File "Assertion.php"

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File size: 118.24 KB
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 * Assert
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
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namespace Assert;

use ArrayAccess;
use BadMethodCallException;
use Countable;
use DateTime;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionException;
use ResourceBundle;
use SimpleXMLElement;
use Throwable;
use Traversable;

 * Assert library.
 * @author Benjamin Eberlei <>
 * @method static bool allAlnum(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is alphanumeric for all values.
 * @method static bool allBase64(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined for all values.
 * @method static bool allBetween(mixed[] $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allBetweenExclusive(mixed[] $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allBetweenLength(mixed[] $value, int $minLength, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string length is between min and max lengths for all values.
 * @method static bool allBoolean(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is php boolean for all values.
 * @method static bool allChoice(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices for all values.
 * @method static bool allChoicesNotEmpty(array[] $values, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content for all values.
 * @method static bool allClassExists(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allContains(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string contains a sequence of chars for all values.
 * @method static bool allCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the count of countable is equal to count for all values.
 * @method static bool allDate(string[] $value, string $format, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format for all values.
 * @method static bool allDefined(mixed[] $constant, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined for all values.
 * @method static bool allDigit(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit for all values.
 * @method static bool allDirectory(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a directory exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allE164(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number for all values.
 * @method static bool allEmail(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) for all values.
 * @method static bool allEndsWith(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars for all values.
 * @method static bool allEq(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are equal (using ==) for all values.
 * @method static bool allEqArraySubset(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the array contains the subset for all values.
 * @method static bool allExtensionLoaded(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded for all values.
 * @method static bool allExtensionVersion(string[] $extension, string $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed for all values.
 * @method static bool allFalse(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean False for all values.
 * @method static bool allFile(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a file exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allFloat(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php float for all values.
 * @method static bool allGreaterOrEqualThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allGreaterThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater than given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allImplementsInterface(mixed[] $class, string $interfaceName, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class implements the interface for all values.
 * @method static bool allInArray(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. This is an alias of Assertion::choice() for all values.
 * @method static bool allInteger(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer for all values.
 * @method static bool allIntegerish(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer'ish for all values.
 * @method static bool allInterfaceExists(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the interface exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allIp(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address for all values.
 * @method static bool allIpv4(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 address for all values.
 * @method static bool allIpv6(string[] $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv6 address for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsArray(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsArrayAccessible(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsCallable(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is callable for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsCountable(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is countable for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsInstanceOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is instance of given class-name for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsJsonString(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid json string for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsObject(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is an object for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsResource(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a resource for all values.
 * @method static bool allIsTraversable(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or a traversable object for all values.
 * @method static bool allKeyExists(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array for all values.
 * @method static bool allKeyIsset(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset() for all values.
 * @method static bool allKeyNotExists(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key does not exist in an array for all values.
 * @method static bool allLength(mixed[] $value, int $length, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string has a given length for all values.
 * @method static bool allLessOrEqualThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allLessThan(mixed[] $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less than given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allMax(mixed[] $value, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allMaxCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at most $count elements for all values.
 * @method static bool allMaxLength(mixed[] $value, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars for all values.
 * @method static bool allMethodExists(string[] $value, mixed $object, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object for all values.
 * @method static bool allMin(mixed[] $value, mixed $minValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit for all values.
 * @method static bool allMinCount(array[]|Countable[]|ResourceBundle[]|SimpleXMLElement[] $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at least $count elements for all values.
 * @method static bool allMinLength(mixed[] $value, int $minLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long for all values.
 * @method static bool allNoContent(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is empty for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotBlank(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not blank for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotContains(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotEmpty(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not empty for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotEmptyKey(mixed[] $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotEq(mixed[] $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not equal (using ==) for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotInArray(mixed[] $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not in array of choices for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotIsInstanceOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not instance of given class-name for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotNull(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not null for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotRegex(mixed[] $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value does not match a regex for all values.
 * @method static bool allNotSame(mixed[] $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not the same (using ===) for all values.
 * @method static bool allNull(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is null for all values.
 * @method static bool allNumeric(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is numeric for all values.
 * @method static bool allObjectOrClass(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allPhpVersion(string[] $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert on PHP version for all values.
 * @method static bool allPropertiesExist(mixed[] $value, array $properties, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist for all values.
 * @method static bool allPropertyExists(mixed[] $value, string $property, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists for all values.
 * @method static bool allRange(mixed[] $value, mixed $minValue, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in range of numbers for all values.
 * @method static bool allReadable(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something readable for all values.
 * @method static bool allRegex(mixed[] $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value matches a regex for all values.
 * @method static bool allSame(mixed[] $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are the same (using ===) for all values.
 * @method static bool allSatisfy(mixed[] $value, callable $callback, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback for all values.
 * @method static bool allScalar(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a PHP scalar for all values.
 * @method static bool allStartsWith(mixed[] $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars for all values.
 * @method static bool allString(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a string for all values.
 * @method static bool allSubclassOf(mixed[] $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is subclass of given class-name for all values.
 * @method static bool allTrue(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean True for all values.
 * @method static bool allUniqueValues(array[] $values, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that values in array are unique (using strict equality) for all values.
 * @method static bool allUrl(mixed[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an URL for all values.
 * @method static bool allUuid(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid UUID for all values.
 * @method static bool allVersion(string[] $version1, string $operator, string $version2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert comparison of two versions for all values.
 * @method static bool allWriteable(string[] $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something writeable for all values.
 * @method static bool nullOrAlnum(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is alphanumeric or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrBase64(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrBetween(mixed|null $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrBetweenExclusive(mixed|null $value, mixed $lowerLimit, mixed $upperLimit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrBetweenLength(mixed|null $value, int $minLength, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string length is between min and max lengths or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrBoolean(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is php boolean or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrChoice(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrChoicesNotEmpty(array|null $values, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrClassExists(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrContains(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string contains a sequence of chars or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the count of countable is equal to count or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrDate(string|null $value, string $format, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrDefined(mixed|null $constant, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a constant is defined or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrDigit(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrDirectory(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a directory exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrE164(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrEmail(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrEndsWith(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrEq(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are equal (using ==) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrEqArraySubset(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the array contains the subset or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrExtensionLoaded(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrExtensionVersion(string|null $extension, string $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrFalse(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean False or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrFile(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a file exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrFloat(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php float or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrGreaterOrEqualThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrGreaterThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is greater than given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrImplementsInterface(mixed|null $class, string $interfaceName, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the class implements the interface or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrInArray(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in array of choices. This is an alias of Assertion::choice() or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrInteger(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIntegerish(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a php integer'ish or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrInterfaceExists(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the interface exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIp(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIpv4(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv4 address or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIpv6(string|null $value, int $flag = null, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an IPv6 address or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsArray(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsArrayAccessible(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsCallable(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is callable or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsCountable(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is countable or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsInstanceOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is instance of given class-name or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsJsonString(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid json string or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsObject(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the provided value is an object or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsResource(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a resource or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrIsTraversable(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an array or a traversable object or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrKeyExists(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrKeyIsset(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset() or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrKeyNotExists(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key does not exist in an array or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrLength(mixed|null $value, int $length, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string has a given length or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrLessOrEqualThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrLessThan(mixed|null $value, mixed $limit, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines if the value is less than given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMax(mixed|null $value, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMaxCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at most $count elements or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMaxLength(mixed|null $value, int $maxLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMethodExists(string|null $value, mixed $object, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMin(mixed|null $value, mixed $minValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMinCount(array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement|null $countable, int $count, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the countable have at least $count elements or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrMinLength(mixed|null $value, int $minLength, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNoContent(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is empty or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotBlank(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not blank or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotContains(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotEmpty(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not empty or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotEmptyKey(mixed|null $value, string|int $key, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotEq(mixed|null $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not equal (using ==) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotInArray(mixed|null $value, array $choices, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not in array of choices or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotIsInstanceOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not instance of given class-name or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotNull(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is not null or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotRegex(mixed|null $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value does not match a regex or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNotSame(mixed|null $value1, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are not the same (using ===) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNull(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is null or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrNumeric(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is numeric or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrObjectOrClass(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrPhpVersion(string|null $operator, mixed $version, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert on PHP version or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrPropertiesExist(mixed|null $value, array $properties, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrPropertyExists(mixed|null $value, string $property, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrRange(mixed|null $value, mixed $minValue, mixed $maxValue, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is in range of numbers or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrReadable(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something readable or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrRegex(mixed|null $value, string $pattern, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value matches a regex or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrSame(mixed|null $value, mixed $value2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that two values are the same (using ===) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrSatisfy(mixed|null $value, callable $callback, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrScalar(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a PHP scalar or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrStartsWith(mixed|null $string, string $needle, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, string $encoding = 'utf8') Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrString(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is a string or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrSubclassOf(mixed|null $value, string $className, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is subclass of given class-name or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrTrue(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is boolean True or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrUniqueValues(array|null $values, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that values in array are unique (using strict equality) or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrUrl(mixed|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that value is an URL or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrUuid(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the given string is a valid UUID or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrVersion(string|null $version1, string $operator, string $version2, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert comparison of two versions or that the value is null.
 * @method static bool nullOrWriteable(string|null $value, string|callable $message = null, string $propertyPath = null) Assert that the value is something writeable or that the value is null.
class Assertion
    const INVALID_FLOAT = 9;
    const INVALID_INTEGER = 10;
    const INVALID_DIGIT = 11;
    const INVALID_INTEGERISH = 12;
    const INVALID_BOOLEAN = 13;
    const VALUE_EMPTY = 14;
    const VALUE_NULL = 15;
    const VALUE_NOT_NULL = 25;
    const INVALID_STRING = 16;
    const INVALID_REGEX = 17;
    const INVALID_MIN_LENGTH = 18;
    const INVALID_MAX_LENGTH = 19;
    const INVALID_STRING_START = 20;
    const INVALID_CHOICE = 22;
    const INVALID_NUMERIC = 23;
    const INVALID_ARRAY = 24;
    const INVALID_KEY_EXISTS = 26;
    const INVALID_NOT_BLANK = 27;
    const INVALID_INSTANCE_OF = 28;
    const INVALID_SUBCLASS_OF = 29;
    const INVALID_RANGE = 30;
    const INVALID_ALNUM = 31;
    const INVALID_TRUE = 32;
    const INVALID_EQ = 33;
    const INVALID_SAME = 34;
    const INVALID_MIN = 35;
    const INVALID_MAX = 36;
    const INVALID_LENGTH = 37;
    const INVALID_FALSE = 38;
    const INVALID_STRING_END = 39;
    const INVALID_UUID = 40;
    const INVALID_COUNT = 41;
    const INVALID_NOT_EQ = 42;
    const INVALID_NOT_SAME = 43;
    const INVALID_KEY_ISSET = 46;
    const INVALID_VALUE_IN_ARRAY = 47;
    const INVALID_E164 = 48;
    const INVALID_BASE64 = 49;
    const INVALID_NOT_REGEX = 50;
    const INVALID_DIRECTORY = 101;
    const INVALID_FILE = 102;
    const INVALID_READABLE = 103;
    const INVALID_WRITEABLE = 104;
    const INVALID_CLASS = 105;
    const INVALID_INTERFACE = 106;
    const INVALID_FILE_NOT_EXISTS = 107;
    const INVALID_EMAIL = 201;
    const INVALID_URL = 203;
    const INVALID_NOT_INSTANCE_OF = 204;
    const VALUE_NOT_EMPTY = 205;
    const INVALID_JSON_STRING = 206;
    const INVALID_OBJECT = 207;
    const INVALID_METHOD = 208;
    const INVALID_SCALAR = 209;
    const INVALID_LESS = 210;
    const INVALID_LESS_OR_EQUAL = 211;
    const INVALID_GREATER = 212;
    const INVALID_DATE = 214;
    const INVALID_CALLABLE = 215;
    const INVALID_KEY_NOT_EXISTS = 216;
    const INVALID_SATISFY = 217;
    const INVALID_IP = 218;
    const INVALID_BETWEEN = 219;
    const INVALID_EXTENSION = 222;
    const INVALID_CONSTANT = 221;
    const INVALID_VERSION = 223;
    const INVALID_PROPERTY = 224;
    const INVALID_RESOURCE = 225;
    const INVALID_COUNTABLE = 226;
    const INVALID_MIN_COUNT = 227;
    const INVALID_MAX_COUNT = 228;
    const INVALID_UNIQUE_VALUES = 230;

     * Exception to throw when an assertion failed.
     * @var string
    protected static $exceptionClass = InvalidArgumentException::class;

     * Assert that two values are equal (using ==).
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $value2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function eq($value, $value2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value != $value2) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" does not equal expected value "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_EQ, $propertyPath, ['expected' => $value2]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the array contains the subset.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $value2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function eqArraySubset($value, $value2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::isArray($value, $message, $propertyPath);
        static::isArray($value2, $message, $propertyPath);

        $patched = \array_replace_recursive($value, $value2);
        static::eq($patched, $value, $message, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that two values are the same (using ===).
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $value2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-template ExpectedType
     * @psalm-param ExpectedType $value2
     * @psalm-assert =ExpectedType $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function same($value, $value2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value !== $value2) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not the same as expected value "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_SAME, $propertyPath, ['expected' => $value2]);

        return true;

     * Assert that two values are not equal (using ==).
     * @param mixed $value1
     * @param mixed $value2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notEq($value1, $value2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value1 == $value2) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was not expected to be equal to value "%s".'),
            throw static::createException($value1, $message, static::INVALID_NOT_EQ, $propertyPath, ['expected' => $value2]);

        return true;

     * Assert that two values are not the same (using ===).
     * @param mixed $value1
     * @param mixed $value2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-template ExpectedType
     * @psalm-param ExpectedType $value2
     * @psalm-assert !=ExpectedType $value1
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notSame($value1, $value2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value1 === $value2) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was not expected to be the same as value "%s".'),
            throw static::createException($value1, $message, static::INVALID_NOT_SAME, $propertyPath, ['expected' => $value2]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is not in array of choices.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notInArray($value, array $choices, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (true === \in_array($value, $choices)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was not expected to be an element of the values: %s'),
            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_VALUE_IN_ARRAY, $propertyPath, ['choices' => $choices]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a php integer.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert int $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function integer($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_int($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an integer.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_INTEGER, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a php float.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert float $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function float($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_float($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a float.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_FLOAT, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Validates if an integer or integerish is a digit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =numeric $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function digit($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\ctype_digit((string)$value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a digit.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_DIGIT, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a php integer'ish.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function integerish($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (
            \is_resource($value) ||
            \is_object($value) ||
            \is_bool($value) ||
            \is_null($value) ||
            \is_array($value) ||
            (\is_string($value) && '' == $value) ||
                \strval(\intval($value)) !== \strval($value) &&
                \strval(\intval($value)) !== \strval(\ltrim($value, '0')) &&
                '' !== \strval(\intval($value)) &&
                '' !== \strval(\ltrim($value, '0'))
        ) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an integer or a number castable to integer.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_INTEGERISH, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is php boolean.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert bool $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function boolean($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_bool($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a boolean.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_BOOLEAN, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a PHP scalar.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert scalar $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function scalar($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_scalar($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a scalar.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_SCALAR, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is not empty.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert !empty $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notEmpty($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (empty($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is empty, but non empty value was expected.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::VALUE_EMPTY, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is empty.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert empty $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function noContent($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not empty, but empty value was expected.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::VALUE_NOT_EMPTY, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is null.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert null $value
     * @return bool
    public static function null($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (null !== $value) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not null, but null value was expected.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::VALUE_NOT_NULL, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is not null.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert !null $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notNull($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (null === $value) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is null, but non null value was expected.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::VALUE_NULL, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a string.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function string($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null)
        if (!\is_string($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" expected to be string, type %s given.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_STRING, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value matches a regex.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $pattern
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function regex($value, $pattern, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\preg_match($pattern, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" does not match expression.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_REGEX, $propertyPath, ['pattern' => $pattern]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value does not match a regex.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $pattern
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert !=string $value
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notRegex($value, $pattern, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (\preg_match($pattern, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" matches expression.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_NOT_REGEX, $propertyPath, ['pattern' => $pattern]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string has a given length.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int $length
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function length($value, $length, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (\mb_strlen($value, $encoding) !== $length) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" has to be %d exactly characters long, but length is %d.'),
                \mb_strlen($value, $encoding)

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_LENGTH, $propertyPath, ['length' => $length, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a string is at least $minLength chars long.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int $minLength
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function minLength($value, $minLength, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (\mb_strlen($value, $encoding) < $minLength) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is too short, it should have at least %d characters, but only has %d characters.'),
                \mb_strlen($value, $encoding)

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_MIN_LENGTH, $propertyPath, ['min_length' => $minLength, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string value is not longer than $maxLength chars.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int $maxLength
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function maxLength($value, $maxLength, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (\mb_strlen($value, $encoding) > $maxLength) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is too long, it should have no more than %d characters, but has %d characters.'),
                \mb_strlen($value, $encoding)

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_MAX_LENGTH, $propertyPath, ['max_length' => $maxLength, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string length is between min and max lengths.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param int $minLength
     * @param int $maxLength
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function betweenLength($value, $minLength, $maxLength, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);
        static::minLength($value, $minLength, $message, $propertyPath, $encoding);
        static::maxLength($value, $maxLength, $message, $propertyPath, $encoding);

        return true;

     * Assert that string starts with a sequence of chars.
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param string $needle
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $string
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function startsWith($string, $needle, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($string, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (0 !== \mb_strpos($string, $needle, 0, $encoding)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" does not start with "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($string, $message, static::INVALID_STRING_START, $propertyPath, ['needle' => $needle, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string ends with a sequence of chars.
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param string $needle
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $string
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function endsWith($string, $needle, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($string, $message, $propertyPath);

        $stringPosition = \mb_strlen($string, $encoding) - \mb_strlen($needle, $encoding);

        if (\mb_strripos($string, $needle, 0, $encoding) !== $stringPosition) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" does not end with "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($string, $message, static::INVALID_STRING_END, $propertyPath, ['needle' => $needle, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string contains a sequence of chars.
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param string $needle
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $string
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function contains($string, $needle, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($string, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (false === \mb_strpos($string, $needle, 0, $encoding)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" does not contain "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($string, $message, static::INVALID_STRING_CONTAINS, $propertyPath, ['needle' => $needle, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that string does not contains a sequence of chars.
     * @param mixed $string
     * @param string $needle
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @param string $encoding
     * @psalm-assert =string $string
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notContains($string, $needle, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null, $encoding = 'utf8'): bool
        static::string($string, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (false !== \mb_strpos($string, $needle, 0, $encoding)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" contains "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($string, $message, static::INVALID_STRING_NOT_CONTAINS, $propertyPath, ['needle' => $needle, 'encoding' => $encoding]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is in array of choices.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function choice($value, array $choices, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\in_array($value, $choices, true)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an element of the valid values: %s'),
                \implode(', ', \array_map([\get_called_class(), 'stringify'], $choices))

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_CHOICE, $propertyPath, ['choices' => $choices]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is in array of choices.
     * This is an alias of {@see choice()}.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function inArray($value, array $choices, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        return static::choice($value, $choices, $message, $propertyPath);

     * Assert that value is numeric.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert numeric $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function numeric($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_numeric($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not numeric.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_NUMERIC, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is a resource.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert resource $value
     * @return bool
    public static function isResource($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_resource($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a resource.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_RESOURCE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an array.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert array $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isArray($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_array($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an array.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_ARRAY, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an array or a traversable object.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert iterable $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isTraversable($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_array($value) && !$value instanceof Traversable) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an array and does not implement Traversable.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_TRAVERSABLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an array or an array-accessible object.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isArrayAccessible($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_array($value) && !$value instanceof ArrayAccess) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an array and does not implement ArrayAccess.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_ARRAY_ACCESSIBLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is countable.
     * @param array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert countable $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isCountable($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (\function_exists('is_countable')) {
            $assert = \is_countable($value);
        } else {
            $assert = \is_array($value) || $value instanceof Countable || $value instanceof ResourceBundle || $value instanceof SimpleXMLElement;

        if (!$assert) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not an array and does not implement Countable.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_COUNTABLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that key exists in an array.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|int $key
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function keyExists($value, $key, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::isArray($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\array_key_exists($key, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Array does not contain an element with key "%s"'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_KEY_EXISTS, $propertyPath, ['key' => $key]);

        return true;

     * Assert that key does not exist in an array.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|int $key
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function keyNotExists($value, $key, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::isArray($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (\array_key_exists($key, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Array contains an element with key "%s"'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_KEY_NOT_EXISTS, $propertyPath, ['key' => $key]);

        return true;

     * Assert that values in array are unique (using strict equality).
     * @param mixed[] $values
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function uniqueValues(array $values, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
            if (\array_search($value, $values, true) !== $key) {
                $message = \sprintf(
                    static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" occurs more than once in array'),

                throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_UNIQUE_VALUES, $propertyPath, ['value' => $value]);

        return true;

     * Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object using isset().
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|int $key
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function keyIsset($value, $key, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::isArrayAccessible($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!isset($value[$key])) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'The element with key "%s" was not found'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_KEY_ISSET, $propertyPath, ['key' => $key]);

        return true;

     * Assert that key exists in an array/array-accessible object and its value is not empty.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|int $key
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notEmptyKey($value, $key, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::keyIsset($value, $key, $message, $propertyPath);
        static::notEmpty($value[$key], $message, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is not blank.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notBlank($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (false === $value || (empty($value) && '0' != $value) || (\is_string($value) && '' === \trim($value))) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is blank, but was expected to contain a value.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_NOT_BLANK, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is instance of given class-name.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $className
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-template ExpectedType of object
     * @psalm-param class-string<ExpectedType> $className
     * @psalm-assert ExpectedType $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isInstanceOf($value, $className, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!($value instanceof $className)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" was expected to be instanceof of "%s" but is not.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_INSTANCE_OF, $propertyPath, ['class' => $className]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is not instance of given class-name.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $className
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-template ExpectedType of object
     * @psalm-param class-string<ExpectedType> $className
     * @psalm-assert !ExpectedType $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function notIsInstanceOf($value, $className, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value instanceof $className) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" was not expected to be instanceof of "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_NOT_INSTANCE_OF, $propertyPath, ['class' => $className]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is subclass of given class-name.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $className
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function subclassOf($value, $className, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_subclass_of($value, $className)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" was expected to be subclass of "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_SUBCLASS_OF, $propertyPath, ['class' => $className]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is in range of numbers.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $minValue
     * @param mixed $maxValue
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =numeric $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function range($value, $minValue, $maxValue, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::numeric($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if ($value < $minValue || $value > $maxValue) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Number "%s" was expected to be at least "%d" and at most "%d".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_RANGE, $propertyPath, ['min' => $minValue, 'max' => $maxValue]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a value is at least as big as a given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $minValue
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =numeric $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function min($value, $minValue, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::numeric($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if ($value < $minValue) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Number "%s" was expected to be at least "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_MIN, $propertyPath, ['min' => $minValue]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a number is smaller as a given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $maxValue
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =numeric $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function max($value, $maxValue, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::numeric($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if ($value > $maxValue) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Number "%s" was expected to be at most "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_MAX, $propertyPath, ['max' => $maxValue]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a file exists.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function file($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);
        static::notEmpty($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\is_file($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'File "%s" was expected to exist.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_FILE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that a directory exists.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function directory($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\is_dir($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Path "%s" was expected to be a directory.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_DIRECTORY, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is something readable.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function readable($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\is_readable($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Path "%s" was expected to be readable.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_READABLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is something writeable.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function writeable($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\is_writable($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Path "%s" was expected to be writeable.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_WRITEABLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an email address (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL).
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function email($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was expected to be a valid e-mail address.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_EMAIL, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an URL.
     * This code snipped was taken from the Symfony project and modified to the special demands of this method.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
     * @see
     * @see
    public static function url($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        $protocols = ['http', 'https'];

        $pattern = '~^
            (%s)://                                                             # protocol
            (([\.\pL\pN-]+:)?([\.\pL\pN-]+)@)?                                  # basic auth
                ([\pL\pN\pS\-\.])+(\.?([\pL\pN]|xn\-\-[\pL\pN-]+)+\.?)          # a domain name
                |                                                               # or
                \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}                              # an IP address
                |                                                               # or
                \]                                                              # an IPv6 address
            (:[0-9]+)?                                                          # a port (optional)
            (?:/ (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'()*+,;=:@]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )*          # a path
            (?:\? (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'\[\]()*+,;=:@/?]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )?   # a query (optional)
            (?:\# (?:[\pL\pN\-._\~!$&\'()*+,;=:@/?]|%%[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})* )?       # a fragment (optional)

        $pattern = \sprintf($pattern, \implode('|', $protocols));

        if (!\preg_match($pattern, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was expected to be a valid URL starting with http or https'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_URL, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is alphanumeric.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function alnum($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        try {
            static::regex($value, '(^([a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9]*)$)', $message, $propertyPath);
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not alphanumeric, starting with letters and containing only letters and numbers.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_ALNUM, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is boolean True.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert true $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function true($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (true !== $value) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not TRUE.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_TRUE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is boolean False.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert false $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function false($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (false !== $value) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not FALSE.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_FALSE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the class exists.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert class-string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function classExists($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\class_exists($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" does not exist.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_CLASS, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the interface exists.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert class-string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function interfaceExists($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\interface_exists($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Interface "%s" does not exist.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_INTERFACE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the class implements the interface.
     * @param mixed $class
     * @param string $interfaceName
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function implementsInterface($class, $interfaceName, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        try {
            $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
            if (!$reflection->implementsInterface($interfaceName)) {
                $message = \sprintf(
                    static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" does not implement interface "%s".'),

                throw static::createException($class, $message, static::INTERFACE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, $propertyPath, ['interface' => $interfaceName]);
        } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" failed reflection.'),
            throw static::createException($class, $message, static::INTERFACE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, $propertyPath, ['interface' => $interfaceName]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the given string is a valid json string.
     * NOTICE:
     * Since this does a json_decode to determine its validity
     * you probably should consider, when using the variable
     * content afterwards, just to decode and check for yourself instead
     * of using this assertion.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert =string $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isJsonString($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (null === \json_decode($value) && JSON_ERROR_NONE !== \json_last_error()) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a valid JSON string.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_JSON_STRING, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the given string is a valid UUID.
     * Uses code from {@link} that is MIT licensed.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function uuid($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        $value = \str_replace(['urn:', 'uuid:', '{', '}'], '', $value);

        if ('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' === $value) {
            return true;

        if (!\preg_match('/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$/', $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a valid UUID.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_UUID, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the given string is a valid E164 Phone Number.
     * @see
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function e164($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\preg_match('/^\+?[1-9]\d{1,14}$/', $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a valid E164.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_E164, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the count of countable is equal to count.
     * @param array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement $countable
     * @param int $count
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function count($countable, $count, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($count !== \count($countable)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'List does not contain exactly %d elements (%d given).'),

            throw static::createException($countable, $message, static::INVALID_COUNT, $propertyPath, ['count' => $count]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the countable have at least $count elements.
     * @param array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement $countable
     * @param int $count
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function minCount($countable, $count, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($count > \count($countable)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'List should have at least %d elements, but has %d elements.'),

            throw static::createException($countable, $message, static::INVALID_MIN_COUNT, $propertyPath, ['count' => $count]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the countable have at most $count elements.
     * @param array|Countable|ResourceBundle|SimpleXMLElement $countable
     * @param int $count
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function maxCount($countable, $count, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($count < \count($countable)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'List should have at most %d elements, but has %d elements.'),

            throw static::createException($countable, $message, static::INVALID_MAX_COUNT, $propertyPath, ['count' => $count]);

        return true;

     * static call handler to implement:
     *  - "null or assertion" delegation
     *  - "all" delegation.
     * @param string $method
     * @param array $args
     * @return bool|mixed
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function __callStatic($method, $args)
        if (0 === \strpos($method, 'nullOr')) {
            if (!\array_key_exists(0, $args)) {
                throw new BadMethodCallException('Missing the first argument.');

            if (null === $args[0]) {
                return true;

            $method = \substr($method, 6);

            return \call_user_func_array([\get_called_class(), $method], $args);

        if (0 === \strpos($method, 'all')) {
            if (!\array_key_exists(0, $args)) {
                throw new BadMethodCallException('Missing the first argument.');


            $method = \substr($method, 3);
            $values = \array_shift($args);
            $calledClass = \get_called_class();

            foreach ($values as $value) {
                \call_user_func_array([$calledClass, $method], \array_merge([$value], $args));

            return true;

        throw new BadMethodCallException('No assertion Assertion#'.$method.' exists.');

     * Determines if the values array has every choice as key and that this choice has content.
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function choicesNotEmpty(array $values, array $choices, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::notEmpty($values, $message, $propertyPath);

        foreach ($choices as $choice) {
            static::notEmptyKey($values, $choice, $message, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Determines that the named method is defined in the provided object.
     * @param string $value
     * @param mixed $object
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function methodExists($value, $object, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::isObject($object, $message, $propertyPath);

        if (!\method_exists($object, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Expected "%s" does not exist in provided object.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_METHOD, $propertyPath, ['object' => \get_class($object)]);

        return true;

     * Determines that the provided value is an object.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert object $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isObject($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_object($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not a valid object.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_OBJECT, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Determines if the value is less than given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $limit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function lessThan($value, $limit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value >= $limit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not less than "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_LESS, $propertyPath, ['limit' => $limit]);

        return true;

     * Determines if the value is less or equal than given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $limit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function lessOrEqualThan($value, $limit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value > $limit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not less or equal than "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_LESS_OR_EQUAL, $propertyPath, ['limit' => $limit]);

        return true;

     * Determines if the value is greater than given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $limit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function greaterThan($value, $limit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value <= $limit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not greater than "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_GREATER, $propertyPath, ['limit' => $limit]);

        return true;

     * Determines if the value is greater or equal than given limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $limit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function greaterOrEqualThan($value, $limit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($value < $limit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not greater or equal than "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_GREATER_OR_EQUAL, $propertyPath, ['limit' => $limit]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a value is greater or equal than a lower limit, and less than or equal to an upper limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $lowerLimit
     * @param mixed $upperLimit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string $propertyPath
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function between($value, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($lowerLimit > $value || $value > $upperLimit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is neither greater than or equal to "%s" nor less than or equal to "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_BETWEEN, $propertyPath, ['lower' => $lowerLimit, 'upper' => $upperLimit]);

        return true;

     * Assert that a value is greater than a lower limit, and less than an upper limit.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param mixed $lowerLimit
     * @param mixed $upperLimit
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string $propertyPath
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function betweenExclusive($value, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if ($lowerLimit >= $value || $value >= $upperLimit) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is neither greater than "%s" nor less than "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_BETWEEN_EXCLUSIVE, $propertyPath, ['lower' => $lowerLimit, 'upper' => $upperLimit]);

        return true;

     * Assert that extension is loaded.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function extensionLoaded($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\extension_loaded($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Extension "%s" is required.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_EXTENSION, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that date is valid and corresponds to the given format.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string $format supports all of the options date(), except for the following:
     *                       N, w, W, t, L, o, B, a, A, g, h, I, O, P, Z, c, r
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
     * @see
    public static function date($value, $format, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);
        static::string($format, $message, $propertyPath);

        $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat('!'.$format, $value);

        if (false === $dateTime || $value !== $dateTime->format($format)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Date "%s" is invalid or does not match format "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_DATE, $propertyPath, ['format' => $format]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is an object, or a class that exists.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function objectOrClass($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_object($value)) {
            static::classExists($value, $message, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the property exists.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string $property
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function propertyExists($value, $property, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool

        if (!\property_exists($value, $property)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" does not have property "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_PROPERTY, $propertyPath, ['property' => $property]);

        return true;

     * Assert that the value is an object or class, and that the properties all exist.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function propertiesExist($value, array $properties, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::allString($properties, $message, $propertyPath);

        $invalidProperties = [];
        foreach ($properties as $property) {
            if (!\property_exists($value, $property)) {
                $invalidProperties[] = $property;

        if ($invalidProperties) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Class "%s" does not have these properties: %s.'),
                static::stringify(\implode(', ', $invalidProperties))

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_PROPERTY, $propertyPath, ['properties' => $properties]);

        return true;

     * Assert comparison of two versions.
     * @param string $version1
     * @param string $operator
     * @param string $version2
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function version($version1, $operator, $version2, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::notEmpty($operator, 'versionCompare operator is required and cannot be empty.');

        if (true !== \version_compare($version1, $version2, $operator)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Version "%s" is not "%s" version "%s".'),

            throw static::createException($version1, $message, static::INVALID_VERSION, $propertyPath, ['operator' => $operator, 'version' => $version2]);

        return true;

     * Assert on PHP version.
     * @param string $operator
     * @param mixed $version
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function phpVersion($operator, $version, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool

        return static::version(PHP_VERSION, $operator, $version, $message, $propertyPath);

     * Assert that extension is loaded and a specific version is installed.
     * @param string $extension
     * @param string $operator
     * @param mixed $version
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function extensionVersion($extension, $operator, $version, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::extensionLoaded($extension, $message, $propertyPath);

        return static::version(\phpversion($extension), $operator, $version, $message, $propertyPath);

     * Determines that the provided value is callable.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param string|null $propertyPath
     * @psalm-assert callable $value
     * @return bool
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function isCallable($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\is_callable($value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is not a callable.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_CALLABLE, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that the provided value is valid according to a callback.
     * If the callback returns `false` the assertion will fail.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param callable $callback
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function satisfy($value, $callback, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool

        if (false === \call_user_func($callback, $value)) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Provided "%s" is invalid according to custom rule.'),

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_SATISFY, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an IPv4 or IPv6 address
     * (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_IP).
     * @param string $value
     * @param int|null $flag
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
     * @see
    public static function ip($value, $flag = null, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::string($value, $message, $propertyPath);
        if ($flag === null) {
            $filterVarResult = \filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
        } else {
            $filterVarResult = \filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, $flag);
        if (!$filterVarResult) {
            $message = \sprintf(
                static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was expected to be a valid IP address.'),
            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_IP, $propertyPath, ['flag' => $flag]);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an IPv4 address
     * (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_IP).
     * @param string $value
     * @param int|null $flag
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
     * @see
    public static function ipv4($value, $flag = null, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::ip($value, $flag | FILTER_FLAG_IPV4, static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was expected to be a valid IPv4 address.'), $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that value is an IPv6 address
     * (using input_filter/FILTER_VALIDATE_IP).
     * @param string $value
     * @param int|null $flag
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
     * @see
    public static function ipv6($value, $flag = null, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        static::ip($value, $flag | FILTER_FLAG_IPV6, static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" was expected to be a valid IPv6 address.'), $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that a constant is defined.
     * @param mixed $constant
     * @param string|callable|null $message
    public static function defined($constant, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (!\defined($constant)) {
            $message = \sprintf(static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" expected to be a defined constant.'), $constant);

            throw static::createException($constant, $message, static::INVALID_CONSTANT, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Assert that a constant is defined.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @throws AssertionFailedException
    public static function base64($value, $message = null, string $propertyPath = null): bool
        if (false === \base64_decode($value, true)) {
            $message = \sprintf(static::generateMessage($message ?: 'Value "%s" is not a valid base64 string.'), $value);

            throw static::createException($value, $message, static::INVALID_BASE64, $propertyPath);

        return true;

     * Helper method that handles building the assertion failure exceptions.
     * They are returned from this method so that the stack trace still shows
     * the assertions method.
     * @param mixed $value
     * @param string|callable|null $message
     * @param int $code
     * @return mixed
    protected static function createException($value, $message, $code, $propertyPath = null, array $constraints = [])
        $exceptionClass = static::$exceptionClass;

        return new $exceptionClass($message, $code, $propertyPath, $value, $constraints);

     * Make a string version of a value.
     * @param mixed $value
    protected static function stringify($value): string
        $result = \gettype($value);

        if (\is_bool($value)) {
            $result = $value ? '<TRUE>' : '<FALSE>';
        } elseif (\is_scalar($value)) {
            $val = (string)$value;

            if (\mb_strlen($val) > 100) {
                $val = \mb_substr($val, 0, 97).'...';

            $result = $val;
        } elseif (\is_array($value)) {
            $result = '<ARRAY>';
        } elseif (\is_object($value)) {
            $result = \get_class($value);
        } elseif (\is_resource($value)) {
            $result = \get_resource_type($value);
        } elseif (null === $value) {
            $result = '<NULL>';

        return $result;

     * Generate the message.
     * @param string|callable|null $message
    protected static function generateMessage($message): string
        if (\is_callable($message)) {
            $traces = \debug_backtrace(0);

            $parameters = [];

            try {
                $reflection = new ReflectionClass($traces[1]['class']);
                $method = $reflection->getMethod($traces[1]['function']);
                foreach ($method->getParameters() as $index => $parameter) {
                    if ('message' !== $parameter->getName()) {
                        $parameters[$parameter->getName()] = \array_key_exists($index, $traces[1]['args'])
                            ? $traces[1]['args'][$index]
                            : $parameter->getDefaultValue();

                $parameters['::assertion'] = \sprintf('%s%s%s', $traces[1]['class'], $traces[1]['type'], $traces[1]['function']);

                $message = \call_user_func_array($message, [$parameters]);
            } // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
            catch (Throwable $exception) {
                $message = \sprintf('Unable to generate message : %s', $exception->getMessage());
            } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

        return (string)$message;