<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator; use PhpMyAdmin\Query\Compatibility; use PhpMyAdmin\Server\Privileges; use function __; use function strlen; /** * Functions for user password */ class UserPassword { /** @var Privileges */ private $serverPrivileges; /** * @param Privileges $serverPrivileges Privileges object */ public function __construct(Privileges $serverPrivileges) { $this->serverPrivileges = $serverPrivileges; } /** * Generate the message * * @return array error value and message */ public function setChangePasswordMsg() { $error = false; $message = Message::success(__('The profile has been updated.')); if ($_POST['nopass'] != '1') { if (strlen($_POST['pma_pw']) === 0 || strlen($_POST['pma_pw2']) === 0) { $message = Message::error(__('The password is empty!')); $error = true; } elseif ($_POST['pma_pw'] !== $_POST['pma_pw2']) { $message = Message::error( __('The passwords aren\'t the same!') ); $error = true; } elseif (strlen($_POST['pma_pw']) > 256) { $message = Message::error(__('Password is too long!')); $error = true; } } return [ 'error' => $error, 'msg' => $message, ]; } /** * Change the password * * @param string $password New password */ public function changePassword($password): string { global $auth_plugin, $dbi; $hashing_function = $this->changePassHashingFunction(); [$username, $hostname] = $dbi->getCurrentUserAndHost(); $serverVersion = $dbi->getVersion(); if (isset($_POST['authentication_plugin']) && ! empty($_POST['authentication_plugin'])) { $orig_auth_plugin = $_POST['authentication_plugin']; } else { $orig_auth_plugin = $this->serverPrivileges->getCurrentAuthenticationPlugin('change', $username, $hostname); } $sql_query = 'SET password = ' . ($password == '' ? '\'\'' : $hashing_function . '(\'***\')'); $isPerconaOrMySql = Compatibility::isMySqlOrPerconaDb(); if ($isPerconaOrMySql && $serverVersion >= 50706) { $sql_query = 'ALTER USER \'' . $dbi->escapeString($username) . '\'@\'' . $dbi->escapeString($hostname) . '\' IDENTIFIED WITH ' . $orig_auth_plugin . ' BY ' . ($password == '' ? '\'\'' : '\'***\''); } elseif ( ($isPerconaOrMySql && $serverVersion >= 50507) || (Compatibility::isMariaDb() && $serverVersion >= 50200) ) { // For MySQL and Percona versions 5.5.7+ and MariaDB versions 5.2+, // explicitly set value of `old_passwords` so that // it does not give an error while using // the PASSWORD() function if ($orig_auth_plugin === 'sha256_password') { $value = 2; } else { $value = 0; } $dbi->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = ' . $value . ';'); } $this->changePassUrlParamsAndSubmitQuery( $username, $hostname, $password, $sql_query, $hashing_function, $orig_auth_plugin ); $auth_plugin->handlePasswordChange($password); return $sql_query; } /** * Generate the hashing function * * @return string */ private function changePassHashingFunction() { if (isset($_POST['authentication_plugin']) && $_POST['authentication_plugin'] === 'mysql_old_password') { $hashing_function = 'OLD_PASSWORD'; } else { $hashing_function = 'PASSWORD'; } return $hashing_function; } /** * Changes password for a user * * @param string $username Username * @param string $hostname Hostname * @param string $password Password * @param string $sql_query SQL query * @param string $hashing_function Hashing function * @param string $orig_auth_plugin Original Authentication Plugin */ private function changePassUrlParamsAndSubmitQuery( $username, $hostname, $password, $sql_query, $hashing_function, $orig_auth_plugin ): void { global $dbi; $err_url = Url::getFromRoute('/user-password'); $serverVersion = $dbi->getVersion(); if (Compatibility::isMySqlOrPerconaDb() && $serverVersion >= 50706) { $local_query = 'ALTER USER \'' . $dbi->escapeString($username) . '\'@\'' . $dbi->escapeString($hostname) . '\'' . ' IDENTIFIED with ' . $orig_auth_plugin . ' BY ' . ($password == '' ? '\'\'' : '\'' . $dbi->escapeString($password) . '\''); } elseif ( Compatibility::isMariaDb() && $serverVersion >= 50200 && $serverVersion < 100100 && $orig_auth_plugin !== '' ) { if ($orig_auth_plugin === 'mysql_native_password') { // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD() // to be 'mysql_native_password' type $dbi->tryQuery('SET old_passwords = 0;'); } elseif ($orig_auth_plugin === 'sha256_password') { // Set the hashing method used by PASSWORD() // to be 'sha256_password' type $dbi->tryQuery('SET `old_passwords` = 2;'); } $hashedPassword = $this->serverPrivileges->getHashedPassword($_POST['pma_pw']); $local_query = 'UPDATE `mysql`.`user` SET' . " `authentication_string` = '" . $hashedPassword . "', `Password` = '', " . " `plugin` = '" . $orig_auth_plugin . "'" . " WHERE `User` = '" . $dbi->escapeString($username) . "' AND Host = '" . $dbi->escapeString($hostname) . "';"; } else { $local_query = 'SET password = ' . ($password == '' ? '\'\'' : $hashing_function . '(\'' . $dbi->escapeString($password) . '\')'); } if (! @$dbi->tryQuery($local_query)) { Generator::mysqlDie( $dbi->getError(), $sql_query, false, $err_url ); } // Flush privileges after successful password change $dbi->tryQuery('FLUSH PRIVILEGES;'); } public function getFormForChangePassword(?string $username, ?string $hostname): string { return $this->serverPrivileges->getFormForChangePassword($username ?? '', $hostname ?? '', false); } }