<?php namespace DgoraWcas\Integrations\Plugins\EANForWooCommerce; // Exit if accessed directly if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Integration with EAN for WooCommerce * * Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ean-for-woocommerce/ * Author: WPFactory */ class EANForWooCommerce { public function init() { if ( !defined( 'ALG_WC_EAN_VERSION' ) ) { return; } if ( version_compare( ALG_WC_EAN_VERSION, '4.3' ) < 0 ) { return; } if ( !function_exists( 'alg_wc_ean' ) ) { return; } // Disable plugin hook on WP_Query. if ( !is_admin() ) { if ( isset( alg_wc_ean()->core->search ) && get_option( 'alg_wc_ean_frontend_search', 'no' ) === 'yes' ) { remove_action( 'pre_get_posts', array(alg_wc_ean()->core->search, 'search'), 10 ); if ( !dgoraAsfwFs()->is_premium() ) { add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/native/search_query/join', array($this, 'searchQueryJoin') ); add_filter( 'dgwt/wcas/native/search_query/search_or', array($this, 'searchQueryOr'), 10, 2 ); } } } } /** * Prepare join for EAN lookup * * @param string $join * * @return string */ public function searchQueryJoin( $join ) { global $wpdb; if ( !strpos( $join, 'dgwt_wcasmsku' ) !== false ) { $join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} AS dgwt_wcasmean ON ( {$wpdb->posts}.ID = dgwt_wcasmean.post_id )"; } return $join; } /** * Inject EAN lookup into search query * * @param string $search * @param string $like * * @return string */ public function searchQueryOr( $search, $like ) { global $wpdb; $field = alg_wc_ean()->core->ean_key ?? ''; if ( empty( $field ) ) { return $search; } if ( strpos( $search, 'dgwt_wcasmsku' ) !== false ) { $search .= $wpdb->prepare( " OR (dgwt_wcasmsku.meta_key=%s AND dgwt_wcasmsku.meta_value LIKE %s)", $field, $like ); } else { $search .= $wpdb->prepare( " OR (dgwt_wcasmean.meta_key=%s AND dgwt_wcasmean.meta_value LIKE %s)", $field, $like ); } return $search; } }