{% if submit_attribute is defined and submit_attribute != false %} {% set attribute = submit_attribute %} {# MariaDB has additional parentheses #} {% elseif column_meta['Extra'] is defined and ('on update current_timestamp' in column_meta['Extra'] or 'on update current_timestamp()' in column_meta['Extra']|lower) %} {% set attribute = 'on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' %} {% elseif extracted_columnspec['attribute'] is defined %} {% set attribute = extracted_columnspec['attribute'] %} {% else %} {% set attribute = '' %} {% endif %} {% set attribute = attribute|upper %} <select name="field_attribute[{{ column_number }}]" id="field_{{ column_number }}_{{ ci - ci_offset }}"> {% set cnt_attribute_types = attribute_types|length - 1 %} {% for i in 0..cnt_attribute_types %} <option value="{{ attribute_types[i] }}" {{- attribute == attribute_types[i]|upper ? ' selected="selected"' }}> {{ attribute_types[i] }} </option> {% endfor %} </select>