_ip		= ( $sess_vars['require_ip'] && $your_ip !== $sess_vars['ip'] );
	$incorrect_time		= $sess_vars['time'] < time() - $expiration_hours*60*60;
	if( $incorrect_session || $incorrect_ip || $incorrect_time )	{
		$notice = $incorrect_session ? "Session mismatch." : ($incorrect_ip ? "Your IP ($your_ip) not allowed. If your ISP provider assigns you the dynamic IP address on each request, then you can temporarily disable the checkbox <code style='background:#e7e7e7;'>Restrict access only to current IP</code> on settings page (and after you are done with your work in PhpMyAdmin, enable that checkbox again, so you dont leave it unchecked)." : ($incorrect_time ? "Session time ($expiration_hours hours) expired." : "Undefined")); 
		exit($notice ."<br/> Go back and click <b>Enter phpMyAdmin</b> button again. If you still experience issue, try to open a ticket at <a href=\"\">Support pages</a> and provide some details.");
		define('wp_pma_allowed', true);


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