/** * External dependencies */ import TestRenderer from 'react-test-renderer'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { Chip, RemovableChip } from '..'; describe( 'Chip', () => { test( 'should render text', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text="Test" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render nodes as the text', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text={ <h1>Test</h1> } /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render defined radius', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text="Test" radius="large" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render screen reader text', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text="Test" screenReaderText="Test 2" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render children nodes', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text="Test">Lorem Ipsum</Chip> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); describe( 'with custom wrapper', () => { test( 'should render a chip made up of a div instead of a li', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <Chip text="Test" element="div" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); } ); } ); describe( 'RemovableChip', () => { test( 'should render text and the remove button', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text="Test" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render with disabled remove button', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text="Test" disabled={ true } /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render custom aria label', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text={ <h1>Test</h1> } ariaLabel="Aria test" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render default aria label if text is a node', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text={ <h1>Test</h1> } screenReaderText="Test 2" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); test( 'should render screen reader text aria label', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text="Test" screenReaderText="Test 2" /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); describe( 'with removeOnAnyClick', () => { test( 'should be a button when removeOnAnyClick is set to true', () => { const component = TestRenderer.create( <RemovableChip text="Test" removeOnAnyClick={ true } /> ); expect( component.toJSON() ).toMatchSnapshot(); } ); } ); } );