<?php // phpcs:ignoreFile /** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved * * This source code is licensed under the license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @package FacebookCommerce */ namespace WooCommerce\Facebook; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or exit; /** * The Facebook for WooCommerce plugin lifecycle handler. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @method \WC_Facebookcommerce get_plugin() */ class Lifecycle extends Framework\Lifecycle { /** @var string the "enable messenger" setting ID */ const SETTING_ENABLE_MESSENGER = 'wc_facebook_enable_messenger'; /** @var string the messenger locale setting ID */ const SETTING_MESSENGER_LOCALE = 'wc_facebook_messenger_locale'; /** @var string the messenger greeting setting ID */ const SETTING_MESSENGER_GREETING = 'wc_facebook_messenger_greeting'; /** @var string the messenger color HEX setting ID */ const SETTING_MESSENGER_COLOR_HEX = 'wc_facebook_messenger_color_hex'; /** * Lifecycle constructor. * * @since 1.10.0 * * @param Framework\Plugin $plugin */ public function __construct( Framework\Plugin $plugin ) { parent::__construct( $plugin ); $this->upgrade_versions = array( '1.10.0', '1.10.1', '1.11.0', '2.0.0', '2.0.3', '2.0.4', '2.4.0', '2.5.0', '3.2.0' ); } /** * Migrates options from previous versions of the plugin, which did not use the Framework. * * @since 1.10.0 */ protected function install() { /** * Versions prior to 1.10.0 did not set a version option, so the upgrade method needs to be called manually. * We do this by checking first if an old option exists, but a new one doesn't. */ if ( get_option( 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings' ) && ! get_option( 'wc_facebook_page_access_token' ) ) { $this->upgrade( '1.9.15' ); } } /** * Upgrades to version 1.10.0. * * @since 1.10.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_1_10_0() { $this->migrate_1_9_settings(); } /** * Migrates Facebook for WooCommerce options used in version 1.9.x to the options and settings used in 1.10.x. * * Some users who upgraded from 1.9.x to 1.10.0 ended up with an incomplete upgrade and could have configured the plugin from scratch after that. * This routine will update the options and settings only if a previous value does not exists. * * @since 1.10.1 */ private function migrate_1_9_settings() { $values = get_option( 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings', array() ); // preserve legacy values if ( false === get_option( 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_legacy_settings' ) ) { update_option( 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_legacy_settings', $values ); } // migrate options from woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings $options = array( 'fb_api_key' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN, 'fb_product_catalog_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_PRODUCT_CATALOG_ID, 'fb_external_merchant_settings_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_EXTERNAL_MERCHANT_SETTINGS_ID, 'fb_feed_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_FEED_ID, 'facebook_jssdk_version' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_JS_SDK_VERSION, 'pixel_install_time' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::OPTION_PIXEL_INSTALL_TIME, ); foreach ( $options as $old_index => $new_option_name ) { if ( isset( $values[ $old_index ] ) && false === get_option( $new_option_name ) ) { $new_value = $values[ $old_index ]; if ( 'pixel_install_time' === $old_index ) { // convert to UTC timestamp try { $pixel_install_time = \DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d G:i:s', $new_value, new \DateTimeZone( wc_timezone_string() ) ); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $pixel_install_time = false; } $new_value = $pixel_install_time instanceof \DateTime ? $pixel_install_time->getTimestamp() : null; } update_option( $new_option_name, $new_value ); } } $new_settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_' . \WC_Facebookcommerce::INTEGRATION_ID . '_settings', array() ); // migrate settings from woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings $settings = array( 'fb_page_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID, 'fb_pixel_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_FACEBOOK_PIXEL_ID, 'fb_pixel_use_pii' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_ENABLE_ADVANCED_MATCHING, 'is_messenger_chat_plugin_enabled' => self::SETTING_ENABLE_MESSENGER, 'msger_chat_customization_locale' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_LOCALE, 'msger_chat_customization_greeting_text_code' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_GREETING, 'msger_chat_customization_theme_color_code' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_COLOR_HEX, ); foreach ( $settings as $old_index => $new_index ) { if ( isset( $values[ $old_index ] ) && ! isset( $new_settings[ $new_index ] ) ) { $new_settings[ $new_index ] = $values[ $old_index ]; } } // migrate settings from standalone options if ( ! isset( $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_ENABLE_PRODUCT_SYNC ] ) ) { $product_sync_enabled = empty( get_option( 'fb_disable_sync_on_dev_environment', 0 ) ); $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_ENABLE_PRODUCT_SYNC ] = $product_sync_enabled ? 'yes' : 'no'; } if ( ! isset( $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE ] ) ) { $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE ] = ! empty( get_option( 'fb_sync_short_description', 0 ) ) ? \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE_SHORT : \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE_STANDARD; } if ( ! isset( $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_SCHEDULED_RESYNC_OFFSET ] ) ) { $autosync_time = get_option( 'woocommerce_fb_autosync_time' ); $parsed_time = ! empty( $autosync_time ) ? strtotime( $autosync_time ) : false; $resync_offset = null; if ( false !== $parsed_time ) { $midnight = ( new \DateTime() )->setTimestamp( $parsed_time )->setTime( 0, 0, 0 ); $resync_offset = $parsed_time - $midnight->getTimestamp(); } $new_settings[ \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_SCHEDULED_RESYNC_OFFSET ] = $resync_offset; } // maybe remove old settings entries $old_indexes = array_merge( array_keys( $options ), array_keys( $settings ), array( 'fb_settings_heading', 'fb_upload_id', 'upload_end_time' ) ); foreach ( $old_indexes as $old_index ) { unset( $new_settings[ $old_index ] ); } update_option( 'woocommerce_' . \WC_Facebookcommerce::INTEGRATION_ID . '_settings', $new_settings ); } /** * Upgrades to version 1.10.1. * * @since 1.10.1 */ protected function upgrade_to_1_10_1() { $this->migrate_1_9_settings(); } /** * Upgrades to version 1.11.0. * * @since 1.11.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_1_11_0() { $settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_' . \WC_Facebookcommerce::INTEGRATION_ID . '_settings', array() ); // moves the upload ID to a standalone option if ( ! empty( $settings['fb_upload_id'] ) ) { $this->get_plugin()->get_integration()->update_upload_id( $settings['fb_upload_id'] ); } } /** * Upgrades to version 2.0.0 * * @since 2.0.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_2_0_0() { // handle sync enabled and visible virtual products and variations if ( $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_handle_virtual_products_variations_instance() ) { // create_job() expects an non-empty array of attributes $handler->create_job( array( 'created_at' => current_time( 'mysql' ) ) ); $handler->dispatch(); } update_option( 'wc_facebook_has_connected_fbe_2', 'no' ); $settings = get_option( 'woocommerce_facebookcommerce_settings' ); if ( is_array( $settings ) ) { $settings_map = array( 'facebook_pixel_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_FACEBOOK_PIXEL_ID, 'facebook_page_id' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_FACEBOOK_PAGE_ID, 'enable_product_sync' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_ENABLE_PRODUCT_SYNC, 'excluded_product_category_ids' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_EXCLUDED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_IDS, 'excluded_product_tag_ids' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_EXCLUDED_PRODUCT_TAG_IDS, 'product_description_mode' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION_MODE, 'enable_messenger' => self::SETTING_ENABLE_MESSENGER, 'messenger_locale' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_LOCALE, 'messenger_greeting' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_GREETING, 'messenger_color_hex' => self::SETTING_MESSENGER_COLOR_HEX, 'enable_debug_mode' => \WC_Facebookcommerce_Integration::SETTING_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE, ); foreach ( $settings_map as $old_name => $new_name ) { if ( ! empty( $settings[ $old_name ] ) ) { update_option( $new_name, $settings[ $old_name ] ); } } } // deletes an option that is not longer used to generate an admin notice delete_option( 'fb_cart_url' ); } /** * Upgrades to version 2.0.3 * * @since 2.0.3 */ protected function upgrade_to_2_0_3() { if ( ! $this->should_create_remove_duplicate_visibility_meta_background_job() ) { return; } // if an unfinished job is stuck, give the handler a chance to complete it if ( $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_handle_virtual_products_variations_instance() ) { $handler->dispatch(); } // create a job to remove duplicate visibility meta data entries if ( $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_remove_duplicate_visibility_meta_instance() ) { // create_job() expects an non-empty array of attributes $handler->create_job( array( 'created_at' => current_time( 'mysql' ) ) ); $handler->dispatch(); } } /** * Determines whether we need to run a background job to remove duplicate visibility meta. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @return bool */ private function should_create_remove_duplicate_visibility_meta_background_job() { // we should try to remove duplicate meta if the virtual product variations job ran if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'wc_facebook_background_handle_virtual_products_variations_complete', 'no' ) ) { return true; } $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_handle_virtual_products_variations_instance(); // the virtual product variations job is not marked as complete but there is at least one job in the database if ( $handler && $handler->get_jobs() ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Upgrades to version 2.0.4 * * @since 2.0.4 */ protected function upgrade_to_2_0_4() { // if unfinished jobs are stuck, give the handlers a chance to complete them if ( $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_handle_virtual_products_variations_instance() ) { $handler->dispatch(); } if ( $handler = $this->get_plugin()->get_background_remove_duplicate_visibility_meta_instance() ) { $handler->dispatch(); } } /** * Upgrades to version 2.4.0 * * @since 2.4.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_2_4_0() { delete_option( 'wc_facebook_google_product_categories' ); delete_transient( 'wc_facebook_google_product_categories' ); } /** * Upgrades to version 2.5.0 * * @since 2.5.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_2_5_0() { /** * Since 2.5.0 the feed generation interval is increased to 24h. * Update procedure just needs to remove all current actions. * The Feed class will reschedule new generation with proper cadence. */ as_unschedule_all_actions( Products\Feed::GENERATE_FEED_ACTION ); } /** * Removes the messenger settings and deprecation notice on upgrade to 3.2.0. * Note: deprecation notice upgrade step removed in 3.2.1. * * @since 3.2.0 */ protected function upgrade_to_3_2_0() { // Remove the Messenger deprecation notice. $notice_slug = 'facebook_messenger_deprecation_warning'; if( class_exists( 'WC_Admin_Notices' ) && \WC_Admin_Notices::has_notice( $notice_slug ) ) { \WC_Admin_Notices::remove_notice( $notice_slug ); } // Delete all messenger options delete_option( self::SETTING_ENABLE_MESSENGER ); delete_option( self::SETTING_MESSENGER_LOCALE ); delete_option( self::SETTING_MESSENGER_GREETING ); delete_option( self::SETTING_MESSENGER_COLOR_HEX ); } }