File "material-design-for-contact-form-7-es_ES.po"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/material-design-for-contact-form-7/languages/material-design-for-contact-form-7-es_ES.po
File size: 32.88 KB
MIME-type: text/x-po
Charset: utf-8

# Copyright (C) 2019 Material Design for Contact Form 7
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Material Design for Contact Form 7 package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Material Design for Contact Form 7\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: es_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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#. translators: close as in exit
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:124,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:219
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:128
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Volver"

#. translators: %s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:130
msgid "%s Shortcode Generator"
msgstr "Generador de Shortcode de %s"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:134
msgid "Choose a shortcode to generate"
msgstr "Escoja un shortcode a generar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:151
msgid "Pro feature"
msgstr "Característica Pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:156,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:608
msgid "Upgrade Now"
msgstr "Actualizar Ahora"

#. translators: %s: A shortcode type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:179
msgid "Generate a %s shortcode with your desired settings."
msgstr "Genere un shortcode %s con sus ajustes deseados."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:192
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copiar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:193
msgid "Insert"
msgstr "Insertar"

#. translators: %s: "Material Design". Please match character count
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:230
msgid "Upgrade to %s Pro"
msgstr "Actualice a %s Pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:234
msgid "Demo (opens in new tab)"
msgstr "Demostración (abre en una pestaña nueva)"

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:239
msgid "%s Customize %s the colors and fonts."
msgstr "%s Personalizar %s los colores y las fuentes."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:243
msgid "Try it for free"
msgstr "Pruebe gratis"

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:248
msgid "Turn checkboxes into %s switches%s."
msgstr "Convierta casillas de verificación en %s interruptores%s."

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:256
msgid "Decorate your fields with %s icons%s."
msgstr "Decore sus campos con %s íconos%s."

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:264
msgid "Organize your fields into %s columns%s."
msgstr "Organice sus campos en %s columnas%s."

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink, Cards:
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:272
msgid "Group fields with %s cards%s."
msgstr "Agrupe campos con %s fichas%s."

#. translators: %s: price
#. translators: %s: price
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:280,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:389
msgid "Upgrade for %s"
msgstr "Actualice por %s"

#. translators: %1$s and %2$s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:350
msgid "Apply %1$s to your form using shortcodes which you can generate with the \"%2$s\" button. Your form should look something like this:"
msgstr "Aplique %1$s a su formulario usando shortcodes los cuales puede generar con el botón \"%2$s\". Su formulario debería verse de la siguiente manera:"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:353
msgid "Your name"
msgstr "Su nombre"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:357
msgid "Your email"
msgstr "Su correo electrónico"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:361
msgid "Your message"
msgstr "Su mensaje"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:366
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Enviar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:371,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:178
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentación"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:372
msgid "Demos"
msgstr "Demostraciones"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:373
msgid "Rate this plugin"
msgstr "Califique este plugin"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:375,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:180
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Soporte"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:376
msgid "Try the style customizer"
msgstr "Pruebe el personalizador de estilo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:376
msgid "pro feature"
msgstr "característica pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:378
msgid "Direct email support"
msgstr "Soporte directo por correo electrónico"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:379
msgid "Customize styles"
msgstr "Personalizar estilos"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-admin.php:382
msgid "Get the CF7 Live Preview plugin"
msgstr "Consiga el plugin CF7 Live Preview"

#. translators: %s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:95
msgid "%s Forms"
msgstr "Formularios %s"

#. translators: %s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:96
msgid "Customize your %s forms"
msgstr "Personalizar sus formularios de %s"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:114
msgid "Use custom styles?"
msgstr "¿Usar estilos personalizados?"

#. translators: %s: hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:115
msgid "Note: you're on the free version. Your style changes will not take effect until you %s upgrade to pro%s"
msgstr "Nota: está en la versión gratis. Sus cambios de estilo no tendrán efecto hasta que %s actualice a pro%s"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:137
msgid "Primary color (default/light theme)"
msgstr "Color primario (por defecto/tema claro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:157
msgid "Primary color (dark theme)"
msgstr "Color primario (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:160
msgid "You may want to choose a slightly lighter version of your primary color for better contrast in the dark theme."
msgstr "Puede que deba escoger una versión ligeramente más clara de su color primario para mejor contraste en el tema oscuro."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:177
msgid "Button color"
msgstr "Color del botón"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:196
msgid "Button hover color"
msgstr "Color del botón al pasar sobre él"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:215
msgid "Button text color"
msgstr "Color de texto del botón"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:235
msgid "Button color (dark theme)"
msgstr "Color del botón (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:238
msgid "Leave blank to use the dark theme primary color"
msgstr "Dejar en blanco para usar el color primario del tema oscuro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:255
msgid "Button hover color (dark theme)"
msgstr "Color del botón al pasar sobre él (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:274
msgid "Button text color (dark theme)"
msgstr "Color de texto del botón (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:294
msgid "Label text opacity"
msgstr "Opacidad de texto de la etiqueta"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:295
msgid "1 = black, 0 = transparent, default = 0.5"
msgstr "1 = negro, 0 = transparente, por defecto = 0.5"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:312
msgid "Normal text opacity"
msgstr "Opacidad normal del texto"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:313
msgid "1 = black, 0 = transparent, default = 0.87"
msgstr "1 = negro, 0 = transparente, por defecto = 0.87"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:330
msgid "Label text opacity (dark theme)"
msgstr "Opacidad de texto de la etiqueta (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:331
msgid "1 = white, 0 = transparent, default = 0.72"
msgstr "1 = blanco, 0 = transparente, por defecto = 0.72"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:348
msgid "Normal text opacity (dark theme)"
msgstr "Opacidad normal del texto (tema oscuro)"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:349
msgid "1 = white, 0 = transparent, default = 1"
msgstr "1 = blanco, 0 = transparente, por defecto = 1"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:366
msgid "Base font size"
msgstr "Tamaño base de la fuente"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:367
msgid "Resize labels, help text etc. Text inputs and select fields can not be resized except by changing the font-size of your html tag, which is recommended to be set at 16px."
msgstr "Cambiar tamaño de etiquetas, texto de ayuda, etc. Las cajas de texto y menús de selección no se pueden cambiar de tamaño excepto cambiando el tamaño de fuente de su etiqueta html, la cual se recomienda ser ajustada a 16px."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:392
msgid "Font family"
msgstr "Familia tipográfica"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:393
msgid "Optionally choose to use a font from your current theme. Fonts not showing up? Try refreshing."
msgstr "Opcionalmente elija usar una fuente de su tema actual. ¿No se muestran las fuentes? Intente actualizar."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:408,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:425
msgid "Custom CSS"
msgstr "CSS Personalizado"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:418,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-customizer.php:426
msgid "Add any custom CSS here. This will work even in the free version."
msgstr "Agregue aquí cualquier CSS personalizado, Funcionará incluso en la versión gratis."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:85
msgid "Plugin Settings"
msgstr "Ajustes del Plugin"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:90
msgid "Legacy styles"
msgstr "Estilos heredados"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:99
msgid "Use legacy styles"
msgstr "Usar estilos heredados"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:102
msgid "Material Design was recently updated to use boxed and outlined fields, rather than the classic underlined fields. This is a large design and code change. Activating legacy styles will force the plugin to use the legacy code for underlined fields. This is a site-wide setting."
msgstr "Material Design fue actualizado recientemente para usar campos delineados y recuadros, en lugar de los clásicos campos subrayados. Esto es un gran cambio de diseño y código. Activar estilos heredados obligará al plugin a usar código heredado para campos subrayados. Este es un ajuste a nivel de sitio."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:106
msgid "Upgrading from version 1"
msgstr "Actualizar desde la versión 1"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:107
msgid "If you're upgrading from version 1 of this plugin, there are a few things you should know before moving to the new styles."
msgstr "Si está actualizando desde la versión 1 de este plugin, hay algunas cosas que debería saber antes de cambiarse a los nuevos estilos."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:109
msgid "The font-size settings in the customizer work slightly differently, as the new material fields cannot be easily resized, only the text around them will be resized."
msgstr "Los ajustes de tamaño de fuente en el personalizador funciona ligeramente diferente, ya que los nuevos campos materiales no pueden cambiar de tamaño fácilmente, solo el texto en torno a ellos cambiará de tamaño."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:110
msgid "Radio fields can no longer be turned into switches, only checkboxes can be switches."
msgstr "Los botones de radio ya no pueden ser convertidos en interruptores, solo las casillas de verificación pueden ser interruptores."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:111
msgid "You now have the option to use the outlined variants of text and select fields instead of the default boxed variant."
msgstr "Ahora tiene la opción de usar las versiones de texto con contorno y menús de selección en lugar de la variante en recuadro por defecto."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:113
msgid "Once you've turned off the switch above, check that your forms all still look and function as you'd expect. If you think there's a bug, please post a message in the support forum."
msgstr "Una vez que haya apagado el interruptor anterior, revisar que sus todos formularios todavía se vean y funcionen como usted espera. Si piensa que hay un error, por favor publique un mensaje en el foro de soporte."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:114
msgid "If you liked the old styles better than the new styles, you can reactivate the switch above to continue to use the old styles and v1 plugin code. Note though that v1 will not receive updates other than bug fixes, and v1 is not translated."
msgstr "Si le gustaban los estilos antiguos más que los nuevos, puede reactivar el interruptor anterior para continuar usando los estilos antiguos y el código de la v1 del plugin. Debe notar que la v1 no recibirá otro tipo de actualizaciones más que corrección de errores, y la v1 no está traducida."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:118,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:170
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Guardar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:150
msgid "Thanks for installing!"
msgstr "¡Gracias por instalar!"

#. translators: %1$s: "Material Design for Contact Form 7", %2$s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:154
msgid "%1$s lets you style your forms with Google's %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s le permite estilizar sus formularios con %2$s de Google"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:159
msgid "Getting Started"
msgstr "Empezando"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:160
msgid "This plugin provides a set of shortcodes that wrap your existing Contact Form 7 form tags in the form editor. When you wrap a form tag in one of these shortcodes, its output is changed to Material Design."
msgstr "Este plugin proporciona un conjunto de shortcodes que rodean sus formularios existentes de Contact Form 7 en el editor de formulario. Cuando rodea una etiqueta de formulario con uno de estos shortcodes, su resultado es cambiado a Material Design."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:163
msgid "Quick Start"
msgstr "Inicio Rápido"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:164
msgid "Fastest track to a working form"
msgstr "Vía más rápida para un formulario funcional"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:168
msgid "Add a new form"
msgstr "Agregue nuevo formulario"

#. translators: %s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:169
msgid "Delete everything from the form editor, and instead copy the example form code from the %s meta-box into the editor."
msgstr "Borrar todo en el editor de formulario, y en su lugar copiar el código del formulario de ejemplo desde el meta-cuadro de %s al editor."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:171
msgid "Copy your form shortcode (under the form title) and paste it into a page (or post, widget, etc)."
msgstr "Copiar su shortcode de formulario (debajo del título de formulario) y pegarlo en una página (o entrada, widget, etc.)."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:172
msgid "Save and preview the page."
msgstr "Guarde y haga una vista previa de la página."

#. translators: %s: "Material Design"
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:176
msgid "After that, you can customize your form to your liking. Click the %s button alongside the CF7 form tag buttons to automatically generate shortcodes for the different field types."
msgstr "Después de esto, puede personalizar su formulario a gusto. Clic en el botón %s junto a los botones de etiqueta del formulario de CF7 para generar shortcodes automáticamente para los diferentes tipos de campos."

#. translators: %s: Plugin name
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:177
msgid "We also recommend installing the %s plugin for easier form development."
msgstr "También recomendamos instalar el plugin %s para un desarrollo más fácil de formularios."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:179
msgid "All shortcodes are documented in the help tab (top right of the screen) on the form editor page."
msgstr "Todos los shortcodes están documentados en la pestaña de ayuda (parte superior derecha de la pantalla) en la página del editor de formulario."

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:181
msgid "Confused? Something doesn't look right? Have a specific question? Make a post in the %s support forum %s and I'll help you out."
msgstr "¿Confundido(a)? ¿Algo no se ve bien? ¿Tiene alguna pregunta en específico? Cree una entrada en el %s foro de soporte %s y le ayudaré."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:182
msgid "Custom colors and fonts"
msgstr "Colores y fuentes personalizadas"

#. translators: %s: Hyperlink
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:183
msgid "Customizing colors and fonts is a pro feature, but you can %s try it out for free in the customizer %s. Your changes just won't be saved unless you upgrade."
msgstr "Personalizar los colores y las fuentes es una característica pro, pero puede %s probar de forma gratis en el personalizador%s. Solamente sus cambios no serán guardados a menos que actualice."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:184
msgid "Like this plugin? Rate it!"
msgstr "¿Le gusta este plugin? ¡Califíquelo!"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:185
msgid "Leave a 5 star review"
msgstr "Deje una reseña de 5 estrellas"

#. translators: %s: Cost
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:195
msgid "Upgrade to Pro for %s"
msgstr "Actualice a Pro por %s"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:199
msgid "And unlock all these extra features"
msgstr "Y libere todas estas características extra"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:207
msgid "Customize the colors and fonts to suit your theme."
msgstr "Personalice los colores y las fuentes para que se ajusten a su tema."

#. translators: %1$s: open hyperlink, %2$s: close hyperlink, %3$s: shortcode
#. translators: %1$s: open hyperlink, %2$s: close hyperlink, %3$s: shortcode
#. translators: %1$s: open hyperlink, %2$s: close hyperlink, %3$s: shortcode
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:218,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:273,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:309
msgid "Turn checkboxes into %1$s switches %2$s using %3$s."
msgstr "Convierta las casillas de verificación en %1$s interruptores %2$s usando %3$s."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:231
msgid "Add icons to text and select fields."
msgstr "Agregue íconos al texto y menús de selección."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:239,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:280
msgid "Easily organize your fields into columns."
msgstr "Organice fácilmente sus campos en columnas."

#. translators: %s: shortcode
#. translators: %s: shortcode
#. translators: %s: shortcode
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:250,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:284,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:327
msgid "Group fields into sections with the %s shortcode."
msgstr "Agrupe campos en selecciones con el shortcode%s."

#. translators: %s: Cost
#. translators: %s: Cost
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:261,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:293
msgid "Upgrade now for %s"
msgstr "Actualice ahora por %s"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:267
msgid "All Pro Benefits"
msgstr "Todos los Beneficios Pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:279,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:315
msgid "Add icons to your text and select fields."
msgstr "Agregue íconos al texto y menús de selección."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:288
msgid "Faster support, directly through email."
msgstr "Soporte más rápido, directamente por correo electrónico."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:300
msgid "You have the pro version"
msgstr "Usted posee la versión pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:301
msgid "Start using pro features now!"
msgstr "¡Comience a utilizar las características pro ahora!"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:305
msgid "Customize the colors and fonts"
msgstr "Personalice los colores y las fuentes"

#. translators: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s: attribute
#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:319
msgid "Use the %1$s, %2$s and %3$s attributes on your shortcodes to arrange them into columns"
msgstr "Usar los atributos %1$s, %2$s y %3$s en sus shortcodes para organizarlos en columnas"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:332
msgid "Email me (Angus) directly for support"
msgstr "Enviarme un correo electrónico (Angus) directamente para soporte"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-page.php:334
msgid "See documentation on form editor screen"
msgstr "Ver documentación en la pantalla del editor de formulario"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:31,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:297
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:37
msgid "Help text"
msgstr "Texto de ayuda"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:38
msgid "This will appear below the field"
msgstr "Esto aparecerá debajo del campo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:44
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ícono"

#. translators: %1$s hyperlink, %2$s: "Material Design", %3$s: end of hyperlink, %4$s: Icon name
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:48
msgid "Optionally enter the name of a %1$s %2$s Icon%3$s. E.g. <code>%4$s</code>."
msgstr "Opcionalmente ingrese el nombre de un %1$s %2$s Ícono%3$s. E.g. <code>%4$s</code>."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:60,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:340
msgid "Outlined"
msgstr "Delineado"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:61
msgid "Use outlined variant"
msgstr "Usar la variante delineada"

#. translators: As in vertical
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:68
msgid "Stacked"
msgstr "Apilado"

#. translators: As in side-by-side
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:69
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "En línea"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:70,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:71,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:72
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Columnas"

#. translators: As in layout
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:74
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Visualizar"

#. translators: As in laptop
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:80
msgid "Desktop width"
msgstr "Ancho en escritorio"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:81
msgid "How many columns out of 12 should this element occupy on large screens?"
msgstr "¿Cuántas columnas de un total de 12 debería ocupar este elemento en pantallas amplias?"

#. translators: As in iPad
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:88
msgid "Tablet width"
msgstr "Ancho en tableta"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:89
msgid "How many columns out of 8 should this element occupy on tablet-sized screens?"
msgstr "¿Cuántas columnas de un total de 8 debería ocupar este elemento en pantallas de tamaño tableta?"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:96
msgid "Mobile width"
msgstr "Ancho en móvil"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:97
msgid "How many columns out of 4 should this element occupy on mobile-sized screens?"
msgstr "¿Cuántas columnas de un total de 4 debería ocupar este elemento en pantallas de tamaño móvil?"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:110
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulario"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:111
msgid "Wraps your entire form."
msgstr "Rodea su formulario por completo."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:114
msgid "all your other form tags and shortcodes go here"
msgstr "todas sus otras etiquetas y shortcodes de formulario van aquí"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:119
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:120
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Oscuro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:122
msgid "The dark theme is useful when your form is on a dark background"
msgstr "El tema oscuro es útil cuando su formulario se encuentra en un fondo oscuro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:127
msgid "Spacing"
msgstr "Espaciado"

#. translators: As in close-together
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:128
msgid "Tight"
msgstr "Ajustado"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:130
msgid "Reduce the vertical spacing between items?"
msgstr "¿Reducir el espaciado vertical entre los elementos?"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:138
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texto"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:141
msgid "Wraps %s, %s, %s, %s, %s and %s form tags."
msgstr "Rodea etiquetas de formulario %s, %s, %s, %s, %s y %s."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:153
msgid "Text area"
msgstr "Área de texto"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#. translators: %s: form tag type
#. translators: %s: form tag type
#. translators: %s: form tag type
#. translators: %s: form tag type
#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:156,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:195,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:210,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:241,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:312,
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:327
msgid "Wraps your %s form tags."
msgstr "Rodea sus etiquetas de formulario %s."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:164
msgid "Autosize"
msgstr "Tamaño automático"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:165
msgid "Automatically expand as the user types"
msgstr "Expandir automáticamente a medida que el usuario escribe"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:177
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Seleccionar"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:180
msgid "Wraps your %s and %s form tags."
msgstr "Rodea sus etiquetas de formulario %s y %s."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:192
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Casilla de verificación"

#. translators: As in switch form control
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:222
msgid "Switch"
msgstr "Interruptor"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:225
msgid "Turn %s into switches."
msgstr "Convertir botones de %s en interruptores."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:238
msgid "Acceptance"
msgstr "Aceptación"

#. translators: As in terms and conditions
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:249
msgid "Terms"
msgstr "Términos"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:251
msgid "The terms to which the user must agree. NOTE: If the CF7 acceptance tag has content, that content will override this terms attribute."
msgstr "Los términos a los cuales el usuario debe estar de acuerdo. NOTA: Si la etiqueta de aceptación de CF7 tiene contenido, ese contenido ignorará este atributo de términos."

#. translators: As in a file on your computer
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:263
msgid "File"
msgstr "Archivo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:264
msgid "Wraps your file upload form tags."
msgstr "Rodea sus etiquetas del formulario de carga de archivo."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:269,
#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:574
msgid "No file chosen"
msgstr "Ningún archivo seleccionado"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:270
msgid "No file text"
msgstr "Ningún texto para el archivo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:272
msgid "The text shown before a file is chosen."
msgstr "El texto mostrado antes de seleccionar un archivo."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:276,
#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:575
msgid "Choose file"
msgstr "Seleccione archivo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:277
msgid "Button text"
msgstr "Texto del botón"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:289
msgid "Quiz"
msgstr "Cuestionario"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:290
msgid "Wraps your quiz form tags."
msgstr "Rodea sus etiquetas del formulario de cuestionario."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:299
msgid "This label will appear above the field. The quiz question will appear in the floating label."
msgstr "Esta etiqueta aparecerá sobre el campo. El cuestionario aparecerá en una etiqueta flotante."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:309
msgid "Captcha"
msgstr "Captcha"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:324
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:335
msgid "Button style"
msgstr "Estilo del botón"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:338
msgid "Raised"
msgstr "Elevado"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:339
msgid "Unelevated"
msgstr "No elevado"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:348
msgid "one or more %s or %s form tags go here"
msgstr "una o más etiquetas de formulario %s o %s van aquí"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:357
msgid "Card"
msgstr "Ficha"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:358
msgid "Group elements into sections with cards."
msgstr "Agrupar elementos en secciones con fichas."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:364
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:370
msgid "Subtitle"
msgstr "Subtítulo"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:376
msgid "Title size"
msgstr "Tamaño del título"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:377
msgid "Larger title"
msgstr "Título más grande"

#. translators: %s: shortcode type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:384
msgid "one or more %s shortcodes or other elements go here"
msgstr "uno o más %s shortcodes u otros elementos van aquí"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:394
msgid "Raw"
msgstr "Sin procesar"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:395
msgid "Wraps html or any miscellaneous elements."
msgstr "Rodea html o cualquier elemento misceláneo."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:398
msgid "any raw html or miscellaneous elements go here"
msgstr "cualquier html sin procesar o elemento misceláneo va aquí"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:406
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Cuadrícula"

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:409
msgid "Fixes layout for non-immediate children of %s or %s."
msgstr "Fija el diseño para hijos no-inmediatos de %s o %s."

#. translators: %s: form tag type
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:416
msgid "%s shortcodes go here"
msgstr "%s shortcodes van aquí"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:422
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Texto de ayuda"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:461
msgid "Upgrade to pro"
msgstr "Actualizar a pro"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:461
msgid "to use this feature."
msgstr "para usar esta característica."

#. translators: mobile as in cell phone
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:586
msgid "mobile-sized"
msgstr "tamaño móvil"

#. translators: tablet as in ipad
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:590
msgid "tablet-sized"
msgstr "tamaño tableta"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:595
msgid "large"
msgstr "amplia"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:602
msgid "Layout Attributes"
msgstr "Atributos de Diseño"

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:603
msgid "Layout attributes let you organize your form fields into columns. You can control how wide each field is on mobile, tablet and large screens."
msgstr "Los atributos de diseño le permiten organizar sus campos de formulario en columnas. Puede controlar que tan ancho es el campo en móviles, tabletas y pantallas amplias."

#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:607
msgid "Layout attributes are a pro feature."
msgstr "Los atributos de diseño son una característica pro."

#. translators: %1$s: "all" or a fraction like "half", %2$s: screen size (mobile, tablet, desktop)
#: admin/cf7-material-design-shortcode-generator.php:620
msgid "This element will occupy %1$s of the available horizontal space on %2$s screens."
msgstr "Este elemento ocupará %1$s del espacio horizontal disponible en %2$s pantallas."

#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:116,
#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:116
msgid "Edit form styles."
msgstr "Editar estilos de formulario."

#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:122
msgid "Only admins can see this message"
msgstr "Solo los administradores pueden ver este mensaje"

#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:122
msgid "Customize your form's colors and fonts"
msgstr "Personalizar los colores y fuentes de su formulario"

#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:123,
#: public/cf7-material-design-public.php:123
msgid "Don't show this again"
msgstr "No mostrar esto otra vez"