File "freemius-cs_CZ.po"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/material-design-for-contact-form-7/freemius/languages/freemius-cs_CZ.po
File size: 87.55 KB
MIME-type: text/x-po
Charset: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2019 freemius
# This file is distributed under the same license as the freemius package.
# Translators:
# Karolína Vyskočilová <>, 2019
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: WordPress SDK\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-10-07 15:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Vova Feldman <>\n"
"Language: cs_CZ\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (Czech Republic) (\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n == 1 && n % 1 == 0) ? 0 : (n >= 2 && n <= 4 && n % 1 == 0) ? 1: (n % 1 != 0 ) ? 2 : 3;\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: get_text_inline;fs_text_inline;fs_echo_inline;fs_esc_js_inline;fs_esc_attr_inline;fs_esc_attr_echo_inline;fs_esc_html_inline;fs_esc_html_echo_inline;get_text_x_inline:1,2c;fs_text_x_inline:1,2c;fs_echo_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_attr_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_js_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_js_echo_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_html_x_inline:1,2c;fs_esc_html_echo_x_inline:1,2c\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n"
"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n"

#: includes/class-freemius.php1880, templates/account.php:840
msgid "An update to a Beta version will replace your installed version of %s with the latest Beta release - use with caution, and not on production sites. You have been warned."
msgstr "Aktualizováním na Beta verzi nahradíte nainstalovanou verzi %s nejnovějším vydáním Beta verze - používejte s opatrností a ne na produkčních webech. Varovali jsme vás."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:1887
msgid "Would you like to proceed with the update?"
msgstr "Chcete pokračovat v aktualizaci?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2095
msgid "Freemius SDK couldn't find the plugin's main file. Please contact with the current error."
msgstr "Freemius SDK nemohlo najít hlavní soubor pluginu. S aktuální chybou se obraťte se na"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2097
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Chyba"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2491
msgid "I found a better %s"
msgstr "Našel jsem lepší %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2493
msgid "What's the %s's name?"
msgstr "Jak se %s jmenuje?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2499
msgid "It's a temporary %s. I'm just debugging an issue."
msgstr "Jen dočasná %s - ladím nějaký problém."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2501
msgid "Deactivation"
msgstr "Deaktivace"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2502
msgid "Theme Switch"
msgstr "Změna šablony"

#: includes/class-freemius.php2511, templates/forms/resend-key.php:24
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Jiné"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2519
msgid "I no longer need the %s"
msgstr "Již nepotřebuji %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2526
msgid "I only needed the %s for a short period"
msgstr "Potřeboval %s jsem jen krátkou dobu"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2532
msgid "The %s broke my site"
msgstr "%s rozbil můj web"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2539
msgid "The %s suddenly stopped working"
msgstr "%s náhle přestal pracovat"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2549
msgid "I can't pay for it anymore"
msgstr "Už si to nemohu dovolit"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2551
msgid "What price would you feel comfortable paying?"
msgstr "Jakou cenu byste byli ochotni platit?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2557
msgid "I don't like to share my information with you"
msgstr "Nechci s vámi sdílet své informace"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2578
msgid "The %s didn't work"
msgstr "%s nefungoval"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2588
msgid "I couldn't understand how to make it work"
msgstr "Nedokázal jsem jej zprovoznit"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2596
msgid "The %s is great, but I need specific feature that you don't support"
msgstr "%s je skvělý, ale potřebuji funkci, kterou není podporovaná"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2598
msgid "What feature?"
msgstr "Jaká funkce?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2602
msgid "The %s is not working"
msgstr "%s nefunguje"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2604
msgid "Kindly share what didn't work so we can fix it for future users..."
msgstr "Dejte nám prosím vědět, co nefungovalo, ať to můžeme opravit pro další uživatele..."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2608
msgid "It's not what I was looking for"
msgstr "Není to to, co jsem hledal"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2610
msgid "What you've been looking for?"
msgstr "Co jste hledali?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2614
msgid "The %s didn't work as expected"
msgstr "%s nefungoval podle očekávání"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:2616
msgid "What did you expect?"
msgstr "Co jste očekávali?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php3471, templates/debug.php:20
msgid "Freemius Debug"
msgstr "Freemius Debug"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4223
msgid "I don't know what is cURL or how to install it, help me!"
msgstr "Nevím, co je cURL nebo jak jej nainstalovat, pomozte mi!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4225
msgid "We'll make sure to contact your hosting company and resolve the issue. You will get a follow-up email to %s once we have an update."
msgstr "Zkontaktujeme vaší hostingovou společnost a zkusíme vyřešit tento problém. Na %s dostanete upozornění, jakmile budeme vědět něco nového."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4232
msgid "Great, please install cURL and enable it in your php.ini file. In addition, search for the 'disable_functions' directive in your php.ini file and remove any disabled methods starting with 'curl_'. To make sure it was successfully activated, use 'phpinfo()'. Once activated, deactivate the %s and reactivate it back again."
msgstr "Výborně, nainstalujte prosím cURL a povolte ji v souboru php.ini. Dále vyhledejte v souboru php.ini direktivu 'disable_functions ' a odeberte všechny zakázané metody začínající na \"curl_\". Chcete-li se ujistit, že byla úspěšně aktivována, použijte 'phpinfo() '. Jakmile je aktivován, deaktivujte %s a znovu jej aktivujte."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4337
msgid "Yes - do your thing"
msgstr "Ano - udělejte, co potřebujete"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4342
msgid "No - just deactivate"
msgstr "Ne - jen deaktivovat"

#: includes/class-freemius.php4387, includes/class-freemius.php4881,
#: includes/class-freemius.php6032, includes/class-freemius.php13153,
#: includes/class-freemius.php16558, includes/class-freemius.php16646,
#: includes/class-freemius.php16812, includes/class-freemius.php19040,
#: includes/class-freemius.php19381, includes/class-freemius.php19391,
#: includes/class-freemius.php20051, includes/class-freemius.php20924,
#: includes/class-freemius.php21039, includes/class-freemius.php21183,
#: templates/add-ons.php:57
msgctxt "exclamation"
msgid "Oops"
msgstr "Jejda"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4456
msgid "Thank for giving us the chance to fix it! A message was just sent to our technical staff. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update to %s. Appreciate your patience."
msgstr "Thank for giving us the chance to fix it! A message was just sent to our technical staff. We will get back to you as soon as we have an update to %s. Appreciate your patience."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4878
msgctxt "addonX cannot run without pluginY"
msgid "%s cannot run without %s."
msgstr "%s nelze spustit bez %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:4879
msgctxt "addonX cannot run..."
msgid "%s cannot run without the plugin."
msgstr "%s nelze spustit bez tohoto pluginu."

#: includes/class-freemius.php5052, includes/class-freemius.php5077,
#: includes/class-freemius.php:20122
msgid "Unexpected API error. Please contact the %s's author with the following error."
msgstr "Unexpected API error. Please contact the %s's author with the following error."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:5720
msgid "Premium %s version was successfully activated."
msgstr "Premium %s version was successfully activated."

#: includes/class-freemius.php5732, includes/class-freemius.php:7599
msgctxt ""
msgid "W00t"
msgstr "W00t"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:5747
msgid "You have a %s license."
msgstr "Máte licenci „%s“."

#: includes/class-freemius.php5751, includes/class-freemius.php15975,
#: includes/class-freemius.php15986, includes/class-freemius.php19292,
#: includes/class-freemius.php19642, includes/class-freemius.php19711,
#: includes/class-freemius.php:19876
msgctxt "interjection expressing joy or exuberance"
msgid "Yee-haw"
msgstr "Yee-haw"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:6015
msgid "%s free trial was successfully cancelled. Since the add-on is premium only it was automatically deactivated. If you like to use it in the future, you'll have to purchase a license."
msgstr "%s bezplatná zkušební verze byla úspěšně zrušena. Jelikož toto rozšíření nenabízí bezplatnou verzi, bylo automaticky deaktivováno. Chcete-li jej v budoucnu používat, budete si muset zakoupit licenci."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:6019
msgid "%s is a premium only add-on. You have to purchase a license first before activating the plugin."
msgstr "%s je pouze prémiové rozšíření. Před aktivací pluginu si musíte nejprve zakoupit licenci."

#: includes/class-freemius.php6028, templates/add-ons.php186,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:381
msgid "More information about %s"
msgstr "Více informací o %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:6029
msgid "Purchase License"
msgstr "Koupit licenci"

#: includes/class-freemius.php6964, templates/connect.php:163
msgid "You should receive an activation email for %s to your mailbox at %s. Please make sure you click the activation button in that email to %s."
msgstr "Aktivační email od %s by měl dorazit do vašeho mailboxu (%s). Ujistěte se, že v emailu kliknete na tlačítko aktivovat, abyste %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:6968
msgid "start the trial"
msgstr "spustit zkušební verzi"

#: includes/class-freemius.php6969, templates/connect.php:167
msgid "complete the install"
msgstr "dokončit installaci"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:7081
msgid "You are just one step away - %s"
msgstr "Jste jen na krok od - %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:7084
msgctxt "%s - plugin name. As complete \"PluginX\" activation now"
msgid "Complete \"%s\" Activation Now"
msgstr "Dokončit aktivaci pluginu „%s“"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:7162
msgid "We made a few tweaks to the %s, %s"
msgstr "Udělali jsme několik vylepšení %s, %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:7166
msgid "Opt in to make \"%s\" better!"
msgstr "Zúčastněte se, aby byl \"%s\" ještě lepší!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:7598
msgid "The upgrade of %s was successfully completed."
msgstr "Aktualizace %s byla úspěšně dokončena."

#: includes/class-freemius.php9802, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1038,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1233,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1240,
#: templates/auto-installation.php:32
msgid "Add-On"
msgstr "Doplněk"

#: includes/class-freemius.php9804, templates/account.php335,
#: templates/account.php343, templates/debug.php360, templates/debug.php:551
msgid "Plugin"
msgstr "Plugin"

#: includes/class-freemius.php9805, templates/account.php336,
#: templates/account.php344, templates/debug.php360, templates/debug.php551,
#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:71
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Šablona"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:12596
msgid "An unknown error has occurred while trying to set the user's beta mode."
msgstr "Během nastavování uživatelského beta módu došlo k neočekávané chybě."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:13020
msgid "Invalid site details collection."
msgstr "Invalid site details collection."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:13140
msgid "We couldn't find your email address in the system, are you sure it's the right address?"
msgstr "Nemohli jsme najít vaši e-mailovou adresu v systému, jste si jisti, že je to správná adresa?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:13142
msgid "We can't see any active licenses associated with that email address, are you sure it's the right address?"
msgstr "We can't see any active licenses associated with that email address, are you sure it's the right address?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:13416
msgid "Account is pending activation."
msgstr "Účet čeká na aktivaci."

#: includes/class-freemius.php13528,
#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:47
msgid "Buy a license now"
msgstr "Koupit licenci nyní"

#: includes/class-freemius.php13540,
#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:46
msgid "Renew your license now"
msgstr "Obnovte svou licenci teď"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:13544
msgid "%s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support."
msgstr "%s pro přístup k verzi %s zajišťující podporu a nejen bezpečnostní aktualizace."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:15957
msgid "%s activation was successfully completed."
msgstr "Aktivace %s byla úspěšně dokončena."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:15971
msgid "Your account was successfully activated with the %s plan."
msgstr "Účet byl úspěšně aktivován s plánem %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php15982, includes/class-freemius.php:19707
msgid "Your trial has been successfully started."
msgstr "Vaše zkušebí verze byla úspěšně spuštěna."

#: includes/class-freemius.php16556, includes/class-freemius.php16644,
#: includes/class-freemius.php:16810
msgid "Couldn't activate %s."
msgstr "Nelze aktivovat %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php16557, includes/class-freemius.php16645,
#: includes/class-freemius.php:16811
msgid "Please contact us with the following message:"
msgstr "Kontaktujte nás prosím s následující zprávou:"

#: includes/class-freemius.php16641, templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:162
msgid "An unknown error has occurred."
msgstr "Došlo k neznámé chybě."

#: includes/class-freemius.php17168, includes/class-freemius.php:22082
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Upgrade"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:17174
msgid "Start Trial"
msgstr "Začít Trial"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:17176
msgid "Pricing"
msgstr "Ceník"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17256, includes/class-freemius.php:17258
msgid "Affiliation"
msgstr "Affiliation"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17286, includes/class-freemius.php17288,
#: templates/account.php183, templates/debug.php:326
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Účet"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17302, includes/class-freemius.php17304,
#: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php:60
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "Support"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17315, includes/class-freemius.php17317,
#: includes/class-freemius.php22096, templates/account.php111,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:44
msgid "Add-Ons"
msgstr "Doplňky"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:17351
msgctxt "ASCII arrow left icon"
msgid "&#x2190;"
msgstr "&#x2190;"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:17351
msgctxt "ASCII arrow right icon"
msgid "&#x27a4;"
msgstr "&#x27a4;"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17353, templates/pricing.php:103
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Pricing"
msgstr "Ceník"

#: includes/class-freemius.php17566,
#: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php:67
msgid "Support Forum"
msgstr "Fórum podpory"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:18536
msgid "Your email has been successfully verified - you are AWESOME!"
msgstr "Your email has been successfully verified - you are AWESOME!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:18537
msgctxt "a positive response"
msgid "Right on"
msgstr "Right on"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19041
msgid "seems like the key you entered doesn't match our records."
msgstr "seems like the key you entered doesn't match our records."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19065
msgid "Debug mode was successfully enabled and will be automatically disabled in 60 min. You can also disable it earlier by clicking the \"Stop Debug\" link."
msgstr "Debug mode was successfully enabled and will be automatically disabled in 60 min. You can also disable it earlier by clicking the \"Stop Debug\" link."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19283
msgid "Your %s Add-on plan was successfully upgraded."
msgstr "Your %s Add-on plan was successfully upgraded."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19285
msgid "%s Add-on was successfully purchased."
msgstr "Rozšíření %s bylo úspěšně zakoupeno."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19288
msgid "Download the latest version"
msgstr "Stáhnout nejnovější verzi"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19374
msgid "Your server is blocking the access to Freemius' API, which is crucial for %1$s synchronization. Please contact your host to whitelist %2$s"
msgstr "Váš server blokuje přístup k Freemium API, což je zásadní pro synchronizaci %1s. Obraťte se na svého poskytovatele , aby přidal do svého whitelistu %2s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php19380, includes/class-freemius.php19390,
#: includes/class-freemius.php19835, includes/class-freemius.php:19924
msgid "Error received from the server:"
msgstr "Chyba přijatá ze serveru:"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19390
msgid "It seems like one of the authentication parameters is wrong. Update your Public Key, Secret Key & User ID, and try again."
msgstr "It seems like one of the authentication parameters is wrong. Update your Public Key, Secret Key & User ID, and try again."

#: includes/class-freemius.php19604, includes/class-freemius.php19840,
#: includes/class-freemius.php19895, includes/class-freemius.php:19998
msgctxt ""
msgid "Hmm"
msgstr "Hmm"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19617
msgid "It looks like you are still on the %s plan. If you did upgrade or change your plan, it's probably an issue on our side - sorry."
msgstr "It looks like you are still on the %s plan. If you did upgrade or change your plan, it's probably an issue on our side - sorry."

#: includes/class-freemius.php19618, templates/account.php113,
#: templates/add-ons.php250, templates/account/partials/addon.php:46
msgctxt "trial period"
msgid "Trial"
msgstr "Trial"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19623
msgid "I have upgraded my account but when I try to Sync the License, the plan remains %s."
msgstr "I have upgraded my account but when I try to Sync the License, the plan remains %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php19627, includes/class-freemius.php:19686
msgid "Please contact us here"
msgstr "Kontaktujte nás prosím zde"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19638
msgid "Your plan was successfully activated."
msgstr "Vaše licence byla úspěšně aktivována."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19639
msgid "Your plan was successfully upgraded."
msgstr "Váš plán byl úspěšně aktualizován."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19656
msgid "Your plan was successfully changed to %s."
msgstr "Váše předplatné bylo úspěšně změněn na %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19672
msgid "Your license has expired. You can still continue using the free %s forever."
msgstr "Vaše licence vypršela. Stále však můžete free verzi %s bez omezení."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19674
msgid "Your license has expired. %1$sUpgrade now%2$s to continue using the %3$s without interruptions."
msgstr "Vaše licence vypršela. %1$sObnovte předplatné%2$s, abyste mohli mohli %3$s používat bez omezení."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19682
msgid "Your license has been cancelled. If you think it's a mistake, please contact support."
msgstr "Vaše licence byla zrušena. Pokud si myslíte, že je to chyba, obraťte se na naší podporu."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19695
msgid "Your license has expired. You can still continue using all the %s features, but you'll need to renew your license to continue getting updates and support."
msgstr "Vaše licence vypršela. Stále však můžete používat všechny funkce verze %s, ale pro získání technické podpory a nejnovějších aktualizací budete muset obnovit svou licenci."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19721
msgid "Your free trial has expired. You can still continue using all our free features."
msgstr "Your free trial has expired. You can still continue using all our free features."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19723
msgid "Your free trial has expired. %1$sUpgrade now%2$s to continue using the %3$s without interruptions."
msgstr "Your free trial has expired. %1$sUpgrade now%2$s to continue using the %3$s without interruptions."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19831
msgid "It looks like the license could not be activated."
msgstr "Licenci se nepodařilo aktivovat."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19873
msgid "Your license was successfully activated."
msgstr "Vaše licence byla úspěšně aktivována."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19899
msgid "It looks like your site currently doesn't have an active license."
msgstr "It looks like your site currently doesn't have an active license."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19923
msgid "It looks like the license deactivation failed."
msgstr "Deaktivace licence pravděpodobně selhala."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19951
msgid "Your license was successfully deactivated, you are back to the %s plan."
msgstr "Vaše licence byla úspěšně deaktivována, jste zpět na plánu %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:19952
msgid "O.K"
msgstr "OK"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20005
msgid "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your subscription cancellation. Please try again in few minutes."
msgstr "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your subscription cancellation. Please try again in few minutes."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20014
msgid "Your subscription was successfully cancelled. Your %s plan license will expire in %s."
msgstr "Vaše předplatné bylo úspěšně zrušeno. Platnost licence %s vyprší za %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20056
msgid "You are already running the %s in a trial mode."
msgstr "You are already running the %s in a trial mode."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20067
msgid "You already utilized a trial before."
msgstr "O zkušební licenci nelze žádat dvakrát."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20081
msgid "Plan %s do not exist, therefore, can't start a trial."
msgstr "Plán %s neexistuje, proto nemůžete používt zkušební verzi."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20092
msgid "Plan %s does not support a trial period."
msgstr "Plán %s nepodporuje zkušební období."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20103
msgid "None of the %s's plans supports a trial period."
msgstr "None of the %s's plans supports a trial period."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20153
msgid "It looks like you are not in trial mode anymore so there's nothing to cancel :)"
msgstr "Zkuušební režim už vám skončil, takže už není co rušit :)"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20189
msgid "Seems like we are having some temporary issue with your trial cancellation. Please try again in few minutes."
msgstr "Omlouváme se, ale měli jsme nějaký dočasný problém se zrušením vaší zkušební licence. Zkuste to znovu za několik minut."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20208
msgid "Your %s free trial was successfully cancelled."
msgstr "Your %s free trial was successfully cancelled."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20524
msgid "Version %s was released."
msgstr "Byla vydána verze %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20524
msgid "Please download %s."
msgstr "Stáhněte si prosím %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20531
msgid "the latest %s version here"
msgstr "nejnovější %s verze zde"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20536
msgid "New"
msgstr "Nový"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20541
msgid "Seems like you got the latest release."
msgstr "Pravděpodobně máte nejnovější verzi."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20542
msgid "You are all good!"
msgstr "You are all good!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20812
msgid "Verification mail was just sent to %s. If you can't find it after 5 min, please check your spam box."
msgstr "Ověřovací zpráva byla právě odeslána na email %s. Pokud ji nenajdete do 5 min, zkontrolujte prosím složku pro spam."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20951
msgid "Site successfully opted in."
msgstr "Site successfully opted in."

#: includes/class-freemius.php20952, includes/class-freemius.php:21792
msgid "Awesome"
msgstr "Úžasný"

#: includes/class-freemius.php20968, templates/forms/optout.php:32
msgid "We appreciate your help in making the %s better by letting us track some usage data."
msgstr "Vážíme si vaší pomoci při zlepšování %s tím, že nám umožníte sledovat některá data o jeho používání."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20969
msgid "Thank you!"
msgstr "Děkujeme!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:20976
msgid "We will no longer be sending any usage data of %s on %s to %s."
msgstr "Nebudeme již posílat žádná data o používání %s na %s do %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21105
msgid "Please check your mailbox, you should receive an email via %s to confirm the ownership change. From security reasons, you must confirm the change within the next 15 min. If you cannot find the email, please check your spam folder."
msgstr "Zkontrolujte si prosím emailovou schránku, měli byste obdržet zprávu od %s pro potvrzení změny vlastnictví. Z bezpečnostních důvodů je nutné potvrdit tuto změnu během následujících 15 minut. Pokud email nemůžete najít, zkontrolujte složku se spamem."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21111
msgid "Thanks for confirming the ownership change. An email was just sent to %s for final approval."
msgstr "Děkujeme za potvrzení změny vlastnictví. Email byl právě odeslán na adresu %s, ke konečnému schválení."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21116
msgid "%s is the new owner of the account."
msgstr "%s je nový vlastník účtu."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21118
msgctxt "as congratulations"
msgid "Congrats"
msgstr "Gratulujeme"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21138
msgid "Sorry, we could not complete the email update. Another user with the same email is already registered."
msgstr "Omlouváme se, ale aktualizaci emailu jsem nemohli dokončit. Uživatel s vámi zadaným emailem už je registrován."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21139
msgid "If you would like to give up the ownership of the %s's account to %s click the Change Ownership button."
msgstr "If you would like to give up the ownership of the %s's account to %s click the Change Ownership button."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21146
msgid "Change Ownership"
msgstr "Změnit vlastnictví"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21154
msgid "Your email was successfully updated. You should receive an email with confirmation instructions in few moments."
msgstr "Your email was successfully updated. You should receive an email with confirmation instructions in few moments."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21166
msgid "Please provide your full name."
msgstr "Zadejte prosím své celé jméno."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21171
msgid "Your name was successfully updated."
msgstr "Vaše jméno bylo úspěšně aktualizováno."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21232
msgid "You have successfully updated your %s."
msgstr "Úspěšně jste aktualizovali %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21372
msgid "Just letting you know that the add-ons information of %s is being pulled from an external server."
msgstr "Just letting you know that the add-ons information of %s is being pulled from an external server."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21373
msgctxt "advance notice of something that will need attention."
msgid "Heads up"
msgstr "Heads up"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21832
msgctxt "exclamation"
msgid "Hey"
msgstr "Dobrý den"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21832
msgid "How do you like %s so far? Test all our %s premium features with a %d-day free trial."
msgstr "Jak se vám líbí %s? Otestujte všechny naše %s nadstandardní funkce s %d-denní zkušební verze zdarma."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21840
msgid "No commitment for %s days - cancel anytime!"
msgstr "No commitment for %s days - cancel anytime!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21841
msgid "No credit card required"
msgstr "Kreditní karta není vyžadována"

#: includes/class-freemius.php21848, templates/forms/trial-start.php:53
msgctxt "call to action"
msgid "Start free trial"
msgstr "Start free trial"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21925
msgid "Hey there, did you know that %s has an affiliate program? If you like the %s you can become our ambassador and earn some cash!"
msgstr "Hey there, did you know that %s has an affiliate program? If you like the %s you can become our ambassador and earn some cash!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:21934
msgid "Learn more"
msgstr "Přečtěte si více"

#: includes/class-freemius.php22120, templates/account.php499,
#: templates/account.php624, templates/connect.php171,
#: templates/connect.php421, templates/forms/license-activation.php27,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:321
msgid "Activate License"
msgstr "Aktivovat licenci"

#: includes/class-freemius.php22121, templates/account.php571,
#: templates/account.php623, templates/account/partials/addon.php322,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:271
msgid "Change License"
msgstr "Změnit licenci"

#: includes/class-freemius.php22217, templates/account/partials/site.php:169
msgid "Opt Out"
msgstr "Odhlásit se"

#: includes/class-freemius.php22219, includes/class-freemius.php22225,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php49,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:169
msgid "Opt In"
msgstr "Zúčastnit se"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22453
msgid " The paid version of %1$s is already installed. Please activate it to start benefiting the %2$s features. %3$s"
msgstr " Placená verze %1s je již nainstalována. Aktivujte jí, abyste mohli těžit z %2s funkcí. %3s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22461
msgid "Activate %s features"
msgstr "Aktivovat %s funkce"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22474
msgid "Please follow these steps to complete the upgrade"
msgstr "Dokončete upgrade provedením následujících kroků"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22478
msgid "Download the latest %s version"
msgstr "Stáhnout nejnovější verzi %s"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22482
msgid "Upload and activate the downloaded version"
msgstr "Nahrát a aktivovat stáhnutou verzi"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22484
msgid "How to upload and activate?"
msgstr "Jak nahrát a aktivovat?"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22618
msgid "%sClick here%s to choose the sites where you'd like to activate the license on."
msgstr "%sClick here%s to choose the sites where you'd like to activate the license on."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22779
msgid "Auto installation only works for opted-in users."
msgstr "Auto installation only works for opted-in users."

#: includes/class-freemius.php22789, includes/class-freemius.php22822,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php1212,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1226
msgid "Invalid module ID."
msgstr "Invalid module ID."

#: includes/class-freemius.php22798, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1248
msgid "Premium version already active."
msgstr "Prémiová verze je již aktivní."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22805
msgid "You do not have a valid license to access the premium version."
msgstr "You do not have a valid license to access the premium version."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:22812
msgid "Plugin is a \"Serviceware\" which means it does not have a premium code version."
msgstr "Plugin is a \"Serviceware\" which means it does not have a premium code version."

#: includes/class-freemius.php22830, includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1247
msgid "Premium add-on version already installed."
msgstr "Premium add-on version already installed."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23180
msgid "View paid features"
msgstr "Zobrazit placené funkce"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23502
msgid "Thank you so much for using %s and its add-ons!"
msgstr "Thank you so much for using %s and its add-ons!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23503
msgid "Thank you so much for using %s!"
msgstr "Thank you so much for using %s!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23509
msgid "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving the %s."
msgstr "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving the %s."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23513
msgid "Thank you so much for using our products!"
msgstr "Thank you so much for using our products!"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23514
msgid "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving them."
msgstr "You've already opted-in to our usage-tracking, which helps us keep improving them."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23533
msgid "%s and its add-ons"
msgstr "%s a jeho doplňky"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23542
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Produkty"

#: includes/class-freemius.php23549, templates/connect.php:272
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ano"

#: includes/class-freemius.php23550, templates/connect.php:273
msgid "send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers."
msgstr "send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers."

#: includes/class-freemius.php23551, templates/connect.php:278
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"

#: includes/class-freemius.php23553, templates/connect.php:280
msgid "do %sNOT%s send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers."
msgstr "do %sNOT%s send me security & feature updates, educational content and offers."

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23563
msgid "Due to the new %sEU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)%s compliance requirements it is required that you provide your explicit consent, again, confirming that you are onboard :-)"
msgstr "Due to the new %sEU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)%s compliance requirements it is required that you provide your explicit consent, again, confirming that you are onboard :-)"

#: includes/class-freemius.php23565, templates/connect.php:287
msgid "Please let us know if you'd like us to contact you for security & feature updates, educational content, and occasional offers:"
msgstr "Please let us know if you'd like us to contact you for security & feature updates, educational content, and occasional offers:"

#: includes/class-freemius.php:23847
msgid "License key is empty."
msgstr "Licenční klíč je prázdný."

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php206,
#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:57
msgid "Renew license"
msgstr "Obnovit licenci"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php211,
#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:58
msgid "Buy license"
msgstr "Koupit licenci"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php321,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:354
msgid "There is a %s of %s available."
msgstr "There is a %s of %s available."

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php323,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:359
msgid "new Beta version"
msgstr "nová Beta verze"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php324,
#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:360
msgid "new version"
msgstr "nová verze"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:383
msgid "Important Upgrade Notice:"
msgstr "Important Upgrade Notice:"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1277
msgid "Installing plugin: %s"
msgstr "Instaluji plugin: %s"

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1318
msgid "Unable to connect to the filesystem. Please confirm your credentials."
msgstr "Nelze se připojit k systémovému souboru. Potvrďte prosím svá pověření."

#: includes/class-fs-plugin-updater.php:1500
msgid "The remote plugin package does not contain a folder with the desired slug and renaming did not work."
msgstr "Balíček remote pluginů neobsahuje složku s žádoucím \"slug\" a přejmenování nefunguje."

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:535
msgid "Purchase More"
msgstr "Zakoupit další"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php536,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:385
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Purchase"
msgstr "Zakoupit"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:540
msgid "Start my free %s"
msgstr "Začít můj bezplatný %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:738
msgid "Install Free Version Update Now"
msgstr "Install Free Version Update Now"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php739, templates/account.php:560
msgid "Install Update Now"
msgstr "Nainstalovat aktualizaci"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:748
msgid "Install Free Version Now"
msgstr "Nainstalovat verzi zdarma"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php749, templates/add-ons.php323,
#: templates/auto-installation.php111,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php365,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:418
msgid "Install Now"
msgstr "Instalovat"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:765
msgctxt "as download latest version"
msgid "Download Latest Free Version"
msgstr "Stáhněte si nejnovější bezplatnou verzi"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php766, templates/account.php91,
#: templates/add-ons.php37, templates/account/partials/addon.php:25
msgctxt "as download latest version"
msgid "Download Latest"
msgstr "Stáhněte si nejnovější"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php781, templates/add-ons.php329,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php356,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:412
msgid "Activate this add-on"
msgstr "Aktivovat toto rozšíření"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php783, templates/connect.php:418
msgid "Activate Free Version"
msgstr "Aktivovat bezplatnou verzi"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php784, templates/account.php115,
#: templates/add-ons.php330, templates/account/partials/addon.php:48
msgid "Activate"
msgstr "Aktivovat"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:994
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Popis"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:995
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Installation"
msgstr "Instalace"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:996
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "FAQ"
msgstr "FAQ"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php997,
#: templates/plugin-info/description.php:55
msgid "Screenshots"
msgstr "Snímky obrazovky"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:998
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "Historie změn"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:999
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Reviews"
msgstr "Vaše hodnocení"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1000
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Other Notes"
msgstr "Other Notes"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1015
msgctxt "Plugin installer section title"
msgid "Features & Pricing"
msgstr "Vlastnosti a ceník"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1025
msgid "Plugin Install"
msgstr "Instalace pluginu"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1097
msgctxt "e.g. Professional Plan"
msgid "%s Plan"
msgstr "%s plán"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1123
msgctxt "e.g. the best product"
msgid "Best"
msgstr "Nejlepší"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1129,
#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1149
msgctxt "as every month"
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Měsíčně"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1132
msgctxt "as once a year"
msgid "Annual"
msgstr "Ročně"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1135
msgid "Lifetime"
msgstr "Doživotní"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1149,
#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1151,
#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1153
msgctxt "e.g. billed monthly"
msgid "Billed %s"
msgstr "Účtováno %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1151
msgctxt "as once a year"
msgid "Annually"
msgstr "Ročně"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1153
msgctxt "as once a year"
msgid "Once"
msgstr "Jedenkrát"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1159
msgid "Single Site License"
msgstr "Single Site License"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1161
msgid "Unlimited Licenses"
msgstr "Unlimited Licenses"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1163
msgid "Up to %s Sites"
msgstr "Až pro %s webů"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1173,
#: templates/plugin-info/features.php:82
msgctxt "as monthly period"
msgid "mo"
msgstr "po"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1180,
#: templates/plugin-info/features.php:80
msgctxt "as annual period"
msgid "year"
msgstr "rok"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1234
msgctxt "noun"
msgid "Price"
msgstr "Cena"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1282
msgid "Save %s"
msgstr "Uložit %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1292
msgid "No commitment for %s - cancel anytime"
msgstr "No commitment for %s - cancel anytime"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1295
msgid "After your free %s, pay as little as %s"
msgstr "Po bezplatné %s platit jen v %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1306
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Detaily"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1310, templates/account.php102,
#: templates/debug.php203, templates/debug.php240, templates/debug.php457,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:36
msgctxt "product version"
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Verze"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1317
msgctxt "as the plugin author"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1324
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Poslední aktualizace"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1329, templates/account.php:468
msgctxt "x-ago"
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "Před %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1338
msgid "Requires WordPress Version"
msgstr "Vyžaduje verzi WordPress"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1339
msgid "%s or higher"
msgstr "%s nebo vyšší"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1346
msgid "Compatible up to"
msgstr "Kompatibilní až po"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1354
msgid "Downloaded"
msgstr "Staženo"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1358
msgid "%s time"
msgstr "%s krát"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1360
msgid "%s times"
msgstr "%s krát"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1370
msgid " Plugin Page"
msgstr "Název pluginu na"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1378
msgid "Plugin Homepage"
msgstr "Hlavní stránka pluginu"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1386,
#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1468
msgid "Donate to this plugin"
msgstr "Přispějte na tento plugin"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1393
msgid "Average Rating"
msgstr "Průměrné hodnocení"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1400
msgid "based on %s"
msgstr "založeno na %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1404
msgid "%s rating"
msgstr "%s hodnocení"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1406
msgid "%s ratings"
msgstr "%s hodnocení"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1421
msgid "%s star"
msgstr "%s hvězda"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1423
msgid "%s stars"
msgstr "%s hvězd"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1434
msgid "Click to see reviews that provided a rating of %s"
msgstr "Click to see reviews that provided a rating of %s"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1447
msgid "Contributors"
msgstr "Přispěvatelé"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php1476,
#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1478
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Varování"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1476
msgid "This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress."
msgstr "This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress."

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1478
msgid "This plugin has not been marked as compatible with your version of WordPress."
msgstr "This plugin has not been marked as compatible with your version of WordPress."

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1497
msgid "Paid add-on must be deployed to Freemius."
msgstr "Placený doplněk musí být nasazen na Freemius."

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1498
msgid "Add-on must be deployed to or Freemius."
msgstr "Rozšíření musí být nasazeno na nebo na Freemius."

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1519
msgid "Newer Version (%s) Installed"
msgstr "Novější verze (%s) nainstalována"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1520
msgid "Newer Free Version (%s) Installed"
msgstr "Novější verze zdarma (%s) nainstalována"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1527
msgid "Latest Version Installed"
msgstr "Nainstalována nejnovější verze"

#: includes/fs-plugin-info-dialog.php:1528
msgid "Latest Free Version Installed"
msgstr "Nainstalována nejnovější verze zdarma"

#: templates/account.php92, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php96,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php26,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:311
msgid "Downgrading your plan"
msgstr "Snižuji vaše předplatné"

#: templates/account.php93, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php97,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php27,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:312
msgid "Cancelling the subscription"
msgstr "Ruším předplatné"

#. translators: %1$s: Either 'Downgrading your plan' or 'Cancelling the
#. subscription'
#: templates/account.php95, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php99,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:314
msgid "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %2$s plan license will expire in %3$s."
msgstr "%1s okamžitě zastaví všechny budoucí opakující se platby a licence k plánu %s vyprší za %s."

#: templates/account.php96, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php100,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php30,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:315
msgid "Please note that we will not be able to grandfather outdated pricing for renewals/new subscriptions after a cancellation. If you choose to renew the subscription manually in the future, after a price increase, which typically occurs once a year, you will be charged the updated price."
msgstr "Please note that we will not be able to grandfather outdated pricing for renewals/new subscriptions after a cancellation. If you choose to renew the subscription manually in the future, after a price increase, which typically occurs once a year, you will be charged the updated price."

#: templates/account.php97, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php106,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:31
msgid "Cancelling the trial will immediately block access to all premium features. Are you sure?"
msgstr "Zrušení zkušební verze okamžitě zablokuje přístup ke všem prémiovým funkcím. Opravdu chcete pokračovat?"

#: templates/account.php98, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php101,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php32,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:316
msgid "You can still enjoy all %s features but you will not have access to %s security & feature updates, nor support."
msgstr "You can still enjoy all %s features but you will not have access to %s security & feature updates, nor support."

#: templates/account.php99, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php102,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php33,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:317
msgid "Once your license expires you can still use the Free version but you will NOT have access to the %s features."
msgstr "Once your license expires you can still use the Free version but you will NOT have access to the %s features."

#. translators: %s: Plan title (e.g. "Professional")
#: templates/account.php101,
#: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php31,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:35
msgid "Activate %s Plan"
msgstr "Aktivovat %s plán"

#. translators: %s: Time period (e.g. Auto renews in "2 months")
#: templates/account.php104, templates/account/partials/addon.php38,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:291
msgid "Auto renews in %s"
msgstr "Automaticky se obnoví za %s"

#. translators: %s: Time period (e.g. Expires in "2 months")
#: templates/account.php106, templates/account/partials/addon.php40,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:293
msgid "Expires in %s"
msgstr "Vyprší za %s"

#: templates/account.php:107
msgctxt "as synchronize license"
msgid "Sync License"
msgstr "Synchronizovat licence"

#: templates/account.php108, templates/account/partials/addon.php:41
msgid "Cancel Trial"
msgstr "Zrušit zkušební verzi"

#: templates/account.php109, templates/account/partials/addon.php:42
msgid "Change Plan"
msgstr "Změnit plán"

#: templates/account.php110, templates/account/partials/addon.php:43
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Upgrade"
msgstr "Vylepšit"

#: templates/account.php112, templates/account/partials/addon.php45,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:318
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Downgrade"
msgstr "Přejít na nižší verzi"

#: templates/account.php114, templates/add-ons.php246,
#: templates/plugin-info/features.php72,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php47,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:33
msgid "Free"
msgstr "Zdarma"

#: templates/account.php116, templates/debug.php373,
#: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-upsell-control.php110,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:49
msgctxt "as product pricing plan"
msgid "Plan"
msgstr "Druh členství"

#: templates/account.php:117
msgid "Bundle Plan"
msgstr "Bundle Plan"

#: templates/account.php:191
msgid "Free Trial"
msgstr "Zkušební verze zdarma"

#: templates/account.php:202
msgid "Account Details"
msgstr "Detaily účtu"

#: templates/account.php209, templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:33
msgid "Start Debug"
msgstr "Start Debug"

#: templates/account.php:211
msgid "Stop Debug"
msgstr "Stop Debug"

#: templates/account.php:218
msgid "Billing & Invoices"
msgstr "Billing & Invoices"

#: templates/account.php:229
msgid "Deleting the account will automatically deactivate your %s plan license so you can use it on other sites. If you want to terminate the recurring payments as well, click the \"Cancel\" button, and first \"Downgrade\" your account. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?"
msgstr "Deleting the account will automatically deactivate your %s plan license so you can use it on other sites. If you want to terminate the recurring payments as well, click the \"Cancel\" button, and first \"Downgrade\" your account. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?"

#: templates/account.php:231
msgid "Deletion is not temporary. Only delete if you no longer want to use this %s anymore. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?"
msgstr "Deletion is not temporary. Only delete if you no longer want to use this %s anymore. Are you sure you would like to continue with the deletion?"

#: templates/account.php:234
msgid "Delete Account"
msgstr "Smazat účet"

#: templates/account.php246, templates/account/partials/addon.php231,
#: templates/account/partials/deactivate-license-button.php:35
msgid "Deactivate License"
msgstr "Deaktivovat licenci"

#: templates/account.php269, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:125
msgid "Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete pokračovat?"

#: templates/account.php269, templates/account/partials/addon.php:255
msgid "Cancel Subscription"
msgstr "Zrušit předplatné"

#: templates/account.php298, templates/account/partials/addon.php:340
msgctxt "as synchronize"
msgid "Sync"
msgstr "Synchronizovat"

#: templates/account.php313, templates/debug.php:507
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Jméno"

#: templates/account.php319, templates/debug.php:508
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Email"

#: templates/account.php326, templates/debug.php371, templates/debug.php:557
msgid "User ID"
msgstr "ID uživatele"

#: templates/account.php344, templates/account.php637,
#: templates/account.php682, templates/debug.php238, templates/debug.php365,
#: templates/debug.php454, templates/debug.php506, templates/debug.php555,
#: templates/debug.php632, templates/account/payments.php35,
#: templates/debug/logger.php:21
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"

#: templates/account.php:351
msgid "Site ID"
msgstr "ID stránky"

#: templates/account.php:354
msgid "No ID"
msgstr "Žádné ID"

#: templates/account.php359, templates/debug.php245, templates/debug.php374,
#: templates/debug.php458, templates/debug.php510,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:227
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Veřejný klíč"

#: templates/account.php365, templates/debug.php375, templates/debug.php459,
#: templates/debug.php511, templates/account/partials/site.php:239
msgid "Secret Key"
msgstr "Tajný klíč"

#: templates/account.php:368
msgctxt "as secret encryption key missing"
msgid "No Secret"
msgstr "Tajný klíč chybí"

#: templates/account.php395, templates/account/partials/site.php120,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:122
msgid "Trial"
msgstr "Zkouška"

#: templates/account.php422, templates/debug.php562,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:260
msgid "License Key"
msgstr "Licenční klíč"

#: templates/account.php:453
msgid "Join the Beta program"
msgstr "Join the Beta program"

#: templates/account.php:459
msgid "not verified"
msgstr "není ověřeno"

#: templates/account.php468, templates/account/partials/addon.php:190
msgid "Expired"
msgstr "Vypršelo"

#: templates/account.php:528
msgid "Premium version"
msgstr "Prémiová verze"

#: templates/account.php:530
msgid "Free version"
msgstr "Verze zdarma"

#: templates/account.php:542
msgid "Verify Email"
msgstr "Ověřit e-mail"

#: templates/account.php:553
msgid "Download %s Version"
msgstr "Stáhnout verzi %s"

#: templates/account.php568, templates/account.php820,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php248,
#: templates/account/partials/site.php:270
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Zobrazit"

#: templates/account.php:583
msgid "What is your %s?"
msgstr "Jaké je vaše \"%s\"?"

#: templates/account.php591, templates/account/billing.php:21
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Upravit"

#: templates/account.php:616
msgid "Sites"
msgstr "Weby"

#: templates/account.php:629
msgid "Search by address"
msgstr "Hledat podle adresy"

#: templates/account.php638, templates/debug.php:368
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresa"

#: templates/account.php:639
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"

#: templates/account.php:640
msgid "Plan"
msgstr "Druh členství"

#: templates/account.php:685
msgctxt "as software license"
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licence"

#: templates/account.php:814
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Skrýt"

#: templates/account.php836, templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:31
msgid "Processing"
msgstr "Processing"

#: templates/account.php:839
msgid "Get updates for bleeding edge Beta versions of %s."
msgstr "Get updates for bleeding edge Beta versions of %s."

#: templates/account.php:897
msgid "Cancelling %s"
msgstr "Ruším %s"

#: templates/account.php897, templates/account.php914,
#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php27,
#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:133
msgid "trial"
msgstr "zkušební"

#: templates/account.php912, templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:150
msgid "Cancelling %s..."
msgstr "Ruším %s..."

#: templates/account.php915, templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php28,
#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:134
msgid "subscription"
msgstr "předplatné"

#: templates/account.php:929
msgid "Deactivating your license will block all premium features, but will enable activating the license on another site. Are you sure you want to proceed?"
msgstr "Deactivating your license will block all premium features, but will enable activating the license on another site. Are you sure you want to proceed?"

#: templates/add-ons.php:38
msgid "View details"
msgstr "Zobrazit podrobnosti"

#: templates/add-ons.php:48
msgid "Add Ons for %s"
msgstr "Rozšíření pro %s"

#: templates/add-ons.php:58
msgid "We couldn't load the add-ons list. It's probably an issue on our side, please try to come back in few minutes."
msgstr "We couldn't load the add-ons list. It's probably an issue on our side, please try to come back in few minutes."

#: templates/add-ons.php:229
msgctxt "active add-on"
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Active"

#: templates/add-ons.php:230
msgctxt "installed add-on"
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Installed"

#: templates/admin-notice.php13, templates/forms/license-activation.php207,
#: templates/forms/resend-key.php:77
msgctxt "as close a window"
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Skrýt"

#: templates/auto-installation.php:45
msgid "%s sec"
msgstr "%s s"

#: templates/auto-installation.php:83
msgid "Automatic Installation"
msgstr "Automatic Installation"

#: templates/auto-installation.php:93
msgid "An automated download and installation of %s (paid version) from %s will start in %s. If you would like to do it manually - click the cancellation button now."
msgstr "An automated download and installation of %s (paid version) from %s will start in %s. If you would like to do it manually - click the cancellation button now."

#: templates/auto-installation.php:104
msgid "The installation process has started and may take a few minutes to complete. Please wait until it is done - do not refresh this page."
msgstr "Proces instalace byl zahájen a může trvat několik minut. Počkejte prosím na dokončení - neobnovujte tuto stránku."

#: templates/auto-installation.php:109
msgid "Cancel Installation"
msgstr "Cancel Installation"

#: templates/checkout.php:180
msgid "Checkout"
msgstr "Pokladna"

#: templates/checkout.php:180
msgid "PCI compliant"
msgstr "Kompatibilní s PCI"

#. translators: %s: name (e.g. Hey John,)
#: templates/connect.php:112
msgctxt "greeting"
msgid "Hey %s,"
msgstr "Dobrý den %s,"

#: templates/connect.php:154
msgid "Allow & Continue"
msgstr "Povolit a pokračovat"

#: templates/connect.php:158
msgid "Re-send activation email"
msgstr "Znovu poslat aktivační email"

#: templates/connect.php:162
msgid "Thanks %s!"
msgstr "Děkujeme %s!"

#: templates/connect.php172, templates/forms/license-activation.php:46
msgid "Agree & Activate License"
msgstr "Aktivovat licenci"

#: templates/connect.php:181
msgid "Thanks for purchasing %s! To get started, please enter your license key:"
msgstr "Děkujeme za nákup %s! Pro aktivaci zadejte prosím svůj licenční klíč:"

#: templates/connect.php:188
msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s."
msgstr "Nezmeškejte žádnou důležitou aktualizaci - dovolte nám sbírat anonymní a obecná diagnostická data s %4$s a nechte se upozornit na nové funkce, výukové materiály, nabídky a bezpečnostní aktualizace."

#: templates/connect.php:189
msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security and feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s."
msgstr "Nezmeškejte žádnou důležitou aktualizaci - dovolte nám sbírat anonymní a obecná diagnostická data s %4$s a nechte se upozornit na nové funkce a bezpečnostní aktualizace."

#: templates/connect.php:195
msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, educational content, offers, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine."
msgstr "Nezmeškejte žádnou důležitou aktualizaci - dovolte nám sbírat anonymní a obecná diagnostická data s %4$s a nechte se upozornit na nové funkce, výukové materiály, nabídky a bezpečnostní aktualizace. Pokud tohle přeskočíte tak se nic neděje. %1$s bude bez problémů dál fungovat."

#: templates/connect.php:196
msgid "Never miss an important update - opt in to our security & feature updates notifications, and non-sensitive diagnostic tracking with %4$s. If you skip this, that's okay! %1$s will still work just fine."
msgstr "Nezmeškejte žádnou důležitou aktualizaci - dovolte nám sbírat anonymní a obecná diagnostická data s %4$s a nechte se upozornit na nové funkce a bezpečnostní aktualizace. Pokud tohle přeskočíte tak se nic neděje. %1$s bude bez problémů dál fungovat."

#: templates/connect.php:230
msgid "We're excited to introduce the Freemius network-level integration."
msgstr "Jsme rádi, že vám můžeme ukázat integraci Freemiusu i v rámci sítě webů."

#: templates/connect.php:233
msgid "During the update process we detected %d site(s) that are still pending license activation."
msgstr "During the update process we detected %d site(s) that are still pending license activation."

#: templates/connect.php:235
msgid "If you'd like to use the %s on those sites, please enter your license key below and click the activation button."
msgstr "If you'd like to use the %s on those sites, please enter your license key below and click the activation button."

#: templates/connect.php:237
msgid "%s's paid features"
msgstr "%s's paid features"

#: templates/connect.php:242
msgid "Alternatively, you can skip it for now and activate the license later, in your %s's network-level Account page."
msgstr "Alternatively, you can skip it for now and activate the license later, in your %s's network-level Account page."

#: templates/connect.php:244
msgid "During the update process we detected %s site(s) in the network that are still pending your attention."
msgstr "During the update process we detected %s site(s) in the network that are still pending your attention."

#: templates/connect.php253, templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php35,
#: templates/forms/license-activation.php:49
msgid "License key"
msgstr "Licenční klíč"

#: templates/connect.php256, templates/forms/license-activation.php:22
msgid "Can't find your license key?"
msgstr "Nemůžete najít svůj licenční klíč?"

#: templates/connect.php315, templates/connect.php652,
#: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:20
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Přeskočit"

#: templates/connect.php:318
msgid "Delegate to Site Admins"
msgstr "Delegate to Site Admins"

#: templates/connect.php:318
msgid "If you click it, this decision will be delegated to the sites administrators."
msgstr "If you click it, this decision will be delegated to the sites administrators."

#: templates/connect.php:346
msgid "Your Profile Overview"
msgstr "Informace o vašem profilu"

#: templates/connect.php:347
msgid "Name and email address"
msgstr "Jméno a emailová adresa"

#: templates/connect.php:352
msgid "Your Site Overview"
msgstr "Informace o vaší stránce"

#: templates/connect.php:353
msgid "Site URL, WP version, PHP info, plugins & themes"
msgstr "URL webu, verze WP, PHP info, pluginy a šablony"

#: templates/connect.php:358
msgid "Admin Notices"
msgstr "Zobrazení oznámení v adminu"

#: templates/connect.php359, templates/connect.php:375
msgid "Updates, announcements, marketing, no spam"
msgstr "Aktualizace, oznámení, marketing, žádný spam"

#: templates/connect.php:364
msgid "Current %s Events"
msgstr "Informace o událostech pro %s"

#: templates/connect.php:365
msgid "Activation, deactivation and uninstall"
msgstr "Aktivace, deaktivace a odinstalace"

#: templates/connect.php:374
msgid "Newsletter"
msgstr "Newsletter"

#: templates/connect.php391, templates/forms/license-activation.php:41
msgid "The %1$s will be periodically sending data to %2$s to check for security and feature updates, and verify the validity of your license."
msgstr "Pro ověření platnosti vaší licence a automatických aktualizací bude tento %1$s periodicky odesílat data do %2$s."

#: templates/connect.php:396
msgid "What permissions are being granted?"
msgstr "Jaká oprávnění budou udělena?"

#: templates/connect.php:417
msgid "Don't have a license key?"
msgstr "Nemáte licenční klíč?"

#: templates/connect.php:420
msgid "Have a license key?"
msgstr "Máte licenční klíč?"

#: templates/connect.php:428
msgid "Privacy Policy"
msgstr "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů"

#: templates/connect.php:430
msgid "License Agreement"
msgstr "Licenční smlouva"

#: templates/connect.php:430
msgid "Terms of Service"
msgstr "Podmínky služby"

#: templates/connect.php:805
msgctxt "as in the process of sending an email"
msgid "Sending email"
msgstr "Probíhá odesílání emailů"

#: templates/connect.php:806
msgctxt "as activating plugin"
msgid "Activating"
msgstr "Probíhá aktivace"

#: templates/contact.php:78
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontakt"

#: templates/debug.php:17
msgctxt "as turned off"
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Vypnuto"

#: templates/debug.php:18
msgctxt "as turned on"
msgid "On"
msgstr "Zapnuto"

#: templates/debug.php:20
msgid "SDK"
msgstr "SDK"

#: templates/debug.php:24
msgctxt "as code debugging"
msgid "Debugging"
msgstr "Debugging"

#: templates/debug.php54, templates/debug.php250, templates/debug.php376,
#: templates/debug.php:512
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Akce objednávky"

#: templates/debug.php:64
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all Freemius data?"
msgstr "Opravdu chcete smazat veškerá Freemius data?"

#: templates/debug.php:64
msgid "Delete All Accounts"
msgstr "Delete All Accounts"

#: templates/debug.php:71
msgid "Clear API Cache"
msgstr "Vymazat paměť API"

#: templates/debug.php:79
msgid "Clear Updates Transients"
msgstr "Clear Updates Transients"

#: templates/debug.php:86
msgid "Sync Data From Server"
msgstr "Synchronizovat data ze serveru"

#: templates/debug.php:95
msgid "Migrate Options to Network"
msgstr "Migrate Options to Network"

#: templates/debug.php:100
msgid "Load DB Option"
msgstr "Load DB Option"

#: templates/debug.php:103
msgid "Set DB Option"
msgstr "Set DB Option"

#: templates/debug.php:182
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Klíč"

#: templates/debug.php:183
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Hodnota"

#: templates/debug.php:199
msgctxt "as software development kit versions"
msgid "SDK Versions"
msgstr "SDK Versions"

#: templates/debug.php:204
msgid "SDK Path"
msgstr "Cesta l SDK"

#: templates/debug.php205, templates/debug.php:244
msgid "Module Path"
msgstr "Cesta k modulu"

#: templates/debug.php:206
msgid "Is Active"
msgstr "Je aktivní"

#: templates/debug.php234, templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:35
msgid "Plugins"
msgstr "Pluginy"

#: templates/debug.php234, templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:56
msgid "Themes"
msgstr "Šablony"

#: templates/debug.php239, templates/debug.php370, templates/debug.php456,
#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:80
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "Zkratka"

#: templates/debug.php241, templates/debug.php:455
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Nadpis"

#: templates/debug.php:242
msgctxt "as application program interface"
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"

#: templates/debug.php:243
msgid "Freemius State"
msgstr "Stav Freemius"

#: templates/debug.php:247
msgid "Network Blog"
msgstr "Network Blog"

#: templates/debug.php:248
msgid "Network User"
msgstr "Network User"

#: templates/debug.php:285
msgctxt "as connection was successful"
msgid "Connected"
msgstr "Připojeno"

#: templates/debug.php:286
msgctxt "as connection blocked"
msgid "Blocked"
msgstr "Zablokováno"

#: templates/debug.php:322
msgid "Simulate Trial Promotion"
msgstr "Simulate Trial Promotion"

#: templates/debug.php:334
msgid "Simulate Network Upgrade"
msgstr "Simulate Network Upgrade"

#: templates/debug.php:359
msgid "%s Installs"
msgstr "%s instalací"

#: templates/debug.php:361
msgctxt "like websites"
msgid "Sites"
msgstr "Weby"

#: templates/debug.php367, templates/account/partials/site.php:156
msgid "Blog ID"
msgstr "Blog ID"

#: templates/debug.php:372
msgid "License ID"
msgstr "License ID"

#: templates/debug.php436, templates/debug.php535,
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:435
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Smazat"

#: templates/debug.php:450
msgid "Add Ons of module %s"
msgstr "Add Ons of module %s"

#: templates/debug.php:502
msgid "Users"
msgstr "Uživatelé"

#: templates/debug.php:509
msgid "Verified"
msgstr "Ověřeno"

#: templates/debug.php:551
msgid "%s Licenses"
msgstr "%s licencí"

#: templates/debug.php:556
msgid "Plugin ID"
msgstr "ID pluginu"

#: templates/debug.php:558
msgid "Plan ID"
msgstr "ID členství"

#: templates/debug.php:559
msgid "Quota"
msgstr "Quota"

#: templates/debug.php:560
msgid "Activated"
msgstr "Aktivovaný"

#: templates/debug.php:561
msgid "Blocking"
msgstr "Blokování"

#: templates/debug.php:563
msgctxt "as expiration date"
msgid "Expiration"
msgstr "Expirace"

#: templates/debug.php:590
msgid "Debug Log"
msgstr "Ladící log"

#: templates/debug.php:594
msgid "All Types"
msgstr "Všechny typy"

#: templates/debug.php:601
msgid "All Requests"
msgstr "All Requests"

#: templates/debug.php606, templates/debug.php635,
#: templates/debug/logger.php:25
msgid "File"
msgstr "Soubor"

#: templates/debug.php607, templates/debug.php633,
#: templates/debug/logger.php:23
msgid "Function"
msgstr "Funkce"

#: templates/debug.php:608
msgid "Process ID"
msgstr "Process ID"

#: templates/debug.php:609
msgid "Logger"
msgstr "Logger"

#: templates/debug.php610, templates/debug.php634,
#: templates/debug/logger.php:24
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Zpráva"

#: templates/debug.php:612
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtr"

#: templates/debug.php:620
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Stáhnout"

#: templates/debug.php631, templates/debug/logger.php:22
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Typ"

#: templates/debug.php636, templates/debug/logger.php:26
msgid "Timestamp"
msgstr "Datum a čas"

#: templates/secure-https-header.php:28
msgid "Secure HTTPS %s page, running from an external domain"
msgstr "Zabezpečená stránka HTTPS %s spuštěná z externí domény"

#: includes/customizer/class-fs-customizer-support-section.php55,
#: templates/plugin-info/features.php:43
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Podpora"

#: includes/debug/class-fs-debug-bar-panel.php48,
#: templates/debug/api-calls.php54, templates/debug/logger.php:62
msgctxt "milliseconds"
msgid "ms"
msgstr "ms"

#: includes/debug/debug-bar-start.php:41
msgid "Freemius API"
msgstr "Freemius API"

#: includes/debug/debug-bar-start.php:42
msgid "Requests"
msgstr "Žádosti"

#: templates/account/billing.php:22
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aktualizovat"

#: templates/account/billing.php:33
msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Fakturace"

#: templates/account/billing.php38, templates/account/billing.php:38
msgid "Business name"
msgstr "Jméno firmy"

#: templates/account/billing.php39, templates/account/billing.php:39
msgid "Tax / VAT ID"
msgstr "Tax / VAT ID"

#: templates/account/billing.php42, templates/account/billing.php42,
#: templates/account/billing.php43, templates/account/billing.php:43
msgid "Address Line %d"
msgstr "Address Line %d"

#: templates/account/billing.php46, templates/account/billing.php:46
msgid "City"
msgstr "Město"

#: templates/account/billing.php46, templates/account/billing.php:46
msgid "Town"
msgstr "Město"

#: templates/account/billing.php47, templates/account/billing.php:47
msgid "ZIP / Postal Code"
msgstr "PSČ / směrovací číslo"

#: templates/account/billing.php:302
msgid "Country"
msgstr "Země"

#: templates/account/billing.php:304
msgid "Select Country"
msgstr "Vyberte zemi"

#: templates/account/billing.php311, templates/account/billing.php:312
msgid "State"
msgstr "Kraj"

#: templates/account/billing.php311, templates/account/billing.php:312
msgid "Province"
msgstr "Okres"

#: templates/account/payments.php:29
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Platby"

#: templates/account/payments.php:36
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"

#: templates/account/payments.php:37
msgid "Amount"
msgstr "Částka"

#: templates/account/payments.php38, templates/account/payments.php:50
msgid "Invoice"
msgstr "Faktura"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:56
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:68
msgid "Method"
msgstr "Metoda"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:69
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kód"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:70
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Délka"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:71
msgctxt "as file/folder path"
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Složka"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:73
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Tělo"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:75
msgid "Result"
msgstr "Výsledek"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:76
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Začátek"

#: templates/debug/api-calls.php:77
msgid "End"
msgstr "Konec"

#: templates/debug/logger.php:15
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Záznam"

#. translators: %s: time period (e.g. In "2 hours")
#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php18,
#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:91
msgid "In %s"
msgstr "Za %s"

#. translators: %s: time period (e.g. "2 hours" ago)
#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php20,
#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:93
msgid "%s ago"
msgstr "Před %s"

#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php21,
#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:74
msgctxt "seconds"
msgid "sec"
msgstr "s"

#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:23
msgid "Plugins & Themes Sync"
msgstr "Pluginy a synchronizace šablon"

#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php:28
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Celkem"

#: templates/debug/plugins-themes-sync.php29,
#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:84
msgid "Last"
msgstr "Poslední"

#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:76
msgid "Scheduled Crons"
msgstr "Plánované crony"

#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:81
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Modul"

#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:82
msgid "Module Type"
msgstr "Typ modulu"

#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:83
msgid "Cron Type"
msgstr "Cron Type"

#: templates/debug/scheduled-crons.php:85
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Následující"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:82
msgid "Non-expiring"
msgstr "Non-expiring"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:85
msgid "Apply to become an affiliate"
msgstr "Apply to become an affiliate"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:104
msgid "Your affiliate application for %s has been accepted! Log in to your affiliate area at: %s."
msgstr "Your affiliate application for %s has been accepted! Log in to your affiliate area at: %s."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:119
msgid "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, we'll review your details during the next 14 days and will get back to you with further information."
msgstr "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, we'll review your details during the next 14 days and will get back to you with further information."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:122
msgid "Your affiliation account was temporarily suspended."
msgstr "Your affiliation account was temporarily suspended."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:125
msgid "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, unfortunately, we've decided at this point to reject your application. Please try again in 30 days."
msgstr "Thank you for applying for our affiliate program, unfortunately, we've decided at this point to reject your application. Please try again in 30 days."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:128
msgid "Due to violation of our affiliation terms, we decided to temporarily block your affiliation account. If you have any questions, please contact support."
msgstr "Due to violation of our affiliation terms, we decided to temporarily block your affiliation account. If you have any questions, please contact support."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:141
msgid "Like the %s? Become our ambassador and earn cash ;-)"
msgstr "Like the %s? Become our ambassador and earn cash ;-)"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:142
msgid "Refer new customers to our %s and earn %s commission on each successful sale you refer!"
msgstr "Refer new customers to our %s and earn %s commission on each successful sale you refer!"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:145
msgid "Program Summary"
msgstr "Program Summary"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:147
msgid "%s commission when a customer purchases a new license."
msgstr "%s provizi, když zákazník zakoupí novou licenci."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:149
msgid "Get commission for automated subscription renewals."
msgstr "Get commission for automated subscription renewals."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:152
msgid "%s tracking cookie after the first visit to maximize earnings potential."
msgstr "%s tracking cookie after the first visit to maximize earnings potential."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:155
msgid "Unlimited commissions."
msgstr "Unlimited commissions."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:157
msgid "%s minimum payout amount."
msgstr "%s minimální částka výplaty."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:158
msgid "Payouts are in USD and processed monthly via PayPal."
msgstr "Payouts are in USD and processed monthly via PayPal."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:159
msgid "As we reserve 30 days for potential refunds, we only pay commissions that are older than 30 days."
msgstr "As we reserve 30 days for potential refunds, we only pay commissions that are older than 30 days."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:162
msgid "Affiliate"
msgstr "Partner"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php165, templates/forms/resend-key.php:23
msgid "Email address"
msgstr "Emailová adresa"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:169
msgid "Full name"
msgstr "Celé jméno"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:173
msgid "PayPal account email address"
msgstr "E-mailová adresa účtu PayPal"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:177
msgid "Where are you going to promote the %s?"
msgstr "Where are you going to promote the %s?"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:179
msgid "Enter the domain of your website or other websites from where you plan to promote the %s."
msgstr "Enter the domain of your website or other websites from where you plan to promote the %s."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:181
msgid "Add another domain"
msgstr "Add another domain"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:185
msgid "Extra Domains"
msgstr "Další domény"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:186
msgid "Extra domains where you will be marketing the product from."
msgstr "Extra domains where you will be marketing the product from."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:196
msgid "Promotion methods"
msgstr "Promotion methods"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:199
msgid "Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)"
msgstr "Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:203
msgid "Mobile apps"
msgstr "Mobile apps"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:207
msgid "Website, email, and social media statistics (optional)"
msgstr "Statistika o webová stránc, emaiul a sociálních médiích"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:210
msgid "Please feel free to provide any relevant website or social media statistics, e.g. monthly unique site visits, number of email subscribers, followers, etc. (we will keep this information confidential)."
msgstr "Please feel free to provide any relevant website or social media statistics, e.g. monthly unique site visits, number of email subscribers, followers, etc. (we will keep this information confidential)."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:214
msgid "How will you promote us?"
msgstr "Jakým způsobem budete mé produkty propagovat?"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:217
msgid "Please provide details on how you intend to promote %s (please be as specific as possible)."
msgstr "Please provide details on how you intend to promote %s (please be as specific as possible)."

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php223, templates/forms/resend-key.php:22
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Zrušit"

#: templates/forms/affiliation.php:225
msgid "Become an affiliate"
msgstr "Staňte se naším afiliátem"

#: templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:25
msgid "Please enter the license key to enable the debug mode:"
msgstr "Please enter the license key to enable the debug mode:"

#: templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:27
msgid "To enter the debug mode, please enter the secret key of the license owner (UserID = %d), which you can find in your \"My Profile\" section of your User Dashboard:"
msgstr "To enter the debug mode, please enter the secret key of the license owner (UserID = %d), which you can find in your \"My Profile\" section of your User Dashboard:"

#: templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:32
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Submit"

#: templates/forms/data-debug-mode.php:36
msgid "User key"
msgstr "User key"

#: templates/forms/license-activation.php:23
msgid "Please enter the license key that you received in the email right after the purchase:"
msgstr "Please enter the license key that you received in the email right after the purchase:"

#: templates/forms/license-activation.php:28
msgid "Update License"
msgstr "Aktualizovat licenci"

#: templates/forms/optout.php:30
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Opt Out"
msgstr "Odhlásit se"

#: templates/forms/optout.php:31
msgctxt "verb"
msgid "Opt In"
msgstr "Zúčastnit se"

#: templates/forms/optout.php:33
msgid "Usage tracking is done in the name of making %s better. Making a better user experience, prioritizing new features, and more good things. We'd really appreciate if you'll reconsider letting us continue with the tracking."
msgstr "Usage tracking is done in the name of making %s better. Making a better user experience, prioritizing new features, and more good things. We'd really appreciate if you'll reconsider letting us continue with the tracking."

#: templates/forms/optout.php:35
msgid "By clicking \"Opt Out\", we will no longer be sending any data from %s to %s."
msgstr "By clicking \"Opt Out\", we will no longer be sending any data from %s to %s."

#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:40
msgid "There is a new version of %s available."
msgstr "Je k dispozici nová verze %s."

#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:41
msgid " %s to access version %s security & feature updates, and support."
msgstr " %s pro přístup k verzi %s zajišťující podporu a nejen bezpečnostní aktualizace."

#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:54
msgid "New Version Available"
msgstr "Nová verze k dispozici"

#: templates/forms/premium-versions-upgrade-handler.php:75
msgctxt "close a window"
msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Skrýt"

#: templates/forms/resend-key.php:21
msgid "Send License Key"
msgstr "Odeslat licenční klíč"

#: templates/forms/resend-key.php:57
msgid "Enter the email address you've used for the upgrade below and we will resend you the license key."
msgstr "Níže zadejte emailovou adresu, kterou jste použili pro koupi pluginu a my vám znovu odešleme váš licenční klíč."

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:37
msgid "Deactivating or uninstalling the %s will automatically disable the license, which you'll be able to use on another site."
msgstr "Deactivating or uninstalling the %s will automatically disable the license, which you'll be able to use on another site."

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:47
msgid "In case you are NOT planning on using this %s on this site (or any other site) - would you like to cancel the %s as well?"
msgstr "In case you are NOT planning on using this %s on this site (or any other site) - would you like to cancel the %s as well?"

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:52
msgid "license"
msgstr "licence"

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:57
msgid "Cancel %s - I no longer need any security & feature updates, nor support for %s because I'm not planning to use the %s on this, or any other site."
msgstr "Cancel %s - I no longer need any security & feature updates, nor support for %s because I'm not planning to use the %s on this, or any other site."

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:68
msgid "Don't cancel %s - I'm still interested in getting security & feature updates, as well as be able to contact support."
msgstr "Don't cancel %s - I'm still interested in getting security & feature updates, as well as be able to contact support."

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:103
msgid "Once your license expires you will no longer be able to use the %s, unless you activate it again with a valid premium license."
msgstr "Once your license expires you will no longer be able to use the %s, unless you activate it again with a valid premium license."

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:136
msgid "Cancel %s?"
msgstr "Cancel %s?"

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php:143
msgid "Proceed"
msgstr "Pokračovat"

#: templates/forms/subscription-cancellation.php191,
#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:171
msgid "Cancel %s & Proceed"
msgstr "Zrušit %s &gt; pokračovat"

#: templates/forms/trial-start.php:22
msgid "You are 1-click away from starting your %1$s-day free trial of the %2$s plan."
msgstr "You are 1-click away from starting your %1$s-day free trial of the %2$s plan."

#: templates/forms/trial-start.php:28
msgid "For compliance with the guidelines, before we start the trial we ask that you opt in with your user and non-sensitive site information, allowing the %s to periodically send data to %s to check for version updates and to validate your trial."
msgstr "Aby bylo vyhověno pokynům, před zahájením zkušebního období vás žádáme, abyste se rozhodli pro uživatele a necitlivé informace o webu, aby %s umožňoval periodicky odesílat data do %s za účelem kontroly aktualizací verzí a ověření zkušební verze."

#: templates/js/style-premium-theme.php:39
msgid "Premium"
msgstr "Prémium"

#: templates/js/style-premium-theme.php:42
msgid "Beta"
msgstr "Beta"

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:27
msgid "Activate license on all sites in the network."
msgstr "Activate license on all sites in the network."

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:28
msgid "Apply on all sites in the network."
msgstr "Apply on all sites in the network."

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:31
msgid "Activate license on all pending sites."
msgstr "Activate license on all pending sites."

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:32
msgid "Apply on all pending sites."
msgstr "Apply on all pending sites."

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php40,
#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:74
msgid "allow"
msgstr "povolit"

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php43,
#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:77
msgid "delegate"
msgstr "delegovat"

#: templates/partials/network-activation.php47,
#: templates/partials/network-activation.php:81
msgid "skip"
msgstr "přeskočit"

#: templates/plugin-info/description.php72,
#: templates/plugin-info/screenshots.php:31
msgid "Click to view full-size screenshot %d"
msgstr "Klikněte pro zobrazení plné velikosti snímku obrazovky %d"

#: templates/plugin-info/features.php:56
msgid "Unlimited Updates"
msgstr "Neomezené aktualizace"

#: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:46
msgid "Localhost"
msgstr "Localhost"

#: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:50
msgctxt "as 5 licenses left"
msgid "%s left"
msgstr "Zbývá %s"

#: templates/account/partials/activate-license-button.php:51
msgid "Last license"
msgstr "Poslední licence"

#. translators: %1$s: Either 'Downgrading your plan' or 'Cancelling the
#. subscription'
#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:29
msgid "%1$s will immediately stop all future recurring payments and your %s plan license will expire in %s."
msgstr "%1$s okamžitě zastaví všechny budoucí opakující se platby a licence k plánu %s vyprší za %s."

#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:185
msgid "Cancelled"
msgstr "Zrušena"

#: templates/account/partials/addon.php:195
msgid "No expiration"
msgstr "Bez vypršení"

#: templates/account/partials/site.php:189
msgid "Owner Name"
msgstr "Jméno vlastníka"

#: templates/account/partials/site.php:201
msgid "Owner Email"
msgstr "E-mail vlastníka"

#: templates/account/partials/site.php:213
msgid "Owner ID"
msgstr "ID vlastníka"

#: templates/account/partials/site.php:286
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Předplatné"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/contact.php:19
msgid "Sorry for the inconvenience and we are here to help if you give us a chance."
msgstr "Omlouváme se za způsobené nepříjemnosti, ale když se nám dáte šanci, tak se vám ze všech sil pokusíme pomoci."

#: templates/forms/deactivation/contact.php:22
msgid "Contact Support"
msgstr "Kontaktovat podporu"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:64
msgid "Anonymous feedback"
msgstr "Anonymní zpětná vazba"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:70
msgid "Deactivate"
msgstr "Deaktivovat"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:72
msgid "Activate %s"
msgstr "Aktivovat %s"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:87
msgid "Quick Feedback"
msgstr "Rychlá zpětná vazba"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91
msgid "If you have a moment, please let us know why you are %s"
msgstr "Máte-li chvilku, dejte nám vědět, proč %s"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91
msgid "deactivating"
msgstr "deaktivujete"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:91
msgid "switching"
msgstr "přepínám"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:365
msgid "Submit & %s"
msgstr "Odeslat & %s"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:386
msgid "Kindly tell us the reason so we can improve."
msgstr "Dejte nám prosím vědět z jakého důvodu, ať to můžeme zlepšit."

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:511
msgid "Yes - %s"
msgstr "Ano - %s"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/form.php:518
msgid "Skip & %s"
msgstr "Přeskočit & %s"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:21
msgid "Click here to use the plugin anonymously"
msgstr "Klikněte zde pro anonymní používání tohoto pluginu"

#: templates/forms/deactivation/retry-skip.php:23
msgid "You might have missed it, but you don't have to share any data and can just %s the opt-in."
msgstr "You might have missed it, but you don't have to share any data and can just %s the opt-in."