File "cf7-material-design.js"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/material-design-for-contact-form-7/v1/assets/js/cf7-material-design.js
File size: 12.91 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

// This closure gives access to jQuery as $
// Don't delete it
(function($) {

	// Do stuff

		// === Running ID === //
		window.cf7mdId = 0;

		// === Form formatting === //
			var $this = $(this);

			// Remove empty p tags inside, before and after
				.filter(function () { return $.trim(this.innerHTML) == "" }).remove();

			// Add `required` attribute to all required fields
			$('.cf7md-text, .cf7md-textarea').find('.wpcf7-validates-as-required').each(function(){
				$(this).attr('required', 'required');

		// === Generic item formatting === //
			var $this = $(this),
				$span = $this.find('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap');

			// Remove breaks
			// Add md class to span
			$span.addClass('mdc-form-field cf');

		// === Prepare text inputs and textareas for MD Init === //
		$('.cf7md-text, .cf7md-textarea').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$input = $this.find('input, textarea'),
				$span = $this.find('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap'),
				$tpl = $this.find('.cf7md-text-html').find('> div'),
				$label = $tpl.find('label');

			// Move input
			// Insert template
			// Add md class to input
			// Add 'for' to label
			$label.attr('for', $input.attr('name'));
			// Add autosize to textareas
				$input.attr('rows', '2');

		// === Make html5 date inputs play nice with our text fields === //
		$('.cf7md-text [type="date"]').each(function(){
			var $this = $(this);
				if($this.val() !== '') {
				} else {

		// === Prepare selects === //
		$('.cf7md-select').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$select = $this.find('select'),
				label = $this.find('.cf7md-select-label').text(),
				$option1 = $select.children('option').first();

			if($select.hasClass('wpcf7-validates-as-required')) {
				label += '*';
			if($this.hasClass('cf7md-select--multi')) {
				// Add class and size for multi
				$select.addClass('mdc-multi-select mdc-list');
				$select.attr('size', '5');
			} else {
				// Add class for standard select
				// Add blank option as label
				if($option1.attr('value') === '') {
				} else {
					$option1.before('<option default selected value="">' + label + '</option>');

		// === Prepare checkboxes === //
		$('.cf7md-checkbox, .cf7md-radio').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				type = $this.hasClass('cf7md-radio') ? 'radio' : 'checkbox',
				$items = $this.find('.wpcf7-list-item'),
				tpl = $this.find('.cf7md-' + type + '-html').html();

				var $item = $(this),
					$checkbox = $item.find('input'),
					$label = $item.find('.wpcf7-list-item-label'),
					$labelWrap = $label.parents('label'),
					label = $label.text(),
					$html = $(tpl).clone(),
					$wrap = $('<div class="mdc-' + type + '"></div>'),
					mdcCheckbox = $wrap[0],
					id = 'cf7md' + ++cf7mdId;
				// Add classes and ID
				$checkbox.addClass('mdc-' + type + '__native-control').attr('id', id);
				$item.addClass('cf7md-' + type + '-item mdc-form-field cf');
				// Rearrange markup
				$wrap.after('<label class="cf7md-' + type + '-label" for="' + id + '">' + label + '</label>');
				// Instantiate mdc checkbox js
				// We're not doing this right now because it's harder to customize colours for
				// and doesn't add all that much pizazz

		// === Prepare switches === //
		$('.cf7md-switch').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				type = 'switch',
				$items = $this.find('.wpcf7-list-item'),
				tpl = $this.find('.cf7md-switch-html').html();

				var $item = $(this),
					$checkbox = $item.find('input'),
					$label = $item.find('.wpcf7-list-item-label'),
					$labelWrap = $label.parents('label'),
					label = $label.text(),
					$html = $(tpl).clone(),
					$switch_wrap = $html.find('.mdc-switch'),
					id = 'cf7md' + ++cf7mdId,
					$newlabel = $('<label for="' + id + '" class="cf7md-switch-label">' + label + '</label>');
				// Add classes and ID
				$checkbox.addClass('mdc-' + type + '__native-control').attr('id', id);
				$item.addClass('cf7md-' + type + '-item cf');
				// Rearrange markup

		// === Prepare acceptance === //
		$('.cf7md-accept').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$form = $this.closest('#cf7md-form'),
				$span = $this.find('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap'),
				$control = $span.find('.wpcf7-form-control'),
				$checkbox = $this.find('input'),
				$tpl = $this.find('.cf7md-checkbox-html').find('> div'),
				$mdWrap = $('<div class="cf7md-accept--inner"></div>'),
				$wrap = $('<div class="mdc-checkbox"></div>'),
				$label = $this.find('.cf7md-accept-label'),
				$cf7Label = $span.find('.wpcf7-list-item-label'),
				id = 'cf7md' + ++cf7mdId;

			// Use the cf7 label over the shortcode label if it exists
			if($cf7Label.length && $cf7Label.html().length) {

			// Add class to md wrap
			// Update checkbox input
			$checkbox.addClass('mdc-checkbox__native-control').attr('id', id);
			// Insert tpl
			// Move checkbox into wrap
			// Move tpl into wrap
			// Add `for` to label
			$label.attr('for', id);
			// Move label
			// Hide original control
			if($this.hasClass('cf7md-is-wpcf7v5')) {

			// Watch and toggle submit enabled/disabled

		// Acceptance toggle function
		function toggleSubmit($form) {
			// v5+ logic
			if($form.find('.cf7md-accept').hasClass('cf7md-is-wpcf7v5')) {
				var $acceptances = $form.find('.wpcf7-acceptance'),
					$submit = $form.find('.cf7md-submit-btn'),
					$formTag = $form.closest('form.wpcf7-form');

				// Straight outta wpcf7
				$submit.removeAttr( 'disabled' );

				$acceptances.each(function(i, span) {
					var $span = $(span),
						$input = $span.closest('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap').find('input');

					// Straight outta wpcf7
					if ( ! $span.hasClass( 'optional' ) ) {
						if ( $span.hasClass( 'invert' ) && $ ':checked' )
						|| ! $span.hasClass( 'invert' ) && ! $ ':checked' ) ) {
							$submit.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );
							return false;

			} else {
				// Pre wpcf7 v5 logic
				var $acceptances = $form.find('input:checkbox.wpcf7-acceptance'),
					$submit = $form.find('.cf7md-submit-btn');

				// Logic taken from wpcf7
				$submit.removeAttr( 'disabled' );
				$acceptances.each(function(i, node) {
					$this = $(node);
					if ( $this.hasClass( 'wpcf7-invert' ) && $ ':checked' )
						|| ! $this.hasClass( 'wpcf7-invert' ) && ! $ ':checked' ) ) {
						$submit.attr( 'disabled', 'disabled' );

		// === File fields === //
		$('.cf7md-file').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$file = $this.find('[type="file"]'),
				$value = $this.find('.cf7md-file--value'),
				$btn = $this.find('.cf7md-file--btn'),
				$label = $this.find('.cf7md-label--static'),
				$wrap = $this.find('.cf7md-file--label'),
				$error = $this.find('.wpcf7-not-valid-tip');

			// Move the error in the DOM
			// Position value
				paddingLeft: $btn.outerWidth() + 12 + 'px',
				top: $btn.outerHeight() / 2 + 'px'
			// Update the value on load
			if($file.val()) {
				fileName = $file.val().split('\\').pop();
			// Update the value on change
			$file.on('change', function(e) {
				if( {
					fileName ='\\').pop();

		// === Prepare quiz === //
		// TODO: Inputs are being duplicated every refresh
		function cf7mdQuiz(refresh) {
				var $this = $(this),
					$input = $this.find('.wpcf7-quiz'),
					$newInput = $input.clone(),
					$span = $this.find('.wpcf7-form-control-wrap'),
					$tpl = $this.find('.mdc-textfield'),
					$label = $tpl.find('label'),
					$question = $this.find('.wpcf7-quiz-label'),
					$cf7label = $span.find('> label');
				// Update label
				$label.attr('for', $input.attr('name'));
				// Move input and question
				// Insert template
				// Add md class to input
				// Remove empty cf7 label
		// Update the quiz label when the form refreshes
		$(window).on('wpcf7submit', function(e) {

		// === Prepare submit buttons for MD Init === //
		$('.cf7md-submit').each(function() {
			var $this = $(this),
				$form = $this.closest('#cf7md-form'),
				$inputs = $this.find('input, button');

			$inputs.each(function() {
				var $input = $(this),
					$val = $'input') ? $input.attr('value') : $input.text(),
					$svg = $this.find('svg'),
					$btn = $('<button>' + $val + '</button>');

				// Copy atts from input to button
				$btn.attr('id', $input.attr('id'));
				$btn.attr('type', $input.attr('type'));
				// @todo Copy events to button ->
				// Add data init for ripple
				$btn.attr('data-mdc-auto-init', 'MDCRipple');
				// Add md classes
				$btn.addClass('cf7md-submit-btn mdc-button mdc-button--raised mdc-button--primary mdc-ripple-surface');
				// Replace input with button

				if($input.attr('type') === 'submit') {
					// maybe disable

					// Add click handler to button
						// Move svg into spinner
						var $spinner = $(this).parents('.cf7md-submit').find('.ajax-loader');


		// === Update textfields that loaded with a default value === //
				var $label = $(this).find('.mdc-textfield__label'),
					$field = $(this).find('.mdc-textfield__input'),
					val = $field.val();
		}, 200);

		// === Mutation observer for things like conditional fields for CF7 === //

		// Run this when a field group is toggled
		function conditionalFieldGroupToggled(event) {
			// Update file inputs
			$('.cf7md-file').each(function() {
				var $this = $(this),
					$file = $this.find('[type="file"]'),
					$value = $this.find('.cf7md-file--value'),
					$btn = $this.find('.cf7md-file--btn');

				// Position value
					paddingLeft: $btn.outerWidth() + 12 + 'px',
					top: $btn.outerHeight() / 2 + 'px'


		// Feature detection for mutation observers -
		var MutationObserver = (function () {
			var prefixes = ['WebKit', 'Moz', 'O', 'Ms', '']
			for(var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
				if(prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver' in window) {
				return window[prefixes[i] + 'MutationObserver'];
			return false;

		// Setup mutation observers
		if(MutationObserver) {
			var groups = $('[data-class="wpcf7cf_group"]')
			groups.each(function(i, element) {
				var observer = new MutationObserver(conditionalFieldGroupToggled);
				observer.observe(element, {
					attributes: true, 
					attributeFilter: ['class'],
					childList: false, 
					characterData: false

		// Handle hiding the customize preview link
		if (typeof ajax_object !== 'undefined') {
				$.post(ajax_object.ajax_url, { action: 'cf7md_close_customize_link' }, function(response) {
					console.log('Close link response: ', response)

		// === Initialize components === //
