<?php namespace Safe; use Safe\Exceptions\IbaseException; /** * This function will discard a BLOB if it has not yet been closed by * fbird_blob_close. * * @param resource $blob_handle A BLOB handle opened with fbird_blob_create. * @throws IbaseException * */ function fbird_blob_cancel($blob_handle): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \fbird_blob_cancel($blob_handle); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * * * @param resource $service_handle The handle on the database server service. * @param string $user_name The login name of the new database user. * @param string $password The password of the new user. * @param string $first_name The first name of the new database user. * @param string $middle_name The middle name of the new database user. * @param string $last_name The last name of the new database user. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_add_user($service_handle, string $user_name, string $password, string $first_name = null, string $middle_name = null, string $last_name = null): void { error_clear_last(); if ($last_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_add_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name); } elseif ($middle_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_add_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name, $middle_name); } elseif ($first_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_add_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name); } else { $result = \ibase_add_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password); } if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function passes the arguments to the (remote) database server. There it starts a new backup process. Therefore you * won't get any responses. * * @param resource $service_handle A previously opened connection to the database server. * @param string $source_db The absolute file path to the database on the database server. You can also use a database alias. * @param string $dest_file The path to the backup file on the database server. * @param int $options Additional options to pass to the database server for backup. * The options parameter can be a combination * of the following constants: * IBASE_BKP_IGNORE_CHECKSUMS, * IBASE_BKP_IGNORE_LIMBO, * IBASE_BKP_METADATA_ONLY, * IBASE_BKP_NO_GARBAGE_COLLECT, * IBASE_BKP_OLD_DESCRIPTIONS, * IBASE_BKP_NON_TRANSPORTABLE or * IBASE_BKP_CONVERT. * Read the section about for further information. * @param bool $verbose Since the backup process is done on the database server, you don't have any chance * to get its output. This argument is useless. * @return mixed Returns TRUE on success. * * Since the backup process is done on the (remote) server, this function just passes the arguments to it. * While the arguments are legal, you won't get FALSE. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_backup($service_handle, string $source_db, string $dest_file, int $options = 0, bool $verbose = false) { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_backup($service_handle, $source_db, $dest_file, $options, $verbose); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * This function will discard a BLOB if it has not yet been closed by * ibase_blob_close. * * @param resource $blob_handle A BLOB handle opened with ibase_blob_create. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_blob_cancel($blob_handle): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_blob_cancel($blob_handle); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * ibase_blob_create creates a new BLOB for filling with * data. * * @param resource $link_identifier An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is * assumed. * @return resource Returns a BLOB handle for later use with * ibase_blob_add. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_blob_create($link_identifier = null) { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_blob_create($link_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * This function returns at most len bytes from a BLOB * that has been opened for reading by ibase_blob_open. * * @param resource $blob_handle A BLOB handle opened with ibase_blob_open. * @param int $len Size of returned data. * @return string Returns at most len bytes from the BLOB. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_blob_get($blob_handle, int $len): string { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_blob_get($blob_handle, $len); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Closes the link to an InterBase database that's associated with * a connection id returned from ibase_connect. * Default transaction on link is committed, other transactions are * rolled back. * * @param resource $connection_id An InterBase link identifier returned from * ibase_connect. If omitted, the last opened link * is assumed. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_close($connection_id = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_close($connection_id); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Commits a transaction without closing it. * * @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier If called without an argument, this function commits the default * transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection * identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection * will be committed. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the * corresponding transaction will be committed. The transaction context * will be retained, so statements executed from within this transaction * will not be invalidated. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_commit_ret($link_or_trans_identifier = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_commit_ret($link_or_trans_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Commits a transaction. * * @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier If called without an argument, this function commits the default * transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection * identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection * will be committed. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the * corresponding transaction will be committed. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_commit($link_or_trans_identifier = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_commit($link_or_trans_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Establishes a connection to an Firebird/InterBase server. * * In case a second call is made to ibase_connect with * the same arguments, no new link will be established, but instead, the link * identifier of the already opened link will be returned. The link to the * server will be closed as soon as the execution of the script ends, unless * it's closed earlier by explicitly calling ibase_close. * * @param string $database The database argument has to be a valid path to * database file on the server it resides on. If the server is not local, * it must be prefixed with either 'hostname:' (TCP/IP), 'hostname/port:' * (TCP/IP with interbase server on custom TCP port), '//hostname/' * (NetBEUI), depending on the connection * protocol used. * @param string $username The user name. Can be set with the * ibase.default_user php.ini directive. * @param string $password The password for username. Can be set with the * ibase.default_password php.ini directive. * @param string $charset charset is the default character set for a * database. * @param int $buffers buffers is the number of database buffers to * allocate for the server-side cache. If 0 or omitted, server chooses * its own default. * @param int $dialect dialect selects the default SQL dialect for any * statement executed within a connection, and it defaults to the highest * one supported by client libraries. * @param string $role Functional only with InterBase 5 and up. * @param int $sync * @return resource Returns an Firebird/InterBase link identifier on success. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_connect(string $database = null, string $username = null, string $password = null, string $charset = null, int $buffers = null, int $dialect = null, string $role = null, int $sync = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($sync !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect, $role, $sync); } elseif ($role !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect, $role); } elseif ($dialect !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect); } elseif ($buffers !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers); } elseif ($charset !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password, $charset); } elseif ($password !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username, $password); } elseif ($username !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database, $username); } elseif ($database !== null) { $result = \ibase_connect($database); } else { $result = \ibase_connect(); } if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * * * @param resource $service_handle The handle on the database server service. * @param string $user_name The login name of the user you want to delete from the database. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_delete_user($service_handle, string $user_name): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_delete_user($service_handle, $user_name); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This functions drops a database that was opened by either ibase_connect * or ibase_pconnect. The database is closed and deleted from the server. * * @param resource $connection An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is * assumed. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_drop_db($connection = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_drop_db($connection); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function causes the registered event handler specified by * event to be cancelled. The callback function will * no longer be called for the events it was registered to handle. * * @param resource $event An event resource, created by * ibase_set_event_handler. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_free_event_handler($event): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_free_event_handler($event); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Frees a prepared query. * * @param resource $query A query prepared with ibase_prepare. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_free_query($query): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_free_query($query); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Frees a result set. * * @param resource $result_identifier A result set created by ibase_query or * ibase_execute. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_free_result($result_identifier): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_free_result($result_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * * * @param resource $service_handle * @param string $db * @param int $action * @param int $argument * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_maintain_db($service_handle, string $db, int $action, int $argument = 0): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_maintain_db($service_handle, $db, $action, $argument); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * * * @param resource $service_handle The handle on the database server service. * @param string $user_name The login name of the database user to modify. * @param string $password The user's new password. * @param string $first_name The user's new first name. * @param string $middle_name The user's new middle name. * @param string $last_name The user's new last name. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_modify_user($service_handle, string $user_name, string $password, string $first_name = null, string $middle_name = null, string $last_name = null): void { error_clear_last(); if ($last_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_modify_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name); } elseif ($middle_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_modify_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name, $middle_name); } elseif ($first_name !== null) { $result = \ibase_modify_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password, $first_name); } else { $result = \ibase_modify_user($service_handle, $user_name, $password); } if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function assigns a name to a result set. This name can be used later in * UPDATE|DELETE ... WHERE CURRENT OF name statements. * * @param resource $result An InterBase result set. * @param string $name The name to be assigned. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_name_result($result, string $name): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_name_result($result, $name); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Opens a persistent connection to an InterBase database. * * ibase_pconnect acts very much like * ibase_connect with two major differences. * * First, when connecting, the function will first try to find a (persistent) * link that's already opened with the same parameters. If one is found, an * identifier for it will be returned instead of opening a new connection. * * Second, the connection to the InterBase server will not be closed when the * execution of the script ends. Instead, the link will remain open for * future use (ibase_close will not close links * established by ibase_pconnect). This type of link is * therefore called 'persistent'. * * @param string $database The database argument has to be a valid path to * database file on the server it resides on. If the server is not local, * it must be prefixed with either 'hostname:' (TCP/IP), '//hostname/' * (NetBEUI) or 'hostname@' (IPX/SPX), depending on the connection * protocol used. * @param string $username The user name. Can be set with the * ibase.default_user php.ini directive. * @param string $password The password for username. Can be set with the * ibase.default_password php.ini directive. * @param string $charset charset is the default character set for a * database. * @param int $buffers buffers is the number of database buffers to * allocate for the server-side cache. If 0 or omitted, server chooses * its own default. * @param int $dialect dialect selects the default SQL dialect for any * statement executed within a connection, and it defaults to the highest * one supported by client libraries. Functional only with InterBase 6 * and up. * @param string $role Functional only with InterBase 5 and up. * @param int $sync * @return resource Returns an InterBase link identifier on success. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_pconnect(string $database = null, string $username = null, string $password = null, string $charset = null, int $buffers = null, int $dialect = null, string $role = null, int $sync = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($sync !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect, $role, $sync); } elseif ($role !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect, $role); } elseif ($dialect !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers, $dialect); } elseif ($buffers !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password, $charset, $buffers); } elseif ($charset !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password, $charset); } elseif ($password !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username, $password); } elseif ($username !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database, $username); } elseif ($database !== null) { $result = \ibase_pconnect($database); } else { $result = \ibase_pconnect(); } if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * This function passes the arguments to the (remote) database server. There it starts a new restore process. Therefore you * won't get any responses. * * @param resource $service_handle A previously opened connection to the database server. * @param string $source_file The absolute path on the server where the backup file is located. * @param string $dest_db The path to create the new database on the server. You can also use database alias. * @param int $options Additional options to pass to the database server for restore. * The options parameter can be a combination * of the following constants: * IBASE_RES_DEACTIVATE_IDX, * IBASE_RES_NO_SHADOW, * IBASE_RES_NO_VALIDITY, * IBASE_RES_ONE_AT_A_TIME, * IBASE_RES_REPLACE, * IBASE_RES_CREATE, * IBASE_RES_USE_ALL_SPACE, * IBASE_PRP_PAGE_BUFFERS, * IBASE_PRP_SWEEP_INTERVAL, * IBASE_RES_CREATE. * Read the section about for further information. * @param bool $verbose Since the restore process is done on the database server, you don't have any chance * to get its output. This argument is useless. * @return mixed Returns TRUE on success. * * Since the restore process is done on the (remote) server, this function just passes the arguments to it. * While the arguments are legal, you won't get FALSE. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_restore($service_handle, string $source_file, string $dest_db, int $options = 0, bool $verbose = false) { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_restore($service_handle, $source_file, $dest_db, $options, $verbose); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Rolls back a transaction without closing it. * * @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier If called without an argument, this function rolls back the default * transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection * identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection * will be rolled back. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the * corresponding transaction will be rolled back. The transaction context * will be retained, so statements executed from within this transaction * will not be invalidated. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_rollback_ret($link_or_trans_identifier = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_rollback_ret($link_or_trans_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * Rolls back a transaction. * * @param resource $link_or_trans_identifier If called without an argument, this function rolls back the default * transaction of the default link. If the argument is a connection * identifier, the default transaction of the corresponding connection * will be rolled back. If the argument is a transaction identifier, the * corresponding transaction will be rolled back. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_rollback($link_or_trans_identifier = null): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_rollback($link_or_trans_identifier); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * * * @param string $host The name or ip address of the database host. You can define the port by adding * '/' and port number. If no port is specified, port 3050 will be used. * @param string $dba_username The name of any valid user. * @param string $dba_password The user's password. * @return resource Returns a Interbase / Firebird link identifier on success. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_service_attach(string $host, string $dba_username, string $dba_password) { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_service_attach($host, $dba_username, $dba_password); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * * * @param resource $service_handle A previously created connection to the database server. * @throws IbaseException * */ function ibase_service_detach($service_handle): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \ibase_service_detach($service_handle); if ($result === false) { throw IbaseException::createFromPhpError(); } }