<?php /** * Set of functions used to build NHibernate dumps of tables */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Export\Helpers\TableProperty; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\ExportPlugin; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Groups\OptionsPropertyMainGroup; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Groups\OptionsPropertyRootGroup; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items\HiddenPropertyItem; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items\SelectPropertyItem; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\ExportPluginProperties; use PhpMyAdmin\Util; use function __; use function implode; use function preg_match; use function preg_replace; use function sprintf; use function ucfirst; /** * Handles the export for the CodeGen class */ class ExportCodegen extends ExportPlugin { /** * CodeGen Formats * * @var array */ private $cgFormats; private const HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_CS = 0; private const HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_XML = 1; /** * @psalm-return non-empty-lowercase-string */ public function getName(): string { return 'codegen'; } /** * Initialize the local variables that are used for export CodeGen. */ protected function init(): void { $this->setCgFormats([ self::HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_CS => 'NHibernate C# DO', self::HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_XML => 'NHibernate XML', ]); } protected function setProperties(): ExportPluginProperties { $exportPluginProperties = new ExportPluginProperties(); $exportPluginProperties->setText('CodeGen'); $exportPluginProperties->setExtension('cs'); $exportPluginProperties->setMimeType('text/cs'); $exportPluginProperties->setOptionsText(__('Options')); // create the root group that will be the options field for // $exportPluginProperties // this will be shown as "Format specific options" $exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup('Format Specific Options'); // general options main group $generalOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup('general_opts'); // create primary items and add them to the group $leaf = new HiddenPropertyItem('structure_or_data'); $generalOptions->addProperty($leaf); $leaf = new SelectPropertyItem( 'format', __('Format:') ); $leaf->setValues($this->getCgFormats()); $generalOptions->addProperty($leaf); // add the main group to the root group $exportSpecificOptions->addProperty($generalOptions); // set the options for the export plugin property item $exportPluginProperties->setOptions($exportSpecificOptions); return $exportPluginProperties; } /** * Outputs export header */ public function exportHeader(): bool { return true; } /** * Outputs export footer */ public function exportFooter(): bool { return true; } /** * Outputs database header * * @param string $db Database name * @param string $dbAlias Aliases of db */ public function exportDBHeader($db, $dbAlias = ''): bool { return true; } /** * Outputs database footer * * @param string $db Database name */ public function exportDBFooter($db): bool { return true; } /** * Outputs CREATE DATABASE statement * * @param string $db Database name * @param string $exportType 'server', 'database', 'table' * @param string $dbAlias Aliases of db */ public function exportDBCreate($db, $exportType, $dbAlias = ''): bool { return true; } /** * Outputs the content of a table in NHibernate format * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name * @param string $crlf the end of line sequence * @param string $errorUrl the url to go back in case of error * @param string $sqlQuery SQL query for obtaining data * @param array $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns */ public function exportData( $db, $table, $crlf, $errorUrl, $sqlQuery, array $aliases = [] ): bool { $format = (int) $GLOBALS['codegen_format']; if ($format === self::HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_CS) { return $this->export->outputHandler($this->handleNHibernateCSBody($db, $table, $crlf, $aliases)); } if ($format === self::HANDLER_NHIBERNATE_XML) { return $this->export->outputHandler($this->handleNHibernateXMLBody($db, $table, $crlf, $aliases)); } return $this->export->outputHandler(sprintf('%s is not supported.', $format)); } /** * Used to make identifiers (from table or database names) * * @param string $str name to be converted * @param bool $ucfirst whether to make the first character uppercase * * @return string identifier */ public static function cgMakeIdentifier($str, $ucfirst = true) { // remove unsafe characters $str = (string) preg_replace('/[^\p{L}\p{Nl}_]/u', '', $str); // make sure first character is a letter or _ if (! preg_match('/^\pL/u', $str)) { $str = '_' . $str; } if ($ucfirst) { $str = ucfirst($str); } return $str; } /** * C# Handler * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name * @param string $crlf line separator * @param array $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns * * @return string containing C# code lines, separated by "\n" */ private function handleNHibernateCSBody($db, $table, $crlf, array $aliases = []) { global $dbi; $db_alias = $db; $table_alias = $table; $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias); $result = $dbi->query( sprintf( 'DESC %s.%s', Util::backquote($db), Util::backquote($table) ) ); /** @var TableProperty[] $tableProperties */ $tableProperties = []; while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $col_as = $this->getAlias($aliases, $row[0], 'col', $db, $table); if (! empty($col_as)) { $row[0] = $col_as; } $tableProperties[] = new TableProperty($row); } unset($result); $lines = []; $lines[] = 'using System;'; $lines[] = 'using System.Collections;'; $lines[] = 'using System.Collections.Generic;'; $lines[] = 'using System.Text;'; $lines[] = 'namespace ' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($db_alias); $lines[] = '{'; $lines[] = ' #region ' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias); $lines[] = ' public class ' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias); $lines[] = ' {'; $lines[] = ' #region Member Variables'; foreach ($tableProperties as $tableProperty) { $lines[] = $tableProperty->formatCs(' protected #dotNetPrimitiveType# _#name#;'); } $lines[] = ' #endregion'; $lines[] = ' #region Constructors'; $lines[] = ' public ' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias) . '() { }'; $temp = []; foreach ($tableProperties as $tableProperty) { if ($tableProperty->isPK()) { continue; } $temp[] = $tableProperty->formatCs('#dotNetPrimitiveType# #name#'); } $lines[] = ' public ' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias) . '(' . implode(', ', $temp) . ')'; $lines[] = ' {'; foreach ($tableProperties as $tableProperty) { if ($tableProperty->isPK()) { continue; } $lines[] = $tableProperty->formatCs(' this._#name#=#name#;'); } $lines[] = ' }'; $lines[] = ' #endregion'; $lines[] = ' #region Public Properties'; foreach ($tableProperties as $tableProperty) { $lines[] = $tableProperty->formatCs( ' public virtual #dotNetPrimitiveType# #ucfirstName#' . "\n" . ' {' . "\n" . ' get {return _#name#;}' . "\n" . ' set {_#name#=value;}' . "\n" . ' }' ); } $lines[] = ' #endregion'; $lines[] = ' }'; $lines[] = ' #endregion'; $lines[] = '}'; return implode($crlf, $lines); } /** * XML Handler * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name * @param string $crlf line separator * @param array $aliases Aliases of db/table/columns * * @return string containing XML code lines, separated by "\n" */ private function handleNHibernateXMLBody( $db, $table, $crlf, array $aliases = [] ) { global $dbi; $db_alias = $db; $table_alias = $table; $this->initAlias($aliases, $db_alias, $table_alias); $lines = []; $lines[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'; $lines[] = '<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" ' . 'namespace="' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($db_alias) . '" ' . 'assembly="' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($db_alias) . '">'; $lines[] = ' <class ' . 'name="' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias) . '" ' . 'table="' . self::cgMakeIdentifier($table_alias) . '">'; $result = $dbi->query( sprintf( 'DESC %s.%s', Util::backquote($db), Util::backquote($table) ) ); while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $col_as = $this->getAlias($aliases, $row[0], 'col', $db, $table); if (! empty($col_as)) { $row[0] = $col_as; } $tableProperty = new TableProperty($row); if ($tableProperty->isPK()) { $lines[] = $tableProperty->formatXml( ' <id name="#ucfirstName#" type="#dotNetObjectType#"' . ' unsaved-value="0">' . "\n" . ' <column name="#name#" sql-type="#type#"' . ' not-null="#notNull#" unique="#unique#"' . ' index="PRIMARY"/>' . "\n" . ' <generator class="native" />' . "\n" . ' </id>' ); } else { $lines[] = $tableProperty->formatXml( ' <property name="#ucfirstName#"' . ' type="#dotNetObjectType#">' . "\n" . ' <column name="#name#" sql-type="#type#"' . ' not-null="#notNull#" #indexName#/>' . "\n" . ' </property>' ); } } $lines[] = ' </class>'; $lines[] = '</hibernate-mapping>'; return implode($crlf, $lines); } /** * Getter for CodeGen formats * * @return array */ private function getCgFormats() { return $this->cgFormats; } /** * Setter for CodeGen formats * * @param array $CG_FORMATS contains CodeGen Formats */ private function setCgFormats(array $CG_FORMATS): void { $this->cgFormats = $CG_FORMATS; } }