<fieldset class="pma-fieldset" id="fieldset_add_user_login"> <legend>{% trans 'Login Information' %}</legend> <div class="item"> <label for="select_pred_username">{% trans 'User name:' %}</label> <span class="options"> <select name="pred_username" id="select_pred_username" title="{% trans 'User name' %}"> <option value="any"{{ pred_username == 'any' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Any user' %}</option> <option value="userdefined"{{ pred_username is null or pred_username == 'userdefined' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Use text field' %}</option> </select> </span> <input type="text" name="username" id="pma_username" class="autofocus" spellcheck="false" maxlength="{{ username_length }}" title="{% trans 'User name' %}" {%- if username is not empty %} value="{{ new_username is not null ? new_username : username }}"{% endif -%} {{- pred_username is null or pred_username == 'userdefined' ? ' required' }}> <div id="user_exists_warning" class="hide"> {{ 'An account already exists with the same username but possibly a different hostname.'|trans|notice }} </div> </div> <div class="item"> <label for="select_pred_hostname"> {% trans 'Host name:' %} </label> <span class="options"> <select name="pred_hostname" id="select_pred_hostname" title="{% trans 'Host name' %}" {{- this_host is not null and this_host != 'localhost' and this_host != '' ? ' data-thishost="' ~ this_host ~ '"' }}> <option value="any"{{ pred_hostname == 'any' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Any host' %}</option> <option value="localhost"{{ pred_hostname == 'localhost' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Local' %}</option> {% if this_host is not empty %} <option value="thishost"{{ pred_hostname == 'thishost' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'This host' %}</option> {% endif %} <option value="hosttable"{{ pred_hostname == 'hosttable' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Use host table' %}</option> <option value="userdefined"{{ pred_hostname == 'userdefined' ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Use text field' %}</option> </select> </span> <input type="text" name="hostname" id="pma_hostname" maxlength="{{ hostname_length }}" value="{{ hostname|default('%') }}" title=" {%- trans 'Host name' %}"{{ pred_hostname == 'userdefined' ? ' required' }}> {{ show_hint('When Host table is used, this field is ignored and values stored in Host table are used instead.'|trans) }} </div> <div class="item"> <label for="select_pred_password">{% trans 'Password:' %}</label> <span class="options"> <select name="pred_password" id="select_pred_password" title="{% trans 'Password' %}"> {% if is_change %} <option value="keep" selected>{% trans 'Do not change the password' %}</option> {% endif %} <option value="none"{{ username is not null and not is_change ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'No password' %}</option> <option value="userdefined"{{ username is null ? ' selected' }}>{% trans 'Use text field' %}</option> </select> </span> <input type="password" spellcheck="false" id="text_pma_pw" name="pma_pw" title="{% trans 'Password' %}"{{ username is null ? ' required' }}> <span>{% trans %}Strength:{% context %}Password strength{% endtrans %}</span> <meter max="4" id="password_strength_meter" name="pw_meter"></meter> <span id="password_strength" name="pw_strength"></span> </div> <div class="item" id="div_element_before_generate_password"> <label for="text_pma_pw2">{% trans 'Re-type:' %}</label> <span class="options">&nbsp;</span> <input type="password" spellcheck="false" name="pma_pw2" id="text_pma_pw2" title="{% trans 'Re-type' %}"{{ username is null ? ' required' }}> </div> <div class="item" id="authentication_plugin_div"> <label for="select_authentication_plugin"> {% if is_new %} {% trans 'Authentication plugin' %} {% else %} {% trans 'Password hashing method' %} {% endif %} </label> <span class="options">&nbsp;</span> <select name="authentication_plugin" id="select_authentication_plugin"> {% for plugin_name, plugin_description in active_auth_plugins %} <option value="{{ plugin_name }}"{{ plugin_name == auth_plugin ? ' selected' }}>{{ plugin_description }}</option> {% endfor %} </select> <div id="ssl_reqd_warning"{{ auth_plugin != 'sha256_password' ? ' class="hide"' }}> {% apply notice %} {% trans %} This method requires using an '<em>SSL connection</em>' or an '<em>unencrypted connection that encrypts the password using RSA</em>'; while connecting to the server. {% endtrans %} {{ show_mysql_docu('sha256-authentication-plugin') }} {% endapply %} </div> </div> {# Generate password added here via jQuery #} </fieldset>