<?php /** * Destination file. * * @package wpdbbkp */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * Error checking. * * @param string $trouble - Trouble response. */ function backupbreeze_preflight_problem( $trouble ) { $error_log = $trouble; } // set up variables. $host = get_option( 'backupbreeze_ftp_host' ); $user = get_option( 'backupbreeze_ftp_user' ); $pass = get_option( 'backupbreeze_ftp_pass' ); $subdir = get_option( 'backupbreeze_ftp_subdir' ); if ( '' === $subdir ) { $subdir = '/'; } if ( $host ) { // If in WP Dashboard or Admin Panels. if ( is_admin() ) { // If user has WP manage options permissions. if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { // Connect to host ONLY if the 2 security conditions are valid / met. $conn = ftp_connect( $host ); if ( ! $conn ) { $trouble = esc_html__('I could not connect to your FTP server..','wpdbbkp').'<br />'.esc_html__('Please check your FTP Host settings and try again (leave FTP Host BLANK for local backups).','wpdbbkp'); backupbreeze_preflight_problem( $trouble ); } $result = ftp_login( $conn, $user, $pass ); if ( ! $result ) { $trouble = esc_html__('I could not log in to your FTP server.','wpdbbkp').'<br />'.esc_html__('Please check your FTP Username and Password, then try again.','wpdbbkp').'<br />'.esc_html__('For local backups, please leave the FTP Host option BLANK.','wpdbbkp'); backupbreeze_preflight_problem( $trouble ); } $success = ftp_chdir( $conn, $subdir ); if ( ! $success ) { $trouble = esc_html__('I cannot change into the FTP subdirectory you specified. Does it exist?','wpdbbkp').'<br />'.esc_html__('You must create it first using an FTP client like FileZilla.','wpdbbkp').'<br />'.esc_html__('Please check and try again.','wpdbbkp'); backupbreeze_preflight_problem( $trouble ); } } } }