/** * External dependencies */ import { __, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import classNames from 'classnames'; const DropdownSelectorMenu = ( { checked, getItemProps, getMenuProps, highlightedIndex, options, } ) => { return ( <ul { ...getMenuProps( { className: 'wc-block-dropdown-selector__list wc-block-components-dropdown-selector__list', } ) } > { options.map( ( option, index ) => { const selected = checked.includes( option.value ); return ( // eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-key <li { ...getItemProps( { key: option.value, className: classNames( 'wc-block-dropdown-selector__list-item', 'wc-block-components-dropdown-selector__list-item', { 'is-selected': selected, 'is-highlighted': highlightedIndex === index, } ), index, item: option.value, 'aria-label': selected ? sprintf( /* translators: %s is referring to the filter option being removed. */ __( 'Remove %s filter', 'woocommerce' ), option.name ) : null, } ) } > { option.label } </li> ); } ) } </ul> ); }; export default DropdownSelectorMenu;