window.VcSliderRevolution = vc.shortcode_view.extend({ initialize: function() { return; }, render: function () { rs_cur_vc_obj = this; var params = this.model.get('params'); if(vc.add_element_block_view.$':visible')){ //hack to check if we just loaded the page or if we rendered it because of adding a new Slider element rs_vc_show_overlay(params); } return; }, editElement: function() { rs_cur_vc_obj = this; var params = this.model.get('params'); rs_vc_show_overlay(params); return false; } }); if(typeof(window.InlineShortcodeView) !== 'undefined'){ var rs_show_frontend_overlay = false; jQuery(window).on('vc_build',function(){ vc.add_element_block_view.$el.find('[data-element="rev_slider"]').click(function(){ rs_show_frontend_overlay = true; }); }); window.InlineShortcodeView_rev_slider = window.InlineShortcodeView.extend({ render: function() { rs_cur_vc_obj = this; var params = this.model.get('params'); if(rs_show_frontend_overlay){ rs_vc_show_overlay(params); }; return this; }, update: function(model) { rs_show_frontend_overlay = false; // same function as backend changedShortcodeParams,model); return this; }, edit: function( e ) { rs_cur_vc_obj = this; var params = this.model.get('params'); rs_vc_show_overlay(params); return false; } }); } function rs_vc_show_overlay(params){ if ( rs_cur_vc_obj !== false && rs_cur_vc_obj.model.get('cloned') === true){ //set cloned to false, so that the edit button will work. Then return as this is at the process where the element gets cloned'cloned', false); return; //do not show edit if we cloned } revslider_tiny_reset_all(); revslider_is_vc = true; //set for the saving that we are visual composer jQuery('.wpb-element-edit-modal').hide(); //hide the normal VC window and use own (old vc version) jQuery('#vc_properties-panel').hide(); //hide the normal VC window and use own (new vc version) var revslider_vc_variables = {}; revslider_vc_variables['alias'] = (typeof(params.alias) !== 'undefined') ? params.alias : ''; revslider_vc_variables['order'] = (typeof(params.order) !== 'undefined') ? params.order : ''; //.replace(/\'/g, '"') jQuery('#revslider-tiny-dialog-step-1').show(); jQuery('#revslider-tiny-dialog-step-1-5').hide(); jQuery('#revslider-tiny-mce-dialog').dialog({ id : 'revslider-tiny-mce-dialog', width : 900, height : 600, resizable: false }); if(revslider_vc_variables['alias'] !== ''){ //only slider with alias jQuery('select[name="revslider-existing-slider"] option').each(function(){ if(jQuery(this).val() == revslider_vc_variables['alias']){ jQuery(this).attr('selected', true); var slid = jQuery(this).data('sliderid'); jQuery('#slider_list_item_'+slid).addClass('selected'); jQuery('#revslider-existing-slider option:selected').change(); } }); if(revslider_vc_variables['order'] != ''){ jQuery('#revslider-tiny-dialog-step-1').hide(); jQuery('#revslider-tiny-dialog-step-1-5').show(); var rs_raw_construct = wp.template( "rs-modify-slide-wrap" ); var sel = jQuery('#revslider-existing-slider option:selected'); jQuery('.rs-mod-slides-wrapper').html(''); //reset HTML //check if array or string if(!Array.isArray(revslider_vc_variables['order'])){ revslider_vc_variables['order'] = revslider_vc_variables['order'].split(','); } if(typeof(rev_sliders_info) !== 'undefined'){ for(var key in rev_sliders_info){ if(key =='sliderid')){ var my_entry = new Object(); my_entry = jQuery.extend(true,{},my_entry, rev_sliders_info[key]); var my_entries = []; var act_slide = -1; for(var okey in revslider_vc_variables['order']){ for(var sl in my_entry){ if(my_entry[sl]['slider_type'] == 'hero'){ if(revslider_vc_variables['order'][okey] == my_entry[sl]['id']){ act_slide = my_entry[sl]['id']; } }else{ break; } } } for(var okey in revslider_vc_variables['order']){ for(var sl in my_entry){ //add all found slides, empty the old ones first if(my_entry[sl]['slider_type'] == 'hero'){ my_entry[sl]['active_slide'] = act_slide; } if(revslider_vc_variables['order'][okey] == my_entry[sl]['id']){ my_entry[sl]['mstate'] = 'published'; my_entry[sl]['state'] = 'published'; my_entries.push(my_entry[sl]); break; } } } for(var slm in my_entry){ if(my_entry[slm]['mstate'] == undefined){ my_entry[slm]['state'] = 'unpublished'; if(my_entry[slm]['slider_type'] == 'hero'){ my_entry[sl]['active_slide'] = act_slide; } my_entries.push(my_entry[slm]); } } for(var ekey in my_entries){ var content = rs_raw_construct(my_entries[ekey]); jQuery('.rs-mod-slides-wrapper').append(content); } } } } } }else{ } }