{% if show_node %} <li class="{{ li_classes }}"> <div class="block"> <i{{ class == 'first' ? ' class="first"' }}></i> {% if node_is_group %} {{ 'last' not in class ? '<b></b>' }} <a class="{{ link_classes }}" href="#"> <span class="hide paths_nav" data-apath="{{ paths.a_path }}" data-vpath="{{ paths.v_path }}" data-pos="{{ paths.pos }}"></span> {% if pagination_params is not empty %} <span class="hide {{ pagination_params.position }}" data-name="{{ pagination_params.data_name }}" data-value="{{ pagination_params.data_value }}"></span> {% endif %} {{ node_icon|raw }} </a> {% elseif pagination_params is not empty %} <span class="hide {{ pagination_params.position }}" data-name="{{ pagination_params.data_name }}" data-value="{{ pagination_params.data_value }}"></span> {% endif %} </div> {% if node_is_container %} <div class="fst-italic"> {% endif %} {% if node.isGroup %} <div class="block second{{ has_second_icon ? ' double' }}"> <u>{{ get_image(node.icon['image'], node.icon['title']) }}</u> </div> &nbsp;{{ node.name }} {% else %} <div class="block second{{ has_second_icon ? ' double' }}"> {% for link in icon_links %} <a href="{{ url(link.route, link.params) }}"{{ link.is_ajax ? ' class="ajax"' }}> {{- get_image(link.image, link.title) -}} </a> {% endfor %} </div> {% if node_is_container %} &nbsp;<a class="hover_show_full" href="{{ url(text_link.route, text_link.params) }}">{{ node.name }}</a> {% elseif 'index' in node.classes %} <a class="hover_show_full" href="{{ url(text_link.route) }}" data-post="{{ get_common(text_link.params|merge({'is_from_nav': true})) }}" title="{{ text_link.title }}"> {{- node.displayName ?? node.realName -}} </a> {% else %} <a class="hover_show_full{{ text_link.is_ajax ? ' ajax' }}" href="{{ url(text_link.route, text_link.params) }}" title="{{ text_link.title }}"> {{- node.displayName ?? node.realName -}} </a> {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ control_buttons|raw }} {% if node_is_container %} </div> {% endif %} <div class="clearfloat"></div> {% elseif pagination_params is not empty %} <span class="hide {{ pagination_params.position }}" data-name="{{ pagination_params.data_name }}" data-value="{{ pagination_params.data_value }}"></span> {% endif %} {% if recursive.html is not empty and recursive.has_wrapper %} <div class="list_container"{{ recursive.is_hidden ? ' style="display: none;"' }}> <ul> {% endif %} {{ recursive.html|raw }} {% if recursive.html is not empty and recursive.has_wrapper %} </ul> </div> {% endif %} {% if has_siblings %} </li> {% endif %}