jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".loginizer-social-wrapper").sortable({ handle : '.loginizer-social-grip', placeholder : 'loginizer-sortable-placeholder', stop : loginizer_sort_social }); }); // Used to sort and save the order of Social Login Apps. function loginizer_sort_social(event, ui) { var target= jQuery(event.target), sortables = target.find('.loginizer-social-provider'), sorted_arr = sortables.map(function() { return jQuery(this).data('provider'); }).get(); // To show the saving order text. let saving_order = jQuery(ui.item).find('.loginizer-social-saving-order'); saving_order.show(); jQuery.ajax({ method : 'POST', url : loginizer_social.ajax_url, data : { security: loginizer_social.nonce, order: sorted_arr, action: 'loginizer_social_order' }, success: function(res){ saving_order.hide(); }} ); }