File "_animation.scss"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/cache/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-products-filter/js/plainoverlay/sass/_animation.scss
File size: 3.85 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

// Compass 0.12 not support CSS3 Animations. (Compass 0.13 (alpha yet) may support it.)

$animation-support: -moz, -webkit, -o, -ms, not -khtml;

// CSS Animations
// Including this submodule sets following defaults for the mixins:
//     $default-animation-name            : none
//     $default-animation-duration        : 1s
//     $default-animation-function        : false
//     $default-animation-delay           : false
//     $default-animation-fill-mode       : false
//     $default-animation-iteration-count : 1
// Override them if you like. Timing-function and delay are set to false for browser defaults (ease, 0s).

$default-animation-name: none !default;
$default-animation-duration: 1s !default;
$default-animation-function: false !default;
$default-animation-delay: false !default;
$default-animation-fill-mode: none !default;
$default-animation-iteration-count: 1 !default;

@mixin anim-init {
  // Prevent highlight colour when element is tapped
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
  // Improve performance on mobile/tablet devices
  transform: translateZ(0);
  // Improve aliasing on mobile/tablet devices
  box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);

// One or more name to animation
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * also accepts "all" or "none"

@mixin animation-name($names: $default-animation-name) {
  @include experimental(animation-name, unquote($names), $animation-support...);

// One or more durations in seconds
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * these durations will affect the properties in the same list position

@mixin animation-duration($duration: $default-animation-duration) {
  @if type-of($duration) == string { $duration: unquote($duration); }
  @include experimental(animation-duration, $duration, $animation-support...);

// One or more timing functions
// * [ ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | cubic-bezier(x1, y1, x2, y2)]
// * For multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * These functions will effect the properties in the same list position

@mixin animation-timing-function($function: $default-animation-function) {
  @include experimental(animation-timing-function, unquote($function), $animation-support...);

// One or more animation-delays in seconds
// * for multiple, use a comma-delimited list
// * these delays will effect the properties in the same list position

@mixin animation-delay($delay: $default-animation-delay) {
  @if type-of($delay) == string { $delay: unquote($delay); }
  @include experimental(animation-delay, $delay, $animation-support...);

// One or more fill mode
// * [none | forwards | backwards | both]
// * For multiple, use a comma-delimited list

@mixin animation-fill-mode($fill-mode: $default-animation-fill-mode) {
  @include experimental(animation-fill-mode, unquote($fill-mode), $animation-support...);

@mixin animation-iteration-count($count: $default-animation-iteration-count) {
  @include experimental(animation-iteration-count, unquote($count), $animation-support...);

// animation all-in-one shorthand

@mixin single-animation(
  $name: $default-animation-name,
  $duration: $default-animation-duration,
  $function: $default-animation-function,
  $delay: $default-animation-delay
) {
  @include animation-name($name);
  @include animation-duration($duration);
  @if $function { @include animation-timing-function($function); }
  @if $delay { @include animation-delay($delay); }

@mixin keyframes($name) {
  @if nth($animation-support, 2) {
    @-webkit-keyframes #{$name} { @content }
  @if nth($animation-support, 1) {
    @-moz-keyframes #{$name} { @content }
  @if nth($animation-support, 4) {
    @-ms-keyframes #{$name} { @content }
  @if nth($animation-support, 3) {
    @-o-keyframes #{$name} { @content }
  @if nth($animation-support, 5) {
    @-khtml-keyframes #{$name} { @content }
  @keyframes #{$name} { @content }