{% if allowed_to_send_error_reports %} <p> {% trans %} This report automatically includes data about the error and information about relevant configuration settings. It will be sent to the phpMyAdmin team for debugging the error. {% endtrans %} </p> <form action="{{ url('/error-report') }}" method="post" id="errorReportForm" class="ajax"> <div class="mb-3"> <label for="errorReportDescription"> <strong> {% trans "Can you tell us the steps leading to this error? It decisively helps in debugging:" %} </strong> </label> <textarea class="form-control" name="description" id="errorReportDescription"></textarea> </div> <div class="mb-3"> {% trans "You may examine the data in the error report:" %} <pre class="pre-scrollable">{{ report_data|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT') b-or constant('JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES')) }}</pre> </div> <div class="form-check"> <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" name="always_send" id="errorReportAlwaysSendCheckbox"> <label class="form-check-label" for="errorReportAlwaysSendCheckbox"> {% trans "Automatically send report next time" %} </label> </div> {{ hidden_inputs|raw }} {{ hidden_fields|raw }} </form> {% else %} <div class="mb-3"> <pre class="pre-scrollable">{{ report_data|json_encode(constant('JSON_PRETTY_PRINT') b-or constant('JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES')) }}</pre> </div> {% endif %}