<?php /** * Dia schema export code */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\Schema\Dia\DiaRelationSchema; use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\SchemaPlugin; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Groups\OptionsPropertyMainGroup; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Groups\OptionsPropertyRootGroup; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Options\Items\SelectPropertyItem; use PhpMyAdmin\Properties\Plugins\SchemaPluginProperties; use function __; /** * Handles the schema export for the Dia format */ class SchemaDia extends SchemaPlugin { /** * @psalm-return non-empty-lowercase-string */ public function getName(): string { return 'dia'; } /** * Sets the schema export Dia properties */ protected function setProperties(): SchemaPluginProperties { $schemaPluginProperties = new SchemaPluginProperties(); $schemaPluginProperties->setText('Dia'); $schemaPluginProperties->setExtension('dia'); $schemaPluginProperties->setMimeType('application/dia'); // create the root group that will be the options field for // $schemaPluginProperties // this will be shown as "Format specific options" $exportSpecificOptions = new OptionsPropertyRootGroup('Format Specific Options'); // specific options main group $specificOptions = new OptionsPropertyMainGroup('general_opts'); // add options common to all plugins $this->addCommonOptions($specificOptions); $leaf = new SelectPropertyItem( 'orientation', __('Orientation') ); $leaf->setValues( [ 'L' => __('Landscape'), 'P' => __('Portrait'), ] ); $specificOptions->addProperty($leaf); $leaf = new SelectPropertyItem( 'paper', __('Paper size') ); $leaf->setValues($this->getPaperSizeArray()); $specificOptions->addProperty($leaf); // add the main group to the root group $exportSpecificOptions->addProperty($specificOptions); // set the options for the schema export plugin property item $schemaPluginProperties->setOptions($exportSpecificOptions); return $schemaPluginProperties; } /** * Exports the schema into DIA format. * * @param string $db database name */ public function exportSchema($db): bool { $export = new DiaRelationSchema($db); $export->showOutput(); return true; } }