/** * External dependencies */ import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { assertConfigHasProperties, assertValidElement, assertValidElementOrString, } from './assertions'; import { canMakePaymentWithFeaturesCheck } from './payment-method-config-helper'; const NullComponent = () => { return null; }; export default class PaymentMethodConfig { constructor( config ) { // validate config PaymentMethodConfig.assertValidConfig( config ); this.name = config.name; this.label = config.label; this.placeOrderButtonLabel = config.placeOrderButtonLabel; this.ariaLabel = config.ariaLabel; this.content = config.content; this.savedTokenComponent = config.savedTokenComponent; this.icons = config.icons; this.edit = config.edit; this.paymentMethodId = config.paymentMethodId || this.name; this.supports = { showSavedCards: config?.supports?.showSavedCards || config?.supports?.savePaymentInfo || // Kept for backward compatibility if methods still pass this when registering. false, showSaveOption: config?.supports?.showSaveOption || false, features: config?.supports?.features || [ 'products' ], }; this.canMakePayment = canMakePaymentWithFeaturesCheck( config.canMakePayment, this.supports.features ); } static assertValidConfig = ( config ) => { // set default for optional config.savedTokenComponent = config.savedTokenComponent || ( <NullComponent /> ); assertConfigHasProperties( config, [ 'name', 'label', 'ariaLabel', 'content', 'edit', 'canMakePayment', ] ); if ( typeof config.name !== 'string' ) { throw new Error( 'The name property for the payment method must be a string' ); } if ( typeof config.icons !== 'undefined' && ! Array.isArray( config.icons ) && config.icons !== null ) { throw new Error( 'The icons property for the payment method must be an array or null.' ); } if ( typeof config.paymentMethodId !== 'string' && typeof config.paymentMethodId !== 'undefined' ) { throw new Error( 'The paymentMethodId property for the payment method must be a string or undefined (in which case it will be the value of the name property).' ); } if ( typeof config.placeOrderButtonLabel !== 'string' && typeof config.placeOrderButtonLabel !== 'undefined' ) { throw new TypeError( 'The placeOrderButtonLabel property for the payment method must be a string' ); } assertValidElementOrString( config.label, 'label' ); assertValidElement( config.content, 'content' ); assertValidElement( config.edit, 'edit' ); assertValidElement( config.savedTokenComponent, 'savedTokenComponent' ); if ( typeof config.ariaLabel !== 'string' ) { throw new TypeError( 'The ariaLabel property for the payment method must be a string' ); } if ( typeof config.canMakePayment !== 'function' ) { throw new TypeError( 'The canMakePayment property for the payment method must be a function.' ); } if ( typeof config.supports?.showSavedCards !== 'undefined' && typeof config.supports?.showSavedCards !== 'boolean' ) { throw new TypeError( 'If the payment method includes the `supports.showSavedCards` property, it must be a boolean' ); } if ( typeof config.supports?.savePaymentInfo !== 'undefined' ) { deprecated( 'Passing savePaymentInfo when registering a payment method.', { alternative: 'Pass showSavedCards and showSaveOption', plugin: 'woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block', link: 'https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/3686', } ); } if ( typeof config.supports?.features !== 'undefined' && ! Array.isArray( config.supports?.features ) ) { throw new Error( 'The features property for the payment method must be an array or undefined.' ); } if ( typeof config.supports?.showSaveOption !== 'undefined' && typeof config.supports?.showSaveOption !== 'boolean' ) { throw new TypeError( 'If the payment method includes the `supports.showSaveOption` property, it must be a boolean' ); } }; }