<?php declare(strict_types = 1); namespace BaconQrCode\Renderer; use BaconQrCode\Encoder\QrCode; use BaconQrCode\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; final class PlainTextRenderer implements RendererInterface { /** * UTF-8 full block (U+2588) */ private const FULL_BLOCK = "\xe2\x96\x88"; /** * UTF-8 upper half block (U+2580) */ private const UPPER_HALF_BLOCK = "\xe2\x96\x80"; /** * UTF-8 lower half block (U+2584) */ private const LOWER_HALF_BLOCK = "\xe2\x96\x84"; /** * UTF-8 no-break space (U+00A0) */ private const EMPTY_BLOCK = "\xc2\xa0"; /** * @var int */ private $margin; public function __construct(int $margin = 2) { $this->margin = $margin; } /** * @throws InvalidArgumentException if matrix width doesn't match height */ public function render(QrCode $qrCode) : string { $matrix = $qrCode->getMatrix(); $matrixSize = $matrix->getWidth(); if ($matrixSize !== $matrix->getHeight()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Matrix must have the same width and height'); } $rows = $matrix->getArray()->toArray(); if (0 !== $matrixSize % 2) { $rows[] = array_fill(0, $matrixSize, 0); } $horizontalMargin = str_repeat(self::EMPTY_BLOCK, $this->margin); $result = str_repeat("\n", (int) ceil($this->margin / 2)); for ($i = 0; $i < $matrixSize; $i += 2) { $result .= $horizontalMargin; $upperRow = $rows[$i]; $lowerRow = $rows[$i + 1]; for ($j = 0; $j < $matrixSize; ++$j) { $upperBit = $upperRow[$j]; $lowerBit = $lowerRow[$j]; if ($upperBit) { $result .= $lowerBit ? self::FULL_BLOCK : self::UPPER_HALF_BLOCK; } else { $result .= $lowerBit ? self::LOWER_HALF_BLOCK : self::EMPTY_BLOCK; } } $result .= $horizontalMargin . "\n"; } $result .= str_repeat("\n", (int) ceil($this->margin / 2)); return $result; } }