/** * External dependencies */ import { createContext, useContext, useReducer, useRef, useMemo, useEffect, useCallback, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { usePrevious } from '@woocommerce/base-hooks'; import deprecated from '@wordpress/deprecated'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { actions } from './actions'; import { reducer, prepareResponseData } from './reducer'; import { DEFAULT_STATE, STATUS } from './constants'; import { EMIT_TYPES, emitterObservers, emitEvent, emitEventWithAbort, reducer as emitReducer, } from './event-emit'; import { useValidationContext } from '../../validation'; import { useStoreNotices } from '../../../hooks/use-store-notices'; import { useStoreEvents } from '../../../hooks/use-store-events'; import { useCheckoutNotices } from '../../../hooks/use-checkout-notices'; import { useEmitResponse } from '../../../hooks/use-emit-response'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/checkout').CheckoutDispatchActions} CheckoutDispatchActions * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').CheckoutDataContext} CheckoutDataContext */ const CheckoutContext = createContext( { isComplete: false, isIdle: false, isCalculating: false, isProcessing: false, isBeforeProcessing: false, isAfterProcessing: false, hasError: false, redirectUrl: '', orderId: 0, orderNotes: '', customerId: 0, onSubmit: () => void null, // deprecated for onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing onCheckoutBeforeProcessing: ( callback ) => void callback, onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing: ( callback ) => void callback, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess: ( callback ) => void callback, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError: ( callback ) => void callback, dispatchActions: { resetCheckout: () => void null, setRedirectUrl: ( url ) => void url, setHasError: ( hasError ) => void hasError, setAfterProcessing: ( response ) => void response, incrementCalculating: () => void null, decrementCalculating: () => void null, setCustomerId: ( id ) => void id, setOrderId: ( id ) => void id, setOrderNotes: ( orderNotes ) => void orderNotes, }, hasOrder: false, isCart: false, shouldCreateAccount: false, setShouldCreateAccount: ( value ) => void value, } ); /** * @return {CheckoutDataContext} Returns the checkout data context value */ export const useCheckoutContext = () => { return useContext( CheckoutContext ); }; /** * Checkout state provider * This provides provides an api interface exposing checkout state for use with * cart or checkout blocks. * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for the provider. * @param {Object} props.children The children being wrapped. * @param {string} props.redirectUrl Initialize what the checkout will redirect to after successful submit. * @param {boolean} props.isCart If context provider is being used in cart context. */ export const CheckoutStateProvider = ( { children, redirectUrl, isCart = false, } ) => { // note, this is done intentionally so that the default state now has // the redirectUrl for when checkout is reset to PRISTINE state. DEFAULT_STATE.redirectUrl = redirectUrl; const [ checkoutState, dispatch ] = useReducer( reducer, DEFAULT_STATE ); const [ observers, observerDispatch ] = useReducer( emitReducer, {} ); const currentObservers = useRef( observers ); const { setValidationErrors } = useValidationContext(); const { addErrorNotice, removeNotices } = useStoreNotices(); const { dispatchCheckoutEvent } = useStoreEvents(); const isCalculating = checkoutState.calculatingCount > 0; const { isSuccessResponse, isErrorResponse, isFailResponse, shouldRetry, } = useEmitResponse(); const { checkoutNotices, paymentNotices, expressPaymentNotices, } = useCheckoutNotices(); // set observers on ref so it's always current. useEffect( () => { currentObservers.current = observers; }, [ observers ] ); /** * @deprecated use onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing instead * * To prevent the deprecation message being shown at render time * we need an extra function between useMemo and emitterObservers * so that the deprecated message gets shown only at invocation time. * (useMemo calls the passed function at render time) * See: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gutenberg-products-block/pull/4039/commits/a502d1be8828848270993264c64220731b0ae181 */ const onCheckoutBeforeProcessing = useMemo( () => { const callback = emitterObservers( observerDispatch ) .onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing; return function ( ...args ) { deprecated( 'onCheckoutBeforeProcessing', { alternative: 'onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing', plugin: 'WooCommerce Blocks', } ); return callback( ...args ); }; }, [ observerDispatch ] ); const onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing = useMemo( () => emitterObservers( observerDispatch ) .onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing, [ observerDispatch ] ); const onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess = useMemo( () => emitterObservers( observerDispatch ) .onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess, [ observerDispatch ] ); const onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError = useMemo( () => emitterObservers( observerDispatch ) .onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError, [ observerDispatch ] ); /** * @type {CheckoutDispatchActions} */ const dispatchActions = useMemo( () => ( { resetCheckout: () => void dispatch( actions.setPristine() ), setRedirectUrl: ( url ) => void dispatch( actions.setRedirectUrl( url ) ), setHasError: ( hasError ) => void dispatch( actions.setHasError( hasError ) ), incrementCalculating: () => void dispatch( actions.incrementCalculating() ), decrementCalculating: () => void dispatch( actions.decrementCalculating() ), setCustomerId: ( id ) => void dispatch( actions.setCustomerId( id ) ), setOrderId: ( orderId ) => void dispatch( actions.setOrderId( orderId ) ), setOrderNotes: ( orderNotes ) => void dispatch( actions.setOrderNotes( orderNotes ) ), setAfterProcessing: ( response ) => { // capture general error message if this is an error response. if ( ! response.payment_result && response.message && response?.data?.status !== 200 ) { response.payment_result = { ...response.payment_result, message: response.message, }; } if ( response.payment_result ) { if ( // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase response.payment_result?.redirect_url ) { dispatch( actions.setRedirectUrl( response.payment_result.redirect_url ) ); } dispatch( actions.setProcessingResponse( prepareResponseData( response.payment_result ) ) ); } void dispatch( actions.setAfterProcessing() ); }, } ), [] ); // emit events. useEffect( () => { const status = checkoutState.status; if ( status === STATUS.BEFORE_PROCESSING ) { removeNotices( 'error' ); emitEvent( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_VALIDATION_BEFORE_PROCESSING, {} ).then( ( response ) => { if ( response !== true ) { if ( Array.isArray( response ) ) { response.forEach( ( { errorMessage, validationErrors } ) => { addErrorNotice( errorMessage ); setValidationErrors( validationErrors ); } ); } dispatch( actions.setIdle() ); } else { dispatch( actions.setProcessing() ); } } ); } }, [ checkoutState.status, setValidationErrors, addErrorNotice, removeNotices, dispatch, ] ); const previousStatus = usePrevious( checkoutState.status ); const previousHasError = usePrevious( checkoutState.hasError ); useEffect( () => { if ( checkoutState.status === previousStatus && checkoutState.hasError === previousHasError ) { return; } const handleErrorResponse = ( observerResponses ) => { let errorResponse = null; observerResponses.forEach( ( response ) => { const { message, messageContext } = response; if ( ( isErrorResponse( response ) || isFailResponse( response ) ) && message ) { const errorOptions = messageContext ? { context: messageContext } : undefined; errorResponse = response; addErrorNotice( message, errorOptions ); } } ); return errorResponse; }; if ( checkoutState.status === STATUS.AFTER_PROCESSING ) { const data = { redirectUrl: checkoutState.redirectUrl, orderId: checkoutState.orderId, customerId: checkoutState.customerId, customerNote: checkoutState.customerNote, processingResponse: checkoutState.processingResponse, }; if ( checkoutState.hasError ) { // allow payment methods or other things to customize the error // with a fallback if nothing customizes it. emitEventWithAbort( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_ERROR, data ).then( ( observerResponses ) => { const errorResponse = handleErrorResponse( observerResponses ); if ( errorResponse !== null ) { // irrecoverable error so set complete if ( ! shouldRetry( errorResponse ) ) { dispatch( actions.setComplete( errorResponse ) ); } else { dispatch( actions.setIdle() ); } } else { const hasErrorNotices = checkoutNotices.some( ( notice ) => notice.status === 'error' ) || expressPaymentNotices.some( ( notice ) => notice.status === 'error' ) || paymentNotices.some( ( notice ) => notice.status === 'error' ); if ( ! hasErrorNotices ) { // no error handling in place by anything so let's fall // back to default const message = data.processingResponse?.message || __( 'Something went wrong. Please contact us to get assistance.', 'woocommerce' ); addErrorNotice( message, { id: 'checkout', } ); } dispatch( actions.setIdle() ); } } ); } else { emitEventWithAbort( currentObservers.current, EMIT_TYPES.CHECKOUT_AFTER_PROCESSING_WITH_SUCCESS, data ).then( ( observerResponses ) => { let successResponse, errorResponse; observerResponses.forEach( ( response ) => { if ( isSuccessResponse( response ) ) { // the last observer response always "wins" for success. successResponse = response; } if ( isErrorResponse( response ) || isFailResponse( response ) ) { errorResponse = response; } } ); if ( successResponse && ! errorResponse ) { dispatch( actions.setComplete( successResponse ) ); } else if ( errorResponse ) { if ( errorResponse.message ) { const errorOptions = errorResponse.messageContext ? { context: errorResponse.messageContext } : undefined; addErrorNotice( errorResponse.message, errorOptions ); } if ( ! shouldRetry( errorResponse ) ) { dispatch( actions.setComplete( errorResponse ) ); } else { // this will set an error which will end up // triggering the onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError emitter. // and then setting checkout to IDLE state. dispatch( actions.setHasError( true ) ); } } else { // nothing hooked in had any response type so let's just // consider successful dispatch( actions.setComplete() ); } } ); } } }, [ checkoutState.status, checkoutState.hasError, checkoutState.redirectUrl, checkoutState.orderId, checkoutState.customerId, checkoutState.customerNote, checkoutState.processingResponse, previousStatus, previousHasError, dispatchActions, addErrorNotice, isErrorResponse, isFailResponse, isSuccessResponse, shouldRetry, checkoutNotices, expressPaymentNotices, paymentNotices, ] ); const onSubmit = useCallback( () => { dispatchCheckoutEvent( 'submit' ); dispatch( actions.setBeforeProcessing() ); }, [ dispatchCheckoutEvent ] ); /** * @type {CheckoutDataContext} */ const checkoutData = { onSubmit, isComplete: checkoutState.status === STATUS.COMPLETE, isIdle: checkoutState.status === STATUS.IDLE, isCalculating, isProcessing: checkoutState.status === STATUS.PROCESSING, isBeforeProcessing: checkoutState.status === STATUS.BEFORE_PROCESSING, isAfterProcessing: checkoutState.status === STATUS.AFTER_PROCESSING, hasError: checkoutState.hasError, redirectUrl: checkoutState.redirectUrl, onCheckoutBeforeProcessing, onCheckoutValidationBeforeProcessing, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithSuccess, onCheckoutAfterProcessingWithError, dispatchActions, isCart, orderId: checkoutState.orderId, hasOrder: !! checkoutState.orderId, customerId: checkoutState.customerId, orderNotes: checkoutState.orderNotes, shouldCreateAccount: checkoutState.shouldCreateAccount, setShouldCreateAccount: ( value ) => dispatch( actions.setShouldCreateAccount( value ) ), }; return ( <CheckoutContext.Provider value={ checkoutData }> { children } </CheckoutContext.Provider> ); };