File "Common.php"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/wp-phpmyadmin-extension/lib/phpMyAdmin/libraries/classes/Common.php
File size: 19.4 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8



namespace PhpMyAdmin;

use PhpMyAdmin\ConfigStorage\Relation;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbal\DatabaseName;
use PhpMyAdmin\Dbal\TableName;
use PhpMyAdmin\Http\Factory\ServerRequestFactory;
use PhpMyAdmin\Http\ServerRequest;
use PhpMyAdmin\Plugins\AuthenticationPlugin;
use PhpMyAdmin\SqlParser\Lexer;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;
use Webmozart\Assert\InvalidArgumentException;

use function __;
use function array_pop;
use function count;
use function date_default_timezone_get;
use function date_default_timezone_set;
use function define;
use function defined;
use function explode;
use function extension_loaded;
use function function_exists;
use function hash_equals;
use function htmlspecialchars;
use function implode;
use function ini_get;
use function ini_set;
use function is_array;
use function is_scalar;
use function mb_internal_encoding;
use function mb_strlen;
use function mb_strpos;
use function mb_strrpos;
use function mb_substr;
use function register_shutdown_function;
use function session_id;
use function str_replace;
use function strlen;
use function trigger_error;
use function urldecode;

use const E_USER_ERROR;

final class Common
     * Misc stuff and REQUIRED by ALL the scripts.
     * MUST be included by every script
     * Among other things, it contains the advanced authentication work.
     * Order of sections:
     * the authentication libraries must be before the connection to db
     * ... so the required order is:
     * LABEL_variables_init
     *  - initialize some variables always needed
     * LABEL_parsing_config_file
     *  - parsing of the configuration file
     * LABEL_loading_language_file
     *  - loading language file
     * LABEL_setup_servers
     *  - check and setup configured servers
     * LABEL_theme_setup
     *  - setting up themes
     * - load of MySQL extension (if necessary)
     * - loading of an authentication library
     * - db connection
     * - authentication work
    public static function run(): void
        global $containerBuilder, $errorHandler, $config, $server, $dbi, $request;
        global $lang, $cfg, $isConfigLoading, $auth_plugin, $route, $theme;
        global $urlParams, $isMinimumCommon, $sql_query, $token_mismatch;

        $request = ServerRequestFactory::createFromGlobals();

        $route = Routing::getCurrentRoute();

        if ($route === '/import-status') {
            $isMinimumCommon = true;

        $containerBuilder = Core::getContainerBuilder();

        /** @var ErrorHandler $errorHandler */
        $errorHandler = $containerBuilder->get('error_handler');


        /* parsing configuration file                  LABEL_parsing_config_file      */

        /** @var bool $isConfigLoading Indication for the error handler */
        $isConfigLoading = false;

        register_shutdown_function([Config::class, 'fatalErrorHandler']);

         * Force reading of config file, because we removed sensitive values
         * in the previous iteration.
         * @var Config $config
        $config = $containerBuilder->get('config');

         * include session handling after the globals, to prevent overwriting
        if (! defined('PMA_NO_SESSION')) {
            Session::setUp($config, $errorHandler);

        $request = Core::populateRequestWithEncryptedQueryParams($request);

         * init some variables LABEL_variables_init

         * holds parameters to be passed to next page
         * @global array $urlParams
        $urlParams = [];
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('url_params', $urlParams);

        self::setGotoAndBackGlobals($containerBuilder, $config);
        self::setDatabaseAndTableFromRequest($containerBuilder, $request);

         * SQL query to be executed
         * @global string $sql_query
        $sql_query = '';
        if ($request->isPost()) {
            $sql_query = $request->getParsedBodyParam('sql_query', '');

        $containerBuilder->setParameter('sql_query', $sql_query);

        //$_REQUEST['set_theme'] // checked later in this file LABEL_theme_setup
        //$_REQUEST['server']; // checked later in this file
        //$_REQUEST['lang'];   // checked by LABEL_loading_language_file

        /* loading language file                       LABEL_loading_language_file    */

         * lang detection is done here
        $language = LanguageManager::getInstance()->selectLanguage();

         * check for errors occurred while loading configuration
         * this check is done here after loading language files to present errors in locale


        /* setup servers                                       LABEL_setup_servers    */


         * current server
         * @global integer $server
        $server = $config->selectServer();
        $urlParams['server'] = $server;
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('server', $server);
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('url_params', $urlParams);

        $cfg = $config->settings;

        /* setup themes                                          LABEL_theme_setup    */

        $theme = ThemeManager::initializeTheme();

        /** @var DatabaseInterface $dbi */
        $dbi = null;

        if (isset($isMinimumCommon)) {
            $containerBuilder->set('theme_manager', ThemeManager::getInstance());


         * save some settings in cookies
         * @todo should be done in PhpMyAdmin\Config
        $config->setCookie('pma_lang', (string) $lang);


        $dbi = DatabaseInterface::load();
        $containerBuilder->set(DatabaseInterface::class, $dbi);
        $containerBuilder->setAlias('dbi', DatabaseInterface::class);

        if (! empty($cfg['Server'])) {

            $auth_plugin = Plugins::getAuthPlugin();

            /* Enable LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE for LDI plugin */
            if ($route === '/import' && ($_POST['format'] ?? '') === 'ldi') {
                // Switch this before the DB connection is done
                // phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
                define('PMA_ENABLE_LDI', 1);
                // phpcs:enable

            self::connectToDatabaseServer($dbi, $auth_plugin);



            /* Log success */

            if ($dbi->getVersion() < $cfg['MysqlMinVersion']['internal']) {
                    __('You should upgrade to %s %s or later.'),

            // Sets the default delimiter (if specified).
            $sqlDelimiter = $request->getParam('sql_delimiter', '');
            if (strlen($sqlDelimiter) > 0) {
                // phpcs:ignore Squiz.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.MemberNotCamelCaps
                Lexer::$DEFAULT_DELIMITER = $sqlDelimiter;

            // TODO: Set SQL modes too.
        } else { // end server connecting
            $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance();

        $response = ResponseRenderer::getInstance();

         * There is no point in even attempting to process
         * an ajax request if there is a token mismatch
        if ($response->isAjax() && $request->isPost() && $token_mismatch) {
                Message::error(__('Error: Token mismatch'))

        Profiling::check($dbi, $response);

        $containerBuilder->set('response', ResponseRenderer::getInstance());

        // load user preferences

        $containerBuilder->set('theme_manager', ThemeManager::getInstance());

        /* Tell tracker that it can actually work */

        if (empty($server) || ! isset($cfg['ZeroConf']) || $cfg['ZeroConf'] !== true) {

        /** @var Relation $relation */
        $relation = $containerBuilder->get('relation');

     * Checks that required PHP extensions are there.
    private static function checkRequiredPhpExtensions(): void
         * Warning about mbstring.
        if (! function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) {

         * We really need this one!
        if (! function_exists('preg_replace')) {
            Core::warnMissingExtension('pcre', true);

         * JSON is required in several places.
        if (! function_exists('json_encode')) {
            Core::warnMissingExtension('json', true);

         * ctype is required for Twig.
        if (! function_exists('ctype_alpha')) {
            Core::warnMissingExtension('ctype', true);

         * hash is required for cookie authentication.
        if (function_exists('hash_hmac')) {

        Core::warnMissingExtension('hash', true);

     * Applies changes to PHP configuration.
    private static function configurePhpSettings(): void
         * Set utf-8 encoding for PHP
        ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8');

         * Set precision to sane value, with higher values
         * things behave slightly unexpectedly, for example
         * round(1.2, 2) returns 1.199999999999999956.
        ini_set('precision', '14');

         * check timezone setting
         * this could produce an E_WARNING - but only once,
         * if not done here it will produce E_WARNING on every date/time function

     * PATH_INFO could be compromised if set, so remove it from PHP_SELF
     * and provide a clean PHP_SELF here
    public static function cleanupPathInfo(): void
        global $PMA_PHP_SELF;

        $PMA_PHP_SELF = Core::getenv('PHP_SELF');
        if (empty($PMA_PHP_SELF)) {
            $PMA_PHP_SELF = urldecode(Core::getenv('REQUEST_URI'));

        $_PATH_INFO = Core::getenv('PATH_INFO');
        if (! empty($_PATH_INFO) && ! empty($PMA_PHP_SELF)) {
            $question_pos = mb_strpos($PMA_PHP_SELF, '?');
            if ($question_pos != false) {
                $PMA_PHP_SELF = mb_substr($PMA_PHP_SELF, 0, $question_pos);

            $path_info_pos = mb_strrpos($PMA_PHP_SELF, $_PATH_INFO);
            if ($path_info_pos !== false) {
                $path_info_part = mb_substr($PMA_PHP_SELF, $path_info_pos, mb_strlen($_PATH_INFO));
                if ($path_info_part == $_PATH_INFO) {
                    $PMA_PHP_SELF = mb_substr($PMA_PHP_SELF, 0, $path_info_pos);

        $path = [];
        foreach (explode('/', $PMA_PHP_SELF) as $part) {
            // ignore parts that have no value
            if (empty($part) || $part === '.') {

            if ($part !== '..') {
                // cool, we found a new part
                $path[] = $part;
            } elseif (count($path) > 0) {
                // going back up? sure

            // Here we intentionall ignore case where we go too up
            // as there is nothing sane to do

        $PMA_PHP_SELF = htmlspecialchars('/' . implode('/', $path));

    private static function setGotoAndBackGlobals(ContainerInterface $container, Config $config): void
        global $goto, $back, $urlParams;

        // Holds page that should be displayed.
        $goto = '';
        $container->setParameter('goto', $goto);

        if (isset($_REQUEST['goto']) && Core::checkPageValidity($_REQUEST['goto'])) {
            $goto = $_REQUEST['goto'];
            $urlParams['goto'] = $goto;
            $container->setParameter('goto', $goto);
            $container->setParameter('url_params', $urlParams);
        } else {
            if ($config->issetCookie('goto')) {

            unset($_REQUEST['goto'], $_GET['goto'], $_POST['goto']);

        if (isset($_REQUEST['back']) && Core::checkPageValidity($_REQUEST['back'])) {
            // Returning page.
            $back = $_REQUEST['back'];
            $container->setParameter('back', $back);


        if ($config->issetCookie('back')) {

        unset($_REQUEST['back'], $_GET['back'], $_POST['back']);

     * Check whether user supplied token is valid, if not remove any possibly
     * dangerous stuff from request.
     * Check for token mismatch only if the Request method is POST.
     * GET Requests would never have token and therefore checking
     * mis-match does not make sense.
    public static function checkTokenRequestParam(): void
        global $token_mismatch, $token_provided;

        $token_mismatch = true;
        $token_provided = false;

        if (($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ?? 'GET') !== 'POST') {

        if (isset($_POST['token']) && is_scalar($_POST['token']) && strlen((string) $_POST['token']) > 0) {
            $token_provided = true;
            $token_mismatch = ! @hash_equals($_SESSION[' PMA_token '], (string) $_POST['token']);

        if (! $token_mismatch) {

        // Warn in case the mismatch is result of failed setting of session cookie
        if (isset($_POST['set_session']) && $_POST['set_session'] !== session_id()) {
                    'Failed to set session cookie. Maybe you are using HTTP instead of HTTPS to access phpMyAdmin.'

         * We don't allow any POST operation parameters if the token is mismatched
         * or is not provided.
        $allowList = ['ajax_request'];

    private static function setDatabaseAndTableFromRequest(
        ContainerInterface $containerBuilder,
        ServerRequest $request
    ): void {
        global $db, $table, $urlParams;

        try {
            $db = DatabaseName::fromValue($request->getParam('db'))->getName();
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
            $db = '';

        try {
            $table = TableName::fromValue($request->getParam('table'))->getName();
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
            $table = '';

        if (! is_array($urlParams)) {
            $urlParams = [];

        $urlParams['db'] = $db;
        $urlParams['table'] = $table;
        // If some parameter value includes the % character, you need to escape it by adding
        // another % so Symfony doesn't consider it a reference to a parameter name.
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('db', str_replace('%', '%%', $db));
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('table', str_replace('%', '%%', $table));
        $containerBuilder->setParameter('url_params', $urlParams);

     * Check whether PHP configuration matches our needs.
    private static function checkServerConfiguration(): void
         * As we try to handle charsets by ourself, mbstring overloads just
         * break it, see bug 1063821.
         * We specifically use empty here as we are looking for anything else than
         * empty value or 0.
        if (extension_loaded('mbstring') && ! empty(ini_get('mbstring.func_overload'))) {
                    'You have enabled mbstring.func_overload in your PHP '
                    . 'configuration. This option is incompatible with phpMyAdmin '
                    . 'and might cause some data to be corrupted!'

         * The ini_set and ini_get functions can be disabled using
         * disable_functions but we're relying quite a lot of them.
        if (function_exists('ini_get') && function_exists('ini_set')) {

                'The ini_get and/or ini_set functions are disabled in php.ini. phpMyAdmin requires these functions!'

     * Checks request and fails with fatal error if something problematic is found
    private static function checkRequest(): void
        if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS'])) {
            Core::fatalError(__('GLOBALS overwrite attempt'));

         * protect against possible exploits - there is no need to have so much variables
        if (count($_REQUEST) <= 1000) {

        Core::fatalError(__('possible exploit'));

    private static function connectToDatabaseServer(DatabaseInterface $dbi, AuthenticationPlugin $auth): void
        global $cfg;

         * Try to connect MySQL with the control user profile (will be used to get the privileges list for the current
         * user but the true user link must be open after this one so it would be default one for all the scripts).
        $controlLink = false;
        if ($cfg['Server']['controluser'] !== '') {
            $controlLink = $dbi->connect(DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL);

        // Connects to the server (validates user's login)
        $userLink = $dbi->connect(DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER);

        if ($userLink === false) {

        if ($controlLink) {

         * Open separate connection for control queries, this is needed to avoid problems with table locking used in
         * main connection and phpMyAdmin issuing queries to configuration storage, which is not locked by that time.
        $dbi->connect(DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_USER, null, DatabaseInterface::CONNECT_CONTROL);