<?php /** * @package Freemius * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015, Freemius, Inc. * @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU General Public License Version 3 * @since * */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * @var array $VARS * @var Freemius $fs */ $fs = freemius( $VARS['id'] ); $slug = $fs->get_slug(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function ($) { // Select the premium theme version. var $theme = $('#<?php echo $slug ?>-premium-name').parents('.theme'), addPremiumMetadata = function (firstCall) { if (!firstCall) { // Seems like the original theme element is removed from the DOM, // so we need to reselect the updated one. $theme = $('#<?php echo $slug ?>-premium-name').parents('.theme'); } if (0 === $theme.find('.fs-premium-theme-badge-container').length) { $theme.addClass('fs-premium'); var $themeBadgeContainer = $( '<div class="fs-premium-theme-badge-container"></div>' ); $themeBadgeContainer.append( '<div class="fs-badge fs-premium-theme-badge">' + <?php echo json_encode( $fs->get_text_inline( 'Premium', 'premium' ) ) ?> + '</div>' ); <?php if ( $fs->is_beta() ) : ?> $themeBadgeContainer.append( '<div class="fs-badge fs-beta-theme-badge">' + <?php echo json_encode( $fs->get_text_inline( 'Beta', 'beta' ) ) ?> + '</div>' ); <?php endif ?> $theme.append( $themeBadgeContainer ); } }; addPremiumMetadata(true); $theme.contentChange(addPremiumMetadata); })(jQuery); </script>