/** * External dependencies */ import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { createContext, useContext, useCallback, useState, } from '@wordpress/element'; import { useSelect, useDispatch } from '@wordpress/data'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import { useStoreEvents } from '../../hooks/use-store-events'; import { useEditorContext } from '../editor-context'; import StoreNoticesContainer from './components/store-notices-container'; import SnackbarNoticesContainer from './components/snackbar-notices-container'; /** * @typedef {import('@woocommerce/type-defs/contexts').NoticeContext} NoticeContext * @typedef {import('react')} React */ const StoreNoticesContext = createContext( { notices: [], createNotice: ( status, text, props ) => void { status, text, props }, createSnackbarNotice: ( content, options ) => void { content, options }, removeNotice: ( id, ctxt ) => void { id, ctxt }, setIsSuppressed: ( val ) => void { val }, context: 'wc/core', } ); /** * Returns the notices context values. * * @return {NoticeContext} The notice context value from the notice context. */ export const useStoreNoticesContext = () => { return useContext( StoreNoticesContext ); }; /** * Provides an interface for blocks to add notices to the frontend UI. * * Statuses map to https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/tree/master/packages/components/src/notice * - Default (no status) * - Error * - Warning * - Info * - Success * * @param {Object} props Incoming props for the component. * @param {React.ReactChildren} props.children The Elements wrapped by this component. * @param {string} props.className CSS class used. * @param {boolean} props.createNoticeContainer Whether to create a notice container or not. * @param {string} props.context The notice context for notices being rendered. */ export const StoreNoticesProvider = ( { children, className = '', createNoticeContainer = true, context = 'wc/core', } ) => { const { createNotice, removeNotice } = useDispatch( 'core/notices' ); const [ isSuppressed, setIsSuppressed ] = useState( false ); const { dispatchStoreEvent } = useStoreEvents(); const { isEditor } = useEditorContext(); const createNoticeWithContext = useCallback( ( status = 'default', content = '', options = {} ) => { createNotice( status, content, { ...options, context: options.context || context, } ); dispatchStoreEvent( 'store-notice-create', { status, content, options, } ); }, [ createNotice, dispatchStoreEvent, context ] ); const removeNoticeWithContext = useCallback( ( id, ctxt = context ) => { removeNotice( id, ctxt ); }, [ removeNotice, context ] ); const createSnackbarNotice = useCallback( ( content = '', options = {} ) => { createNoticeWithContext( 'default', content, { ...options, type: 'snackbar', } ); }, [ createNoticeWithContext ] ); const { notices } = useSelect( ( select ) => { return { notices: select( 'core/notices' ).getNotices( context ), }; }, [ context ] ); const contextValue = { notices, createNotice: createNoticeWithContext, createSnackbarNotice, removeNotice: removeNoticeWithContext, context, setIsSuppressed, }; const noticeOutput = isSuppressed ? null : ( <StoreNoticesContainer className={ className } notices={ contextValue.notices } removeNotice={ contextValue.removeNotice } isEditor={ isEditor } /> ); const snackbarNoticeOutput = isSuppressed ? null : ( <SnackbarNoticesContainer notices={ contextValue.notices } removeNotice={ contextValue.removeNotice } isEditor={ isEditor } /> ); return ( <StoreNoticesContext.Provider value={ contextValue }> { createNoticeContainer && noticeOutput } { children } { snackbarNoticeOutput } </StoreNoticesContext.Provider> ); }; StoreNoticesProvider.propTypes = { className: PropTypes.string, createNoticeContainer: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.node, context: PropTypes.string, };