<?php /* * This file is part of the PHPASN1 library. * * Copyright © Friedrich Große <friedrich.grosse@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FG\X509\CSR; use FG\ASN1\ASNObject; use FG\X509\CertificateExtensions; use FG\ASN1\OID; use FG\ASN1\Parsable; use FG\ASN1\Construct; use FG\ASN1\Identifier; use FG\ASN1\Universal\Set; use FG\ASN1\Universal\Sequence; use FG\ASN1\Universal\ObjectIdentifier; class Attributes extends Construct implements Parsable { public function getType() { return 0xA0; } public function addAttribute($objectIdentifier, Set $attribute) { if (is_string($objectIdentifier)) { $objectIdentifier = new ObjectIdentifier($objectIdentifier); } $attributeSequence = new Sequence($objectIdentifier, $attribute); $attributeSequence->getNumberOfLengthOctets(); // length and number of length octets is calculated $this->addChild($attributeSequence); } public static function fromBinary(&$binaryData, &$offsetIndex = 0) { self::parseIdentifier($binaryData[$offsetIndex], 0xA0, $offsetIndex++); $contentLength = self::parseContentLength($binaryData, $offsetIndex); $octetsToRead = $contentLength; $parsedObject = new self(); while ($octetsToRead > 0) { $initialOffset = $offsetIndex; // used to calculate how much bits have been read self::parseIdentifier($binaryData[$offsetIndex], Identifier::SEQUENCE, $offsetIndex++); self::parseContentLength($binaryData, $offsetIndex); $objectIdentifier = ObjectIdentifier::fromBinary($binaryData, $offsetIndex); $oidString = $objectIdentifier->getContent(); if ($oidString == OID::PKCS9_EXTENSION_REQUEST) { $attribute = CertificateExtensions::fromBinary($binaryData, $offsetIndex); } else { $attribute = ASNObject::fromBinary($binaryData, $offsetIndex); } $parsedObject->addAttribute($objectIdentifier, $attribute); $octetsToRead -= ($offsetIndex - $initialOffset); } $parsedObject->setContentLength($contentLength); return $parsedObject; } }