{ "apply": "Apply", "back": "Back", "bulkActions": "Bulk Actions", "cancel": "Cancel", "less": "Less", "more": "More", "newRow": "New row", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close", "delete": "Delete", "edit": "Edit", "refresh": "Refresh", "toggleFullScreen": "Toggle full screen", "view": "View", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "noRowsSelected": "No rows selected", "exportToPdf": "Export to PDF", "exportToCsv": "Export to CSV", "exportToJson": "Export to JSON", "exportToExcel": "Export to Excel", "exportToXml": "Export to XML", "exportToSql": "Export to SQL", "deletePermanently": "Delete permanently", "addSelectedRow": "Add selected rows", "enterDate": "Enter a date", "enterTime": "Enter a time", "enterNumber": "Enter a number", "enterText": "Enter text", "enterMultiLineText": "Enter multi line text", "selectFromList": "Select from list", "selectFromRadio": "Select from radio group", "selectEnum": "Select a value from the list or start typing", "loadingTable": "Loading table...", "loadingForm": "Loading form...", "loadingData": "Loading data...", "mandatoryField": "Field must be entered", "greaterThan": "Value must be greater than", "lessThan": "Value must be less than", "invalidDate": "Invalid date", "invalidTime": "Invalid time", "minAllowed": "Minimum value allowed is", "maxAllowed": "Maximum value allowed is", "errorLoadingData": "Error loading data", "invalidResponse": "Invalid response. Please contact support.", "createRelationshipFailed": "Relationship creation failed", "insertSuccessful": "Row inserted", "updatedSuccessful": "Row updated", "deletedSuccessful": "Row deleted", "revertSuccessful": "Successfully reverted changes", "nothingToUpdate": "Nothing to update", "deleteRowTitle": "Delete row?", "deleteRowMessage": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this row? This action cannot be undone!", "deleteRowsTitle": "Delete selected row?", "deleteRowsMessage": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected row? This action cannot be undone!" }