= 5.3.19 = * Released 2023-11-29 * Fixed: Data Designer does not use WP table prefix to check if table = WP table (Igor) * Fixed: Data Forms inserting date-1 (Pascal) * Fixed: Line breaks disappear in Data Forms list table (Richard) * Fixed: Today's date shown in Data Forms list table when null (donkiely) * Fixed: Inline lookup not working if column has no value (Ron) * Fixed: Some menu items stopped working in Firefox = 5.3.18 = * Released 2023-11-08 * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.17 = * Released 2023-09-22 * Fixed: Toolbar icons not accessible to people with visual disabilities * Fixed: Geo location batch update not working * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.16 = * Released 2023-08-29 * Added: Query any DataTable column * Improved: DataTable query optimization * Fixed: Data Forms table not respecting date formats (Patricia) * Fixed: Popup title in extension manager * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.15 = * Released 2023-08-02 * Added: Support for URL arguments to custom queries * Fixed: Removed premium tabs from Data Explorer table Settings * Fixed: Data Table not displayed after deselecting columns without changing extension wizard settings (Stefan) * Fixed: Month shown incorrectly in Charts (Ron) * Fixed: Widget block editor returns "The response is not a Valid JSON response" * Fixed: Data Forms does not work with themes 2022 and 2023 * Fixed: Detail table looses filter on detail next page with server side processing = 5.3.11 = * Released 2023-07-05 * Fixed: Shortcode wpdiehard no longer working on frontend (Adam) * Fixed: Pagination no longer working for simple forms (Scott) * Fixed: Error saving template on data entry tab (Matt) * Fixed: Data Forms issues with themes 2021-2023 (partly fixed) * Fixed: PHP 8 warnings * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.10 = * Released 2023-05-30 * Added: Display null values in Query Builder output * Fixed: Save null values correctly for not null columns * Fixed: Single quotes not working in Query Builder with PHP7 * Fixed: Cannot add column names manually in Data Tables * Fixed: Dynamic forms not added correctly on Windows * Fixed: Dynamic property not found (PHP8.2 only) * Fixed: Data Table error when advanced table settings contains array * Fixed: PHP deprecated strtotime() passing null to parameter #1 * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.9 = * Released 2023-05-09 * Fixed: Cannot update non default data and time format (Ad) * Fixed: No columns found when user empties columns names field (Ad) * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.8 = * Released 2023-04-06 * Fixed: Role management security vulnerability * Added: REST API get record from primary key * Added: Highly optimized implementation of data table query * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.7 = * Released 2023-03-30 * Patched: httpGet and httpRequest not working * Fixed: Style Manager not taking sub folders into account * Fixed: 404 error on public pages with wpdadiehard * Fixed: Mandatory column check not working * Fixed: Search Builder "does not contain" results in an error * Fixed: Type templates_page_title versus template_page_title * Fixed: Query Builder removes special chars on save * Added: Using URL parameters directly in default where clause * Added: Support for post arguments in Data Tables search form * Added: New rest API calls to support new data entry apps * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.3.5 = * Released 2023-03-17 * Improved: Extension Manager user interface * Fixed: PHP 8.1 warnings * Fixed: Typos = 5.3.4 = * Released 2023-02-23 * Added: Unbuffered queries (code added, not yet used) * Fixed: Responsive master-detail data table not refreshing detail table correctly (Stephane) * Fixed: Cannot change number of columns for responsive Data Tables (Charles) * Fixed: CSV mapping issues with tab delimiter * Fixed: Cannot not save CSV mapping * Fixed: Help links on Data Explorer settings pages * Fixed: Geolocation functions not available * Optimizing: Delaying queries to minimize load time = 5.3.2 = * Released 2023-02-09 * Added: WPDA REST API * Added: WordPress Media Library to front-end pages using wpdadiehard * Updated: Data Explorer settings page layout and behaviour * Updated: WordPress Media Library handling * Fixed: Renamed rows node in Query Builder XML export to row (Dom) * Fixed: Maxlength attribute in form input adds two pair of quotes (Kebhin) * Fixed: Multiple autocompletes on one form cause not authorised error (sgflynn) * Fixed: Call to a member function is_nullable() on null (Jeffrey) = 5.3.0 = * Released 2023-01-18 * Added: Case-insensitive search to global search and replace * Added: Most used menu items to main menu * Fixed: Export full table to CSV/JSON not taking default where into account (Charles) * Fixed: Read-only column not working on insert (Marco) * Fixed: Passing null to parameter ... of type string is deprecated * Fixed: Sort order not added to request * Fixed: PHP 8.1 warnings * Renamed Data Publisher to Data Tables * Updated language files = 5.2.11 = * Released 2023-01-03 * Fixed: Two auto complete fields on one table leads to issues in Data Forms * Fixed: Sorting responsive master-detail data tables * Fixed: Use WordPress collation to recreate repository tables (Vasilis) * Fixed: Cannot use sanitize_text_field on remote password fields (Mark - THX!!!) * Fixed: Dashboard icons wrapped * Fixed: Sort icon data table header too small * Fixed: Spinner and spinner label shown behind data table * Fixed: Setting search panes threshold value causes an internal error * Changed: Default search panes threshold value to 1 * Updated: Documentation links * Updated: Freemius SDK * Removed: JavaScript purl library = 5.2.9 = * Released 2022-11-23 * Added: Internationalizing close button publication popup * Added: Custom color for selected row to style manager (code manager users need to update) * Added: Added object and array support to wpda_log_wp_error * Fixed: Expanded rows taking up toomuch space * Fixed: Custom field function returning false not properly handled * Fixed: Opening project page slow with many databases * Fixed: Sort icons publications and projects looking different on dashboard * Fixed: Flat publication in dashboard contains too much space * Fixed: Publication in dashboard not showing header search boxes correctly * Updated: DataTables language files (wpda_language options needs to be updated: https://datatables.net/plug-ins/i18n/) * Updated: DataTables libraries * Updated: Freemius SDK = 5.2.8 = * Released 2022-11-04 * Added: Custom styling schemas for Data Publisher (Alex) * Changed: Premium data services now available in trial version as well * Fixed: Inline editing textarea not working (Bob) * Fixed: Premium data services certificate validation failed * Fixed: Token not working correctly with CPT queries * Fixed: Rewrite rules not properly recreated after plugin update (Steve) * Fixed: Premium styling does not work with horizontal scrollbar = 5.2.7 = * Released 2022-10-14 * Patched: PDS error messages not working with PHP 5.7? (Joan) * Patched: Background color header rows overwritten with wpda_searchbox:both (Steve) * Fixed: Error in export_publication_selection_to_sql() * Fixed: Explore link always showing first table with restrict table management enabled * Fixed: Premium button styling layout issues * Fixed: Integrated geomap overwriting other elements * Fixed: Positioning of SHOW MORE button * Fixed: Option SELECT cannot be disabled in publication advanced options * Fixed: Option SELECT>SELECTOR cannot be changed in publication advanced options * Added: Allow user to interactively add horizontal scrollbar to flat data tables * Added: Show publication multiple times on same web page * Added: Kim to development team * Improved: Loading all font awesome icons at once * Improved: Data table styling = 5.2.6 = * Released 2022-09-30 * Patched: Some queries are no longer working in the Query Builder (Marco) * Fixed: Space in URL argument of dynamic hyperlink not correctly encoded (Kevin) * Fixed: Invalid search result with lookup in Data Forms (Barbara) * Fixed: Cannot change selector style of publication table * Fixed: Cannot save dashboard shares (Luca) * Fixed: CSV export from Query Builder does not correctly process double quotes * Added: Additional error information to remote call to identify request issues * Added: Responsive parent child support to publication tables * Added: SEO friendly table support for server side processing (Steve) = 5.2.5 = * Released 2022-09-16 * Patch: Language file overwritten when individual language labels are added (pluma65) * Patch: Search Builder numeric operator not processed correctly * Added: Global search and replace on multiple databases and tables * Added: Log remote call errors (Bruce) * Added: Save original map object in geolocation home element (Jonathan) * Added: Support composite keys using auto_increment (Kevin) * Fixed: Macros in dynamic hyperlinks not working correctly * Fixed: Autocomplete not working with shortcode wpdadiehard (Kevin) * Fixed: Read-only on key field prevents transactions (Kevin) * Fixed: URL arguments in Google Maps API call not properly encoded (Jonathan) * Fixed: Schema name not available in dashboard * Removed: Space created by other plugins and themes on my dashboard = 5.2.4 = * Released 2022-09-02 * Fixed: Geolocation batch update not working "Failed to load resource" (Jonathan) * Added: Write CSV import errors to WP error log file (Ed) * Added: Use filter count from previous request on button clicks to boost performance (Data Publisher only) * Added: Use first record count to prevent count on each request to boost performance (Data Publisher only) * Added: Show password icon to remote database connection panel * Changed: Don't buffer copy table actions when source database = destination database * Changed: Password based security instead IP based security for premium data services = 5.2.3 = * Released 2022-08-19 * Patched: Added read-only support to mandatory columns (Kevin) * Patched: Removed enable label from checkbox elements (Kevin) * Fixed: Environment variables not available in custom queries (Rahim) * Fixed: Submit > Child List does not work (Rahim) * Fixed: Pagination not working correctly with custom queries * Fixed: Nonce not used with custom queries * Fixed: Delete button no longer working in Data Forms * Fixed: IP address not working on Windows (Athena) * Fixed: Wildcard search not working in publication search form (sp4448) * Fixed: Schema and table names moved from get to post to prevent security rule violations (Martin, Pierre-Yves) * Added: Define read-only fields in project templates (Rahim, Kevin) * Added: Create database function to access WordPress user ID from the database (Marco, Rahim, @kebhin) * Added: Store WordPress user ID in session variable for remote connections (Rahim, @kebhin) * Changed: Dynamically building lookups of list table Project Templates to improve performance * Changed: Allow to use environment variables with and without quotes (Matt) = 5.2.2 = * Released 2022-08-05 * Fixed: Data Forms css issues with Divi theme * Fixed: Google maps css height * Fixed: Create backup icon not always visible * Added: Enable label to inline editing checkbox (Kevin) * Changed: Publication table layout * Changed: Dashboard icons and labels * Changed: Readme * Updated: Freemius library = 5.2.1 = * Released 2022-07-05 * Fixed: Updating connect table does not return correct message * Added: Icons to dashboard buttons * Replaced: Material icons with font awesome * Removed: Material sort icons from publications = 5.2 = * Released 2022-06-24 * Added: Copy table to other database * Added: Premium data services * Added: Promotion links * Fixed: Error changing search panes in advance settings (Mark) * Fixed: Responsive icon not shown in themes like DIVI that use their own IDs to style all page elements * Fixed: Data Publisher returns a "CPT not found" error on publication creation * Fixed: Icons missing after submit+list in Data Publisher * Fixed: Fatal error "allowed memory size exhausted" during export of extremely large tables * Fixed: Publication Search Builder correctly refreshes the table but not the geomap (Terry) * Fixed: Publication Search Panes correctly refreshes the table but not the geomap (Terry) * Updated: Dropbox backup working with refresh tokens = 5.1.8 = * Released 2022-05-19 * Patched: Query Builder output not encoded (Frank) * Fixed: Search panes not taking default where into account (Rahim) * Fixed: Individual column search not working with client search (Philip) * Fixed: URL parameters not working correctly with: /?wpda_search_column_a=%ac% (Marvin) * Fixed: Cannot add a tab to the Query Builder (Charles) * Added: Let Google Maps start in different modes (Terry) * Changed: Type of password fields to hide password * Changed: Option stateSave default value to false * Updated: Dropbox backup app * Removed: No longer using guzzle for remote requests (Andy) = 5.1.7 = * Released 2022-04-21 * Changed: Center geo marker when user clicks on it (Jonathan) * Added: Options "wpda_searchbox": "none" and "wpda_searchbox": "footer" (Charles) * Added: Search clear icon to publication search boxes * Fixed: URL parameter not working with "No search condition = show no rows" (Charles) * Fixed: Visual Query Builder not working with remote databases (Hank) * Fixed: Data Publisher showing unavailable columns in order by drop down list (tonysac123) * Fixed: Query Builder not parsing like '%%ac%' correctly (Marvin) = 5.1.6 = * Released 2022-04-07 * Patched: File upload not working on Windows * Added: Advanced chart options (Iek) * Added: CPT query support to Data Publisher * Updated: External libraries * Fixed: Insert fails on child of n:m relationship in remote database (Hank) * Fixed: NL language typo * Fixed: Add New button shown on registration page (Philip) * Fixed: Add data type to Search Builder (Perry) * Fixed: Limit does not work for custom queries in Query Builder (Steve) * Fixed: Bad jQuery solector (@luk4) * Fixed: Publication order by issue * Fixed: Publication extensions column too small * Fixed: Several publication styling issues * Fixed: Error when opening view settings in Data Explorer = 5.1.5 = * Released 2022-03-25 * Added: Create publication from custom query * Added: Server side processing support to Search Panes * Added: Checkbox server side processing to Data Publisher * Added: User friendly interface for order by Data Publisher * Updated: External libraries and library calls * Updated: Disabled hints in Query Builder by default * Fixed: Order by hint Data Publisher = 5.1.4 = * Released 2022-03-02 * Added: Clear icon to search column search boxes (Philip) * Updated: Data Publisher icon layout * Updated: Data Forms item layout * Updated: External libraries and library calls * Fixed: Truncate table not working * Fixed: Search Builder ENTER key issue * Fixed: Search removes special characters (Frans) = 5.1.3 = * Released 2022-02-24 * Added: Chart page added to plugin toolbar * Added: Option to hide icons on admin buttons (Dennis) * Fixed: Cannot create charts from dashboard (Sandras) * Fixed: Data Forms error when no data found (Alaa) * Fixed: Search not working correctly with two publications on one page (Roberto) * Fixed: Search Builder writes entry to debug.log * Fixed: Publication drop down list too tight on Dashboard = 5.1.2 = * Released 2022-02-04 * Added: Allow search on specific columns only in Search Builder * Added: Export and print buttons to charts (Iek) * Added: Plugin setting to revoke create dashboard privilege * Added: Plugin setting to hide default tab on dashboard * Added: Dashboard sharing on role and user level * Added: Remove all usermeta data on uninstall (delete plugin settings) * Changed: Dashboard name must be unique * Changed: User must press ENTER to start publication search (use wpda_search_force_enter to disabled) * Fixed: Search Builder selecting wrong columns * Fixed: Search Builder not sending value without explicitly pressing ENTER on each column * Fixed: Project list table missing columns after Submit > List (Jay) * Fixed: Cannot show search box in table header with Query Builder enabled (Clive) * Fixed: Query Builder not working for some columns (Tarik) * Fixed: Search Builder not working with: No search condition = show no rows (Charles) * Fixed: Search Builder uses wrong column labels * Fixed: Datatables date popup icons not showing correctly * Fixed: Search pane buttons not showing icons * Fixed: I can only see that I can click on the even numbered rows in a Search Pane (Ken) = 5.1.1 = * Released 2022-01-17 * Patched: DT select v1.3.4 not working with DT panes v1.2.1 (going back to 1.3.3) * Patched: Checkboxes in advanced settings not shown * Added: Hide Manage link in Data Explorer for specific administrators (Nelson) * Added: Bulma and Bootstrap 5 to premium global styling * Added: Server side processing to Search Builder * Added: Graphical DOM manipulation to premium version * Added: Search builder and button extension to premium version * Added: Default styling options to Data Publisher free version * Added: Expandable field sets to Data Publisher * Added: Pagination to chart table * Updated: Editing query name in Query Builder (added icon and hint) (Alex, Ken) * Updated: Publication date and number columns no longer wrapped * Updated: External libraries + cleaning up files and folders * Updated: Hard coding plugin name and tool names (for international branding) * Fixed: Form updates not working with date columns in primary and unique keys (Mieke) * Fixed: Search location not added to geo map (Andy) * Fixed: Child table not directly shown after adding new parent (John) * Fixed: Removed \n from translations * Fixed: Cannot add role in Dutch version (Iek) * Fixed: Global publication styling not using full external libraries (premium only) * Removed: Global publication styling from free version * Removed: Compact style from publication global styling = 5.1.0 = * Released 2021-12-14 * Added: Premium Visual Query Builder * Added: Dynamically switch between user location and fixed location in geomap (Andy) * Added: Add new button to registration form * Fixed: Error when trying to add new row to external or remote database table * Fixed: Remove GuzzleHttp\json_encode() call from Data Publisher and Data Forms (Peng) * Fixed: Export not working when confirmation enabled (Lars, Charles, Paul) * Fixed: Cannot change time of DateTime column in Data Forms (Joseph) * Fixed: Removed "Submit > List" button from registration form = 5.0.2 = * Released 2021-12-07 * Added: Label and hover effect to toolbar icons * Improved: All arguments removed from export URL * Fixed: Substitution in dynamic hyperlink fails if column name is part of earlier displayed column name (Andy) * Fixed: Query Builder does not give any feedback on user actions * Fixed: Tooltip in Query Builder free version using wrong css * Fixed: "Add dashboard" icon not available in free version * Fixed: Removed CSV and JSON full table export buttons from Data Explorer main page * Fixed: Buttom Submit > List not always working * Fixed: No buttons added to header in Data Menu forms (Jan) * Fixed: "Value for page allow full export not allowed" when trying to save project page (John) = 5.0.1 = * Released 2021-11-25 * Added: Replace new line with <BR/> in list tables (Andrea) * Added: Automatically redirect to list after insert or update (Nicholas) * Added: Export all rows to CSV|JSON button to Data Projects and Data Explorer (Philip) * Fixed: Allowing database names to start with a number (Eduard) * Fixed: Dashboard and panels not showing * Fixed: Notices not disabled * Fixed: Token expired message with publication old shortcode * Fixed: Missing insert buttons on project pages * Fixed: Showing debug message * Fixed: Missing library file = 5.0.0 = * Released 2021-11-04 * Added: Dashboard panels * Added: Test publications directly from table list * Added: SQL hints to Query Builder * Improved: Data Forms menu handling * Changed: Put view link back (Jay) * Fixed: Lookup individual column search does not allow to select all (Jay) * Fixed: Cannot add full-text index with only text columns (Alan) * Fixed: Set maxlength of textarea depending on text type (Alan) * Fixed: Data Designer does not check length varchar|char|varbinary|binary columns (Amy) * Fixed: Backup date not properly sanitized (Erwan) * Fixed: Removed script tags from publication column values = 4.3.1 = * Released 2021-09-16 * Fixed: Search on individual columns in Data Projects uses ID for lookups (Rahim) * Fixed: Data Forms inserting default values instead of null values * Fixed: Data Forms lookup missing empty values (Gaetan) * Fixed: Data Forms invalid default added to empty data fields (Alonso) * Fixed: Data Forms tables not refreshed for remote tables (Wayne) * Fixed: CSV import local database != wpdb not working (Roger) * Fixed: Map not syncing with publication search * Fixed: Data Backup available again (Wayne) * Changed: Hide view link if row is editable * Changed: Show "WordPress database (...)" instead of ... (= $wpdb->dbname) * Added: Premium features Data Publisher available in back-end * Added: A killToken option to Data Publisher to fix caching issues * Added: Hide notices of other themes and plugins on WP Data Access admin pages * Added: Export child tables * Added: Copy to clipboard button to Query Builder * *** BETA FEATURES - PREPARING VERSION 5 *** * Added: Data Forms panels to dashboard * Added: Publication panels to dashboard * Added: Dashboard panels to run custom PHP, HTML and JS code * Added: Database panels to dashboard * Added: Chart panels to dashboard * Added: Embedding panels into external websites * Added: Shortcode support for dashboard panels * Added: Divide dashboard in 1 to 4 columns * Added: Dashboard panels to analyse, report and share data * *** BETA FEATURES - PREPARING VERSION 5 *** * Updated: Using external font files for material icons and fontawesome to save space * Updated: Composer V1 to V2 = 4.3.0 = * Released 2021-08-12 * Improved: Inline styling removed from publications (Philip) * Improved: Rewritten admin_url calls to support changed paths (xkaspr) * Fixed: Error messages Query Builder not removed * Fixed: Search criteria entered for parent is also applied to child (Ivan) * Fixed: Publication modal scrollable area (Andrew) * Fixed: Publication modal not completely visible (Andrew) * Added: Made publications draggable and scrollable (Andrew) * Added: Public support forum link to plugin menu * Added: Fontawesome * Added: Plugin dashboard = 4.2.10 = * Released 2021-07-05 * Added: Premium publication styling directly from the Data Publisher * Added: Projects to font-end toolbar (Allan) * Added: URL parameter 'wpda_search_column_operator' to support OR conditions * Improved: Redesigned some calls to decrease memory usage * Improved: Redesigned settings pages to decrease memory usage * Fixed: Dates not stored correctly (Barbara, Alan, Mushfiq) * Fixed: Search box shown at page bottom with wpdadiehard * Fixed: Using home url instead admin url * Fixed: Query Builder uses home url instead admin url (Michel) * Fixed: Default value checkbox enabled not working (Allessandro) * Fixed: Images used in dynamic hyperlinks not shown correctly = 4.2.9 = * Released 2021-06-14 * Fixed: Responsiveness doesn't work for views in the WordPress dashboard (Andrea) * Fixed: Ancient dates not working with format d/m/Y and m/d/Y - inline editing only (Alessandro) * Fixed: SQL Builder not showing output when header contains too many ads * Added: Transaction handling for connect storage engine tables = 4.2.8 = * Released 2021-06-01 * Added: Schema, table and column name validation to maximize plugin feature support * Added: Additional error info to failing Data Forms requests (Barbara) * Added: Last query error to JSON output of publications * Added: Commands wpdavar and wpdatmp to Query Builder to copy tables from one database to another * Added: Dynamically switch between local and remote databases in Query Builder * Added: Check for unsaved changes on page leave and tab close in Query Builder * Added: Control/S key to save query Query Builder * Added: Promo to Data Publisher to show premium features (disabled) * Added: jQueryUI responsive style to Data Publisher * Changed: Immediately download file on bulk export Data Explorer main page * Changed: Page titles, icons and links * Changed: Import structure and Data Backup access * Optimized: Sort database and remote database names in listboxes * Optimized: Query Builder to use wpdb.last_result instead of own rows property * Fixed: Hyperlink not emptied on insert * Fixed: Removed debug message when n:m relationship is defined incorrectly * Fixed: MariaDB stores "NULL" as default instead of null * Fixed: Hyperlink not working in Data Forms when defined as text * Fixed: Bulk-delete return not authorized * Fixed: Next row deleted when deleting child row * Fixed: Select/deselect all publication not working in Data Publisher list table * Fixed: Add dummy menu item name to unnamed project menu items * Fixed: Listbox entries starting with a space not found on individual column search (Charles) * Fixed: Search filter not working when column name is in uppercase (Charles) * Fixed: Default where Data Projects does not work with WHERE = uppercase (Andreas) * Fixed: Double column type not reflected in data entry forms (Chiara) = 4.2.7 = * Released 2021-05-12 * Added: Multi SQL command support to Query Builder * Added: Spinner to Query Builder * Added: Option wpda_language to support language per publication * Added: Allow to change "SHOW MORE" and "END OF LIST" labels * Improved: CSV import menu navigation * Improved: Security old parameter columns in shortcode wpdataaccess * Removed: Database and table names from export requests on web pages * Removed: Database and table names from Data Projects requests on web pages * Removed: Database, table and column names from Data Publisher requests on web pages * Fixed: Return to default database after remove a local database * Fixed: Missing the rename WordPress table protection in the Query Builder * Fixed: Old wpdadataaccess shortcodes using table argument no longer work = 4.2.6 = * Released 2021-05-07 * Added: Query Builder * Added: $$NOW$$ and $$NOWDT$$ environment vaiables (Roger) * Added: Pure estimated row count support to Data Publisher * Added: Argument wpda_search_force_enter to force user to press enter on new search * Added: Hard estimated row count support (Steve) * Added: Connect and federated engine support * Added: New styles to Data Publisher (default, compact, jqueryui, semanticui, foundation, bootstrap3, bootstrap4) * Improved: CSS publications (color schemes and popups) * Changed: Table Name to Table/View Name (Tim) * Changed: Data access selection behaviour in setttings (Jim) * Changed: Default jQuery UI theme defined on Front-end settings * Fixed: Lookup not ordered alphabetically in Data Forms (Barbara) * Fixed: Parameter filter_field_value not taking % (Jan) * Fixed: By default disable dynamic hyperlinks added after project template creation (Barbara) * Fixed: Repository update error on table structure changes * Fixed: Maps error on manage table settings activate * Fixed: Search filter not working when column name is in uppercase (Lukasz) * Removed: Edit link from CSV list = 4.2.5 = * Released 2021-04-21 * Fixed: Error in row count remote database * Fixed: Default where not working (Matthew) * Updated: All documentation links * Added: Demo and tutorial links to Data Publisher and Data Projects * Added: Row count estimation support for views (Charles) * Added: Geo range search to Data Publisher (Nicola) * Added: Fulltext search support to views (Steve and Charles) * Added: Maximum backups versions saved to manage repository settings (default = 3) * Added: Search panes to Data Publisher premium (works only client side) * Added: Custom search builder to Data Publisher premium (works only client side) * Added: Row grouping to Data Publisher premium * Added: Support dictionary checks and reconcilation for remote databases in Data Designer (Alex) * Added: Argument map_radius to geolocation map to hide range filter * Added: Some tokens to improve security * Improved: Help links on plugin pages * Improved: One debug option for all plugin features * Improved: Column-specific search needs to be added in two steps (Alex) * Improved: Data Publisher loads publication deferred (performance optimation) * Fixed: Autocomplete not working when parent settings less enabled * Fixed: Vulnerability filter column name (Krzysztof) * Fixed: Geolocation time out * Fixed: Default order by not working on first column * Fixed: Disable ordering on hyperlink columns in Data Explorer * Fixed: Data type tinyint(1) not shown as checkbox in Date Forms (Alex) * Fixed: Data type tinyint(1) returns tinyiny(3) on reverse engineering * Fixed: Estimated row count for views returns null * Fixed: Data Designer adds remote views to drop down list reverse engineering (Charles, busterland) * Fixed: Manual zoom not working * Fixed: Inline listbox not shown/updated correctly (Alex) * Fixed: Row export remote tables return forbidden (Alex) * Fixed: Function responsiveHidden() not found in jQuery DataTables library (Moreno) * Fixed: Listbox not ordered (mcreighton) = 4.2.1 = * Released 2021-03-28 * Fixed: Lookups not working (Linda) * Fixed: Field content truncated when entering a quote during inline editing (Luis) = 4.2.0 = * Released 2021-03-25 * Added: Support for estimated row count instead of count(*) (Charles) * Added: Load more button feature to publisher for large tables * Added: Default value wpda_buttons = 'CEFPYSVT' if wpda_buttons_custom = '' * Added: Optionally truncate table before importing CSV file (Mark Williams) * Added: Use OR with URL parameter filter (Barbara, grl570810, Charles) * Added: Environment variable $$EMAIL$$ = current user email address (tnijland3) * Added: Geolocation search and mapping (beta - under development) * Added: Repository backup and restore management to Settings > Manage Repository * Improved: Check if data type allows max length in Data Designer (Nicola) * Improved: Remove ID from tool exports (Charles) * Improved: Plugin installation procedure * Improved: Icon no longer shown in a separate column with buttons * Improved: Cookie experation on default schema changed from 24 hours to 365 days * Improved: Remote database error handling * Improved: Repository backup procedure * Fixed: Foreign key constraints of remote database not shown (Alex) * Fixed: Added dashicons to publications for media attachments (Dirk) * Fixed: Export/import prefix to WordPress and plugin tables (renpersonal) * Fixed: @ini_set return error with php 8 (grema) * Fixed: Update failed when saving post with invalid shortcode * Fixed: Default order by not working if "Allow ordering?" is disabled in a publication (Steve) * Fixed: Column search box shown for hidden columns in responsive mode (Charles) * Fixed: Repository issues with multi site installation * Fixed: Wildcard search on Data Explorer main page not correctly stored * Fixed: Do not use the plugin transaction settings for plugin tables * Fixed: Inline editing does not correctly support double (Mark) * Fixed: Cannot use double quotes in advanced table options * Fixed: Bulk export remote database tables not working * Remove: jQuery.url() from publication = 4.1.3 = * Released 2021-01-29 * Patch: Float and double datatypes not taken into account (Dennis) * Changed: Message "Not authorized" to "Token expired or not authorized" * Added: New lookup type: auto complete (Steve) * Added: Responsive Data Forms project menu * Added: Option page length = 5 to show entries listbox * Fixed: Cannot enter numeric data (dennistennis) * Fixed: Wrong path in wpdadiehard premium when free version is uninstalled (Paul) * Fixed: Cannot access remote database in Data Forms * Fixed: Shortcode wpdadiehard returns error in editor * Fixed: Disable selector on first column|plus icon * Fixed: Support filter arguments in Data Forms (Andrew) * Fixed: Lookup value not shown in responsive columns (Barbara) * Fixed: Column label of hyperlink switched (Barbara) * Fixed: Replaced TODO with a proper error message * Fixed: Cannot add hyperlinks containing spaces to Project Template * Fixed: Spaces in dynamic hyperlinks not preserved * Fixed: Display items as read-only in view mode (Barbara) = 4.1.1 = * Released 2021-01-14 * Updated: Help links * Changed: Filter bar remains expanded when search values were entered (Steve) * Fixed: Error WPDA_Settings.php on line 4022 (lrydant) * Added: Support macros in advanced hyperlinks (IF-THEN-ELSE) * Fixed: Hide dynamic hyperlinks when URL is empty (Barbara) * Fixed: Hidden not null date column blocks update = 4.1.0 = * Released 2021-01-06 * Patched: Removed projects tab which gave an error on some installations (Kyle) * Patched: Plain text hyperlinks not shown in Data Forms (Barbara) * Updated: Read me * Updated: Language files * Fixed: Numeric precision (Hermann) * Fixed: Shortcode wpdadiehard does not use default order by (Barbara) * Fixed: No error message shown on update or insert (Steve) * Fixed: Default value set column type not working (Barbara) * Fixed: Allow to update not null columns which already contain an empty string (Andrew) * Improved: Error handling CSV import * Fixed: Criteria added with wpda_search_column_ are not decoded in publications * Moved: Manage Table Options to Project Templates * Data Forms: Allow anonymous access role is empty * Data Forms: Added field validation before saving data * Data Forms: Added min|max validation for numeric fields * Data Forms: Added default value support * Data Forms: Added export buttons * Data Forms: Added hyperlink management * Data Forms: Added debug mode * Data Forms: Added validation on min|max values of numeric fields * Data Forms: Added validation on maximum length of text fields * Data Forms: Added tooltips * Data Forms: Added media library support * Data Forms: Added static|dynamic hyperlinks (Barbara) * Data Forms: Added full support for many to many relationships * Data Forms: Added previous|next row navigation (Vincent) * Fixed: Exception in foreach in Data Forms WS * Fixed: Modsecurity blocking schema_name - renamed schema_name to wpdaschema_name (Andrea) = 4.0.1 = * Released 2020-12-04 * Patch: CSV import does not work with empty dates * Patch: Default values not added to hidden columns * Fixed: Copy shortcode wpdataaccess returning wrong shortcode = 4.0.0 = * Released 2020-12-03 * Update: jQuery and jQuery UI to prepare for WordPress 5.6 and 5.7 * Update: Implode usage - deprecated message in 7.4 (Kooyaya) * Added: Define default database per user (Charles) * Changed: Improved remote database error handling * Updated: jQuery DataTables responsive library and style * Updated: jQuery UI darksness theme (used in data entry forms) * Added: Allow users to map CSV to tables in other (remote) databases (Charles) * Fixed: Default order by desc on child table not working (Jim) * Fixed: Search returns no result when criteria contains a quote (wwdz + Charles) * Fixed: Default order by for child table does not allow to reorder on other columns (Robert) * Updated: Readme * Updated: Freemius library * Fixed: Order by clause not working when column name starts with "order" (Nanne) * Added: Data Forms (beta) = 3.6.5 = * Released 2020-10-14 * Patched: Column headers not visible in export (Charles) * Patched: Broken link (what's new) * Patched: Column values in dynamic hyperlinks are not substituted in publication if the column is not selected (Charles) * Patched: Dates not correctly imported from csv if not matching the exact format (Erwin) * Added: Parameters wpda_search_placeholder_prefix and wpda_search_placeholder to format search box (Charles) * Added: Row level access control (Fedi) * Fixed: Added column alias to prevent case sensitive column nam errors * Fixed: Date format not taken into account (Erwin) * Removed: Local version of clipboard library (using WordPress library) * Updated: Freemius library * Fixed: Spaces in dynamic hyperlink arguments not working (Richard) * Fixed: Uninstall settings not working if not specifically saved * Added: Select individual columns individual search per column (Moshe) * Added: Filter argument to filter wpda_column_default to support priorities (Anastasiia) * Fixed: CSV import paging and searching not working (Moshe) * Added: Define dynamic hyperlink labels in Data Publisher (Charles) * Changed: Buttons in publication header in separate row (Charles) * Fixed: Listbox error in Data Publisher if field value contains quote (Lorelei) * Changed: Publication columns are now nowrap by default * Added: Classes to search textbox, listbox and icons (for Charles) * Added: Recursive option conversion to Data Publisher to support functions on all levels = 3.6.0 = * Released 2020-09-12 * Added: Parameter wpda_search_placeholder_prefix to change the placeholder * Changed: Data Publisher no longer requires granting table access * Added: New column type ImageURL (auto convert image url to img tag) * Fixed: CSV import not working with unicode characters (Moshe) * Fixed: SSL support (Rene) * Fixed: Delete csv import not working (Mike) * Added: Default order by to Data Projects main page (for Andrea) * Added: Search box to premium Data Publisher (header|footer) (Charles) * Updated: Disable caching for all javascript ajax calls * Removed: Message "Auto-updates are not available for this plugin" * Fixed: Support Form menu is added to WP Data Access menu of non admin users (Anna) * Removed: Website link from plugin list * Fixed: Export from wpdadiehard not working for anonymous users * Fixed: Data Project JS library not found in shortcode wpdadiehard * Fixed: wp_enqueue_script( 'wpdadiehard' ); returns errors in WP 5.5 * Added: Export buttons to Data Publisher (premium version only) * Added: Use WordPress date and time format in publications (Lorelei) * Fixed: Premium search filter priority not working correctly (Charles) = 3.5.0 = * Released 2020-08-17 * Updated: Dutch translation * Added: Shortcode arguments to filter wpdadiehard (forum support - Jack) * Fixed: inline editing checkbox uses tinyint, must be tinyint(1) * Fixed: checkbox set to null when disable, should be 0 to support not null (forum support - kooyaya) * Fixed: load-scripts.php error in WP 5.5 * Removed: publication test from list table (remains available from data entry form) * Added: query ui darkness images to prevent 404 * Removed: page arguments from public web pages (shortcode wpdadiehard) * Added: disable auto-updates in WordPress 5.5 * Fixed: wpda_search_column_ values lost after re-order (forum support - Mark) * Changed: show more|less button label * Fixed: Data Publisher does not use dynamic filter arguments: wpda_search_column_ (forum support Mark) * Fixed: cannot export view to csv (forum support mrams93) * Fixed: cannot redeclare submit_button (forum support - Allen) * Added: publication name to shortcode (forum support - Andrew) * Added: sort icons selection from Data Publisher * Fixed: added permanently delete message to bulk actions buttons * Added: allow to drop views from bulk actions menu * Changed: shorter button labels (support forum - Lawrence) * Fixed: searching, ordering and paging disabled for publication without pub_id * Added: parameter nl2br to shortcode wpdataaccess to convert New Lines to BR tags (forum support - Howard) * Added: notify library to show interactive notifications * Added: material icons to buttons and tabs * Added: more help and info icons to improve usability * Added: jQuery tooltips to help and info titles * Added: freemius library to support premium plugin version = 3.1.5 = * Released 2020-07-05 * Updated: Dutch translation * Fixed: Table settings hyperlink column id and name not unique * Fixed: Change image width to 100% (forum support - Chiara) * Fixed: Export button in Data Explorer not working * Added: Option to Data Publisher to convert NL to BR (forum support - Howard) * Fixed: Month in date field changes on mousewheel event (Michiel) * Added: Shortcode arguments to filter publication (forum support - Howard) * Fixed: Screen options (again!) * Fixed/Added: One click export for Data Projects including all option sets * Added: CSV upload table to plugin table array (Michiel) * Added: Disable attribute to filter wpda_add_column_settings * Added: Filter wpda_column_default to first column * Fixed: Apply plugin date format to primary key columns * Fixed: Allow lookup on first column in list table * Fixed: Cookie samesite warning * Fixed: Removed iframes from project * Fixed: Show text only if hyperlink column does not contain a URL on frontend (forum support - Howard) = 3.1.4 = * Released 2020-06-22 * Fixed: Some sanitization issues * Added: Show text only if hyperlink column does not contain a URL (forum support - Howard) * Added: Custom items to search * Fixed: Hidden columns not available in default where construction * Fixed: Use option set default is named option set is not found = 3.1.3 = * Released 2020-06-15 * Added: Disable hyperlinks on list tables in Data Projects (parent/child) * Fixed: Export not available on web pages using wpdadiehard * Fixed: Responsiveness not working with shortcode wpdadiehard (forum support - nmarlon) * Fixed: Back to parent list button not working (forum support - alevel) * Fixed: API doc missing package WPDA_Roles * Fixed: Search not remembered in list tables = 3.1.2 = * Released 2020-05-25 * Fixed: ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing WPDA_PARENT_KEY*?] (Michiel) * Added: Added actions and filters to allow custom settings in Data Projects * Added: Show column of data type SET as CSV, UL or OL in list table (see plugin settings) * Added: Hide ID in lookup list (forum support - hhagmxeu) * Fixed: Remove Add New button when insert is set to NO (forum support - hhagmxeu) * Updated: Original WP_List_Table WordPress class * Added: Add help link to list table and data entry form titles * Fixed: Invalid table open tag * Fixed: Data Publisher does not accept blanks in column names (forum support - neiljw) * Fixed: Need to remap when switching file type (CSV <> TSV) = 3.1.1 = * Released 2020-05-08 * Fixed: Error when clicking on child tab in Data Project (forum support #12790240 - maverjk) * Fixed: CSV repository table not created during update (forum support #12728343 - tobiaseigen) * Fixed: Showing all tinyint columns should as checkboxes (forum support #12785271 - mikefoley) * Fixed: Disable bulk actions has no effect on shortcode (works correctly in dashboard) = 3.1.0 = * Released 2020-05-05 * Fixed: Check page mode against action on Data Project pages * Fixed: Data Designer – New table – Collation not working? (forum support #12597488 - Mattia Roccoberton) * Added: Allow json as well as plain text hyperlinks (defined in table settings) * Changed: Plugin page titles and layout more consistent * Removed: Tutorials and examples (now available on plugin website) * Changed: Data entry form layout * Added: Add table to user dashboard menu for non admin users * Added: Upload, map and import CSV files into an existing table * Added: Hook wpda_before_list_table to add code before a list table * Renamed: Hook wpda_extend_simple_form to wpda_after_simple_form * Renamed: Hook wpda_prepend_simple_form to wpda_before_simple_form * Renamed: Hook wpda_extend_list_table to wpda_after_list_table * Added: Handle to list table instance to hook wpda_extend_list_table * Added: Handle to simple form instance to hook wpda_extend_simple_form * Added: Handle to simple form instance to hook wpda_prepend_simple_form * Changed: Improved naming convention of actions and filters * Added: "Add New" button to simple form title (forum support #12404331 - merlinsilk) * Fixed: Lookup multiple column not shown correctly in table options * Fixed: Date and time picker not available for child tables (Ivan) * Added: Disable import on Data Projects page * Added: Disable bluk actions on Data Projects page (forum support #12612463 - Wolter) * Added: Define when hyperlinks are shown on a responsive modal window (Miguel) * Fixed: Plugin allows import on Data Projects pages with insert disabled * Fixed: Value 0 for sequence number in project and project pages missing in export * Fixed: Table settings stored incorrectly after opening multiple table settings * Fixed: Settings tables are not exported with {wp_prefix} * Fixed: Dynamic hyperlinks not exported with table settings * Fixed: Cannot use non primary columns in parent in relationships (forum support #12591142 - trebair) * Removed: Donation and review links from plugin description * Changed: Order of plugin menu items * Updated: Plugin readme content * Fixed: Cannot create dynamic hyperlink (forum support #12586657 - mdurao) (patched) = 3.0.3 = * Released 2020-03-26 * Added: Allow lookups to other databases (including remote databases) * Added: Checkbox support for tinyint columns * Added: Dynamic hyperlinks to table settings * Added: New filter wpda_wpdataaccess_prepare * Added: Two new action hooks wpda_add_search_actions and wpda_add_search_filter * Fixed: Remote relationships not displayed * Fixed: Publication now really responsive when Number Of Columns = 0 * Fixed: User must save design before table can be created (forum support #12558071 - holowkass) = 3.0.2 = * Released 2020-03-10 * Added: JSON validation to table options advanced column in Data Publisher * Added: Show search box on empty list * Added: Hook wpda_prepend_table_settings to add table settings at the beginning of the table settings section * Added: Hook wpda_append_table_settings to add table settings at the end of the table settings section * Added: Hook wpda_wpdadiehard_prepare to add preparation code to shortcode wpdadiehard * Added: Plugin class to jQuery DataTables to simplify styling (no css added in plugin) * Added: Filter wpda_get_column_headers to add custom labels to screen options * Changed: No data from “Test Publication” (forum support #12520792 - Dave) * Fixed: Not possible to enter null dates (forum support #12515913 - Melody) * Fixed: Labels and icons not correctly aligned in data entry forms * Fixed: Cannot manage system views in Data Explorer * Fixed: ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing primary key value] (forum support #12487390 - flazza87) * Fixed: Comparing with translated table_type gives wrong results * Fixed: Textarea editable in view mode (forum support #12461671 - charlesgodwin) = 3.0.1 = * Released 2020-02-19 * Patch: Added textarea support for all text columns (tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext) * Patch: Table settings are not updated correctly if the settings have been changed between version 3.0.0 and 3.0.1 * Added: Filter wpda_add_column_settings to Data Explorer column settings * Added: Action hook 'wpda_default_screen_option' to support default screen option settings * Changed: Simplified layout table settings * Fixed: Order by publication needs manual overring stateSave setting * Fixed: Reset form to add a record does not work (forum support #12404331 - merlinsilk) * Fixed: Export/import {wp_schema} if schema name = wordpress schema || '' (transfer repositories) * Fixed: Manage table window in Data Explorer not using full width * Fixed: Frontend table view doesn’t work in IE11 (forum support #12397113 - peterdietz) * Fixed: Favourites class dies with wrong schema_name in url * Fixed: Cannot save remote database (forum support #12391185 emma26) * Fixed: User roles removed on profile change when plugin role management is enabled * Fixed: Class ‘WPDataProjects\Parent_Child\WPDA_Message_Box’ not found (form post #12399837 - mitfi) * Fixed: Error on trying to add any table to PROJECTS (form post #12385381 - aa11plus) = 3.0.0 = * Released 2020-01-30 * Fixed: Column name in DataTable class gone * Added: Action hook 'wpda_extend_list_table' to support list table extension * Added: Filter wpda_column_default to influence column layout in list tables * Added: New media types to Data Publisher * Fixed: Function wpdadiehard_convert_to_screen() not found (form post #12362969 - charlesnguyen) * Added: Full remote database support to Data Backup * Fixed: Search context lost on web pagel * Added: Support for $$USER$$ and $$USERID$$ to Data Publisher (form post #12352968 - Dozen) * Added: Use second, third, nth column in lookup to build where clause (change request - mieke van kooten) * Added: Support for media files of type video (play inline) * Added: Support for media files of type music (play inline) (form post #12258885 - dizwell) * Fixed: Media files not shown correctly after upload from WordPress media page * Fixed: Data Publisher gives an error when "Allow paging?" = NO * Added: Text columns are now shown in a textarea (multi line) instead of an input element * Added: Info to the Data Publisher how to authorise tables * Added: Allow registration only > project page > allow insert = only (no list table, update, delete, import) * Added: Allow Data Project to insert only (no update, delete, import) (website comment database administration - jeffrey turner) * Added: Allow functions to be used in Data Publisher advanced table options (forum support #12332715 - marcellein) * Fixed: Layout messes up when using multiple columns in a relationship * Added: Filter to user search (WPDA_List_Table->construct_where_clause) (forum support #12315718 - charlesgodwin) * Added: Allow to hide plugin menu in dashboard (does not hide data projects) * Changed: Moved plugin settings page to dashboard settings menu * Added: Context sensitive help to plugin pages * Removed: Plugin help from menu * Added: Manage remote databases from Plugin Settings * Added: Full remote database support to Data Designer * Added: Test publication directly from Data Publisher main page * Added: Copy publication link to Data Publisher (form post #12275882 - dizwell) * Fixed: Change responsive type "collaped" to "collapsed" (form post #12275882 - dizwell) * Added: Screen options now also available in Data Projects * Fixed: WHERE Clause in Data Publisher only works with equals (=) (form post #12301684 - philippkaiser) * Fixed: DB_NAME in wp-config.php does not match real database name (lower_case_table_names = 1) * Fixed: Screen options not working correctly * Changed: Improved layout test frame Data Publisher * Added: Settings, review and donation links to plugin description * Fixed: Do not use offset and limit if serverSide is false * Fixed: Invalid Dropbox key * Added: Full remote database support to Data Projects * Added: Full remote database support to Data Publisher * Added: Full remote database support to Plugin Settings pages * Added: Full remote database support to Data Explorer * Added: Manage remote databases from Data Explorer * Changed: Menu item shows error page if repository table not found (instead of hiding menu item) * Added: On drop table delete all table settings from repository (labels, media columns, menus) = 2.7.3 = * Released 2019-12-18 * Added: Help info to advanced table options * Added: Customize Datatables shortcode - adding standard and advanced options (form post #12236372 - rswebmaster) * Fixed: Can’t seem to change the number of rows initially displayed (form post #12247152 - dizwell) * Fixed: Cannot drop view in another database * Changed: Listbox behaviour responsive output * Fixed: Select listbox in Data Publisher not working correctly. * Added: Default where and order by to child table (table options) (form post #12232151 - khansadi) * Changed: Switched to new Dropbox app "WP Data Access Box" * Added: Sort on multiple columns in Data Publisher (form post #12226580 - spounch) * Changed: Layout simple form items to save space * Changed: Decreased parent area on Data Projects pages (remove title + add less/more button) * Added: External database support to WordPress media library columns * Added: External database support to data menus * Added: External database support to table settings * Added: External database support to shortcode wpdadiehard * Added: External database support to Data Projects * Added: Table access control for external databases to Data Explorer * Added: Table access control for external databases to plugin backend settings * Fixed: Disabled select and format columns buttons in Data Publisher in view mode * Changed: Removed WordPress table access options from Front-end Settings for external databases * Fixed: Some buttons and actions available in Data Designer for WP tables and view mode * Fixed: Added new line to end of export file to prevent error when importing as ZIP file * Added: Create database from Data Explorer main page (forum post #11706835) * Added: Drop database from Data Explorer main page (forum post #11706835) * Fixed: Manage link in Data Explorer not working with system views * Fixed: Sort not working without default order by (support forum #1219867 - @ssamyn) = 2.7.2 = * Released 2019-11-29 * Added: Cookie settings (plugin settings page) to allow keeping cookies when switching panels * Added: Arguments added to shortcode [wpdataaccess] database, sql_where, sql_orderby * Added: Default WHERE/ORDER BY to publication (support forum #11907073 - @Gbade) * Removed: Settings tab and alter table button from Data Explorer when connected to other database * Added: Connect to other databases from Data Publisher (forum support #11706835 - steveediger) * Added: Internationalisation to Data Publisher front-end (data publisher settings page) (forum support #12181966 - ssamyn) * Updated: All html script tags to use text instead of language attribute * Updated: Menu item link to plugin help * Added: Allow shortcode access in posts and pages (plugin settings page) * Added: Support custom date and time formats (plugin settings page) (form post #12123210 - dmnauta) * Fixed: List tables not supporting responsive mode (forum support #12146070 - dsbking) * Fixed: Tabpage not responding (forum support #12123137 - dmnauta) * Added: Allow to export view to XML, JSON, Excel and CSV (forum support #12131944 - dsbking) * Fixed: Listboxes not working correctly in Safari (forum support #12114671 - sander zumbrink) = 2.7.1 = * Released 2019-10-10 * Fixed: Do not show version update notification when page called from shortcode * Fixed: Ask user for confirmation on copy table options set * Fixed: Make text "back to list" more specific on parent/child pages * Fixed: User should confirm when pressing the Reconcile Table button * Fixed: Error on lookup if item value is null * Fixed: Warning creating default object from empty value when entering tab_label first time * Fixed: Plugin table Settings not used if no table options found for Data Projects table * Fixed: Column labels are not taken into account in exports (CSV and Excel) * Fixed: Role selection in Data Menus should show the role label not the role * Fixed: Role selection in Data Projects should show the role label not the role * Fixed: Cannot change Options Set Name (forum support #12099274 - mieke van kooten) * Fixed: Shortcode wpdadiehard returns an error if convert_to_screen is already declared (forum support #12084970 - kirkgroome) = 2.7.0 = * Released 2019-10-31 * Added: Support role checking in shortcode wpdadiehard (data management on web pages) * Added: CSS class to DataTables (class name = database column name) * Fixed: Move back to list after adding an existing record for an n:m relationship * Fixed: Updated for WordPress 5.3 and 5.4 * Fixed: Changed wp_die call to work properly in WordPress 5.4 * Fixed: Data Designer listboxes not showing correctly in WordPress 5.4 * Fixed: Width select item not showing correctly in WordPress 5.4 * Fixed: Generated HTML media listbox wrong format * Fixed: Input item of type text not showing correctly in WordPress 5.4 * Added: Copy table options to new set * Added: Support for multiple table options sets * Fixed: Cannot use lookup in list table as first column * Moved: WPDA_Design_Table_Model and WPDP_Project_Design_Table_Model to Plugin_Table_Models * Fixed: PHP error for incorrect n:m relationship * Removed: Media columns from Data Projects (media columns now supported in table settings only) * Removed: Media columns from Data Publisher (media columns now supported in table settings only) * Added: Dynamic hyperlink to list table (review wmuskie | forum support #12038786 - OriOn) * Added: Button "Add New" child record always visible (website comment known limitations - mieke van kooten) * Changed: Label SHOW MORE/LESS button * Added: $$USERID$$ environment variable (forum support #12022533 - docwatsons) * Added: WordPress role management to allow multiple rows per user * Fixed: Select/deselect all rows for bulk actions not working for shortcode wpdadiehard * Changed: Rename Data Projects menu slug and file names from wpdp to wpda * Added: Export table settings with table (SQL export only - selectable) * Fixed: Page type table using wrong classes in shortcode wpdadiehard * Removed: Project ID column from Data Project page list tables * Added: Show shortcode action Data Projects page list table * Changed: Column order on Data Projects page * Fixed: Disable autocomplete for data/time columns * Fixed: $$USER$$ filter not working in shortcode (forum support #012022533 - docwatsons) * Fixed: Plugin backup tables not deleted on plugin removal * Fixed: On plugin activation backup plugin tables only for a new version = 2.6.1 = * Released 2019-01-04 * Fixed: Data type attribute not taken into account in Data Designer * Fixed: jQuery DataTables auto width calculation removed * Changed: Renamed Data Projects table prefix from wpdp to wpda * Removed: Const OPTION_WPDA_PREFIX (no functionality) * Removed: Const OPTION_WPDA_NAME (never used) * Fixed: Table wp_wpda_table_settings not removed on uninstall (forum support #11970313 - soprano) * Fixed: Tab labels not set correctly when using shortcode * Fixed: Message box not shown when using shortcode * Fixed: jQuery datetimepicker not available when using shortcode * Fixed: $wp_user->data->user_login not set for anonymous user (no login) * Fixed: Add New button shown when parent-child form in view mode * Fixed: Two back buttons show in view mode for child rows * Fixed: Delete action available for child rows even in view mode * Fixed: Column ordering in Data Projects not using table options * Fixed: Error $actions is not an array if batches are disabled * Fixed: Button SHOW LESS/SHOW MORE not shown on web page * Added: Action hook 'wpda_extend_simple_form' to support form extension * Changed: Allow plugin folder dir to be overwritten to improve support for inheritance * Changed: Reference self to static to improve support for inheritance * Changed: Cursor type when dragging and dropping element = 2.6.0 = * Released 2019-09-18 * Updated: Dutch language translation * Added: Quick tours Data Publisher and Data Projects (support forum #11794759 - merlinsilk) * Changed: Menu item Plugin Help opens external public page in new tab/window * Changed: Moved documentation to public website * Fixed: Numeric fields do not allow negative values (support forum #11892289 - wpsd2006) * Changed: Disabled media column selection in Data Projects (moved to Data Explorer) * Fixed: Cannot delete page from Data Project (support forum - #11889053 - wpsd2006) * Changed: Default column label to first letter upper and rest lower for every word in label * Fixed: Confirm delete backup tables * Changed: Disabled media column selection in Data Publisher (moved to Data Explorer) * Added: Message if button Select is clicked in Data Publisher on insert (need to save first) * Fixed: Button Format Columns not working if format column is empty * Removed: Test publication link from Data Publisher list table * CLEANUP: Rewritten all plugin table models to use one base class * Added: Table model for plugin table wp_wpda_table_settings * Added: Plugin settings table to store table related settings * Changed: Simplified Data Menus structure * Moved: Data Menus to Data Explorer main page * Moved: Manage Media to Data Explorer main page * Moved: Data Backup menu to Data Explorer main page * Added: Filter parameter to shortcode wpdadiehard (support forum #11844079 - tritongr) * Fixed: Error on populating listbox when no tables selected in front-end settings (support forum #11844474 - rllopez66) * Fixed: Column labels Manage Media list table not correctly defined * Added: Plugin table and column settings to Data Explorer (work in progress) * Added: Date / Time picker to data entry forms * Fixed: Debian/MySQL8 sys table columns unordered without ordinal_position (support form #11820996 - jblakely) * Fixed: Debian/MySQL8 sys table columns in uppercase without alias (support form #11820996 - jblakely) * Added: Foreign keys to Table management on Data Explorer main page * Fixed: Error message on duplicate key (support form #1179998 - Merlin Silk) = 2.5.1 = * Released 2019-08-13 * Fixed: Font on web pages changed after updating to 2.5.0 (support forum #11814585 - bwhitemm and olbweb) * Added: Data Project pages are now available on web pages using shortcode 'wpdadiehard' = 2.5.0 = * Released 2019-08-02 * Removed: Bootstrap scripts and styles * Changed: Scripts and styles for shortcodes only loaded when needed * Changed: Scripts and styles for jQuery DataTables only loaded when needed * Added: Data management on web page (forum post #11694569) * Added: Use user defined title in project CRUD forms * Added: Support for column labels to Data Publisher * Added: Support for images to Data Publisher (forum post #11658244 - kentauron) * Added: Support for media items (forum post #11658244 - kentauron) * CLEANUP: Moved validation check to Simple_Form_Item (and sub classes) * CLEANUP: Removed JS templates to support older browsers * Changed: Updated JS/CSS versions for bootstrap, datatables and datatables responsive * Added: Use unique index for row actions if no primary key is defined in Data Explorer * Added: Drag and drop columns in Data Designer and Data Projects > Manage Table Options * CLEANUP: Allow sub classes of WPDA_Simple_Form_Item to handle specific column types = 2.0.15 = * Released 2019-07-08 * Added: Video tutorials for the Data Publisher tool * Added: Set WordPress username as default user $$USER$$ (support topic #11656471 - kentauron) * Fixed: Cascading delete on parent performs delete on child views * Fixed: Auto increment field shown as key=no and mandatory=no in Data Projects * Added: Show less/more button to parent form * Fixed: MariaDB 10.2.7 and higher handles default values different than other DBMSs (support topic #11675290 - smolenaar) * Fixed: Join USING not correctly handled on CentOS 7 MariaDB 10.3 (create project error finally solved!) * Added: Data Publisher tool (supports generation of shortcodes) * Removed: Shortcode button from visual editor * Fixed: Check if auto increment column is false (create project error?) * Fixed: Do not add auto increment column to insert (create project error?) * Added: Value for sql_mode to system info * Fixed: Updating failed error when saving a page that uses the plugin shortcode * Fixed: Label for primary key columns not showing correctly in project list tables * Added: Button to remove old backup tables (Manage Plugin > Manage Repository) * Fixed: Allow insert/delete not working for project pages * CLEANUP: Remove deprecated options * CLEANUP: Replace nobr tags with span + nobr class * CLEANUP: Language translation support * CLEANUP: Source code documentation * CLEANUP: API documentation * CLEANUP: Source code reformatted to WordPress standards = 2.0.14 = * Released 2019-06-08 * Changed: Import from Data Explorer main page is always allowed (admin user) * Added: Data Designer integrated with Data Explorer (alter table and indexes directly from Data Explorer) * Fixed: Cannot enter html characters in Simple Form text fields (support topic 11562559 - leouesb) * Added: Export from Data Explorer table page to XML, JSON, Excel and CSV (support topic 11565221 - rswebmaster) * Fixed: Error on delete parent when parent has lookups defined * Added: Reconcile button to Data Designer * Added: (re)Create index button to Data Designer * Added: Alter table button to Data Designer * Added: Drop index button to Data Designer * Added: Drop table button to Data Designer * Added: Show alter table script button to Data Designer * Added: Show create table script button to Data Designer * Added: Allow to show/hide deleted columns (compared with database table) * Added: Highlight new, deleted and modified columns in Data Designer * Added: Listbox to Data Backup to enable viewing all scheduled WordPress jobs * Added: Data Backup button to Data Explorer header * Changed: Uniform layout and behaviour for all buttons and links in page titles * Changed: Import title and info text (checks if zip upload is allowed) * Fixed: Export to csv deletes double quotes in text = 2.0.13 = * Released 2019-05-17 * Fixed: Database name containing minus character leads to query errors (support topic 11540179 - Prause) * Added: Export tables from Data Explorer to SQL (with(out) WP prefix), XML, json, Excel, csv files (support topic 11533487 - rswebmaster) = 2.0.12 = * Released 2019-05-14 * Updated: Plugin help pages * Added: Video tutorial to install the demo app * Fixed: Search on table with no search columns should show no rows * Fixed: Cannot search on lookup items * Fixed: Sorting on lookup columns is not possible (removed header link from table list) * Added: Check if file_uploads = On before upload (disable file upload if file_uploads = Off) * Fixed: Not correctly jumping back to list table source page after "Add Existing" > "search" * Fixed: Data Explorer main page shows all tables on show favourites only no favourites defined * Fixed: Export and Data Backup fail when memory_limit is too small * Added: Check file size against upload_max_filesize before uploading imnport file * Changed: Import now using streams to better support large files * Changed: Export and Data Backup now using streams to better support large files * Added: Log table to "Manage Repository" and "System Info" * Changed: Export procedure now writes seperate insert statement for every row * Fixed: Export/import procedures non WP schema performed on WP schema * Added: System info tab to improve and simplify plugin support and communication = 2.0.11 = * Released 2019-04-30 * Fixed: After editing a data record user always returns to page 1 (support topic 11476140 - Hannes - Decentris) * Fixed: Cannot add new page to project (support topic 11477423 - fendervr) * Added: Drop logging table on uninstall * Added: Possibility to save repository backup tables during a plugin update * Changed: Simplified repository (re)creation to decrease the possibility of failure * Fixed: Export files writes {wp_prefix}_ instead of {wp_prefix} * Fixed: View only list tables should not allow delete bulk actions * Fixed: Cannot search in list of values (search is performed on main list table) * Fixed: Site blocked after unattended plugin update (support topic 11472418 - tjgorman) (patched version 2.0.10) * Fixed: Class 'WPDataProjects\List_Table\WPDP_List_Columns_Cache' not found (patched version 2.0.10) * Fixed: Plugin table array removed from table cache (patched version 2.0.10) = 2.0.10 = * Released 2019-04-25 * Changed: Moved all security checks from menu preparation to page preparation * Added: Data Backup now supports unattended (background/no browser) adhoc backups (support topic 11466155 - stevekatasi) * Changed: Improved and simplified Data Backup procedure * Fixed: Added WordPress database schema and plugin tables to cache (support topic 11461930 - stevekatasi) * Fixed: Added cache to list column classes to increase database performance (support topic 11461930 - stevekatasi) * Fixed: Optimized class WPDP_List_Table_Lookup due to bad performance issue (support topic 11461930 - stevekatasi) * Fixed: Create table menu items fails for MySQL 5.6 and prior (support topic 11461174 - rswebmaster) * Added: Demo project (app) WPDA_SAS - School Administration System * Added: Code example how to use WP Data Access classes in PHP plugin code * Fixed: Default and list-values imported without single quotes on Reverse Engineering (support topic 11423815 - Hannes - Decentris) * Fixed: Data Projects export not working in FireFix (support topic 11429499 - Hannes - Decentris) * Fixed: Submenus of data apps not shown correctly for roles null or empty string * Changed: Export tables with variable wpdb prefix to support import into repository with different wpdb prefix * Fixed: Set data type not handled correctly in the Data Designer (support topic 11423815 - Hannes - Decentris) * Added: Explain how to define enum and list type in the Data Designer (support topic 11423815 - Hannes - Decentris) * Fixed: Added latest version of WP_List_Table to project to reclaim navigation buttons * Fixed: Submenus of data apps not shown correctly for roles other than administrator * Fixed: WP table prefix not taken into account (support topic 11411195 - Hannes - Decentris) * Fixed: Key column labels not displayed correctly in table list * Added: A listbox is generated for lookup items in data entry forms * Added: It is now possible to add a lookup column to a table list * Added: Disable relationship and data entry form config for views and tables without a primary key (Data Projects) * Added: Allow views and tables without a primary key to be used (Data Projects) * Added: Allow to create relationships between tables and views (Data Projects) * Added: Table type (TABLE,VIEW) to WPDA_Design_Table_Model (WPDP_Project_Design_Table_Model inherited) * Fixed: Import script containing multiple SQL statements failed on Windows (using \r\n) = 2.0.8 = * Released 2019-02-05 * Added: Video tutorial to explain how to create many to many relationships in Data Projects * Changed: Static content not correctly filtered * Added: Make username accessible in where clause of project list tables * Added: Where clause to project list tables to influence selection (parent only) * Added: Support for MySQL set data type (listbox handling multiple selections) * Added: Role (multiple) to data project pages to give non admin users access to data apps * Changed: Content in list table wrapped (request from Enterprise Branding) * Changed: What's new message now shown on all plugin pages * Changed: Dropbox path now updatable * Changed: Add / at the end of the backup folder name if not entered = 2.0.7 = * Released 2019-01-27 * Added: Data backup tool to automatically backup table data to a local folder or Dropbox folder = 2.0.6 = * Released 2018-12-16 * Added: Check number max size and precision in data entry forms * Added: "Add New" button for parent in parent-child pages * Added: Show list of available tables in data entry form for project>pages * Fixed: Data Explorer manage table tabs not working correctly with multiple windows * Changed: Allow to hide primary key columns in data entry forms * Changed: Allow to hide primary key columns in table list * Fixed: Hide columns not working in all data entry forms * Fixed: Data Project table page: mode, title and subtitle not taken into account = 2.0.5 = * Released 2018-12-14 * Removed /themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css from plugin admin class (shortcode button not working) * Added: New screenshots to WordPress Plugin Directory * Fixed: Export not working when "ask for confirmation when starting export" in settings is checked * Changed: Tabs in list table (table actions) not working in Internet Explorer * Changed: Links in list table not working in Internet Explorer = 2.0.4 = * Released 2018-12-11 * Changed: Plugin description in WordPress Plugin Directory * Changed: Layout of the manage table window = 2.0.3 = * Released 2018-12-05 * Added: Optimize table from Data Explorer > manage table > actions tab * Added: Hint user if table optimization should be considered * Changed: Data menus was moved to Data Projects > Manage Dashboard Menus * Added: Columns data size, index size and overhead to Data Explorer main page * Added: Hide columns on Data Explorer mainpage * Changed: Changed to order of the tabs in the manage table/view window * Changed: Replaced icon to manage table of view with standard WordPress listtable link * Changed: Changed import button text and labels for better understanding of import functionality * Added: Video tutorial to explain how to create one to many relationships in Data Projects = 2.0.2 = * Released 2018-12-03 * Fixed: Removed subtitle from Data Designer and Data Menus list * Added: What's new page to inform users about new features * Added: First video tutorial to explain Data Projects tool = 2.0.1 = * Released 2018-11-27 * Fixed: Null values not exported correctly * Fixed: Do not allow to hide mandatory columns in data entry forms = 2.0.0 = * Released 2018-11-09 * Added: Data Projects to plugin * Create WordPress Data Apps * Add app to dashboard menu * Supports static pages * Supports CRUD pages * Supports parent/child pages * Added: Documentation to plugin menu * Fixed: Repository activation error * Stopped: Website redirected to WordPress Plugin Directory = 1.6.9 = * Released 2018-03-20 * Fixed: Bulk actions not executed due to fix in 1.6.7 on favourites change * Added: Show MySQL error when create table fails * Changed: Prepared WPDA_Design_Table_Model to support transparent structures = 1.6.8 = * Released 2018-03-17 * Changed: Added new screenshots * Fixed: Missing check unique column names and index names * Fixed: Delete index in Data Designer not working * Changed: Default mode Data Designer changed to advanced = 1.6.7 = * Released 2018-03-16 * Fixed: Switch to editing mode after create table/index in Data Designer * Fixed: Prevent bulk selections being executed on favourites change * Fixed: Multiple alerts on invalid bulk drop or truncate selection = 1.6.6 = * Released 2018-03-16 * Added: Copy table (including/excluding data) * Added: Rename table/view * Changed: Simplified usage of table/view/index actions from Data Explorer = 1.6.5 = * Released 2018-03-15 * Added: Drop index from Data Explorer = 1.6.4 = * Released 2018-03-14 * Fixed: Column 'Unique?' on 'Indexes' tab of Data Explorer always showing 'No' = 1.6.3 = * Released 2018-03-14 * Fixed: Create table not working = 1.6.2 = * Released 2018-03-01 * Fixed: Action button issues * Fixed: Ask for confirmation on bulk-drop and bulk-truncate * Fixed: Schema issues = 1.6.1 = * Released 2018-03-01 * Added: Allow ZIP file imports to support larger import files (uses ZipArchive) = 1.6.0 = * Released 2018-02-15 * Added: Create tables in basic or advanced mode (switch between modes) * Added: Allow data and database administration of other schemas * Added: Import table(s) button to Data Explorer (allows multiple imports) = 1.5.2 = * Released 2018-02-06 * Added: Check every request for plugin updates (compare db version with plugin version) = 1.5.1 = * Released 2018-02-03 * Added: Check #Rows ( perform count if #Rows < WPDA::OPTION_BE_INNODB_COUNT ) = 1.5.0 = * Released 2018-01-23 * Added: Engine field to Data Explorer * Added: Number of records field to Data Explorer * Added: Drop and bulk drop for views (accessible through icon in Data Explorer) * Added: Bulk drop and bulk truncate for tables (accessible through icon in Data Explorer) * Added: View table/view structure (accessible through icon in Data Explorer) * Added: Option to backend settings to get default search value functionality (forget search value) * Added: Support for parent detail navigation * Added: Added argument 'allow_import' to WPDA_List_Table to hide import button * Changed: Always show page 1 on new search * Changed: Improved layout Simple Form * Changed: Hide button 'Back To List' in view mode * Removed: Menu WP Data Tables (replaced by favourites menu) * Fixed: Current page selector not working * Fixed: Check max length for input (attribute maxlength) * Fixed: On expanding favourites table name not shown * Fixed: Remember search value after navigating to details * Fixed: WPDA_List_Table::construct_where_clause() not respecting values already in $this->where * Fixed: Searching in favourites not working * Fixed: Disable only form items in view mode * Fixed: Argument 'show_view_link' has no effect * Fixed: Argument 'allow_insert' has no effect * Fixed: Back button in list table when called from data explorer or favourites = 1.2.1 = * Released 2018-01-14 * Fixed: Skip empty index on create table * Fixed: Data entry form should showing CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as default value * Fixed: Bulk checkboxes shown without bulk actions (tables export disabled) * Fixed: List table favourites not showing labels when empty = 1.2.0 = * Released 2018-01-13 * Fixed: Recognize missing wp_wpda_table_design * Fixed: Single file for every alter table stetement (wp_wpda_table_design) * Added: Add tables to favourites (WP Data Tables still in menu but will be removed soon) = 1.1.1 = * Released 2018-01-13 * Fixed: Create table wp_wpda_table_design (older versions of mysql not supporting timestamp) * Fixed: Hidden columns array returns false = 1.1.0 = * Released 2018-01-09 * Added: Data Designer * Design tables and indexes * Create tables and indexes from design * Added: Drop table (from list table) * Added: Truncate table (from list table) * Fixed: Recognize all WordPress tables (single and multisite) * Fixed: Link 'export' not showing in Data Explorer = 1.0.0 = * Released 2017-12-04 * Fixed: I can’t add table to menu (2017-12-29) * Fixed: Activating the plugin affects styles on the front page (2017-12-29) * Fixed: Sanitization error (2017-12-29) * Initial commit