<?php namespace DgoraWcas\Integrations\Themes\Impreza; use DgoraWcas\Abstracts\ThemeIntegration; use DgoraWcas\Helpers; // Exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } class Impreza extends ThemeIntegration { public function init() { add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/settings', function ( $settings ) { $articleLink = 'https://fibosearch.com/documentation/themes-integrations/impreza-theme/'; $articleText = sprintf( __( 'Here is <a href="%s" target="_blank">article</a> about how to do it using Impreza child-theme.', 'ajax-search-for-woocommerce' ), $articleLink ); if ( isset( $settings['dgwt_wcas_basic'][52]['desc'] ) ) { $settings['dgwt_wcas_basic'][52]['desc'] .= '<br />' . $articleText; } return $settings; }, 20 ); } public function extraFunctions() { add_filter( 'body_class', function ( $classes ) { $classes[] = 'dgwt-wcas-theme-' . $this->themeSlug; return $classes; } ); // Force enable overlay for mobile search add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/settings/load_value/key=enable_mobile_overlay', function () { return 'on'; } ); // Mark that the value of the option "mobile overlay" is forced add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/settings/section=form', function ( $settings ) { $settings[680]['disabled'] = true; $settings[680]['label'] = Helpers::createOverrideTooltip( 'ovtt-storefront-mobile-overlay', Helpers::getOverrideOptionText( $this->themeName ) ) . $settings[680]['label']; return $settings; } ); // Change mobile breakpoint to 768 add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/settings/load_value/key=mobile_breakpoint', function () { return 899; } ); // Mark that the value of the option "mobile breakpoint" is forced add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/settings/section=form', function ( $settings ) { $settings[685]['disabled'] = true; $settings[685]['label'] = Helpers::createOverrideTooltip( 'ovtt-storefront-breakpoint', Helpers::getOverrideOptionText( $this->themeName ) ) . $settings[685]['label']; return $settings; } ); } }