<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Relation; use PhpMyAdmin\Utils\HttpRequest; use function count; use function http_build_query; use function is_array; use function json_encode; use function mb_strlen; use function mb_substr; use function parse_str; use function parse_url; use function preg_match; use function str_replace; use const E_USER_WARNING; use const PHP_VERSION; /** * Error reporting functions used to generate and submit error reports */ class ErrorReport { /** * The URL where to submit reports to * * @var string */ private $submissionUrl = 'https://reports.phpmyadmin.net/incidents/create'; /** @var HttpRequest */ private $httpRequest; /** @var Relation */ private $relation; /** @var Template */ public $template; /** @var Config */ private $config; /** * @param HttpRequest $httpRequest HttpRequest instance * @param Relation $relation Relation instance * @param Template $template Template instance */ public function __construct(HttpRequest $httpRequest, Relation $relation, Template $template, Config $config) { $this->httpRequest = $httpRequest; $this->relation = $relation; $this->template = $template; $this->config = $config; } /** * Set the URL where to submit reports to * * @param string $submissionUrl Submission URL */ public function setSubmissionUrl(string $submissionUrl): void { $this->submissionUrl = $submissionUrl; } /** * Returns the error report data collected from the current configuration or * from the request parameters sent by the error reporting js code. * * @param string $exceptionType whether exception is 'js' or 'php' * * @return array error report if success, Empty Array otherwise */ public function getData(string $exceptionType = 'js'): array { $relationParameters = $this->relation->getRelationParameters(); // common params for both, php & js exceptions $report = [ 'pma_version' => Version::VERSION, 'browser_name' => $this->config->get('PMA_USR_BROWSER_AGENT'), 'browser_version' => $this->config->get('PMA_USR_BROWSER_VER'), 'user_os' => $this->config->get('PMA_USR_OS'), 'server_software' => $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] ?? null, 'user_agent_string' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'locale' => $this->config->getCookie('pma_lang'), 'configuration_storage' => $relationParameters->db === null ? 'disabled' : 'enabled', 'php_version' => PHP_VERSION, ]; if ($exceptionType === 'js') { if (empty($_POST['exception'])) { return []; } $exception = $_POST['exception']; if (isset($exception['stack'])) { $exception['stack'] = $this->translateStacktrace($exception['stack']); } if (isset($exception['url'])) { [$uri, $scriptName] = $this->sanitizeUrl($exception['url']); $exception['uri'] = $uri; $report['script_name'] = $scriptName; unset($exception['url']); } elseif (isset($_POST['url'])) { [$uri, $scriptName] = $this->sanitizeUrl($_POST['url']); $exception['uri'] = $uri; $report['script_name'] = $scriptName; unset($_POST['url']); } else { $report['script_name'] = null; } $report['exception_type'] = 'js'; $report['exception'] = $exception; if (! empty($_POST['description'])) { $report['steps'] = $_POST['description']; } } elseif ($exceptionType === 'php') { $errors = []; // create php error report $i = 0; if (! isset($_SESSION['prev_errors']) || $_SESSION['prev_errors'] == '') { return []; } foreach ($_SESSION['prev_errors'] as $errorObj) { /** @var Error $errorObj */ if (! $errorObj->getLine() || ! $errorObj->getType() || $errorObj->getNumber() == E_USER_WARNING) { continue; } $errors[$i++] = [ 'lineNum' => $errorObj->getLine(), 'file' => $errorObj->getFile(), 'type' => $errorObj->getType(), 'msg' => $errorObj->getOnlyMessage(), 'stackTrace' => $errorObj->getBacktrace(5), 'stackhash' => $errorObj->getHash(), ]; } // if there were no 'actual' errors to be submitted. if ($i == 0) { return []; // then return empty array } $report['exception_type'] = 'php'; $report['errors'] = $errors; } else { return []; } return $report; } /** * Sanitize a url to remove the identifiable host name and extract the * current script name from the url fragment * * It returns two things in an array. The first is the uri without the * hostname and identifying query params. The second is the name of the * php script in the url * * @param string $url the url to sanitize * * @return array the uri and script name */ private function sanitizeUrl(string $url): array { $components = parse_url($url); if (! is_array($components)) { $components = []; } if (isset($components['fragment']) && preg_match('<PMAURL-\d+:>', $components['fragment'], $matches)) { $uri = str_replace($matches[0], '', $components['fragment']); $url = 'https://example.com/' . $uri; $components = parse_url($url); if (! is_array($components)) { $components = []; } } // get script name preg_match('<([a-zA-Z\-_\d\.]*\.php|js\/[a-zA-Z\-_\d\/\.]*\.js)$>', $components['path'] ?? '', $matches); if (count($matches) < 2) { $scriptName = 'index.php'; } else { $scriptName = $matches[1]; } // remove deployment specific details to make uri more generic if (isset($components['query'])) { parse_str($components['query'], $queryArray); unset($queryArray['db'], $queryArray['table'], $queryArray['token'], $queryArray['server']); unset($queryArray['eq']); $query = http_build_query($queryArray); } else { $query = ''; } $uri = $scriptName . '?' . $query; return [ $uri, $scriptName, ]; } /** * Sends report data to the error reporting server * * @param array $report the report info to be sent * * @return string|bool|null the reply of the server */ public function send(array $report) { return $this->httpRequest->create( $this->submissionUrl, 'POST', false, json_encode($report), 'Content-Type: application/json' ); } /** * Translates the cumulative line numbers in the stack trace as well as sanitize * urls and trim long lines in the context * * @param array $stack the stack trace * * @return array the modified stack trace */ private function translateStacktrace(array $stack): array { foreach ($stack as &$level) { foreach ($level['context'] as &$line) { if (mb_strlen($line) <= 80) { continue; } $line = mb_substr($line, 0, 75) . '//...'; } [$uri, $scriptName] = $this->sanitizeUrl($level['url']); $level['uri'] = $uri; $level['scriptname'] = $scriptName; unset($level['url']); } unset($level); return $stack; } /** * Generates the error report form to collect user description and preview the * report before being sent * * @return string the form */ public function getForm(): string { $reportData = $this->getData(); $datas = [ 'report_data' => $reportData, 'hidden_inputs' => Url::getHiddenInputs(), 'hidden_fields' => null, 'allowed_to_send_error_reports' => $this->config->get('SendErrorReports') !== 'never', ]; if (! empty($reportData)) { $datas['hidden_fields'] = Url::getHiddenFields($reportData, '', true); } return $this->template->render('error/report_form', $datas); } public function getEmptyModal(): string { return $this->template->render('error/report_modal', [ 'allowed_to_send_error_reports' => $this->config->get('SendErrorReports') !== 'never', ]); } }