<?php /*! * Hybridauth * https://hybridauth.github.io | https://github.com/hybridauth/hybridauth * (c) 2017 Hybridauth authors | https://hybridauth.github.io/license.html */ namespace Hybridauth\User; use Hybridauth\Exception\UnexpectedValueException; /** * Hybridauth\User\Activity */ final class Activity { /** * activity id on the provider side, usually given as integer * * @var string */ public $id = null; /** * activity date of creation * * @var string */ public $date = null; /** * activity content as a string * * @var string */ public $text = null; /** * user who created the activity * * @var object */ public $user = null; /** * */ public function __construct() { $this->user = new \stdClass(); // typically, we should have a few information about the user who created the event from social apis $this->user->identifier = null; $this->user->displayName = null; $this->user->profileURL = null; $this->user->photoURL = null; } /** * Prevent the providers adapters from adding new fields. * * @throws UnexpectedValueException * @var string $name * * @var mixed $value * */ public function __set($name, $value) { // phpcs:ignore throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('Adding new property "%s\' to %s is not allowed.', $name, __CLASS__)); } }