[![Codeship Status for peter-featherstone/Responsive-Menu](https://app.codeship.com/projects/0f626140-0c02-0135-749e-1e85f2753028/status?branch=master)](https://app.codeship.com/projects/215186) # WordPress Responsive Menu Plugin Highly customisable Responsive Menu Plugin for WordPress. With over 150 customisable options you get a combination of 22,500 options. No coding experience or knowledge is needed with an easy to use interface you can get it looking exactly as you want with minimal fuss. ### See it in action * [https://responsive.menu](https://responsive.menu) * [https://demo.responsive.menu](https://demo.responsive.menu) ### Requirements * PHP 5.4+ ### Full Knowledgebase and dedicated support forum * [https://responsive.menu/knowledgebase/](https://responsive.menu/knowledgebase/) * [https://responsive.menu/forums/forum/pro-support/](https://responsive.menu/forums/forum/pro-support/) ### Fully unit tested * 100% unit test coverage with tests included in the plugin so you can run them yourself for peace of mind ### Basic Functionality * Change every text, background and border colour * Set the fonts, font sizes and text alignment you want to use * Set which side and where you want the button to show * Set which side the menu appears from (left, right, top or bottom) * Use background image for the menu * Choice of menu animations (slide over the top or push the content) * Choice of which Menu to use * Choice of screen size at which the menu will be shown * Choice of CSS elements to hide when menu is showing * Choice of Sub-menu depth to display down to * Choice of Animation Types & Speeds for the Menu & Button * Integrated search (fully customisable) * Ability to disable and re-order the different components * Ability to fix the button to the top or to let it scroll with the page * Ability to upload logos, sub-arrow images etc. * Ability to include Scripts externally, minified and in footer * Ability to import and export options in a click of a button * Ability to add custom HTML components * Ability to choose custom menu triggers * WPML/Polylang Support * RTL Support * Plus much, much more! ### Advanced & Pro Functionality * Preview your changes before implementing * Animate the menu items when menu is opened * FontIcon Support for individual menu items * 15 button animation effects * Colour opacity for all colours * Custom overlay colour and opacity * Integrated header bar * Let the plugin provide and style your main menu as well as hamburger menu ### Installation #### From source: 1. Upload `responsive-menu` to your sites `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress. 3. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area. #### From the WordPress UI 1. Login to your WordPress admin area 2. Search for `Responsive Menu` 3. Click install `Responsive Menu` 4. Activate through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress or when asked during installation 5. Set your options from the Responsive Menu admin area ### Frequently Asked Questions To view the FAQ, please go to [https://responsive.menu/faq/](https://responsive.menu/faq/). ### Supported by BrowserStack Thanks to [BrowserStack](https://browserstack.com/) for their support of this open-source project. <img src="https://responsive.menu/wp-content/themes/responsive-menu/static/imgs/browserstacklogo.svg" width="150">