<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Relation; use PhpMyAdmin\Dbal\ResultInterface; use function count; use function sprintf; class SystemDatabase { /** @var DatabaseInterface */ protected $dbi; /** @var Relation */ private $relation; /** * Get instance of SystemDatabase * * @param DatabaseInterface $dbi Database interface for the system database */ public function __construct(DatabaseInterface $dbi) { $this->dbi = $dbi; $this->relation = new Relation($this->dbi); } /** * Get existing data on transformations applied for * columns in a particular table * * @param string $db Database name looking for * * @return ResultInterface|false Result of executed SQL query */ public function getExistingTransformationData($db) { $browserTransformationFeature = $this->relation->getRelationParameters()->browserTransformationFeature; if ($browserTransformationFeature === null) { return false; } // Get the existing transformation details of the same database // from pma__column_info table $transformationSql = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE `db_name` = '%s'", Util::backquote($browserTransformationFeature->database), Util::backquote($browserTransformationFeature->columnInfo), $this->dbi->escapeString($db) ); return $this->dbi->tryQuery($transformationSql); } /** * Get SQL query for store new transformation details of a VIEW * * @param ResultInterface $transformationData Result set of SQL execution * @param array $columnMap Details of VIEW columns * @param string $viewName Name of the VIEW * @param string $db Database name of the VIEW * * @return string SQL query for new transformations */ public function getNewTransformationDataSql( ResultInterface $transformationData, array $columnMap, $viewName, $db ) { $browserTransformationFeature = $this->relation->getRelationParameters()->browserTransformationFeature; if ($browserTransformationFeature === null) { return ''; } // Need to store new transformation details for VIEW $newTransformationsSql = sprintf( 'INSERT INTO %s.%s (' . '`db_name`, `table_name`, `column_name`, ' . '`comment`, `mimetype`, `transformation`, ' . '`transformation_options`) VALUES', Util::backquote($browserTransformationFeature->database), Util::backquote($browserTransformationFeature->columnInfo) ); $columnCount = 0; $addComma = false; while ($dataRow = $transformationData->fetchAssoc()) { foreach ($columnMap as $column) { if ( $dataRow['table_name'] != $column['table_name'] || $dataRow['column_name'] != $column['refering_column'] ) { continue; } $newTransformationsSql .= sprintf( "%s ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $addComma ? ', ' : '', $db, $viewName, $column['real_column'] ?? $column['refering_column'], $dataRow['comment'], $dataRow['mimetype'], $dataRow['transformation'], $GLOBALS['dbi']->escapeString( $dataRow['transformation_options'] ) ); $addComma = true; $columnCount++; break; } if ($columnCount == count($columnMap)) { break; } } return $columnCount > 0 ? $newTransformationsSql : ''; } }