<?php /** * ################################################################################ * ############################## Our PHP Library ############################## * ##### Here we collect frequently used methods across our PHP applications. ##### * ################################################################################ * * ### Example usage: ### * $helpers = new \Puvox\php_library(); * // everyday methods * ->random_string(); * ->random_number(); * ->get_visitor_ip(); * ->redirect('https://example.com'); * ->stringify(['key'=>'value']); * // various methods accepting objects in addition to array * ->array_merge($arg1, $arg2); * ->child_value($obj_or_array, $key, $default_value); * // various simplified file operations * ->file->read('/path/to/file.ext'); * ->file->write('/path/to/file.ext', 'content...'); * ->file->delete_directory('/path/to/dir'); * // caching (using simple local file caching) * ->cache->file->set('myKey', 'myValue'); * ->cache->file->get('myKey'); * // caching (using memcache) * ->cache->memcache->set('myKey', 'myValue'); * ->cache->memcache->get('myKey'); * ... * * // Note, if you use this library file in official plugins (hosted on services like wp.org or etc), remove all codes between regions titled "AUTOGENERATED_METHODS" in this file, because those codes is not accepted by revision system. */ namespace Puvox; if (!class_exists('\\Puvox\\library')) { class library { public function __construct() { $this->file = new \Puvox\tempclass_file($this); $this->cache = new \stdClass(); $this->cache->file = new \Puvox\tempclass_cache_file($this); $this->init_defaults(); } public function constant($name) { return defined($name) ? constant($name) : null; } public function property($propertyName) { return property_exists($this, $propertyName) ? $this->{$propertyName} : null; } #region debug public function dump($obj){ $content = $this->stringify($obj); //print_r($obj, true); $out = '<pre>'; $out .= htmlentities( $this->br2nl( $content )) ; try{ $trace = debug_backtrace(); if ( isset($trace[1]) ) $out .= ($this->is_cli() ? ' [' : '<span style="font-size:0.6em; margin:1px; padding:1px; background:pink;">') .$this->array_value( $trace[1],'file','').':'.$this->array_value( $trace[1],'line',''). ($this->is_cli() ? '] ':'</span>'); } catch(\Exception $e){} $out .= '</pre>'; exit ($out); } public function var_dump($obj){ ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_children", '-1'); ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_data", '10000'); ini_set("xdebug.var_display_max_depth", '-1'); echo '<pre>'; var_dump($obj); echo '</pre>'; } public function stringify($data, $pretty=false) { if( $this->is_simple_type($data) ) { if ($pretty && $this->is_JSON($array_or_txt)) { return json_encode(json_decode($array_or_txt), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } return (!is_bool($data) ? $data : ($data? 'true':'false')); } else{ if (is_a($data, 'Exception')){ return print_r($data, true); //exception (https://pastebin_com/P73cgSkq) are only handled well by this } else{ return ( $pretty ? json_encode($data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) : json_encode($data)); } } } public static function uniqueId($args, $addition=''){ return md5(json_encode($args)."_$addition"); } #endregion public static function sleep($milliseconds){ if ( self::swoole_inside_coroutine() ) \Swoole\Coroutine\System::sleep($milliseconds / 1000); else { usleep($milliseconds*1000); } } public function force_redirect_to_https(){ if(!$this->is_https) { header("Location: https://" . $this->domainReal . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], true, 301); exit; } } public static function current_url_contains($phrase, $case_sens=true){ return self::contains($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $phrase, $case_sens); } public function get_visitor_ip() { $proxy_headers = array("CLIENT_IP", "FORWARDED", "FORWARDED_FOR", "FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", "HTTP_VIA", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_X_IMFORWARDS", "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", "VIA", "X_FORWARDED", "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); foreach($proxy_headers as $proxy_header) { if (isset($_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { if(preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { return $_SERVER[$proxy_header]; } else if (stristr(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]) !== FALSE) { $proxy_header_temp = trim(array_shift(explode(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]))); if (($pos_temp = stripos($proxy_header_temp, ":")) !== FALSE) {$proxy_header_temp = substr($proxy_header_temp, 0, $pos_temp); } if (preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $proxy_header_temp)) { return $proxy_header_temp; } } } } return ( !empty($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ? $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] : '__UNDEFINED_REMOTE_ADDR__'); } public function mail_scrambler($email) { return str_replace('@', '&#64;', $email); } public function expire_headers() { ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1); //always display as new header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0"); //expired in past header("Expires: ". date ('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() - 86400 *2) . " GMT"); header("Vary: Accept-Encoding"); header("Last-Modified: ". gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 86400 *2) . " GMT"); } public function change_max_upload_post() { if (property_exists($this,'upload_max_limit')) { $this->upload_max_limit = max($this->upload_max_limit, ini_get('post_max_size')); ini_set('post_max_size', $this->upload_max_limit.'M'); ini_set('upload_max_filesize', upload_max_limit.'M'); ini_set('upload_max_size', upload_max_limit.'M'); } } #region url/path helpers public function br2nl($content) { return preg_replace('/\<br(\s*)?\/?\>/i', "\n", $content); } public function strip_tags_and_attrs($html_str, $tags=null){ $xml = new DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $allowed_tags = is_null($tags) ? ["html", "body", "b", "br", "em", "hr", "i", "li", "ol", "p", "s", "span", "table", "tr", "td", "u", "ul"] :''; $allowed_attrs = ["class", "id", "style"]; if (!strlen($html_str)){return false;} if ($xml->loadHTML($html_str, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_HTML_NODEFDTD)){ foreach ($xml->getElementsByTagName("*") as $tag){ if (!in_array($tag->tagName, $allowed_tags)){ $tag->parentNode->removeChild($tag); }else{ foreach ($tag->attributes as $attr){ if (!in_array($attr->nodeName, $allowed_attrs)){ $tag->removeAttribute($attr->nodeName); } } } } } return $xml->saveHTML(); } // url things public function add_http_www($url){ if(strpos($url, '://') !== false){ return preg_replace('/^(http(s|)|):\/\/(www.|)/i', 'https://www.', $url); } else{ return 'https://www.'.$url; } } public function get_domain($url){ return preg_replace('/http(s|):\/\/(www.|)(.*?)(\/.*|$)/i', '$3', $url); } public function get_domain_from_url($url){ return $this->get_domain($url); } public function remove_www($url) { return str_replace( '://www.', '://', $url ); } public function remove_http_www($url){ $url = preg_replace('/(http(s|):\/\/|:\/\/)(www.|)/i', '', $url); $url = $this->remove_if_starts_with($url, 'www.'); return $url; } public function remove_domain_from_url($url){ return $this->remove_domain($url); } public function remove_domain($url){ $url = preg_replace('/(http(s|):\/\/|:\/\/)(www.|)(.*?)(\/|$)/i', '/', $url); return $url; } public static function slash_trailing ($path) { return self::slash_untrailing($path) . '/'; } public static function slash_untrailing ($path) { return rtrim($path, '/\\' ); } public static function slash_normalize_url($url, $add_trailish_slash=true) { if ($add_trailish_slash) { $url = self::slash_trailing($url); } // remove double slashes (except ://) $url = preg_replace('/([^:])(\/{2,})/', '$1/', $url); // remove accidental backslashes $url = str_replace(['\\/', '\\'], '/', $url); return $url; } public static function slash_normalize_path($path, $add_trailish_slash=true) { if ($add_trailish_slash) { $path = self::slash_trailing($path); } // remove double slashes $path = preg_replace('/(\/{2,}|\\{2,})/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); // remove accidental remnant back/forward slashes $path = str_replace(['\\/', '\\', '/'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); return $path; } public function slash_replace_direction($path_or_url, $direction = 'forward|backward|OS'){ $chosen_side = $direction === 'forward' ? '/' : ($direction == 'backward' ? '\\' : DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); return $this->slash_normalize_path ( str_replace(['\\','/'], $chosen_side, $path_or_url) ); } public function urlify($path){ return str_replace( '\\', "/", $path); } public function convert_urls_in_text($text) { return preg_replace('@([^\"\']https?://([-\w\.]+)+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.%-=#][^<]*(\?\S+)?)?)?)@', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', $text); } public function restricted_directory_requested($url=false, $dieORreturn=true ){ if (!$url) {$url=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];} $url =stripslashes($url); if ( stristr($url,'\\') || substr($url, 0, 2)=='..' || stristr($url,'../') || stristr($url,'/..') || stristr($url,'?') || stristr($url,'*') || stristr($url,'.php') ){ if ($dieORreturn) {die("incorrect path requested.. error4292");} else{ return true;} } } public function stripslashes_from_strings_only( $value ) { return is_string( $value ) ? stripslashes( $value ) : $value; } public function stripslashes_deep($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } public function stripslashes_deep2($value){ return $this->array_map_deep([$this,'stripslashes_from_strings_only'] , $value ); } // minified version of https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.realpath.php#124254 public static function realpath($path){ $path = mb_ereg_replace('\\\\|/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path, 'msr'); $startWithSeparator = $path[0] === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; preg_match('/^[a-z]:/', $path, $matches); $startWithLetterDir = isset($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : false; $subPaths = array_filter(explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path), 'mb_strlen'); $absolutes = []; foreach ($subPaths as $subPath) { if ('.' === $subPath) { continue; } if ('..' === $subPath && !$startWithSeparator && !$startWithLetterDir && empty(array_filter($absolutes, function ($value) { return !('..' === $value); })) ) { $absolutes[] = $subPath; continue; } if ('..' === $subPath) { array_pop($absolutes); continue; } $absolutes[] = $subPath; } return (($startWithSeparator ? DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : $startWithLetterDir) ? $startWithLetterDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR : '' ).implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $absolutes); } #endregion public function string_to_truefalse($string) { return ( $string ==='true' ? true : ($string ==='false' ? false : $string)); } public function truefalse_to_string($string) { return ( $string === true ? 'true' : ($string ===false ? 'false' : $string)); } public function bool_to_sign($bool_or_string) { return ( $bool_or_string===true || $bool_or_string==="true" ? 1 : ( $bool_or_string===false || $bool_or_string==="false" ? -1 : 0) ); } #region string manipulations 2 public function random_string($length = 11) { return substr(str_shuffle(str_repeat($x='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', ceil($length/strlen($x)) )),1, $length); //random_stringg($length= 15){ return substr(str_shuffle("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"), 0, $length);} } // i.e. 5m, 1H, 2H, 1D, 240M, etc... public function stockTF_to_seconds($string, $minuteSymbol="m", $monthSymbol="M"){ $res=$string; $arr=['s'=>1, 'S'=>1, $minuteSymbol=>1*60, 'h'=>60*60, 'H'=>60*60, 'd'=>24*60*60, 'D'=>24*60*60, 'w'=>7*24*60*60, 'W'=>7*24*60*60, $monthSymbol=>31*24*60*60, 'y'=>365*24*60*60, 'Y'=>365*24*60*60]; foreach ($arr as $key=>$val) { if (empty($key)) continue; if (strpos($string, $key)!==false) { $res = str_ireplace($key, '', $string) * $val; break; } } return $res; } public function str_replace_last($search, $replace, $subject) { $pos = strrpos($subject, $search); if($pos !== false) $subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace, $pos, strlen($search)); return $subject; } public function str_replace_first($from, $to, $content, $type="plain"){ if($type=="plain"){ $pos = strpos($content, $from); if ($pos !== false) { $content = substr_replace($content, $to, $pos, strlen($from)); } return $content; } elseif($type=="regex"){ $from = '/'.preg_quote($from, '/').'/'; return preg_replace($from, $to, $content, 1); } } public static function toString($inp){ return self::to_string($inp); } public static function to_string($inp){ return $inp.""; } public function value_to_string( $value ){ return is_bool($value) ? ($value ? 'true' : 'false' ) : strip_tags( $value ) ; } public function string_to_value( $value ){ return is_bool($value) ? $value : ( !is_string($value) ? $value : ( $value =='true' ? true : ( $value =='false' ? false : $value) ) ); } public static function contains_numeric($str){ $str = self::to_string($str); for($i=0; $i<=9; $i++) { if (strpos($str, self::to_string($i) )!==false){ return true; } } return false; } #endregion #region date and time public function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } public function microtime() { return $this->microtime_float(); } // if ( is_admin() && file_exists($lib_start=__DIR__."/$name") && !defined("_puvox_machine_") ) { rename($lib_start, $lib_final); } require_once($lib_final); public static function seconds(){ return time(); } public static function milliseconds(){ return round(microtime(true)*1000); } public static function time_ms(){ return self::milliseconds(); } public static function yyyymmdd($time){ return strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time)); } public static function current_datetime($time='', $MS=false){ $format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.($MS?'.v':'') ; return ( !empty($time) ? gmdate($format, $time) : gmdate($format) ); } public static function time_to_date($time, $ms=000){ return date("Y-m-d H:i:s.$ms", $time); } public static function time_to_date_TZ($time){ $time_rounded = floor($time); // if milliseconds if ($time_rounded>1000000000000){ $ms = $time_rounded % 1000; $timeS= floor($time_rounded/1000); $dat = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.$ms\Z", $timeS); } else{ $dat = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s.000\Z", $time_rounded); } return $dat; } public function is_weekend($time){ return date('N',$time) > 5; } #endregion public static function safemode_basedir_set(){ return ( ini_get('open_basedir') || ini_get('safe_mode') ) ; } public static function header($type){ switch ($type){ case "json" : header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); break; case "text" : header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8'); break; case "js" : header('Content-Type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8'); break; } } public function file_get_contents($path, $defaultValue=null ) { $path = self::realpath($path); if (!file_exists($path)){ if (method_exists($this,'localdata_set')){ $this->localdata_set($path, $defaultValue); } return $defaultValue; } else { // is_readable( $path ) will not work here, because of LOCK-waiting $wait_for_lock_seconds= 0.2; if($fp = fopen($path,'r')) { $startTime = microtime(true); do{ $canRead = flock($fp, LOCK_SH); if(!$canRead) { self::sleep( 0.01 ); // Releases CPU for others } // If the lock is not acquired and the timeout has not expired, continue to acquire the lock } while((!$canRead) && ((microtime(true) - $startTime) < $wait_for_lock_seconds )); if($canRead) { //file_get_contents($path) $contents=file_get_contents($path); // fread($fp, filesize($path)); flock($fp,LOCK_UN); fclose($fp); } else{ fclose($fp); throw new \Exception("Could not get read-access to file $path"); } return $contents; } else{ throw new \Exception("Could not open access to file $path"); } } } public function file_get_contents_json($path, $defaultValue=null, $isAssoc = true){ $content = $this->file_get_contents($path, $defaultValue); return json_decode($content, $isAssoc); } public static function exitPlain($content, $encode=false){ self::header('text'); if ($encode) $content = json_encode($content); print($content); exit; } public static function exitJson($content){ self::header('json'); if (is_array($content)) $content = json_encode($content); exit($content); } public function try_increase_exec_time($seconds, $memory=null){ if( ! $this-> safemode_basedir_set() ) { if(!is_null($memory)) $this->try_increase_memory($memory); return ini_set('max_execution_time', $seconds); //stackoverflow.com/questions/8914257 } return false; } public static function set_memory_limit($new_limit = 'mbs'){ if( ! self::safemode_basedir_set() ) { $limitBytes = $new_limit * 1048576; $currentLimit = trim(ini_get('memory_limit')); $lastChar = strtolower($currentLimit[strlen((int) $currentLimit)-1]); switch($lastChar) { case 'g': $currentLimit *= 1024; case 'm': $currentLimit *= 1024; case 'k': $currentLimit *= 1024; } if ($currentLimit < $limitBytes) return ini_set('memory_limit', $new_limit . 'M'); } return false; } // find defined bits/flags/enums public static function binding_flags($flag) { $setBits = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 32; $i++) { if ($flag & (1 << $i)) { $setBits[] = (1 << $i); } } // Sort array to order the bits sort($setBits); return $setBits; } // find if bit/flag/enum is defined public static function flag_exists($existing, $target){ return in_array($target,self::binding_flags($existing));//$target & (1 << $target); } public function message_stop_malicious_attempt(){ return 'Not allowed. Try again.';//'Well... I know that these words won\'t change you, but I\'ll do it again: Developers try to create a balance & harmony in internet, and some people like you try to steal things from other people. Even if you can it, please don\'t do that.'; } public function link($link, $text){ return $this->href_url($link, $text); } public function href_url($link, $text){ return '<a href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">'.$text.'</a>'; } public function href($link, $text){ return $this->href_url($link, $text); } // ##### CUSTOM OPTIONS ##### public function optsNameX1(){ return 'all_options_'.$this->module_NAMESPACE; } public function get_option($name, $defaultValue=null){ if($this->isWP) { $opts = get_site_option($this->optsNameX1(),[]); } else{ $opts = $this->get_option_json($name,$defaultValue); } return is_null($name) ? $opts : (array_key_exists($name, $opts) ? $opts[$name] : ''); } public function update_option($name, $value, $autoload=null){ $opts = $this->get_option($this->optsNameX1(),[]); if( !is_null($name) ){ $opts[$name]= $value; } else{ $opts = $value; } return ($this->isWP) ? update_site_option($this->optsNameX1(), $opts, $autoload) : $this->update_option_json($name,$value,$autoload); } public function add_my_site_options($array) { $this->extra_options_enabled=true; $this->_my_site_options=$this->get_option(null); $final=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$value){ $final[$key]=array_key_exists($key, $this->_my_site_options) ? $this->_my_site_options[$key] : $value; } if($this->_my_site_options!=$final) { $this->update_my_site_options($final); } } public function get_my_site_option($name=null, $default=null, $force_update=false) { $this->_my_site_options=$this->get_option($name); if ($name!=null) { if (! array_key_exists($name, $this->_my_site_options) || $force_update){ $this->_my_site_options[$name]=$default; $this->update_my_site_options(); } return $this->_my_site_options[$name]; } return $this->_my_site_options; } public function update_my_site_options($array=null) { $this->update_option(null, ( $array ?: $this->_my_site_options) ); } #region ########################### SQLITE ########################### // $db = new \PDO('sqlite:'.$db_path); $db ->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); public function sqlite_db_init($db_path="/example/my.db"){ try { $db = new \SQLite3($db_path); } catch(\Exception $ex) { die('Error: '.$ex->getMessage()); } return $db ; } public function sqlite_create_table_PDO($db){ $db->exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myValuesTable ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, text TEXT, status TEXT, time INTEGER)" ); } public function sqlite_insert_PDO($title, $text, $status, $time) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO myValuesTable(title,text,status,time) VALUES(:title,:text,:status,:time)'; $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ':title' => $title, ':text' => $text, ':status' => $status, ':time' => $time, ]); return $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); } public function sqlitePDO_update($id, $title, $text, $status, $time) { // SQL statement to update status of a task to completed $sql = "UPDATE myValuesTable SET " . "title = :title, " . "text = :text, " . "status = :status, " . "time = :time " . "WHERE id = :id"; $stmt = $this->pdo->prepare($sql); return $stmt->execute([ ':title' => $title, ':text' => $text, ':status' => $status, ':time' => $time, ':id' => $id, ]); } public function sqlitePDO_fetchAll($db, $tablename) { $which = '*'; //'project_id, project_name';// $stmt = $db->query('SELECT '.$which .' FROM '.$tablename); $res = []; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $res[] = $row; } return $res; } public function sqlitePDO_Command($db_name="db_all.db") { $this->pdo = $this->sqlite_db_init($db_name); $statement->execute(); $res = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } public function sqlite_create_table_TRANSLATIONS($db) { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS translations ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, program_name VARCHAR(150), string TEXT NOT NULL, lang TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, time INT, suggestion TEXT );'; return $db->query($sql); //possibles: VARCHAR(50) , PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=1;'; } public function sqlite_insert_TRANSLATION($db, $string, $lang, $value, $time, $program_name, $suggestion) { $statement = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO translations ( string, lang, value, time, program_name, suggestion ) VALUES (:string, :lang, :value, :time, :program_name, :suggestion );'); return $statement->execute([':string'=>$string, ':suggestion'=>$suggestion]); } public function sqlite_string_exists($string, $lang=false, $program_name=false) { $statement = $this->db->prepare('SELECT * from translations where string= :string'. ( $lang? ' and lang = :lang' : '') .' LIMIT 1' ); // . ( $program_name? ' and program_name = :program_name' : '') $statement->bindValue(':string', $string); if ($lang) $statement->bindValue(':lang', $lang); $res = $statement->execute(); return !empty($res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)); } public function sqlite_get() { $statement = $this->db->prepare('SELECT * from translations where string= :string and lang= :lang '); //. ( $program_name? ' program_name = :program_name' : '') $statement->bindParam(':string',$string); $statement->bindParam(':lang', $lang); $ret = $statement->execute(); $res = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if(!empty($res)){ $this->found=true; $return= $res['value']; } } //$current_day_logname = 'log_'.date('Y-m-d'). ($new_file ? time().$new_file : '') . '.txt'; //$this->helpers->filecreate($current_day_logname,$data, FILE_APPEND); #endregion ########################### END SQLITE ########################### #region DOM PARSER public function new_dom_document($content) { $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //disable $dom->loadHTML( $content); libxml_use_internal_errors($internalErrors); //restore $finder = new \DOMXpath( $dom ); $nodes= $finder->query( "//*" ); foreach ($nodes as $node) { if ($node->hasAttributes()) { $error = $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node); break; } } } public function domDocument_load($content) { if (!property_exists($this,'tempDom')) $this->tempDom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $internalErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); //disable $this->tempDom->loadHTML( $content); libxml_use_internal_errors($internalErrors); //restore return $this->tempDom; } public function domDocument_remove($el) { $el->parentNode->removeChild($el); } public function domDocument_body($dom) { $body = $dom->getElementsByTagName('body'); if ( $body && 0<$body->length ) { $body = $body->item(0); return $dom->savehtml($body); } return "-1"; } public function domDocument_getElementById($dom, $idName, $showError=false) { try{ return $dom->getElementById($idName)->nodeValue; } catch(\Exception $ex){ return ($showError ? "DomError:".$ex->getMessage() : null); } } public function domDocument_getElementsByClassName($dom, $ClassName, $tagName=null) { $Elements = $tagName ? $dom->getElementsByTagName($tagName) : $dom->getElementsByTagName("*"); $Matched = array(); for($i=0;$i<$Elements->length;$i++) { if($Elements->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem('class')){ if($Elements->item($i)->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue == $ClassName) { $Matched[]=$Elements->item($i); } } } return $Matched; } public function domDocument_getElementsByClass_2(&$parentNode, $tagName, $className) { $nodes=array(); $childNodeList = $parentNode->getElementsByTagName($tagName); for ($i = 0; $i < $childNodeList->length; $i++) { $temp = $childNodeList->item($i); if (stripos($temp->getAttribute('class'), $className) !== false) { $nodes[]=$temp; } } return $nodes; } public function get_dom_element_data($html_data, $tag_type='id', $tag_key='') { $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');; $dom->loadHTML($html_data, LIBXML_HTML_NOIMPLIED | LIBXML_DTDVALID | LIBXML_NOENT | LIBXML_NOERROR ); // https://www.php.net/manual/en/libxml.constants.php#constant.libxml-html-noimplied $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; //disact whitespace if( $tag_type=='id'){ $json_obj = $dom->getElementById($tag_key); $data = $json_obj->nodeValue; } try{ return json_decode($data); } catch(\Exception $ex){ return $data; } } #endregion ======================== domparser ======================== public function include_dir($dir){ foreach(glob($dir ."/*.php$") as $file) include_once($file); } public function file_url($file){ return $this->moduleURL."/$file?vers_=".$this->filedate($this->moduleDIR. "/$file"); } public function checked_children($array, $keyname, $post_array=null) { $ref_Array= !is_null($post_array) ? $post_array : $array; foreach ($array as $key=>$name) { $array[$key][$keyname]= isset($ref_Array[$key][$keyname]); } return $array; } // ================================================ //only open and close the same-origin creator of session (argument can be TRUE/FALSE or STRING too public function session_state ($arg) { if($arg===true) { if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { $GLOBALS['my_session_pp']='sess'.rand(1,99999999); session_start(); return $GLOBALS['my_session_pp']; } } else { if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { if(!$arg || $arg==$GLOBALS['my_session_pp']) session_write_close(); } } } public function set_session_var ($name,$value) { $id= $this->session_state(true); $_SESSION[$name] = $value; $this->session_state($id); } public function start_session_if_was_not_started(){ if(session_status() == PHP_SESSION_NONE) { $this->session_being_opened = true; session_start(); } } public function end_session_if_was_started( $method=2){ if(session_status() != PHP_SESSION_NONE && property_exists($this,"session_being_opened") ) { unset($this->session_being_opened); if($method==1) session_destroy(); elseif($method==2) session_write_close(); elseif($method==3) session_abort(); elseif($method==4) session_unset(); } } // ########################################################### // // ###################### ARRAY OPERATIONS ################### // // ########################################################### // // NOTE: Generaly, creating new variable has much better memory performance, then "unset" // ======== manual ======== //convert unsorted array (i.e. [ 'first'=>["a","b","c"], 'second'=>[1,2,3] , ] ) to associative [ "a"=>1, "b"=2 ] public function array_to_associative($array) { } public function string_to_array($string, $divider='|', $allow_empty=false){ $res=( array_map('trim', !empty($string)?explode($divider, $string):[] ) ); return $allow_empty? $res : array_filter($res); } public function array_to_string($array) { return implode(",", array_map('trim',array_filter($array)) ); } public function arrayPhpToJs($array) { return '["'. implode('","', (!empty($array[0]) && is_array($array[0]) ? $this->arrayPhpToJs($array) : $array) ) .'"]'; } public function object_to_array($data) //faster than json_encode & decode : https://stackoverflow.com/a/4345578/2377343 { if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) { $result = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) ? $this->object_to_array($value) : $value; } return $result; } return $data; } public static function array_to_object($data) { if (is_object($data)) { foreach ($data as $key=>$value) { if(is_array($value) || is_object($value)) $data->$key = self::array_to_object($value); } return $data; } else{ $result = new \stdClass(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $result->$key = (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) ? self::array_to_object($value) : $value; } return $result; } } public static function array_add_prefix_to_keys($array, $prefix){ $new_array =[]; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $new_array[$prefix.$k] = $v; } return $new_array; } public static function add_prefix_to_array_keys($array, $prefix){ return self::array_add_prefix_to_keys($array, $prefix); } public static function array_add_prefix_to_values($array, $prefix){ $new_array =[]; foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $new_array[$k] = $prefix.$v; } return $new_array; } public static function array_shuffle($list) { if (!is_array($list)) return $list; $keys = array_keys($list); shuffle($keys); $random = []; foreach ($keys as $key) $random[$key] = $list[$key]; return $random; } public function array_map_recursive( $func, $value) { //removed callable $func if (is_array($func)){ $array = $value; foreach($func as $each_func){ $array = $this->array_map_recursive($each_func,$array); } return $array; } else{ return filter_var($value, \FILTER_CALLBACK, ['options' => $func]); } } public function array_map_deep( $callback , $value) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $index => $item ) { $value[ $index ] = $this->array_map_deep($callback, $item ); } } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { $object_vars = get_object_vars( $value ); foreach ( $object_vars as $property_name => $property_value ) { $value->$property_name = $this->array_map_deep( $callback, $property_value ); } } else { $value = call_user_func( $callback, $value ); } return $value; } public static function count($arr_or_object) { if(is_object($arr_or_object)) return count(get_object_vars( $arr_or_object )); else return count($arr_or_object); } public static function child_value($array, $key, $default=''){ if (is_object($array)) { return (property_exists($array, $key) ? $array->$key : $default); } else{ return (array_key_exists($key, $array) ? $array[$key] : $default); } } public static function array_value_safe($array, $key, $default=''){ return self::child_value($array ?:[], $key, $default); } public static function array_value($array, $key, $default=''){ return self::array_value_safe ($array, $key, $default); } public function array_value_sub($array, $key1, $key2, $default=''){ if (is_object($array)) { return ( !property_exists($array, $key1) || !property_exists($array->$key1, $key2) ) ? $default : $array->$key1->$key2; } else{ return ( !array_key_exists($key1,$array) || !array_key_exists($key2, $array[$key1]) ) ? $default : $array[$key1][$key2]; } } public static function in_array($needle, $haystack, $case_sensitive=true) { return ( $case_sensitive ? in_array($needle, self::array_values($haystack)) : in_array(strtolower($needle), array_map('strtolower', $haystack)) ); } public static function array_values($array_or_object){ if (is_object($array_or_object)){ $arr = []; foreach($array_or_object as $key=>$val){ $arr[] = $val; } return $arr; } else{ return array_values($array_or_object); } } public static function arrayize($val) { return self::is_array($val) ? $val : [$val]; } // i.e. array_child (['a'=>['b'=>'c']], ['a','b']) will return 'c' public function array_child($arrayOrObject, $childrenKeys){ if (is_string($childrenKeys)) { return $this->array_value($arrayOrObject, $childrenKeys); } else if (is_array($childrenKeys)){ if (count($childrenKeys)==0) { return $arrayOrObject; } else { $targetValue = $arrayOrObject; foreach($childrenKeys as $childKey){ $targetValue = $this->array_value($targetValue, $childKey, null); if ($targetValue===null) { return null; } } return $targetValue; }; } else { throw new \Exception("Invalid childrenKeys, should be either string or array"); } } // ########################## public function arrayIndexBy($array, $targetKey){ return array_makeKeyedBySubkey($array, $targetKey); } public function array_makeKeyedBySubkey($array, $targetKey){ //this is 2x faster than below return array_column($array, null, $targetKey); } // strict defines, whether throw exceptions if targetkey not found public function array_makeKeyedBySubkey_manual($array, $targetKey, $strict=true){ $new_array=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { if ($strict){ $name = $this->is_array($subArray) ? $subArray[$targetKey] : $subArray->{$targetKey}; } else{ if ( is_array($subArray) && array_key_exists($targetKey,$subArray) ) $name = $subArray[$targetKey]; else if ( is_object($subArray) && property_exists($subArray, $targetKey) ) $name = $subArray->{$targetKey}; else $name = $key; } $new_array[$name] = $subArray; } return $new_array; } public function array_makeKeyedByValue($array){ $new_array=[]; foreach($array as $value) { $new_array[$value] = $value; } return $new_array; } //insert sub-child item in array-children with the child's keyname public function array_insertChildSameKey(&$array, $targetKey){ $new_array=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { $subArray[$targetKey] =$key; $new_array[$key] = $subArray; } $array = $new_array; return $array; } public function array_parentize($array, $targetSubKey_1, $targetSubKey_2=''){ $new_array=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { $parent1_key_will_be = $this->array_value($subArray,$targetSubKey_1); $parent2_key_will_be = empty($targetSubKey_2) ? $key : $this->array_value($subArray, $targetSubKey_2); $new_array[$parent1_key_will_be][$parent2_key_will_be] = $subArray; } return $new_array; } public function array_sub_with_keyvalue($array, $keyName, $shouldBeEqualTo, $resortKeysFromZero=false, $case_sensitive=true) { $newArray = []; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { if (is_array($subArray)) { $add=false; if ( array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray) ) { $v_1 = $subArray[$keyName]; $v_2 = $shouldBeEqualTo; if( is_numeric($v_1) && is_numeric($v_2) ) { $v_1 =self::number_format($v_1); $v_2 =self::number_format($v_2); } if( $v_1 === $v_2){ $add=true; } } if ($add){ if ($resortKeysFromZero) $newArray[] = $subArray; else $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } } elseif ( is_object($subArray) ) { $add=false; if ( property_exists($subArray,$keyName) ) { $v_1 = $subArray->$keyName; $v_2 = $shouldBeEqualTo; if( is_numeric($v_1) && is_numeric($v_2) ) { $v_1 =self::number_format($v_1); $v_2 =self::number_format($v_2); } if( $v_1 === $v_2){ $add=true; } } if ($add){ if ($resortKeysFromZero) $newArray[] = $subArray; else $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } } } return $newArray; } public function array_sub_without_keyvalue($array, $keyName, $shouldBeEqualTo, $resortKeysFromZero=false, $case_sensitive=true) { $newArray = []; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { if (is_array($subArray)) { $add=true; if ( array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray) ) { $v_1 = $subArray[$keyName]; $v_2 = $shouldBeEqualTo; if( is_numeric($v_1) && is_numeric($v_2) ) { $v_1 =(float)($v_1); $v_2 =(float)($v_2); } if( $v_1 === $v_2){ $add=false; } } if ($add){ if ($resortKeysFromZero) $newArray[] = $subArray; else $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } } elseif ( is_object($subArray) ) { $add=true; if ( property_exists($subArray,$keyName) ) { $v_1 = $subArray->$keyName; $v_2 = $shouldBeEqualTo; if( is_numeric($v_1) && is_numeric($v_2) ) { $v_1 =(float)($v_1); $v_2 =(float)($v_2); } if( $v_1 === $v_2){ $add=false; } } if ($add){ if ($resortKeysFromZero) $newArray[] = $subArray; else $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } } } return $newArray; } // CONTAIN // public function array_sub_with_keyvalue_contain($array, $keyName, $shoulContain, $resortKeysFromZero=false, $case_sensitive=true) { //todo } //TODO public function array_sub_without_keyvalue_contain($array, $keyName, $shouldNotContain, $resortKeysFromZero=false, $case_sensitive=true) { foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { if ( array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray) && $this->contains($subArray[$keyName],$shouldNotContain,$case_sensitive) ){ unset($array[$key]); } } return $array; } //TODO public function array_sub_sub_without_keyvalue_contain($array, $childKey, $keyName, $shouldNotContain, $resortKeysFromZero=false, $case_sensitive=true) { foreach($array as $key_1=>$subArray_1) { foreach($subArray_1[$childKey] as $key_2=>$subArray_2) { if ( array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray_2) && $this->contains($subArray_2[$keyName],$shouldNotContain,$case_sensitive) ){ unset($array[$key_1][$childKey][$key_2]); } } } return $array; } // ### CONTAIN ### // //TODO public function array_sub_replace_keyname($array, $keyName, $replaceWithKeyname) { //$newArray = []; //foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { // if ( $keyName===$key ){ // $newArray[$replaceWithKeyname] = $subArray; // } // else{ // $newArray[$key] = $subArray; // } //} //return $newArray; } public function array_sub_replace_value($array, $keyName, $replaceWhatValue, $replaceWithValue) { $newArray = []; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { if ( array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray) && $subArray[$keyName] === $replaceWhatValue ) $subArray[$keyName]=$replaceWithValue; $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } return $newArray; } public function array_subarray_value_above($array, $keyName, $value, $allow_null=false) { $newArray = []; foreach($array as $key=>$subArray) { //if array if ( is_array($subArray) && array_key_exists($keyName, $subArray) && ($subArray[$keyName] >= $value || ($allow_null && is_null($subArray[$keyName]) ) ) ) $newArray[$key] = $subArray; //if object if ( is_object($subArray) && property_exists($subArray, $keyName) && ($subArray->$keyName >= $value || ($allow_null && is_null($subArray->$keyName) ) ) ) $newArray[$key] = $subArray; } return $newArray; } public function array_only_keys_that_contain($array, $string_or_array, $case_sens=true, $position='any'){ $new=[]; if (!empty($string_or_array)) { $contained_strs = $this->arrayize($string_or_array); foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( $this->contains_AgainstArray($key, $contained_strs, $case_sens,$position) ){ $new[$key] = $block; } } } return $new; } public function array_only_keys_that_not_contain($array, $string_or_array, $case_sens=true, $position='any'){ $new=[]; if (!empty($string_or_array)) { $contained_strs = $this->arrayize($string_or_array); foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( ! $this->contains_AgainstArray($key, $contained_strs, $case_sens,$position) ){ $new[$key] = $block; } } } return $new; } public function array_only_keys_that_contain_not_contain($array, $INCLUDE_string_or_array=[], $INCLUDE_case_sens=true, $INCLUDE_position='any', $EXCLUDE_string_or_array=[], $EXCLUDE_case_sens=true, $EXCLUDE_position='any'){ $INCLUDEDs = is_array($INCLUDE_string_or_array) ? $INCLUDE_string_or_array : [$INCLUDE_string_or_array]; $EXCLUDEDs = is_array($EXCLUDE_string_or_array) ? $EXCLUDE_string_or_array : [$EXCLUDE_string_or_array]; $isInlcude= !empty($INCLUDEDs); $isExclude= !empty($EXCLUDEDs); $isObject = is_object($array); $new_array=$isObject ? (object) [] : []; foreach( $array as $key=>$block) { $set=true; if ( $set && ($isInlcude && ! $this->contains_AgainstArray($key, $INCLUDEDs, $INCLUDE_case_sens, $INCLUDE_position) )){ $set=false; } if ( $set && ($isExclude && $this->contains_AgainstArray($key, $EXCLUDEDs, $EXCLUDE_case_sens, $EXCLUDE_position) )){ $set=false; } if($set){ if($isObject) $new_array->$key = $block; else $new_array[$key] = $block; } } return $array; } public function array_only_values_that_contain($array, $string_or_array, $case_sens=true, $position='any'){ $new_array=[]; if (!empty($string_or_array)) { if( $this->is_array($string_or_array) ) { foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( $this->contains_AgainstArray($block, $string_or_array, $case_sens, $position) ){ $new_array[$key]=$block; } } } else{ foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( $this->contains($block, $string_or_array, $case_sens, $position) ){ $new_array[$key]=$block; } } } } return $new_array; } public function array_only_values_that_not_contain($array, $string_or_array, $case_sens=true, $position='any'){ $new_array=[]; if (!empty($string_or_array)) { if( $this->is_array($string_or_array) ) { foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( !$this->contains_AgainstArray($block, $string_or_array, $case_sens, $position) ){ $new_array[$key]=$block; } } } else{ foreach($array as $key=>$block) { if ( !$this->contains($block, $string_or_array, $case_sens, $position) ){ $new_array[$key]=$block; } } } } return $new_array; } public static function is_array($data){ return is_array($data) || is_object($data); } public function array_key_rename($array, $oldKeyToBeRenamed, $newKeyToBeUsed){ if (array_key_exists($oldKeyToBeRenamed,$array)) { $array[$newKeyToBeUsed]=$array[$oldKeyToBeRenamed]; unset($array[$oldKeyToBeRenamed]); } return $array; } public function array_key_rename_recursive($array, $keyToRemove, $keyToAdd){ $array = $this->array_key_rename($array, $keyToRemove, $keyToAdd); $new_array =[]; if (is_array($array)) { foreach($array as $key=>$value) { $new_array[$key]= !is_array($value) ? $value : $this->array_key_rename_recursive($value, $keyToRemove, $keyToAdd); } } else{ $new_array = $array; } return $new_array; } public function array_change_key_case(&$arr, $case = CASE_LOWER) { $arr = array_change_key_case($arr, $case); $arr = array_map(function(&$item) use($case) { if(is_array($item)) $this->array_change_key_case($item, $case); return $item; }, $arr ); } //another : https://stackoverflow.com/a/49993735/2377343 public function array_change_key_case_recursive(&$arr, $case = CASE_LOWER) { return array_map(function($item) use($case) { if(is_array($item)) $item = $this->array_change_key_case_recursive($item, $case); return $item; }, array_change_key_case($arr, $case)); } public static function has_child_with_key_value ($element, $targetKey, $targetValue) { $keys = self::keys ($element); for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) { $currentKey = $keys[$i]; $childMember = $element[$currentKey]; $value = self::array_value ($childMember, $targetKey, null); if ($value === $target_keytargetValue) { return true; } } return false; } public function insert_value_at_position($arr, $insertedArray, $position) { $i = 0; $new_array=[]; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if ($i == $position) { foreach ($insertedArray as $ikey => $ivalue) { $new_array[$ikey] = $ivalue; } } $new_array[$key] = $value; $i++; } return $new_array; } public function array_has_subchild_with_value($array,$subchild_key, $subchild_value, $strict=true){ $found = false; foreach($array as $key=>$child){ $val = $this->array_value($child, $subchild_key); if ( $strict && $val===$subchild_value) $found=true; elseif (!$strict && $val==$subchild_value) $found=true; } return $found; } // supports asterisks i.e. *->keyname ( https://pastebin_com/BcC8ztDp ) public function array_with_keys($array_or_object, $keyToRemain) { $asterisk = '*'; //should always have child -> $child_divisor = '->'; $keyToRemain_ALL= is_array($keyToRemain)?$keyToRemain:[$keyToRemain]; if (is_array($array_or_object)) { $new_arr = []; //normal $keysToRemain_NORMAL = array_filter($this->array_only_values_that_not_contain($keyToRemain_ALL, $child_divisor) ); $keysToRemain_REGEX = array_filter($this->array_only_values_that_contain($keyToRemain_ALL, $child_divisor) ); foreach( $array_or_object as $key_1=>$val_1 ) { if ( in_array($key_1, $keysToRemain_NORMAL) ){ $new_arr[$key_1]=$val_1; } } foreach( $array_or_object as $key_1=>$val_1 ) { if(array_key_exists($key_1, $new_arr) ) continue; foreach( $keysToRemain_REGEX as $eachRegex ) { $parts = explode($child_divisor, $eachRegex, 2 ); $first = $parts[0]; $second= $parts[1]; if( $first===$asterisk || $first===$key_1){ if(is_array($array_or_object[$key_1])){ $sVals= $this->array_with_keys($array_or_object[$key_1],$second); if (empty($new_arr[$key_1])) $new_arr[$key_1]=[]; $new_arr[$key_1]= array_merge_recursive($new_arr[$key_1],$sVals); } elseif( $first===$key_1 ){ // $new_arr[$key_1]=$array_or_object[$key_1]; } } } } return $new_arr; } elseif(is_object($array_or_object )) { foreach($array_or_object as $key=>$value) { if( !in_array($key,$keyToRemain_ALL) ){ unset($array_or_object->$key); } } return $array_or_object; } else{ return $array_or_object; } } //old: https://pastebin_com/Tbm8sEGH // supports asterisks i.e. *->keyname ( https://pastebin_com/BcC8ztDp ) public function array_unset_keys($array_or_object, $keysToUnset) { $asterisk = '*'; //should always have child -> $child_divisor = '->'; $keysToUnset_ALL= is_array($keysToUnset)?$keysToUnset:[$keysToUnset]; $is_arr=is_array($array_or_object); $is_obj=is_object($array_or_object); if ($is_arr || $is_obj) { $new_arr = []; $keysToUnset_NORMAL = array_filter($this->array_only_values_that_not_contain($keysToUnset_ALL, $child_divisor) ); $keysToUnset_REGEX = array_filter($this->array_only_values_that_contain($keysToUnset_ALL, $child_divisor) ); foreach( $array_or_object as $key_1=>$val_1 ) { if ( $is_arr && !in_array($key_1, $keysToUnset_NORMAL)){ $new_arr[$key_1]=$val_1; } if( $is_obj && in_array($key_1, $keysToUnset_NORMAL)){ unset($array_or_object->$key_1); } } foreach( ($is_arr ? $new_arr : $array_or_object) as $key_1=>$val_1 ) { foreach( $keysToUnset_REGEX as $eachRegex ) { $parts = explode($child_divisor, $eachRegex, 2 ); $first = $parts[0]; $second= $parts[1]; if( $first===$asterisk || $first===$key_1 ){ if( ($is_arr && !is_object($new_arr[$key_1]) && !is_array($new_arr[$key_1])) || ($is_obj && !is_object($array_or_object->$key_1) && !is_array($array_or_object->$key_1) ) ) { //$new_arr[$key_1]=$array_or_object[$key_1]; } else{ if ( $is_arr ) $new_arr[$key_1]=$this->array_unset_keys($new_arr[$key_1],$second); if ( $is_obj ) $array_or_object->$key_1=$this->array_unset_keys($array_or_object->$key_1,$second); } } } } if($is_arr) return $new_arr; if($is_obj) return $array_or_object; } } /////////////// public static function array_part($array, $amount, $from="start|end") { return self::array_trim($array, $amount, $from); } public static function array_trim($array, $amount, $from="start|end") { $count = count($array); return $count<=$amount ? $array : array_slice($array, $from="start" ? 0 : $count-$amount, $amount); } //add only in case the array didnt containted it already public function add_in_array_if_not_already_added($my_arrayy,$target_value){ if (array_search($target_value, $my_arrayy) !== true) { $my_arrayy[] = $target_value;} return $my_arrayy; } //remove item from array by value public function unset_by_value(&$my_arrayy, $target_value, $reindex=false){ $new=[]; if (!empty($my_arrayy) && is_array($my_arrayy) ) { foreach ($my_arrayy as $key => $value){ if ($value != $target_value) { if(!$reindex) $new[$key] = $my_arrayy[$key]; else $new[] = $my_arrayy[$key]; } } } $my_arrayy = $new; return $my_arrayy; } public function array_is_associative(array $array) { return count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_string')) > 0; } public function is_associative(array $arr){ if (array() === $arr) return false; return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1); } public function array_get_by_subkey($array, $subkey, $subvalue){ foreach ($array as $each){ //if() } return []; } public function next_key_in_array($target_keyname, $array){ $keys = array_keys($array); $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys , true); return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] : $keys[0]; } public function next_value_in_array($target_value, $array, $by_key=false){ $keys = array_keys($array); $target_keyname = $by_key ? $target_value : array_search($target_value, $array, true ); $index_of_target_keyname = array_search($target_keyname, $keys, true ); return (count($array) > $index_of_target_keyname+1 ) ? $array[ $keys[$index_of_target_keyname+1] ] : $array[ $keys[0] ]; } public function array_search($targetValue, $array){ foreach($array as $key=>$value){ if ($value===$targetValue) return $key; } return false; } public function string_contains_array_value_any($string, $array, $case_sensitive=false){ $found=''; $string = $case_sensitive ? $string : strtolower($string); $array = $case_sensitive ? $array : array_map('strtolower', $array); foreach($array as $each) { if (stripos($string,$each)!==false){ $found=$each; break; } } return $found; } public function string_contains_array_value_all($string, $array, $case_sensitive=false){ $result=true; $string = $case_sensitive ? $string : strtolower($string); $array = $case_sensitive ? $array : array_map('strtolower', $array); foreach($array as $each) { if (stripos($string,$each)===false){ $result=false; break; } } return $result; } public function array_values_contain_string($array, $string, $case_sensitive=false){ $found=false; $string = $case_sensitive ? $string : strtolower($string); foreach($array as $each) { $each = $case_sensitive ? $each : strtolower($each); if (stripos($each,$string)!==false){ $found=true; break; } } return $found; } public static function keys($array_or_object){ if(is_array($array_or_object)) return array_keys($array_or_object); //elseif (is_object($arrayOrObject)) return array_keys(get_object_vars($array_or_object)); //return []; } public static function key_at_index($array_or_object, $position){ return self::keys($array_or_object)[$position]; } public static function value_at_index($array_or_object, $position){ $target_key = self::key_at_index($array_or_object, $position); if ($target_key === $position) { return $array_or_object[$position]; } else { return self::array_value($array_or_object, $target_key, null); } } public function index_of_key($array, $key){ return array_search($key, array_keys($array)); } public function index_of_value($array, $value){ return array_search($value, $array); } public function array_get_part($array, $from_start=0, $from_end=0){ $i=0; $new_arr=[]; $count = count($array); foreach($array as $key=>$value) { $i++; if ($i<= $from_start ) $new_arr[$key]=$value; if ($i> $count-$from_end ) $new_arr[$key]=$value; } return $new_arr; } public static function value_at_last_index( $array ) { $keys = self::keys($array); $key_last = $keys[ count($keys)-1]; return self::array_value($array, $key_last, null); } public function array_sort_by_key($array, $key, $remove_current= false){ $remaining = array_splice ($array, $this->index_of_key($array, $key)); if($remove_current){ $array[$key]= $remaining[$key]; unset($remaining[$key] ); } return array_merge($remaining, $array); } // todo public function array_sort_by_key2($array, $key, $direction=SORT_ASC){ $is_obj= is_object($array); if ($is_obj) $array = (array) $array; $columns = array_column($array, $key); if ( array_multisort($columns, $direction, $array) ) return ($is_obj ? (object) $array : $array); else throw new \Exception("Multisort failed"); } //in multi dimensional array public function array_find_by_key_value($array, $key, $value, $defaultValue = []){ foreach($array as $subArray){ if (is_array($subArray)) { if (array_key_exists($key, $subArray) && $subArray[$key] === $value){ return $subArray; } } else { if (property_exists($subArray, $key) && $subArray->{$key} === $value) { return $subArray; } } } return $defaultValue; //new \stdClass() } // array_diff ( array $array , array ...$arrays ): Compares array against one or more other arrays and returns the values in array that are not present in any of the other arrays. //response only gives the items, that are in ARRAY_1, and doesn't matter if there are more things in ARRAY_2. See sample: pastebin_com/AUx4238H public function array_diff_assoc_recursive( $array_source, $array_toward) { $difference = []; if (empty($array_toward)) return $array_source; foreach($array_source as $key => $value_1){ // if target array does not have this key if ( (is_array($array_source) && !array_key_exists($key, $array_toward) ) || (is_object($array_source) && !property_exists($array_toward, $key) ) ) { $difference[$key] = $value_1; } else { $value_2 = is_array($array_toward) ? $array_toward[$key] : $array_toward->$key; // if member is simple-type if( !is_array($value_1) && !is_object($value_1) &&$value_1!=$value_2 ){ $difference[$key] = $value_1; } // if member is array/object elseif ( is_array($value_1) || is_object($value_1) ) { if ( !is_array($value_2) && !is_object($value_2) ) { $difference[$key] = $value_1; } else{ $newDiff = $this->array_diff_assoc_recursive($value_1, $value_2 ); if( !empty($newDiff) ) { $difference[$key] = $newDiff; } } } } } return $difference; } public function array_diff_recursive( $array_source, $array_compared_to ) { return []; } public function array_difference( $array_source, $array_compared_to ) { $diff = [ 'first'=> $this->array_diff_assoc_recursive($array_source, $array_compared_to), 'second'=> $this->array_diff_assoc_recursive($array_compared_to, $array_source), ]; $diff['added'] = []; $diff['changed'] = []; $diff['removed'] = []; foreach ($diff['first'] as $keyNm => $block) { if ( !array_key_exists($keyNm, $diff['second']) ) $diff['added'][$keyNm]=$block; else $diff['changed'][$keyNm]=$block; } foreach ($diff['second'] as $keyNm => $block) { if ( !array_key_exists($keyNm, $diff['first']) ) $diff['removed'][$keyNm]=$block; } return $diff; } public function array_diff_key_full( $array_source, $array_toward ) { $diff = [ 'added'=> array_diff_key($array_source, $array_toward), 'removed'=> array_diff_key($array_toward, $array_source), ]; return $diff; } public function array_difference_full( $array_source, $array_toward ) { $difference = [ 'new'=>[], 'old'=>[], 'different'=>[] ]; if (empty($array_toward)){ $difference['old'] = $array_source; } else{ foreach($array_toward as $key => $value){ // if target array does not have this key, then tell that this key is new if ( !array_key_exists($key, $array_source) ) { $difference['new'][$key] = $value; } } foreach($array_source as $key => $value){ // if target array does not have this key, then tell that this key is new if ( !array_key_exists($key, $array_toward) ) { $difference['old'][$key] = $value; } else { $value_2 = $array_toward[$key]; // if member is simple-type if( !is_array($value) ) { if ( $value_2 != $value ) { $difference['different'][$key] = $value; } } // if member is array/object else { // if array if ( is_array($value) ) { if (!is_array($value_2) ) { $difference['different'][$key] = $value; } else{ $newDiff = $this->array_difference_full($value, $value_2); if( !empty($newDiff) ) { $difference['different'][$key] = $newDiff; } } } } } } } return $difference; } public static function array_keys_diff($ar1, $ar2){ return self::array_diff_keys($ar1, $ar2); } public static function array_diff_keys($ar1, $ar2){ $k1=array_keys($ar1); $k2=array_keys($ar2); return [ array_diff($k1, $k2), array_diff($k2, $k1) ]; } public function array_intersect_assoc_recursive(&$arr1, &$arr2) { if (!is_array($arr1) || !is_array($arr2)) { // return $arr1 == $arr2; // Original line return (string) $arr1 == (string) $arr2; } $commonkeys = array_intersect(array_keys($arr1), array_keys($arr2)); $ret = array(); foreach ($commonkeys as $key) { $var= $this->array_intersect_assoc_recursive($arr1[$key], $arr2[$key]); $ret[$key] = & $var; } return $ret; } public function array_emptify_keys($array, $insert_key_in_body='') { $new=[]; foreach($array as $key1=>$block) { $new[]=$block; } return $new; } public function array_emptify_keys_sub($array, $insert_key_in_body='') { $new=[]; foreach($array as $key1=>$block1) { foreach($block1 as $key2=>$block2) { if(!empty($insert_key_in_body)) { if(is_object($block2)) $block2->$insert_key_in_body = $key2; else $block2[$insert_key_in_body] = $key2; } $new[$key1][]=$block2; } } return $new; } public function array_merge($obj_or_array1, $obj_or_array2) { $is_obj = is_object($obj_or_array1); if ($is_obj){ return (object) array_merge((array) $obj_or_array1, (array) $obj_or_array2); } else{ return array_merge($obj_or_array1, $obj_or_array2); } } public function array_merge_sub($array, $unique=false) { $final_arr=[]; foreach($array as $block) $final_arr=array_merge($final_arr, $block); return ($unique ? array_unique($final_arr) : $final_arr); } public function array_merge_sub_sub($array, $which_key, $unique=false) { $final_arr=[]; foreach($array as $block) $final_arr=array_merge($final_arr, $this->array_value($block,$which_key) ); return ($unique ? array_unique($final_arr) : $final_arr); } public function array_merge_recursive_distinct ( array $array1, array $array2 ) { $merged = $array1; foreach ( $array2 as $key => &$value ) { if ( is_array ( $value ) && isset ( $merged [$key] ) && is_array ( $merged [$key] ) ) { $merged[$key] = $this->array_merge_recursive_distinct ( $merged [$key], $value ); } else { $merged[$key] = $value; } } return $merged; } public function recursive_for_array_value($array,$function_name=false){ //on first run, we define the desired function name to be executed on values if ($function_name) { $GLOBALS['current_func_name']= $function_name; } else {$function_name=$GLOBALS['current_func_name'];} //now, if it's array, then recurse, otherwise execute function return is_array($array) ? array_map('recursive_for_array_value', $array) : $function_name($array); } public function key_after_key($keyname, $array, $increment){ $keys = array_keys($array); $current_key_index = array_search($keyname, $keys); return $keys[array_search($keyname,$keys)+$increment]; } public function array_set_keys_from_child($array, $keyName){ $new=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$value) { if (isset($value[$keyName])) $new[$value[$keyName]]=$value; } return $new; } public function array_column_with_keys($array,$keyName){ $new=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$value) { if (isset($value[$keyName])) $new[$key]=$value[$keyName]; } return $new; } public function array_only_with_key($array, $keyName, $target_level){ $new = []; $old = $array; $value_0= $array; $cur_level = 0; if (is_array($value_0) && $target_level>=$cur_level) foreach($value_0 as $key_1=>$value_1) { $cur_level = 1; if ($cur_level == $target_level && $key_1 == $keyName) { $new[$key_1] = $value_1; unset($old[$key_1]); } else{ if (is_array($value_1) && $target_level>=$cur_level) foreach($value_1 as $key_2=>$value_2) { $cur_level = 2; if ($cur_level == $target_level && $key_2 == $keyName) { $new[$key_1][$key_2] = $value_2; unset($old[$key_1][$key_2]); } else{ if (is_array($value_2) && $target_level>=$cur_level) foreach($value_2 as $key_3=>$value_3) { $cur_level = 3; if ($cur_level == $target_level && $key_3 == $keyName) { $new[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3] = $value_3; unset($old[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3]); } else{ if (is_array($value_3) && $target_level>=$cur_level) foreach($value_3 as $key_4=>$value_4) { $cur_level = 4; if ($cur_level == $target_level && $key_4 == $keyName) { $new[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3][$key_4] = $value_4; unset($old[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3][$key_4]); } else{ if (is_array($value_4) && $target_level>=$cur_level) foreach($value_4 as $key_5=>$value_5) { $cur_level = 5; if ($cur_level == $target_level && $key_5 == $keyName) { $new[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3][$key_4][$key_5] = $value_5; unset($old[$key_1][$key_2][$key_3][$key_4][$key_5]); } } } } } } } } } } return ['with'=>$new, 'without'=>$old]; } public function array_column_with_key_2($array,$keyName){ return array_filter(array_combine(array_keys($array), array_column($array, $keyName))); } // #################### conversions ########################## public function php_to_js_array($array){ return '["'. implode('","', $array ) .'"]'; } public static function xml_to_array($xml_string, $replace_colons=false, $opts=0 ){ return json_decode(self::xml_to_json($xml_string, $replace_colons, $opts), true); // try // { // $xml = simplexml_load_string($content, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA); // return json_decode( json_encode($xml), TRUE); // } catch (Exception $ex) { // return ['xmlerror'=>$ex]; // } } public static function xml_to_json($xml_string, $replace_colons=false, $opts=0 ){ if ($opts===0) $opts = LIBXML_NOCDATA | LIBXML_COMPACT | LIBXML_NOENT ; //https://www.php.net/manual/en/libxml.constants.php : LIBXML_NOCDATA | LIBXML_COMPACT | LIBXML_DTDLOAD | if ($replace_colons) $xml_string = self::xml_tag_replace_colons($xml_string); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string, null, $opts); return json_encode($xml); } public function xml_to_array_by_key($content, $keyName, $removeIfKeyIsOnlyChild=false) { try { $xml = simplexml_load_string($content, "SimpleXMLElement", LIBXML_NOCDATA ); $array= json_decode( json_encode($xml), TRUE); return $this->xml_set_child($array, $keyName, $removeIfKeyIsOnlyChild); } catch (Exception $ex) { return ['xmlerror'=>$ex]; } } public function xml_set_child($array, $keyName, $removeIfKeyIsOnlyChild=false) { $new_array= []; foreach ($array as $key_1=>$value_1) { if (is_array($value_1) && isset($value_1[0])) { $sub_arr=[]; foreach ($value_1 as $idx=>$value_2) { $keyValue = $value_2['@attributes'][$keyName]; if( $removeIfKeyIsOnlyChild && count($value_2)==1 && count($value_2['@attributes'])==1 ) $new_array[$key_1][$keyValue] = null; else $new_array[$key_1][$keyValue] = $this->xml_set_child($value_2, $keyName, $removeIfKeyIsOnlyChild); } } else{ $new_array[$key_1]=$value_1; } } return $new_array; } public static function xml_tag_replace_colons($xmlData){ return preg_replace('~(</?|\s)([a-z0-9_]+):~is', '$1$2_', $xmlData); } public function array_to_xml_output($array) { $xml_data = new \SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0"?><xml_data></xml_data>'); $this->array_to_xml($array, $xml_data); //$result = $xml_data->asXML('/file/path/name.xml'); return $xml_data->asXML(); } public function array_to_xml( $data, &$xml_data ) { foreach( $data as $key => $value ) { if( is_numeric($key) ){ $key = 'item'.$key; } //dealing with <0/>..<nuemric/> issues if( is_array($value) ) { $subnode = $xml_data->addChild($key); array_to_xml($value, $subnode); } else { $xml_data->addChild("$key",htmlspecialchars("$value")); } } } //############## ARRAYs ################# public function unquote($txt){ return str_replace('"', "", str_replace("'", "", $txt) ); } public function get_extension($fileUrl) { $array=explode('.', basename(parse_url($fileUrl)['path'])); return $array[count($array)-1]; } public function filename($fileUrl) { $array=explode('.', basename(parse_url($fileUrl)['path'])); $min = min(count($array), 2); return basename($array[$min-2]); } public function files_list_in_dir($path, $only_files = false) { $all_list = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS), ( $only_files ? \RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY : \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ) ); $files = []; foreach ($all_list as $file) $files[] = $file->getPathname(); return $files; } public function set_property($obj, $property, $value) { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($obj); $property = $reflection->getProperty($property); $property->setAccessible(true); return $property->setValue($obj, $value); } public function is_localhost($domain=''){ return in_array( (!empty($domain) ? $domain : $this->domainCurrentWithoutPort), ['localhost','','::1']); } public function is_json($string){ return (is_string($string) && is_array(json_decode($string, true))); } public function arrayed_json($answer){ $result = []; if(!$this->is_json($answer)){ $result['error'] = $answer; } else{ $result = json_decode($answer, true); } return $result; } public function arrayed_answer($answer){ $result = []; if(!$this->is_json($answer)){ $result['error'] = $answer; } else{ $result = json_decode($answer, true); } return $result; } public function maybe_json($string){ $firstLetter = substr($string, 0, 1); $maybe_json = $firstLetter==='{' || $firstLetter==='['; return $maybe_json; } //from Wordpress codex public static function is_serialized( $data, $strict = true ) { if ( ! is_string( $data ) ) { return false; } $data = trim( $data ); if ( 'N;' === $data ) { return true; } if ( strlen( $data ) < 4 ) { return false; } if ( ':' !== $data[1] ) { return false; } if ( $strict ) { $lastc = substr( $data, -1 ); if ( ';' !== $lastc && '}' !== $lastc ) { return false; } } else { $semicolon = strpos( $data, ';' ); $brace = strpos( $data, '}' ); if ( false === $semicolon && false === $brace ) { return false; } if ( false !== $semicolon && $semicolon < 3 ) { return false; } if ( false !== $brace && $brace < 4 ) { return false; } } $token = $data[0]; switch ( $token ) { case 's': if ( $strict ) { if ( '"' !== substr( $data, -2, 1 ) ) { return false; } } elseif ( false === strpos( $data, '"' ) ) { return false; } case 'a': case 'O': return (bool) preg_match( "/^{$token}:[0-9]+:/s", $data ); case 'b': case 'i': case 'd': $end = $strict ? '$' : ''; return (bool) preg_match( "/^{$token}:[0-9.E+-]+;$end/", $data ); } return false; } //https://www.php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php public function errors_exception(){ //set_error_handler("warning_handler", E_WARNING); set_error_handler(function($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { // error was suppressed with the @-operator if (0 === error_reporting()) { return false; } throw new \ErrorException($errstr, 0, $errno, $errfile, $errline); }); } public function disable_header_cache($hard=false, $file=false){ // TODO - handle _POST header("Expires: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 12:00:00 GMT"); // Expired already header("Last-Modified: ".gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s")." GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // good for HTTP/1.1 header("Pragma: no-cache"); if($hard){ if(!isset($_GET['rand'])) $this->php_redirect( $this->AddStringToUrl($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'rand='.rand(1,9999999) ) ); } ini_set("opcache.enable", 0); if($file){ opcache_invalidate($file); } } public function my_mail($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null,$e=null){ return (!$this->definedTRUE("MAILS_DISABLED") ? mail($a,$b,$c,$d,$e) : "MAILS_NOT_ENABLED__error99234"); } public function get_yout_Vid_Aud_array($ID,$TITL) {return yout_DownUrls($ID, $TITL);} public function default_mail_headers($from=false){ return $headers='MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n" . 'Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\r\n" . 'From: mesg@' .$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ."\r\n".'Reply-To: mesg@'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion(); } //use whenever you want to show something on the first happening // first_cookie_message('ini_get_noexits','<script>alert("ini_get doesnt work on server. i will hide forever now");</script>') public function first_cookie_message($identifier, $message){ $cName=filter_var($identifier, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING); if (!isset($_COOKIE[$cName])){ setcookie($cName,'okk',time()+99999999, $this->constant('homeFOLD','/')); die($message); } } public function cookie_set($name){ if (empty($_COOKIE[$name])) { return false;} else { return true;} } public function cookie_setOnceExecution($name){ if (empty($_COOKIE[$name])) { setcookie($name, time(), time()+ 999999, $this->constant('homeFOLD','/') ); return true; } return false; } public function cookie_not_set($name){ cookie_setOnceExecution($name); } public function set_cookie($name, $val, $time_length = 86400, $path=false, $domain=false, $httponly=true, $only_on_secure_https = false){ $site_urls = parse_url( (function_exists('home_url') ? home_url() : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ); $real_domain = $site_urls["host"]; $path = $path ? $path : ( (!empty($this) && property_exists($this,'homeFOLDER') ) ? $this->homeFOLDER : '/'); $domain = $domain ? $domain : ((substr($real_domain, 0, 4) == "www.") ? substr($real_domain, 4) : $real_domain); setcookie ( $name , $val , time()+$time_length, $path = $path, $domain = $domain, $only_on_secure_https, $httponly ); } public function setcookie_secure($name, $val, $time_length = 86400, $httponly=true, $homeurl=false){ $real_domain = $homeur ?: $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $domain = (substr($real_domain, 0, 4) == "www.") ? substr($real_domain, 4) : $real_domain; $path = $path ?: ( (!empty($this) && property_exists('pathAfterDomain', $this) ) ? $this->pathAfterDomain : '/'); setcookie ( $name , $val , time()+$time_length, $path, $domain = $domain , $only_on_https = FALSE, $httponly ); } public function page_load_limited_for_seconds($seconds = 3, $cookiename = 'pageloader_limiter'){ if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) { } } public function site_slug() { return str_replace(array('.','/',':'),'_', $this->domain ); } public function site_visitor_default_cookiee() {return 'default_visitr_'.site_slug(); } public function set_cookie_for_visitors(){ setcookie(site_visitor_default_cookiee(), time()+1000, time()+1000, $this->constant('homeFOLD','/')); } // SetCookieForVisitors(); public function die_if_not_this_site_youtube(){if (!isset($_COOKIE[site_visitor_default_cookiee()])) { die('noauth_6453'); } } public $share_urls = [ 'facebook' =>'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=', 'twitter' =>'https://twitter.com/share?url=' ]; public function validate_mail( $mail ){ return !filter_var( $mail, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL ); } // only for explicit temp use public function password_site($password, $hint="Type password") { $rnd_ext = 'pss_'.str_replace('.','_', $this->domain); if ( $password == $this->Post('passwk') ) { setcookie($rnd_ext, $password, time()+1111111, $this->homeFOLD); header("location:".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);exit; } elseif (!isset($_COOKIE[$rnd_ext]) || $_COOKIE[$rnd_ext]!=$password ){ echo '<div style="display:flex; justify-content:center;"><form action="" method="post"> <b>'.$hint.'</b>:<input name="passwk" value=""> <input type="submit" value="Enter"></form></dvi>';exit;} } public function get_filename_($url){ return basename(parse_url($url)['path']); } public function scriptt($name, $with_css=false) { return ( (!empty($GLOBALS['already_loaded_'.$name])) ? '<!-- already outputed "'.$name.'" -->' : $GLOBALS['already_loaded_'.$name]='<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['js'].'"></script>') . ( !$with_css ? '' : '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'. $GLOBALS['odd']['scripts'][$name]['css'].'"> ' ); } public function scriptss(){ foreach(func_get_args() as $key=>$value){ echo (!is_array($value) ? scriptt($value) : scriptt($value[0], $value[1]) ); } } public function translate__MONTH($text,$target_lang=''){ global $odd; //switch ($text) { case 'January': return TRANSLL('monthh1',$target_lang); if( !empty($odd['months_langs'][$target_lang]) && array_key_exists($text, $odd['months_langs'][$target_lang])) { $text = $odd['months_langs'][$target_lang][$text]; if (mb_detect_encoding($text) =='UTF-8') {$text= mb_substr ($text,0,3,'utf-8') ; } } else{ $text = TRANSLL($text,$target_lang); } return $text; } public function translate__DAY($text,$target_lang='') { if (in_array($text, array('Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sunday')) ) { return TRANSLL($text,$target_lang); } return $text; } // language specifics public function GEO_to_ENG($input){ return strtr($input, array( "�?"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "ე"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"T", "ი"=>"i", "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "�?"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"J", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"R", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"S", "ჩ"=>"C", "ც"=>"c", "ძ"=>"Z", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"W", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" )); } public function ENG_to_GEO($input) { return strtr($input, array( 'a'=>'�?', 'b'=>'ბ', 'g'=>'გ', 'd'=>'დ', 'e'=>'ე', 'v'=>'ვ', 'z'=>'ზ', 'T'=>'თ', 'i'=>'ი', 'k'=>'კ', 'l'=>'ლ', 'm'=>'მ', 'n'=>'ნ', 'o'=>'�?', 'p'=>'პ', 'J'=>'ჟ', 'r'=>'რ', 's'=>'ს', 't'=>'ტ', 'u'=>'უ', 'f'=>'ფ', 'q'=>'ქ', 'R'=>'ღ', 'y'=>'ყ', 'S'=>'შ', 'C'=>'ჩ', 'c'=>'ც', 'Z'=>'ძ', 'w'=>'წ', 'W'=>'ჭ', 'x'=>'ხ', 'j'=>'ჯ', 'h'=>'ჰ' )); } //UPPERCASE CHARS sometimes MESS-UP several FUNCTION's USAGE. So, sometimes we need lowercased words public function GEO_to_ENG__LowerCased($m) { return strtolower(strtr($m, array( "�?"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "ე"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"t", "ი"=>"i", "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "�?"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"dj", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"gh", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"sh", "ჩ"=>"ch", "ც"=>"c", "ძ"=>"dz", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"tch", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" ))); } public function Rus_To_Eng__LowerCased($input){ return strtr($input, array( "а"=>"a","�?"=>"a", "б"=>"b","Б"=>"b", "в"=>"v","В"=>"v", "г"=>"g","Г"=>"g", "д"=>"d","Д"=>"d", "е"=>"e","Е"=>"e", "ё"=>"yo","�?"=>"yo", "ж"=>"zh","Ж"=>"zh", "з"=>"z","З"=>"z", "и"=>"i","И"=>"i", "й"=>"j","Й"=>"j", "к"=>"k","К"=>"k", "л"=>"l","Л"=>"l", "м"=>"m","М"=>"m", "н"=>"n","�?"=>"n", "о"=>"o","О"=>"o", "п"=>"p","П"=>"p", "р"=>"r","Р"=>"r", "�?"=>"s","С"=>"s", "т"=>"t","Т"=>"t", "у"=>"u","У"=>"u", "ф"=>"f","Ф"=>"f", "х"=>"kh","Х"=>"kh", "ц"=>"ts","Ц"=>"ts", "ч"=>"ch","Ч"=>"ch", "ш"=>"sh","Ш"=>"sh", "щ"=>"sch","Щ"=>"sch", "ъ"=>"","Ъ"=>"", "ы"=>"y","Ы"=>"y", "ь"=>"","Ь"=>"", "�?"=>"e","Э"=>"e", "ю"=>"yu","Ю"=>"yu", "�?"=>"ya","Я"=>"ya", )); } public function ic1251_to_utf8($s){ $s= str_replace('С?',$a1='fgr43443443',$s); $s= str_replace('Р?',$a2='tg5gh45h3hg3',$s); $s= str_replace('пїЅпїЅ?',$a3='fgr35gh35hg3gdfw',$s); $s= str_replace('СЊС?',$a4='XXX83rhf423888df8d23d1',$s); $s= str_replace('бѓ?',$a5='XXX83rhf423888df8d23d2',$s); $s= mb_convert_encoding($s, "windows-1251", "utf-8"); $s= str_replace($a5,'ი',$s); $s= str_replace($a3,'ი',$s); $s= str_replace($a1,'ш',$s); $s= str_replace($a2,'И',$s); $s= str_replace($a4,'шь',$s); return $s; } public function INCORRECT_GEO_to_ENG($input){ return strtr($input, array( "áƒ�?"=>"a", "ბ"=>"b", "გ"=>"g", "დ"=>"d", "áƒ�?"=>"e", "ვ"=>"v", "ზ"=>"z", "თ"=>"T", "ი"=>"i", "კ"=>"k", "ლ"=>"l", "მ"=>"m", "ნ"=>"n", "áƒ�?"=>"o", "პ"=>"p", "ჟ"=>"J", "რ"=>"r", "ს"=>"s", "ტ"=>"t", "უ"=>"u", "ფ"=>"f", "ქ"=>"q", "ღ"=>"R", "ყ"=>"y", "შ"=>"S", "ჩ"=>"C", "ც"=>"c", "ძ"=>"Z", "წ"=>"w", "ჭ"=>"W", "ხ"=>"x", "ჯ"=>"j", "ჰ"=>"h" )); } // # language specifics public function validate_post_id($id) { if (!is_numeric($id) || strlen($id)>7) {die("incorrrrrect_postid error81"); }} public function validate_simple_word_of_s_GET($text){if (preg_match('/[\<\>\'\=\$\"\?\(\{]/si',$text)) {die("incorrrrrect error86");}} // // Validation public function validate_url($url) { return filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false && (preg_match("/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i",$url)); } public function validate_email($email) { if(empty($email)) return false; $regex = '/'. ($name='([a-z0-9_.-]+)'). ($at='@'). ($sub_domain='([a-z0-9.-]+){2,255}') . ($period='.'). ($ext='([a-z]+){2,10}'). '/i'; return empty(preg_replace($regex, '', $email) ); } // ########## Sanitization ########## // https://php.net/manual/en/filter.filters.sanitize.php public static function sanitize($key){ return preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/', "_", trim($key) ); } public static function sanitize_key($key, $use_dash=false ){ return preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_\-]/', ($use_dash===true ? "_": (is_string($use_dash) ? $use_dash: "") ), strtolower(trim($key) )); } //same as wp public static function sanitize_key_($key){ return self::sanitize_key_dashed($key); } public static function sanitize_key_dashed($str){ return self::str_replace_recursive('__', '_', self::sanitize($str, true) ); } public static function sanitize_text($str,$use_dash=false) { return preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\-\_\+\=\,\.\/\?\;\[\]\{\}\|\s]+/", ($use_dash ? "_":""), trim($str)); } // \= \/ //Try this to remove everything except a-z, A-Z and 0-9, -, _, . public static function sanitize_nonoword($text) { return preg_replace('/\W/si','',$text); } public static function sanitize_alhpabet($key){ return preg_replace( '/[^a-zA-Z]/',"", $key); } public static function sanitize_text_entities($str,$use_dash=false){ return self::sanitize_text(htmlentities($str,$use_dash)); } public static function sanitize_text_filter($string) { return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);} // other versions // [^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.] // return strtr($input, [ " "=>"-", "."=>"--", ":"=>"--", ","=>"-", "/"=>"-", ";"=>"--", "—"=>"", "–"=>"-" ]); // str_replace(array(' ','-',',','.','/','\\','|','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','(',')'),'_', strip_tags( trim($str) )); // preg_replace('/[^\w\d_\-]/', '', filter_var($input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) ); public static function sanitize_digits($string){ return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);} public static function sanitize_url($string) { return filter_var($string,FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS);} public static function sanitize_symbol($str) { return str_replace(array('/','\\','|','!','*'), '_', strip_tags( strtoupper(trim($str) )) ) ; } public static function sanitize_url_dots($url) { return self::slash_normalize_url(str_replace('/..','', str_replace('\\','', $url) ) ); } public static function sanitize_unicode($text, $replace_with=''){ $x= preg_replace('/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/', $replace_with, $text); return preg_replace('/['.$replace_with.']+/', $replace_with, $x); } public static function sanitize_text_field($text) { if(function_exists('sanitize_text_field')) return sanitize_text_field($text); else return self::sanitize_text($text); } public static function sanitize_text_field_recursive($data) { if ( empty($data) ) { return $data; } if ( is_array( $data ) ) { foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { $value = self::sanitize_text_field_recursive($value); } else { $value = stripslashes(sanitize_text_field($value)); } $data[$key] = $value; } return $data; } return sanitize_text_field($data); } public static function sanitize_comma_array($string, $type="key") { $values = explode(',', self::sanitize_text_field($string)); $sanitized_values = $values; $sanitized_values = array_map('sanitize_key', $sanitized_values); $sanitized_values = array_map('trim', $sanitized_values); $sanitized_text = implode(',', $sanitized_values); return $sanitized_text; } public static function remove_new_lines($text) { return str_replace(["\r","\n"],'', $text); } // public static function remove_whitespaces($input, $oneSpace=true){ $what = $oneSpace ? ' ':''; $input= str_replace(" ", $what,$input ); $input= str_replace(" ", $what,$input ); $input= str_replace("\t\t", $what,$input ); $input= str_replace("\t", $what,$input ); $input= str_replace("\r\n\r\n", $what,$input ); $input= str_replace("\r\n ", $what,$input ); if (!$oneSpace){ $input= str_replace(" ", $what,$input ); } return $input; } public static function str_replace_recursive($value, $replace, $string) { $string = str_replace($value, $replace, $string); if (strpos($string, $value)!==false) { $string= self::str_replace_recursive($value, $replace, $string); } return $string; } // remove dots (.) and "after plus part" (+xxxx) from gmail address public function sanitize_gmail($user_mail) { $sanitized_email = preg_replace_callback( '/(.*)\@/si', function($matches){return str_replace('.','',$matches[0]); }, preg_replace( '/\+.*\@/s', '@', $user_mail ) ); return $sanitized_email; } public function sanitize_utf8_filenamee($input){ $filename_sanitized = $this->GEO_to_ENG__LowerCased($input); $filename_sanitized = $this->Rus_To_Eng__LowerCased($filename_sanitized); $filename_sanitized = str_replace(' ','-',$filename_sanitized); $filename_sanitized = utf8_encode($filename_sanitized); return $filename_sanitized; } public function remove_html_parts($content) { $content = preg_replace('/(.*)\<body\>/si','',$content); $content = preg_replace('/<script(.*?)script\>/si','',$content); $content = preg_replace('/<iframe(.*?)iframe\>/si','',$content); $content = preg_replace('/\<\/body(.*)/si','',$content); return trim($content); } public function ensure($value, $array){ if (in_array($value, $array)) return $value; else { $msg = "Provided value was not in array. Value: " . $this->var_dump($value) . "\r\n<br/>Array:".$this->var_dump($array) ; throw new \Exception( $msg ); } } public function decode_encoded_utf8($string){ return preg_replace_callback('#\\\\u([0-9a-f]{4})#ism', function($matches) { return mb_convert_encoding(pack("H*", $matches[1]), "UTF-8", "UCS-2BE"); }, $string); } // directory correction public function directory_canonicalize3($address) { $address = explode('/', $address); $keys = array_keys($address, '..'); foreach($keys AS $keypos => $key) { array_splice($address, $key - ($keypos * 2 + 1), 2); } $address = implode('/', $address); $address = str_replace('./', '', $address); return $address; } public function directory_canonicalize2($address) { $address =preg_replace_callback( '/(.*?|)\/(.*?)(\/..*?)\b/i', function ($matches){ if(!empty($matches[3])){ return ($matches[3]); } return $matches[0]; }, $address ); return $address; } // copied from: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/map_deep/ public static function map_deep( $value, $callback ) { if ( is_array( $value ) ) { foreach ( $value as $index => $item ) { $value[ $index ] = self::map_deep( $item, $callback ); } } elseif ( is_object( $value ) ) { $object_vars = get_object_vars( $value ); foreach ( $object_vars as $property_name => $property_value ) { $value->$property_name = self::map_deep( $property_value, $callback ); } } else { $value = call_user_func( $callback, $value ); } return $value; } public function remove_query_from_url($url, $which_argument=false){ return preg_replace( '/'. ( $which_argument ? '(\&|)'.$which_argument.'(\=(.*?)((?=&(?!amp\;))|$)|(.*?)\b)' : '(\?.*)').'/i' , '', $url); } public function add_to_query($url, $key, $value){ $pair = urlencode($key).'='.urlencode($value); return ($this->contains($url,'?') ? $url."&$pair" : $url."?$pair"); } // copied from: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/add_query_arg/ public function add_query_arg( ...$args ) { if(is_array($args[0])){if(count($args)<2||false===$args[1]){$uri=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];}else{$uri=$args[1];}}else{if(count($args)<3||false===$args[2]){$uri=$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];}else{$uri=$args[2];}}$frag=strstr($uri,'#');if($frag){$uri=substr($uri,0,-strlen($frag));}else{$frag='';}if(0===stripos($uri,'http://')){$protocol='http://';$uri=substr($uri,7);}elseif(0===stripos($uri,'https://')){$protocol='https://';$uri=substr($uri,8);}else{$protocol='';}if(strpos($uri,'?')!==false){list($base,$query)=explode('?',$uri,2);$base.='?';}elseif($protocol||strpos($uri,'=')===false){$base=$uri.'?';$query='';}else{$base='';$query=$uri;}wp_parse_str($query,$qs);$qs=self::map_deep($qs, 'urlencode');if(is_array($args[0])){foreach($args[0]as $k=>$v){$qs[$k]=$v;}}else{$qs[$args[0]]=$args[1];}foreach($qs as $k=>$v){if(false===$v){unset($qs[$k]);}}$ret=build_query($qs);$ret=trim($ret,'?');$ret=preg_replace('#=(&|$)#','$1',$ret);$ret=$protocol.$base.$ret.$frag;$ret=rtrim($ret,'?');$ret=str_replace('?#','#',$ret);return $ret; } function remove_query_arg( $keyOrArray, $query = false ) { if ( is_array( $key ) ) { // Removing multiple keys. foreach ( $key as $k ) { $query = add_query_arg( $k, false, $query ); } return $query; } return add_query_arg( $key, false, $query ); } public function remove_parameter_from_url($full_url, $param_name){ return $final = preg_replace('/(\&|\?)'.$param_name.'(\=(.*?(&|#)|.*)|)/i', (!empty('$4') ? '$4' : ''), $full_url); } public function get_query_from_url($url){ $query= $this->array_value(parse_url($url), 'query',''); parse_str($query, $output); return $output; } public function checked_if_value($array, $key){ return ( $this->array_value($array, $key) ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } public static function if_checked($value){ return ( $value ? ' checked="checked"' : ''); } public static function is_color_string($color){ return preg_match('/^#([a-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/i', $color); } // ################################## // Output decimals better, i.e. $x= 0.000021; or $x= 123424235.325434645 // method 1 public static function remove_zero_from_end($input){ return floatval($input);// // Method 2 : // while( ($last=substr($input,-1))=="0" || $last=="." ) // $input= substr($input,0,-1); // return $input; // Method 3 : // return strpos($nbr,'.')!==false ? rtrim(rtrim($nbr,'0'),'.') : $nbr; } public function add_zero_in_front($num, $maxLength){ $finalNum = $num; while( strlen($finalNum)<$maxLength ){ $finalNum = "0".$finalNum; } return $finalNum; } public function trim_zero_dot($input){ $sanitized=rtrim( $input, "0"); if(substr($sanitized, -1) =="."){ $sanitized=substr($sanitized,0, -1); } return $sanitized; } public function double_normal($input, $round_to=15, $use_sprintf=true){ return (!is_float($input) && !is_numeric($input) ? $input : (float) $this->trim_zero_dot( $use_sprintf ? sprintf("%.{$round_to}f", $input) : self::number_format($input, $round_to) ) ); } public static function number_format($input, $decimals=15, $method=1){ if ($method===1) $ret = number_format($input, $decimals, null, ''); else $ret =sprintf("%.{$decimals}f", $input); return self::remove_zero_from_end($ret); } // method 2 public function decimal_outputer($input, $length=5, $only_dot=false){ $timeParts = explode('.', $input); if(count($timeParts)<=1) return $input; return ($only_dot ? '' : $timeParts[0] . '.') . substr($timeParts[1], 0, $length); //sprintf('%.10F',$input); } // public function double_normal_array($array){ return $this->array_map_deep([$this,'double_normal'], $array); } //WP immitations public function add_filterX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_filter')) return add_filter($a,$b,$c,$d); } public function add_actionX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_action')) return add_action($a,$b,$c,$d); } public function add_shortcodeX($a=null,$b=null,$c=null,$d=null) {if(function_exists('add_shortcode')) return add_shortcode($a,$b,$c,$d); } public function cut__my($text, $chars, $points = "...") { $text = strip_tags($text); if( strlen($text) <= $chars) { return $text;} else { return mb_strimwidth($text,0,$chars, $points,'utf-8'); } } public function trim_string($text, $chars, $points = "...") { if( strlen($text) <= $chars) { return $text;} else { return mb_strimwidth($text,0, $chars, $points,'utf-8'); } } public function truncate($string, $width, $unicode = true){ if (mb_str_word_count($string) > $width) { $string= preg_replace('/((\w+\W*|| [\p{L}]+\W*){'.($width-1).'}(\w+))(.*)/', '${1}', $string); } return $string; } public function customm_word_length_sentence($got_content,$words_length,$StripOrNot=true, $preserved=''){ $got_content = trim($got_content); //https://php.net/manual/en/function.trim.php //$got_content = strip_shortcodes($got_content); //https://stackoverflow.com/a/20403438/2165415 $got_content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $got_content); $got_content= str_replace("\n",' ',$got_content); $got_content= str_replace("\r",' ',$got_content); $got_content = !$StripOrNot ? $got_content : strip_tags($got_content,$preserved) ; $words = explode(' ', $got_content, $words_length + 1); if(count($words) > $words_length) : array_pop($words); array_push($words, '…'); $got_content = implode(' ', $words); endif; return $got_content; } public function get_first_words($sentence , $desired_words_amount=5){ $all_words = explode(' ', $sentence); $words_amount = count($all_words); $words_index_amount=$words_amount-1; $out = ''; if ($words_amount > $desired_words_amount) { for($i = 0; $i< $desired_words_amount; $i++) { if(array_key_exists( $i,$all_words)){ $out = $out.' '.$all_words[$i]; } } } else {$out = $sentence; } return strip_tags($out); } public function get_last_words($sentence , $desired_words_amount=5){ $all_words = explode(' ', $sentence); $words_amount = count($all_words); $words_index_amount=$words_amount-1; $out = ''; if ($words_amount > $desired_words_amount) { for($i = 0; $i< $desired_words_amount; $i++) { if(array_key_exists( ($words_index_amount-$i),$all_words)){ $out = $all_words[($words_index_amount-$i)].' '.$out; } } } else {$out = $sentence; } return strip_tags($out); } public function unicode_words_count($string) { preg_match_all('/[\pL\pN\pPd]+/u', $string, $matches); return count($matches[0]);} public function text_splitt($msg, $word_numbs) { $msg = preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', ' ', $msg); $chunks = wordwrap($msg, $word_numbs*20 , '\n', true); return explode('\n', $chunks); } public function trim_to_charlength($text, $charlength) { $charlength++; if ( mb_strlen( $text ) > $charlength ) { $subex = mb_substr( $text, 0, $charlength - 5 ); $exwords = explode( ' ', $subex ); $excut = - ( mb_strlen( $exwords[ count( $exwords ) - 1 ] ) ); if ( $excut < 0 ) { echo mb_substr( $subex, 0, $excut ); } else { echo $subex; } echo '...'; } else { echo $text; } } // ### substr shorthands: public function remove_chars_from_start_end($word, $removeFromStart, $removeFromEnd) { return substr($word, $removeFromStart, -$removeFromEnd); } public static function chars_from_start($word, $amount) { return substr($word, 0, $amount); } public function chars_from_end($word, $amount) { return substr($word, -$amount); } public function remove_if_starts_with($haystack, $needle) { return (!$this->starts_with($haystack, $needle) ? $haystack : substr($haystack, strlen($needle) ) ); } public function remove_if_ends_with($haystack, $needle) { return (!$this->ends_with($haystack, $needle) ? $haystack : substr($haystack, 0, -1 * strlen($needle) ) ); } // makes a string from an assiciative array public function implode_assoc($glue,$arr) { $keys=array_keys($arr); $values=array_values($arr); return(implode($glue,$keys).$glue.implode($glue,$values)); } public function url_correction_for_html_output($content){ return preg_replace_callback( '/\<(img|link|iframe|frame|frameset|script|embed|video|audio)([^>]*)/si', function($matches) { return '<'.$matches[1].preg_replace('/=(\"|\')(http(s|):)/si','=$1', $matches[2]); }, $content ); } public function array_max_pair($array){ $peakVal = -999999999999; $peakPair = []; foreach($array as $key=>$value){ if ($value>=$peakVal){ $peakVal=$value; $peakPair=[$key,$value]; } } return $peakPair; } public function array_min_pair($array){ $peakVal = +999999999999; $peakPair=[]; foreach($array as $key=>$value){ if ($value<=$peakVal){ $peakVal=$value; $peakPair=[$key,$value]; } } return $peakPair; } public function equals_string($content, $target){ return strtolower($content)===strtolower($target); } public static function contains($content, $needle, $case_sens=true, $position='any'){ if ($position==='start'){ return self::starts_with($content, $needle, $case_sens); } elseif ($position==='end'){ return self::ends_with($content, $needle, $case_sens); } else{ return ($case_sens ? strpos($content, $needle)!==false : stripos($content, $needle)) !== false; } } public function contains_from_array($content, $needles_array, $case_sens= true, $position='any'){ foreach($needles_array as $needle){ if ($this->contains($content, $needle, $case_sens, $position) ){ return true; } } return false; } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/860509/2377343 public static function starts_with($haystack, $needle, $case_sens=true) { return $needle === "" || ( ( $case_sens && strpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0 ) || ( !$case_sens && stripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === 0 ) ) ; } public static function starts_with_from_array($haystack, $needles_array, $case_sens=true) { foreach($needles_array as $needle){ if (self::starts_with($haystack, $needle, $case_sens)) return true; } return false; } public static function ends_with($haystack, $needle, $case_sens=true) { $expectedPosition = strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle); if ($case_sens) return strrpos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition; return strripos($haystack, $needle, 0) === $expectedPosition; } public static function ends_with_from_array($haystack, $needles_array, $case_sens=true) { foreach($needles_array as $needle){ if (self::ends_with($haystack, $needle,$case_sens)) return true; } return false; } public function die_if_not_this_site_visitor(){ //if half day passed if (empty($_COOKIE['ytdow___']) || $_COOKIE['ytdow___'] > time()*3 + 43200 ) {die('incorrect_download_<b>123</b>.<script type="text/javascript">top.window.location = "http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'";</script>');} } public function js_redirect($url=false, $echo=true){ $str = '<script>window.location = "'. ( $url ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) .'"; document.body.style.opacity=0; </script>'; if($echo) { exit($str); } else { return $str; } } public function php_redirect($url=false, $code=302){ //avoid redirection from customizer: if (!empty($_COOKIE['MLSS_cstRedirect']) || defined('MLSS_cstRedirect')) {return;} header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); header("location: ". ( $url ?: $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), true, $code); exit; } public function redirect($url=false, $code=302){ return $this->php_redirect($url,$code); } public function js_redirect_message($message,$url=false){ echo '<script>alert(\''.$message.'\');</script>'; $this->js_redirect($url); } public function get_output(callable $funct, $clear=true){ ob_start(); $res = call_user_func($funct); if ($clear) { $cont= ob_get_clean(); ob_flush(); } else{ $cont= ob_get_contents(); } // $cont= ob_get_contents(); //ob_get_clean(); return $cont; } //output js header public function get_js_header_output(){ header("Pragma: public"); header("Cache-Control: public, maxage=".$expires); header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()+$expires) . ' GMT'); } public static function swap_pair($pairname, $divisor='/'){ $arr= explode($divisor, $pairname); return (count($arr)<=0 ? $pairname : $arr[1].$divisor.$arr[0]); } #region ### TELEGRAM FUNCTIONS ### public function telegram_message($text, $chat_id, $bot_key, $extra_opts = []){ $is_repeated_call = array_key_exists('is_repeated_call', $extra_opts); if (!array_key_exists('parse_mode', $extra_opts)){ $extra_opts['parse_mode'] = 'html'; } if (!array_key_exists('disable_web_page_preview', $extra_opts)){ $extra_opts['disable_web_page_preview'] = true; } // whether it's without `-100` prefix $chat_id = strval($chat_id); if (!$this->starts_with($chat_id, '-100')) $chat_id = '-100' . $chat_id; $text = $this->br2nl($text); $text = strip_tags($text,'<b><strong><i><em><u><ins><s><strike><del><a><code><pre>'); // allowed: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#html-style $text = substr($text,0,4095); //max telegram message length 4096 $requestOpts = array_merge(['chat_id'=>$chat_id, 'text'=>$text], $extra_opts); unset($requestOpts['is_repeated_call']); $responseText = $this->get_remote_data( ['url'=>'https://api.telegram.org/bot'.$bot_key.'/sendMessage', 'post'=> $requestOpts]); // pastebin_com/u0J1Cph3 //'sendMessage?'.http_build_query($opts, ''); try { $responseJson = json_decode($responseText); // if it was successfull if ($responseJson->ok) { return $responseJson; } // for some reason, if still unsupported format submitted, resubmit the plain format //i.e. {"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: can't parse entities: Unsupported start tag \"br/\" at byte offset 43"} else{ if (stripos($responseJson->description, 'Bad Request: can\'t parse entities') !==false){ if (! $is_repeated_call){ $text = "[SecondSend with stipped tags] \r\n". strip_tags($text) ; $extra_opts['is_repeated_call'] = true; return $this->telegram_message($text, $chat_id, $bot_key, $extra_opts); } } return $responseJson; } } catch (Exception $ex) { return ['ok'=>false, 'description'=> $ex->getMessage() . ':::' . $responseText]; } } public $telegram_interval_ms = 50; // telegram seems to accept around 30 times per second, so we'd better wait around that milliseconds private $telegram_last_time=0; public function telegram_message_cached($array, $botid){ $curMS = $this->timeMS(); $goneMS = $curMS - $this->telegram_last_time; if ( $goneMS < $this->telegram_interval_ms ){ $this->usleep( ($this->telegram_interval_ms-$goneMS) *1000 ); } $this->telegram_last_time = $curMS; $key = $this->cache_key_create(array_merge($array, [$botid])); if ( ! $this->is_cached_id('function__telegram_message_cached', $key) ){ $res= $this->telegram_message($array, $botid); $ok='true'; } else { $res= (object)( ["ok"=>true, "success"=>false, 'reason'=>"$key was cached", 'content'=> json_encode($array) ] ); $ok='false'; } if(is_callable([$this,'notifications_db_entry'])) $this->notifications_db_entry($key, $array['chat_id'], $this->stringify($res), time(), $ok ); return $res; } public function telegram_message_cached_with_channel($array, $botid){ $answer = $this->telegram_message_cached ( $array, $botid ); $this->telegram_channel_name_save($answer); return $answer; } public function telegram_channel_name_save($response){ $existing = $this->telegram_channel_name_get(); $res = $response; //already decoded if ( $this->array_value($res,'ok') ) { // check to ensure (because cached ids dont have result) if ( $this->array_value($res,'result') ) { $id = $res->result->chat->id; $title = $res->result->chat->title; $type = $res->result->chat->type; //group or channel $existing[$id] = (object)['title'=>$title, 'type'=>$type]; update_option('telegram_channel_names_temp', $existing); } } } public function telegram_channel_name_get($id=''){ $channelsArray = get_option('telegram_channel_names_temp',[]); return !empty($id) ? $this->array_value($channelsArray, $id) : $channelsArray; } #endregion // ################ // https://github.com/ttodua/useful-php-scripts/blob/master/get-remote-url-content-data.php public static function get_remote_data($url, $post_params=null, $request_options=null) { return self::fetch($url, $post_params, $request_options); } public static function fetch($url, $post_params=null, $request_options=null) { $func = $post_params ? "wp_remote_post" : "wp_remote_get"; $is_wp = (function_exists($func)); $request_options = !empty($request_options)? $request_options : []; if (!$is_wp) { return self::get_remote_data_callback($url, $post_params, $request_options); } else { if($func=="wp_remote_get") { $out= wp_remote_get($url, $request_options ); } if($func=="wp_remote_post") { $post_array = (is_array($post_params)) ? $post_params : (parse_str($post_params , $new) ? $new : $new ); $args['body']=$post_array; $args= array_merge($args, $request_options); $out= wp_remote_post($url, $args ); //$out= call_user_func($func, $url, $args ); } return wp_remote_retrieve_body($out); //same as $out['body'] } return "empty_data. Create your own remote function"; } public function get_remote_data_array($arr, $force_curl=false, $repeated_call=false) { if (is_array($arr)) { $url = $arr['url']; $post_params = $this->array_value($arr,'post', null); $request_options= $this->array_value($arr,'options', []); if ($request_options==null) $request_options=[]; $should_be_json = $this->array_value($arr,'json', false); $retry = $this->array_value($arr,'retry', true); } else{ $url = $arr; $post_params = null; $request_options=[]; $should_be_json = true; $retry = true; } $request_options = array_merge_recursive($request_options, ['headers'=>['Cache-Control'=>'no-cache']] ); $data = $this->get_remote_data($url, $post_params, $request_options, $force_curl) ; if (empty($data)) { $res= (object)['error'=>'empty data', 'response'=>'']; } else{ if ($should_be_json) { $dataTemp = $this->JsonData($data); if (is_null($dataTemp)) $res= (object)['error'=>'not json', 'response'=>($data) ]; else $res= (object)['error'=>false, 'response'=>json_decode($data) ]; /* try { $res= (object)['error'=>false, 'response'=>json_decode($data) ]; } catch(\Exception $ex){ $res= (object)['error'=>'not json', 'response'=>($data) ]; } */ } else{ $res= (object)['error'=>false, 'response'=>$data ]; } } // if still error, and retry allowed if ($res->error && $retry && !$repeated_call) { $this->usleep(100000); $res = $this->get_remote_data_array($arr, $force_curl, $repeated_call=true); } return $res; } //i.e. set_cookies_from_url("http://example.com/?username=user&auth=key'); public function set_cookies_from_url($url) { $d=$this->get_remote_data($url, false, ["curl_opts"=>["CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION"=> ( function ($ch, $headerLine) { if (preg_match('/^Set-Cookie:\s*([^;]*)/mi', $headerLine, $cookieArr) == 1) { $cookie = $cookieArr[1]; $cookie_vars = explode('=', $cookie, 2); $this->example_cookies[$cookie_vars[0]] = $cookie_vars[1]; } return strlen($headerLine); // Needed by curl } ) ]] ); foreach($this->example_cookies as $key=>$name) { $this->set_cookie($key,$name, 86000, '/target_dir/'); } $this->set_cookie("sample_confirm","1"); } // ---- public function get_client_ip() { $proxy_headers = array("CLIENT_IP", "FORWARDED", "FORWARDED_FOR", "FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP", "HTTP_FORWARDED", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_PC_REMOTE_ADDR", "HTTP_PROXY_CONNECTION", "HTTP_VIA", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR_IP", "HTTP_X_IMFORWARDS", "HTTP_XROXY_CONNECTION", "VIA", "X_FORWARDED", "X_FORWARDED_FOR"); foreach($proxy_headers as $proxy_header) { if (isset($_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { if(preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $_SERVER[$proxy_header])) { return $_SERVER[$proxy_header]; } else if (stristr(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]) !== FALSE) { $proxy_header_temp = trim(array_shift(explode(",", $_SERVER[$proxy_header]))); if (($pos_temp = stripos($proxy_header_temp, ":")) !== FALSE) {$proxy_header_temp = substr($proxy_header_temp, 0, $pos_temp); } if (preg_match("/^([1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$/", $proxy_header_temp)) { return $proxy_header_temp; } } } } return $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; } // $ipinfo = json_decode(get_ip_info($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), true); // if($ipinfo['country_name'] != 'Georgia'){ public function get_ip_info($ip, $type=1, $api=""){ $info=""; if($type==1){ $info = $this->get_remote_data('https://geoip-db.com/json/'.$ip); //"country_code":"GE", "country_name":"Georgia", "city":"null", "postal":null, "latitude":42, "longitude":43.5, "IPv4":"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", "state":"null" } elseif($type==2){ // PLEASE DONT USE THIS API $info_initial = $this->get_remote_data('https://geoipify.whoisxmlapi.com/api/v1?apiKey='.$api.'&ipAddress='.$ip); // {"ip":"xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx","location":{"country":"AU","region":"Victoria","city":"Research","lat":-37.7,"lng":145.1833,"postalCode":"3095","timezone":"Australia\/Melbourne"}} $decoded = json_decode($info_initial, true); $loc =$decoded['location'] ; unset($decoded['location']) ; $ipinfo_new = array_merge( $decoded,$loc ); return $ipinfo_new; } return $info; } public function output_js_headers() { session_cache_limiter('none'); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/1385982/2377343 $year=60*60*24*365;//year //Caching with "CACHE CONTROL" header('Cache-control: max-age='.$year .', public'); //Caching with "EXPIRES" (no need of EXPIRES when CACHE-CONTROL enabled) //header('Expires: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,time()+$year)); //To get best cacheability, send Last-Modified header and ... header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); //i.e. 1467220550 [it's 30 june,2016] //reply using: status 304 (with empty body) if browser sends If-Modified-Since header.... This is cheating a bit (doesn't verify the date), but remove if you dont want to be cached forever: // if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die(); } header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); } public function input_fields_from_array($value, $keyname='', $replace_spaces=false){ //$keyname= (strpos($keyname,'[') === false) ? '['.$keyname.']' : $keyname; echo '<div class="array_fields1"><style>.array_fields1 textarea{max-height:200px!important; border-radius: 5px; width:100%; color:#53ae14; border: 2px solid black; margin:0 0 0 0px; height:50px; } .def_textareaa{height:70px;} .high_textarea{height:130px;} .new_block{MARGIN:0 0 0 50px; border:2px solid; border-width:0 0 0 2px;} .txtar{padding:0 0 0 25px;} .new_block .keyname{color:rgb(248, 48, 83);} </style>'; $this->input_fields_from_array_recursive($value, $keyname, $replace_spaces); echo '</div>'; } public function input_fields_from_array_recursive($value, $keyname='', $replace_spaces=false){ if (!is_array($value)){ $height=30; $lines=explode("\r\n",$value); foreach($lines as $eachLINE){ $height= $height+ceil(mb_strlen($eachLINE)/100) * 30; } // replace multiple whitespaces with single $value = !$replace_spaces ? $value : preg_replace('!\s+!', ' ', str_replace("\t",' ', $value)); echo '<div class="each_ln"> <div class="keyname">'.$keyname.'</div> <div class="txtar"><textarea class="" style="height:'. $height.'px;" name="'.$keyname.'">'.$value.'</textarea></div> </div>'; } else{ echo '<div class="new_array_title">'.$keyname.'</div>'; foreach ($value as $keyname1=>$value1){ echo '<div class="new_block">'; $this->input_fields_from_array_RECURSIVE($value1, $keyname.'['.$keyname1.']', $replace_spaces); echo '</div>'; } } } public function random_color($alpha='FF') { return '#' . str_pad(dechex(mt_rand(0, 0xFFFFFF)), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).$alpha; } public function content_height($content, $lineHeight=30){ $lines=explode("\n", $content); $height = $lineHeight; foreach($lines as $eachLINE){ $height = $height+ceil(mb_strlen($eachLINE)/100) * $lineHeight; } return $height; } public function js_autosize_textarea($classname=null) { ?><script> function autoSizeTextareas(className) { let tx = document.querySelectorAll(className); for (let i = 0; i < tx.length; i++) { tx[i].setAttribute('style', 'height:' + (tx[i].scrollHeight) + 'px;overflow-y:hidden;'); var oninput = function () { this.style.height = 'auto'; this.style.height = (this.scrollHeight) + 'px'; }; tx[i].addEventListener("input", oninput, false); } } </script> <?php if ($classname) { ?><script>document.addEventListener('readystatechange', event => { if (event.target.readyState === "interactive") { autoSizeTextareas('<?php echo $classname;?>'); } });</script><?php } } public function dropdown_from_array($array, $name, $selected){ $out = '<select name="'.$name.'">'; foreach($array as $each) $out .= '<option value="'.$each.'"'. ( $each==$selected ?' selected ':'') . ">$each</option>"; $out .= '</select>'; return '<div>'.$out.'</div>'; } public function loader($type="") { $circlecolor="#ffffff"; $head = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="margin: auto; background: rgb(241, 242, 243); display: block; shape-rendering: auto;" width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid">'; //< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? > if ($type=='infinity') $out = $head.'<circle cx="50" cy="50" fill="none" stroke="#292664" stroke-width="15" r="36" stroke-dasharray="169.64600329384882 58.548667764616276" transform="rotate(338.174 50 50)"> <animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="0.8s" values="0 50 50;360 50 50" keyTimes="0;1"></animateTransform></circle>'; elseif ($type=='eclipse') $out = $head.'<path d="M10 50A40 40 0 0 0 90 50A40 49.2 0 0 1 10 50" fill="#1d3f72" stroke="none" transform="rotate(235.214 50 54.6)"><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0;1" values="0 50 54.6;360 50 54.6"></animateTransform></path>'; elseif ($type=='normal') $out = $head.'<path fill="none" stroke="#1d3f72" stroke-width="8" stroke-dasharray="42.76482137044271 42.76482137044271" d="M24.3 30C11.4 30 5 43.3 5 50s6.4 20 19.3 20c19.3 0 32.1-40 51.4-40 C88.6 30 95 43.3 95 50s-6.4 20-19.3 20C56.4 70 43.6 30 24.3 30z" stroke-linecap="round" style="transform:scale(0.8);transform-origin:50px 50px"><animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" repeatCount="indefinite" dur="1s" keyTimes="0;1" values="0;256.58892822265625"></animate></path>'; else //dots $out = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" style="margin: auto; display: block; shape-rendering: auto;" width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 130 130" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid"> <g><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="1"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.67" transform="rotate(45,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="#ffffff" fill-opacity="0.42" transform="rotate(90,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.2" transform="rotate(135,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(180,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(225,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(270,64,64)"/><circle cx="16" cy="64" r="16" fill="'.$circlecolor.'" fill-opacity="0.12" transform="rotate(315,64,64)"/><animateTransform attributeName="transform" type="rotate" values="0 64 64;315 64 64;270 64 64;225 64 64;180 64 64;135 64 64;90 64 64;45 64 64" calcMode="discrete" dur="720ms" repeatCount="indefinite"></animateTransform></g></svg>'; $out = $out.'<!-- generated by https://loading.io/ --></svg>'; return $out; } public function get_user_browser(){ if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']="unknown"; $b = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $final =array(); //(START FROM MOBILE check!!!!) if( preg_match('/android.+mobile|Windows Mobile|Nokia|avantgo|Mozilla(.*?)(Android|Mobile|Blackberry|Symbian)|OperaMini|Opera Mini|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|ap|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|meego.+mobile|midp|mmp|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows (ce|phone)|xda|xiino/i',$b) || preg_match('/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(di|rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i',substr($b,0,4)) ) { $final['brwsr'] = "Mobilee"; } //if typical browsers elseif(preg_match('/Firefox/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Firefox"; } elseif(preg_match('/Safari/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Safari"; } elseif(preg_match('/Chrome/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Chrome"; } elseif(preg_match('/Flock/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Flock"; } elseif(preg_match('/Opera/i',$b)) { $final['brwsr'] = "Opera"; } elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 6/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 6"; } elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 7/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 7"; } elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 8/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 8"; } elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 9/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 9"; } elseif(preg_match('/MSIE 10/i',$b)) {$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 10"; } elseif(preg_match('/Trident\/7.0; rv:11.0/',$b)){$final['brwsr'] = "MSIE 11"; } else {$final['brwsr'] = "UNKNOWNNN"; } //=========================================================================================================== $final['full_brwsr_namee'] = $b; //other parameters return $final; } public function get_user_OS() { if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']="unknown"; $user_agent=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $final =array(); $final['os_namee']="_Unknown_OS_"; $final['os_typee']="_Unknown_OS_"; $os_array=array( 'MOUSED' => array( '/windows nt 10.0/i'=>'Windows 10', '/windows nt 6.3/i'=>'Windows 8.1', '/windows nt 6.2/i'=>'Windows 8', '/windows nt 6.1/i'=>'Windows 7', '/windows nt 6.0/i'=>'Windows Vista','/windows nt 5.2/i'=>'Windows Server 2003/XP x64', '/windows nt 5.1/i'=>'Windows XP', '/windows xp/i'=>'Windows XP','/windows nt 5.0/i'=>'Windows 2000','/windows me/i'=>'Windows ME','/win98/i'=>'Windows 98','/win95/i'=>'Windows 95','/win16/i'=>'Windows 3.11', '/macintosh|mac os x/i' =>'Mac OS X','/mac_powerpc/i'=>'Mac OS 9', '/linux/i'=>'Linux','/ubuntu/i'=>'Ubuntu', ), 'NOMOUSED' => array( '/iphone/i'=>'iPhone','/ipod/i'=>'iPod','/ipad/i'=>'iPad','/android/i'=>'Android','/blackberry/i'=>'BlackBerry', '/webos/i'=>'Mobile' ) ); foreach($os_array as $namee=>$valuee) { foreach ($valuee as $regex => $value1) { if(preg_match($regex, $user_agent)){$final['os_namee']=$value1; $final['os_typee'] = $namee;} } } return $final; } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/31476046/2377343 public function get_url_parts($url,$part){ $x=''; $pURL = parse_url($url); $pthURL = pathinfo($url); //for example: https://example.com/myfolder/sympony.mp3?aa=1&bb=2?cc=#gggg if ($part=='scheme'){ $x = !empty($pURL['scheme']) ? $pURL['scheme'] :'';} // http elseif ($part=='hostname'){ $x = !empty($pURL['host']) ? $pURL['host'] :'';} // example.com elseif ($part=='query'){ $x = !empty($pURL['query']) ? $pURL['query'] :'';} // aa=1&bb=2?cc= elseif ($part=='hash'){ $x = !empty($pURL['fragment']) ? $pURL['fragment'] :'';} // gggg elseif ($part=='file'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? $pURL['path'] :'';} // /myfolder/sympony.mp3 elseif ($part=='filename'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? basename($pURL['path']) :'';} // sympony.mp3 elseif ($part=='extension'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? pathinfo($pURL['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION) :'';} // mp3 elseif ($part=='folder'){ $x = !empty($pURL['path']) ? dirname($pURL['path']) :'';} // /myfolder elseif ($part=='dirname'){ $x = !empty($pthURL['dirname']) ? $pthURL['dirname'] :'';} // https://example.com/myfolder elseif ($part=='afterfolder'){ $x = !empty($pthURL['basename'])? $pthURL['basename'] :'';} // sympony.mp3?aa=1&bb=2?cc=#ggg return $x; } public function urlencodeall($x) { $out = ''; for ($i = 0; isset($x[$i]); $i++) { $c = $x[$i]; if (!ctype_alnum($c)) $c = '%' . sprintf('%02X', ord($c)); $out .= $c; } return $out; } // measure / timer for a function public function function_benchmark($callback, $cycles_amount=1, $hint=''){ $before = microtime(true); $val=[]; for ($i=0 ; $i<$cycles_amount; $i++) { $val[]=call_user_func($callback); } $after = microtime(true); echo "Time needed to execute $cycles_amount cycles:". self::number_format($after-$before, 5) . " sec\n<br/>"; return $val; } public function json_encode_unicode($data){ return json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); } public function utf8_declarationn() { return '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">'; } public function utf8_declarationn_auto() { return '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="'.get_bloginfo('html_type').'; charset='.get_bloginfo('charset').'">'; } public function default_html_declaration($lng = 'en'){ return '<!DOCTYPE html> <html id="pagehtml" class="lang lang_'.$lng.'" xmlns:fb="https://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:og="https://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="'.$lng.'" xml:lang="'.$lng.'" >'; } public function default_rss_head_tags(){ ?> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" /> <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Atom 0.3" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" /> <link rel="alternate" type="text/xml" title="RSS .92" href="<?php bloginfo('rss_url'); ?>" /> <link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo('pingback_url'); ?>" /> <?php } //add_actionX('wp_head','check_if_js_cookies_enabled'); public function check_if_enabled_js(){ $out = '<noscript> <div style="text-align:center; position:absolute;background-color:red;">Enable Javascript in your Browser to avoid BROWSER problems!</div> </noscript>'; return $out; } public function check_if_enabled_cookies(){ $out1 = '<script> function check_if_cookies_are_enabled(){ var temp_cooK_name="__verify=1"; var dattee = new Date();dattee.setTime(dattee.getTime()+(30*1000)); document.cookie = temp_cooK_name + ";expires=" + dattee.toUTCString(); var supportsCOOCKIES = document.cookie.length >= 1 && document.cookie.indexOf(temp_cooK_name) > -1; if (supportsCOOCKIES) {document.write(\'<div style="text-align:center; position:absolute;background-color:red;">Enable cookies in your<br/> browser to avoid <br/>browser problems!</div>\');} } check_if_cookies_are_enabled(); </script>'; return $out1; } public function old_browser_message($first=null, $incompatible_browsers=array('MSIE') ){ global $odd; if (in_array($this->platforms()['brwsr'], $incompatible_browsers) ) { echo '<div style="padding:20px;text-align:center;position:fixed; top:0px;left:0px; z-idnex:99; background:red;color:black; ">Your have an INCOMPATIBLE BROWSER! Please, use any modern browser (<b><a href="https://www.firefox.com">Firefox</a>, <a href="https://www.opera.com">Opera</a>, <a href="https://www.apple.com/safari/">Safari</a> , <a href="https://www.chrome.com">Chrome</a></b>..) to view site normally. </div>'; } } public function facebook_rescarpe_url($url){ $x= $this->get_remote_data('https://graph.facebook.com/','id='.urlencode($url).'&scrape=true'); } // ==================== text to image============== // # Usage # //text_to_image_my( // $text='Helloooo World!' , // $separate_line_after_chars=40, $font='./Arial%20Unicode.ttf', $size=24, $rotate=0, $padding=0, $transparent=true, $color=['r'=>0,'g'=>0,'b'=>0], $bg_color=['r'=>255,'h'=>255,'b'=>255] //); public function text_to_image($text, $separate_line_after_chars=40, $font='./Arial%20Unicode.ttf', $size=24,$rotate=0,$padding=2,$transparent=true, $color=array('r'=>0,'g'=>0,'b'=>0), $bg_color=array('r'=>255,'g'=>255,'b'=>255) ){ $amount_of_lines= ceil(strlen($text)/$separate_line_after_chars)+substr_count($text, '\n')+1; $all_lines=explode("\n", $text); $amount_of_lines = count($all_lines); $text_final=''; foreach($all_lines as $key=>$value){ while( mb_strlen($value,'utf-8')>$separate_line_after_chars){ $text_final .= mb_substr($value, 0, $separate_line_after_chars, 'utf-8')."\n"; $value = mb_substr($value, $separate_line_after_chars, null, 'utf-8'); } $text_final .= mb_substr($value, 0, $separate_line_after_chars, 'utf-8') . ( $amount_of_lines-1 == $key ? "" : "\n"); } Header("Content-type: image/png"); $width=$height=$offset_x=$offset_y = 0; // you can use: if (!file_exists($font)) filecreat('https://github.com/edx/edx-certificates/raw/master/template_data/fonts/Arial%20Unicode.ttf', $font); // get the font height. $bounds = ImageTTFBBox($size, $rotate, $font, "W"); if ($rotate < 0) {$font_height = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]); } elseif ($rotate > 0) {$font_height = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[7]); } else { $font_height = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]);} // determine bounding box. $bounds = ImageTTFBBox($size, $rotate, $font, $text_final); if ($rotate < 0){ $width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[0]); $height = abs($bounds[3]-$bounds[7]); $offset_y = $font_height; $offset_x = 0; } elseif ($rotate > 0) { $width = abs($bounds[2]-$bounds[6]); $height = abs($bounds[1]-$bounds[5]); $offset_y = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[5])+$font_height; $offset_x = abs($bounds[0]-$bounds[6]); } else{ $width = abs($bounds[4]-$bounds[6]); $height = abs($bounds[7]-$bounds[1]); $offset_y = $font_height; $offset_x = 0; } $height = $height + $font_height*($amount_of_lines+1); $image = imagecreate($width+($padding*2)+1,$height+($padding*2)+1); $background = ImageColorAllocate($image, $bg_color['r'], $bg_color['g'], $bg_color['b']); $foreground = ImageColorAllocate($image, $color['r'], $color['g'], $color['b']); if ($transparent) ImageColorTransparent($image, $background); ImageInterlace($image, true); // render the image ImageTTFText($image, $size, $rotate, $offset_x+$padding, $offset_y+$padding, $foreground, $font, $text_final); imagealphablending($image, true); imagesavealpha($image, true); // output PNG object. imagePNG($image); } public function text_to_image2($your_text="heloooo", $width=250, $height=80) { $IMG = imagecreate( $width, $height ); $background = imagecolorallocate($IMG, 0,0,255); $text_color = imagecolorallocate($IMG, 255,255,0); $line_color = imagecolorallocate($IMG, 128,255,0); imagestring( $IMG, 10, 1, 25, $your_text, $text_color ); imagesetthickness ( $IMG, 5 ); //imageline( $IMG, 30, 45, 165, 45, $line_color ); header( "Content-type: image/png" ); imagepng($IMG); imagecolordeallocate($IMG, $line_color ); imagecolordeallocate($IMG, $text_color ); imagecolordeallocate($IMG, $background ); imagedestroy($IMG); exit; } // https://mekshq.com/how-to-convert-hexadecimal-color-code-to-rgb-or-rgba-using-php/ public function hex2rgba($color, $opacity = false) { $default = 'rgb(0,0,0)'; //Return default if no color provided if(empty($color)) return $default; //Sanitize $color if "#" is provided if ($color[0] == '#' ) { $color = substr( $color, 1 ); } //Check if color has 6 or 3 characters and get values if (strlen($color) == 6) { $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[3], $color[4] . $color[5] ); } elseif ( strlen( $color ) == 3 ) { $hex = array( $color[0] . $color[0], $color[1] . $color[1], $color[2] . $color[2] ); } else { return $default; } //Convert hexadec to rgb $rgb = array_map('hexdec', $hex); //Check if opacity is set(rgba or rgb) if($opacity){ if(abs($opacity) > 1) throw new \Exception("Opacity cant be more than 1"); $opacity = self::number_format((float)$opacity, 2); $output = 'rgba('.implode(",",$rgb).','.$opacity.')'; } else { $output = 'rgb('.implode(",",$rgb).')'; } return $output; } // https://stackoverflow.com/a/5925612/2377343 | https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15852122/ public function hex_color($name){ $arr=['aliceblue'=>'F0F8FF', 'antiquewhite'=>'FAEBD7', 'aqua'=>'00FFFF', 'aquamarine'=>'7FFFD4', 'azure'=>'F0FFFF', 'beige'=>'F5F5DC', 'bisque'=>'FFE4C4', 'black'=>'000000', 'blanchedalmond '=>'FFEBCD', 'blue'=>'0000FF', 'blueviolet'=>'8A2BE2', 'brown'=>'A52A2A', 'burlywood'=>'DEB887', 'cadetblue'=>'5F9EA0', 'chartreuse'=>'7FFF00', 'chocolate'=>'D2691E', 'coral'=>'FF7F50', 'cornflowerblue'=>'6495ED', 'cornsilk'=>'FFF8DC', 'crimson'=>'DC143C', 'cyan'=>'00FFFF', 'darkblue'=>'00008B', 'darkcyan'=>'008B8B', 'darkgoldenrod'=>'B8860B', 'darkgray'=>'A9A9A9', 'darkgreen'=>'006400', 'darkgrey'=>'A9A9A9', 'darkkhaki'=>'BDB76B', 'darkmagenta'=>'8B008B', 'darkolivegreen'=>'556B2F', 'darkorange'=>'FF8C00', 'darkorchid'=>'9932CC', 'darkred'=>'8B0000', 'darksalmon'=>'E9967A', 'darkseagreen'=>'8FBC8F', 'darkslateblue'=>'483D8B', 'darkslategray'=>'2F4F4F', 'darkslategrey'=>'2F4F4F', 'darkturquoise'=>'00CED1', 'darkviolet'=>'9400D3', 'deeppink'=>'FF1493', 'deepskyblue'=>'00BFFF', 'dimgray'=>'696969', 'dimgrey'=>'696969', 'dodgerblue'=>'1E90FF', 'firebrick'=>'B22222', 'floralwhite'=>'FFFAF0', 'forestgreen'=>'228B22', 'fuchsia'=>'FF00FF', 'gainsboro'=>'DCDCDC', 'ghostwhite'=>'F8F8FF', 'gold'=>'FFD700', 'goldenrod'=>'DAA520', 'gray'=>'808080', 'green'=>'008000', 'greenyellow'=>'ADFF2F', 'grey'=>'808080', 'honeydew'=>'F0FFF0', 'hotpink'=>'FF69B4', 'indianred'=>'CD5C5C', 'indigo'=>'4B0082', 'ivory'=>'FFFFF0', 'khaki'=>'F0E68C', 'lavender'=>'E6E6FA', 'lavenderblush'=>'FFF0F5', 'lawngreen'=>'7CFC00', 'lemonchiffon'=>'FFFACD', 'lightblue'=>'ADD8E6', 'lightcoral'=>'F08080', 'lightcyan'=>'E0FFFF', 'lightgoldenrodyellow'=>'FAFAD2', 'lightgray'=>'D3D3D3', 'lightgreen'=>'90EE90', 'lightgrey'=>'D3D3D3', 'lightpink'=>'FFB6C1', 'lightsalmon'=>'FFA07A', 'lightseagreen'=>'20B2AA', 'lightskyblue'=>'87CEFA', 'lightslategray'=>'778899', 'lightslategrey'=>'778899', 'lightsteelblue'=>'B0C4DE', 'lightyellow'=>'FFFFE0', 'lime'=>'00FF00', 'limegreen'=>'32CD32', 'linen'=>'FAF0E6', 'magenta'=>'FF00FF', 'maroon'=>'800000', 'mediumaquamarine'=>'66CDAA', 'mediumblue'=>'0000CD', 'mediumorchid'=>'BA55D3', 'mediumpurple'=>'9370D0', 'mediumseagreen'=>'3CB371', 'mediumslateblue'=>'7B68EE', 'mediumspringgreen'=>'00FA9A', 'mediumturquoise'=>'48D1CC', 'mediumvioletred'=>'C71585', 'midnightblue'=>'191970', 'mintcream'=>'F5FFFA', 'mistyrose'=>'FFE4E1', 'moccasin'=>'FFE4B5', 'navajowhite'=>'FFDEAD', 'navy'=>'000080', 'oldlace'=>'FDF5E6', 'olive'=>'808000', 'olivedrab'=>'6B8E23', 'orange'=>'FFA500', 'orangered'=>'FF4500', 'orchid'=>'DA70D6', 'palegoldenrod'=>'EEE8AA', 'palegreen'=>'98FB98', 'paleturquoise'=>'AFEEEE', 'palevioletred'=>'DB7093', 'papayawhip'=>'FFEFD5', 'peachpuff'=>'FFDAB9', 'peru'=>'CD853F', 'pink'=>'FFC0CB', 'plum'=>'DDA0DD', 'powderblue'=>'B0E0E6', 'purple'=>'800080', 'red'=>'FF0000', 'rosybrown'=>'BC8F8F', 'royalblue'=>'4169E1', 'saddlebrown'=>'8B4513', 'salmon'=>'FA8072', 'sandybrown'=>'F4A460', 'seagreen'=>'2E8B57', 'seashell'=>'FFF5EE', 'sienna'=>'A0522D', 'silver'=>'C0C0C0', 'skyblue'=>'87CEEB', 'slateblue'=>'6A5ACD', 'slategray'=>'708090', 'slategrey'=>'708090', 'snow'=>'FFFAFA', 'springgreen'=>'00FF7F', 'steelblue'=>'4682B4', 'tan'=>'D2B48C', 'teal'=>'008080', 'thistle'=>'D8BFD8', 'tomato'=>'FF6347', 'turquoise'=>'40E0D0', 'violet'=>'EE82EE', 'wheat'=>'F5DEB3', 'white'=>'FFFFFF', 'whitesmoke'=>'F5F5F5', 'yellow'=>'FFFF00', 'yellowgreen'=>'9ACD32']; return '#'.trim($this->array_value($arr, $name, 'FFFFFFFF')); } //addTextOnImage( ['text'=>'hello', 'input'=>'img.png', 'echo'=>false, 'method'=>'gd|imagick', 'fontsize'=>9, 'angle'=>-15, 'x'=>11, 'y'=>14, 'color'=>'#e7e7e7', 'opacity'=>0.5, 'stroke'=>['#e7e7e7',$width=4,$alpha=0.5], 'spaces'=>3]); //also, font public function add_text_on_image($opts=[]) { //v_dump(glob("C:\Windows\Fonts\*")); //v_dump($Imagick->queryFonts("*")); $text = $opts['text']; $imagePath = $opts['input']; $fontsize = $opts['fontsize']; list($width, $height, $type, $attr) =getimagesize($imagePath); $x_position = $this->array_value($opts,'x',0); $y_position = $this->array_value($opts,'y',0); if (strpos($x_position,'%')!==false) $x_position = $width * str_replace('%','',$x_position)/100; if (strpos($y_position,'%')!==false) $y_position = $height * str_replace('%','',$y_position)/100; if( $this->array_value($opts, 'text_repeat') === true) { $final_text=""; $multiplier=4; //lets say 3 for assurance $spaces_between = $this->array_value($opts, 'spaces',5); $repeated_per_width = ($width / (strlen($text) * $fontsize)) * $multiplier; $repeated_per_height= ($height / ($fontsize)) * $multiplier; for ($i=0; $i<$repeated_per_height; $i++) { $t= ""; for ($j=0; $j<$repeated_per_width; $j++) { $t .= $text . str_repeat(" ", $spaces_between ); } $final_text .=$t. "\r\n"; } $text = $final_text; } if ($this->array_value($opts, 'method') ==='gd') { // FETCH IMAGE & WRITE TEXT $im = imagecreatefrompng($imagePath); //imagecolorclosest imagecolorallocate $red = imagecolorclosest($im, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00); $black = imagecolorclosest($im, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00); $white = imagecolorclosest($im, 255, 255, 255); // imagecolorallocate(imagecreatetruecolor(111, 111), 2, 2, 2) //$color = $red;//$red; imagefttext($im, $fontsize=$opts['fontsize'], $angle=$opts['angle'], $x_pos=$x_position, $y_pos=$y_position, $color=$opts['color'], $font=$opts['font'], $text); imagealphablending($im, false); imagesavealpha($im, true); if ($resize=false) { $percent=0.5; $new_width = $width * $percent; $new_height = $height * $percent; $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); } // Output and free memory header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($im); imagedestroy($im); } else { // https://mlocati.github.io/articles/php-windows-imagick.html // https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.imagick.php $Imagick = new \Imagick(); $Imagick->readImage($imagePath); $Imagick->setImageFormat( $format = $this->array_value($opts,'format','png') ); //$Imagick->setCompressionQuality ( 0 ); $ImagickDraw = new \ImagickDraw(); $ImagickDraw->setFontSize( $fontsize ); $ImagickDraw->setTextAntialias ( true ); if (array_key_exists('font',$opts) ) $ImagickDraw->setFont( $font=$opts['font'] ); if ( array_key_exists('stroke', $opts)) { $ImagickDraw->setStrokeColor($opts['stroke'][0]); $ImagickDraw->setStrokeWidth($opts['stroke'][1]); $ImagickDraw->setStrokeOpacity($opts['stroke'][2]); } $ImagickDraw->setFillColor($color=$opts['color']); $ImagickDraw->setFillOpacity($opacity=$opts['opacity']); //$ImagickDraw->setGravity( Imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER ); $Imagick->annotateImage( $ImagickDraw, $x_pos=$x_position, $y_pos=$y_position, $angle=$opts['angle'], $text); if ($opts['echo']) { header( "Content-Type: image/{$Imagick->getImageFormat()}" ); echo $Imagick->getImageBlob(); } else{ $Imagick->writeImage($imagePath); } } } public function output_image($file=''){ if ( !in_array( $this->get_extension($file), ['jpg','jpeg','png','bmp','gif']) ) exit (''); header("Content-type: image/png"); die( $this->file_get_contents($file) ); } //not_founded_images_redirections (when on FTP, the file is not found, then automatically, the site is loaded.. so, in this case, use our function. public function not_found_images_redirect() { if (in_array( $this->get_url_parts($this->currentURL,'extension'), ['png','jpg','jpeg','gif','bmp','svg'])) { echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><svg viewBox="0 85 80 120" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><style></style><text x="0" y="100" class="small">Image error</text></svg>'; exit; } } public function resize_image($imagePath, $width, $height=0, $auto_proportion=true, $filter=false, $blur=1) { $Imagick = new \Imagick(); $Imagick->readImage($imagePath); //$Imagick->setImageFormat( $format = $this->array_value($opts,'format','png') ); $filter= !$filter ? \Imagick::FILTER_LANCZOS : $filter; //FILTER_LANCZOS $Imagick->resizeImage($width, $height, $filter, $blur, $auto_proportion ); $Imagick->writeImage($imagePath); } //======helper function========== //if(!function_exists('mb_substr_replace')){ function mb_substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length = null, $encoding = "UTF-8") { if (extension_loaded('mbstring') === true){ $string_length = (is_null($encoding) === true) ? mb_strlen($string) : mb_strlen($string, $encoding); if ($start < 0) { $start = max(0, $string_length + $start); } else if ($start > $string_length) {$start = $string_length; } if ($length < 0){ $length = max(0, $string_length - $start + $length); } else if ((is_null($length) === true) || ($length > $string_length)) { $length = $string_length; } if (($start + $length) > $string_length){$length = $string_length - $start;} if (is_null($encoding) === true) { return mb_substr($string, 0, $start) . $replacement . mb_substr($string, $start + $length, $string_length - $start - $length); } return mb_substr($string, 0, $start, $encoding) . $replacement . mb_substr($string, $start + $length, $string_length - $start - $length, $encoding); } return (is_null($length) === true) ? substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start) : substr_replace($string, $replacement, $start, $length); } //} //if(!function_exists('mb_str_word_count')){ function mb_str_word_count($string, $format = 0, $charlist = '[]') { $string=trim($string); if(empty($string)){$words = array();} else {$words = preg_split('~[^\p{L}\p{N}\']+~u',$string);} switch ($format) { case 0: return count($words); break; case 1: case 2: return $words; break; default: return $words; break; } } //} public function header_mail($from=false, $host= false){ $from = $from ? $from : "contact"; $host = $host ? $host : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];//$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']; return array('From: '.$from.'@'.$host . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: '.$from.'@'.$host . "\r\n" . 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion()); } public function value_or_input_field($namee){ if (!empty($GLOBALS['editing_inputs'])){ } else{ } } public function ksort_recursive(&$array) { foreach ($array as &$value) { if (is_array($value)) $this->ksort_recursive($value); } return ksort($array); } public function die_if_array_key($array, $key){ if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) exit($array[$key]); } public function chars_array_($alhpanumeric=true){ return ( $alhpanumeric ? array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z') : array('!','$','+','<','[',']','%',',','.','=','&','-','<','>','|', '"', '\'', '\\', '~','(','/',')','!',' ',"\r","\n", '*', '{','}','?','`','@',':',';','^') ); } public function preg_quote_fast($text){ $specs =array('/', '.','\\','+','*','?','[','^',']','$','(',')','{','}','=','!','<','>','|',':','-'); $new_array_for_strtr = array(); foreach($specs as $each){ $new_array_for_strtr[$each] = '\\'.$each; } $text = strtr( $text, $new_array_for_strtr); return $text; } public function checkboxes($checkbox_name,$current_value, $unchecked_value,$checked_value){ $out = '<input type="hidden" name="'.$checkbox_name.'" value="'.$unchecked_value.'" /><input class="chbkx" type="checkbox" name="'.$checkbox_name.'" value="'.$checked_value.'" '. ($current_value==$checked_value ? 'checked="checked"': '') .' />'; return $out; } public function js_library($url_or_Tag=true, $defaultPath=""){ if( empty($defaultPath) && function_exists('home_url') ) $defaultPath = plugin_dir_url($this->plugin_entryfile); $url = $defaultPath . '/libray_standard.js'; return $url_or_Tag ? $url : '<script src="'.$url.'"></script>'; } public function my_translate_month_inside($string = '27/January/2015'){ foreach($GLOBALS['odd']['months_arr'] as $each){ if(strpos($string,$each)!==false) { $string = str_replace($each,translate__MONTH($each), $string); } } return $string; } public function my_utf8_decode($textt){ $var = $textt; $var = iconv("UTF-8","ISO-8859-1//IGNORE",$var); $var = iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",$var); $var = str_replace(' ','',$var); return $var; } // ============================================= YOUTUBE DOWNLOAD FUNCTIONS ==================================================== // https://pastebin_com/bFePMkfy // https://img.youtube.com/vi/XXXXXXXXX/0.jpg (a bit larger) // 1,2,3 // https://img.youtube.com/vi/xxxxxxxxx/mqdefault.jpg // https://img.youtube.com/vi/xxxxxxxxx/hqdefault.jpg // https://img.youtube.com/vi/xxxxxxxxx/maxresdefault.jpg public function get_youtube_thumbnail($id,$quality='maxres'){return 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/'.$id.'/'.$quality.'.jpg';} //to check if variable are normal public function get_youtube_id_from_url($url) { preg_match('/(http(s|):|)\/\/(www\.|)youtu(be\.com|\.be)\/(embed\/|watch.*?v=|)([a-z_A-Z0-9\-]{11})/i', $url, $results); return (isset($results[6]) ? $results[6] : false); } public function get_youtube_id_from_contents($url){ if (stripos($url,'youtu.be/')!==false) {preg_match('/(https:|http:|)(\/\/www\.|\/\/|)(.*?)\/(.{11})/si', $url, $final_ID); $x= !empty($final_ID[4]) ? $final_ID[4] : '';} elseif (stripos($url,'youtube.com/')!==false) {preg_match('/(https:|http:|)(\/\/www\.|\/\/|)(.*?)\/(embed\/|watch.*?v=|)([a-z_A-Z0-9\-]{11})/si', $url, $IDD);$x= !empty($IDD[5]) ? $IDD[5] : ''; } return (!empty($x) ? $x : ''); } public function validate_youtube_id($id){ if (strlen($id)!=11 || preg_match('/[\<\>\'\=\$\"\?\(\{]/si',$text)) {die("incorrrrrect_ID_ error79"); }} //################################# // force ssl public function redirect_to_https(){ if(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == "off") { $redirect = 'https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $redirect); exit(); } } public function redirect_to_nonwww($https=true){ if( stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],'www.') !== false ) { $redirect = ($https ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . str_replace('www.','', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Location: ' . $redirect); exit(); } } public function serialized_fixer($serialized_string){ // securities if (empty($serialized_string)) return ''; if ( !preg_match('/^[aOs]:/', $serialized_string) ) return $serialized_string; if ( @unserialize($serialized_string) !== false ) return $serialized_string; return preg_replace_callback( '/s\:(\d+)\:\"(.*?)\";/s', function ($matches){ return 's:'.strlen($matches[2]).':"'.$matches[2].'";'; }, $serialized_string ) ; } public function img_urlencode($imgUrl){ return str_replace('/'.basename($imgUrl) , '/'.str_replace('+','%20',basename($imgUrl)), $imgUrl); } public function img_urlencode2($imgUrl){ preg_match('/(.*)\/(.*)/si',$imgUrl, $n); $x = (!empty($n[1]) && !empty($n[2])) ? $n[1].'/'.str_replace('+','%20',urlencode($n[2])) : "error_29858"; return $x; } // i.e. get_remote_data(' tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url='.$url); public function get_short_link($url) { return $url; } public function allowed_extensions_of_url( $url ) { $ext = array( 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png' ); $info = (array) pathinfo( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_PATH ) ); return isset( $info['extension'] ) && in_array( strtolower( $info['extension'] ), $ext, TRUE ); } public function m1($tag=""){ $this->var_dump("\r\n<br/>* [MemoryUsage]A$tag :". $this->memory_usage()); } public function memory_usage(){ return memory_get_usage()/pow(1024,2); } public function gc_enable(){ return gc_enable(); } public function gc_clean() { return gc_collect_cycles(); } // create: https://vectr.com/new https://vectorpaint.yaks.co.nz/ // convert : https://hnet.com/png-to-svg/ ( https://image.online-convert.com/convert-to-svg | https://convertio.co/ ) // view: https://www.rapidtables.com/web/tools/svg-viewer-editor.html public function images($which, $type="png", $url_or_tag=true) { $url=[]; switch ($which) { //see visually: https://i.imgur.com/MNxlU7s.png case "overlay-pro" : $url['svg'] = '<svg height="15pt" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 14 15" width="14pt" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g transform="matrix(.1 0 0 -.1 0 15)"><path d="m20 125c-13-14-21-27-18-30 2-3 17 9 33 25 16 17 24 30 19 30-6 0-21-11-34-25z"/><path d="m53 91c-73-80-67-94 7-17 33 35 60 66 60 69 0 16-18 2-67-52z"/><path d="m85 50c-27-28-45-50-39-50 13 0 99 88 93 95-3 2-27-18-54-45z"/><path d="m125 10c-3-5-1-10 4-10 6 0 11 5 11 10 0 6-2 10-4 10-3 0-8-4-11-10z"/></g></svg>'; break; //see visually: https://i.imgur.com/6oHljXM.png case "questionMark-1" : $url['svg'] = '<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="64px" height="64px" viewBox="0 0 640 640" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"> <g id="layer101" fill="#2a589e" stroke="none"> <path d="M234 616 c-124 -40 -224 -175 -224 -301 0 -106 83 -231 185 -279 76 -37 184 -37 260 0 110 52 191 182 183 294 -8 111 -83 222 -182 270 -59 28 -163 36 -222 16z"/> </g> <g id="layer102" fill="#6a88b6" stroke="none"> <path d="M270 470 l0 -40 45 0 45 0 0 40 0 40 -45 0 -45 0 0 -40z"/> <path d="M36 389 c-20 -103 3 -203 65 -273 119 -135 329 -135 449 1 22 25 40 50 40 55 0 6 -20 -12 -45 -40 -43 -48 -115 -93 -146 -91 -8 0 -2 5 14 11 31 11 34 20 12 38 -8 7 -12 16 -10 21 3 4 -10 2 -29 -6 -20 -8 -52 -14 -73 -14 l-38 2 45 6 c84 13 130 54 130 114 0 12 -23 51 -50 86 -28 35 -50 72 -50 82 0 15 -7 19 -35 19 -31 0 -35 -3 -35 -26 0 -31 14 -60 47 -95 54 -59 17 -125 -58 -102 l-34 10 47 -1 c55 -1 67 7 49 36 -7 11 -8 17 -2 13 6 -3 11 -2 11 2 0 5 -23 16 -50 26 -70 25 -158 79 -199 121 -19 20 -38 36 -42 36 -3 0 -9 -14 -13 -31z"/> </g> <g id="layer103" fill="#e5ebf3" stroke="none"> <path d="M280 470 c0 -39 1 -40 35 -40 34 0 35 1 35 40 0 39 -1 40 -35 40 -34 0 -35 -1 -35 -40z"/> <path d="M280 372 c0 -19 51 -105 69 -116 15 -9 14 -59 -1 -74 -14 -14 -77 -16 -111 -3 -23 9 -25 7 -29 -20 -3 -16 0 -33 5 -36 5 -3 40 -8 77 -11 148 -10 196 76 105 188 -25 30 -45 63 -45 72 0 14 -8 18 -35 18 -27 0 -35 -4 -35 -18z"/> </g> </svg>'; break; //see visually: https://i.imgur.com/73R7eLv.png case "questionMark-2" : $url['svg'] = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:se="http://svg-edit.googlecode.com" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:inkscape="http://www.inkscape.org/namespaces/inkscape" width="220.36365738125096" height="219.96970986050064" style=""><rect id="backgroundrect" width="100%" height="100%" x="0" y="0" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="none" class="" style=""/> <g class="currentLayer" style=""><title>Layer 1</title><path fill="#4a90d6" fill-opacity="1" stroke="#ebeb1a" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="0" stroke-dasharray="none" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" opacity="1" marker-start="" marker-mid="" marker-end="" d="M0,110 C0,49.22651933701658 49.226519337016555,0 110,0 C170.77348066298345,0 220,49.22651933701658 220,110 C220,170.77348066298345 170.77348066298345,220 110,220 C49.226519337016555,220 0,170.77348066298345 0,110 z" id="svg_1" class="" filter=""/><foreignObject fill="#4a90d6" stroke="#222222" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" font-size="156" font-family="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" letter-spacing="0" word-spacing="0" marker-start="" marker-mid="" marker-end="" id="svg_9" x="23.115700873212546" y="29.279336103256995" width="224.30167929102208" height="168.0040174784078" style="color: rgb(36, 36, 36);" class="" transform="rotate(0.08801647275686264 832.5809326171628,364.08416748049103) "><p style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;"></p><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;"></p><p xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;"> ?</p><p style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;"></p><p style="border: none;outline: none;font-size: inherit;line-height: 1em;padding:0;margin:0;"></p></p></foreignObject></g><defs><marker id="DotS" refX="0" refY="0" orient="auto" inkscape:stockid="DotS" overflow="visible"> <path transform="scale(.2) translate(7.4 1)" d="M-2.5-1c0 2.76-2.24 5-5 5s-5-2.24-5-5 2.24-5 5-5 5 2.24 5 5z" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="#000" stroke-width="1pt" style="fill: rgb(235, 235, 26); stroke: rgb(235, 235, 26); stroke-dasharray: none;"/></marker></defs></svg>'; break; //see visually: https://i.imgur.com/mx70WNM.png case "rating-transparent" : $url['svg'] = '<svg version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="544px" height="128px" viewBox="0 0 5440 1280" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet"><g id="layer101" fill="#ffb900" stroke="none"><path d="M335 1134 c-51 -14 -56 -69 -25 -256 l21 -119 -91 -100 c-72 -79 -90 -106 -91 -132 -3 -60 3 -102 16 -115 7 -8 69 -21 149 -31 74 -10 139 -21 143 -25 5 -4 40 -69 78 -144 l70 -137 75 0 75 0 70 137 c39 75 73 140 78 144 4 4 68 15 142 25 127 16 143 16 270 0 74 -10 138 -21 142 -25 5 -4 40 -69 78 -144 l70 -137 75 0 75 0 70 137 c39 75 73 140 78 144 4 4 68 15 142 25 127 16 143 16 270 0 74 -10 138 -21 142 -25 5 -4 40 -69 78 -144 l70 -137 75 0 75 0 70 137 c39 75 73 140 78 144 4 4 68 15 142 25 127 16 143 16 270 0 74 -10 138 -21 142 -25 5 -4 40 -69 78 -144 l70 -137 75 0 75 0 70 137 c39 75 73 140 78 144 4 4 68 15 142 25 127 16 143 16 270 0 74 -10 138 -21 142 -25 5 -4 40 -69 78 -144 l70 -137 75 0 75 0 70 137 c39 75 73 140 78 144 4 4 69 15 143 25 80 10 142 23 149 31 7 7 14 29 16 48 5 89 3 95 -91 199 -49 56 -90 102 -90 103 0 2 9 55 20 118 23 135 25 209 6 235 -11 15 -27 19 -74 20 -54 0 -73 -6 -181 -60 l-121 -59 -121 59 c-108 54 -127 60 -181 60 -47 -1 -63 -5 -74 -20 -19 -26 -17 -97 6 -237 l21 -119 -72 -80 c-40 -43 -75 -79 -79 -79 -7 0 -130 134 -143 156 -3 6 2 62 13 125 23 135 25 208 6 234 -11 15 -27 19 -74 20 -54 0 -73 -6 -181 -60 l-121 -59 -121 59 c-108 54 -127 60 -181 60 -47 -1 -63 -5 -74 -20 -19 -26 -17 -97 6 -237 l21 -119 -72 -80 c-40 -43 -75 -79 -79 -79 -7 0 -130 134 -143 156 -3 6 2 62 13 125 23 135 25 208 6 234 -11 15 -27 19 -74 20 -54 0 -73 -6 -181 -60 l-121 -59 -121 59 c-108 54 -127 60 -181 60 -47 -1 -63 -5 -74 -20 -19 -26 -17 -97 6 -237 l21 -119 -72 -80 c-40 -43 -75 -79 -79 -79 -7 0 -130 134 -143 156 -3 6 2 62 13 125 23 135 25 208 6 234 -11 15 -27 19 -74 20 -54 0 -73 -6 -181 -60 l-121 -59 -121 59 c-108 54 -127 60 -181 60 -47 -1 -63 -5 -74 -20 -19 -26 -17 -97 6 -237 l21 -119 -72 -80 c-40 -43 -75 -79 -79 -79 -7 0 -130 134 -143 156 -3 6 2 62 13 125 23 135 25 208 6 234 -11 15 -27 19 -74 20 -54 0 -73 -6 -181 -60 l-121 -59 -117 57 c-113 57 -177 74 -228 61z"/></g></svg>'; break; //see visually: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b5/PayPal.svg case "paypal" : $url['svg'] = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="248" height="66" viewBox="0 0 124 33"><path fill="#253B80" d="M46.211 6.749h-6.839a.95.95 0 0 0-.939.802l-2.766 17.537a.57.57 0 0 0 .564.658h3.265a.95.95 0 0 0 .939-.803l.746-4.73a.95.95 0 0 1 .938-.803h2.165c4.505 0 7.105-2.18 7.784-6.5.306-1.89.013-3.375-.872-4.415-.972-1.142-2.696-1.746-4.985-1.746zM47 13.154c-.374 2.454-2.249 2.454-4.062 2.454h-1.032l.724-4.583a.57.57 0 0 1 .563-.481h.473c1.235 0 2.4 0 3.002.704.359.42.469 1.044.332 1.906zM66.654 13.075h-3.275a.57.57 0 0 0-.563.481l-.145.916-.229-.332c-.709-1.029-2.29-1.373-3.868-1.373-3.619 0-6.71 2.741-7.312 6.586-.313 1.918.132 3.752 1.22 5.031.998 1.176 2.426 1.666 4.125 1.666 2.916 0 4.533-1.875 4.533-1.875l-.146.91a.57.57 0 0 0 .562.66h2.95a.95.95 0 0 0 .939-.803l1.77-11.209a.568.568 0 0 0-.561-.658zm-4.565 6.374c-.316 1.871-1.801 3.127-3.695 3.127-.951 0-1.711-.305-2.199-.883-.484-.574-.668-1.391-.514-2.301.295-1.855 1.805-3.152 3.67-3.152.93 0 1.686.309 2.184.892.499.589.697 1.411.554 2.317zM84.096 13.075h-3.291a.954.954 0 0 0-.787.417l-4.539 6.686-1.924-6.425a.953.953 0 0 0-.912-.678h-3.234a.57.57 0 0 0-.541.754l3.625 10.638-3.408 4.811a.57.57 0 0 0 .465.9h3.287a.949.949 0 0 0 .781-.408l10.946-15.8a.57.57 0 0 0-.468-.895z"/><path fill="#179BD7" d="M94.992 6.749h-6.84a.95.95 0 0 0-.938.802l-2.766 17.537a.569.569 0 0 0 .562.658h3.51a.665.665 0 0 0 .656-.562l.785-4.971a.95.95 0 0 1 .938-.803h2.164c4.506 0 7.105-2.18 7.785-6.5.307-1.89.012-3.375-.873-4.415-.971-1.142-2.694-1.746-4.983-1.746zm.789 6.405c-.373 2.454-2.248 2.454-4.062 2.454h-1.031l.725-4.583a.568.568 0 0 1 .562-.481h.473c1.234 0 2.4 0 3.002.704.359.42.468 1.044.331 1.906zM115.434 13.075h-3.273a.567.567 0 0 0-.562.481l-.145.916-.23-.332c-.709-1.029-2.289-1.373-3.867-1.373-3.619 0-6.709 2.741-7.311 6.586-.312 1.918.131 3.752 1.219 5.031 1 1.176 2.426 1.666 4.125 1.666 2.916 0 4.533-1.875 4.533-1.875l-.146.91a.57.57 0 0 0 .564.66h2.949a.95.95 0 0 0 .938-.803l1.771-11.209a.571.571 0 0 0-.565-.658zm-4.565 6.374c-.314 1.871-1.801 3.127-3.695 3.127-.949 0-1.711-.305-2.199-.883-.484-.574-.666-1.391-.514-2.301.297-1.855 1.805-3.152 3.67-3.152.93 0 1.686.309 2.184.892.501.589.699 1.411.554 2.317zM119.295 7.23l-2.807 17.858a.569.569 0 0 0 .562.658h2.822c.469 0 .867-.34.939-.803l2.768-17.536a.57.57 0 0 0-.562-.659h-3.16a.571.571 0 0 0-.562.482z"/><path fill="#253B80" d="M7.266 29.154l.523-3.322-1.165-.027H1.061L4.927 1.292a.316.316 0 0 1 .314-.268h9.38c3.114 0 5.263.648 6.385 1.927.526.6.861 1.227 1.023 1.917.17.724.173 1.589.007 2.644l-.012.077v.676l.526.298a3.69 3.69 0 0 1 1.065.812c.45.513.741 1.165.864 1.938.127.795.085 1.741-.123 2.812-.24 1.232-.628 2.305-1.152 3.183a6.547 6.547 0 0 1-1.825 2c-.696.494-1.523.869-2.458 1.109-.906.236-1.939.355-3.072.355h-.73c-.522 0-1.029.188-1.427.525a2.21 2.21 0 0 0-.744 1.328l-.055.299-.924 5.855-.042.215c-.011.068-.03.102-.058.125a.155.155 0 0 1-.096.035H7.266z"/><path fill="#179BD7" d="M23.048 7.667c-.028.179-.06.362-.096.55-1.237 6.351-5.469 8.545-10.874 8.545H9.326c-.661 0-1.218.48-1.321 1.132L6.596 26.83l-.399 2.533a.704.704 0 0 0 .695.814h4.881c.578 0 1.069-.42 1.16-.99l.048-.248.919-5.832.059-.32c.09-.572.582-.992 1.16-.992h.73c4.729 0 8.431-1.92 9.513-7.476.452-2.321.218-4.259-.978-5.622a4.667 4.667 0 0 0-1.336-1.03z"/><path fill="#222D65" d="M21.754 7.151a9.757 9.757 0 0 0-1.203-.267 15.284 15.284 0 0 0-2.426-.177h-7.352a1.172 1.172 0 0 0-1.159.992L8.05 17.605l-.045.289a1.336 1.336 0 0 1 1.321-1.132h2.752c5.405 0 9.637-2.195 10.874-8.545.037-.188.068-.371.096-.55a6.594 6.594 0 0 0-1.017-.429 9.045 9.045 0 0 0-.277-.087z"/><path fill="#253B80" d="M9.614 7.699a1.169 1.169 0 0 1 1.159-.991h7.352c.871 0 1.684.057 2.426.177a9.757 9.757 0 0 1 1.481.353c.365.121.704.264 1.017.429.368-2.347-.003-3.945-1.272-5.392C20.378.682 17.853 0 14.622 0h-9.38c-.66 0-1.223.48-1.325 1.133L.01 25.898a.806.806 0 0 0 .795.932h5.791l1.454-9.225 1.564-9.906z"/></svg>'; break; } return $url[$type]; } public function encode_svg($content){ return str_replace(['<','>', '#', '"'], ['%3C','%3E', '%23', '\''], $content); } public function image_svg($which){ return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,'. $this->encode_svg( $this->images($which, 'svg') ); } public function question_mark($text, $dialog=0, $question_mark="") { $mouseover=''; $content = ''; if($dialog==0){ $content = $text; } else if($dialog==1){ $content = ''; $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'#\'+this.parentNode.id).tooltip({ items:this, content:\''.$text.'\', show: { effect: \'blind\', duration: 800 } }).tooltip(\'open\');"'; } else if($dialog==2){ $content = ''; $mouseover = ' onmouseover="jQuery(\'<div>'.$text.'</div>\').dialog({ modal:true, width:600 });"'; } if (empty($question_mark)) $question_mark=$this->image_svg('questionMark-1'); return '<span id="xx"><img src="'. $question_mark .'" class="question_mark" style="cursor:crosshair; width:20px;" alt="'.$content.'" title="'.$content.'" '.$mouseover.' /></span>'; } public function between($a,$b,$c){ return ($a<$b && $b<$c); } public function inside($a,$b,$c){ return ($this->between($a,$b,$c) || $this->between($c,$b,$a) ); } public static $nodepath=''; public static function node_exec($filepath){ //process.stdout.write("hii"); return empty(self::$nodepath) ? 'Node path not set' : self::cmd(self::$nodepath .' '.$filepath); } #region ############### ASYNC FUNCTIONS ############### // // https://www.reddit.com/r/PHP/comments/no7abs/ public $async_methods_available = ['reactphp', 'amphp', 'amphp_parallel', 'spatie','parallel','fibers', 'swoole', 'exec', 'proc-open', 'popen', 'pcntl_fork', '_no_async_' ]; // to execute non-blocking async callback-function | args: [$func,$args] where $args is array public function async_function($callback, $which_method='spatie'){ $method = strtolower($which_method); if ( !in_array( $method, $this->async_methods_available) ) throw new \Exception( "$method not supported, use from: ". implode(' | ',$this->async_methods_available) ); $func_name = 'async_functions_helper_'.$method; call_user_func([$this,$func_name], [ [$callback, $arg1=[]] ] ); } // to execute blocking/non-blocking call of multiple gourp for async callback-functions // ####### EXAMPLE ####### // // $func = function($param1=null, $param2=null, ... ){ // echo "\nParams are : ". print_r(func_get_args(),true); // }; // // $arr = [ [$func], [$func, "hi"], [$func, "good", "bye"] ] ; // $helpers->async_functions($arr,'parallel'); public function async_functions($callbacksArray, $which_method='spatie', $blocking=true, $exception_handler=null){ $method = strtolower($which_method); if ( !in_array( $method, $this->async_methods_available) ) throw new \Exception( "$method not supported, use from: ". implode(' | ',$this->async_methods_available) ); $example = ': CALLBACK & ARGUMENT pair, like [$callback,$arg1,...] or [$callback], where $args behaves like as in call_user_func_array'; if ( !is_array($callbacksArray) ) throw new \Exception("async_functions was passed incorrect argument. Should be array of $example"); $callbacksArray_NEW =[]; // just add arguments foreach($callbacksArray as $eachPair){ if (is_callable($eachPair)) { $callbacksArray_NEW[] = [$eachPair, []]; } elseif (is_array($eachPair)) { $callback = $eachPair[0]; array_shift($eachPair); //unset first one, as all other ones are arguments passed to call_user_func $args = empty($eachPair)? [] : $eachPair; $callbacksArray_NEW[] = [$callback, $args]; } else{ throw new \Exception("async_functions was passed incorrect array of callback. Each array child should be $example"); } } //re-sort $func_name = 'async_functions_helper_'.$method; call_user_func([$this, $func_name], $callbacksArray_NEW, $exception_handler); return; if ($blocking) { } else{ //foreach($callbacksArray_NEW as $callbackAndArgPair){ // $this->async_function($callbackAndArgPair, $which_method); //} } } // ##### PARALLEL (requires extension) ##### public static function async_functions_helper_parallel($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null) { foreach( $callbacksArray as $callback_arg_pair){ //\parallel\run($callback = $callback_arg_pair[0], $args = $callback_arg_pair[1] ); //$r1 = new \parallel\Runtime();$r1->run self::async_function_parallel($callback = $callback_arg_pair[0], $args = $callback_arg_pair[1]); } } public static function async_function_parallel($callback, $args=[]) { \parallel\run($callback, $args); } // ##### SPATIE ##### [ https://github.com/spatie/async/issues/120 ] public static function async_functions_helper_spatie($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null) { if ( ! self::spatieSupported() ){ $msg = "Spaties needed extensions are not enabled: pcntl & posix"; //if ( !$this->is_localhost()) throw new \Exception($msg); else self::var_dump($msg . " ; However, continuing execution in synchronous mode"); } $pool = \Spatie\Async\Pool::create(); foreach( $callbacksArray as $callback_arg_pair){ $pool->add( function() use($callback_arg_pair){ call_user_func_array($callback = $callback_arg_pair[0], $args = $callback_arg_pair[1]); } )->then(function ($output) { // Handle success })->catch(function (\Spatie\Async\Pool\Throwable $exception) { var_dump($exception); }); } $pool->wait(); } public static function spatieSupported(){ return \Spatie\Async\Pool::isSupported(); } // ##### SWOOLE (requires extension) ##### // use advanced usage: https://www.swoole.co.uk/docs/modules/swoole-coroutine-run public static function async_functions_helper_swoole($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null) { // needs to be checked ( as: https://www.swoole.co.uk/docs/modules/swoole-coroutine-run ) if (self::swoole_installed() && function_exists('\\Swoole\\Coroutine\\run') ) { if ( !self::swoole_inside_coroutine() ) { \Swoole\Coroutine\run(function() use ($callbacksArray,$exception_handler) { self::async_functions_helper_swooleGoTrigger($callbacksArray,$exception_handler); }); } else{ self::async_functions_helper_swooleGoTrigger($callbacksArray,$exception_handler); } } else{ var_dump("Swoole not installed, running plain function"); self::async_functions_helper__no_async_($callbacksArray); } } private static function async_functions_helper_swooleGoTrigger($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null) { //$wg = new \Swoole\Coroutine\WaitGroup(); foreach( $callbacksArray as $callback_arg_pair){ \go(function() use ($callback_arg_pair, $exception_handler) { try{ //$wg->add(1); call_user_func_array($callback = $callback_arg_pair[0], $args = $callback_arg_pair[1]); //$wg->done(); } catch(\Exception $ex){ if (is_callable($exception_handler)) call_user_func($exception_handler, new \Exception($ex->getMessage()) ); else trigger_error($ex->getMessage()); } }); } //$wg->wait(); } public static function swoole_inside_coroutine(){ return (self::swoole_installed() && \Swoole\Coroutine::getCid()!=-1 && \Swoole\Coroutine::getPcid()!==false ); } // https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1771756 public static function swoole_inside_coroutine_run(){ return (self::swoole_installed() && \Swoole\Coroutine::getPcid()==-1); } public static function swoole_inside_coroutine_go(){ return (self::swoole_installed() && is_numeric(\Swoole\Coroutine::getPcid()) && \Swoole\Coroutine::getPcid()>0); } public static function swoole_installed(){ return class_exists('\\Swoole\\Coroutine'); } public static function helper_SwooleToggle($enable_or_disable ){ // SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL; // https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/php-bitwise-operators/ ::: swoole_hook_all is: 2147479551 | SWOOLE_HOOK_CURL : 2048 | SWOOLE_HOOK_NATIVE_CURL : 4096 \Swoole\Runtime::getHookFlags(); // $currentHooks ^ SWOOLE_HOOK_CURL ^ SWOOLE_HOOK_NATIVE_CURL; <-- cannot enable both | \Swoole\Runtime::setHookFlags($final); // https://github.com/swoole/swoole-src/issues/4280 if (!self::swoole_inside_coroutine()) return; if($enable_or_disable) \Swoole\Runtime::setHookFlags(SWOOLE_HOOK_ALL); else \Swoole\Runtime::setHookFlags(0); } // ##### AMPHP ##### public static function async_functions_helper_reactphp($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null){ $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $promise = new \React\Promise\Promise(function($resolve){ }); foreach($callbacksArray as $callback_arg_pair) { $promise->then(function($v) use ($loop, $callback_arg_pair, $exception_handler) { $loop->run( function() use($callback_arg_pair, $exception_handler){ try{ call_user_func_array($callback = $callback_arg_pair[0], $args = $callback_arg_pair[1]); } catch(\Exception $ex){ if (is_callable($exception_handler)) call_user_func($exception_handler,$ex); else trigger_error($ex->getMessage()); } } ); }); } $loop->run(); } // ##### AMPHP ##### public static function async_functions_helper_amphp($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null){ $promises = []; \Amp\Loop::run(function () use($callbacksArray) { foreach($callbacksArray as $eachCallbackAndArg) { \Amp\Loop::defer($eachCallbackAndArg[0]); } }); return; //... $promises[] = \Amp\call( function() use ($eachCallbackAndArg) { return call_user_func($eachCallbackAndArg[0],$eachCallbackAndArg[1]); } ); //\Amp\Loop::run(); \Amp\asyncCall \Amp\Promise\wait(\Amp\Promise\all($promises)); return; // .. \Amp\asyncCall( function() use ($eachCallbackAndArg) { return call_user_func($eachCallbackAndArg[0],$eachCallbackAndArg[1]); } ); \Amp\Loop::run(); } // https://github.com/amphp/parallel-functions && https://github.com/amphp/parallel-functions/issues/28 public static function async_functions_helper_amphp_parallel($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null){ foreach($callbacksArray as $callback_arg_pair) { //$pool = new \Amp\Parallel\Worker\DefaultPool(); $callbacks[] = call_user_func_array(\Amp\ParallelFunctions\parallel($callback_arg_pair[0]), $callback_arg_pair[1]); //, $pool } $result = \Amp\Promise\wait(\Amp\Promise\all($callbacks)); } // ##### EXEC ##### // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49592786/asynchronous-call-to-shell-exec-php // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/222414/asynchronous-shell-exec-in-php // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45953/php-execute-a-background-process#45966 // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2212635/best-way-to-manage-long-running-php-script !! public static function async_functions_helper_exec($command = null, $with_php=false){ // moved to separate file, due to WP restrictions return self::async_functions_helper_exec2($command, $with_php); } // no async, just default fallback public static function async_functions_helper__no_async_($callbacksArray, $exception_handler=null) { self::call_user_funcs($callbacksArray); } public static function call_user_funcs($callbacksArray) { foreach($callbacksArray as $callbackAndArgsPair){ call_user_func_array($callbackAndArgsPair[0], $callbackAndArgsPair[1]); } } #endregion // get-timezones : pastebin_com/4tXjgY7B public function add_prefix_to_object_keys($object, $prefix){ $new_object = new stdClass(); foreach ($object as $k => $v) { $new_object->{$prefix . $k} = $v; } return $new_object; } public function convert_timeframe_into_seconds($input="4h", $minute_symbol="m", $month_symbol="M") { $array=['s'=>1,'S'=>1, 'm'=>60, 'h'=>3600,'H'=>3600, 'd'=>86400,'D'=>86400, 'w'=>604800,'W'=>604800, 'M'=>2678400];//31days foreach($array as $key=>$value) { if ( strpos($input,$key)!==false ) { $input=str_replace($key,'', $input); $input=$input*$value; } } return $input; } public function die_pretty($txt){ echo '<div style="padding: 50px; margin:100px auto; width:50%; text-align:center; line-height: 1.4; display:flex; justify-content:center; flex-direction:column; font-family: cursive; font-size: 1.7em; box-shadow:0px 0px 10px gray; border-radius: 10px;">'. '<div><h3>'.$txt.'</h3></div>'. '</div>'; exit; } // custom always-loaded scripts // my_script_url("css|js", "public|admin") public function my_script_url($type="js|css", $kind="public|admin", $with_tag=false) { if ($type=='js'){ return ($with_tag? '<script type="text/javascript" src="':'') . $this->js_library() .'&vers='.$this->changeable_JS_CSS_version . ($with_tag? '"></script>':''); } elseif ($type=='css'){ return ($with_tag? '<link rel="stylesheet" href="':'') . $this->baseScriptsUrl.'style-'.$kind.'.css?vers='.$this->changeable_JS_CSS_version. ($with_tag? '" type="text/css" media="all" />':''); } } public function my_loader_css_js($css=true, $js=true) { $admin = function_exists('is_admin') ? is_admin() : false; if ($css) echo $this->my_script_url('css', ( $admin ? 'admin':'public'), true); if ($js) echo $this->my_script_url('js', '', true); } public function my_loader_css_js_trigger() { $screen= is_admin()? 'admin' : 'public'; $this->my_loader_css_js($css=$this->load_styles['css'][$screen], $js=$css=$this->load_styles['js'][$screen]); } // ================================== STYLES ================================== // private $all_enqueue_scripts=[]; public function init_loadscripts($override_array) { $initial_scripts= [ // 'my_javascript' => ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ 'js' => $this->my_script_url('js','') ]], 'my_style_public'=> ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ 'css' => $this->my_script_url('css','public') ]], 'my_style_admin'=> ['screen'=>['admin'=>0, 'public'=>0], 'urls'=>[ 'css' => $this->my_script_url('css','admin') ]] ]; $this->load_scripts_override = []; if ( method_exists($this, 'define_load_links') ) $this->define_load_links(); $initial_scripts = array_merge($initial_scripts, $this->load_scripts_override); $this->all_enqueue_scripts = array_replace_recursive($initial_scripts, $override_array); } public function my_styles_hook($pure_php=false) { $front_or_back = function_exists('is_admin') && is_admin() ? 'admin' : 'public'; $current_screen = $front_or_back=='public' ? 'wp' : 'admin'; // gets: admin or public foreach ($this->all_enqueue_scripts as $name=>$block) { if($block['screen'][$front_or_back]) { if (!empty($block['urls'])) foreach ($block['urls'] as $JS_or_CSS=>$url) { $type_ = ($JS_or_CSS=="js") ? 'script' : ($JS_or_CSS=="css" ? 'style' : $JS_or_CSS); if ($pure_php===true) { if ($type_=='style') echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.$url.'" type="text/css" media="all" />'; else { echo '<script src="'.$url.'"></script>'; } } else { $this->register_stylescript($current_screen, $type_, $name, $url); } } } } } //example testmode : pastebin_com/bUncPcFD public function filedate($file){ return date("Y-M-D--H-i-s", filemtime($file) ); } //if ( !$this->above_version('5.4') ) { echo("php_version is ". PHP_VERSION ." (quite old). HIGHLY recomended to update to higher version, or this program might not funciton normally ". __FILE__ ); } public function above_version($version= "5.4"){ return version_compare(phpversion(), $version, '>='); } public function noindex_meta_tag() { return '<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">'; } public function randomId($divider="_"){ return "K".time() . $divider . rand(1,9).rand(0,9999999999999); } // ##################################### //check either GET or argv (note, in argv, the parameters should be quoted, like: // * * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /var/www/example/wp-cron.php "cron_cycle=3&param=1" public static function argvs($key='', $default='') { global $argv; $array = []; if (!empty($argv[1])) { parse_str($argv[1], $array); } return $array; } public static function argv($key='', $default='') { global $argv; $array = []; if (!empty($argv[1])) { parse_str($argv[1], $array); } return empty($key) ? $array : ( array_key_exists($key, $array) ? $array[$key] : $default); } public function get($key='', $default='') { return empty($key) ? $_GET : ( array_key_exists($key, $_GET) ? $_GET[$key] : $default); } // THIS IS ALWAYS SANITIZED IN IMPLEMENTATIONS public function post($key='', $parsePhpInput=true){ if (!empty($_POST)) { $array = $_POST; } else { $input = file_get_contents('php://input'); if (!empty($input)) { if (!$parsePhpInput) return $input; $array= json_decode($input, true); if (is_null($array)) { return $input; } } else{ $array = []; } } return (!empty($key) ? $this->array_value($array,$key) : $array); } public function inputData(){ return $this->POST(); } public function argv_or_get($key='', $default=null) { global $argv; $array = []; if (!empty($argv[1])) { parse_str($argv[1], $array); } else { $array=$this->Get(); } return !empty($key) ? $this->array_value($array,$key,$default) : $array; } public function argv_is_set($key) { global $argv; $array = []; if (!empty($argv[1])) { parse_str($argv[1], $array); } return array_key_exists($key,$array); } public function argv_or_get_is_set($key) { global $argv; $array = []; if (!empty($argv[1])) { parse_str($argv[1], $array); } else { $array=$this->Get(); } return array_key_exists($key,$array); } public static function argv_called_file() { global $argv; return !empty($argv[0]) ? $argv[0] : ''; } public static function is_cron(){ return self::is_cli(); } public static function is_cli(){ try{ if( defined('STDIN') ) return true; if( empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && count($_SERVER['argv']) > 0) return true; $sapi_type = php_sapi_name(); return (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) == 'cli' || empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); } catch(\Exception $ex){ } return false; } public static function array_to_argv($array=null) { $str = http_build_query($array); return $str; } //convert command line to array like _GET public function argv_to_array($argv_=null,$index=1) { $array=[]; if (!empty($argv_[$index])) parse_str($argv_[$index], $array); return $array; } public static function php_path_current(){ return PHP_BINARY; } public static function command_current($addToParams=''){ return self::php_path_current().' "'.self::ArgvFile().'" "'.self::array_to_argv(self::Argv()) .$addToParams.'"'; } public static function is_simple_type($var){ return ( is_string($var) || is_numeric($var) || is_bool($var) ); } public function argvs_get_post($argv_,$index=1) { //$array=[]; //if (!empty($argv_[$index])) parse_str($argv_[$index], $array); return $array; } public function serialize_argv($argvs) { if(empty($argvs) || !is_array($argvs)) return $argvs; $new_ar=[]; foreach($argvs as $key=>$value) { if(stripos($value,'=')===false) { $new_ar[$key] = $value; } else{ parse_str($argvs[$key], $params); $key1=array_keys($params)[0]; if(!empty($argvs) && is_array($params)) $new_ar[$key1] = $params[$key1]; } } return $new_ar; } // ##################################### public function array_fields($array, $parent="plugin_slug[sample][sub]", $pairs=false) { echo '<div class="inpHolder">'; echo '<div class="inputsBlock">'; if (is_array($array) && !empty($array)) { foreach ($array as $optName=>$value) { echo $this->field_out_helper1($parent, $optName, $value, $pairs) ; } } $sample_field = $this->field_out_helper1($parent, "", "", $pairs); //echo $sample_field; echo '</div>'; ?> <?php $unique = $this->sanitize_nonoword($parent); ?> <a class="button" href="#" onclick="return <?php echo $unique;?>_addNewArrayField_k(this);" class="addNewArrayInput"><?php _e('Add New');?></a> <script> function <?php echo $unique;?>_addNewArrayField_k(el) { var targetEl = el.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByClassName("eachInputBlock")[0]; var rand= Math.random().toString(36).substring(2); var newElString = targetEl.outerHTML.replace( /(inputKey_[\w]*)/g, "inputKey_"+rand).replace(/value="(.*?)"/g, 'value=""'); targetEl.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", newElString); return false; } </script> <?php echo '</div>'; } public function field_out_helper1($parent, $optName, $value, $pairs) { $output='<div class="eachInputBlock">'; $rand= "inputKey_".rand(1,999999)."_".rand(1,999999)."_".rand(1,999999); if (!$pairs) { $key = (!empty($optName) ? $optName : $rand); $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$key.']" class="eachInput each_'.$key.' regular-text" type="text" value="'.$value.'" placeholder="" />'; } else { $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$rand.'][name]" class="eachInput each_'.$rand.' medium-text _key" type="text" value="'. (!empty($optName) ? $optName : "").'" placeholder="name" />'; $output .= '<input name="'.$parent.'['.$rand.'][value]" class="eachInput each_'.$rand.' medium-text _value" type="text" value="'.$value.'" placeholder="value" />'; } $output .='</div>'; return $output; } public function array_sanitize_text_field($ar) { $new=[]; foreach($ar as $key=>$val) { $new[ $this->sanitize_text_field($val["name"]) ] = $this->sanitize_text_field($val["value"]); } return $new; } public function get_fb_name_regex($fb_url){ preg_match('/'.preg_quote('^(?:https?://)?(?:www.|m.|touch.)?(?:facebook.com|fb(?:.me|.com))/(?!$)(?:(?:\w)#!/)?(?:pages/)?(?:[\w-]/)?(?:/)?(?:profile.php?id=)?([^/?\s])(?:/|&|?)?.*$/'), $fb_url, $n); return $n[1]; } // shapeSpace public function allowed_html_tags() { $allowed_tags = [ 'a' => [ 'class'=>[], 'href'=>[], 'rel'=>[], 'title'=>[], ], 'abbr' => [ 'title' => [], ], 'b' => [], 'blockquote' => [ 'cite' => [], ], 'cite' => [ 'title' => [], ], 'code' => [], 'del' => [ 'datetime'=>[], 'title'=>[], ], 'dd' => [], 'div' => [ 'class'=>[], 'title'=>[], 'style'=>[], ], 'dl' => [], 'dt' => [], 'em' => [], 'h1' => [], 'h2' => [], 'h3' => [], 'h4' => [], 'h5' => [], 'h6' => [], 'i' => [], 'img' => [ 'alt'=>[], 'class'=>[], 'height'=>[], 'src'=>[], 'width'=>[], ], 'li' => [ 'class'=>[], ], 'ol' => [ 'class'=>[], ], 'p' => [ 'class'=>[], ], 'q' => [ 'cite'=>[],'title'=>[], ], 'span' => [ 'class'=>[], 'title'=>[], 'style'=>[], ], 'strike' => [], 'strong' => [], 'ul' => [ 'class' => [], ] ]; return $allowed_tags; } public function display_errors() { ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting( E_ALL ); } public function log_errors($path=false, $callback=null) { //htaccess: // php_flag log_errors on // php_value error_log /home/FTP_username/public_html/error_log.txt ini_set("log_errors", 1); ini_set("error_log", $path ? $path : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/zzz___php-my-errors_".$this->my_site_variables__secret('rand_name', random_string(11)).".log"); //error_log( "Hello, errors!" ); if (!is_null($callback)) set_error_handler($callback); } public function javascript_headers() { session_cache_limiter('none'); // http://stackoverflow.com/a/1385982/2377343 //Caching with "CACHE CONTROL" header('Cache-control: max-age='.($year=60*60*24*365) .', public'); //Caching with "EXPIRES" (no need of EXPIRES when CACHE-CONTROL enabled) //header('Expires: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,time()+$year)); //To get best cacheability, send Last-Modified header and ... header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate(DATE_RFC1123,filemtime(__file__))); //i.e. 1467220550 [it's 30 june,2016] //reply using: status 304 (with empty body) if browser sends If-Modified-Since header.... This is cheating a bit (doesn't verify the date), but remove if you dont want to be cached forever: // if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); die(); } header("Content-type: application/javascript; charset=utf-8"); } public function set_log_dir($dir) { $this->logDir = $dir; $this->mkdir($this->logDir); } public function form_from_array($value, $fullKeyName='', $replace_spaces=false, $url='') { ?> <form action="<?php echo $url;?>" method="POST"> <?php $this->input_fields_from_array_recursive2($value, $fullKeyName, $replace_spaces); ?> <input type="submit"></form> <?php } public $arFieldRecRastKey=""; public $arFieldAutoresize=true; public function input_fields_from_array_recursive2($value, $fullKeyName='', $replace_spaces=false, $cycle=0){ $current_key = preg_replace('/(.*)\[(.*?)\]/','$2', $fullKeyName); //i.e. cc from: aa[bb][cc] $addButtonKeyName = "_ADD_BUTTON_"; if ($cycle==0) { if ($this->arFieldAutoresize) $this->js_autosize_textarea('.valueTxtArea'); ?> <style> @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { #container-rebox { width: 700px; } } .ArrayFieldsContainer{box-shadow:0px 0px 5px black; font-size:0.8em; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .keyBlock{transition:0.1s all; padding:1px 0px 0px 3px; zmargin:2px 0px 0px 10px; height: 100%; } .ArrayFieldsContainer > .keyBlock { height: auto; first_block_needs_autoheigh:okk; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .keyBlock:hover{box-shadow:0 0 0 1px black; border:2px black;} .ArrayFieldsContainer .new_block{ position:relative; border:1px black dashed; margin: 4px; transition:1s all; opacity:1; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .removing{ height:0px!important; opacity:0!important; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .each_arr, .ArrayFieldsContainer .each_ln { display:flex; padding:2px 2px 0 5px; zmargin:2px 2px 0 5px; flex-direction:column; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .valueTxtArea{ margin:0 0 0 5px; float:right; padding: 0px; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .emptyTxtarea[style*="height:2"],.ArrayFieldsContainer .emptyTxtarea[style*="height:3"]{ background:#ff7e7e; _after_change_that_height_changes:"";} .ArrayFieldsContainer .parentKey{ opacity:0.6; font-size:0.7em; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .keyname{ min-width: 10px; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .plus_minus_sign{ font-weight:bold; font-size:1em; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .plus_minus_sign.sign_minus{ color:red; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .plus_minus_sign.sign_plus{ color:green; font-size:2em; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .addhrefBLock { display:block; text-align:center; } .ArrayFieldsContainer .ancestor_array .keyBlock { display:flex; flex-direction:row; padding:10px 10px 0 10px;} .ArrayFieldsContainer .ancestor_array .each_ln {display:flex; flex-direction: column;} .ArrayFieldsContainer textarea { overflow-y: scroll;} </style> <script> var parentPredix= "parent_of_"; function addNewBlock(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); let targ=evt.target; let parent=targ.parentNode.parentNode; let samplEl= $(parent).find('[class*="'+parentPredix+'"]').first().clone(); let newKey= prompt("Input new key name"); if (typeof PuvoxAddNewBlock_Filter_Func6273 === "function") newKey = PuvoxAddNewBlock_Filter_Func6273(newKey); if(!newKey) return; let oldKey= samplEl.data("key"); samplEl.data("key", newKey); samplEl.find("textarea").text(""); let parentkey= samplEl.data("parent"); let newFullKey=parentkey +"["+newKey+"]"; let newCont = samplEl.html().replace( new RegExp("(\\[|\>)"+oldKey+"\\b", "g"), '$1'+newKey ); samplEl.html(newCont); $(targ).closest(".new_block").find(".children_cont").first().append(samplEl); //targ.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", newCont); } function removeCurrentBlock(evt, keynm) { evt.preventDefault(); if (confirm("U sure to delete this block?")) { let targ = evt.target; let parent = $(targ).closest(".new_block"); parent.css("height", parent[0].offsetHeight +"px"); window.setTimeout( function(){ parent.addClass("removing"); }, 10 ); window.setTimeout( function(){ parent.remove(); }, 1000 ); } } </script> <?php //initial echo '<div class="ArrayFieldsContainer">'; } $keyName_BOLDED = preg_replace('/(.*)\[(.*?)\]/','<span class="parentKey">$1</span>[<b>$2</b>]', $fullKeyName); $is_parent_array = !is_array($value) || !array_key_exists('languages', $value) ; echo '<div class="keyBlock keyname_'.$fullKeyName.' '.($is_parent_array ? "regular_array" : "ancestor_array").'" style="background:'.$this->random_color('30').'; ">'; $style = ' style=""'; if ( !is_array($value) ){ echo ' <div class="each_ln" '.$style.'> <div class="keyname">'. $keyName_BOLDED .'</div> <div class="txtar"><textarea class="valueTxtArea '. ( trim($value) =='' ? 'emptyTxtarea' :'') .' key_'.$current_key.'" name="'.$fullKeyName.'" placeholder="">'. trim($value) .'</textarea></div> </div>'; } else{ echo ' <div class="each_arr" '.$style.'> <div class="keyname">'. $keyName_BOLDED .'</div> <div class="children_cont">'; $addButtonOnKey=false; foreach ($value as $keyname1=>$value1){ if ($keyname1==$addButtonKeyName) { continue; } $newKeyNm = $fullKeyName.'['.$keyname1.']'; echo '<div class="new_block parent_of_" data-parent="'.$newKeyNm.'" data-key="'.$keyname1.'">'; // if array contains empty_placeholder, then it was meant for Adding/Removing for keys if (array_key_exists($addButtonKeyName, $value)) { $addButtonOnKey=true; echo '<a href="#" onclick="removeCurrentBlock(event,\''.$newKeyNm.'\')"><span class="plus_minus_sign sign_minus">-delete</span></a>'; } $this->arFieldRecRastKey=$keyname1; $this->input_fields_from_array_recursive2($value1, $newKeyNm, $replace_spaces, $cycle+1); echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($addButtonOnKey) { echo '<a class="addhrefBLock" href="#" onclick="addNewBlock(event)"><span class="plus_minus_sign sign_plus">+ADD</span></a>'; } echo ' </div>'; } echo '</div>'; if ($cycle==0) { echo '</div>'; } } public function move_folder_contents($from, $to) { foreach( glob($from ."/*") as $each) { $target=$to."/".basename($each); if(is_dir($target)) { //$this->rmdir_recursive($target); } elseif(is_file($target)) { @unlink($target); //rename($each, $target); } } } public function js_debugmode($name='debugmode') { if ( ! defined('PUVOX_js_debugmode') ) { define('PUVOX_js_debugmode', true); $this->debugmode_script = '<script>debug_mode_ ="true";</script>'; add_action('wp_head', function(){ echo $this->debugmode_script; }, 1); add_action('admin_head',function(){ echo $this->debugmode_script; }, 1); } } // REGEXES public function preg_replace_if_inside($str, $phrase, $start, $end) { return preg_replace("/(?<=". preg_quote($start).")(.*?|)". $phrase ."(.*?|)(?=".preg_quote($end).")/si", '', $str); } public function split_by_X_not_inside_YZ($str, $by, $y, $z) //y&z: not inside { return preg_split( '/'.$by.'+(?=(?:(?:[^'.$y.']*"){2})*[^'.$z.']*$)/si', $str ); } public function get_from_X_till_Y_not_inside($content, $from, $till, $array, $regex_index=0, $remove_outside=true) { $from_ = $from; //this.escapeRegExp(from); preg_match( '/'. $from_ ."(.*)/si", $content, $matches ); $result = ""; if ($matches != null ) { $regex_index_final = $regex_index+1; $foundPart= $matches[$regex_index_final]; $splits = $this->split_by_X_not_inside($foundPart, $till, $array); $result = trim($splits[0]); } return $result; } // ############### REGEXES ############### public function get_current_buffer_clean($func_name=false){ ob_start(); if ($func_name) {$args=func_get_args(); call_user_func_array($func_name, $args);} $cont= ob_get_clean(); ob_flush(); return $cont; } // youtube old funcs - get_video_info: pastebin_com/HWeaHFVJ // php memory ram shared caching: pastebin_com/CpkkA43x // ### ERRORS TABLE ### // public function sqlite_error_db_init($db_dir=false, $db_name=false, $PLA=[], $TELEGRAM=[]) { $sqlite_db_path= $db_dir . $db_name; $db = $this->sqlite_db_init( $sqlite_db_path ); $this->SQLITE_ERRORS_DB_INSTANCE = $db; } public function sqlite_error_table_create($db, $tablename) { $db->exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$tablename} ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT, text TEXT, status TEXT, url TEXT, time INTEGER)" ); } public function sqlite_error_log($db, $tablename, $title, $text, $status=null) { $db = $db ?: $this->SQLITE_ERRORS_DB_INSTANCE; $this->sqlite_error_table_create($db, $tablename); $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$tablename.'(title,text,status,url,time) VALUES( "'.($title ?: '').'", "'.($text ?: '').'", "'.($status ?: '').'", "'.$this->requestURL.'" , "'. time().'")'; //if ( ! $this->helpers->is_localhost ) $this->helpers->telegramMsg( $this->tg_errorbot['key'], $this->tg_errorbot['chat'], $title .'::::'. $text); return $db->exec($sql); } public function slog($title, $text, $db=null, $tablename='all_errors') { return $this->sqlite_error_log($db, $tablename, $title, $text); } // ##################### // #region PHP to PHP/C# encryption/description : // https://puvox.software/blog/two-way-encryption-decryption-between-php-and-c-sharp/ //public static class EncryptDecrypt { public static function encrypt($plaintext, $password, $method= 'aes-256-cbc'){ self::helper__encrypt_decrypt_stream($password); return base64_encode(openssl_encrypt($plaintext, $method, self::password_shuffled, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, self::iv)); } public static function decrypt($encrypted, $password, $method= 'aes-256-cbc'){ self::helper__encrypt_decrypt_stream($password); return openssl_decrypt(base64_decode($encrypted), $method, self::password_shuffled, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, self::iv); } public static function helper__encrypt_decrypt_stream($password, $method= 'aes-256-cbc'){ // Must be exact 32 chars (256 bit) self::$password_shuffled = substr(hash('sha256', $password, true), 0, 32); // IV must be exact 16 chars (128 bit) self::$iv = chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0) . chr(0x0); } //} #endregion // --- LOCAL OPTIONS APPROACH --- public function site_options_path(){ return $this->baseDIR.'/_site_options.json'; } public function get_site_options_all(){ if (property_exists($this,'JSON_CACHED_ALL_OPTIONS')) { return $this->JSON_CACHED_ALL_OPTIONS; } $path = $this->site_options_path(); if (!file_exists($path)){ $this->localdata_set($path,'{"all_options":{}}'); } $this->JSON_CACHED_ALL_OPTIONS = json_decode( $this->file_get_contents($path), []); return $this->JSON_CACHED_ALL_OPTIONS; } public function save_site_options_all($opts){ $path = $this->site_options_path(); $this->localdata_set($path, $opts); } public function update_option_json($option_name, $value){ $path = $this->site_options_path(); $opts= $this->get_site_options_all(); if (!is_array($option_name)){ $opts['all_options'][$option_name] = $value; } else{ $c = count($option_name); $o = $option_name; if ($c==2) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ] = $value; if ($c==3) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ] = $value; if ($c==4) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ][ $o[3] ] = $value; if ($c==5) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ][ $o[3] ][ $o[4] ] = $value; if ($c==6) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ][ $o[3] ][ $o[4] ][ $o[5] ] = $value; if ($c==7) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ][ $o[3] ][ $o[4] ][ $o[5] ][ $o[6] ] = $value; if ($c==8) $opts[ $o[0] ][ $o[1] ][ $o[2] ][ $o[3] ][ $o[4] ][ $o[5] ][ $o[6] ][ $o[7] ] = $value; } $this->JSON_CACHED_ALL_OPTIONS = $opts; try { $this->localdata_set($path, json_encode($opts)); } catch (\Exception $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } return true; } public function get_option_json($option_name, $default_value=''){ $opts = $this->get_site_options_all() ; if (!is_array($option_name)){ return ( array_key_exists($option_name, $opts['all_options']) ? $opts['all_options'][$option_name] : $default_value ); } else{ $new_val = $opts; foreach($option_name as $val) { $new_val = $new_val[$val]; } return $new_val; } } public function set_default_options( $array, $key_name ){ $opts = $this->get_site_options_all(); if (!array_key_exists($key_name, $opts)){ $opts[$key_name]=[]; } foreach($array as $key=>$value){ if ( !array_key_exists($key, $opts[$key_name]) ){ $opts[$key_name][$key] = $value; $this->update_option_json([$key_name, $key], $value); } } return $opts[$key_name]; } public function get_child($array, $name) { if (!is_array($name)) return $array[$name]; else{ $new_val = $array; foreach($name as $val) { $new_val = $new_val[$val]; } return $new_val; } } // // algo-related functions public function highest($values, $length) { $amount= count($values); $last= max(array_keys($values));//might be empty initial X keys, so dont use "count" $index = $last; $highest= $values[$last]; if ($length >= 1){ for ($i=0; $i<min($amount, $length); $i++){ $idx= $last-$i; if (array_key_exists($idx, $values)){ if ( $values[$idx] > $highest){ $highest = $values[$idx]; $index=$idx; } } } } return ["value"=>$highest, "index"=>$index]; } public function lowest($values, $length) { $amount= count($values); $last= max(array_keys($values));//might be empty initial X keys, so dont use "count" $index = $last; $lowest= $values[$last]; if ($length >= 1){ for ($i=0; $i<min($amount, $length); $i++){ $idx= $last-$i; if (array_key_exists($idx, $values)){ if ( $values[$idx] < $lowest){ $lowest = $values[$idx]; $index=$idx; } } } } return ["value"=>$lowest, "index"=>$index]; } public function zip_folder ($input_folder, $output_zip_file) { $zipClass = new ZipArchive(); if($input_folder !== false && $output_zip_file !== false) { $res = $zipClass->open($output_zip_file, \ZipArchive::CREATE); if($res === TRUE) { // Add a Dir with Files and Subdirs to the archive $foldername = basename($input_folder); $zipClass->addEmptyDir($foldername); $foldername .= '/'; $input_folder .= '/'; // Read all Files in Dir $dir = opendir ($input_folder); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; // Rekursiv, If dir: GoodZipArchive::addDir(), else ::File(); $do = (filetype( $input_folder . $file) == 'dir') ? 'addDir' : 'addFile'; $zipClass->$do($input_folder . $file, $foldername . $file); } $zipClass->close(); } else { exit ('Could not create a zip archive, migth be write permissions or other reason. Contact admin.'); } } } public function init_defaults() { try{ //some of this can be overwriten by init_module $this->ip = $this->get_visitor_ip(); $this->isMobile = false; $this->isWP = defined("ABSPATH"); $this->is_cli = $this->is_cli(); $this->is_development = defined("_puvox_machine_") ; // set only in devmachine (in "my_superglobals.php" and in "EnvVariables") //only web parts $this->is_https = $this->is_cli ? false : ((!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']!=='off') || (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443) ); $this->https = $this->is_cli ? 'https://': ( $this->is_https ? 'https://' : 'http://'); $this->domainCurrent = $this->is_cli ? '' : (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : ''); $this->domain = $this->is_cli ? '' : $this->https . $this->domainCurrent; $this->requestURL = $this->is_cli ? '' : $this->array_value($_SERVER,'REQUEST_URI'); $this->requestURI=$this->requestURL; $this->currentURL = $this->is_cli ? '' : $this->domain.$this->requestURL; $this->domainCurrentWithoutPort=$this->is_cli ? '' : $this->array_value( parse_url($this->currentURL),'host'); $this->is_localhost = $this->is_cli ? false : $this->is_localhost(); // others $this->empty_image = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8,&lt;svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 1 1'&gt;&lt;/svg&gt;"; $this->extra_options_enabled=false; } catch(\Exception $ex){ $this->var_dump($ex); } } // only when called explicitly, i.e. from plugin or module public function init_module($args=[]) { // Because this is a class, we don't use "__FILE__" & "__DIR__" here, but "Reflection" to refer to caller file #### $isClass=(array_key_exists('class',$args) && !empty($args['class'])); $reflection = $isClass ? (new \ReflectionClass( $args['class'] )) : null; $this->module_NAMESPACE = $isClass ? $reflection->getNamespaceName() : (array_key_exists('NAMESPACE',$args) ? $args['NAMESPACE'] : "EXAMPLE"); // get parent's namespace name $this->moduleFILE = $isClass ? $reflection->getFileName() : (array_key_exists('FILE',$args) ? $args['FILE'] : __FILE__); // set plugin's main file path $this->moduleDIR = (array_key_exists('DIR',$args) ? $args['DIR'] : dirname($this->moduleFILE) ).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ; // set plugin's dir path $this->prefix = strtolower( preg_replace('![^A-Z]+!', '', $this->module_NAMESPACE) );// get prefix from current namespace initials of UpperCase characters (i.e. MyPluginNamespace-->MPN) $this->prefix_ = $this->prefix .'_'; //$backtrace = debug_backtrace(); $this->_index_file_ = $backtrace[0]['file']; $this->_index_dir_ = dirname($this->_index_file_); // if this class is used just as a helper php library if (!$this->isWP || array_key_exists('homeFOLDER', $args)) { $this->homeFOLDER = $args['homeFOLDER']; $this->homeURL = $this->domain.$this->homeFOLDER; $this->doc_root_real = $this->slash_replace_direction(str_replace( $this->homeFOLDER,'', $this->slash_replace_direction($this->moduleDIR, 'forward') ), 'forward'); // even for symlinked; $this->moduleURL = str_replace($this->doc_root_real,'', $this->slash_replace_direction($this->moduleDIR, 'forward')) ; } // else, if this class is used as plugin class (used mostly by Puvox.Software) else { $this->wpURL = network_home_url('/'); // WP installation home $this->wpFOLDER = network_home_url('/', 'relative'); // WP folder $this->homeURL = home_url('/'); // current sub/site home url $this->homeFOLDER = home_url('/', 'relative'); // current sub/site home folder $this->moduleURL = plugin_dir_url($this->moduleFILE); // $this->plugin_entryfile = defined( $this->module_NAMESPACE.'\\PLUGIN_ENTRY_FILE') ? constant($this->module_NAMESPACE.'\\PLUGIN_ENTRY_FILE') : $this->moduleFILE; } $this->httpsReal = preg_replace('/(http(s|):\/\/)(.*)/i', '$1', $this->homeURL); $this->domainReal = $this->get_domain_from_url($this->homeURL); $this->domainNaked=$this->domainReal; $this->domain = $this->httpsReal.$this->domainReal; $this->domain_schemeless= '//'.$this->domainReal; $this->site_slug = str_ireplace('.','_', $this->domainReal); $this->urlAfterHome = substr($this->requestURL, strlen($this->homeFOLDER) ); $this->pathAfterHome = parse_url($this->urlAfterHome, PHP_URL_PATH); $this->homeUrlStripped = $this->remove_http_www($this->homeURL); $this->baseFILE = $this->moduleFILE; // $this->baseDIR = $this->moduleDIR.'/'; // $this->baseURL = property_exists($this, 'baseURL') ? $this->baseURL : $this->moduleURL; //( stripos(__FILE__, 'wp-content'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'themes') !== false ? themeURL ... $this->baseScriptsFolder= property_exists($this, 'baseScriptsFolder') ? $this->baseScriptsFolder : ''; $this->baseScriptsDir = $this->baseDIR . $this->baseScriptsFolder; $this->baseScriptsUrl = $this->baseURL . $this->baseScriptsFolder; $this->changeable_JS_CSS_version = ( file_exists($file = $this->baseScriptsDir.'/style-public.css') ? 'date_'.filemtime($file) : $this->sanitize_key($this->domainReal).date('m') ); // others $this->is_development = defined("_puvox_machine_") ; // set only in devmachine (in "my_superglobals.php" and in "EnvVariables") if ($this->is_development) { $this->display_errors(); if (!property_exists($this,'triggered_dev_shutdown_hook')) { $this->triggered_dev_shutdown_hook=true; register_shutdown_function( function(){ if (substr(ob_get_contents(), -7)=='</html>') echo('<div data-debug-memory-limit="'. ini_get('memory_limit').'" data-debug-WP_MEMORY_LIMIT="'. (defined('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT') ? WP_MEMORY_LIMIT : '').'"></div>');} ); $this->START_TIME1 = microtime(true); register_shutdown_function( function(){ if (substr(ob_get_contents(), -7)=='</html>') echo('<div data-debug-time-load="'. (microtime(true)-$this->START_TIME1).'"></div>');} ); } } } // ############################################################## // ##################### CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ####################### // ############################################################## // DO_NOT_OT_REMOVE_THIS_LINE___ // ############################################################## // ################# END - CUSTOM FUNCTIONS ##################### // ############################################################## } // class class tempclass_file { public function __construct($parent){ $this->parent = $parent; } public function temp_dir() { return $this->parent::slash_trailing (sys_get_temp_dir()); } /* static function _getTempDir() { $tmp_locations = array('/tmp', '/var/tmp', 'c:\WUTemp', 'c:\temp', 'c:\windows\temp', 'c:\winnt\temp'); $tmp = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'); if (!strlen($tmp)) { $tmp = getenv('TMPDIR'); } while (!strlen($tmp) && count($tmp_locations)) { $tmp_check = array_shift($tmp_locations); if (@is_dir($tmp_check)) { $tmp = $tmp_check; } } return strlen($tmp) ? $tmp : false; } */ public function exists ($filePath) { return file_exists($filePath) || is_dir($filePath); } public function mtime ($filePath) { if ($this->exists($filePath)) { return filemtime ($filePath)*1000; } else { return null; } } public function unlink ($filePath) { return unlink($filePath); } //public function mkdir($dest, $permissions=0755, $create=true){ return $this->mkdir_recursive($dest, $permissions, $create); } //public function mkdir_recursive( public function create_directory($dirPath, $permissions=0755, $create=true) { if(!is_dir($dirPath)){ //at first, recursively create parent directory if doesn't exist $parent = dirname($dirPath); if( $parent && !is_dir($parent) ){ $this->create_directory($parent, $permissions, $create); } else { if ( is_writable( $parent ) ){ return mkdir($dirPath, $permissions, $create); } else{ var_dump("No permission to create directory: $parent"); return false; } } } return true; } //rmdir rmdir_recursive public function delete_directory($dirPath) { if(!empty($dirPath) && is_dir($dirPath) ){ $dir = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dirPath, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS); //upper dirs not included,otherwise DISASTER HAPPENS :) $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($files as $path) $path->isDir() && !$path->isLink() ? $this->delete_directory($path->getPathname()) : unlink($path->getPathname()); //{if (is_file($path)) {unlink($path);} else {$empty_dirs[] = $path;} } if (!empty($empty_dirs)) {foreach ($empty_dirs as $eachDir) {rmdir($eachDir);}} rmdir($dirPath); return true; } return true; //include_once(ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-filesystem-base.php'); //\WP_Filesystem_Base::rmdir($fullPath, true); } public function read($filePath, $defaultContent = ''){ if (!$this->exists($filePath)){ return $defaultContent; } return $this->parent->file_get_contents($filePath); } public function write($filePath, $content){ $dir = dirname($filePath); $this->create_directory($dir); return $this->parent->file_put_contents($filePath, $content); } public function get_files_list_from_dir ($dir) { $filesList = []; // todo return $filesList; } /* public function emptyDir($dirPath){ return array_map( 'unlink', array_filter((array) glob("$dirPath/*") ) ); } public function copy_recursive($source, $dest, $permissions = 0755){ if (is_link($source)) { return symlink(readlink($source), $dest); } elseif (is_file($source)) { if(!file_exists(dirname($dest))){$this->create_directory(dirname($dest), $permissions, true); } if(!copy($source, $dest)) {echo "not copied ($source ---> $dest )";} return true; } elseif (is_dir($source)) { $this->create_directory($dest, $permissions, true); foreach (glob($source.'/*') as $each){ $basen= basename($each); if ($basen != '.' && $basen != '..') { $this->copy_recursive("$each", "$dest/$basen", $permissions); } } } } */ } // templcass_file class tempclass_cache_file { public function __construct($parent){ $this->parent = $parent; } public $customCacheDir = null; public function get_dir() { if (!$this->customCacheDir) { $this->customCacheDir = $this->parent->file->tempDir(); } $finaldir = $this->parent::slash_trailing ($this->customCacheDir . '_cache_' . $this->parent->get_app_name()); return $finaldir; } public function set_dir($dir, $auto_clear_seconds=null){ if($dir) $this->customCacheDir = $dir; $res = $this->parent->file->create_directory($this->customCacheDir); if( !is_null($auto_clear_seconds)) { throw new \Exception("Not implemented yet! 345346"); //$this->clearCacheDir($auto_clear_seconds); } return $res; } public function file_path($uniqFileName){ $uniqFileName = is_string($uniqFileName) || is_numeric($uniqFileName) ? $uniqFileName : json_encode($uniqFileName); $uniqFileName = $this->parent::sanitize_key_dashed($this->parent::chars_from_start($uniqFileName, 15)) . "_" . md5($uniqFileName); $filePath= $this->get_dir() . $uniqFileName . "_tmp"; return $filePath; } // public function get($uniqFileName, $defaultContent ='', $expire_seconds=8640000, $decode = true) { $filePath = $this->file_path($uniqFileName); if ( $this->parent->file->exists($filePath) ){ if ( $this->parent->file->mtime($filePath) . $expire_seconds * 1000 < time() ){ $this->parent->file->unlink($filePath); return $defaultContent; } else{ $cont = $this->parent->file->read($filePath, null); // if specifically array, then on empty, reckon as array if ($cont===null) { return $defaultContent; } if ($decode){ try{ return json_decode($cont, true); } catch(\Exception $e){ return $cont; } } else{ return $cont; } } } else { return $defaultContent; } } public function set($uniqFileName, $content) { $filePath= $this->file_path($uniqFileName); $contentFinal = is_string($content) ? $content : ((is_array($content) || parent.isObject($content)) ? json_encode($content) : $content); return $this->parent->file->write($filePath, $contentFinal); } // // public function writeFileAppendJson(filePath, jsonContent, callback){ // try{ // var callback = callback || function(){}; // var self = this; // puvox_library.modules('fs').readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err,data) { // let json = {}; // if (typeof data !="undefined" && data!=''){ // json=JSON.parse(data); // } // let jsonNew = self.jsonConcat(json, jsonContent); // let content = JSON.stringify(jsonNew); // puvox_library.modules('fs').writeFile(filePath, content, 'utf8', function(callback_) { // }); // }); // } // catch(e){ // console.log("writeFileAppendJson", e); // } // }, public $containerDefaultPrefix= "_cached_ids_"; public $tempIds =[]; public function id_for_content($slugOrContent){ return md5($this->parent->is_simple_type($slugOrContent) ? $slugOrContent : json_encode($slugOrContent)); } public function exists_id($containerSlug, $id){ return array_key_exists($id, $this->get_ids($containerSlug)); } public function get_ids($containerSlug) { if (! array_key_exists($containerSlug, $this->tempIds)) { $content = $this->parent->file->read($this->get_dir() . $this->containerDefaultPrefix . $containerSlug, '{}'); $this->tempIds[$containerSlug] = json_decode($content, true); } return $this->tempIds[$containerSlug]; } public function set_ids($containerSlug, $idsDict) { $this->tempIds[$containerSlug] = $idsDict; return $this->parent->file->write($this->get_dir() . $this->containerDefaultPrefix . $containerSlug, json_encode($this->tempIds[$containerSlug])); } public function add_id($containerSlug, $id){ $ids = $this->get_ids($containerSlug); $ids[$id] = 1; $this->set_ids($containerSlug, $ids); } public function add_id_if_not_exists($containerSlug, $id){ if (! $this->exists_id($containerSlug, $id)){ $this->add_id($containerSlug, $id); return true; } return false; } /* #region ################ CACHE ############### public function cache_get($key, $default=null){ return call_user_func([$this, "cache_get_{$this->CACHE_CHOSEN_PROGRAM}"], $key, $default); } public function cache_set($key, $data, $seconds = 8640000){ return call_user_func([$this, "cache_set_{$this->CACHE_CHOSEN_PROGRAM}"], $key, $data, $seconds); } public function cache_append($key, $data, $seconds = 8640000){ $existing_arr = call_user_func([$this, "cache_get_{$this->CACHE_CHOSEN_PROGRAM}"], $key, []); $new = $this->is_array($existing_arr) ? $this->array_merge($existing_arr,$data) : $existing_arr. $data; $final_value = ($this->is_simple_type($new) ? $new : serialize($new)); return call_user_func([$this, "cache_set_{$this->CACHE_CHOSEN_PROGRAM}"], $key, $final_value, $seconds); } #region ### phpRedis (better than "pRedis" ) [edit: 02mxypZ1 ] ### public $redis_host_params = [ 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379, 'connectTimeout' => 2.5, 'db_index' => 0, 'auth' => ['', ''], 'ssl' => ['verify_peer' => false], ]; public $redis_keys_prefix=''; public $redis_instance = null; public $redis_default_key_pre = ':'; public function cache_get_redis($key, $default=null){ $this->helper_cache_redis_init_check($this->redis_host_params, true); $key = $this->redis_keys_prefix . $key; $redis = $this->helper_redis_getInstance(); $val = $redis->get($key); $this->helper_redis_IfSwooleCloseNeeded($redis); if (!$val) return $default; return (self::is_serialized($val) ? unserialize($val) : $val); } public function cache_set_redis($key, $data, $seconds = 8640000){ $this->helper_cache_redis_init_check($this->redis_host_params, true); $key = $this->redis_keys_prefix . $key; $redis =$this->helper_redis_getInstance(); $result = $redis->set($key, ($this->is_simple_type($data) ? $data : serialize($data)), $seconds ); $this->helper_redis_IfSwooleCloseNeeded($redis); return $result; } // public function cache_append_redis($key, $data, $seconds = 8640000){ // $this->helper_cache_redis_init($this->redis_host); // $existing_arr = $this->cache_get_redis($key,[]); // $new = $this->is_array($existing_arr) ? $this->array_merge($existing_arr,$data) : $existing_arr. $data; // $final_value = ($this->is_simple_type($new) ? $new : serialize($new)); // return $this->cache_set_redis($key, $final_value, $seconds); // } public function cache_clear_redis(){ $this->helper_cache_redis_init_check($this->redis_host_params, true); $this->helper_redis_getInstance()->flushAll(); } // helpers, with added swoole support private $redis_pool=null; private $redis_start_inited=false; public function helper_cache_redis_init($host_params, $use_params=false){ try{ if (self::swoole_inside_coroutine()){ if ( is_null($this->redis_pool) ){ $authString = !empty($host_params['auth'][0]) ? $host_params['auth'][0].':'.$host_params['auth'][1] : ''; $newR = (new \Swoole\Database\RedisConfig)->withHost($host_params['host'])->withPort($host_params['port'])->withAuth($authString)->withDbIndex($host_params['db_index'])->withTimeout($host_params['connectTimeout']); $this->redis_pool = new \Swoole\Database\RedisPool( $newR ); $this->redis_instance= $this->helper_redis_getInstance(); } } else { if ( is_null($this->redis_instance) ){ $this->redis_instance= new \Redis(); $this->redis_instance->connect( $host_params['host'], $host_params['port']); if ($use_params) { // SERIALIZER_NONE | SERIALIZER_PHP | SERIALIZER_IGBINARY | SERIALIZER_MSGPACK ); $this->redis_instance->setOption(\Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, \Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP); $this->redis_instance->setOption(\Redis::OPT_PREFIX, __NAMESPACE__. $this->redis_default_key_pre); // use custom prefix on all keys } } } if ($use_params) $this->redis_keys_prefix = $this->slug .'_'; } catch(\Exception $ex){ if (get_class($ex)==="RedisException"){ if (!$this->redis_start_inited){ $this->redis_start_inited=true; if(method_exists($this,'helper_redis_try_os_start')) $this->helper_redis_try_os_start(); sleep(1); $this->helper_cache_redis_init($host_params); } } } } public function helper_cache_redis_init_check($host_params, $use_params=false){ if(is_null($this->redis_instance)) $this->helper_cache_redis_init($host_params, $use_params); } public function helper_redis_getInstance() { return (self::swoole_inside_coroutine() ? $this->redis_pool->get() : $this->redis_instance); } public function helper_redis_getAllKeys($redis_instance) { $keys=[]; $it = NULL; do { $arr_keys = $redis_instance->scan($it); if ($arr_keys !== FALSE) { foreach($arr_keys as $str_key) { $keys[]= $str_key; } } } while ($it > 0); return $keys; } public function helper_redis_IfSwooleCloseNeeded($redis_instance) { if ( self::swoole_inside_coroutine() ){ $this->redis_pool->put($redis_instance); } } #endregion // ##### memcached: todo ##### // // // // // // // ##### apcu: todo ##### (examples: https://pastebin_com/0Q5y28fA) // // // // // // // ####################### OBJECTS ####################### // // https://medium.com/@dylanwenzlau/500x-faster-caching-than-redis-memcache-apc-in-php-hhvm-dcd26e8447ad // sample ---> https://pastebin_com/0eUvyXaD public $cache_object_method='serialize'; //serialize | memcached | apcu public function cache_get_object($uniqFileName, $default='', $expire_seconds=86400 ) { if ($this->cache_object_method=='apcu') { } else{ $data = $this->cache_get_file($uniqFileName, $default, $expire_seconds, $decode=false); return unserialize( $data ); } } public function cache_set_object($uniqFileName, $content, $throw_exception=true) { $res=false; if ($this->cache_object_method=='apcu') { } else{ $res = $this->cache_set_file($uniqFileName, serialize($content), false); } if(!$res && $throw_exception){ throw new \Exception('Was unable to set APCU cache for '.$uniqFileName); } return $res; } // ### CACHE DIRS ### private $cacheDirectory = __DIR__.'/_cache/'; //sys_get_temp_dir() public function cache_dir_set($dir=null, $auto_clear_seconds=null){ if($dir) $this->cacheDirectory = $dir; $res = $this->mkdir($this->cacheDirectory); if( !is_null($auto_clear_seconds)) { $this->clearCacheDir($auto_clear_seconds); } return $res; } public function cache_dir_get($create=true){ $dir = $this->cacheDirectory; if($create && !is_dir($dir)){ $this->mkdir($dir); } return $dir; } // ### CACHE FILES ### public function cache_file_location($uniqFileName){ $uniqFileName = is_string($uniqFileName) || is_numeric($uniqFileName) ? $uniqFileName : json_encode($uniqFileName); $uniqFileName = self::sanitize( substr($uniqFileName, 0, 10)) . "_" . md5($uniqFileName); $filePath= $this->cache_dir_get() . $uniqFileName ."_tmp"; //"/". return $this->realpath($filePath); } public function cache_get_file($uniqFileName, $default='', $expire_seconds=8640000) { $filePath= $this->cache_file_location($uniqFileName); if ( strlen($filePath) < 3) return "too tiny filename"; if ( file_exists($filePath) ){ if (filemtime($filePath)+$expire_seconds<time() ){ unlink($filePath); return $default; } else{ return $this->file_get_contents($filePath); } } else { return $default; } } public function cache_set_file($uniqFileName, $content, $encode=true) { $filePath= $this->cache_file_location($uniqFileName); $contentFinal = ($encode && (is_array($content) || is_object($content)) ) ? json_encode($content): $content; return $this->localdata_set($filePath, $contentFinal); } public function cache_append_array_file($uniqKeyFileName, $data) { $existing = $this->cache_get_file($uniqKeyFileName,[]); $newData = is_array($data) ? $data : [$data]; $finalData = array_merge_recursive($existing,$newData); return $this->cache_set_file($uniqKeyFileName, $finalData); } public function cacheDirUrl(){ return basename($this->cache_dir_get()); } public function backupFileIntoCache($filename, $data){ $filename = $this->cache_dir_get() .'/'. $filename . date('Y-m-d H-i-s') . "_".md5($data); $this->localdata_set($filename, is_array($data) ? json_encode($data) : $data ); } // ####################### IDs ####################### // public $cached_IDS_type = 'file'; // file, wp, db, object (using redis or whatever, according to $CACHE_CHOSEN_PROGRAM) //$this->isWP; public function cache_key_create($text){return md5( is_array($text) ? json_encode($text) : $text ); } // ######## private function cache_ids_parentname($containerHint){ return "_px_cached_ids_".$containerHint;} private function get_cached_ids_array($containerHint){ $ContainerName = $this->cache_ids_parentname($containerHint); if ($this->cached_IDS_type=='file'){ $filePath =$this->cache_dir_get() . $ContainerName; if ( empty($this->temp_cacheIdsArray) || empty($this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath]) ) { $cont = $this->file_get_contents( $filePath ); if ( empty($cont) ) { $this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath] = []; } else { $this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath] = json_decode($cont,true); //if error happened if (is_null($this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath])){ //if contains broken array due to rare overwrite problem, i.e. ["id_1"],"id2","id3"] if ($this->contains($cont, $delimiter = '"')){ $arrs=$this->string_to_array($cont, $delimiter); $this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath]=$arrs; } } } } $existing_ids = $this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath]; } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='wp'){ $existing_ids = get_option( $ContainerName, [] ); } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='object'){ $existing_ids = $this->cache_get( $ContainerName, [] ); } return $existing_ids; } private function set_cached_ids_array($containerHint, $existing_ids){ $ContainerName = $this->cache_ids_parentname($containerHint); if ($this->cached_IDS_type=='file'){ $filePath = $this->cache_dir_get() . $ContainerName; $this->temp_cacheIdsArray[$filePath] = $existing_ids; $this->localdata_set( $filePath, json_encode($existing_ids) ); } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='wp'){ update_option( $ContainerName, $existing_ids ); } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='redis'){ $this->cache_set( $ContainerName, $existing_ids); } } private function add_cached_id($containerHint, $cache_id){ $ContainerName = $this->cache_ids_parentname($containerHint); //to ensure to preserve any overwrites happened within last few milliseconds $latest_current_ids = $this->get_cached_ids_array($containerHint); // //$recently_added_ids = array_diff($latest_current_ids, $added_ids); //$up_to_date_IDS = array_merge($existing_ids, $recently_added_ids); $latest_current_ids[]=$cache_id; $this->set_cached_ids_array($containerHint, $latest_current_ids); } public function is_cached_id($cache_parent_key, $item_key_or_params){ $key = is_array($item_key_or_params) ? json_encode($item_key_or_params) : $item_key_or_params; $key = strlen($key) <=35 ? $key : md5($key); //if same length as md5, then prefer original readable key if( in_array($key, $this->get_cached_ids_array($cache_parent_key) ) ) { return true; } else{ $this->add_cached_id($cache_parent_key, $key); return false; } } public function clearCacheIdsOnCall($param_name){ if (isset($_ GET[$param_name])) { $this->clearCacheIds('todo'); } } public function clearCacheIds($key_name){ $key_fullname = $this->cache_ids_parentname($key_name); if ($this->cached_IDS_type=='local'){ $this->rmdir($this->cache_dir_get()); $this->mkdir($this->cache_dir_get()); } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='wp'){ update_option( $this->cache_ids_parentname($key_name), []); } elseif ($this->cached_IDS_type=='object'){ $this->cache_set( $key_fullname, []); } else { } } public function clearCacheDir($seconds=86400){ $timerFile= $this->cache_dir_get().'/_cleanTime.blobz'; if (file_exists($timerFile) && filemtime($timerFile)<time()-$seconds){ array_map( 'unlink', array_filter((array) glob( $this->cache_dir_get()."*") ) ); $this->localdata_set($timerFile, time()); } else{ $this->localdata_set($timerFile, time()); } } public function cacheDirLink(){ return $this->baseURL .'/'. $this->cacheDirUrl() .'/'; } // usage: cachedFunction( [$xyzClass,'methodName'], $params, $cache_seconds=60*60*24, "mySitePeopleAges" ) public function cachedFunctionCall($callbackFunction, $params=[], $seconds=86400, $UniqCacheName='', $force_on_empty=true){ $fileName = $this->funcStringName($callbackFunction, $params, $seconds, $UniqCacheName); $cache_file = $this->cache_dir_get() .'_'. $fileName ; $call = false; //if ( $this->isWpCache() ) //{ //} if ( $seconds<=0 || $this->forceNewCache || !file_exists($cache_file) || time() - filemtime($cache_file) > $seconds ) { $call=true; } else{ $cont = $this->file_get_contents($cache_file); if ($cont=="" && $force_on_empty){ $call=true; } else{ $response = $cont; } } // if($call){ $response = call_user_func_array($callbackFunction, $params); $this->localdata_set($cache_file, is_array($response) || is_object($response) ? json_encode($response) : $response ); } try{ return is_array($response) || is_object($response) || ! is_string($response) ? $response : json_decode($response); } catch(\Exception $e) { return $response; } } public function funcStringName($callbackFunction, $params, $seconds, $fixedName='') { if (!empty($fixedName)) return $fixedName; $funcSlug = is_array($callbackFunction) && is_object($callbackFunction[0]) ? get_class($callbackFunction[0])."_".$callbackFunction[1] : (is_string($callbackFunction) ? $callbackFunction : md5(json_encode($callbackFunction))); $funcAliasString= md5( basename( $funcSlug ."_". md5(json_encode($params)) . "_". $seconds ) ); return $funcAliasString; } public function transientFunction($callbackFunction, $params=[], $seconds=86400, $transientName=''){ $transientName = $this->funcStringName($callbackFunction, $params, $seconds, $transientName) ; if( ($value = get_transient($transientName))===false ) { $value = call_user_func_array($callbackFunction, $params); set_transient($transientName, $value, $seconds); } return $value; } */ } // tempclass_cache_file #region TRANSLATIONS class tempclass_translations { #region TRANSLATIONS DB create /* $transl = new TranslationsDB("db_all"); $transl->set("programName", $_REQUEST['program']); $transl->set("lang", $_REQUEST['lang']); // for useing automatizations: $transl->set("gtranslateApiKey", "A1KQX8Iza...."); $transl->set("correctKey", "nmsE3hig..."); $transl->set("developerKey", 'adGFfger..' ) ; */ public static function create_connection_($db_path="/example/my.db_or_sqlite3", $pdo=true){ try { if ( $pdo ) { $db = new PDO('sqlite:'.$db_path); $db ->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // Set errormode to exceptions } else{ $db = new SQLite3($db_path); } } catch(Exception $e) { die('Error: '.$e->getMessage()); } return $db ; } //db->exec($command); //db->prepare($command='INSERT INTO translations ( string, lang, value ) VALUES (:string, :lang, :value);'); private $db = null; public $lang = ""; public $found = false; // user opts public $programName = "example"; public $gtranslateApiKey = ""; public $isDeveloper = false; public $helpers; public function __construct_TranslationsDB($db_name="db_translations.db", $helpers=null) { $this->db = generic_funcs::create_connection_($db_name); $this->create_translations_table(); $this->helpers = $helpers; } public function set($name, $value) { $this->$name=$value; } public function create_translations_table() { $sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS translations ( ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, program_name VARCHAR(150), string TEXT NOT NULL, lang TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, time INT, suggestion TEXT );'; return $this->db->query($sql); //possibles: VARCHAR(50) , PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`) ) AUTO_INCREMENT=1;'; } public function insert_translation($string, $lang, $value, $time, $program_name, $suggestion) { $statement = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO translations ( string, lang, value, time, program_name, suggestion ) VALUES (:string, :lang, :value, :time, :program_name, :suggestion );'); $statement->bindValue(':string', $string); $statement->bindValue(':lang', $lang); $statement->bindValue(':value', $value); $statement->bindValue(':time', $time); $statement->bindValue(':program_name', $program_name); $statement->bindValue(':suggestion', $suggestion); return $statement->execute(); } public function string_exists($string, $lang=false, $program_name=false) { $statement = $this->db->prepare('SELECT * from translations where string= :string'. ( $lang? ' and lang = :lang' : '') .' LIMIT 1' ); // . ( $program_name? ' and program_name = :program_name' : '') $statement->bindValue(':string', $string); if ($lang) $statement->bindValue(':lang', $lang); $res = $statement->execute(); return !empty($res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)); } // for single translations public function get_translation($string, $lang=false) { $lang = $lang ?: $this->lang; try { // if bulk translation if(is_array($string)) { $lang = $lang ?: $this->lang; $array=[]; // bulk translate with Google, if this language doesnt exist if ( !$this->string_exists($string[0], $lang) && ( $this->string_exists($string[0]) || $this->isDeveloper ) ) { $this->gtranslate($string, $lang); } foreach ($string as $each){ $array[$each]= $this->get_translation($each, $lang); } return $array; } //if single translation else { $return= $string; $statement = $this->db->prepare('SELECT * from translations where string= :string and lang= :lang '); //. ( $program_name? ' program_name = :program_name' : '') $statement->bindParam(':string',$string); $statement->bindParam(':lang', $lang); $ret = $statement->execute(); $res = $ret->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC); if(!empty($res)){ $this->found=true; $return= $res['value']; } else{ $this->found=false; if ( $this->string_exists($string) || $this->isDeveloper ){ $res= $this->gtranslate($string, $lang); if (array_key_exists($string, $res)) { $value = $res[$string]; $return= $value; } } } } } catch (Exception $e){ $return=$string; } return $return; } public function gtranslate($q, $target, $sourceEng=false, $gtranslateApiKey=false) { $q_string = !is_array($q) ? 'q='.urlencode($q) : 'q='.implode("&q=", array_map('urlencode',$q) ); $res=$this->curl("https://www.googleapis.com/language/translate/v2?" .$q_string , ['target'=>$target, 'source'=>($source ?: "en"), 'key'=>($gtranslateApiKey ?: $this->gtranslateApiKey)] ); $array= json_decode($res, true); $transl_result = $array['data']['translations']; // format data correctly $assoc=[]; if(is_array($q)){ if (count($q) != count($transl_result)) { exit("error in translation pairs: ". print_r($q,true) . PHP_EOL . print_r($transl_result,true) ); } for($i=0; $i < count($q); $i++) { $assoc[$q[$i]] = $value = $transl_result[$i]['translatedText']; $this->insert_translation($q[$i], $target, $value, time(), $this->programName, ""); } return $assoc; } else{ $assoc[$q] = $value = $transl_result[0]['translatedText']; $this->insert_translation($q, $target, $value, time(), $this->programName, ""); return $assoc; } } } #endregion tempclass_translations }// if-class