/** * External dependencies */ import { count } from '@wordpress/wordcount'; import { autop } from '@wordpress/autop'; /** * Generates the summary text from a string of text. * * @param {string} source Source text. * @param {number} maxLength Limit number of countType returned if text has multiple paragraphs. * @param {string} countType What is being counted. One of words, characters_excluding_spaces, or characters_including_spaces. * @return {string} Generated summary. */ export const generateSummary = ( source, maxLength = 15, countType = 'words' ) => { const sourceWithParagraphs = autop( source ); const sourceWordCount = count( sourceWithParagraphs, countType ); if ( sourceWordCount <= maxLength ) { return sourceWithParagraphs; } const firstParagraph = getFirstParagraph( sourceWithParagraphs ); const firstParagraphWordCount = count( firstParagraph, countType ); if ( firstParagraphWordCount <= maxLength ) { return firstParagraph; } if ( countType === 'words' ) { return trimWords( firstParagraph, maxLength ); } return trimCharacters( firstParagraph, maxLength, countType === 'characters_including_spaces' ); }; /** * Get first paragraph from some HTML text, or return whole string. * * @param {string} source Source text. * @return {string} First paragraph found in string. */ const getFirstParagraph = ( source ) => { const pIndex = source.indexOf( '</p>' ); if ( pIndex === -1 ) { return source; } return source.substr( 0, pIndex + 4 ); }; /** * Remove HTML tags from a string. * * @param {string} htmlString String to remove tags from. * @return {string} Plain text string. */ const removeTags = ( htmlString ) => { const tagsRegExp = /<\/?[a-z][^>]*?>/gi; return htmlString.replace( tagsRegExp, '' ); }; /** * Remove trailing punctuation and append some characters to a string. * * @param {string} text Text to append to. * @param {string} moreText Text to append. * @return {string} String with appended characters. */ const appendMoreText = ( text, moreText ) => { return text.replace( /[\s|\.\,]+$/i, '' ) + moreText; }; /** * Limit words in string and returned trimmed version. * * @param {string} text Text to trim. * @param {number} maxLength Number of countType to limit to. * @param {string} moreText Appended to the trimmed string. * @return {string} Trimmed string. */ const trimWords = ( text, maxLength, moreText = '&hellip;' ) => { const textToTrim = removeTags( text ); const trimmedText = textToTrim .split( ' ' ) .splice( 0, maxLength ) .join( ' ' ); return autop( appendMoreText( trimmedText, moreText ) ); }; /** * Limit characters in string and returned trimmed version. * * @param {string} text Text to trim. * @param {number} maxLength Number of countType to limit to. * @param {boolean} includeSpaces Should spaces be included in the count. * @param {string} moreText Appended to the trimmed string. * @return {string} Trimmed string. */ const trimCharacters = ( text, maxLength, includeSpaces = true, moreText = '&hellip;' ) => { const textToTrim = removeTags( text ); const trimmedText = textToTrim.slice( 0, maxLength ); if ( includeSpaces ) { return autop( appendMoreText( trimmedText, moreText ) ); } const matchSpaces = trimmedText.match( /([\s]+)/g ); const spaceCount = matchSpaces ? matchSpaces.length : 0; const trimmedTextExcludingSpaces = textToTrim.slice( 0, maxLength + spaceCount ); return autop( appendMoreText( trimmedTextExcludingSpaces, moreText ) ); };