File "go_portfolio_scripts.js"

Full Path: /home/vantageo/public_html/cache/.wp-cli/wp-content/plugins/go_portfolio/assets/js/go_portfolio_scripts.js
File size: 52.76 KB
MIME-type: text/plain
Charset: utf-8

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /

	Plugin Name: Go Portfolio - WordPress Responsive Portfolio
	Author: Granth
	Version: 1.7.0


    [1] SETUP
	[2.1] LOAD MORE
    [3] SLIDER
    [4] POPUP
    [5] ISOTOPE 
    [6] EFFECTS
    [8] OTHERS

/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

(function ($, undefined) {
	"use strict";
	$(function () {

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[1]	SETUP
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		/* Detect IE & Chrome */
		var isIE = document.documentMode != undefined && document.documentMode >5 ? document.documentMode : false,
			isChrome = !! && !!;
		/* Detect touch devices */
		function isTouchDevice() { return 'ontouchstart' in window || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints; };
		var isTouchDevice = isTouchDevice();
		/* Detect orintationchange */
		function supportsOrientationchange() { return 'onorientationchange' in window };
		var supportsOrientationchange = supportsOrientationchange();
		/* Detect CSS transition support */
		function supportsTransitions() {
			var s = document.createElement('p').style;
		    return 'transition' in s || 'WebkitTransition' in s || 'MozTransition' in s || 'msTransition' in s || 'OTransition' in s;		
		var supportsTransitions = supportsTransitions();
		/* Detect retina screens */
		function isRetina() {
			var retinaMediaQuery = '(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),(min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 2dppx)';
			if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(retinaMediaQuery).matches) {
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
		var isRetina = isRetina(),
			retinaImageList = [];
		function loadRetinaImages() {
			var $retinaReadyImages = $portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-retina'),
				retinaReadyImageList = [];
			$retinaReadyImages.each(function(index, element) {
			retinaReadyImageList = $.grep(retinaReadyImageList, function(v, k){
				return $.inArray(v ,retinaReadyImageList) === k;
			var ImgsLoadedInterval = setInterval(function(){
				$retinaReadyImages.filter(':not(.gw-gopf-loaded)').each(function(index, element) {
					if (this.naturalWidth>0) {
				if (!$retinaReadyImages.filter(':not(.gw-gopf-loaded)').length) { 
					for (var x=0;x<retinaReadyImageList.length;x++) {
						var RetinaImageFileName=retinaReadyImageList[x].substr(0,retinaReadyImageList[x].lastIndexOf('.')),
						if ($.inArray(RetinaImageFileName+'@2x'+RetinaImageFileExt ,retinaImageList)>-1) { 
							$retinaReadyImages.each(function(index, element) {
								if (this.src==RetinaImageFileName+RetinaImageFileExt) {
						} else {
							var http = new XMLHttpRequest();'HEAD', RetinaImageFileName+'@2x'+RetinaImageFileExt, false);
							http.onreadystatechange = function() {
								if (http.readyState==4 && http.status==200) {
									$retinaReadyImages.each(function(index, element) {
										if (this.src==RetinaImageFileName+RetinaImageFileExt) {
			}, 100);	
		var $portfolio=$('.gw-gopf'),
			$sliders = $portfolio.filter('.gw-gopf-slider-type').find('.gw-gopf-posts');

		/* Add CSS correction for chrome */
		//if (isChrome) $portfolio.addClass('gw-gopf-chrome');

		/* Add 'gw-gopf-touch' class for touch devices */
		if (isTouchDevice) { $portfolio.addClass('gw-gopf-touch'); };
		if (isRetina) { loadRetinaImages() };
		/* Fix iframe hover */
		if (isIE) { 
			$portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-post iframe').delegate(this, 'mouseenter mouseleave', function (event) {
				var $this = $(this);
				if (event.type == 'mouseenter') {
				} else {
					/* This is not required, just in case
		/* Add show wrappers in sliders */
		$portfolio.filter('.gw-gopf-slider-type').find('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').css({'display' : 'block', 'visibility' : 'visible' });

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[2.1] LOAD MORE
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		$portfolio.on('click', '.gw-gopf-pagination-load-more:not(.gw-gopf-disabled)', function() {
			var $this=$(this),
				$wrapper = $this.closest('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper'),
				$currentPortfolio = $this.closest('.gw-gopf');
				$'current-page', $'current-page')+1);
				type: 'post', 
				url: gw_go_portfolio_settings.ajaxurl,
				data: jQuery.param({ 
					action : 'go_portfolio_ajax_load_portfolio', 
					portfolio_id : $currentPortfolio.parent().attr('id').split('gw_go_portfolio_')[1],
					current_page : $'current-page'),
					current_id : $'current-id'),
					loaded_ids : $'loaded'),
					taxonomy : $'tax'),
					term_slug : $'term'),
					post_per_page : $'posts-per-page')
				beforeSend: function () {
			}).always(function() {
				if (parseInt($'current-page')) == parseInt($'pages'))) { 
					$wrapper.stop().fadeTo(550, 0, function() { 
			}).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
				//if (textStatus!='abort') { alert('Ajax error!'); };
			}).done(function(data) {
				var $ajaxResponse=$('<div />', { 'class':'ajax-response', 'html' : data }),
					var currentPostsIds = ($currentPortfolio.find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('loaded')+'').split(',');
					currentPostsIds = $.grep(currentPostsIds,function(n){ return(n) });						
					if ($ajaxResponse.find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').length) {
						var loadedPostsIds = ($ajaxResponse.find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('loaded')+'').split(',');
						loadedPostsIds = $.grep(loadedPostsIds,function(n){ return(n) });
						$currentPortfolio.find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('loaded', loadedPostsIds.concat(currentPostsIds).join(','));
					var images = $newPosts.find('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap img:not(.gw-gopf-loaded)').length;
					var $imgelems = $newPosts.find('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap img:not(.gw-gopf-loaded)');
					var loaded=0;
					var interval = setInterval(function(){
						if (loaded==images) {
							$currentPortfolio.removeClass('gw-gopf-isotope-ready').addClass('gw-gopf-isotope-new-added').find('.gw-gopf-posts').GWisotope( 'insert', $newPosts, function() { 
								$currentPortfolio.find('.gw-gopf-cats .gw-gopf-hidden').each(function(index, element) {
									var $this = $(this);
									if ($newPosts.filter('[data-filter~="'+$'filter')+'"]').length) { $this.removeClass('gw-gopf-hidden'); };
								if (isRetina) { loadRetinaImages() };
							var $currentFilter = $currentPortfolio.find('.gw-gopf-filter .gw-gopf-current');
							if ($'filter')!=undefined) {
								$currentPortfolio.find('.gw-gopf-posts').GWisotope('reLayout', function(){ 
						} else {
							$imgelems.filter(':not(.gw-gopf-loaded)').each(function(index, element) {
								if (this.naturalWidth>0) {
								this.onerror = function() {
					}, 100);

			return false;
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[3]	SLIDER - CarouFredSel Slider
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */		
		if (jQuery().carouFredSel && $sliders.length) {
			var $scrollOverlay = $('<div class="gw-gopf-posts-wrap-inner-overlay">').appendTo('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap-inner').css({
				'position' : 'absolute',
				'top' : 0,
				'z-index' : '2',
				'width' : '100%',
				'height' : '100%',
				'display' : 'none'
			$sliders.each(function(index, element) {
				var $this=$(this);
				if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-rtl')) {
					$this.find('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').each(function(index, element) {
				var startIndex = 0;
				if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-rtl')) {
					startIndex = ($this.find('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').length-$'col'))>0 ? $this.find('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').length-$'col') : 0;
				$this.addClass('gw-gopf-slider').data('sliderDefaults', {				
					responsive : true,
					height : 'variable',
					width : '100%',				
					next : {
						button : $this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').find('.gw-gopf-slider-controls-wrap').find('.gw-gopf-control-next'),
						onAfter : function(data) {
							if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
								var id=0;
							} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
								var id=$'col') == 1 ? 0 : 1;
							} else {
								var id=$'col')-1;						

							$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'visible');
							var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
								'opacity' : 0,
								'z-index' : 0,
								'position': 'absolute',
								'visibility' : 'hidden',
								'left': 0						
								'position' : 'relative',
								'left' : '0',
								'z-index' : 'auto'
							items.each(function(index, element) {
								$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative', 'z-index' : 'auto' });
					prev : {
						button : $this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').find('.gw-gopf-slider-controls-wrap').find('.gw-gopf-control-prev'),
						onAfter : function(data) {
							if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
								var id=1;
							} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
								var id=2;
							} else {
								var id=$'col');						
							$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'visible');
							var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
								'opacity' : 0,
								'z-index' : 0,
								'position': 'absolute',
								'visibility' : 'hidden',
								'left': 0
								'position' : 'relative',
								'left': '0',
								'z-index' : 'auto'
							items.each(function(index, element) {
								$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative', 'z-index' : 'auto' });
					scroll : {
						queue : true,
						items: 1,
						onBefore : function(data) {
							var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
							if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
								var id=1;
							} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
								var id=$'col') == 1 ? 1 : 2;
							} else {
								var id=$'col');						

							$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'hidden');
							var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');						
								'visibility' : 'hidden',
								'position': 'relative',
								'opacity' : 0,
								'zIndex' :	0
								'position' : 'absolute',
								'left' : $this.closest('.caroufredsel_wrapper').width()+'px',
								'z-index' : '200',
								'visibility' : 'visible', 
								'opacity' : 1,
								'zIndex' : 'auto'
							items.each(function(index, element) {
								$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative', 'z-index' : 'auto' });

						onAfter : function(data) {
							var direction = $this.triggerHandler('configuration', 'direction');
							/* Scrolling left */
							if (direction=='left') {
								if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
									var id=0;
								} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
									var id=1;
								} else {
									var id=$'col')-1;						
								$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'visible');
								var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
									'opacity' : 0,
									'z-index' : 0,
									'position': 'absolute',
									'visibility' : 'hidden',
									'left': 0							
									'position' : 'relative',
									'left' : '0',
									'z-index' : 'auto'
								items.each(function(index, element) {
									$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative', 'z-index' : 'auto' });
							/* Scrolling right */
							if (direction=='right') {
								if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
									var id=1;
								} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
									var id=2;
								} else {
									var id=$'col');						
								$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'visible');
								var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
									'opacity' : 0,
									'z-index' : 0,
									'position': 'absolute',
									'visibility' : 'hidden',
									'left': 0														
									'position' : 'relative',
									'left' : '0',
									'z-index' : 'auto'
								items.each(function(index, element) {
									$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative', 'z-index' : 'auto' });
					swipe : {
						onMouse : true
					items :	{
						height : 'variable',
						visible : {
							min : 1,
							max : $'col')
						start: startIndex
				    onCreate : function (data) {
						$this.closest('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').css('overflow', 'visible');
						var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
							'visibility' : 'hidden', 
							'position': 'absolute',
							'opacity' : 0
						items.each(function(index, element) {
							$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative' });

				        $(window).on('resize', function(){
							var paused = $this.triggerHandler('isPaused');
							if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || $this.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
								$this.trigger('configuration', ['items.visible', 1]);			
							} else if ($this.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
								$this.trigger('configuration', ['items.visible', $'col')==1 ? 1 : 2 ]);						
							} else {
								$this.trigger('configuration', ['items.visible', $'col')]);
							if (paused) { $this.trigger('pause', true); }
							var items = $this.triggerHandler('currentVisible');
								'visibility' : 'hidden', 
								'position': 'absolute',
								'opacity' : 0
							items.each(function(index, element) {
								$(element).css({ 'visibility' : 'visible', 'opacity' : 1, 'position': 'relative' });
				/* Call slider */
				$this.carouFredSel(jQuery.extend($'slider'), $'sliderDefaults')));

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[4]	POPUP - Magnific Popup
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */		

		var portfolioGallery = [], portfolioGalleryO = [], mfpOpened=false;
		function DoMagnificPopup() {
			if (jQuery().magnificPopup) {
				$portfolio.each(function(index, element) {
					var $this = $(this);
					if ( $'lbenabled') ) {
						$this.find('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup[href!=""], .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html[href!=""]').attr('href','#');
						portfolioGallery[$'id')] = $this.find('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup[data-mfp-src!="#"][data-mfp-src!=""], .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html[data-mfp-src!="#"][data-mfp-src!=""]').magnificPopup({
							type : 'image',
							closeOnContentClick : true,
							removalDelay : 300,
							mainClass : 'my-mfp-slide-bottom',
							closeMarkup : '<a title="%title%" class="gw-gopf-mfp-close"></a>',
							titleSrc: 'title',
							gallery : {
								enabled : $'lbgallery'),
								arrowMarkup: '<a title="%title%" class="gw-gopf-mfp-arrow mfp-arrow mfp-arrow-%dir%"></a>'
							image : {
								markup: '<div class="mfp-figure">'+
										'<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
										'<div class="mfp-img"></div>'+
										'<div class="mfp-bottom-bar">'+
										  '<div class="gw-gopf-mfp-title mfp-title"></div>'+
										  '<div class="gw-gopf-mfp-counter mfp-counter"></div>'+
							iframe : {
								patterns : {
									vimeo : {
										index: '',
										id: '/',
										src: '//;autoplay=1'
									dailymotion : {
										index : '',
										id : '/',
										src :'//'
									metacafe : {
										index : '',
										id : '/',
										src : ''
									soundcloud : {
										index : '',
										id : null,
										src : '%id%'
									mixcloud : {
										index : '',
										id: null,
										src: '%id%'
									beatport : {
										index : '',
										id : null,
										src : '%id%'
								markup : '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+
										'<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
										'<iframe class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+
										'<div class="mfp-bottom-bar" style="margin-top:4px;"><div class="gw-gopf-mfp-title mfp-title"></div><div class="gw-gopf-mfp-counter mfp-counter"></div></div>'+
							callbacks : {
								elementParse : function(item) {
									if ($(item.el).hasClass('gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html')) {
										item.type = 'iframe' 
								change : function() {
									var $currentItem = $(this.currItem.el);
									if ($currentItem.hasClass('gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html')) {									
									/* Deep linking */
									if ($'deepLinking')) {
										mfpOpened = $(this.currItem.el);
										if(history.pushState) {
											location.hash = '#mpf-popup@'+$currentItem.attr('data-mfp-src')+'|'+$'id').split('_')[0]+'|'+$'id').split('_')[1];
											if (history.state==$'id')) {
												history.pushState($'id'), null, window.location.href.replace(window.location.origin,'').split('#')[0]+'#mpf-popup@'+$currentItem.attr('href')+'|'+$'id').split('_')[0]+'|'+$'id').split('_')[1]);
										} else {
											location.hash = '#mpf-popup@'+$currentItem.attr('href')+'|'+$'id').split('_')[0]+'|'+$'id').split('_')[1];
									var forcedHeight = $(this.currItem.el).data('height');
									if (forcedHeight != undefined) {	
												'paddingTop' : 0,
												'display' : 'table-cell',
												'verticalAlign' : 'middle',
												'height' : forcedHeight
									} else {
												'padding-top': '56.25%', 
												'display' : 'block',
												'verticalAlign' : 'baseline',
												'height' : 0
								beforeClose : function() {
									if ($'deepLinking')) {
										if (history.pushState)
											history.pushState('', null, window.location.pathname +;
										else {									
											var scrollPosX = document.body.scrollTop;
											var scrollPosY = document.body.scrollLeft;
											window.location.hash = '';
											document.body.scrollTop = scrollPosX;
											document.body.scrollLeft = scrollPosY;
									if ($(this.currItem.el).hasClass('gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html')) {
								afterClose : function() {
									if (this.items[this.index].type == 'iframe') {
										/* Firefox bug fix - force to redraw thumbnail */
										var timer=setInterval(function() {
										if ($('.mfp-bg').length==0) {
											setTimeout(function(){ $portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-post').css('opacity','1'); },20)
					} else {
						$this.delegate('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup, .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html','click', function(e) {

		function updatePopupGallery( portfolioId ) {
			if ($portfolio.filter('[data-id="'+portfolioId+'"]').data('lbenabled')) {
				var $galleryItems = $portfolio.filter('[data-id="'+portfolioId+'"]').find('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup[data-mfp-src!="#"][data-mfp-src!=""], .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html[data-mfp-src!="#"][data-mfp-src!=""]');
				portfolioGallery[portfolioId].splice(0, $galleryItems.length);
				$galleryItems.each(function(index, element) {
					if (!$(this).closest('.gw-gopf-isotope-hidden').length) {
		$portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup, .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html').on('mfpOpen', function(e) {
			if (jQuery().carouFredSel && $sliders.length) {
				setTimeout(function() {
					$sliders.each(function(index, element) {
						var $this = $(this);
						$this.trigger('pause', true);
				}, 10);

		$portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-magnific-popup, .gw-gopf-magnific-popup-html').on('mfpAfterClose', function(e) {
			if (jQuery().carouFredSel && $sliders.length) {
				setTimeout(function() {
					$sliders.each(function(index, element) {
						var $this = $(this);
				}, 10);
	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[5]	ISOTOPE 
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */		
		/* Isotope */

		if (jQuery().GWisotope) {
			/* Call Isotope plugin */
			$.fn.callIsotope = function ( filter, noImage ) {
				var $this = $(this);
				$ 'noImage', noImage ? true : false);
				filter = $this.closest('.gw-gopf').data('filter-type')==undefined || $this.closest('.gw-gopf').data('filter-type')=='opacity' ? '*' : filter;
					filter : filter,
					transformsEnabled: $this.closest('.gw-gopf').data('transenabled') ? true : false,
					animationEngine: isIE && isIE == 8 ? 'css' : 'best-available',
					containerClass : 'gw-gopf-isotope',
					hiddenClass : 'gw-gopf-isotope-hidden',
					itemClass : 'gw-gopf-isotope-item',
					layoutMode : 'masonry',
					onLayout: function( $elems, instance ) {
						if (instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').data('id')!=undefined) {
					if ( !$ 'noImage')) {
				function( $elems, instance ) {

					/* auto load on filtering */
					if (instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-pagination')) {
						var visibleItems = !instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-filter-opacity') ? instance.$filteredAtoms.length : instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').filter(':not(.gw-gopf-disabled)').length;
						var visibleItemsTerm = instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-cats .gw-gopf-current:last').data('count');
						var postsCount = instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('posts');
						var pagesCount = instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('pages');
						var currentPage = instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('current-page');
						var currItemsPerPage = instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('posts-per-page');
						var loadsCnt = 0;
						if (visibleItems < currItemsPerPage) {
							if (visibleItemsTerm<currItemsPerPage) {
								loadsCnt = visibleItemsTerm - visibleItems;
							} else {
								loadsCnt = currItemsPerPage - visibleItems;
						} else {
							if (visibleItemsTerm - visibleItems >= currItemsPerPage ) {
								loadsCnt = currItemsPerPage
							} else {
								loadsCnt = visibleItemsTerm % visibleItems;
						instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('required', loadsCnt);
						if (instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-cats .gw-gopf-current').data('filter')!=undefined) {
							$(instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf')).find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('tax',  instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-filter').data('tax'));
							$(instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf')).find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').data('term',  instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-cats .gw-gopf-current:last').data('filter'));							
						} else {
						if (currItemsPerPage>-1 && visibleItemsTerm>visibleItems && visibleItems<currItemsPerPage) {			
						if (visibleItemsTerm == visibleItems || postsCount == visibleItems) {
							if (instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').is(':visible')) {
								instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').stop().fadeTo(550, 0, function() { 
						} else {
							if (!instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').is(':visible')) {
								instance.element.closest('.gw-gopf').find('.gw-gopf-pagination-wrapper').stop().fadeTo(550, 1, function() { 
			/* Extend the plugin to hack change column number if required */
			$.extend( $.GWIsotope.prototype, {
				_masonryReset : function() {
					// layout-specific props
					this.masonry = {};
					// FIXME shouldn't have to call this again
					/* Hack - set col number manually */
					if (this.element.hasClass('gw-gopf-posts')) {
						if (this.element.css('letterSpacing')=='30px' || this.element.css('letterSpacing')=='20px') {
							this.masonry.cols = 1;
						} else if (this.element.css('letterSpacing')=='10px') {
							if ('col')!=1) {
								this.masonry.cols = 2;
							} else {
								this.masonry.cols = 1;
						} else {
							this.masonry.cols ='col');					
						var i = this.masonry.cols;

					/* end of Hack */
					/* modify margin */
					this.masonry.colYs = [];
					while (i--) {
						this.masonry.colYs.push( 0 );
				_masonryGetContainerSize : function() {
				  var containerHeight = Math.max.apply( Math, this.masonry.colYs );
				  containerHeight -= this.element.closest('.gw-gopf').data('rowspace');
				  return { height: containerHeight };
			$.GWIsotope.prototype._positionAbs = function( x, y ) {
		 		if (this.element.closest('').length) {
					return { right: x, top: y };
				} else {
					return { left: x, top: y };	
			/* Filter button events */
			$portfolioFilter.delegate('div a', 'click', function(e) {
				var $this=$(this), $parent=$this.closest('span'), filter;
				if ($'filter')==undefined) {
				} else {
			/* Call Isotope plugin */
			$portfolio.filter('.gw-gopf-grid-type').each(function(index, element) {
				var $this = $(this);
				if (!$this.hasClass('gw-gopf-isotope-ready')) { 

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */	

		/* Handle taps on touch devices */
		if (isTouchDevice) { 
			$portfolio.delegate('.gw-gopf-post', 'touchstart', function (event) {
				var $this = $(this);
				if ( !$this.hasClass('gw-gopf-current')) {

			/* Remove effect when you tap anywhere out */
			$(document).delegate(this, 'touchstart', function (event) {
				if ($('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').length) {
				} else {
				if (!$('').length) {
				if (!$('.gw-gopf-posts-wrap').length) {
			/* Some trick to re-enable filtering (exluded element fix) */
			$portfolio.delegate('.gw-gopf-cats > span a', 'touchstart', function (event) {
				var $this = $(this);
				$'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
				$'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { 
					/* $(this).trigger('click');* - just in case */

			/* Remove effect - exluded elements correction */
			$('body').delegate('button, input, select, textarea, a, .noSwipe', 'touchstart', function (event) {
				if (!$('').length) {

		$portfolio.delegate('.gw-gopf-post', 'mouseenter mouseleave tapOn tapOff', function (event) {
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				postHeight = $this.outerHeight(),
				$content = $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-content'),
				contentHeight = $content.outerHeight(),
				$overlayInner = $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-overlay-inner'),
				overlayInnerHeight = $overlayInner.height();
			if (event.type == 'mouseenter' || event.type == 'tapOn') {
				if ($this.hasClass('gw-gopf-current') && event.type == 'mouseenter' ) { return false; };
				$this.find('.gw-gopf-post-overlay').css('height', $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-header').outerHeight());
			} else if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
				if ($this.hasClass('gw-gopf-current') && event.type == 'mouseleave' ) { return false; };
			/* Flex Slide Up */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-flex-slide-up')) {
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					if ( postHeight-contentHeight-overlayInnerHeight <= 0 ) {
						$overlayInner.css('display', 'none');
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						$overlayInner.css('display', 'inline-block');	
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						'top' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
							'top' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
					}, 1);
					/* Overlay */
						'height' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');					

							'height' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
						}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
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						'top' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
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						$(this).css({ 'top' : '100%' });
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						$(this).css({ 'height' : '100%' });
			/* Flex Slide & Push Up */
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					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
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						'top' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 100 : contentHeight,
						'height' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');					

							'height' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
						}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
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						'marginBottom' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? postHeight : contentHeight
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						'top' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
					}).one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { 
						$(this).css({ 'top' : '100%' });
						'top' : 0,
						'height' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
					}).one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { 
						$(this).css({ 'height' : '100%' });
						'marginTop' : 0,
						'marginBottom' : 0
			/* Flex Slide & Push Up Full */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-flex-slide-push-up-full')) {
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						'marginTop' : postHeight*-1,
						'marginBottom' : postHeight
				if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
						'marginTop' : 0,
						'marginBottom' : 0
			/* Flex Slide Down */
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					if ( postHeight-contentHeight-overlayInnerHeight <= 0 ) {
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						$overlayInner.css('display', 'inline-block');	
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						'bottom' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
							'bottom' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
					}, 1);
					/* Overlay */
						'height' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');					

							'height' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
						}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
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						'bottom' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
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						$(this).css({ 'bottom' : '100%' });
						'height' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
					}).one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { 
						$(this).css({ 'height' : '100%' });
			/* Flex Slide & Push Down */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-flex-slide-push-down')) {
				if (event.type == 'mouseenter' || event.type == 'tapOn') {
					if ( postHeight-contentHeight-overlayInnerHeight <= 0 ) {
						$overlayInner.css('display', 'none');
					} else {
						$overlayInner.css('display', 'inline-block');	
					/* Media wrap */
						'bottom' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
							'bottom' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
					}, 1);
					/* Overlay */
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						'height' : postHeight
					}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');					

							'height' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? 0 : postHeight-contentHeight
						}).off('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd');
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						'marginTop' : postHeight-contentHeight < 0 ? postHeight : contentHeight
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						$(this).css({ 'bottom' : '100%' });
						'bottom' : 0,
						'height' : supportsTransitions ? postHeight : '100%'
					}).one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd MSTransitionEnd', function() { 
						$(this).css({ 'height' : '100%' });
						'marginBottom' : 0,
						'marginTop' : 0
			/* Flex Slide & Push Down Full */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-flex-slide-push-down-full')) {
				if (event.type == 'mouseenter' || event.type == 'tapOn') {
						'marginTop' : postHeight,
						'marginBottom' : postHeight*-1
				if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
						'marginTop' : 0,
						'marginBottom' : 0
			/* Door style */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-door-slide-down')) {
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						'marginBottom' : contentHeight * -1,
						'paddingBottom' : contentHeight
				if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
						'marginBottom' : 0,
						'paddingBottom' : 0
			/* Delux Push Up */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-delux-push-up')) {
				if (event.type == 'mouseenter' || event.type == 'tapOn') {
					$this.find('.gw-gopf-post-content-wrap').css('top', $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-header').outerHeight());
						'marginTop' : contentHeight * -1,
						'paddingBottom' : contentHeight
				if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
						'marginTop' : 0,
						'paddingBottom' : 0
			/* Delux Push Down */
			if ($this.closest('.gw-gopf').hasClass('gw-gopf-style-delux-push-down')) {
				if (event.type == 'mouseenter' || event.type == 'tapOn') {
					$this.find('.gw-gopf-post-content-wrap').css('bottom', $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-header').outerHeight());
					$this.find('.gw-gopf-post-overlay').css('height', $this.find('.gw-gopf-post-header').outerHeight());
						'marginBottom' : contentHeight * -1,
						'paddingTop' : contentHeight
				if (event.type == 'mouseleave' || event.type == 'tapOff') {
						'marginBottom' : 0,
						'paddingTop' : 0

	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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				if ($(this).data('id')==hashinfo[1]+'_'+hashinfo[2]) {

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						portfolioGallery[hashinfo[2]].magnificPopup('open', galleryItemIndex);
				} else {
					portfolioGallery[hashinfo[2]].magnificPopup('open', galleryItemIndex);

	function getHash() {
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	function getHashInfo() {
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	/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /
		[8]	OTHERS
	/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
		$(window).resize(function() { 
		$(window).load(function() {
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				if (gw_go_portfolio_settings.mobileTransition=='enabled') {
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		function loadImages(images, callback) {
			if (!images) return;
			images.each(function(index, element) {
				var $el = $(element);
				if ( !$'src') ) return;
				if ($el.closest('.gw-gopf-col-wrap').hasClass('gw-gopf-isotope-hidden') ) return;

				if ( $'loading') && $'fixh') ) {
					if ( parseFloat( $'fixh') / $el.closest('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap').width() ) > $'img-aspect-ratio') ) {
						if ( $'curent-orientaion') != 'landscape' ) $el.attr('data-orientation', 'landsacpe');	
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						if ( $'curent-orientaion') != 'portrait' ) $el.attr('data-orientation', 'portrait');

				if ( $el.hasClass('gw-gopf-image-ready') || !$'inview') || $'loading') ) return;
				$'loading', 1);
				var newImg = new Image;
					newImg.onload = function() {
					$el.attr('src', newImg.src);
					setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
						$el.closest('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap').css('background-image', 'url("' + newImg.src +'")');
					}, $el), 1);

					if ( !$'view-aspect-ratio') && !$'img-aspect-ratio') && !$'fixh') ) {
						$'width', $el.width());
						$'height', $el.height());	
						$'img-aspect-ratio', $'height') / $'width'));
						$el.closest('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap').css('padding-bottom', $'img-aspect-ratio')*100+'%');						
						$el.closest('.gw-gopf-posts').GWisotope('reLayout' );
					if ( $'fixh') && !$'img-aspect-ratio') ) {
						$'width', $el.width());
						$'height', $el.height());	
						$'img-aspect-ratio', $'height') / $'width'));						
					// portrait or landscape
					if ( $'fixh') ) {
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						} else {
							$el.attr('data-orientation', 'portrait');

					setTimeout($.proxy(function() {
					}, $el), 10);					

		function loadGalleryImages() {
			var images = $portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap img:visible');
			var xImages = images.filter('[data-x]');
			var wpImages = images.not('[data-x]');

		function imgIsInview() {

			$portfolio.find('.gw-gopf-post-media-wrap img').each(function(index, element) {
				var $el = $(element);
				if ( $el.offset().top<parseInt($(document).scrollTop()+window.innerHeight ) ) {
					$'inview', true);
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					$'inview', false);
		$(window).on('scroll resize', function() { 