<?php namespace Safe; use Safe\Exceptions\UodbcException; /** * Toggles autocommit behaviour. * * By default, auto-commit is on for a connection. Disabling * auto-commit is equivalent with starting a transaction. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param bool $OnOff If OnOff is TRUE, auto-commit is enabled, if * it is FALSE auto-commit is disabled. * @return mixed Without the OnOff parameter, this function returns * auto-commit status for connection_id. Non-zero is * returned if auto-commit is on, 0 if it is off, or FALSE if an error * occurs. * * If OnOff is set, this function returns TRUE on * success. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_autocommit($connection_id, bool $OnOff = false) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_autocommit($connection_id, $OnOff); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Controls handling of binary column data. ODBC SQL types affected are * BINARY, VARBINARY, and * LONGVARBINARY. * The default mode can be set using the * uodbc.defaultbinmode php.ini directive. * * When binary SQL data is converted to character C data (ODBC_BINMODE_CONVERT), each byte * (8 bits) of source data is represented as two ASCII characters. * These characters are the ASCII character representation of the * number in its hexadecimal form. For example, a binary * 00000001 is converted to * "01" and a binary 11111111 * is converted to "FF". * * While the handling of BINARY and VARBINARY * columns only depend on the binmode, the handling of LONGVARBINARY * columns also depends on the longreadlen as well: * * LONGVARBINARY handling * * * * binmode * longreadlen * result * * * * * ODBC_BINMODE_PASSTHRU * 0 * passthru * * * ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN * 0 * passthru * * * ODBC_BINMODE_CONVERT * 0 * passthru * * * ODBC_BINMODE_PASSTHRU * &gt;0 * passthru * * * ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN * &gt;0 * return as is * * * ODBC_BINMODE_CONVERT * &gt;0 * return as char * * * * * * If odbc_fetch_into is used, passthru means that an * empty string is returned for these columns. * If odbc_result is used, passthru means that the data are * sent directly to the client (i.e. printed). * * @param int $result_id The result identifier. * * If result_id is 0, the * settings apply as default for new results. * @param int $mode Possible values for mode are: * * * * ODBC_BINMODE_PASSTHRU: Passthru BINARY data * * * * * ODBC_BINMODE_RETURN: Return as is * * * * * ODBC_BINMODE_CONVERT: Convert to char and return * * * * * * Handling of binary long * columns is also affected by odbc_longreadlen. * * * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_binmode(int $result_id, int $mode): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_binmode($result_id, $mode); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Lists columns and associated privileges for the given table. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $table_name The table name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $column_name The column name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * This result identifier can be used to fetch a list of columns and * associated privileges. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * COLUMN_NAME * GRANTOR * GRANTEE * PRIVILEGE * IS_GRANTABLE * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_columnprivileges($connection_id, string $catalog, string $schema, string $table_name, string $column_name) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_columnprivileges($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $table_name, $column_name); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Lists all columns in the requested range. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $table_name The table name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $column_name The column name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * COLUMN_NAME * DATA_TYPE * TYPE_NAME * COLUMN_SIZE * BUFFER_LENGTH * DECIMAL_DIGITS * NUM_PREC_RADIX * NULLABLE * REMARKS * COLUMN_DEF * SQL_DATA_TYPE * SQL_DATETIME_SUB * CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH * ORDINAL_POSITION * IS_NULLABLE * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_columns($connection_id, string $catalog = null, string $schema = null, string $table_name = null, string $column_name = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($column_name !== null) { $result = \odbc_columns($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $table_name, $column_name); } elseif ($table_name !== null) { $result = \odbc_columns($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $table_name); } elseif ($schema !== null) { $result = \odbc_columns($connection_id, $catalog, $schema); } elseif ($catalog !== null) { $result = \odbc_columns($connection_id, $catalog); } else { $result = \odbc_columns($connection_id); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Commits all pending transactions on the connection. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_commit($connection_id): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_commit($connection_id); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function will return the list of available DSN (after calling it * several times). * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param int $fetch_type The fetch_type can be one of two constant types: * SQL_FETCH_FIRST, SQL_FETCH_NEXT. * Use SQL_FETCH_FIRST the first time this function is * called, thereafter use the SQL_FETCH_NEXT. * @return array Returns FALSE on error, an array upon success, and NULL after fetching * the last available DSN. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_data_source($connection_id, int $fetch_type): array { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_data_source($connection_id, $fetch_type); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Sends an SQL statement to the database server. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $query_string The SQL statement. * @param int $flags This parameter is currently not used. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was executed * successfully. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_exec($connection_id, string $query_string, int $flags = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($flags !== null) { $result = \odbc_exec($connection_id, $query_string, $flags); } else { $result = \odbc_exec($connection_id, $query_string); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Executes a statement prepared with odbc_prepare. * * @param resource $result_id The result id resource, from odbc_prepare. * @param array $parameters_array Parameters in parameter_array will be * substituted for placeholders in the prepared statement in order. * Elements of this array will be converted to strings by calling this * function. * * Any parameters in parameter_array which * start and end with single quotes will be taken as the name of a * file to read and send to the database server as the data for the * appropriate placeholder. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_execute($result_id, array $parameters_array = null): void { error_clear_last(); if ($parameters_array !== null) { $result = \odbc_execute($result_id, $parameters_array); } else { $result = \odbc_execute($result_id); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Fetch one result row into array. * * @param resource $result_id The result resource. * @param array|null $result_array The result array * that can be of any type since it will be converted to type * array. The array will contain the column values starting at array * index 0. * @param int $rownumber The row number. * @return int Returns the number of columns in the result; * FALSE on error. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_fetch_into($result_id, ?array &$result_array, int $rownumber = null): int { error_clear_last(); if ($rownumber !== null) { $result = \odbc_fetch_into($result_id, $result_array, $rownumber); } else { $result = \odbc_fetch_into($result_id, $result_array); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Gets the length of the field referenced by number in the given result * identifier. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param int $field_number The field number. Field numbering starts at 1. * @return int Returns the field length. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_field_len($result_id, int $field_number): int { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_field_len($result_id, $field_number); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Gets the name of the field occupying the given column number in the given * result identifier. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param int $field_number The field number. Field numbering starts at 1. * @return string Returns the field name as a string. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_field_name($result_id, int $field_number): string { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_field_name($result_id, $field_number); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Gets the number of the column slot that corresponds to the named field in * the given result identifier. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param string $field_name The field name. * @return int Returns the field number as a integer. * Field numbering starts at 1. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_field_num($result_id, string $field_name): int { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_field_num($result_id, $field_name); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Gets the scale of the field referenced by number in the given result * identifier. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param int $field_number The field number. Field numbering starts at 1. * @return int Returns the field scale as a integer. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_field_scale($result_id, int $field_number): int { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_field_scale($result_id, $field_number); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Gets the SQL type of the field referenced by number in the given result * identifier. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param int $field_number The field number. Field numbering starts at 1. * @return string Returns the field type as a string. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_field_type($result_id, int $field_number): string { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_field_type($result_id, $field_number); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Retrieves a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a list of * foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key in the * specified table * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $pk_catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance) of the primary key table. * @param string $pk_schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance) of the primary key table. * @param string $pk_table The primary key table. * @param string $fk_catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance) of the foreign key table. * @param string $fk_schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance) of the foreign key table. * @param string $fk_table The foreign key table. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * PKTABLE_CAT * PKTABLE_SCHEM * PKTABLE_NAME * PKCOLUMN_NAME * FKTABLE_CAT * FKTABLE_SCHEM * FKTABLE_NAME * FKCOLUMN_NAME * KEY_SEQ * UPDATE_RULE * DELETE_RULE * FK_NAME * PK_NAME * DEFERRABILITY * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_foreignkeys($connection_id, string $pk_catalog, string $pk_schema, string $pk_table, string $fk_catalog, string $fk_schema, string $fk_table) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_foreignkeys($connection_id, $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table, $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param int $data_type The data type, which can be used to restrict the information to a * single data type. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TYPE_NAME * DATA_TYPE * PRECISION * LITERAL_PREFIX * LITERAL_SUFFIX * CREATE_PARAMS * NULLABLE * CASE_SENSITIVE * SEARCHABLE * UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE * MONEY * AUTO_INCREMENT * LOCAL_TYPE_NAME * MINIMUM_SCALE * MAXIMUM_SCALE * * * The result set is ordered by DATA_TYPE and TYPE_NAME. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_gettypeinfo($connection_id, int $data_type = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($data_type !== null) { $result = \odbc_gettypeinfo($connection_id, $data_type); } else { $result = \odbc_gettypeinfo($connection_id); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Controls handling of LONG, LONGVARCHAR and LONGVARBINARY columns. * The default length can be set using the * uodbc.defaultlrl php.ini directive. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param int $length The number of bytes returned to PHP is controlled by the parameter * length. If it is set to 0, long column data is passed through to the * client (i.e. printed) when retrieved with odbc_result. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_longreadlen($result_id, int $length): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_longreadlen($result_id, $length); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Prepares a statement for execution. The result identifier can be used * later to execute the statement with odbc_execute. * * Some databases (such as IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, and Oracle) support * stored procedures that accept parameters of type IN, INOUT, and OUT as * defined by the ODBC specification. However, the Unified ODBC driver * currently only supports parameters of type IN to stored procedures. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $query_string The query string statement being prepared. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier if the SQL command was prepared * successfully. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_prepare($connection_id, string $query_string) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_prepare($connection_id, $query_string); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the column names * that comprise the primary key for a table. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $table * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * COLUMN_NAME * KEY_SEQ * PK_NAME * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_primarykeys($connection_id, string $catalog, string $schema, string $table) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_primarykeys($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $table); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Prints all rows from a result identifier produced by * odbc_exec. The result is printed in HTML table format. * The data is not escaped. * * This function is not supposed to be used in production environments; it is * merely meant for development purposes, to get a result set quickly rendered. * * @param resource $result_id The result identifier. * @param string $format Additional overall table formatting. * @return int Returns the number of rows in the result. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_result_all($result_id, string $format = null): int { error_clear_last(); if ($format !== null) { $result = \odbc_result_all($result_id, $format); } else { $result = \odbc_result_all($result_id); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Get result data * * @param resource $result_id The ODBC resource. * @param mixed $field The field name being retrieved. It can either be an integer containing * the column number of the field you want; or it can be a string * containing the name of the field. * @return mixed Returns the string contents of the field, FALSE on error, NULL for * NULL data, or TRUE for binary data. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_result($result_id, $field) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_result($result_id, $field); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Rolls back all pending statements on the connection. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_rollback($connection_id): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_rollback($connection_id); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function allows fiddling with the ODBC options for a * particular connection or query result. It was written to help * find work around to problems in quirky ODBC drivers. You should * probably only use this function if you are an ODBC programmer and * understand the effects the various options will have. You will * certainly need a good ODBC reference to explain all the different * options and values that can be used. Different driver versions * support different options. * * Because the effects may vary depending on the ODBC driver, use of * this function in scripts to be made publicly available is * strongly discouraged. Also, some ODBC options are not available * to this function because they must be set before the connection * is established or the query is prepared. However, if on a * particular job it can make PHP work so your boss doesn't tell you * to use a commercial product, that's all that really * matters. * * @param resource $id Is a connection id or result id on which to change the settings. * For SQLSetConnectOption(), this is a connection id. * For SQLSetStmtOption(), this is a result id. * @param int $function Is the ODBC function to use. The value should be * 1 for SQLSetConnectOption() and * 2 for SQLSetStmtOption(). * @param int $option The option to set. * @param int $param The value for the given option. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_setoption($id, int $function, int $option, int $param): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_setoption($id, $function, $option, $param); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Retrieves either the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a * row in the table, or columns that are automatically updated when any * value in the row is updated by a transaction. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param int $type * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $table The table. * @param int $scope The scope, which orders the result set. * One of SQL_SCOPE_CURROW, SQL_SCOPE_TRANSACTION * or SQL_SCOPE_SESSION. * @param int $nullable Determines whether to return special columns that can have a NULL value. * One of SQL_NO_NULLS or SQL_NULLABLE . * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * SCOPE * COLUMN_NAME * DATA_TYPE * TYPE_NAME * COLUMN_SIZE * BUFFER_LENGTH * DECIMAL_DIGITS * PSEUDO_COLUMN * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_specialcolumns($connection_id, int $type, string $catalog, string $schema, string $table, int $scope, int $nullable) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_specialcolumns($connection_id, $type, $catalog, $schema, $table, $scope, $nullable); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Get statistics about a table and its indexes. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $table_name The table name. * @param int $unique The type of the index. * One of SQL_INDEX_UNIQUE or SQL_INDEX_ALL. * @param int $accuracy One of SQL_ENSURE or SQL_QUICK. * The latter requests that the driver retrieve the CARDINALITY and * PAGES only if they are readily available from the server. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * NON_UNIQUE * INDEX_QUALIFIER * INDEX_NAME * TYPE * ORDINAL_POSITION * COLUMN_NAME * ASC_OR_DESC * CARDINALITY * PAGES * FILTER_CONDITION * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_statistics($connection_id, string $catalog, string $schema, string $table_name, int $unique, int $accuracy) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_statistics($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $table_name, $unique, $accuracy); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Lists tables in the requested range and the privileges associated * with each table. * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $name The name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @return resource An ODBC result identifier. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * GRANTOR * GRANTEE * PRIVILEGE * IS_GRANTABLE * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_tableprivileges($connection_id, string $catalog, string $schema, string $name) { error_clear_last(); $result = \odbc_tableprivileges($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $name); if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Lists all tables in the requested range. * * To support enumeration of qualifiers, owners, and table types, * the following special semantics for the * catalog, schema, * name, and * table_type are available: * * * * If catalog is a single percent * character (%) and schema and * name are empty strings, then the result * set contains a list of valid qualifiers for the data * source. (All columns except the TABLE_QUALIFIER column contain * NULLs.) * * * * * If schema is a single percent character * (%) and catalog and * name are empty strings, then the result * set contains a list of valid owners for the data source. (All * columns except the TABLE_OWNER column contain * NULLs.) * * * * * If table_type is a single percent * character (%) and catalog, * schema and name * are empty strings, then the result set contains a list of * valid table types for the data source. (All columns except the * TABLE_TYPE column contain NULLs.) * * * * * @param resource $connection_id The ODBC connection identifier, * see odbc_connect for details. * @param string $catalog The catalog ('qualifier' in ODBC 2 parlance). * @param string $schema The schema ('owner' in ODBC 2 parlance). * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $name The name. * This parameter accepts the following search patterns: * % to match zero or more characters, * and _ to match a single character. * @param string $types If table_type is not an empty string, it * must contain a list of comma-separated values for the types of * interest; each value may be enclosed in single quotes (') or * unquoted. For example, 'TABLE','VIEW' or TABLE, VIEW. If the * data source does not support a specified table type, * odbc_tables does not return any results for * that type. * @return resource Returns an ODBC result identifier containing the information. * * The result set has the following columns: * * TABLE_CAT * TABLE_SCHEM * TABLE_NAME * TABLE_TYPE * REMARKS * * Drivers can report additional columns. * @throws UodbcException * */ function odbc_tables($connection_id, string $catalog = null, string $schema = null, string $name = null, string $types = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($types !== null) { $result = \odbc_tables($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $name, $types); } elseif ($name !== null) { $result = \odbc_tables($connection_id, $catalog, $schema, $name); } elseif ($schema !== null) { $result = \odbc_tables($connection_id, $catalog, $schema); } elseif ($catalog !== null) { $result = \odbc_tables($connection_id, $catalog); } else { $result = \odbc_tables($connection_id); } if ($result === false) { throw UodbcException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; }