<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin; use PhpMyAdmin\Html\Generator; use function count; use function implode; use function in_array; use function intval; use function json_decode; use function min; use function preg_replace; use function strlen; use function trim; /** * Set of functions for /table/create and /table/add-field */ class CreateAddField { /** @var DatabaseInterface */ private $dbi; /** * @param DatabaseInterface $dbi DatabaseInterface interface */ public function __construct(DatabaseInterface $dbi) { $this->dbi = $dbi; } /** * Transforms the radio button field_key into 4 arrays * * @return array An array of arrays which represents column keys for each index type * @psalm-return array{int, array, array, array, array, array} */ private function getIndexedColumns(): array { $fieldCount = count($_POST['field_name']); $fieldPrimary = json_decode($_POST['primary_indexes'], true); $fieldIndex = json_decode($_POST['indexes'], true); $fieldUnique = json_decode($_POST['unique_indexes'], true); $fieldFullText = json_decode($_POST['fulltext_indexes'], true); $fieldSpatial = json_decode($_POST['spatial_indexes'], true); return [ $fieldCount, $fieldPrimary, $fieldIndex, $fieldUnique, $fieldFullText, $fieldSpatial, ]; } /** * Initiate the column creation statement according to the table creation or * add columns to a existing table * * @param int $fieldCount number of columns * @param bool $isCreateTable true if requirement is to get the statement * for table creation * * @return array An array of initial sql statements * according to the request */ private function buildColumnCreationStatement( int $fieldCount, bool $isCreateTable = true ): array { $definitions = []; $previousField = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $fieldCount; ++$i) { // '0' is also empty for php :-( if (strlen($_POST['field_name'][$i]) === 0) { continue; } $definition = $this->getStatementPrefix($isCreateTable) . Table::generateFieldSpec( trim($_POST['field_name'][$i]), $_POST['field_type'][$i], $_POST['field_length'][$i], $_POST['field_attribute'][$i], $_POST['field_collation'][$i] ?? '', $_POST['field_null'][$i] ?? 'NO', $_POST['field_default_type'][$i], $_POST['field_default_value'][$i], $_POST['field_extra'][$i] ?? false, $_POST['field_comments'][$i] ?? '', $_POST['field_virtuality'][$i] ?? '', $_POST['field_expression'][$i] ?? '' ); $definition .= $this->setColumnCreationStatementSuffix($previousField, $isCreateTable); $previousField = $i; $definitions[] = $definition; } return $definitions; } /** * Set column creation suffix according to requested position of the new column * * @param int $previousField previous field for ALTER statement * @param bool $isCreateTable true if requirement is to get the statement * for table creation * * @return string suffix */ private function setColumnCreationStatementSuffix( int $previousField, bool $isCreateTable = true ): string { // no suffix is needed if request is a table creation if ($isCreateTable) { return ' '; } if ((string) $_POST['field_where'] === 'last') { return ' '; } // Only the first field can be added somewhere other than at the end if ($previousField === -1) { if ((string) $_POST['field_where'] === 'first') { return ' FIRST'; } if (! empty($_POST['after_field'])) { return ' AFTER ' . Util::backquote($_POST['after_field']); } return ' '; } return ' AFTER ' . Util::backquote($_POST['field_name'][$previousField]); } /** * Create relevant index statements * * @param array $index an array of index columns * @param string $indexChoice index choice that which represents * the index type of $indexed_fields * @param bool $isCreateTable true if requirement is to get the statement * for table creation * * @return string sql statement for indexes */ private function buildIndexStatement( array $index, string $indexChoice, bool $isCreateTable = true ): string { if ($index === []) { return ''; } $sqlQuery = $this->getStatementPrefix($isCreateTable) . $indexChoice; if (! empty($index['Key_name']) && $index['Key_name'] !== 'PRIMARY') { $sqlQuery .= ' ' . Util::backquote($index['Key_name']); } $indexFields = []; foreach ($index['columns'] as $key => $column) { $indexFields[$key] = Util::backquote($_POST['field_name'][$column['col_index']]); if (! $column['size']) { continue; } $indexFields[$key] .= '(' . $column['size'] . ')'; } $sqlQuery .= ' (' . implode(', ', $indexFields) . ')'; if ($index['Key_block_size']) { $sqlQuery .= ' KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = ' . $this->dbi->escapeString($index['Key_block_size']); } // specifying index type is allowed only for primary, unique and index only if ( $index['Index_choice'] !== 'SPATIAL' && $index['Index_choice'] !== 'FULLTEXT' && in_array($index['Index_type'], Index::getIndexTypes()) ) { $sqlQuery .= ' USING ' . $index['Index_type']; } if ($index['Index_choice'] === 'FULLTEXT' && $index['Parser']) { $sqlQuery .= ' WITH PARSER ' . $this->dbi->escapeString($index['Parser']); } if ($index['Index_comment']) { $sqlQuery .= " COMMENT '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($index['Index_comment']) . "'"; } return $sqlQuery; } /** * Statement prefix for the buildColumnCreationStatement() * * @param bool $isCreateTable true if requirement is to get the statement * for table creation * * @return string prefix */ private function getStatementPrefix(bool $isCreateTable = true): string { return $isCreateTable ? '' : 'ADD '; } /** * Returns sql statement according to the column and index specifications as * requested * * @param bool $isCreateTable true if requirement is to get the statement * for table creation * * @return string sql statement */ private function getColumnCreationStatements(bool $isCreateTable = true): string { $sqlStatement = ''; [ $fieldCount, $fieldPrimary, $fieldIndex, $fieldUnique, $fieldFullText, $fieldSpatial, ] = $this->getIndexedColumns(); $definitions = $this->buildColumnCreationStatement($fieldCount, $isCreateTable); // Builds the PRIMARY KEY statements if (isset($fieldPrimary[0])) { $definitions[] = $this->buildIndexStatement($fieldPrimary[0], 'PRIMARY KEY', $isCreateTable); } // Builds the INDEX statements foreach ($fieldIndex as $index) { $definitions[] = $this->buildIndexStatement($index, 'INDEX', $isCreateTable); } // Builds the UNIQUE statements foreach ($fieldUnique as $index) { $definitions[] = $this->buildIndexStatement($index, 'UNIQUE', $isCreateTable); } // Builds the FULLTEXT statements foreach ($fieldFullText as $index) { $definitions[] = $this->buildIndexStatement($index, 'FULLTEXT', $isCreateTable); } // Builds the SPATIAL statements foreach ($fieldSpatial as $index) { $definitions[] = $this->buildIndexStatement($index, 'SPATIAL', $isCreateTable); } if ($definitions !== []) { $sqlStatement = implode(', ', $definitions); } return preg_replace('@, $@', '', $sqlStatement) ?? ''; } /** * Returns the partitioning clause * * @return string partitioning clause */ public function getPartitionsDefinition(): string { $sqlQuery = ''; if ( ! empty($_POST['partition_by']) && ! empty($_POST['partition_expr']) && ! empty($_POST['partition_count']) && $_POST['partition_count'] > 1 ) { $sqlQuery .= ' PARTITION BY ' . $_POST['partition_by'] . ' (' . $_POST['partition_expr'] . ')' . ' PARTITIONS ' . $_POST['partition_count']; } if ( ! empty($_POST['subpartition_by']) && ! empty($_POST['subpartition_expr']) && ! empty($_POST['subpartition_count']) && $_POST['subpartition_count'] > 1 ) { $sqlQuery .= ' SUBPARTITION BY ' . $_POST['subpartition_by'] . ' (' . $_POST['subpartition_expr'] . ')' . ' SUBPARTITIONS ' . $_POST['subpartition_count']; } if (! empty($_POST['partitions'])) { $partitions = []; foreach ($_POST['partitions'] as $partition) { $partitions[] = $this->getPartitionDefinition($partition); } $sqlQuery .= ' (' . implode(', ', $partitions) . ')'; } return $sqlQuery; } /** * Returns the definition of a partition/subpartition * * @param array $partition array of partition/subpartition details * @param bool $isSubPartition whether a subpartition * * @return string partition/subpartition definition */ private function getPartitionDefinition( array $partition, bool $isSubPartition = false ): string { $sqlQuery = ' ' . ($isSubPartition ? 'SUB' : '') . 'PARTITION '; $sqlQuery .= $partition['name']; if (! empty($partition['value_type'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' VALUES ' . $partition['value_type']; if ($partition['value_type'] !== 'LESS THAN MAXVALUE') { $sqlQuery .= ' (' . $partition['value'] . ')'; } } if (! empty($partition['engine'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' ENGINE = ' . $partition['engine']; } if (! empty($partition['comment'])) { $sqlQuery .= " COMMENT = '" . $partition['comment'] . "'"; } if (! empty($partition['data_directory'])) { $sqlQuery .= " DATA DIRECTORY = '" . $partition['data_directory'] . "'"; } if (! empty($partition['index_directory'])) { $sqlQuery .= " INDEX_DIRECTORY = '" . $partition['index_directory'] . "'"; } if (! empty($partition['max_rows'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' MAX_ROWS = ' . $partition['max_rows']; } if (! empty($partition['min_rows'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' MIN_ROWS = ' . $partition['min_rows']; } if (! empty($partition['tablespace'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' TABLESPACE = ' . $partition['tablespace']; } if (! empty($partition['node_group'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' NODEGROUP = ' . $partition['node_group']; } if (! empty($partition['subpartitions'])) { $subpartitions = []; foreach ($partition['subpartitions'] as $subpartition) { $subpartitions[] = $this->getPartitionDefinition($subpartition, true); } $sqlQuery .= ' (' . implode(', ', $subpartitions) . ')'; } return $sqlQuery; } /** * Function to get table creation sql query * * @param string $db database name * @param string $table table name */ public function getTableCreationQuery(string $db, string $table): string { // get column addition statements $sqlStatement = $this->getColumnCreationStatements(true); // Builds the 'create table' statement $sqlQuery = 'CREATE TABLE ' . Util::backquote($db) . '.' . Util::backquote(trim($table)) . ' (' . $sqlStatement . ')'; // Adds table type, character set, comments and partition definition if (! empty($_POST['tbl_storage_engine']) && ($_POST['tbl_storage_engine'] !== 'Default')) { $sqlQuery .= ' ENGINE = ' . $this->dbi->escapeString($_POST['tbl_storage_engine']); } if (! empty($_POST['tbl_collation'])) { $sqlQuery .= Util::getCharsetQueryPart($_POST['tbl_collation'] ?? ''); } if ( ! empty($_POST['connection']) && ! empty($_POST['tbl_storage_engine']) && $_POST['tbl_storage_engine'] === 'FEDERATED' ) { $sqlQuery .= " CONNECTION = '" . $this->dbi->escapeString($_POST['connection']) . "'"; } if (! empty($_POST['comment'])) { $sqlQuery .= ' COMMENT = \'' . $this->dbi->escapeString($_POST['comment']) . '\''; } $sqlQuery .= $this->getPartitionsDefinition(); $sqlQuery .= ';'; return $sqlQuery; } /** * Function to get the number of fields for the table creation form */ public function getNumberOfFieldsFromRequest(): int { // Limit to 4096 fields (MySQL maximal value) $mysqlLimit = 4096; if (isset($_POST['submit_num_fields'])) { // adding new fields $numberOfFields = intval($_POST['orig_num_fields']) + intval($_POST['added_fields']); } elseif (isset($_POST['orig_num_fields'])) { // retaining existing fields $numberOfFields = intval($_POST['orig_num_fields']); } elseif ( isset($_POST['num_fields']) && intval($_POST['num_fields']) > 0 ) { // new table with specified number of fields $numberOfFields = intval($_POST['num_fields']); } else { // new table with unspecified number of fields $numberOfFields = 4; } return min($numberOfFields, $mysqlLimit); } /** * Function to get the column creation statement * * @param string $table current table */ public function getColumnCreationQuery( string $table ): string { // get column addition statements $sqlStatement = $this->getColumnCreationStatements(false); $sqlQuery = 'ALTER TABLE ' . Util::backquote($table) . ' ' . $sqlStatement; if (isset($_POST['online_transaction'])) { $sqlQuery .= ', ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE'; } return $sqlQuery . ';'; } /** * Function to execute the column creation statement * * @param string $db current database * @param string $sqlQuery the query to run * @param string $errorUrl error page url */ public function tryColumnCreationQuery( string $db, string $sqlQuery, string $errorUrl ): bool { // To allow replication, we first select the db to use and then run queries // on this db. if (! $this->dbi->selectDb($db)) { Generator::mysqlDie( $this->dbi->getError(), 'USE ' . Util::backquote($db), false, $errorUrl ); } return (bool) $this->dbi->tryQuery($sqlQuery); } }