<?php namespace Gutenberg_Courses\Example_Blocks; add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', __NAMESPACE__ . '\enqueue_block_editor_assets' ); /** * Enqueue block editor only JavaScript and CSS. */ function enqueue_block_editor_assets() { // Make paths variables so we don't write em twice ;) $block_path = '/assets/js/editor.blocks.js'; $style_path = '/assets/css/blocks.editor.css'; // Enqueue the bundled block JS file wp_enqueue_script( 'jsforwp-blocks-js', _get_plugin_url() . $block_path, [ 'wp-i18n', 'wp-element', 'wp-blocks', 'wp-components', 'wp-editor' ], filemtime( _get_plugin_directory() . $block_path ) ); if(class_exists("\RevSlider")){ $slider = new \RevSlider(); $arrSliders = $slider->getArrSliders(); $sliderlist = array(); foreach($arrSliders as $sliderony){ $sliderlist[] = array('value' => $sliderony->getAlias(), 'label' => $sliderony->getTitle(), 'type' => $sliderony->getParam('source_type') ); } } else $sliderlist = array('value' => '' , 'label' => __('No Sliders available','themepunchblocks')); if(shortcode_exists("ess_grid")){ global $wpdb; global $table_prefix; $wpdb->tablename = $table_prefix . 'eg_grids'; $grids = $wpdb->get_results( " SELECT handle,name FROM $wpdb->tablename " ); $gridlist = array(); if(is_array($grids)){ foreach ( $grids as $grid ) { $gridlist[$grid->handle] = $grid->name; } } else { $gridlist[] = __('No Grid available','themepunch'); } } else { $gridlist[] = __('No Grid available','themepunch'); } wp_localize_script( 'jsforwp-blocks-js', 'themepunch_blocks', array( 'sliderlist' => $sliderlist, 'gridlist' =>$gridlist ) ); // Enqueue optional editor only styles wp_enqueue_style( 'jsforwp-blocks-editor-css', _get_plugin_url() . $style_path, [ 'wp-blocks' ], filemtime( _get_plugin_directory() . $style_path ) ); wp_add_inline_style( 'jsforwp-blocks-editor-css', tpc_customizer_colors() ); } add_action( 'enqueue_block_assets', __NAMESPACE__ . '\enqueue_assets' ); /** * Enqueue front end and editor JavaScript and CSS assets. */ function enqueue_assets() { $style_path = '/assets/css/blocks.style.css'; wp_enqueue_style( 'jsforwp-blocks', _get_plugin_url() . $style_path, [ 'wp-blocks' ], filemtime( _get_plugin_directory() . $style_path ) ); wp_add_inline_style( 'jsforwp-blocks', tpc_customizer_colors() ); } /*add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\enqueue_frontend_assets' ); function enqueue_frontend_assets() { // If in the backend, bail out. if ( is_admin() ) { return; } $block_path = '/assets/js/frontend.blocks.js'; wp_enqueue_script( 'jsforwp-blocks-frontend', _get_plugin_url() . $block_path, ['jQuery'], filemtime( _get_plugin_directory() . $block_path ) ); } */ function tpc_tabs_add_frontend_assets() { $block_path = '/blocks/tpc-tabs/front.js'; wp_enqueue_script( 'tpc-tabs-front-script', _get_plugin_url() . $block_path, array( 'jquery' ), filemtime( _get_plugin_directory() . $block_path ) ); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', __NAMESPACE__ . '\tpc_tabs_add_frontend_assets' ); /** * Add custom colors to Gutenberg. */ function tpc_customizer_colors() { // Retrieve the colors from the Customizer $accent = get_theme_mod( 'tpc_blocks_accent_color', '#5e35b1' ); $accent_font = get_theme_mod( 'tpc_blocks_accent_color_font', '#fff' ); $support1 = get_theme_mod( 'tpc_blocks_supporting_color_1', '#d9dadb' ); $support1_font = get_theme_mod( 'tpc_blocks_supporting_color_1_font', '#5b5c5e' ); // Build Custom CSS from Customizer $css = ' h2.tpc-headline, h3.tpc-contentheadline, h2.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline, h3.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline { border-left: 10px solid ' . esc_attr( $accent ) . '; } h2.tpc-headline em, h3.tpc-contentheadline em , h4.tpc-caption em , h2.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline em , h3.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline, h4.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline em { color: ' . esc_attr( $accent ) . '; } .tpc-related ul li a, .tpc-related ul li a:visited, .tpc-related ul li a:hover { color: ' . esc_attr( $accent ) . ';} .tpc-related ul li:first-child, button.tpc-btn, button.tpc-btn:focus, .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title-wrap.active .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title {background: ' . esc_attr( $accent ) . '} button.tpc-btn, button.tpc-btn:focus, .tpc-related ul li:first-child, .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title-wrap.active .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title { color: ' . esc_attr( $accent_font ) . '!important; } h4.tpc-caption, h4.wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpcheadline, .tpc-contents ol {border-left: 10px solid ' . esc_attr( $support1 ) . ';} .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs { border-top: 3px solid ' . esc_attr( $support1 ) . '; } .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title, .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title-wrap { background: ' . esc_attr( $support1 ) . ';} .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title, .wp-block-themepunchblocks-tpc-tabs-tab-title-wrap .dashicons-plus-alt { color: ' . esc_attr( $support1_font ) . ';} '; return wp_strip_all_tags( $css ); }