<?php namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\StoreApi\Schemas; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\RestApi\Routes; /** * BillingAddressSchema class. * * Provides a generic billing address schema for composition in other schemas. * * @internal This API is used internally by Blocks--it is still in flux and may be subject to revisions. */ class BillingAddressSchema extends AbstractAddressSchema { /** * The schema item name. * * @var string */ protected $title = 'billing_address'; /** * The schema item identifier. * * @var string */ const IDENTIFIER = 'billing-address'; /** * Term properties. * * @return array */ public function get_properties() { $properties = parent::get_properties(); return array_merge( $properties, [ 'email' => [ 'description' => __( 'Email', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => [ 'view', 'edit' ], 'required' => true, ], 'phone' => [ 'description' => __( 'Phone', 'woocommerce' ), 'type' => 'string', 'context' => [ 'view', 'edit' ], 'required' => true, ], ] ); } /** * Sanitize and format the given address object. * * @param array $address Value being sanitized. * @param \WP_REST_Request $request The Request. * @param string $param The param being sanitized. * @return array */ public function sanitize_callback( $address, $request, $param ) { $address = parent::sanitize_callback( $address, $request, $param ); $address['email'] = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $address['email'] ) ); $address['phone'] = wc_clean( wp_unslash( $address['phone'] ) ); return $address; } /** * Validate the given address object. * * @param array $address Value being sanitized. * @param \WP_REST_Request $request The Request. * @param string $param The param being sanitized. * @return true|\WP_Error */ public function validate_callback( $address, $request, $param ) { $errors = parent::validate_callback( $address, $request, $param ); $address = $this->sanitize_callback( $address, $request, $param ); $errors = is_wp_error( $errors ) ? $errors : new \WP_Error(); if ( ! empty( $address['email'] ) && ! is_email( $address['email'] ) ) { $errors->add( 'invalid_email', __( 'The provided email address is not valid', 'woocommerce' ) ); } if ( ! empty( $address['phone'] ) && ! \WC_Validation::is_phone( $address['phone'] ) ) { $errors->add( 'invalid_phone', __( 'The provided phone number is not valid', 'woocommerce' ) ); } return $errors->has_errors( $errors ) ? $errors : true; } /** * Convert a term object into an object suitable for the response. * * @param \WC_Order|\WC_Customer $address An object with billing address. * * @throws RouteException When the invalid object types are provided. * @return stdClass */ public function get_item_response( $address ) { if ( ( $address instanceof \WC_Customer || $address instanceof \WC_Order ) ) { return (object) $this->prepare_html_response( [ 'first_name' => $address->get_billing_first_name(), 'last_name' => $address->get_billing_last_name(), 'company' => $address->get_billing_company(), 'address_1' => $address->get_billing_address_1(), 'address_2' => $address->get_billing_address_2(), 'city' => $address->get_billing_city(), 'state' => $address->get_billing_state(), 'postcode' => $address->get_billing_postcode(), 'country' => $address->get_billing_country(), 'email' => $address->get_billing_email(), 'phone' => $address->get_billing_phone(), ] ); } throw new RouteException( 'invalid_object_type', sprintf( /* translators: Placeholders are class and method names */ __( '%1$s requires an instance of %2$s or %3$s for the address', 'woocommerce' ), 'BillingAddressSchema::get_item_response', 'WC_Customer', 'WC_Order' ), 500 ); } }