<?php /** * Abstract class for the substring transformations plugins */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Transformations\Abs; use PhpMyAdmin\FieldMetadata; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\TransformationsPlugin; use function __; use function htmlspecialchars; use function mb_strlen; use function mb_substr; /** * Provides common methods for all of the substring transformations plugins. */ abstract class SubstringTransformationsPlugin extends TransformationsPlugin { /** * Gets the transformation description of the specific plugin * * @return string */ public static function getInfo() { return __( 'Displays a part of a string. The first option is the number of' . ' characters to skip from the beginning of the string (Default 0).' . ' The second option is the number of characters to return (Default:' . ' until end of string). The third option is the string to append' . ' and/or prepend when truncation occurs (Default: "…").' ); } /** * Does the actual work of each specific transformations plugin. * * @param string $buffer text to be transformed * @param array $options transformation options * @param FieldMetadata|null $meta meta information * * @return string */ public function applyTransformation($buffer, array $options = [], ?FieldMetadata $meta = null) { // possibly use a global transform and feed it with special options // further operations on $buffer using the $options[] array. $cfg = $GLOBALS['cfg']; $options = $this->getOptions($options, $cfg['DefaultTransformations']['Substring']); $optionZero = (int) $options[0]; if ($options[1] !== 'all') { $newtext = mb_substr((string) $buffer, $optionZero, (int) $options[1]); } else { $newtext = mb_substr((string) $buffer, $optionZero); } $length = mb_strlen($newtext); $baselength = mb_strlen((string) $buffer); if ($length != $baselength) { if ($optionZero !== 0) { $newtext = $options[2] . $newtext; } if ($length + $optionZero != $baselength) { $newtext .= $options[2]; } } return htmlspecialchars($newtext); } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Getters and Setters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /** * Gets the transformation name of the specific plugin * * @return string */ public static function getName() { return 'Substring'; } }