<?php /* Plugin Name: Responsive Menu Plugin URI: https://expresstech.io Description: Highly Customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress Version: 4.4.2 Author: ExpressTech Text Domain: responsive-menu Author URI: https://responsive.menu License: GPL2 Tags: responsive, menu, responsive menu, mega menu, max mega menu, max menu */ /** * Constant as plugin version. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_VERSION' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_VERSION', '4.4.2' ); } define( 'RESPONSIVE_MENU_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', 'check_responsive_menu_php_version' ); function check_responsive_menu_php_version() { if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<' ) ) : add_action( 'admin_notices', 'responsive_menu_deactivation_text' ); deactivate_plugins( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ); endif; } function responsive_menu_deactivation_text() { echo '<div class="' . esc_attr( 'error' ) . '"><p>' . sprintf( 'Responsive Menu requires PHP 5.4 or higher to function and has therefore been automatically disabled. You are still on %s.%sPlease speak to your web host about upgrading your PHP version.', PHP_VERSION, '<br /><br />' ) . '</p></div>'; } if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '<' ) ) { return; } // If this file called directly then abort. if ( ! defined( 'WPINC' ) ) { die; } /** * Constant as plugin file. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_FILE' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_FILE', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'responsive-menu.php' ); } /** * Constant as dir of plugin. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_DIR_NAME' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_DIR_NAME', untrailingslashit( dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) ) ); } /** * Constant as plugin path. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_PATH' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_PATH', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) ); } /** * Constant as plugin URL. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_URL', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ) ); } /** * Constant as URI of assets build. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_BUILD_URI' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_BUILD_URI', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ) . '/assets/build' ); } /** * Constant as dir of assets build. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_BUILD_DIR', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '/assets/build' ); } /** * Constant as path of template file. */ if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_PATH' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_TEMPLATE_PATH', untrailingslashit( plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ) . '/templates/' ); } if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4', RMP_PLUGIN_PATH . '/v4.0.0' ); } if ( ! defined( 'RMP_PLUGIN_URL_V4' ) ) { define( 'RMP_PLUGIN_URL_V4', RMP_PLUGIN_URL . '/v4.0.0' ); } /** Include the required files only*/ require_once RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4 . '/inc/helpers/autoloader.php'; require_once RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4 . '/inc/helpers/custom-functions.php'; require_once RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4 . '/inc/helpers/default-options.php'; require_once RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4 . '/libs/scssphp/vendor/autoload.php'; require_once RMP_PLUGIN_PATH_V4 . '/templates/rmp-roadmap.php'; /** * To load plugin manifest class. * * @return void */ function responsive_menu_features_plugin_loader() { \RMP\Features\Inc\Plugin::get_instance(); } responsive_menu_features_plugin_loader(); // Active and de-active plugin hook. register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'responsive_menu_plugin_activation' ); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'responsive_menu_plugin_deactivation' ); /** * Activation of plugin. * * @return void */ function responsive_menu_plugin_activation() { $plugin = 'responsive-menu-pro/responsive-menu-pro.php'; // Check if responsive menu (paid version) is activate then deactivate it. if ( is_plugin_active( $plugin ) ) { deactivate_plugins( $plugin ); set_transient( 'og-admin-notice-activation-pro', true, 5 ); } flush_rewrite_rules(); } /** * Deactivation of plugin. * * @return void */ function responsive_menu_plugin_deactivation() { flush_rewrite_rules(); } /** * Function to include the menu themes templates. * * @since 4.0.5 * * @return void */ function rm_includes_menu_theme_template() { $theme_manager = \RMP\Features\Inc\Theme_Manager::get_instance(); // Check class theme manager has this method or not. if ( ! method_exists( $theme_manager, 'get_menu_active_themes' ) ) { return; } $active_themes = $theme_manager->get_menu_active_themes(); if ( empty( $active_themes ) ) { return; } // Include the file from each theme which has php template. foreach ( $active_themes as $key => $theme_name ) { $theme_index = $theme_manager->get_theme_index_file( $theme_name ); if ( file_exists( $theme_index ) ) { require_once $theme_index; } } } rm_includes_menu_theme_template(); require_once 'review-banner-class.php';