<?php namespace Safe; use Safe\Exceptions\CurlException; /** * This function URL encodes the given string according to RFC 3986. * * @param resource $ch A cURL handle returned by * curl_init. * @param string $str The string to be encoded. * @return string Returns escaped string. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_escape($ch, string $str): string { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_escape($ch, $str); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromCurlResource($ch); } return $result; } /** * Execute the given cURL session. * * This function should be called after initializing a cURL session and all * the options for the session are set. * * @param resource $ch A cURL handle returned by * curl_init. * @return bool|string Returns TRUE on success. However, if the CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER * option is set, it will return * the result on success, FALSE on failure. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_exec($ch) { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_exec($ch); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromCurlResource($ch); } return $result; } /** * Gets information about the last transfer. * * @param resource $ch A cURL handle returned by * curl_init. * @param int $opt This may be one of the following constants: * * * * CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL - Last effective URL * * * * * CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE - The last response code. * As of PHP 5.5.0 and cURL 7.10.8, this is a legacy alias of * CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE * * * * * CURLINFO_FILETIME - Remote time of the retrieved document, with the CURLOPT_FILETIME enabled; if -1 is returned the time of the document is unknown * * * * * CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME - Total transaction time in seconds for last transfer * * * * * CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME - Time in seconds until name resolving was complete * * * * * CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME - Time in seconds it took to establish the connection * * * * * CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME - Time in seconds from start until just before file transfer begins * * * * * CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME - Time in seconds until the first byte is about to be transferred * * * * * CURLINFO_REDIRECT_COUNT - Number of redirects, with the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option enabled * * * * * CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME - Time in seconds of all redirection steps before final transaction was started, with the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option enabled * * * * * CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL - With the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option disabled: redirect URL found in the last transaction, that should be requested manually next. With the CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option enabled: this is empty. The redirect URL in this case is available in CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL * * * * * CURLINFO_PRIMARY_IP - IP address of the most recent connection * * * * * CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT - Destination port of the most recent connection * * * * * CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP - Local (source) IP address of the most recent connection * * * * * CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT - Local (source) port of the most recent connection * * * * * CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD - Total number of bytes uploaded * * * * * CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD - Total number of bytes downloaded * * * * * CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD - Average download speed * * * * * CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD - Average upload speed * * * * * CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE - Total size of all headers received * * * * * CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT - The request string sent. For this to * work, add the CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT option to the handle by calling * curl_setopt * * * * * CURLINFO_REQUEST_SIZE - Total size of issued requests, currently only for HTTP requests * * * * * CURLINFO_SSL_VERIFYRESULT - Result of SSL certification verification requested by setting CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER * * * * * CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD - Content length of download, read from Content-Length: field * * * * * CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD - Specified size of upload * * * * * CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE - Content-Type: of the requested document. NULL indicates server did not send valid Content-Type: header * * * * * CURLINFO_PRIVATE - Private data associated with this cURL handle, previously set with the CURLOPT_PRIVATE option of curl_setopt * * * * * CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE - The last response code * * * * * CURLINFO_HTTP_CONNECTCODE - The CONNECT response code * * * * * CURLINFO_HTTPAUTH_AVAIL - Bitmask indicating the authentication method(s) available according to the previous response * * * * * CURLINFO_PROXYAUTH_AVAIL - Bitmask indicating the proxy authentication method(s) available according to the previous response * * * * * CURLINFO_OS_ERRNO - Errno from a connect failure. The number is OS and system specific. * * * * * CURLINFO_NUM_CONNECTS - Number of connections curl had to create to achieve the previous transfer * * * * * CURLINFO_SSL_ENGINES - OpenSSL crypto-engines supported * * * * * CURLINFO_COOKIELIST - All known cookies * * * * * CURLINFO_FTP_ENTRY_PATH - Entry path in FTP server * * * * * CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME - Time in seconds it took from the start until the SSL/SSH connect/handshake to the remote host was completed * * * * * CURLINFO_CERTINFO - TLS certificate chain * * * * * CURLINFO_CONDITION_UNMET - Info on unmet time conditional * * * * * CURLINFO_RTSP_CLIENT_CSEQ - Next RTSP client CSeq * * * * * CURLINFO_RTSP_CSEQ_RECV - Recently received CSeq * * * * * CURLINFO_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ - Next RTSP server CSeq * * * * * CURLINFO_RTSP_SESSION_ID - RTSP session ID * * * * * CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD_T - The content-length of the download. This is the value read from the Content-Type: field. -1 if the size isn't known * * * * * CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_UPLOAD_T - The specified size of the upload. -1 if the size isn't known * * * * * CURLINFO_HTTP_VERSION - The version used in the last HTTP connection. The return value will be one of the defined CURL_HTTP_VERSION_* constants or 0 if the version can't be determined * * * * * CURLINFO_PROTOCOL - The protocol used in the last HTTP connection. The returned value will be exactly one of the CURLPROTO_* values * * * * * CURLINFO_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYRESULT - The result of the certificate verification that was requested (using the CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER option). Only used for HTTPS proxies * * * * * CURLINFO_SCHEME - The URL scheme used for the most recent connection * * * * * CURLINFO_SIZE_DOWNLOAD_T - Total number of bytes that were downloaded. The number is only for the latest transfer and will be reset again for each new transfer * * * * * CURLINFO_SIZE_UPLOAD_T - Total number of bytes that were uploaded * * * * * CURLINFO_SPEED_DOWNLOAD_T - The average download speed in bytes/second that curl measured for the complete download * * * * * CURLINFO_SPEED_UPLOAD_T - The average upload speed in bytes/second that curl measured for the complete upload * * * * * CURLINFO_APPCONNECT_TIME_T - Time, in microseconds, it took from the start until the SSL/SSH connect/handshake to the remote host was completed * * * * * CURLINFO_CONNECT_TIME_T - Total time taken, in microseconds, from the start until the connection to the remote host (or proxy) was completed * * * * * CURLINFO_FILETIME_T - Remote time of the retrieved document (as Unix timestamp), an alternative to CURLINFO_FILETIME to allow systems with 32 bit long variables to extract dates outside of the 32bit timestamp range * * * * * CURLINFO_NAMELOOKUP_TIME_T - Time in microseconds from the start until the name resolving was completed * * * * * CURLINFO_PRETRANSFER_TIME_T - Time taken from the start until the file transfer is just about to begin, in microseconds * * * * * CURLINFO_REDIRECT_TIME_T - Total time, in microseconds, it took for all redirection steps include name lookup, connect, pretransfer and transfer before final transaction was started * * * * * CURLINFO_STARTTRANSFER_TIME_T - Time, in microseconds, it took from the start until the first byte is received * * * * * CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T - Total time in microseconds for the previous transfer, including name resolving, TCP connect etc. * * * * @return mixed If opt is given, returns its value. * Otherwise, returns an associative array with the following elements * (which correspond to opt): * * * * "url" * * * * * "content_type" * * * * * "http_code" * * * * * "header_size" * * * * * "request_size" * * * * * "filetime" * * * * * "ssl_verify_result" * * * * * "redirect_count" * * * * * "total_time" * * * * * "namelookup_time" * * * * * "connect_time" * * * * * "pretransfer_time" * * * * * "size_upload" * * * * * "size_download" * * * * * "speed_download" * * * * * "speed_upload" * * * * * "download_content_length" * * * * * "upload_content_length" * * * * * "starttransfer_time" * * * * * "redirect_time" * * * * * "certinfo" * * * * * "primary_ip" * * * * * "primary_port" * * * * * "local_ip" * * * * * "local_port" * * * * * "redirect_url" * * * * * "request_header" (This is only set if the CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT * is set by a previous call to curl_setopt) * * * * Note that private data is not included in the associative array and must be retrieved individually with the CURLINFO_PRIVATE option. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_getinfo($ch, int $opt = null) { error_clear_last(); if ($opt !== null) { $result = \curl_getinfo($ch, $opt); } else { $result = \curl_getinfo($ch); } if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromCurlResource($ch); } return $result; } /** * Initializes a new session and return a cURL handle for use with the * curl_setopt, curl_exec, * and curl_close functions. * * @param string $url If provided, the CURLOPT_URL option will be set * to its value. You can manually set this using the * curl_setopt function. * * The file protocol is disabled by cURL if * open_basedir is set. * @return resource Returns a cURL handle on success, FALSE on errors. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_init(string $url = null) { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_init($url); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Return an integer containing the last multi curl error number. * * @param resource $mh A cURL multi handle returned by * curl_multi_init. * @return int Return an integer containing the last multi curl error number. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_multi_errno($mh): int { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_multi_errno($mh); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Ask the multi handle if there are any messages or information from the individual transfers. * Messages may include information such as an error code from the transfer or just the fact * that a transfer is completed. * * Repeated calls to this function will return a new result each time, until a FALSE is returned * as a signal that there is no more to get at this point. The integer pointed to with * msgs_in_queue will contain the number of remaining messages after this * function was called. * * @param resource $mh A cURL multi handle returned by * curl_multi_init. * @param int|null $msgs_in_queue Number of messages that are still in the queue * @return array On success, returns an associative array for the message, FALSE on failure. * * * Contents of the returned array * * * * Key: * Value: * * * * * msg * The CURLMSG_DONE constant. Other return values * are currently not available. * * * result * One of the CURLE_* constants. If everything is * OK, the CURLE_OK will be the result. * * * handle * Resource of type curl indicates the handle which it concerns. * * * * * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_multi_info_read($mh, ?int &$msgs_in_queue = null): array { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_multi_info_read($mh, $msgs_in_queue); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Allows the processing of multiple cURL handles asynchronously. * * @return resource Returns a cURL multi handle resource on success, FALSE on failure. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_multi_init() { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_multi_init(); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Sets an option on the given cURL session handle. * * @param resource $ch A cURL handle returned by * curl_init. * @param int $option The CURLOPT_XXX option to set. * @param mixed $value The value to be set on option. * * value should be a bool for the * following values of the option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * Notes * * * * * CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER * * TRUE to automatically set the Referer: field in * requests where it follows a Location: redirect. * * * * * * CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER * * TRUE to return the raw output when * CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is used. * * * From PHP 5.1.3, this option has no effect: the raw output will * always be returned when * CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is used. * * * * CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION * * TRUE to mark this as a new cookie "session". It will force libcurl * to ignore all cookies it is about to load that are "session cookies" * from the previous session. By default, libcurl always stores and * loads all cookies, independent if they are session cookies or not. * Session cookies are cookies without expiry date and they are meant * to be alive and existing for this "session" only. * * * * * * CURLOPT_CERTINFO * * TRUE to output SSL certification information to STDERR * on secure transfers. * * * Added in cURL 7.19.1. * Available since PHP 5.3.2. * Requires CURLOPT_VERBOSE to be on to have an effect. * * * * CURLOPT_CONNECT_ONLY * * TRUE tells the library to perform all the required proxy authentication * and connection setup, but no data transfer. This option is implemented for * HTTP, SMTP and POP3. * * * Added in 7.15.2. * Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * CURLOPT_CRLF * * TRUE to convert Unix newlines to CRLF newlines * on transfers. * * * * * * CURLOPT_DISALLOW_USERNAME_IN_URL * * TRUE to not allow URLs that include a username. Usernames are allowed by default (0). * * * Added in cURL 7.61.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_SHUFFLE_ADDRESSES * * TRUE to shuffle the order of all returned addresses so that they will be used * in a random order, when a name is resolved and more than one IP address is returned. * This may cause IPv4 to be used before IPv6 or vice versa. * * * Added in cURL 7.60.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_HAPROXYPROTOCOL * * TRUE to send an HAProxy PROXY protocol v1 header at the start of the connection. * The default action is not to send this header. * * * Added in cURL 7.60.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_SSH_COMPRESSION * * TRUE to enable built-in SSH compression. This is a request, not an order; * the server may or may not do it. * * * Added in cURL 7.56.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE * * TRUE to use a global DNS cache. This option is not thread-safe. * It is conditionally enabled by default if PHP is built for non-threaded use * (CLI, FCGI, Apache2-Prefork, etc.). * * * * * * CURLOPT_FAILONERROR * * TRUE to fail verbosely if the HTTP code returned * is greater than or equal to 400. The default behavior is to return * the page normally, ignoring the code. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART * * TRUE to enable TLS false start. * * * Added in cURL 7.42.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_FILETIME * * TRUE to attempt to retrieve the modification * date of the remote document. This value can be retrieved using * the CURLINFO_FILETIME option with * curl_getinfo. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION * * TRUE to follow any * "Location: " header that the server sends as * part of the HTTP header (note this is recursive, PHP will follow as * many "Location: " headers that it is sent, * unless CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS is set). * * * * * * CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE * * TRUE to force the connection to explicitly * close when it has finished processing, and not be pooled for reuse. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT * * TRUE to force the use of a new connection * instead of a cached one. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPRT * * TRUE to use EPRT (and LPRT) when doing active * FTP downloads. Use FALSE to disable EPRT and LPRT and use PORT * only. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FTP_USE_EPSV * * TRUE to first try an EPSV command for FTP * transfers before reverting back to PASV. Set to FALSE * to disable EPSV. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FTP_CREATE_MISSING_DIRS * * TRUE to create missing directories when an FTP operation * encounters a path that currently doesn't exist. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FTPAPPEND * * TRUE to append to the remote file instead of * overwriting it. * * * * * * CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY * * TRUE to disable TCP's Nagle algorithm, which tries to minimize * the number of small packets on the network. * * * Available since PHP 5.2.1 for versions compiled with libcurl 7.11.2 or * greater. * * * * CURLOPT_FTPASCII * * An alias of * CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT. Use that instead. * * * * * * CURLOPT_FTPLISTONLY * * TRUE to only list the names of an FTP * directory. * * * * * * CURLOPT_HEADER * * TRUE to include the header in the output. * * * * * * CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT * * TRUE to track the handle's request string. * * * Available since PHP 5.1.3. The CURLINFO_ * prefix is intentional. * * * * CURLOPT_HTTP09_ALLOWED * * Whether to allow HTTP/0.9 responses. Defaults to FALSE as of libcurl 7.66.0; * formerly it defaulted to TRUE. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.15 and 7.4.3, respectively, if built against libcurl &gt;= 7.64.0 * * * * CURLOPT_HTTPGET * * TRUE to reset the HTTP request method to GET. * Since GET is the default, this is only necessary if the request * method has been changed. * * * * * * CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL * * TRUE to tunnel through a given HTTP proxy. * * * * * * CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_DECODING * * FALSE to get the raw HTTP response body. * * * Available as of PHP 5.5.0 if built against libcurl &gt;= 7.16.2. * * * * CURLOPT_KEEP_SENDING_ON_ERROR * * TRUE to keep sending the request body if the HTTP code returned is * equal to or larger than 300. The default action would be to stop sending * and close the stream or connection. Suitable for manual NTLM authentication. * Most applications do not need this option. * * * Available as of PHP 7.3.0 if built against libcurl &gt;= 7.51.0. * * * * CURLOPT_MUTE * * TRUE to be completely silent with regards to * the cURL functions. * * * Removed in cURL 7.15.5 (You can use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER instead) * * * * CURLOPT_NETRC * * TRUE to scan the ~/.netrc * file to find a username and password for the remote site that * a connection is being established with. * * * * * * CURLOPT_NOBODY * * TRUE to exclude the body from the output. * Request method is then set to HEAD. Changing this to FALSE does * not change it to GET. * * * * * * CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS * * TRUE to disable the progress meter for cURL transfers. * * * PHP automatically sets this option to TRUE, this should only be * changed for debugging purposes. * * * * * * * * CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL * * TRUE to ignore any cURL function that causes a * signal to be sent to the PHP process. This is turned on by default * in multi-threaded SAPIs so timeout options can still be used. * * * Added in cURL 7.10. * * * * CURLOPT_PATH_AS_IS * * TRUE to not handle dot dot sequences. * * * Added in cURL 7.42.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT * * TRUE to wait for pipelining/multiplexing. * * * Added in cURL 7.43.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_POST * * TRUE to do a regular HTTP POST. This POST is the * normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded kind, * most commonly used by HTML forms. * * * * * * CURLOPT_PUT * * TRUE to HTTP PUT a file. The file to PUT must * be set with CURLOPT_INFILE and * CURLOPT_INFILESIZE. * * * * * * CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER * * TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the * return value of curl_exec instead of outputting * it directly. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD * * TRUE to disable support for the @ prefix for * uploading files in CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, which * means that values starting with @ can be safely * passed as fields. CURLFile may be used for * uploads instead. * * * Added in PHP 5.5.0 with FALSE as the default value. PHP 5.6.0 * changes the default value to TRUE. PHP 7 removes this option; * the CURLFile interface must be used to upload files. * * * * CURLOPT_SASL_IR * * TRUE to enable sending the initial response in the first packet. * * * Added in cURL 7.31.10. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_ALPN * * FALSE to disable ALPN in the SSL handshake (if the SSL backend * libcurl is built to use supports it), which can be used to * negotiate http2. * * * Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_ENABLE_NPN * * FALSE to disable NPN in the SSL handshake (if the SSL backend * libcurl is built to use supports it), which can be used to * negotiate http2. * * * Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER * * FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's * certificate. Alternate certificates to verify against can be * specified with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option * or a certificate directory can be specified with the * CURLOPT_CAPATH option. * * * TRUE by default as of cURL 7.10. Default bundle installed as of * cURL 7.10. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYSTATUS * * TRUE to verify the certificate's status. * * * Added in cURL 7.41.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYPEER * * FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. * Alternate certificates to verify against can be * specified with the CURLOPT_CAINFO option * or a certificate directory can be specified with the * CURLOPT_CAPATH option. * When set to false, the peer certificate verification succeeds regardless. * * * TRUE by default. Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_SUPPRESS_CONNECT_HEADERS * * TRUE to suppress proxy CONNECT response headers from the user callback functions * CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION and CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, * when CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL is used and a CONNECT request is made. * * * Added in cURL 7.54.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_TCP_FASTOPEN * * TRUE to enable TCP Fast Open. * * * Added in cURL 7.49.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_TFTP_NO_OPTIONS * * TRUE to not send TFTP options requests. * * * Added in cURL 7.48.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_TRANSFERTEXT * * TRUE to use ASCII mode for FTP transfers. * For LDAP, it retrieves data in plain text instead of HTML. On * Windows systems, it will not set STDOUT to binary * mode. * * * * * * CURLOPT_UNRESTRICTED_AUTH * * TRUE to keep sending the username and password * when following locations (using * CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION), even when the * hostname has changed. * * * * * * CURLOPT_UPLOAD * * TRUE to prepare for an upload. * * * * * * CURLOPT_VERBOSE * * TRUE to output verbose information. Writes * output to STDERR, or the file specified using * CURLOPT_STDERR. * * * * * * * * * TRUE to disable the progress meter for cURL transfers. * * * PHP automatically sets this option to TRUE, this should only be * changed for debugging purposes. * * * * PHP automatically sets this option to TRUE, this should only be * changed for debugging purposes. * * value should be an integer for the * following values of the option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * Notes * * * * * CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE * * The size of the buffer to use for each read. There is no guarantee * this request will be fulfilled, however. * * * Added in cURL 7.10. * * * * CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY * * One of the CURLCLOSEPOLICY_* values. * * * This option is deprecated, as it was never implemented in cURL and * never had any effect. * * * * * Removed in PHP 5.6.0. * * * * CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT * * The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to * wait indefinitely. * * * * * * CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS * * The number of milliseconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to * wait indefinitely. * * If libcurl is built to use the standard system name resolver, that * portion of the connect will still use full-second resolution for * timeouts with a minimum timeout allowed of one second. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.2. Available since PHP 5.2.3. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT * * The number of seconds to keep DNS entries in memory. This * option is set to 120 (2 minutes) by default. * * * * * * CURLOPT_EXPECT_100_TIMEOUT_MS * * The timeout for Expect: 100-continue responses in milliseconds. * Defaults to 1000 milliseconds. * * * Added in cURL 7.36.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_HAPPY_EYEBALLS_TIMEOUT_MS * * Head start for ipv6 for the happy eyeballs algorithm. Happy eyeballs attempts * to connect to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for dual-stack hosts, * preferring IPv6 first for timeout milliseconds. * Defaults to CURL_HET_DEFAULT, which is currently 200 milliseconds. * * * Added in cURL 7.59.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_FTPSSLAUTH * * The FTP authentication method (when is activated): * CURLFTPAUTH_SSL (try SSL first), * CURLFTPAUTH_TLS (try TLS first), or * CURLFTPAUTH_DEFAULT (let cURL decide). * * * Added in cURL 7.12.2. * * * * CURLOPT_HEADEROPT * * How to deal with headers. One of the following constants: * * CURLHEADER_UNIFIED: the headers specified in * CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER will be used in requests * both to servers and proxies. With this option enabled, * CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER will not have any effect. * * * CURLHEADER_SEPARATE: makes * CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers only get sent to * a server and not to a proxy. Proxy headers must be set with * CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER to get used. Note that if * a non-CONNECT request is sent to a proxy, libcurl will send both * server headers and proxy headers. When doing CONNECT, libcurl will * send CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER headers only to the * proxy and then CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER headers * only to the server. * * * Defaults to CURLHEADER_SEPARATE as of cURL * 7.42.1, and CURLHEADER_UNIFIED before. * * * * Added in cURL 7.37.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION * * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_NONE (default, lets CURL * decide which version to use), * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0 (forces HTTP/1.0), * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1 (forces HTTP/1.1), * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0 (attempts HTTP 2), * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2 (alias of CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_0), * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS (attempts HTTP 2 over TLS (HTTPS) only) or * CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2_PRIOR_KNOWLEDGE (issues non-TLS HTTP requests using HTTP/2 without HTTP/1.1 Upgrade). * * * * * * CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH * * * The HTTP authentication method(s) to use. The options are: * CURLAUTH_BASIC, * CURLAUTH_DIGEST, * CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE, * CURLAUTH_NTLM, * CURLAUTH_ANY, and * CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE. * * * The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine * more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see * what methods it supports and pick the best one. * * * CURLAUTH_ANY is an alias for * CURLAUTH_BASIC | CURLAUTH_DIGEST | CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE | CURLAUTH_NTLM. * * * CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE is an alias for * CURLAUTH_DIGEST | CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE | CURLAUTH_NTLM. * * * * * * * CURLOPT_INFILESIZE * * The expected size, in bytes, of the file when uploading a file to * a remote site. Note that using this option will not stop libcurl * from sending more data, as exactly what is sent depends on * CURLOPT_READFUNCTION. * * * * * * CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT * * The transfer speed, in bytes per second, that the transfer should be * below during the count of CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME * seconds before PHP considers the transfer too slow and aborts. * * * * * * CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME * * The number of seconds the transfer speed should be below * CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT before PHP considers * the transfer too slow and aborts. * * * * * * CURLOPT_MAXCONNECTS * * The maximum amount of persistent connections that are allowed. * When the limit is reached, * CURLOPT_CLOSEPOLICY is used to determine * which connection to close. * * * * * * CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS * * The maximum amount of HTTP redirections to follow. Use this option * alongside CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION. * * * * * * CURLOPT_PORT * * An alternative port number to connect to. * * * * * * CURLOPT_POSTREDIR * * A bitmask of 1 (301 Moved Permanently), 2 (302 Found) * and 4 (303 See Other) if the HTTP POST method should be maintained * when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is set and a * specific type of redirect occurs. * * * Added in cURL 7.19.1. Available since PHP 5.3.2. * * * * CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS * * * Bitmask of CURLPROTO_* values. If used, this bitmask * limits what protocols libcurl may use in the transfer. This allows you to have * a libcurl built to support a wide range of protocols but still limit specific * transfers to only be allowed to use a subset of them. By default libcurl will * accept all protocols it supports. * See also CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS. * * * Valid protocol options are: * CURLPROTO_HTTP, * CURLPROTO_HTTPS, * CURLPROTO_FTP, * CURLPROTO_FTPS, * CURLPROTO_SCP, * CURLPROTO_SFTP, * CURLPROTO_TELNET, * CURLPROTO_LDAP, * CURLPROTO_LDAPS, * CURLPROTO_DICT, * CURLPROTO_FILE, * CURLPROTO_TFTP, * CURLPROTO_ALL * * * * Added in cURL 7.19.4. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH * * The HTTP authentication method(s) to use for the proxy connection. * Use the same bitmasks as described in * CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH. For proxy authentication, * only CURLAUTH_BASIC and * CURLAUTH_NTLM are currently supported. * * * Added in cURL 7.10.7. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXYPORT * * The port number of the proxy to connect to. This port number can * also be set in CURLOPT_PROXY. * * * * * * CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE * * Either CURLPROXY_HTTP (default), * CURLPROXY_SOCKS4, * CURLPROXY_SOCKS5, * CURLPROXY_SOCKS4A or * CURLPROXY_SOCKS5_HOSTNAME. * * * Added in cURL 7.10. * * * * CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS * * Bitmask of CURLPROTO_* values. If used, this bitmask * limits what protocols libcurl may use in a transfer that it follows to in * a redirect when CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION is enabled. * This allows you to limit specific transfers to only be allowed to use a subset * of protocols in redirections. By default libcurl will allow all protocols * except for FILE and SCP. This is a difference compared to pre-7.19.4 versions * which unconditionally would follow to all protocols supported. * See also CURLOPT_PROTOCOLS for protocol constant values. * * * Added in cURL 7.19.4. * * * * CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM * * The offset, in bytes, to resume a transfer from. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SOCKS5_AUTH * * * The SOCKS5 authentication method(s) to use. The options are: * CURLAUTH_BASIC, * CURLAUTH_GSSAPI, * CURLAUTH_NONE. * * * The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine * more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see * what methods it supports and pick the best one. * * * CURLAUTH_BASIC allows username/password authentication. * * * CURLAUTH_GSSAPI allows GSS-API authentication. * * * CURLAUTH_NONE allows no authentication. * * * Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC|CURLAUTH_GSSAPI. * Set the actual username and password with the CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD option. * * * * Available as of 7.3.0 and curl &gt;= 7.55.0. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_OPTIONS * * Set SSL behavior options, which is a bitmask of any of the following constants: * * CURLSSLOPT_ALLOW_BEAST: do not attempt to use * any workarounds for a security flaw in the SSL3 and TLS1.0 protocols. * * * CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE: disable certificate * revocation checks for those SSL backends where such behavior is * present. * * * * Added in cURL 7.25.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST * * 1 to check the existence of a common name in the * SSL peer certificate. 2 to check the existence of * a common name and also verify that it matches the hostname * provided. 0 to not check the names. In production environments the value of this option * should be kept at 2 (default value). * * * Support for value 1 removed in cURL 7.28.1. * * * * CURLOPT_SSLVERSION * * One of CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT (0), * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1 (1), * CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv2 (2), * CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 (3), * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0 (4), * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1 (5) or * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2 (6). * The maximum TLS version can be set by using one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_* * constants. It is also possible to OR one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_* * constants with one of the CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_* constants. * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_DEFAULT (the maximum version supported by the library), * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_0, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_1, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_2, or * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_3. * * * Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default. * Setting it to 2 or 3 is very dangerous given the known * vulnerabilities in SSLv2 and SSLv3. * * * * * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_OPTIONS * * Set proxy SSL behavior options, which is a bitmask of any of the following constants: * * CURLSSLOPT_ALLOW_BEAST: do not attempt to use * any workarounds for a security flaw in the SSL3 and TLS1.0 protocols. * * * CURLSSLOPT_NO_REVOKE: disable certificate * revocation checks for those SSL backends where such behavior is * present. (curl &gt;= 7.44.0) * * * CURLSSLOPT_NO_PARTIALCHAIN: do not accept "partial" * certificate chains, which it otherwise does by default. (curl &gt;= 7.68.0) * * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_VERIFYHOST * * Set to 2 to verify in the HTTPS proxy's certificate name fields against the proxy name. * When set to 0 the connection succeeds regardless of the names used in the certificate. * Use that ability with caution! * 1 treated as a debug option in curl 7.28.0 and earlier. * From curl 7.28.1 to 7.65.3 CURLE_BAD_FUNCTION_ARGUMENT is returned. * From curl 7.66.0 onwards 1 and 2 is treated as the same value. * In production environments the value of this option should be kept at 2 (default value). * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLVERSION * * One of CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT, * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1, * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_0, * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_1, * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_2, * CURL_SSLVERSION_TLSv1_3, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_DEFAULT, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_0, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_1, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_2, * CURL_SSLVERSION_MAX_TLSv1_3 or * CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3. * * * Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT * which will attempt to figure out the remote SSL protocol version. * * * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_STREAM_WEIGHT * * Set the numerical stream weight (a number between 1 and 256). * * * Added in cURL 7.46.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE * * If set to 1, TCP keepalive probes will be sent. The delay and * frequency of these probes can be controlled by the CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE * and CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL options, provided the operating system * supports them. If set to 0 (default) keepalive probes are disabled. * * * Added in cURL 7.25.0. Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE * * Sets the delay, in seconds, that the operating system will wait while the connection is * idle before sending keepalive probes, if CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE is * enabled. Not all operating systems support this option. * The default is 60. * * * Added in cURL 7.25.0. Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL * * Sets the interval, in seconds, that the operating system will wait between sending * keepalive probes, if CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE is enabled. * Not all operating systems support this option. * The default is 60. * * * Added in cURL 7.25.0. Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION * * How CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE is treated. * Use CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE to return the * page only if it has been modified since the time specified in * CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE. If it hasn't been modified, * a "304 Not Modified" header will be returned * assuming CURLOPT_HEADER is TRUE. * Use CURL_TIMECOND_IFUNMODSINCE for the reverse * effect. CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE is the * default. * * * * * * CURLOPT_TIMEOUT * * The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute. * * * * * * CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS * * The maximum number of milliseconds to allow cURL functions to * execute. * * If libcurl is built to use the standard system name resolver, that * portion of the connect will still use full-second resolution for * timeouts with a minimum timeout allowed of one second. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.2. Available since PHP 5.2.3. * * * * CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE * * The time in seconds since January 1st, 1970. The time will be used * by CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION. By default, * CURL_TIMECOND_IFMODSINCE is used. * * * * * * CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE_LARGE * * The time in seconds since January 1st, 1970. The time will be used * by CURLOPT_TIMECONDITION. Defaults to zero. * The difference between this option and CURLOPT_TIMEVALUE * is the type of the argument. On systems where 'long' is only 32 bit wide, * this option has to be used to set dates beyond the year 2038. * * * Added in cURL 7.59.0. Available since PHP 7.3.0. * * * * CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE * * If a download exceeds this speed (counted in bytes per second) on * cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to * keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. * Defaults to unlimited speed. * * * Added in cURL 7.15.5. Available since PHP 5.4.0. * * * * CURLOPT_MAX_SEND_SPEED_LARGE * * If an upload exceeds this speed (counted in bytes per second) on * cumulative average during the transfer, the transfer will pause to * keep the average rate less than or equal to the parameter value. * Defaults to unlimited speed. * * * Added in cURL 7.15.5. Available since PHP 5.4.0. * * * * CURLOPT_SSH_AUTH_TYPES * * A bitmask consisting of one or more of * CURLSSH_AUTH_PUBLICKEY, * CURLSSH_AUTH_PASSWORD, * CURLSSH_AUTH_HOST, * CURLSSH_AUTH_KEYBOARD. Set to * CURLSSH_AUTH_ANY to let libcurl pick one. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.1. * * * * CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE * * Allows an application to select what kind of IP addresses to use when * resolving host names. This is only interesting when using host names that * resolve addresses using more than one version of IP, possible values are * CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER, * CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4, * CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6, by default * CURL_IPRESOLVE_WHATEVER. * * * Added in cURL 7.10.8. * * * * CURLOPT_FTP_FILEMETHOD * * Tell curl which method to use to reach a file on a FTP(S) server. Possible values are * CURLFTPMETHOD_MULTICWD, * CURLFTPMETHOD_NOCWD and * CURLFTPMETHOD_SINGLECWD. * * * Added in cURL 7.15.1. Available since PHP 5.3.0. * * * * * * * This option is deprecated, as it was never implemented in cURL and * never had any effect. * * The HTTP authentication method(s) to use. The options are: * CURLAUTH_BASIC, * CURLAUTH_DIGEST, * CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE, * CURLAUTH_NTLM, * CURLAUTH_ANY, and * CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE. * * The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine * more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see * what methods it supports and pick the best one. * * CURLAUTH_ANY is an alias for * CURLAUTH_BASIC | CURLAUTH_DIGEST | CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE | CURLAUTH_NTLM. * * CURLAUTH_ANYSAFE is an alias for * CURLAUTH_DIGEST | CURLAUTH_GSSNEGOTIATE | CURLAUTH_NTLM. * * Bitmask of CURLPROTO_* values. If used, this bitmask * limits what protocols libcurl may use in the transfer. This allows you to have * a libcurl built to support a wide range of protocols but still limit specific * transfers to only be allowed to use a subset of them. By default libcurl will * accept all protocols it supports. * See also CURLOPT_REDIR_PROTOCOLS. * * Valid protocol options are: * CURLPROTO_HTTP, * CURLPROTO_HTTPS, * CURLPROTO_FTP, * CURLPROTO_FTPS, * CURLPROTO_SCP, * CURLPROTO_SFTP, * CURLPROTO_TELNET, * CURLPROTO_LDAP, * CURLPROTO_LDAPS, * CURLPROTO_DICT, * CURLPROTO_FILE, * CURLPROTO_TFTP, * CURLPROTO_ALL * * The SOCKS5 authentication method(s) to use. The options are: * CURLAUTH_BASIC, * CURLAUTH_GSSAPI, * CURLAUTH_NONE. * * The bitwise | (or) operator can be used to combine * more than one method. If this is done, cURL will poll the server to see * what methods it supports and pick the best one. * * CURLAUTH_BASIC allows username/password authentication. * * CURLAUTH_GSSAPI allows GSS-API authentication. * * CURLAUTH_NONE allows no authentication. * * Defaults to CURLAUTH_BASIC|CURLAUTH_GSSAPI. * Set the actual username and password with the CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD option. * * Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default. * Setting it to 2 or 3 is very dangerous given the known * vulnerabilities in SSLv2 and SSLv3. * * Your best bet is to not set this and let it use the default CURL_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT * which will attempt to figure out the remote SSL protocol version. * * value should be a string for the * following values of the option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * Notes * * * * * CURLOPT_ABSTRACT_UNIX_SOCKET * * Enables the use of an abstract Unix domain socket instead of * establishing a TCP connection to a host and sets the path to * the given string. This option shares the same semantics * as CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH. These two options * share the same storage and therefore only one of them can be set * per handle. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and cURL 7.53.0 * * * * CURLOPT_CAINFO * * The name of a file holding one or more certificates to verify the * peer with. This only makes sense when used in combination with * CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER. * * * Might require an absolute path. * * * * CURLOPT_CAPATH * * A directory that holds multiple CA certificates. Use this option * alongside CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER. * * * * * * CURLOPT_COOKIE * * The contents of the "Cookie: " header to be * used in the HTTP request. * Note that multiple cookies are separated with a semicolon followed * by a space (e.g., "fruit=apple; colour=red") * * * * * * CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE * * The name of the file containing the cookie data. The cookie file can * be in Netscape format, or just plain HTTP-style headers dumped into * a file. * If the name is an empty string, no cookies are loaded, but cookie * handling is still enabled. * * * * * * CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR * * The name of a file to save all internal cookies to when the handle is closed, * e.g. after a call to curl_close. * * * * * * CURLOPT_COOKIELIST * * A cookie string (i.e. a single line in Netscape/Mozilla format, or a regular * HTTP-style Set-Cookie header) adds that single cookie to the internal cookie store. * "ALL" erases all cookies held in memory. * "SESS" erases all session cookies held in memory. * "FLUSH" writes all known cookies to the file specified by CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR. * "RELOAD" loads all cookies from the files specified by CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE. * * * Available since PHP 5.5.0 and cURL 7.14.1. * * * * CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST * * A custom request method to use instead of * "GET" or "HEAD" when doing * a HTTP request. This is useful for doing * "DELETE" or other, more obscure HTTP requests. * Valid values are things like "GET", * "POST", "CONNECT" and so on; * i.e. Do not enter a whole HTTP request line here. For instance, * entering "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" * would be incorrect. * * * Don't do this without making sure the server supports the custom * request method first. * * * * * * * * CURLOPT_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL * * The default protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name. * * * Added in cURL 7.45.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE * * Set the name of the network interface that the DNS resolver should bind to. * This must be an interface name (not an address). * * * Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4 * * Set the local IPv4 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument * should contain a single numerical IPv4 address as a string. * * * Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6 * * Set the local IPv6 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument * should contain a single numerical IPv6 address as a string. * * * Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET * * Like CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE, except a filename * to an Entropy Gathering Daemon socket. * * * * * * CURLOPT_ENCODING * * The contents of the "Accept-Encoding: " header. * This enables decoding of the response. Supported encodings are * "identity", "deflate", and * "gzip". If an empty string, "", * is set, a header containing all supported encoding types is sent. * * * Added in cURL 7.10. * * * * CURLOPT_FTPPORT * * The value which will be used to get the IP address to use * for the FTP "PORT" instruction. The "PORT" instruction tells * the remote server to connect to our specified IP address. The * string may be a plain IP address, a hostname, a network * interface name (under Unix), or just a plain '-' to use the * systems default IP address. * * * * * * CURLOPT_INTERFACE * * The name of the outgoing network interface to use. This can be an * interface name, an IP address or a host name. * * * * * * CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD * * The password required to use the CURLOPT_SSLKEY * or CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE private key. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.1. * * * * CURLOPT_KRB4LEVEL * * The KRB4 (Kerberos 4) security level. Any of the following values * (in order from least to most powerful) are valid: * "clear", * "safe", * "confidential", * "private".. * If the string does not match one of these, * "private" is used. Setting this option to NULL * will disable KRB4 security. Currently KRB4 security only works * with FTP transactions. * * * * * * CURLOPT_LOGIN_OPTIONS * * Can be used to set protocol specific login options, such as the * preferred authentication mechanism via "AUTH=NTLM" or "AUTH=*", * and should be used in conjunction with the * CURLOPT_USERNAME option. * * * Added in cURL 7.34.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_PINNEDPUBLICKEY * * Set the pinned public key. * The string can be the file name of your pinned public key. The file * format expected is "PEM" or "DER". The string can also be any * number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by "sha256//" and * separated by ";". * * * Added in cURL 7.39.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS * * * The full data to post in a HTTP "POST" operation. * To post a file, prepend a filename with @ and * use the full path. The filetype can be explicitly specified by * following the filename with the type in the format * ';type=mimetype'. This parameter can either be * passed as a urlencoded string like 'para1=val1&amp;para2=val2&amp;...' * or as an array with the field name as key and field data as value. * If value is an array, the * Content-Type header will be set to * multipart/form-data. * * * As of PHP 5.2.0, value must be an array if * files are passed to this option with the @ prefix. * * * As of PHP 5.5.0, the @ prefix is deprecated and * files can be sent using CURLFile. The * @ prefix can be disabled for safe passing of * values beginning with @ by setting the * CURLOPT_SAFE_UPLOAD option to TRUE. * * * * * * * CURLOPT_PRIVATE * * Any data that should be associated with this cURL handle. This data * can subsequently be retrieved with the * CURLINFO_PRIVATE option of * curl_getinfo. cURL does nothing with this data. * When using a cURL multi handle, this private data is typically a * unique key to identify a standard cURL handle. * * * Added in cURL 7.10.3. * * * * CURLOPT_PRE_PROXY * * Set a string holding the host name or dotted numerical * IP address to be used as the preproxy that curl connects to before * it connects to the HTTP(S) proxy specified in the * CURLOPT_PROXY option for the upcoming request. * The preproxy can only be a SOCKS proxy and it should be prefixed with * [scheme]:// to specify which kind of socks is used. * A numerical IPv6 address must be written within [brackets]. * Setting the preproxy to an empty string explicitly disables the use of a preproxy. * To specify port number in this string, append :[port] * to the end of the host name. The proxy's port number may optionally be * specified with the separate option CURLOPT_PROXYPORT. * Defaults to using port 1080 for proxies if a port is not specified. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY * * The HTTP proxy to tunnel requests through. * * * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SERVICE_NAME * * The proxy authentication service name. * * * Added in cURL 7.34.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_CAINFO * * The path to proxy Certificate Authority (CA) bundle. Set the path as a * string naming a file holding one or more certificates to * verify the HTTPS proxy with. * This option is for connecting to an HTTPS proxy, not an HTTPS server. * Defaults set to the system path where libcurl's cacert bundle is assumed * to be stored. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_CAPATH * * The directory holding multiple CA certificates to verify the HTTPS proxy with. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_CRLFILE * * Set the file name with the concatenation of CRL (Certificate Revocation List) * in PEM format to use in the certificate validation that occurs during * the SSL exchange. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_KEYPASSWD * * Set the string be used as the password required to use the * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY private key. You never needed a * passphrase to load a certificate but you need one to load your private key. * This option is for connecting to an HTTPS proxy, not an HTTPS server. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_PINNEDPUBLICKEY * * Set the pinned public key for HTTPS proxy. The string can be the file name * of your pinned public key. The file format expected is "PEM" or "DER". * The string can also be any number of base64 encoded sha256 hashes preceded by * "sha256//" and separated by ";" * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERT * * The file name of your client certificate used to connect to the HTTPS proxy. * The default format is "P12" on Secure Transport and "PEM" on other engines, * and can be changed with CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE. * With NSS or Secure Transport, this can also be the nickname of the certificate * you wish to authenticate with as it is named in the security database. * If you want to use a file from the current directory, please precede it with * "./" prefix, in order to avoid confusion with a nickname. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLCERTTYPE * * The format of your client certificate used when connecting to an HTTPS proxy. * Supported formats are "PEM" and "DER", except with Secure Transport. * OpenSSL (versions 0.9.3 and later) and Secure Transport * (on iOS 5 or later, or OS X 10.7 or later) also support "P12" for * PKCS#12-encoded files. Defaults to "PEM". * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST * * The list of ciphers to use for the connection to the HTTPS proxy. * The list must be syntactically correct, it consists of one or more cipher * strings separated by colons. Commas or spaces are also acceptable separators * but colons are normally used, !, - and + can be used as operators. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLS13_CIPHERS * * The list of cipher suites to use for the TLS 1.3 connection to a proxy. * The list must be syntactically correct, it consists of one or more * cipher suite strings separated by colons. This option is currently used * only when curl is built to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later. * If you are using a different SSL backend you can try setting * TLS 1.3 cipher suites by using the CURLOPT_PROXY_SSL_CIPHER_LIST option. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.61.0. Available when built with OpenSSL &gt;= 1.1.1. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEY * * The file name of your private key used for connecting to the HTTPS proxy. * The default format is "PEM" and can be changed with * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE. * (iOS and Mac OS X only) This option is ignored if curl was built against Secure Transport. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. Available if built TLS enabled. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_SSLKEYTYPE * * The format of your private key. Supported formats are "PEM", "DER" and "ENG". * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD * * The password to use for the TLS authentication method specified with the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE option. Requires that the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME option to also be set. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE * * The method of the TLS authentication used for the HTTPS connection. Supported method is "SRP". * * * Secure Remote Password (SRP) authentication for TLS provides mutual authentication * if both sides have a shared secret. To use TLS-SRP, you must also set the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME and * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD options. * * * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME * * Tusername to use for the HTTPS proxy TLS authentication method specified with the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_TYPE option. Requires that the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD option to also be set. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.52.0. * * * * CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD * * A username and password formatted as * "[username]:[password]" to use for the * connection to the proxy. * * * * * * CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE * * A filename to be used to seed the random number generator for SSL. * * * * * * CURLOPT_RANGE * * Range(s) of data to retrieve in the format * "X-Y" where X or Y are optional. HTTP transfers * also support several intervals, separated with commas in the format * "X-Y,N-M". * * * * * * CURLOPT_REFERER * * The contents of the "Referer: " header to be used * in a HTTP request. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SERVICE_NAME * * The authentication service name. * * * Added in cURL 7.43.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_SSH_HOST_PUBLIC_KEY_MD5 * * A string containing 32 hexadecimal digits. The string should be the * MD5 checksum of the remote host's public key, and libcurl will reject * the connection to the host unless the md5sums match. * This option is only for SCP and SFTP transfers. * * * Added in cURL 7.17.1. * * * * CURLOPT_SSH_PUBLIC_KEYFILE * * The file name for your public key. If not used, libcurl defaults to * $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa.pub if the HOME environment variable is set, * and just "id_dsa.pub" in the current directory if HOME is not set. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.1. * * * * CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE * * The file name for your private key. If not used, libcurl defaults to * $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa if the HOME environment variable is set, * and just "id_dsa" in the current directory if HOME is not set. * If the file is password-protected, set the password with * CURLOPT_KEYPASSWD. * * * Added in cURL 7.16.1. * * * * CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST * * A list of ciphers to use for SSL. For example, * RC4-SHA and TLSv1 are valid * cipher lists. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLCERT * * The name of a file containing a PEM formatted certificate. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD * * The password required to use the * CURLOPT_SSLCERT certificate. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE * * The format of the certificate. Supported formats are * "PEM" (default), "DER", * and "ENG". * As of OpenSSL 0.9.3, "P12" (for PKCS#12-encoded files) * is also supported. * * * Added in cURL 7.9.3. * * * * CURLOPT_SSLENGINE * * The identifier for the crypto engine of the private SSL key * specified in CURLOPT_SSLKEY. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT * * The identifier for the crypto engine used for asymmetric crypto * operations. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLKEY * * The name of a file containing a private SSL key. * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD * * The secret password needed to use the private SSL key specified in * CURLOPT_SSLKEY. * * * Since this option contains a sensitive password, remember to keep * the PHP script it is contained within safe. * * * * * * * * CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE * * The key type of the private SSL key specified in * CURLOPT_SSLKEY. Supported key types are * "PEM" (default), "DER", * and "ENG". * * * * * * CURLOPT_TLS13_CIPHERS * * The list of cipher suites to use for the TLS 1.3 connection. The list must be * syntactically correct, it consists of one or more cipher suite strings separated by colons. * This option is currently used only when curl is built to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later. * If you are using a different SSL backend you can try setting * TLS 1.3 cipher suites by using the CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST option. * * * Available since PHP 7.3.0 and libcurl &gt;= cURL 7.61.0. Available when built with OpenSSL &gt;= 1.1.1. * * * * CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH * * Enables the use of Unix domain sockets as connection endpoint and * sets the path to the given string. * * * Added in cURL 7.40.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_URL * * The URL to fetch. This can also be set when initializing a * session with curl_init. * * * * * * CURLOPT_USERAGENT * * The contents of the "User-Agent: " header to be * used in a HTTP request. * * * * * * CURLOPT_USERNAME * * The user name to use in authentication. * * * Added in cURL 7.19.1. Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * CURLOPT_USERPWD * * A username and password formatted as * "[username]:[password]" to use for the * connection. * * * * * * CURLOPT_XOAUTH2_BEARER * * Specifies the OAuth 2.0 access token. * * * Added in cURL 7.33.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * * * * A custom request method to use instead of * "GET" or "HEAD" when doing * a HTTP request. This is useful for doing * "DELETE" or other, more obscure HTTP requests. * Valid values are things like "GET", * "POST", "CONNECT" and so on; * i.e. Do not enter a whole HTTP request line here. For instance, * entering "GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" * would be incorrect. * * * Don't do this without making sure the server supports the custom * request method first. * * * * Don't do this without making sure the server supports the custom * request method first. * * The default protocol to use if the URL is missing a scheme name. * * Set the name of the network interface that the DNS resolver should bind to. * This must be an interface name (not an address). * * Set the local IPv4 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument * should contain a single numerical IPv4 address as a string. * * Set the local IPv6 address that the resolver should bind to. The argument * should contain a single numerical IPv6 address as a string. * * Secure Remote Password (SRP) authentication for TLS provides mutual authentication * if both sides have a shared secret. To use TLS-SRP, you must also set the * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_USERNAME and * CURLOPT_PROXY_TLSAUTH_PASSWORD options. * * The secret password needed to use the private SSL key specified in * CURLOPT_SSLKEY. * * * Since this option contains a sensitive password, remember to keep * the PHP script it is contained within safe. * * * * Since this option contains a sensitive password, remember to keep * the PHP script it is contained within safe. * * value should be an array for the * following values of the option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * Notes * * * * * CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO * * Connect to a specific host and port instead of the URL's host and port. * Accepts an array of strings with the format * HOST:PORT:CONNECT-TO-HOST:CONNECT-TO-PORT. * * * Added in cURL 7.49.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_HTTP200ALIASES * * An array of HTTP 200 responses that will be treated as valid * responses and not as errors. * * * Added in cURL 7.10.3. * * * * CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER * * An array of HTTP header fields to set, in the format * * array('Content-type: text/plain', 'Content-length: 100') * * * * * * * CURLOPT_POSTQUOTE * * An array of FTP commands to execute on the server after the FTP * request has been performed. * * * * * * CURLOPT_PROXYHEADER * * An array of custom HTTP headers to pass to proxies. * * * Added in cURL 7.37.0. Available since PHP 7.0.7. * * * * CURLOPT_QUOTE * * An array of FTP commands to execute on the server prior to the FTP * request. * * * * * * CURLOPT_RESOLVE * * Provide a custom address for a specific host and port pair. An array * of hostname, port, and IP address strings, each element separated by * a colon. In the format: * * array("example.com:80:") * * * * Added in cURL 7.21.3. Available since PHP 5.5.0. * * * * * * * value should be a stream resource (using * fopen, for example) for the following values of the * option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * * * * * CURLOPT_FILE * * The file that the transfer should be written to. The default * is STDOUT (the browser window). * * * * CURLOPT_INFILE * * The file that the transfer should be read from when uploading. * * * * CURLOPT_STDERR * * An alternative location to output errors to instead of * STDERR. * * * * CURLOPT_WRITEHEADER * * The file that the header part of the transfer is written to. * * * * * * * value should be the name of a valid function or a Closure * for the following values of the option parameter: * * * * * Option * Set value to * * * * * CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION * * A callback accepting two parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, the second is a * string with the header data to be written. The header data must * be written by this callback. Return the number of * bytes written. * * * * CURLOPT_PASSWDFUNCTION * * A callback accepting three parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, the second is a * string containing a password prompt, and the third is the maximum * password length. Return the string containing the password. * * * * CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION * * * A callback accepting five parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, the second is the total number of * bytes expected to be downloaded in this transfer, the third is * the number of bytes downloaded so far, the fourth is the total * number of bytes expected to be uploaded in this transfer, and the * fifth is the number of bytes uploaded so far. * * * * The callback is only called when the CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS * option is set to FALSE. * * * * Return a non-zero value to abort the transfer. In which case, the * transfer will set a CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK * error. * * * * * CURLOPT_READFUNCTION * * A callback accepting three parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, the second is a * stream resource provided to cURL through the option * CURLOPT_INFILE, and the third is the maximum * amount of data to be read. The callback must return a string * with a length equal or smaller than the amount of data requested, * typically by reading it from the passed stream resource. It should * return an empty string to signal EOF. * * * * CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION * * A callback accepting two parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, and the second is a * string with the data to be written. The data must be saved by * this callback. It must return the exact number of bytes written * or the transfer will be aborted with an error. * * * * * * * A callback accepting five parameters. * The first is the cURL resource, the second is the total number of * bytes expected to be downloaded in this transfer, the third is * the number of bytes downloaded so far, the fourth is the total * number of bytes expected to be uploaded in this transfer, and the * fifth is the number of bytes uploaded so far. * * The callback is only called when the CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS * option is set to FALSE. * * Return a non-zero value to abort the transfer. In which case, the * transfer will set a CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK * error. * * Other values: * * * * * Option * Set value to * * * * * CURLOPT_SHARE * * A result of curl_share_init. Makes the cURL * handle to use the data from the shared handle. * * * * * * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_setopt($ch, int $option, $value): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_setopt($ch, $option, $value); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromCurlResource($ch); } } /** * Return an integer containing the last share curl error number. * * @param resource $sh A cURL share handle returned by curl_share_init. * @return int Returns an integer containing the last share curl error number. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_share_errno($sh): int { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_share_errno($sh); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } return $result; } /** * Sets an option on the given cURL share handle. * * @param resource $sh A cURL share handle returned by curl_share_init. * @param int $option * * * * Option * Description * * * * * CURLSHOPT_SHARE * * Specifies a type of data that should be shared. * * * * CURLSHOPT_UNSHARE * * Specifies a type of data that will be no longer shared. * * * * * * @param string $value * * * * Value * Description * * * * * CURL_LOCK_DATA_COOKIE * * Shares cookie data. * * * * CURL_LOCK_DATA_DNS * * Shares DNS cache. Note that when you use cURL multi handles, * all handles added to the same multi handle will share DNS cache * by default. * * * * CURL_LOCK_DATA_SSL_SESSION * * Shares SSL session IDs, reducing the time spent on the SSL * handshake when reconnecting to the same server. Note that SSL * session IDs are reused within the same handle by default. * * * * * * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_share_setopt($sh, int $option, string $value): void { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_share_setopt($sh, $option, $value); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromPhpError(); } } /** * This function decodes the given URL encoded string. * * @param resource $ch A cURL handle returned by * curl_init. * @param string $str The URL encoded string to be decoded. * @return string Returns decoded string. * @throws CurlException * */ function curl_unescape($ch, string $str): string { error_clear_last(); $result = \curl_unescape($ch, $str); if ($result === false) { throw CurlException::createFromCurlResource($ch); } return $result; }