File "display_structure.twig"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin-extension/lib/phpMyAdmin/templates/table/structure/display_structure.twig
File size: 32.21 KB
MIME-type: text/html
Charset: utf-8

{% extends 'table/page_with_secondary_tabs.twig' %}
{% block content %}
<h1 class="d-none d-print-block">{{table}}</h1>
<form method="post" action="{{ url('/table/structure') }}" name="fieldsForm" id="fieldsForm">
    {{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
    <input type="hidden" name="table_type" value=
        {%- if db_is_system_schema -%}
        {%- elseif tbl_is_view -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- endif %}>
    <div class="table-responsive-md">
    <table id="tablestructure" class="table table-striped table-hover w-auto align-middle">
        {# Table header #}
                <th class="d-print-none"></th>
                <th>{% trans 'Name' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Type' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Collation' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Attributes' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Null' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Default' %}</th>
                {% if show_column_comments -%}
                    <th>{% trans 'Comments' %}</th>
                {%- endif %}
                <th>{% trans 'Extra' %}</th>
                {# @see table/structure.js, function moreOptsMenuResize() #}
                {% if not db_is_system_schema and not tbl_is_view %}
                    <th colspan="{{ show_icons('ActionLinksMode') ? '8' : '9' -}}
                        " class="action d-print-none">{% trans 'Action' %}</th>
                {% endif %}
        {# Table body #}
        {% set rownum = 0 %}
        {% for row in fields %}
            {% set rownum = rownum + 1 %}

            {% set extracted_columnspec = extracted_columnspecs[rownum] %}
            {% set field_name = row['Field']|e %}
            {# For column comments #}
            {% set comments = row_comments[rownum] %}
            {# Underline commented fields and display a hover-title (CSS only) #}

            <td class="text-center d-print-none">
                <input type="checkbox" class="checkall" name="selected_fld[]" value="{{ row['Field'] }}" id="checkbox_row_{{ rownum }}">
            <td class="text-end">{{ rownum }}</td>
            <th class="text-nowrap">
                <label for="checkbox_row_{{ rownum }}">
                    {% if displayed_fields[rownum].comment is defined %}
                        <span class="commented_column" title="{{ displayed_fields[rownum].comment }}">{{ displayed_fields[rownum].text }}</span>
                    {% else %}
                        {{ displayed_fields[rownum].text }}
                    {% endif %}
                    {{ displayed_fields[rownum].icon|raw }}
            <td{{ 'set' != extracted_columnspec['type'] and 'enum' != extracted_columnspec['type'] ? ' class="text-nowrap"' }}>
                <bdo dir="ltr" lang="en">
                    {{ extracted_columnspec['displayed_type']|raw }}
                    {% if relation_parameters.columnCommentsFeature is not null and relation_parameters.browserTransformationFeature is not null and browse_mime
                        and mime_map[row['Field']]['mimetype'] is defined %}
                        <br>{% trans 'Media type:' %} {{ mime_map[row['Field']]['mimetype']|replace({'_': '/'})|lower }}
                    {% endif %}
            {% if row['Collation'] is not empty %}
                <dfn title="{{ collations[row['Collation']].description }}">{{ collations[row['Collation']].name }}</dfn>
            {% endif %}
            <td class="column_attribute text-nowrap">{{ attributes[rownum] }}</td>
            <td>{{ row['Null'] == 'YES' ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }}</td>
            <td class="text-nowrap">
                {%- if row['Default'] is not null -%}
                    {%- if extracted_columnspec['type'] == 'bit' -%}
                        {{- row['Default']|convert_bit_default_value -}}
                    {%- else -%}
                        {{- row['Default'] -}}
                    {%- endif -%}
                {%- elseif row['Null'] == 'YES' -%}
                {%- else -%}
                    <em>{% trans %}None{% context %}None for default{% endtrans %}</em>
                {%- endif -%}
            {% if show_column_comments %}
                    {{ comments }}
            {% endif %}
            <td class="text-nowrap">{{ row['Extra']|upper }}</td>
            {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
                <td class="edit text-center d-print-none">
                    <a class="change_column_anchor ajax" href="{{ url('/table/structure/change', {
                      'db': db,
                      'table': table,
                      'field': row['Field'],
                      'change_column': 1
                    }) }}">
                      {{ get_icon('b_edit', 'Change'|trans) }}
                <td class="drop text-center d-print-none">
                    <a class="drop_column_anchor ajax" href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                      'db': db,
                      'table': table,
                      'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' DROP ' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ';',
                      'dropped_column': row['Field'],
                      'purge': true,
                      'message_to_show': 'Column %s has been dropped.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                    }, '', false) }}">
                      {{ get_icon('b_drop', 'Drop'|trans) }}
            {% endif %}

            {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
                {% set type = extracted_columnspec['print_type'] is not empty ? extracted_columnspec['print_type'] %}
                <td class="d-print-none">
                  {% if hide_structure_actions %}
                  <div class="dropdown">
                    <button class="btn btn-link p-0 dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="moreActionsButton" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">{% trans 'More' %}</button>
                    <ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-end" aria-labelledby="moreActionsButton">
                  {% else %}
                    <ul class="nav">
                  {% endif %}
                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}primary text-nowrap">
                          {% if type == 'text' or type == 'blob' or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARCHIVE' or (primary and primary.hasColumn(field_name)) %}
                            <span class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item-text' : 'nav-link px-1' }} disabled">{{ get_icon('bd_primary', 'Primary'|trans) }}</span>
                          {% else %}
                            <a rel="samepage" class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }} ajax add_key d-print-none add_primary_key_anchor" href="{{ url('/table/structure/add-key') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ (primary ? ' DROP PRIMARY KEY,') ~ ' ADD PRIMARY KEY(' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ');',
                              'message_to_show': 'A primary key has been added on %s.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_primary', 'Primary'|trans) }}
                          {% endif %}

                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}add_unique unique text-nowrap">
                          {% if type == 'text' or type == 'blob' or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARCHIVE' or field_name in columns_with_unique_index %}
                            <span class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item-text' : 'nav-link px-1' }} disabled">{{ get_icon('bd_unique', 'Unique'|trans) }}</span>
                          {% else %}
                            <a rel="samepage" class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }} ajax add_key d-print-none add_unique_anchor" href="{{ url('/table/structure/add-key') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' ADD UNIQUE(' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ');',
                              'message_to_show': 'An index has been added on %s.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_unique', 'Unique'|trans) }}
                          {% endif %}

                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}add_index text-nowrap">
                          {% if type == 'text' or type == 'blob' or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARCHIVE' %}
                            <span class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item-text' : 'nav-link px-1' }} disabled">{{ get_icon('bd_index', 'Index'|trans) }}</span>
                          {% else %}
                            <a rel="samepage" class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }} ajax add_key d-print-none add_index_anchor" href="{{ url('/table/structure/add-key') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' ADD INDEX(' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ');',
                              'message_to_show': 'An index has been added on %s.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_index', 'Index'|trans) }}
                          {% endif %}

                        {% set spatial_types = [
                        ] %}
                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}spatial text-nowrap">
                          {% if type == 'text' or type == 'blob' or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARCHIVE' or (type not in spatial_types and (tbl_storage_engine == 'MYISAM' or mysql_int_version >= 50705)) %}
                            <span class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item-text' : 'nav-link px-1' }} disabled">{{ get_icon('bd_spatial', 'Spatial'|trans) }}</span>
                          {% else %}
                            <a rel="samepage" class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }} ajax add_key d-print-none add_spatial_anchor" href="{{ url('/table/structure/add-key') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' ADD SPATIAL(' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ');',
                              'message_to_show': 'An index has been added on %s.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_spatial', 'Spatial'|trans) }}
                          {% endif %}

                        {# FULLTEXT is possible on TEXT, CHAR and VARCHAR #}
                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}fulltext text-nowrap">
                        {% if tbl_storage_engine is not empty and (
                                tbl_storage_engine == 'MYISAM'
                                or tbl_storage_engine == 'ARIA'
                                or tbl_storage_engine == 'MARIA'
                                or (tbl_storage_engine == 'INNODB' and mysql_int_version >= 50604)
                            ) and ('text' in type or 'char' in type) %}
                            <a rel="samepage" class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }} ajax add_key add_fulltext_anchor" href="{{ url('/table/structure/add-key') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' ADD FULLTEXT(' ~ backquote(row['Field']) ~ ');',
                              'message_to_show': 'An index has been added on %s.'|trans|format(row['Field']|e)
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_ftext', 'Fulltext'|trans) }}
                        {% else %}
                            <span class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item-text' : 'nav-link px-1' }} disabled">{{ get_icon('bd_ftext', 'Fulltext'|trans) }}</span>
                        {% endif %}

                        {# Distinct value action #}
                        <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}browse text-nowrap">
                            <a class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }}" href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                              'db': db,
                              'table': table,
                              'sql_query': 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS ' ~ backquote('Rows'|trans)
                                ~ ', ' ~ backquote(row['Field'])
                                ~ ' FROM ' ~ backquote(table)
                                ~ ' GROUP BY ' ~ backquote(row['Field'])
                                ~ ' ORDER BY ' ~ backquote(row['Field']),
                              'is_browse_distinct': true
                            }, '', false) }}">
                              {{ get_icon('b_browse', 'Distinct values'|trans) }}
                        {% if relation_parameters.centralColumnsFeature is not null %}
                            <li class="{{ not hide_structure_actions ? 'nav-item ' }}browse text-nowrap">
                            {% if row['Field'] in central_list %}
                                <a class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }}" href="{{ url('/table/structure/central-columns-remove') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                                  'db': db,
                                  'table': table,
                                  'selected_fld': [row['Field']],
                                }) }}">
                                    {{ get_icon('centralColumns_delete', 'Remove from central columns'|trans) }}
                            {% else %}
                                <a class="{{ hide_structure_actions ? 'dropdown-item' : 'nav-link px-1' }}" href="{{ url('/table/structure/central-columns-add') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                                  'db': db,
                                  'table': table,
                                  'selected_fld': [row['Field']],
                                }) }}">
                                    {{ get_icon('centralColumns_add', 'Add to central columns'|trans) }}
                            {% endif %}
                        {% endif %}
                  {% if not hide_structure_actions %}
                  {% else %}
                  {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}
    <div class="d-print-none">
        {% include 'select_all.twig' with {
            'text_dir': text_dir,
            'form_name': 'fieldsForm'
        } only %}

        <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/browse') }}">
          {{ get_icon('b_browse', 'Browse'|trans) }}

        {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
          <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/change') }}">
            {{ get_icon('b_edit', 'Change'|trans) }}
          <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/drop-confirm') }}">
            {{ get_icon('b_drop', 'Drop'|trans) }}

          {% if tbl_storage_engine != 'ARCHIVE' %}
            <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/primary') }}">
              {{ get_icon('b_primary', 'Primary'|trans) }}
            <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/unique') }}">
              {{ get_icon('b_unique', 'Unique'|trans) }}
            <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/index') }}">
              {{ get_icon('b_index', 'Index'|trans) }}
            <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/spatial') }}">
              {{ get_icon('b_spatial', 'Spatial'|trans) }}
            <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/fulltext') }}">
              {{ get_icon('b_ftext', 'Fulltext'|trans) }}

            {% if relation_parameters.centralColumnsFeature is not null %}
              <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/central-columns-add') }}">
                {{ get_icon('centralColumns_add', 'Add to central columns'|trans) }}
              <button class="btn btn-link mult_submit" type="submit" formaction="{{ url('/table/structure/central-columns-remove') }}">
                {{ get_icon('centralColumns_delete', 'Remove from central columns'|trans) }}
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
<hr class="d-print-none">

<div class="modal fade" id="moveColumnsModal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="moveColumnsModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h5 class="modal-title" id="moveColumnsModalLabel">{% trans 'Move columns' %}</h5>
        <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"></button>
      <div class="modal-body">
        <div id="move_columns_dialog" title="{% trans 'Move columns' %}">
          <p>{% trans 'Move the columns by dragging them up and down.' %}</p>
          <form action="{{ url('/table/structure/move-columns') }}" name="move_column_form" id="move_column_form">
              {{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="designerModalGoButton">{% trans 'Go' %}</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" id="designerModalPreviewButton" data-bs-target="#designerModalPreviewModal" data-bs-toggle="modal">{% trans 'Preview SQL' %}</button>
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" id="designerModalCloseButton" data-bs-dismiss="modal">{% trans 'Close' %}</button>
<div class="modal fade" id="designerModalPreviewModal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="designerModalPreviewModalLabel" tabindex="-1">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h5 class="modal-title" id="designerModalPreviewModalLabel">{% trans 'Preview SQL' %}</h5>
        <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"></button>
      <div class="modal-body">
        <div class="spinner-border" role="status">
          <span class="visually-hidden">{% trans 'Loading…' %}</span>
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button class="btn btn-primary" data-bs-target="#moveColumnsModal" data-bs-toggle="modal">{% trans 'Go back' %}</button>
<div class="modal fade" id="moveColumnsErrorModal" tabindex="-1" aria-labelledby="moveColumnsErrorModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
        <h5 class="modal-title" id="moveColumnsErrorModalLabel">{% trans 'Error' %}</h5>
        <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismiss="modal" aria-label="{% trans 'Close' %}"></button>
      <div class="modal-body">
      <div class="modal-footer">
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" data-bs-dismiss="modal">{% trans 'OK' %}</button>

{# Work on the table #}
<div id="structure-action-links" class="d-print-none">
    {% if tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
        {{ link_or_button(
            {'db': db, 'table': table},
            get_icon('b_edit', 'Edit view'|trans, true)
        ) }}
    {% endif %}
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-link p-0 jsPrintButton">{{ get_icon('b_print', 'Print'|trans, true) }}</button>
    {% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
        {# Only display propose table structure for MySQL < 8.0 #}
        {% if mysql_int_version < 80000 or is_mariadb %}
          <a class="me-0" href="{{ url('/sql') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
            'db': db,
            'table': table,
            'sql_query': 'SELECT * FROM ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' PROCEDURE ANALYSE()',
            'session_max_rows': 'all'
          }, '', false) }}">
            {{ get_icon(
              'Propose table structure'|trans,
            ) }}
          {{ show_mysql_docu('procedure_analyse') }}
        {% endif %}
        {% if is_active %}
            <a href="{{ url('/table/tracking', {'db': db, 'table': table}) }}">
                {{ get_icon('eye', 'Track table'|trans, true) }}
        {% endif %}
        <a href="#" id="move_columns_anchor">
            {{ get_icon('b_move', 'Move columns'|trans, true) }}
        <a href="{{ url('/normalization', {'db': db, 'table': table}) }}">
            {{ get_icon('normalize', 'Normalize'|trans, true) }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
        {% if is_active %}
            <a href="{{ url('/table/tracking', {'db': db, 'table': table}) }}">
                {{ get_icon('eye', 'Track view'|trans, true) }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
{% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema %}
    <form method="post" action="{{ url('/table/add-field') }}" id="addColumns" name="addColumns" class="d-print-none">
        {{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
        {% if show_icons('ActionLinksMode') %}
            {{ get_image('b_insrow', 'Add column'|trans) }}&nbsp;
        {% endif %}
        {% set num_fields -%}
            <input type="number" name="num_fields" value="1" onfocus="" min="1" required>
        {%- endset %}
        {{ 'Add %s column(s)'|trans|format(num_fields)|raw }}
        <input type="hidden" name="field_where" value="after">&nbsp;
        {# I tried displaying the drop-down inside the label but with Firefox the drop-down was blinking #}
        <select name="after_field">
            <option value="first" data-pos="first">
                {% trans 'at beginning of table' %}
            {% for one_column_name in columns_list %}
                <option value="{{ one_column_name }}"
                    {{- loop.revindex0 == 0 ? ' selected="selected"' }}>
                    {{ 'after %s'|trans|format(one_column_name) }}
            {% endfor %}
        <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Go' %}">
{% endif %}

{% if not tbl_is_view and not db_is_system_schema and tbl_storage_engine != 'ARCHIVE' %}
  <div id="index_div" class="w-100 ajax">
    <fieldset class="pma-fieldset index_info">
      <legend id="index_header">
        {% trans 'Indexes' %}
        {{ show_mysql_docu('optimizing-database-structure') }}

      {% if indexes is not empty %}
        {{ indexes_duplicates|raw }}

        {{ include('modals/preview_sql_confirmation.twig') }}
        <div class="table-responsive jsresponsive">
          <table class="table table-striped table-hover table-sm w-auto align-middle" id="table_index">
                <th colspan="3" class="d-print-none">{% trans 'Action' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Keyname' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Type' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Unique' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Packed' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Column' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Cardinality' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Collation' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Null' %}</th>
                <th>{% trans 'Comment' %}</th>

          <tbody class="row_span">
            {% for index in indexes %}
                {% set columns_count = index.getColumnCount() %}
                <tr class="noclick">
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}" class="edit_index d-print-none ajax">
                  <a class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/indexes') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                    'db': db,
                    'table': table,
                    'index': index.getName()
                  }, '', false) }}">
                    {{ get_icon('b_edit', 'Edit'|trans) }}
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}" class="rename_index d-print-none ajax" >
                  <a class="ajax" href="{{ url('/table/indexes/rename') }}" data-post="{{ get_common({
                    'db': db,
                    'table': table,
                    'index': index.getName()
                  }, '', false) }}">
                    {{ get_icon('b_rename', 'Rename'|trans) }}
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}" class="d-print-none">
                  {% if index.getName() == 'PRIMARY' %}
                    {% set index_params = {
                      'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' DROP PRIMARY KEY;',
                      'message_to_show': 'The primary key has been dropped.'|trans
                    } %}
                  {% else %}
                    {% set index_params = {
                      'sql_query': 'ALTER TABLE ' ~ backquote(table) ~ ' DROP INDEX ' ~ backquote(index.getName()) ~ ';',
                      'message_to_show': 'Index %s has been dropped.'|trans|format(index.getName())
                    } %}
                  {% endif %}

                  <input type="hidden" class="drop_primary_key_index_msg" value="{{ index_params.sql_query }}">
                  {{ link_or_button(
                    index_params|merge({'db': db, 'table': table}),
                    get_icon('b_drop', 'Drop'|trans),
                    {'class': 'drop_primary_key_index_anchor ajax'}
                  ) }}
                <th rowspan="{{ columns_count }}">{{ index.getName() }}</th>
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}">{{ index.getType()|default(index.getChoice()) }}</td>
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}">{{ index.isUnique() ? 'Yes'|trans : 'No'|trans }}</td>
                <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}">{{ index.isPacked()|raw }}</td>

                {% for column in index.getColumns() %}
                  {% if column.getSeqInIndex() > 1 %}
                    <tr class="noclick">
                  {% endif %}
                    {% if column.hasExpression() %}{{ column.getExpression() }}{% else %}{{ column.getName() }}{% endif %}
                    {% if column.getSubPart() is not empty %}
                      ({{ column.getSubPart() }})
                    {% endif %}
                  <td>{{ column.getCardinality() }}</td>
                  <td>{{ column.getCollation() }}</td>
                  <td>{{ column.getNull(true) }}</td>

                  {% if column.getSeqInIndex() == 1 %}
                    <td rowspan="{{ columns_count }}">{{ index.getComments() }}</td>
                  {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
              {% endfor %}
      {% else %}
        <div class="no_indexes_defined">{{ 'No index defined!'|trans|notice }}</div>
      {% endif %}

    <fieldset class="pma-fieldset tblFooters d-print-none text-start">
      <form action="{{ url('/table/indexes') }}" method="post">
        {{ get_hidden_inputs(db, table) }}
        <input type="hidden" name="create_index" value="1">

        {% apply format('<input class="mx-2" type="number" name="added_fields" value="1" min="1" max="16" required>')|raw %}
          {% trans %}Create an index on %s columns{% endtrans %}
        {% endapply %}

        <input class="btn btn-primary add_index ajax" type="submit" value="{% trans 'Go' %}">
  {{ include('modals/index_dialog_modal.twig') }}
{% endif %}

{# Display partition details #}
{% if have_partitioning %}
    {# Detect partitioning #}
    {% if partition_names is not empty and partition_names[0] is not null %}
        {% set first_partition = partitions[0] %}
        {% set range_or_list = first_partition.getMethod() == 'RANGE'
            or first_partition.getMethod() == 'RANGE COLUMNS'
            or first_partition.getMethod() == 'LIST'
            or first_partition.getMethod() == 'LIST COLUMNS' %}
        {% set sub_partitions = first_partition.getSubPartitions() %}
        {% set has_sub_partitions = first_partition.hasSubPartitions() %}
        {% if has_sub_partitions %}
            {% set first_sub_partition = sub_partitions[0] %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if default_sliders_state != 'disabled' %}
        <div class="mb-3">
          <button class="btn btn-sm btn-secondary" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#partitionsCollapse" aria-expanded="{{ default_sliders_state == 'open' ? 'true' : 'false' }}" aria-controls="partitionsCollapse">
            {% trans 'Partitions' %}
        <div class="collapse mb-3{{ default_sliders_state == 'open' ? ' show' }}" id="partitionsCollapse">
        {% endif %}

        {% include 'table/structure/display_partitions.twig' with {
            'db': db,
            'table': table,
            'partitions': partitions,
            'partition_method': first_partition.getMethod(),
            'partition_expression': first_partition.getExpression(),
            'has_description': first_partition.getDescription() is not empty,
            'has_sub_partitions': has_sub_partitions,
            'sub_partition_method': has_sub_partitions ? first_sub_partition.getMethod(),
            'sub_partition_expression': has_sub_partitions ? first_sub_partition.getExpression(),
            'range_or_list': range_or_list
        } only %}
    {% else %}
        {% include 'table/structure/display_partitions.twig' with {
            'db': db,
            'table': table
        } only %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if default_sliders_state != 'disabled' %}
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}

{# Displays Space usage and row statistics #}
{% if show_stats %}
    {{ table_stats|raw }}
{% endif %}
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
{% endblock %}