<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Spomky-Labs * * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms * of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. */ namespace Webauthn\CertificateChainChecker; use Assert\Assertion; use function count; use InvalidArgumentException; use function is_int; use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface; use Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface; use RuntimeException; use Safe\Exceptions\FilesystemException; use function Safe\file_put_contents; use function Safe\ksort; use function Safe\mkdir; use function Safe\rename; use function Safe\sprintf; use function Safe\tempnam; use function Safe\unlink; use Symfony\Component\Process\Process; final class OpenSSLCertificateChainChecker implements CertificateChainChecker { /** * @var ClientInterface */ private $client; /** * @var RequestFactoryInterface */ private $requestFactory; /** * @var string[] */ private $rootCertificates = []; public function __construct(ClientInterface $client, RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory) { $this->client = $client; $this->requestFactory = $requestFactory; } public function addRootCertificate(string $certificate): self { $this->rootCertificates[] = $certificate; return $this; } /** * @param string[] $authenticatorCertificates * @param string[] $trustedCertificates */ public function check(array $authenticatorCertificates, array $trustedCertificates): void { if (0 === count($trustedCertificates)) { $this->checkCertificatesValidity($authenticatorCertificates, true); return; } $this->checkCertificatesValidity($authenticatorCertificates, false); $hasCrls = false; $processArguments = ['-no-CAfile', '-no-CApath']; $caDirname = $this->createTemporaryDirectory(); $processArguments[] = '--CApath'; $processArguments[] = $caDirname; foreach ($trustedCertificates as $certificate) { $this->saveToTemporaryFile($caDirname, $certificate, 'webauthn-trusted-', '.pem'); $crl = $this->getCrls($certificate); if ('' !== $crl) { $hasCrls = true; $this->saveToTemporaryFile($caDirname, $crl, 'webauthn-trusted-crl-', '.crl'); } } $rehashProcess = new Process(['openssl', 'rehash', $caDirname]); $rehashProcess->run(); while ($rehashProcess->isRunning()) { //Just wait } if (!$rehashProcess->isSuccessful()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid certificate or certificate chain'); } $filenames = []; $leafCertificate = array_shift($authenticatorCertificates); $leafFilename = $this->saveToTemporaryFile(sys_get_temp_dir(), $leafCertificate, 'webauthn-leaf-', '.pem'); $crl = $this->getCrls($leafCertificate); if ('' !== $crl) { $hasCrls = true; $this->saveToTemporaryFile($caDirname, $crl, 'webauthn-leaf-crl-', '.pem'); } $filenames[] = $leafFilename; foreach ($authenticatorCertificates as $certificate) { $untrustedFilename = $this->saveToTemporaryFile(sys_get_temp_dir(), $certificate, 'webauthn-untrusted-', '.pem'); $crl = $this->getCrls($certificate); if ('' !== $crl) { $hasCrls = true; $this->saveToTemporaryFile($caDirname, $crl, 'webauthn-untrusted-crl-', '.pem'); } $processArguments[] = '-untrusted'; $processArguments[] = $untrustedFilename; $filenames[] = $untrustedFilename; } $processArguments[] = $leafFilename; if ($hasCrls) { array_unshift($processArguments, '-crl_check'); array_unshift($processArguments, '-crl_check_all'); //array_unshift($processArguments, '-crl_download'); array_unshift($processArguments, '-extended_crl'); } array_unshift($processArguments, 'openssl', 'verify'); $process = new Process($processArguments); $process->run(); while ($process->isRunning()) { //Just wait } foreach ($filenames as $filename) { try { unlink($filename); } catch (FilesystemException $e) { continue; } } $this->deleteDirectory($caDirname); if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid certificate or certificate chain'); } } /** * @param string[] $certificates */ private function checkCertificatesValidity(array $certificates, bool $allowRootCertificate): void { foreach ($certificates as $certificate) { $parsed = openssl_x509_parse($certificate); Assertion::isArray($parsed, 'Unable to read the certificate'); if (false === $allowRootCertificate) { $this->checkRootCertificate($parsed); } Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'validTo_time_t', 'The certificate has no validity period'); Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'validFrom_time_t', 'The certificate has no validity period'); Assertion::lessOrEqualThan(time(), $parsed['validTo_time_t'], 'The certificate expired'); Assertion::greaterOrEqualThan(time(), $parsed['validFrom_time_t'], 'The certificate is not usable yet'); } } /** * @param array<string, mixed> $parsed */ private function checkRootCertificate(array $parsed): void { Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'subject', 'The certificate has no subject'); Assertion::keyExists($parsed, 'issuer', 'The certificate has no issuer'); $subject = $parsed['subject']; $issuer = $parsed['issuer']; ksort($subject); ksort($issuer); Assertion::notEq($subject, $issuer, 'Root certificates are not allowed'); } private function createTemporaryDirectory(): string { $caDir = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'webauthn-ca-'); if (file_exists($caDir)) { unlink($caDir); } mkdir($caDir); if (!is_dir($caDir)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Directory "%s" was not created', $caDir)); } return $caDir; } private function deleteDirectory(string $dirname): void { $rehashProcess = new Process(['rm', '-rf', $dirname]); $rehashProcess->run(); while ($rehashProcess->isRunning()) { //Just wait } } private function saveToTemporaryFile(string $folder, string $certificate, string $prefix, string $suffix): string { $filename = tempnam($folder, $prefix); rename($filename, $filename.$suffix); file_put_contents($filename.$suffix, $certificate, FILE_APPEND); return $filename.$suffix; } private function getCrls(string $certificate): string { $parsed = openssl_x509_parse($certificate); if (false === $parsed || !isset($parsed['extensions']['crlDistributionPoints'])) { return ''; } $endpoint = $parsed['extensions']['crlDistributionPoints']; $pos = mb_strpos($endpoint, 'URI:'); if (!is_int($pos)) { return ''; } $endpoint = trim(mb_substr($endpoint, $pos + 4)); $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', $endpoint); $response = $this->client->sendRequest($request); if (200 !== $response->getStatusCode()) { return ''; } return $response->getBody()->getContents(); } }