msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: WP Data Access\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-01-10 11:23+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2023-01-10 11:49+0100\n" "Last-Translator: \n" "Language-Team: \n" "Language: nl_NL\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 2.4.3\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ..\n" "X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext: --add-comments=translators:\n" "X-Poedit-WPHeader: wp-data-access.php\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_e;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c;_ex:1,2c;_nx:4c,1,2;esc_attr__;" "esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x:1,2c;esc_html__;esc_html_e;esc_html_x:1,2c;_n_noop:1,2;" "_nx_noop:3c,1,2;__ngettext_noop:1,2\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPathExcluded-0: *.js\n" #: WPDataAccess/API/WPDA_API.php:96 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:259 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:374 msgid "Invalid arguments" msgstr "Ongeldige argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/API/WPDA_API.php:119 msgid "Forbidden" msgstr "Verboden" #: WPDataAccess/API/WPDA_API.php:185 WPDataAccess/API/WPDA_API.php:194 #: WPDataAccess/API/WPDA_API.php:210 msgid "Unprocessable Entity" msgstr "Onverwerkbare entiteit" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:61 msgid "" "You need to define and activate at least one storage device in Data Backup " "Settings to use this feature." msgstr "" "U moet ten minste één opslagapparaat definiëren en activeren in instellingen " "voor data backup om deze functie te kunnen gebruiken." #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:64 msgid "Define and/or activate a storage device" msgstr "Definieer en/of activeer een opslagapparaat" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:80 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:83 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:88 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:101 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:139 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:48 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:244 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:117 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:408 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:961 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2668 msgid "Data Backup" msgstr "Data Backup" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:137 msgid "Database Tables" msgstr "Databsetabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:139 msgid "Tables To Be Exported" msgstr "Te exporteren tabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:168 msgid "Backup Id" msgstr "Back-up-id" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:185 msgid "Backup Interval" msgstr "Back-upinterval" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:189 msgid "Run once (no interval)" msgstr "Eenmalig uitvoeren (geen interval)" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:202 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:439 msgid "Backup Location" msgstr "Back-uplocatie" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:226 msgid "Backup Files Kept" msgstr "Aantal bewaarde back-upbestanden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:248 msgid "Start" msgstr "Start" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:253 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:230 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2762 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2864 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:477 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:514 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:988 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:784 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:621 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:224 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:426 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:507 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:729 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:896 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1096 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1260 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:143 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Annuleren" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:300 msgid "No tables to be exported" msgstr "Er worden geen tabellen geëxporteerd" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:304 msgid "You must specify a backupid" msgstr "U moet een backupid opgeven" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:420 msgid "New Data Backup" msgstr "Nieuwe gegevens back-up" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:435 msgid "Hook Name" msgstr "Hook naam" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:436 msgid "Arguments" msgstr "Argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:437 msgid "Interval" msgstr "Interval" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:438 msgid "Next Execution" msgstr "Volgende uitvoering" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:440 msgid "Files Kept" msgstr "Aantal bestanden bewaard" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:441 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:575 msgid "No logging information found" msgstr "Geen logboekgegevens gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:591 msgid "No data backup jobs found" msgstr "Geen data backup taken gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:596 msgid "Show plugin jobs only" msgstr "Alleen Plug-intaken weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:597 msgid "Show all WordPress jobs" msgstr "Toon alle WordPress jobs" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:846 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1094 msgid "Mandatory item \"backupid\" not found" msgstr "Verplicht item \"backupid\" niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:860 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1118 msgid "Mandatory item \"interval\" not found" msgstr "Verplicht item \"interval\" niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:874 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1130 msgid "Mandatory item \"keep\" not found" msgstr "Verplicht item \"keep\" niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:888 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1142 msgid "Mandatory item \"device\" not found" msgstr "Verplicht item \"apparaat\" niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:902 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1106 msgid "No tables defined to backup" msgstr "Geen tabellen gedefinieerd voor back-up" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:935 msgid "Could not create data backup" msgstr "Kan geen data backup maken" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:950 msgid "Backup failed" msgstr "Back-up is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:973 msgid "Data backup started. Please check backup location." msgstr "Gegevensback-up gestart. Controleer de locatie van de back-up." #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:977 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1532 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:494 msgid "List" msgstr "Lijst" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:993 msgid "Backup id already exists" msgstr "Back-up-id bestaat al" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1016 msgid "Could not save data backup options" msgstr "Kan data backup opties niet opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1055 #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1159 msgid "Could not delete data backup schedule" msgstr "Kan data backup schema niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Backup/WPDA_Data_Export.php:1064 msgid "Deleted data backup schedule" msgstr "Data backup schema verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:65 msgid "Import CSV " msgstr "CSV importeren " #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:89 msgid "Upload new CSV file" msgstr "Nieuw CSV-bestand uploaden" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:101 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:661 msgid "CSV file list" msgstr "CSV-bestandslijst" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:190 msgid "Select a file and click upload" msgstr "Selecteer een bestand en klikken op upload" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:223 msgid "Upload" msgstr "Uploaden" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:313 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:544 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:559 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:212 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:259 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:110 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2356 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:274 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1924 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1979 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2107 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:31 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:49 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:416 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Publisher/WPDAPRO_Data_Publisher_Manage_Styles.php:126 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:81 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:571 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:895 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:943 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1150 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1169 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1193 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1211 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1228 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1247 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1269 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1470 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1621 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1649 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:37 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:24 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:33 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:24 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:119 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:65 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:30 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:85 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:185 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:194 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:214 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:258 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:31 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:36 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:23 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:33 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:96 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:25 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:379 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:383 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:387 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:568 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:257 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:73 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:106 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:132 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:155 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:335 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:347 msgid "ERROR: Not authorized" msgstr "FOUT: Niet geautoriseerd" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:577 msgid "Uploading file" msgstr "Bestand uploaden" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:599 msgid "Saving file info..." msgstr "Bestandsgegevens opslaan..." #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:624 msgid "Processing CSV file failed" msgstr "CSV-bestand verwerken is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:651 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:541 msgid "Column mapping" msgstr "Column mapping" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Import.php:671 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:98 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:131 msgid "File upload failed" msgstr "Uploaden bestand mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:94 msgid "Map table and columns for CSV file: " msgstr "Tabel en kolommen toewijzen voor CSV-bestanden: " #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:114 msgid "Import CSV file: " msgstr "CSV-bestand importeren: " #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:132 msgid "Upload a newer version of CSV file: " msgstr "Upload een nieuwere versie van csv-bestand: " #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:204 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:273 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1909 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1998 msgid "ERROR: Invalid URL [missing primary key values]" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige URL [primary key ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:228 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1939 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2046 msgid "Row deleted" msgstr "Rij verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:235 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1946 msgid "Could not delete row" msgstr "Kon rij niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:247 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1967 msgid "Nothing to delete" msgstr "Niets om te verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:306 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:308 msgid "CSV files deleted" msgstr "CSV-bestanden verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:323 msgid "Not all CSV files have been deleted" msgstr "Niet alle CSV-bestanden zijn verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:348 msgid "ID" msgstr "ID" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:349 msgid "Import Name" msgstr "Naam import" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:350 msgid "Local file Name" msgstr "Naam lokaal bestand" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:351 msgid "File Name" msgstr "Bestandsnaam" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:352 msgid "Timestamp" msgstr "Tijdstempel" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_List_Table.php:353 msgid "Mapping" msgstr "Mapping" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:105 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument" msgstr "FOUT: Ontbrekend argument" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:153 msgid "ERROR: CSV file not found" msgstr "FOUT: CSV-bestand niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:254 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:299 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:398 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:433 #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:579 msgid "Drag column here..." msgstr "Sleep kolom hier naartoe..." #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:446 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:238 msgid "Settings" msgstr "Instellingen" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:484 msgid "Apply settings" msgstr "Instellingen toepassen" #: WPDataAccess/CSV_Files/WPDA_CSV_Mapping.php:491 msgid "Destination database and table" msgstr "Doeldatabase en tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:230 msgid "Error establishing a database connection" msgstr "Fout bij het maken van een databaseverbinding" #. translators: 1: wp-config.php, 2: Database host. #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:234 #, php-format msgid "" "This either means that the username and password information in your %1$s file " "is incorrect or we can&#8217;t contact the database server at %2$s. This could " "mean your host&#8217;s database server is down." msgstr "" "Dit betekent ook dat de gebruikersnaam en wachtwoordinformatie in uw bestand " "%1$s onjuist is of we niet kunnen contact opnemen met de databaseserver op " "%2$s. Dit kan betekenen dat de host-database-server niet draait." #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:240 msgid "Are you sure you have the correct username and password?" msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de juiste gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord hebt?" #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:241 msgid "Are you sure you have typed the correct hostname?" msgstr "Weet je zeker dat je de juiste hostnaam hebt getypt?" #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:242 msgid "Are you sure the database server is running?" msgstr "Weet u zeker dat de databaseserver actief is?" #. translators: %s: Support forums URL. #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:247 #, php-format msgid "" "If you&#8217;re unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your " "host. If you still need help you can always visit the <a href=\"%s\">WordPress " "Support Forums</a>." msgstr "" "Als je niet zeker weet wat deze termen betekenen, moet je waarschijnlijk " "contact opnemen met je host. Als je nog steeds hulp nodig hebt, kun je altijd " "de <a href=\"%s\">WordPress-ondersteuningsforums bezoeken</a>." #: WPDataAccess/Connection/WPDADB_WPDB.php:248 msgid "" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:228 #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:264 #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:282 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:627 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:713 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:825 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:926 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:942 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1071 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1179 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1294 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1377 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1471 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1568 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1656 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Autocomplete.php:34 msgid "Wrong arguments" msgstr "Verkeerde argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:234 #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:270 #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:289 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1953 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2170 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Autocomplete.php:46 msgid "Not authorized" msgstr "Niet geautoriseerd" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:247 msgid "Dashboard not added" msgstr "Dashboard niet toegevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:252 msgid "Dashboard \"Default\" already exists" msgstr "Dashboard \"Default\" bestaat al" #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:902 msgid "Remove columns outside of range? Widgets will no longer be available!" msgstr "" "Kolommen buiten het bereik verwijderen? Widgets zijn niet meer beschikbaar!" #: WPDataAccess/Dashboard/WPDA_Dashboard.php:904 msgid "" "Remove columns outside of range? Widgets are not deleted! Use OPEN EXISTING " "WIDGETS to add widget again." msgstr "" "Kolommen buiten het bereik verwijderen? Widgets worden niet verwijderd! " "Gebruik BESTAANDE WIDGETS OPENEN om de widget opnieuw toe te voegen." #: WPDataAccess/Data_Dictionary/WPDA_Dictionary_Exist.php:107 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [schema name not found]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [schema naam ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Dictionary/WPDA_List_Columns.php:126 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Dictionary/WPDA_List_Columns.php:128 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:525 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:760 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:873 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2631 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2667 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2197 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2199 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2239 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2241 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2284 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2286 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:186 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:506 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1421 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1549 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2195 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2212 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2295 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2549 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3155 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:22 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:714 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:770 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:834 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:836 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:185 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:265 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:405 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Export_Formatted.php:257 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Export_Formatted.php:259 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Export_Sql.php:154 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_File.php:87 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:202 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:204 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Reverse_Engineering.php:57 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:166 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1970 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_Form.php:168 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:212 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:214 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:471 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:473 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:239 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:241 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:232 #, php-format msgid "ERROR - Remote database %s not available" msgstr "FOUT - Externe database %s niet beschikbaar" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Dictionary/WPDA_List_Columns.php:424 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no columns found]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [geen velden gevonden]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Dictionary/WPDA_List_Columns.php:441 msgid "key" msgstr "sleutel" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:61 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:385 msgid "Table ID" msgstr "Tabel ID" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:62 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:386 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:45 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:218 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:35 msgid "Table Name" msgstr "Tabelnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:63 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:387 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1812 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:107 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3023 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:479 msgid "Database" msgstr "Database" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:64 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:56 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:388 msgid "Data Source" msgstr "Data Source" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:65 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:389 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:478 msgid "Table/View Name" msgstr "Tabel-/viewnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:66 msgid "Column Names (* = all)" msgstr "Veldnamen (* = all)" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:67 msgid "Column Labels" msgstr "Kolomlabels" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:68 msgid "* Query" msgstr "* Query" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:69 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:393 msgid "Sort Icons" msgstr "Sorteerpictogrammen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:70 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:394 msgid "Styling" msgstr "Opmaak" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:71 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:395 msgid "Enable Premium Styling" msgstr "Premium styling inschakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:72 msgid "Use Custom Style" msgstr "Aangepaste stijl gebruiken" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:73 msgid "Color" msgstr "Kleur" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:74 msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Tussenruimte" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:75 msgid "Border Radius" msgstr "Rand radius" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:76 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:400 msgid "Modal Width" msgstr "Modale breedte" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:77 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:401 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:815 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:879 msgid "Output" msgstr "Uitvoer" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:78 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:410 msgid "Popup Title" msgstr "Popup Titel" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:79 msgid "Number Of Columns" msgstr "Aantal Kolommen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:80 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3191 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:318 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:136 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:43 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:216 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:34 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1103 msgid "Type" msgstr "Type" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:81 msgid "Hyperlinks On Modal" msgstr "Hyperlinks in popup" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:82 msgid "Show Icon" msgstr "Toon icoon" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:83 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:415 msgid "Horizontal Scrollbar" msgstr "Horizontale schuifbalk" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:84 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:57 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:230 msgid "WHERE Clause" msgstr "WHERE-clausule" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:85 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:409 msgid "Default Order By" msgstr "Standaardvolgorde" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:86 msgid "Allow Searching?" msgstr "Zoeken toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:87 msgid "Allow Ordering?" msgstr "Soteren toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:88 msgid "Allow Paging?" msgstr "Paging toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:89 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:405 msgid "Server Side Processing?" msgstr "Server Side Processing?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:90 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:406 msgid "NL > BR" msgstr "NL > BR" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:91 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:407 msgid "Advanced Options" msgstr "Geavanceerde opties" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:92 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:416 msgid "Extentions" msgstr "Extentions" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:93 msgid "Post type" msgstr "Bericht type" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:94 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:418 msgid "Custom fields" msgstr "Aangepaste velden" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:95 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:419 msgid "CPT query" msgstr "CPT-query" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:96 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:420 msgid "Field labels" msgstr "Veldlabels" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:141 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2417 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:262 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:265 msgid "Test" msgstr "Test" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:196 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:379 msgid "Row details" msgstr "Rij details" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:207 msgid "Select columns shown in data table" msgstr "Kolommen selecteren die in de gegevenstabel worden weergegeven" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:214 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Media.php:40 msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecteer" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:221 msgid "" "Define columns for data table (not necessary if already defined in Data " "Explorer table settings)" msgstr "" "Kolommen voor gegevenstabel definiëren (niet nodig als deze al zijn " "gedefinieerd in de tabelinstellingen van Data Explorer)" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:229 msgid "Click to define column labels" msgstr "Klik hier om kolomlabels te definiëren" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:237 msgid "Get SQL from Query Builder" msgstr "SQL ophalen bij Query Builder" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:388 msgid "Define field labels for selected custom fields" msgstr "Veldlabels definiëren voor geselecteerde aangepaste velden" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:393 msgid "Click to define field labels" msgstr "Klik om veldlabels te definiëren" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:748 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:753 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:1905 msgid "To select columns you need to save your data table first" msgstr "Als u kolommen wilt selecteren, moet u eerst uw gegevenstabel opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2001 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2079 msgid "To format columns you need to save your data table first" msgstr "Als u kolommen wilt opmaken, moet u eerst uw gegevenstabel opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2015 msgid "Field Name" msgstr "Veldnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2016 msgid "Field Label" msgstr "Veldlabel" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2101 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1362 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1398 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1448 msgid "Column Name" msgstr "Veldnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2102 msgid "Column Label" msgstr "Kolom Label" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2296 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2340 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:197 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:248 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:167 msgid "Shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2311 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:212 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:127 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:165 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:130 msgid "Shortcode successfully copied to clipboard!" msgstr "Shortcode succesvol gekopieerd naar klembord!" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2313 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:187 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:214 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:320 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1839 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:129 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:167 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:132 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:333 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopiëren" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2319 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:220 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1654 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:135 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:173 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:153 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:138 msgid "Close" msgstr "Sluiten" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2335 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:246 msgid "Get shortcode" msgstr "Shortcode ophalen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2359 msgid "ERROR: Cannot test data table [wrong arguments]" msgstr "FOUT: Kan gegevenstabel niet testen [verkeerde argumenten]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2362 msgid "ERROR: Cannot test data table" msgstr "FOUT: Kan gegevenstabel niet testen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2363 msgid "" "SOLUTION: Load jQuery DataTables: WP Data Access > Manage Plugin > Back-End " "Settings" msgstr "" "OPLOSSING: laad jQuery-DataTables: WP Data Access > Plug-in beheren > Back-end-" "instellingen beheren" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_Form.php:2418 msgid "data table looks different on your website" msgstr "gegevenstabel ziet er anders uit op uw website" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:172 msgid "Copy table options set?\\n\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to copy." msgstr "" "Option set kopiëren?\\n\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\'OK\\' om te kopiëren." #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:184 msgid "Copy: new table name = old table name_ + n" msgstr "Kopiëren: nieuwe tabelnaam = oude tabel name_ + n" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:305 msgid "Could not copy data table [source not found]" msgstr "Kan gegevenstabel niet kopiëren [bron niet gevonden]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:315 msgid "Data table copied" msgstr "Gegevenstabel gekopieerd" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:323 msgid "Could not copy data table [too many rows]" msgstr "Kan gegevenstabel niet kopiëren [te veel rijen]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:351 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:251 msgid "ERROR: Data table not found" msgstr "FOUT: Gegevenstabel niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:390 msgid "Column Names" msgstr "Veldnamen" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:391 msgid "Format" msgstr "Formaat" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:392 msgid "Query" msgstr "Query" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:396 msgid "Custom Style" msgstr "Aangepaste stijl" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:397 msgid "Style Color" msgstr "Stijl kleur" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:398 msgid "Style Spacing" msgstr "Stijlafstand" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:399 msgid "Style Corner" msgstr "Stijl hoek" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:402 msgid "Searching?" msgstr "Zoeken?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:403 msgid "Ordering?" msgstr "Sortering?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:404 msgid "Paging?" msgstr "Paging?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:408 msgid "Default Where" msgstr "WHERE-clausule" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:411 msgid "Responsive Cols" msgstr "Responsieve cols" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:412 msgid "Responsive Type" msgstr "Responsieve type" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:413 msgid "Modal Hyperlinks" msgstr "Modale hyperlinks" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:414 msgid "Responsive Icon?" msgstr "Responsief icon?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Publisher/WPDA_Publisher_List_Table.php:417 msgid "Custom post type" msgstr "Aangepast berichttype" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:239 msgid "" "ERROR: Missing argument [need at least pub_id, pub_name or table argument]" msgstr "" "FOUT: Ontbrekend argument [minimaal argument pub_id, pub_name of tabel nodig]" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:402 msgid "ERROR: Invalid query?" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige query?" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:457 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:454 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:111 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:148 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:322 #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:780 msgid "ERROR: Invalid table name or not authorized" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige tabelnaam of niet geautoriseerd" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:763 msgid "ERROR: Column" msgstr "FOUT: Kolom" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:763 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:162 msgid "not found" msgstr "niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:863 #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:1520 msgid "Distance" msgstr "Afstand" #: WPDataAccess/Data_Tables/WPDA_Data_Tables.php:1044 msgid "Geo range search" msgstr "Geobereik zoeken" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:248 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [page not found]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [page ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:295 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:343 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [table not found]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [table ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:333 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:221 msgid "ERROR: Reverse engineering table failed [invalid structure]" msgstr "FOUT: Reverse engineering van de tabel is mislukt [verkeerde structuur]" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:336 msgid "ERROR: Reverse engineering table failed [insert failed]" msgstr "FOUT: Reverse engineering van de tabel is mislukt [insert mislukt]" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:353 msgid "ERROR: Insert failed" msgstr "FOUT: Toevoegen mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:361 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:184 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:255 msgid "Update failed" msgstr "Bijwerken mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:371 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1227 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1380 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:771 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:445 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:521 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:194 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:265 msgid "Nothing to save" msgstr "Niets om op te slaan" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:378 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:430 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:270 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:201 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:272 msgid "Succesfully saved changes to database" msgstr "Wijzigingen opgeslagen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:747 #, php-format msgid "Cannot drop WordPress table `%s`" msgstr "Kan WordPress tabel `%s` niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:768 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2081 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2368 #, php-format msgid "Table `%s` dropped" msgstr "Tabel `%s` is verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:775 msgid "DROP TABLE failed" msgstr "VERWIJDEREN TABEL is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:882 msgid "Table created" msgstr "Tabel gemaakt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:889 msgid "CREATE TABLE failed" msgstr "TABEL maken is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1110 msgid "Table name cannot be empty" msgstr "Tabelnaam mag niet leeg zijn" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1115 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1495 msgid "Table name already used for another table design" msgstr "Tabelnaam die al wordt gebruikt voor een ander tabelontwerp" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1122 msgid "Column names cannot be empty" msgstr "Veldnamen mogen niet leeg zijn" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1646 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:144 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1524 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:145 msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "Kopiëren naar klembord" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1665 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:333 msgid "SQL successfully copied to clipboard!" msgstr "SQL is gekopieerd naar het klembord!" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1668 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:336 msgid "Could not copy SQL to clipboard!" msgstr "Kan SQL niet naar het klembord kopiëren!" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1684 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1919 msgid "Load table from database" msgstr "Tabel laden uit database" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1725 msgid "Dismiss" msgstr "Sluiten" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1786 msgid "Table definition" msgstr "Tabeldefinitie" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1847 msgid "Basic Design Mode" msgstr "Eenvoudige ontwerpmodus" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1857 msgid "Advanced Design Mode" msgstr "Geavanceerde ontwerpmodus" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1863 #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:106 msgid "Table name" msgstr "Tabelnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1879 msgid "You cannot use a WordPress table name" msgstr "U kunt geen WordPress-tabelnaam gebruiken" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1885 msgid "A table with this name already exists in the database" msgstr "Er bestaat al een tabel met deze naam in de database" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1892 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1811 msgid "Reconcile table? Your current modifications will be lost!" msgstr "Tabel afstemmen? Uw huidige wijzigingen gaan verloren!" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1896 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:153 msgid "Reconcile" msgstr "Afstemmen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1900 msgid "New table" msgstr "Nieuwe tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1921 msgid "Reverse engineering" msgstr "Reverse engineering" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1933 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3195 msgid "Engine" msgstr "Engine" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1967 msgid "Show CREATE TABLE script" msgstr "Script voor CREATE TABLE weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1974 msgid "Show ALTER TABLE script" msgstr "Script voor ALTER TABLE weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:1981 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3200 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1364 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1449 msgid "Collation" msgstr "Tabelcollatie" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2024 msgid "Show deleted columns and indexes" msgstr "Verwijderde kolommen en indexen weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2037 msgid "Add columns" msgstr "Kolommen toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2045 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1253 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1472 msgid "Column name" msgstr "Veldnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2048 msgid "Column type" msgstr "Veldtype" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2052 msgid "Type attribute" msgstr "Type kenmerk" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2056 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1366 msgid "Key?" msgstr "Sleutel?" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2059 msgid "Mandatory?" msgstr "Verplicht?" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2062 msgid "Max length" msgstr "Maximale lengte" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2065 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1368 msgid "Extra" msgstr "Extra" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2079 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1497 msgid "Default value" msgstr "Standaardwaarde" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2082 msgid "List values" msgstr "Lijst waarden" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2128 msgid "CREATE TABLE" msgstr "TABEL MAKEN" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2135 msgid "ALTER TABLE" msgstr "WIJZIGEN TABELSTRUCTUUR" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2154 msgid "DROP TABLE" msgstr "VERWIJDEREN TABEL" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2199 msgid "Add indexes" msgstr "Indexen toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2206 msgid "Index name" msgstr "Index naam" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2209 msgid "Type?" msgstr "Soort?" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2212 msgid "Column name(s)" msgstr "Veldnamen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2244 msgid "Drop all deleted indexes and recreate all changed indexes for table `" msgstr "" "Alle verwijderde indexen verwijderen en opnieuw maken van alle gewijzigde " "indexen voor tabel '" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2247 msgid "(RE)CREATE INDEXES" msgstr "(OPNIEUW) INDEXEN MAKEN" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2252 msgid "Does not drop primary key indexes and index designs!" msgstr "Verwijdert geen primary key indexen en index ontwerpen!" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2252 msgid "Drop all indexes for table `" msgstr "Alle indexen verwijderen voor tabel '" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2255 msgid "DROP INDEXES" msgstr "INDEXEN VERWIJDEREN" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2261 msgid "Save table design changes first!" msgstr "Sla tabelontwerp wijzigingen eerst op!" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2264 msgid "Save Indexes" msgstr "Indexen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2282 msgid "The following CREATE TABLE statement failed" msgstr "De volgende CREATE TABLE instructie is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2306 msgid "The following CREATE INDEX statement(s) failed" msgstr "De volgende CREATE INDEX instructie(s) is/zijn mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2331 msgid "The following ALTER TABLE statement failed" msgstr "De volgende ALTER TABLE instructie is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2641 #, php-format msgid "Index `%s` dropped" msgstr "Index `%s` is verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2648 msgid "DROP INDEX failed" msgstr "VERWIJDEREN INDEX is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2705 #, php-format msgid "Index `%s` created" msgstr "Index `%s` is gemaakt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_Form.php:2712 msgid "CREATE INDEX failed" msgstr "INDEX maken is mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:53 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2654 msgid "Design new table" msgstr "Nieuwe tabel ontwerpen" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:108 msgid "Table structure" msgstr "Tabelstructuur" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:109 msgid "Creation date" msgstr "Aanmaakdatum" #: WPDataAccess/Design_Table/WPDA_Design_Table_List_Table.php:110 msgid "Last updated" msgstr "Laatst bijgewerkt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:422 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no table argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [table ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:427 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no columns argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [columns ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:432 msgid "Row" msgstr "Rij" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:433 msgid "Rows" msgstr "Rijen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:465 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no page argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [page ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:485 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:160 msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabel" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:750 #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDA_CSV_Uploads_Model.php:191 msgid "No data found" msgstr "Geen gegevens gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:885 msgid "View row data" msgstr "Rijgegevens weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:887 msgid "View" msgstr "View" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:927 msgid "Edit row data" msgstr "Rijgegevens bewerken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:929 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:364 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bewerken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:958 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:387 msgid "" "You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\\nThis action " "cannot be undone.\\n\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to delete." msgstr "" "Wilt u het huidige item en alle bijbehorende relaties verwijderen?\\nDeze " "actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.\\n\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\' " "OK \\' om te verwijderen." #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:970 msgid "Delete row data (this cannot be undone)" msgstr "Rijgegevens verwijderen (dit kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt)" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:973 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:378 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:384 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:431 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:127 msgid "Delete" msgstr "Verwijder" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1272 #, php-format msgid "Output limited to %1$s characters" msgstr "Uitvoer beperkt tot%1$s tekens" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1477 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3079 msgid "Favourites" msgstr "Favorieten" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1602 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:210 msgid "search" msgstr "zoeken" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1728 msgid "respository" msgstr "repository" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1728 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:660 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:154 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1709 msgid "table" msgstr "tabel" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1749 #, php-format msgid "Add new %1$s to %2$s" msgstr "Nieuwe %1$s toevoegen aan %2$s" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1752 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms.php:758 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:774 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:475 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:266 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:71 msgid "Add New" msgstr "Nieuwe rij toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1896 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:1959 msgid "ERROR: Not authorized [delete not allowed]" msgstr "FOUT: Niet geautoriseerd [verwijderen niet toegestaan]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2048 msgid "rows deleted" msgstr "rijen verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2063 msgid "Not all rows have been deleted" msgstr "Niet alle rijen zijn verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2087 msgid "ERROR: Not authorized [export not allowed]" msgstr "FOUT: Niet geautoriseerd [exporteren niet toegestaan]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2096 msgid "Nothing to export" msgstr "Niets om op te exporteren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2149 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:147 msgid "ERROR: Invalid URL" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige URL" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2404 msgid "ERROR: Invalid URL [invalid column name]" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige URL [ongeldige veldnaam]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2618 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:1153 msgid "Select All" msgstr "Selecteer alles" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2733 msgid "Delete Permanently" msgstr "Permanent verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2745 msgid "Export to SQL" msgstr "Exporteren naar SQL" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2747 msgid "Export to XML" msgstr "Exporteer naar XML" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2748 msgid "Export to JSON" msgstr "Exporteren naar JSON" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2749 msgid "Export to Excel" msgstr "Exporteer naar Excel" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2750 msgid "Export to CSV" msgstr "Exporteer naar CSV" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: %s: number of items (2x) #. translators: %s: Number of items. #. translators: Number of items. #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2907 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:837 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:1430 #, php-format msgid "%s item" msgid_plural "%s items" msgstr[0] "%s item" msgstr[1] "%s items" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2966 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:879 msgid "First page" msgstr "Eerste pagina" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2984 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:890 msgid "Previous page" msgstr "Vorige pagina" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2994 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:2998 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:897 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:901 msgid "Current Page" msgstr "Huidige Pagina" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: %s: current page/total pages #. translators: 1: Current page, 2: Total pages. #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:3005 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:909 #, php-format msgctxt "paging" msgid "%1$s of %2$s" msgstr "%1$s van %2$s" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:3017 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:920 msgid "Next page" msgstr "Volgende pagina" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table.php:3035 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:931 msgid "Last page" msgstr "Laatste pagina" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:203 msgid "Create local database/add remote database connection" msgstr "Lokale database maken/externe databaseverbinding toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:205 msgid "Add remote database connection (not authorized to create local database)" msgstr "" "Externe databaseverbinding toevoegen (niet geautoriseerd om lokale database te " "maken)" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:211 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:768 msgid "Cannot drop WordPress database" msgstr "Kan WordPress-database niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:219 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:785 msgid "Cannot drop MySQL database" msgstr "Kan MySQL-database niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:222 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:230 msgid "" "Delete remote database connection.\n" "Does not drop the database! Just deletes the connection definition." msgstr "" "Externe databaseverbinding verwijderen? De database wordt niet laten " "verwijderd! Hiermee verwijdert u alleen de definitie van de externe " "databaseverbinding." #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:224 msgid "Drop selected database" msgstr "Toon alleen geselecteerde databases" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:232 msgid "Cannot drop selected database [not authorized]" msgstr "Kan geselecteerde database niet verwijderen [niet geautoriseerd]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:360 msgid "" "Fragmentation for this table is high.\n" "Consider: Manage>Actions>Optimize" msgstr "" "De fragmentatie voor deze tabel is hoog.\n" "Overweeg: Acties beheren>Optimaliseren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:386 #, php-format msgid "Table %s settings" msgstr "Instellingen voor tabel %s" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:389 msgid "Manage" msgstr "Beheren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:401 msgid "" "You are about to edit a WordPress table! Changing this table might result in " "corrupting the WordPress database. Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" "Je staat op het punt om een ​​WordPress-tabel te bewerken! Als je deze tabel " "wijzigt, kan de WordPress-database beschadigen. Weet je zeker dat je door wilt " "gaan?" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:407 msgid "" "You are about to edit a plugin table! Changing this table might result in " "corrupting the WP Data Access database. Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "" "U gaat een plugin-tabel bewerken! Als u deze tabel wijzigt, kan dit leiden tot " "beschadiging van de WP Data Access-database. Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:413 msgid "" "You are about to edit a table of an external application! Changing this table " "might result in corrupting the external database. Are you sure you want to " "continue?" msgstr "" "Je staat op het punt om een ​​tabel van een andere applicatie te bewerken! Als " "je deze tabel wijzigt, kan de database van de betreffende applicatie " "beschadigen. Weet je zeker dat je door wilt gaan?" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:441 msgid "Explore" msgstr "Verkennen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:442 #, php-format msgid "Explore %s table" msgstr "Verken %s tabel" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:625 msgid "Export Table(s)" msgstr "Tabel(len) exporteren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:626 msgid "Drop Table(s)/View(s) (does not drop WordPress tables)" msgstr "Verwijder Tabel(len)/View(s) (verwijderd geen WordPress tabellen)" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:627 msgid "Truncate Table(s) (does not truncate WordPress tables)" msgstr "Tabel(len) afkappen (geen WordPress-tabellen afkappen)" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:693 msgid "Table refresh failed" msgstr "Tabelvernieuwing mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:702 #, php-format msgid "Table `%s` updated" msgstr "Tabel '%s' bijgewerkt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:718 msgid "Cannot drop database [missing argument]" msgstr "Kan database niet verwijderen [ontbrekend argument]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:736 #, php-format msgid "" "Cannot delete remote database connection `%s` [remote database connection not " "found]" msgstr "" "Kan externe databaseverbinding '%s' niet verwijderen [externe " "databaseverbinding niet gevonden]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:746 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:434 #, php-format msgid "Cannot delete remote database connection `%s`" msgstr "Kan externe databaseverbinding '%s' niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:755 #, php-format msgid "Remove database `%s` deleted" msgstr "Database '%s' verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:806 #, php-format msgid "Error dropping database `%s`" msgstr "Fout bij het verwijderen van database '%s'" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:815 #, php-format msgid "Database `%s` dropped" msgstr "Database '%s' verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:833 msgid "Cannot update remote database connection [missing argument]" msgstr "Kan de externe databaseverbinding niet bijwerken [ontbrekend argument]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:850 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:864 msgid "" "Cannot update remote database connection [remote database connection not found]" msgstr "" "Kan de externe databaseverbinding niet bijwerken [externe databaseverbinding " "niet gevonden]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:902 msgid "Cannot edit remote database connection [missing arguments]" msgstr "Kan externe databaseverbinding niet bewerken [ontbrekende argumenten]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:932 #, php-format msgid "Cannot update remote database connection `%s`" msgstr "Kan externe databaseverbinding '%s' niet bijwerken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:941 #, php-format msgid "Remote database connection `%s` updated" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding '%s' bijgewerkt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:963 msgid "Cannot create database [missing argument]" msgstr "Kan geen database maken [ontbrekend argument]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:988 #, php-format msgid "Error creating database `%s`" msgstr "Fout bij het maken van database '%s'" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:997 #, php-format msgid "Database `%s` created" msgstr "Database '%s' gemaakt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1012 msgid "Remote database connection already exists" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding bestaat al" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1049 msgid "Cannot add remote database connection [missing argument]" msgstr "Kan geen externe databaseverbinding toevoegen [ontbrekend argument]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1062 msgid "" "Invalid database name [enter a valid database name, for example rdb:remotedb]" msgstr "" "Ongeldige databasenaam [voer een geldige databasenaam in, bijvoorbeeld rdb:" "remotedb]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1088 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:529 msgid "Cannot add remote database connection" msgstr "Kan geen externe databaseverbinding toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1097 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:540 #, php-format msgid "Remote database connection `%s` added" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding '%s' toegevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1122 msgid "Menu deleted" msgstr "Menu verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1129 msgid "Cannot delete menu" msgstr "Kan menu niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1154 msgid "Invalid request" msgstr "Ongeldig verzoek" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1220 #, php-format msgid "Saved dashboard menus for table `%s`" msgstr "Instellingen voor dashboard menu's %s opgeslagen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1234 #, php-format msgid "Cannot save dashboard menus for table `%s`" msgstr "Kan dashboardmenu's niet opslaan voor tabel '%s'" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1266 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1275 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1373 #, php-format msgid "Saved settings for table `%s`" msgstr "Instellingen voor tabel %s opgeslagen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1282 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1336 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1387 #, php-format msgid "Cannot save settings for table `%s`" msgstr "Kan de instellingen voor tabel %s niet opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1411 #, php-format msgid "Cannot optimize `%s`" msgstr "Kan `%s` niet optimaliseren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1427 #, php-format msgid "Table `%s` optimized" msgstr "Tabel `%s` geoptimaliseerd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1447 msgid "Missing old table name" msgstr "Oude tabelnaam ontbreekt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1453 msgid "Missing new table name" msgstr "Ontbrekende nieuwe tabelnaam" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1458 #, php-format msgid "[cannot rename WordPress table `%s`]" msgstr "[naam van WordPress tabel `%s` kan niet worden veranderd]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1462 msgid "Missing old table name value" msgstr "Oude waarde van tabelnaam ontbreekt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1472 msgid "Missing new table name value" msgstr "Nieuwe waarde voor tabelnaam ontbreekt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1488 #, php-format msgid "Cannot rename `%s`" msgstr "Kan naam van `%s` niet wijzigen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1499 msgid "Cannot rename" msgstr "Kan de naam niet wijzigen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1510 msgid "renamed to" msgstr "hernoemd naar" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1537 msgid "Not authorized [cannot rename WordPress tables]" msgstr "Niet geautoriseerd [kan WordPress-tabellen niet hernoemen]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1564 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1592 msgid "Missing source table name" msgstr "Ontbrekende brontabel naam" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1570 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1614 msgid "Missing destination table name" msgstr "Ontbrekende naam van doeltabel" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1581 msgid "Missing source schema name" msgstr "Ontbrekende naam van bronschema" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1603 msgid "Missing destination schema name" msgstr "Ontbrekende naam van bestemmingsschema" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1630 #, php-format msgid "Cannot copy `%s`" msgstr "Kan `%s` niet kopiëren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1650 msgid "Cannot copy" msgstr "Kan niet kopiëren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1661 msgid "copied to" msgstr "gekopieerd naar" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1861 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2042 msgid "Empty bulk selected" msgstr "Lege bulk geselecteerd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1874 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2053 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2253 #, php-format msgid "[table `%s`]" msgstr "[tabel `%s`]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1880 #, php-format msgid "Cannot export `%s`" msgstr "Kan `%s` niet exporteren" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:1982 msgid "Not authorized [table not found]" msgstr "Niet geautoriseerd [tabel niet gevonden]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2050 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2336 #, php-format msgid "[cannot drop WordPress table `%s`]" msgstr "[WordPress tabel `%s` kan niet worden verwijderd]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2059 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2346 #, php-format msgid "Cannot drop `%s`" msgstr "Kan `%s` niet verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2071 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2358 #, php-format msgid "View `%s` dropped" msgstr "View `%s` verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2219 msgid "Not authorized [cannot drop WordPress tables]" msgstr "Niet geautoriseerd [kan WordPress-tabellen niet verwijderen]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2242 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2332 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2394 msgid "No table defined" msgstr "Geen tabel gedefinieerd" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2250 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2398 #, php-format msgid "[cannot truncate WordPress table `%s`]" msgstr "[WordPress tabel `%s` kan niet worden afgekapt]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2259 #, php-format msgid "Cannot truncate `%s`" msgstr "Kan tabel `%s` niet afkappen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2270 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2408 #, php-format msgid "Table `%s` truncated" msgstr "Tabel `%s` afgekapt" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2302 msgid "Not authorized [cannot truncate WordPress tables]" msgstr "Niet geautoriseerd [kan WordPress-tabellen niet afkappen]" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2701 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:544 msgid "Edit Remote Database Connection" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding bewerken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2759 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2861 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:617 msgid "Save" msgstr "Opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2779 msgid "Create local database" msgstr "Lokale database maken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2780 #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:2795 msgid "Add remote database connection" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3054 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:742 msgid "Edit remote database connection" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding bewerken" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3054 msgid "Not available for local database" msgstr "Niet beschikbaar voor lokale database" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3063 msgid "" "Delete remote database connection?\\nDoes not drop the database! Only deletes " "the remote database connection definition." msgstr "" "Externe databaseverbinding verwijderen?\\nDe database wordt niet laten " "verwijderd! Hiermee verwijdert u alleen de definitie van de externe " "databaseverbinding." #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3065 msgid "Drop selected database?" msgstr "Geselecteerde database verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3078 msgid "" "Create function wpda_get_wp_user_id()\n" "to get access to the WordPress user ID from database views" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3189 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:264 msgid "Name" msgstr "Naam" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3192 msgid "Creation Date" msgstr "Aanmaakdatum" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3193 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:483 msgid "#Rows" msgstr "#Rijen" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3194 msgid "Increment" msgstr "Nummering" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3196 msgid "Size" msgstr "Grootte" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3197 msgid "Data Size" msgstr "Gegevens grootte" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3198 msgid "Index Size" msgstr "Index grootte" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_Table_Menu.php:3199 msgid "Overhead" msgstr "Overhead" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_View.php:823 msgid "Number of items per page" msgstr "Aantal items per pagina" #: WPDataAccess/List_Table/WPDA_List_View.php:942 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:246 msgid "Columns" msgstr "Kolommen" #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDA_Plugin_Table_Base_Model.php:34 msgid "" "Wrong usage of class WPDA_Plugin_Table_Base_Model [missing BASE_TABLE_NAME]" msgstr "" "Verkeerd gebruik van klasse WPDA_Plugin_Table_Base_Model [ontbrekende " "BASE_TABLE_NAME]" #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDA_Publisher_Model.php:93 msgid "ERROR: Unable to connect to database " msgstr "FOUT: Kan geen verbinding maken met database " #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDA_Publisher_Model.php:106 #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDA_Publisher_Model.php:114 msgid "ERROR: Invalid query" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige query" #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDP_Project_Design_Table_Model.php:321 #: WPDataAccess/Plugin_Table_Models/WPDP_Project_Design_Table_Model.php:373 msgid "Invalid array [missing required fields]" msgstr "Ongeldige array [ontbrekende vereiste velden]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:406 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1709 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:105 msgid "Export" msgstr "Exporteer" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:436 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:181 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:333 msgid "No file to import!" msgstr "Geen bestand om te importeren!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:440 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:185 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:337 msgid "File exceeds maximum size of" msgstr "Bestand overschrijdt de maximale grootte van" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:458 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:205 msgid "Supports only file type" msgstr "Ondersteunt alleen bestandstype" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:458 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:205 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:407 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:485 msgid "Maximum supported file size is" msgstr "Maximale ondersteunde bestandsgrootte is" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:471 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:218 msgid "Import file" msgstr "Importeer bestand" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:486 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:235 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:448 msgid "ERROR" msgstr "FOUT" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:490 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:239 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:452 msgid "Your configuration does not allow file uploads!" msgstr "Uw configuratie staat het uploaden van bestanden niet toe!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:492 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:241 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:454 msgid "Set" msgstr "Instellen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:494 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:243 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:456 msgid "file_uploads" msgstr "file_uploads" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:496 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:245 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:458 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1709 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1842 msgid "to" msgstr "tot" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:498 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:247 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:460 msgid "On" msgstr "Aan" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Charts/WPDAPRO_Charts.php:500 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:249 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:462 msgid "see documentation" msgstr "zie documentatie" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:376 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument(s) [need a valid widget_name]" msgstr "FOUT: Ontbrekende argument(en) [een geldig widget_name nodig]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:383 msgid "ERROR: Widget not found" msgstr "FOUT: Widget niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:387 msgid "ERROR: Please use shortcode wpdataaccess for data tables" msgstr "FOUT: Gebruik shortcode wpdataaccess voor gegevenstabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:389 msgid "ERROR: Please use shortcode wpdadataproject or wpdadataforms for projects" msgstr "FOUT: Gebruik shortcode wpdadataproject of wpdadataforms voor projecten" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:393 #, php-format msgid "ERROR: Sorry, you cannot use widget \"%s\" in a post" msgstr "FOUT: Sorry, je kunt widget \"%s\" niet gebruiken in een bericht" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:395 #, php-format msgid "ERROR: Sorry, you cannot use widget \"%s\" in a page" msgstr "FOUT: U kunt de widget \"%s\" niet gebruiken op een pagina" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:404 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:417 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:427 msgid "ERROR: Widget data corrupt" msgstr "FOUT: Widgetgegevens beschadigd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:423 #, php-format msgid "ERROR: Sorry, you cannot use widget \"%s\" in a post or page" msgstr "" "FOUT: Sorry, je kunt widget \"%s\" niet gebruiken in een bericht of pagina" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:499 msgid "WP Data Access ERROR: Invalid arguments" msgstr "WP Data Access ERROR: Ongeldige argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:509 #, php-format msgid "WP Data Access ERROR: Panel \\\"%s\\\" not found" msgstr "WP Data Access ERROR: Paneel \\\"%s\\\" niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:515 #, php-format msgid "WP Data Access ERROR: Sorry, embedding panel \\\"%s\\\" is not allowed" msgstr "" "WP Data Access ERROR: Sorry, insluiten van paneel \\\"%s\\\" is niet toegestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:736 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:745 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:754 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:764 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Dashboard/WPDAPRO_Dashboard.php:774 msgid "WP Data Access: Error loading widget data" msgstr "WP Data Access: Fout bij het laden van widgetgegevens" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms.php:392 #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:837 msgid "ERROR: Data Project page not found [need a valid project_id and page_id]" msgstr "" "ERROR: Data Project pagina niet gevonden [voer een bestaande project_id en " "page_id in]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms.php:414 msgid "INFO: You have no access to this page [check page roles]" msgstr "INFO: Je hebt geen toegang tot deze pagina [paginarollen controleren]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms.php:763 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:497 msgid "Add Existing" msgstr "Bestaande toevoegen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:134 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadataproject in a post!" msgstr "Sorry, u kunt deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een bericht!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:140 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadataproject in a page!" msgstr "Sorry, u kunt deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een pagina!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:148 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:193 msgid "Anonymous access disabled!" msgstr "Anonieme toegang uitgeschakeld!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:159 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument(s) [need a valid project_id]" msgstr "FOUT: Ontbrekend argument [project_id]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:179 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadataforms in a post!" msgstr "Sorry, u kunt deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een bericht!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:185 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadataforms in a page!" msgstr "Sorry, u kunt deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een pagina!" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_Init.php:205 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument(s) [need a valid project_id and page_id]" msgstr "FOUT: Ontbrekende argument [project_id en page_id]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:651 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:738 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:853 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:970 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1097 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1203 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1321 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1405 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1500 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1595 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1683 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:122 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:323 msgid "Token expired or not authorized" msgstr "Token verlopen of niet geautoriseerd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:656 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:759 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:858 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:982 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1247 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1326 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1411 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1506 #, php-format msgid "Remote database %s not available" msgstr "Remote database '%s' verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:776 msgid "Row succesfully updated" msgstr "Rij met succes bijgewerkt" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:876 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:994 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1000 msgid "Row successfully inserted" msgstr "Rij ingevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:878 #, php-format msgid "%d rows successfully inserted" msgstr "%d rijen ingevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:883 msgid "Not all rows inserted" msgstr "Niet alle rijen ingevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms_WS.php:1255 msgid "Row succesfully deleted" msgstr "Rij met succes verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Project.php:49 msgid "INFO: No pages found for this project [set add to menu to Yes]" msgstr "" "INFO: Geen pagina's gevonden voor dit project [wijzig aan menu tovoegen in Ja]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Forms/WPDAPRO_Data_Project.php:61 msgid "INFO: You have no access to this project [check page roles]" msgstr "INFO: Je hebt geen toegang tot dit project [controleer paginarollen]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:366 msgid "ERROR: Remote call failed (malformed response)" msgstr "FOUT: Externe aanroep mislukt (verkeerd ingedeelde reactie)" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:376 msgid "ERROR: " msgstr "FOUT: " #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:378 msgid "ERROR: Remote call failed (internal error)" msgstr "FOUT: Externe aanroep mislukt (interne fout)" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:385 msgid "ERROR: Remote call failed (response body contains no content)" msgstr "" "FOUT: Externe oproep mislukt (hoofdtekst van het antwoord bevat geen inhoud)" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:446 #, php-format msgid "Remote database `%s` deleted" msgstr "Remote database '%s' verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1154 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1197 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1232 msgid "ERROR: Invalid request" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige aanvraag" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1504 #, php-format msgid "Database error: %s" msgstr "Databasefout: %s" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1515 msgid "Remote call failed [invalid url]" msgstr "Externe aanroep mislukt [ongeldige url]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1537 msgid "Remote call failed" msgstr "Externe aanroep mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1551 msgid " (" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1562 msgid "Remote call failed [invalid response]" msgstr "Externe oproep mislukt [ongeldige reactie]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1577 msgid "Remote call failed [response malformed]" msgstr "Externe oproep mislukt [reactie verkeerd ingedeeld]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1590 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1609 msgid "Internal server error" msgstr "Interne server error" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Data_Services/WPDAPRO_Data_Services.php:1601 #, php-format msgid "Table `%s` created" msgstr "Tabel `%s` gemaakt" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:155 msgid "Search Settings" msgstr "Zoek instellingen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:158 msgid "Define search columns [help opens in a new tab or window]" msgstr "" "Zoekkolommen definiëren [help wordt geopend in een nieuw tabblad of venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:255 msgid "" "Wildcards are automatically added to CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT columns. Users can " "add additional specific wildcards. All other columns must exactly match the " "search condition." msgstr "" "Wildcards worden automatisch toegevoegd aan kolommen van het type CHAR, " "VARCHAR en TEXT. Gebruikers kunnen extra specifieke wildcards toevoegen. Alle " "andere kolommen moeten precies overeenkomen met de zoekvoorwaarde." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:268 msgid "" "Performs an exact search on all columns. Allows users to add wildcards to " "CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT columns." msgstr "" "Hiermee voert u een exacte zoekopdracht uit op alle kolommen. Gebruikers " "kunnen handmatig wildcards toevoegen aan kolommen van het type CHAR, VARCHAR " "en TEXT." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:282 msgid "" "Only available for:\n" "- InnoDB and MyISAM tables and columns of views containing a full-text index \n" "- CHAR, VARCHAR and TEXT columns" msgstr "" "Alleen beschikbaar voor:\n" "- InnoDB- en MyISAM-tabellen en weergavekolommen met een full-text index \n" "- CHAR, VARCHAR en TEXT kolommen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:317 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:744 msgid "Column" msgstr "Kolom" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:320 msgid "Queryable" msgstr "Queryable" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:323 msgid "Make column to queryable." msgstr "Kolom opvraagbaar maken." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:328 msgid "Individual" msgstr "Individueel" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:331 msgid "Enable/disable individual column search." msgstr "Zoeken op afzonderlijke kolommen in/uitschakelen." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:336 msgid "Listbox" msgstr "Listbox" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:339 msgid "" "Adds a listbox containing all available column values if allow column specific " "search is enabled. Increases load time! Do not use this options for columns " "with a large number of different values." msgstr "" "Hiermee voegt u een keuzelijst toe met alle beschikbare kolomwaarden als " "kolomspecifiek zoeken is ingeschakeld. Verhoogt de laadtijd! Gebruik deze " "opties niet voor kolommen met een groot aantal verschillende waarden." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:414 msgid "Ready to go! A full-text index for this column is available." msgstr "Klaar! Er is een full-tekst index beschikbaar voor deze kolom." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:421 msgid "" "A full-text index for this column must be created to support full-text search. " "Click icon to create a full-text index for this column." msgstr "" "Er moet een volledige tekstindex voor deze kolom worden gemaakt om zoeken in " "volledige tekst te ondersteunen. Klik op het pictogram om een volledige " "tekstindex voor deze kolom te maken." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:451 msgid "" "Click to calculate the number of items shown in the listbox for this column." msgstr "" "Klik hier om het aantal items te berekenen dat in het keuzevak voor deze kolom " "wordt weergegeven." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:476 msgid "" "No rows are shown on startup. Table only shows rows that fulfill the search " "condition." msgstr "" "Er worden geen rijen weergegeven bij het opstarten. Tabel toont alleen rijen " "die voldoen aan de zoekvoorwaarde." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:494 msgid "Adds an individual search item to every queryable column." msgstr "" "Hiermee voegt u een afzonderlijk zoekitem toe aan elke queryerbare kolom." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:508 msgid "Save Search Settings" msgstr "Zoekinstellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:529 msgid "..." msgstr "..." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_FullText_Search/WPDAPRO_Search.php:530 msgid "Search on individual columns." msgstr "Zoeken op afzonderlijke kolommen." #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:171 msgid "Geolocation Settings" msgstr "Geolocatie-instellingen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:174 msgid "Define geolocation columns [help opens in a new tab or window]" msgstr "" "Geolocatiekolommen definiëren [Help wordt geopend in een nieuw tabblad of " "venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:973 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Voorbeeld" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:981 msgid "Save Geolocation Settings" msgstr "Geolocatie-instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location.php:997 msgid "Batch update" msgstr "Batch-update" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:51 msgid "ERROR - Invalid arguments" msgstr "FOUT - Ongeldige argumenten" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:55 msgid "ERROR - Schema name not found" msgstr "FOUT - Schemanaam niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:60 msgid "ERROR - Table not found or not authorized" msgstr "FOUT - Tabel niet gevonden of niet geautoriseerd" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:577 #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:605 msgid "Range" msgstr "Reeks" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_Init.php:635 msgid "Your location" msgstr "Uw locatie" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:254 msgid "Database connection failed" msgstr "Databaseverbinding mislukt" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location/WPDAPRO_Geo_Location_WS.php:369 msgid "Invalid response" msgstr "Ongeldige response" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Inline_Editing/WPDAPRO_Data_Projects.php:65 msgid "Inline editing (premium feature) - uncheck to disable" msgstr "" "Inline bewerken (premiumfunctie) - schakel het selectievakje uit om uit te " "schakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Inline_Editing/WPDAPRO_Data_Projects.php:73 msgid "Inline editing parent" msgstr "Inline bewerken bovenliggende tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Premium/WPDAPRO_Inline_Editing/WPDAPRO_Data_Projects.php:83 msgid "Inline editing child" msgstr "Inline bewerken onderliggende tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings.php:106 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:352 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing page argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [pagina ontbreekt]" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings.php:167 msgid "WP Data Access Settings" msgstr "WP Data Access Instellingen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:76 msgid "ERROR: Invalid table name" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige tabelnaam" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:233 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:45 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:125 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:39 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:205 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:151 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:110 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:63 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:81 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:305 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:312 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:51 msgid "Settings saved" msgstr "Instellingen opgeslagen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:300 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:222 msgid "Table access" msgstr "Tabel toegang" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:318 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:240 msgid "Show WordPress tables" msgstr "WordPress tabellen weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:318 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:240 msgid "Show all tables" msgstr "Alle tabellen weergeven" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:330 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:252 msgid "Hide WordPress tables" msgstr "WordPress tabellen verbergen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:342 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:264 msgid "Show only selected tables" msgstr "Toon alleen geselecteerde tabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:375 msgid "Restrict table management" msgstr "Tabelbeheer beperken" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:404 msgid "Row access" msgstr "Rij toegang" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:411 msgid "Add view link to list table" msgstr "View link toevoegen aan lijst" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:416 msgid "Allow transactions?" msgstr "Wijzigen toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:420 msgid "Allow insert" msgstr "Toevoegen toestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:425 msgid "Allow update" msgstr "Wijzigen toestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:430 msgid "Allow delete" msgstr "Verwijderen toestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:435 msgid "Allow exports?" msgstr "Exporteren toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:439 msgid "Allow row export" msgstr "Rijen exporteren toestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:444 msgid "Export with variable WP prefix" msgstr "Exporteren met variabel WP-voorvoegsel" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:449 msgid "Allow imports?" msgstr "Importeren toestaan?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:453 msgid "Allow to import scripts from Data Explorer table pages" msgstr "Importeren van script toestaan vanaf Data Explorer tabel pagina's" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:458 msgid "Ask for confirmation?" msgstr "Vraag om bevestiging?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:462 msgid "When starting export" msgstr "Bij het starten van een export" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:467 msgid "When viewing non WPDA table" msgstr "Bij het bekijken van WordPress en externe tabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:472 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:211 msgid "Default pagination value" msgstr "Standaardwaarde paginering" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:480 msgid "Search box" msgstr "Zoekvak" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:486 msgid "Remember last search" msgstr "Laatste zoekopdracht onthouden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:491 msgid "Max row count" msgstr "Max aantal rijen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:521 msgid "Default designer mode" msgstr "Standaardmodus voor ontwerpers" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:533 msgid "Content wrap" msgstr "Content wrap" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:539 msgid "No content wrap" msgstr "Geen content wrap" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:548 msgid "Default database" msgstr "Standaard database" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:622 msgid "Hide button icons" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:628 msgid "Hide icons on admin buttons" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:637 msgid "Save Back-end Settings" msgstr "Back-end-instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:640 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:202 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:273 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:84 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:436 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:315 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1048 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:159 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:961 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:98 msgid "Reset to defaults?" msgstr "Terugzetten naar standaardwaarden?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_BackEnd.php:646 msgid "Reset Back-end Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Back-end-instellingen terugzetten op standaardwaarden" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:70 msgid "Dashboard role access" msgstr "Toegang tot dashboardrollen" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:94 msgid "Dashboard user access" msgstr "Dashboard gebruikerstoegang" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:118 msgid "Hide default tab" msgstr "Standaardtabblad verbergen" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:156 msgid "Create dashboard" msgstr "Dashboard maken" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:199 msgid "Save Dashboard Settings" msgstr "Dashboardinstellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Dashboard.php:208 msgid "Reset Dashboard Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Dashboardinstellingen terugzetten naar standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:163 msgid "Local file system" msgstr "Lokaal bestandssysteem" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:174 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:233 msgid "Activated" msgstr "Geactiveerd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:177 msgid "Enter the name of the folder where data backup files should be stored." msgstr "" "Voer de naam in van de map waarin data backup bestanden moeten worden " "opgeslagen." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:180 msgid "Make sure the folder exists with permission to write files." msgstr "" "Zorg ervoor dat de map bestaat met de machtiging voor het schrijven van " "bestanden." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:185 msgid "ERROR: Invalid folder" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige map" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:189 msgid "ERROR: Not a folder" msgstr "FOUT: Geen map" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:196 msgid "\"Permission\"" msgstr "\"Toestemming\"" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:198 msgid "\"owner\"" msgstr "\"eigenaar\"" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:200 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:205 msgid "\"name\"" msgstr "\"naam'" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:201 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:206 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:210 msgid "\"access\"" msgstr "\"toegang\"" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:203 msgid "\"group\"" msgstr "\"groep\"" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:208 msgid "\"world\"" msgstr "\"wereld\"" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:222 msgid "Dropbox" msgstr "Dropbox" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:237 msgid "Create a Dropbox account" msgstr "Een Dropbox-account maken" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:240 msgid "You can skip this step if you already have an account." msgstr "U deze stap overslaan als u al een account hebt." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:243 msgid "" "Authorize the WP Data Access Dropbox app and enter the authorization code in " "the text box below." msgstr "" "Autoriseer de WP Data Access Dropbox-app en voer de autorisatiecode in het " "onderstaande tekstvak in." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:250 msgid "Get Dropbox authorization code" msgstr "Dropbox-autorisatiecode ophalen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:257 msgid "" "Enter the name of the folder where data backup files should be stored. If the " "folder doesn't exists, it'll be created for you." msgstr "" "Voer de naam in van de map waarin data backup bestanden moeten worden " "opgeslagen. Als de map niet bestaat, wordt deze voor u gemaakt." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:270 msgid "Save Data Backup Settings" msgstr "Gegevensback-upinstellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:279 msgid "Reset Data Backup To Defaults" msgstr "Gegevensback-up terugzetten naar standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataBackup.php:290 msgid "Dropbox authorization failed " msgstr "Dropbox validatie mislukt " #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:51 msgid "Allow anonymous access" msgstr "Anonieme toegang toestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:59 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:280 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:192 msgid "Default jQuery UI theme" msgstr "Standaard jQuery UI-thema" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:70 msgid "Data Forms are styled according to the default jQuery UI theme" msgstr "" "Gegevensformulieren worden vormgegeven volgens het standaardthema jQuery UI" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:73 msgid "Individual styling per shortcode will be added later" msgstr "Individuele styling per shortcode wordt later toegevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:81 msgid "Save Data Forms Settings" msgstr "Data Forms instelleingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataForms.php:90 msgid "Reset Data Forms Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Instellingen terugzetten naar standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:260 msgid "Data Tables global style" msgstr "Globale stijl gegevenstabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:291 msgid "JSON Editing" msgstr "JSON-bewerking" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:296 msgid "Use code editor with JSON validation" msgstr "Codeeditor gebruiken met JSON-validatie" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:302 msgid "Use textarea without JSON validation" msgstr "Tekstinvoer gebruiken zonder JSON-validatie" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:309 msgid "Select WordPress roles allowed to access Data Tables" msgstr "Selecteer WordPress-rollen die toegang hebben tot Data Tables" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:332 msgid "" "Users have readonly access to tables to which you have granted access in Front-" "end Settings only" msgstr "" "Gebruikers hebben alleen-lezen toegang tot tabellen waartoe u toegang hebt " "verleend in front-end-instellingen alleen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:335 msgid "Table access is automatically granted to tables used in Data Tables" msgstr "" "Tabeltoegang wordt automatisch verleend aan tabellen die worden gebruikt in " "Data Tables" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:342 #, php-format msgid "Load jQuery DataTables (version %s) scripts and styles" msgstr "Laad jQuery DataTables (versie %s) scripts en stijlen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:348 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:380 msgid "In WordPress Back-end and Front-end" msgstr "In WordPress back-end en front-end" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:354 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:386 msgid "In WordPress Back-end only " msgstr "Alleen in WordPress back-end " #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:360 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:392 msgid "In WordPress Front-end only" msgstr "Alleen in WordPress front-end" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:366 msgid "Do not load jQuery DataTables" msgstr "jQuery DataTables niet laden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:374 #, php-format msgid "Load jQuery DataTables Responsive (version %s) scripts and styles" msgstr "Laad jQuery DataTables Responsive (versie %s) scripts en stijlen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:398 msgid "Do not load jQuery DataTables Responsive" msgstr "JQuery DataTables Responsive niet laden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:403 msgid "Front-End Language" msgstr "Front-End taal" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:419 msgid "" "jQuery DataTables (+Responsive) is needed in the Front-end to support data " "tables on your website" msgstr "" "jQuery-DataTables (+ responsief) is nodig in de front-end om gegevenstabellen " "op uw website te ondersteunen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:422 msgid "" "jQuery DataTables (+Responsive) is needed in the Back-end to test data tables " "in the WordPress dashboard" msgstr "" "jQuery-DataTables (+ responsief) is nodig in de back-end om gegevenstabellen " "in het WordPress-dashboard te testen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:425 msgid "" "If you have already loaded jQuery DataTables for other purposes disable " "loading them to prevent duplication errors" msgstr "" "Als u al jQuery-DataTables voor andere doeleinden hebt geladen, kunt u dit " "uitzetten om duplicatie fouten te voorkomen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:433 msgid "Save DataTables Settings" msgstr "Instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_DataTables.php:442 msgid "Reset DataTables Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Terugzetten op standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:94 msgid "ERROR: Table not found" msgstr "FOUT: Tabel niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:297 msgid "Admin toolbar" msgstr "Admin toolbar" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:303 msgid "Add projects to toolbar" msgstr "Projecten toevoegen aan de werkbalk" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:312 msgid "Save Front-end Settings" msgstr "Front-end-instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_FrontEnd.php:321 msgid "Reset Front-end Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Front-end-instellingen terugzetten naar standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:40 msgid "Repository recreation completed" msgstr "Repository herstel voltooid" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:161 msgid "found" msgstr "gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:206 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:250 msgid "Repository backup tables dropped" msgstr "Repository back-uptabellen verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:480 msgid "On Plugin Update" msgstr "Als de plugin wordt geüpdate" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:486 msgid "Keep backup of repository tables" msgstr "Back-up van repository tabellen bewaren" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:487 msgid "(creates backup tables on plugin updates)" msgstr "(maakt back-uptabellen voor plugin-updates)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:499 msgid "Download actual repository tables" msgstr "Download actuele repository tabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:580 msgid "" "CAREFULL This will truncate your actual repository table before restoring the " "selected version. Make a backup first!" msgstr "" "VOORZICHTIG Hiermee wordt uw werkelijke repository-tabel afgekapt voordat u de " "geselecteerde versie herstelt. Maak eerst een back-up!" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:581 msgid "IMPORTANT This option fails for which existing rows." msgstr "BELANGRIJK Deze optie mislukt voor bestaande rijen." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:790 msgid "Restore" msgstr "Terugzetten" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:801 msgid "Backup repository tables?" msgstr "Back-up repository tabellen?" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:803 msgid "Create new repository backup" msgstr "Nieuwe repository backup aanmaken" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:807 msgid "Delete all backup tables?" msgstr "Alle back-uptabellen verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:807 msgid "This action cannot be undone." msgstr "Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:807 msgid "\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to delete." msgstr "\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\'OK\\' om te verwijderen." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:809 msgid "Delete all (" msgstr "Alles verwijderen (" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:809 msgid ") repository backup tables" msgstr ") repository back-uptabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:816 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:504 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:149 msgid "Table Settings" msgstr "Tabel instellingen" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:830 msgid "table settings defined in repository" msgstr "tabel instellingen die zijn gedefinieerd in de repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:840 msgid "Manage Media" msgstr "Beheer Media" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:854 msgid "media columns defined in repository" msgstr "media kolommen gedefinieerd in de repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:878 msgid "table designs in repository" msgstr "tabel ontwerpen in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:916 msgid "data projects in repository" msgstr "data projects in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:926 msgid "project pages in repository" msgstr "projectpagina's in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:936 msgid "project tables in repository" msgstr "project tabellen in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:960 msgid "data tables in repository" msgstr "gegevenstabellen in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:984 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1008 msgid "menus in repository" msgstr "menu's in de repository" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:994 msgid "CSV Uploads" msgstr "CSV-uploads" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1032 msgid "logging rows in repository" msgstr "logging rows in repository" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1045 msgid "Save Manage Respository Settings" msgstr "Bewaarinstellingen voor respository beheren" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1054 msgid "Reset Manage Repository Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Instellingen voor repository terugzetten op standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1062 msgid "Recreate" msgstr "Herstel" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1063 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:453 msgid "Repository" msgstr "Repository" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1085 msgid "Your repository has errors!" msgstr "Uw repository heeft fouten!" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1087 msgid "Recreate the WP Data Access repository to solve this problem." msgstr "Herstel de WP Data Access repository om dit probleem op te lossen." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRepository.php:1088 msgid "Please leave your comments on the support forum if the problem remains." msgstr "" "Laat uw opmerkingen achter op het support forum als het probleem blijft " "bestaan." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:104 msgid "Plugin Role Management" msgstr "Rolbeheer inschakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:110 msgid "Enable role management" msgstr "Rolbeheer inschakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:116 msgid "Use roles in Data Projects shortcodes" msgstr "Rollen gebruiken in shortcodes voor gegevensprojecten" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:123 msgid "Available Roles" msgstr "Beschikbare rollen" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:156 msgid "Save Manage Roles Settings" msgstr "Instellingen voor rollen beheren opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:165 msgid "Reset Manage Roles Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Instellingen voor repository terugzetten op standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:192 msgid "Delete role?" msgstr "Rol verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:192 msgid "Role will be removed from all users." msgstr "Rol wordt verwijderd voor alle gebruikers." #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_ManageRoles.php:192 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1908 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1954 msgid "This action cannot be undone!" msgstr "Deze actie kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden!" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:69 msgid "Cannot save remote database connection [missing arguments]" msgstr "Kan externe databaseverbinding niet opslaan [ontbrekende argumenten]" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:161 msgid "Remote database connection not found" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding niet gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:439 msgid "Delete remote database connection from plugin repository?" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding verwijderen uit de plugin-repository?" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:644 msgid "Plugin menu" msgstr "Plugin menu" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:648 msgid "Hide plugin menu in admin panel" msgstr "Plug-in menu verbergen in het admin panel" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:653 msgid "Plugin navigation" msgstr "Plugin navigatie" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:676 msgid "Notices" msgstr "Meldingen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:680 msgid "Hide notices of other themes and plugins on WP Data Access admin pages" msgstr "" "Verberg kennisgevingen van andere thema's en plug-ins op WP Data Access-" "beheerpagina's" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:685 msgid "Panel cookies" msgstr "Paneelcookies" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:693 msgid "Clear when switching panels" msgstr "Wissen bij het wisselen van panelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:702 msgid "Keep when switching panels" msgstr "Behouden bij het wisselen van panelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:707 msgid "Secret key and IV" msgstr "Geheime sleutel en IV" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:713 msgid "Existing remote database connection settings will be converted" msgstr "" "Bestaande instellingen voor externe databaseverbinding worden geconverteerd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:717 msgid "Remote database connections" msgstr "Externe databaseverbindingen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:729 msgid "Delete remote database connection from plugin repository" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding verwijderen uit de plugin-repository" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:732 msgid "Disable remote database connection" msgstr "Externe databaseverbinding uitschakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:752 msgid "Shortcode [wpdataaccess]" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:766 msgid "Shortcode [wpdadiehard]" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:783 msgid "Shortcode [wpdadataforms]" msgstr "" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:802 msgid "Debug mode" msgstr "Debug modus" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:808 msgid "Enable debug mode" msgstr "Debug modus inschakelen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:813 msgid "Date format" msgstr "Datumweergave" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:818 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:882 msgid "(WordPress format)" msgstr "(WordPress-indeling)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:821 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:885 msgid "Input" msgstr "Invoer" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:831 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:895 msgid "(JavaScript format)" msgstr "(JavaScript-indeling)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:862 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:902 msgid "Custom:" msgstr "Aangepast:" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:870 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:910 msgid "Placeholder" msgstr "Placeholder" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:873 msgid "(user info)" msgstr "(gebruikersgegevens)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:877 msgid "Time format" msgstr "Tijdsformaat" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:916 msgid "Date/time test" msgstr "Datum/tijdtest" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:923 msgid "Set format" msgstr "Indeling instellen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:925 msgid "Show columns of data type set in list table as" msgstr "Kolommen van gegevenstype set in de lijsttabel weergeven als" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:937 msgid "" "The plugin uses your WordPress general settings to format your date and time " "output" msgstr "" "De plug-in gebruikt uw algemene WordPress-instellingen om uw datum- en " "tijduitvoer op te maken" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:941 msgid "Output formats can be changed in WordPress general settings" msgstr "" "Uitvoerindelingen kunnen worden gewijzigd in algemene instellingen van " "WordPress" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:945 msgid "" "The plugin uses the jQuery DateTimePicker plugin for data entry validation" msgstr "" "De plug-in maakt gebruik van de jQuery DateTimePicker-plug-in voor validatie " "van gegevensinvoer" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:949 msgid "Input formats can be found on the XDSoft DateTimePicker page" msgstr "Invoerindelingen zijn te vinden op de pagina XDSoft DateTimePicker" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:958 msgid "Save Plugin Settings" msgstr "Plug-instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Plugin.php:967 msgid "Reset Plugin Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Plugin-instellingen opnieuw instellen op standaardinstellingen" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:123 msgid "System info successfully copied to clipboard!" msgstr "Systeeminfo is naar het klembord gekopieerd!" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:126 msgid "Could not copy system info to clipboard!" msgstr "Kan systeeminfo niet naar het klembord kopiëren!" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:132 msgid "Operating System" msgstr "Operating System" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:149 msgid "Release" msgstr "Release" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:155 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:180 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:337 #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:447 msgid "Version" msgstr "Versie" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:161 msgid "Machine Type" msgstr "Type machine" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:167 msgid "Host Name" msgstr "Host-naam" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:176 msgid "Database Management System" msgstr "Database management systeem" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:193 msgid "Pivileges" msgstr "Pivileges" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:208 msgid "Grants" msgstr "Authorisaties" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:228 msgid "SQL Mode" msgstr "SQL-modus" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:242 msgid "Web Server" msgstr "Web Server" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:246 msgid "Software" msgstr "Software" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:252 msgid "PHP Version" msgstr "PHP Versie" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:258 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:270 msgid "Address" msgstr "Adres" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:276 msgid "Root DIR" msgstr "Root DIR" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:282 msgid "Temp DIR" msgstr "Temp DIR" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:288 msgid "HTTP Upload" msgstr "HTTP-upload" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:294 msgid "Max Upload File Size" msgstr "Maximale grootte van het upload bestand" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:300 msgid "Post Max Size" msgstr "Maximale grootte bericht" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:306 msgid "Max Execution Time" msgstr "Max uitvoeringstijd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:312 msgid "Max Input Time" msgstr "Maximale Ingangstijd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:318 msgid "Memory Limit" msgstr "Geheugenlimiet" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:324 msgid "Output Buffering" msgstr "Uitvoer buffering" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:333 msgid "WordPress" msgstr "WordPress" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:343 msgid "Home DIR" msgstr "Home DIR" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:357 msgid "Uploads DIR" msgstr "Uploads DIR" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:371 msgid "Home URL" msgstr "Home URL" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:377 msgid "Site URL" msgstr "Site URL" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:383 msgid "Upload URL" msgstr "URL uploaden" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:389 msgid "Use MySQLi" msgstr "MySQLi gebruiken" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:404 msgid "Database Host" msgstr "Databasehost" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:410 msgid "Database Name" msgstr "Database Naam" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:416 msgid "Database User" msgstr "Database-gebruiker" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:422 msgid "Database Character Set" msgstr "Database karakter set" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:428 msgid "Database Collate" msgstr "Database Collate" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:434 msgid "WP Debugging Mode" msgstr "WP debugging-modus" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:534 msgid "Browser" msgstr "Browser" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_SystemInfo.php:538 msgid "Agent" msgstr "Agent" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:68 msgid "On Plugin Uninstall" msgstr "Als de plugin wordt verwijderd" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:74 msgid "Delete plugin" msgstr "Verwijder plugin" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:80 msgid "Delete plugin tables (all data will be lost)" msgstr "Verwijderen plugin tabellen (alle gegevens zullen verloren gaan)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:86 msgid "Delete plugin settings (all settings will be lost)" msgstr "Verwijderen plugin instellingen (alle instellingen zullen verloren gaan)" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:95 msgid "Save Uninstall Settings" msgstr "Deinstallatie instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Settings/WPDA_Settings_Uninstall.php:104 msgid "Reset Uninstall Settings To Defaults" msgstr "Deinstallatie instellingen terugzetten naar standaardwaarden" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:361 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing action argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [ontbrekende actieargument]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:372 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing table_name argument]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [table_name ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:431 msgid "Saving changes to database failed" msgstr "Opslaan wijzigingen niet gelukt" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:647 msgid "Key columns have been reversed to their original values" msgstr "Sleutelvelden zijn teruggezet naar hun oorspronkelijke waarden" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:656 msgid "Add new row to" msgstr "Nieuwe rij toevoegen voor" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:759 msgid "Add new row to table" msgstr "Nieuwe rij toevoegen aan tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:871 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:881 msgid "Submit" msgstr "Verzenden" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:949 msgid "'Item'" msgstr "'Item'" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:949 msgid "'must be entered'" msgstr "'moet worden ingevoerd'" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:955 msgid "'Column'" msgstr "'Veld'" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:955 msgid "': max size exceeded'" msgstr "': maximale grootte overschreden '" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:993 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:1006 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form.php:1017 msgid "Max size exceeded" msgstr "Max grootte overschreden" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:317 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:323 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:464 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:481 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing primary key value]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [primary key ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:367 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing key value]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [ontbrekende sleutelwaarde]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Data.php:392 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no data found]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [gegevens ontbreken]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:305 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing item name]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [item naam ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:310 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing data type]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [data type ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:362 msgid "Class must be of (sub)type WPDA_Simple_Form_Item" msgstr "Klasse moet van (sub) type zijn WPDA_Simple_Form_Item" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:365 msgid "Could not create form item instance [argument must be array or object]" msgstr "" "Kan geen formulieriteminstantie maken [argument moet array of object zijn]" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:418 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:985 msgid "must be entered" msgstr "moet worden ingevoerd" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:418 msgid "is optional" msgstr "is optioneel" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item.php:1002 msgid "must be numeric" msgstr "moet numeriek zijn" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Audio.php:21 msgid "Upload or select audio from your WordPress media library" msgstr "Audio uploaden of selecteren uit uw WordPress-mediabibliotheek" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Audio.php:22 msgid "Remove audio" msgstr "Audio verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Autocomplete.php:34 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Autocomplete.php:53 msgid "ERROR: Invalid autocomplete lookup usage" msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldig gebruik van automatisch aanvullen" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Autocomplete.php:70 msgid "Start typing" msgstr "Type hier" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Enum.php:129 #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Set.php:133 msgid "not allowed" msgstr "niet toegestaan" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Image.php:29 msgid "Upload or select image(s) from your WordPress media library" msgstr "Afbeelding(s) uploaden of selecteren in uw WordPress-mediabibliotheek" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Image.php:30 msgid "Remove image(s)" msgstr "Afbeelding(en) verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Media.php:37 msgid "Upload or select media from your WordPress media library" msgstr "Upload of selecteer media uit uw WordPress mediabibliotheek" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Media.php:38 msgid "Remove media" msgstr "Media verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Video.php:21 msgid "Upload or select video(s) from your WordPress media library" msgstr "Video(s) uploaden of selecteren in uw WordPress-mediabibliotheek" #: WPDataAccess/Simple_Form/WPDA_Simple_Form_Item_Video.php:22 msgid "Remove video(s)" msgstr "Video(s) verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:79 msgid "ERROR: Import not possible on views" msgstr "FOUT: Importeren in views niet toegestaan" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:153 msgid "current respository table" msgstr "huidige respository tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:155 #, php-format msgid "Allows only imports into %s" msgstr "Staat alleen imports in %s toe" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:162 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:272 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:77 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importeer" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import.php:211 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:493 msgid "Hide errors" msgstr "Fouten verbergen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:99 msgid "IMPORT DATA/EXECUTE SCRIPT(S)" msgstr "GEGEVENS IMPORTEREN/SCRIPT (EN) UITVOEREN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:104 msgid "Supports <strong>sql</strong> and <strong>zip</strong> file types." msgstr "" "Ondersteunt <strong>SQL</strong> -en <strong>zip</strong> -bestandstypen." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:109 msgid "" "Supports only file type <strong>sql</strong> (install <strong>ZipArchive</" "strong> for <strong>zip</strong> file type support)." msgstr "" "Ondersteunt alleen bestandstype <strong>SQL</strong> (Installeer " "<strong>Ziparchive</strong> voor <strong>zip</strong> -bestandstype " "ondersteuning)." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:161 #, php-format msgid "Import failed [error reading ZIP file `%s`]" msgstr "Importeren mislukt [fout bij lezen van ZIP bestand `%s`]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:165 #, php-format msgid "Import failed - ZipArchive not installed %s" msgstr "Importeren mislukt - ZipArchive is niet geïnstalleerd %s" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:249 #, php-format msgid "Import `%s` failed [check import file]" msgstr "Import `%s` is mislukt [controleren importbestand]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:254 #, php-format msgid "Import `%s` completed succesfully" msgstr "Import `%s` is succesvol voltooid" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:287 #, php-format msgid "File upload failed %s" msgstr "Uploaden bestand mislukt %s" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:305 msgid "Imports and scripts" msgstr "Importen en scripts" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:311 msgid "Allows to import data and execute SQL scripts" msgstr "" "Hiermee kunnen gegevens worden geïmporteerd en SQL-scripts worden uitgevoerd" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:312 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:515 msgid "Add a ; and a new line character at the end of every SQL statement" msgstr "Voeg een ; en een nieuw regelteken aan het einde van elke SQL-instructie" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:404 msgid "Supports <strong>csv</strong> file types." msgstr "Ondersteunt <strong>csv</strong> bestandstypen." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:421 msgid "Import CSV file" msgstr "CSV-bestand importeren" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:431 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:514 msgid "IMPORTANT" msgstr "BELANGRIJK" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:432 msgid "Use reload to reused an existing column mapping." msgstr "Gebruik reload om een bestaande kolomtoewijzing opnieuw te gebruiken." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Import_Multi.php:501 msgid "Import file/Execute script(s)" msgstr "Bestand importeren/script (en) uitvoeren" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Message_Box.php:100 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing message text argument]" msgstr "" "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [tekst \n" "ontbreekt]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Repository.php:406 msgid "Some features of WP Data Access are currently not available." msgstr "Sommige functies van WP Data Access zijn momenteel niet beschikbaar." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Repository.php:408 msgid "ACTION" msgstr "ACTIE" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Repository.php:410 msgid "Recreate repository" msgstr "Repository herstellen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Repository.php:412 msgid "to to solve this problem." msgstr "om dit probleem te verhelpen." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Repository.php:414 msgid "do not show this message again" msgstr "deze boodschap niet meer tonen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:209 msgid "Error reading create table statement" msgstr "Fout bij lezen tabel instructie maken" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:231 msgid "Actions" msgstr "Acties" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:254 msgid "Indexes" msgstr "Indexen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:262 msgid "Foreign Keys" msgstr "Refererende sleutels" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:270 msgid "SQL" msgstr "SQL" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:316 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1786 msgid "Please enter a valid table name" msgstr "Geef een geldige tabelnaam op" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:491 msgid "Please note that these settings only work within in the plugin" msgstr "Deze instellingen werken alleen binnen de plugin" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:507 msgid "Define table settings [help opens in a new tab or window]" msgstr "" "Tabelinstellingen definiëren [help wordt geopend in een nieuw tabblad of " "venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:512 msgid "" "Row count (configurable for InnoDB tables, federated tables and views only)" msgstr "" "Aantal rijen (alleen configureerbaar voor InnoDB-tabellen, federatieve " "tabellen en views)" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:643 msgid "Query buffer size" msgstr "Buffergrootte van query's" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:647 msgid "Max rows per fetch" msgstr "Maximumrijen per fetch" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:663 msgid "Access control" msgstr "Toegangscontrole" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:675 msgid "Enable row level access control (adds token to row actions)" msgstr "Toegangsbeheer op rijniveau inschakelen (voegt token toe aan rijacties)" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:680 msgid "Process hyperlink columns as" msgstr "Hyperlinkkolommen verwerken als" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:697 msgid "Preformatted JSON (allows individual label and target setting)" msgstr "Voorgeformatteerde JSON (staat individuele label- en doelinstelling toe)" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:712 msgid "Plain text (column name used as link, opens a new tab or window)" msgstr "" "Platte tekst (kolomnaam die als koppeling wordt gebruikt, opent een nieuw " "tabblad of venster)" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:722 msgid "Save Table Settings" msgstr "Tabel instellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:735 msgid "Column Settings" msgstr "Kolom Instellingen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:738 msgid "" "Define column labels and (media) types [help opens in a new tab or window]" msgstr "" "Kolomlabels en (media)typen definiëren [Help wordt geopend in een nieuw " "tabblad of venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:746 msgid "Label on List Table" msgstr "Label op lijst tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:749 msgid "Define column labels for list tables" msgstr "Kolomlabels definiëren voor lijsttabellen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:753 msgid "Label on Data Entry Form" msgstr "Label op formulier voor gegevensinvoer" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:755 msgid "Define column labels for data entry forms" msgstr "Kolomlabels definiëren voor gegevensinvoerformulieren" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:759 msgid "Column Type" msgstr "Kolom type" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:761 msgid "Featured plugin column types" msgstr "Aanbevolen kolomtypen voor plug-in" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:889 msgid "Save Column Settings" msgstr "Kolominstellingen opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:902 msgid "Dynamic Hyperlinks" msgstr "Dynamische hyperlinks" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:905 #, php-format msgid "Add dynamic hyperlinks to table `%s` [help opens in a new tab or window]" msgstr "" "Dynamische hyperlinks toevoegen aan tabel '%s' [help wordt geopend in een " "nieuw tabblad of venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:912 msgid "Hyperlink Label" msgstr "Hyperlinklabel" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:915 msgid "+List?" msgstr "+Lijst?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:917 msgid "Add hyperlink to list" msgstr "Hyperlink toevoegen aan lijst" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:921 msgid "+Form?" msgstr "+Formulier?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:923 msgid "Add hyperlink to form" msgstr "Hyperlink toevoegen aan formulier" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:927 msgid "+Window?" msgstr "+Window?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:929 msgid "Opens URL in a new tab or window" msgstr "Opent URL in een nieuw tabblad of venster" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:933 msgid "HTML" msgstr "HTML" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:935 msgid "" "Just the URL! For example:\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n" "$$column_name$$\n" "\n" "Variable $$column_name$$ will be replaced with the value of column $" "$column_name$$ in table `" msgstr "" "Alleen de URL! Bijvoorbeeld:\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n" "$$column_name$$\n" "\n" "Variabele $$column_name$$ wordt vervangen door de waarde van kolom $" "$column_name$$ in tabel '" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1005 #, php-format msgid "Delete hyperlink %s?" msgstr "Hyperlink %s verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1089 msgid "Save Dynamic Hyperlinks" msgstr "Dynamische hyperlinks opslaan" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1104 msgid "Dashboard Menus" msgstr "Dashboardmenu's" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1107 #, php-format msgid "" "Add table `%s` to a WordPress dashboard menu [help opens in a new tab or " "window]" msgstr "" "Tabel %s toevoegen aan een WordPress-dashboard menu [help wordt geopend in een " "nieuw tabblad of venster]" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1114 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:42 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:215 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:33 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:40 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:178 msgid "Menu Name" msgstr "Menu Naam" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1116 msgid "Name of your sub menu item" msgstr "Naam van uw submenu-item" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1120 msgid "Menu Slug" msgstr "Menu Slug" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1122 msgid "Menu slug of the main menu to which your sub menu should be added" msgstr "Menu slug van het hoofdmenu waaraan uw submenu moet worden toegevoegd" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1126 msgid "Roles Authorized" msgstr "Geautoriseerde rollen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1128 msgid "User roles authorized to see sub menu item" msgstr "Gebruikersrollen die zijn geautoriseerd om submenu-item te zien" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1172 #, php-format msgid "Delete menu %s?" msgstr "Menu %s verwijderen?" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1252 msgid "Save Dashboard Menus" msgstr "Dashboardmenu's opslaan" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1363 msgid "Data Type" msgstr "Gegevenstype" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1365 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1451 msgid "Null?" msgstr "Null?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1367 msgid "Default Value" msgstr "Standaardwaarde" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1395 msgid "Constraint Name" msgstr "Constraint Naam" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1401 msgid "Referenced Table Name" msgstr "Tabelnaam waarnaar wordt verwezen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1404 msgid "Referenced Column Name" msgstr "Kolomnaam waarnaar wordt verwezen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1409 msgid "No foreign keys defined for this table" msgstr "Er zijn geen refererende sleutels gedefinieerd voor deze tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1445 msgid "Index Name" msgstr "Index naam" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1446 msgid "Unique?" msgstr "Uniek?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1450 msgid "Index Prefix?" msgstr "Voorvoegsel index?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1453 msgid "Index Type" msgstr "Type index" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1457 msgid "No indexes defined for this table" msgstr "Geen indexen gedefinieerd voor deze tabel" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1622 msgid "Refresh table" msgstr "Tabel vernieuwen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1625 msgid "REFRESH" msgstr "VERVERSEN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1632 msgid "Refresh" msgstr "Ververs" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1636 msgid "Reloads remote data set and updates local table." msgstr "" "Hiermee wordt de externe gegevensset opnieuw geladen en wordt de lokale tabel " "bijgewerkt." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1705 msgid "EXPORT" msgstr "EXPORTEER" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1734 msgid "Include table settings (SQL only)" msgstr "Tabelinstellingen opnemen (alleen SQL)" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1786 #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1793 msgid "Rename" msgstr "Hernoem" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1789 msgid "RENAME" msgstr "HERNOEMEN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1835 msgid "COPY" msgstr "KOPIEREN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1866 msgid "Copy data" msgstr "Gegevens kopiëren" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1897 msgid "Truncate table?" msgstr "Tabel afkappen?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1900 msgid "TRUNCATE" msgstr "AFKAPPEN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1904 msgid "Permanently delete all data from" msgstr "Alle gegevens permanent verwijderen uit" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1921 msgid "Drop view?" msgstr "View verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1923 msgid "Drop table?" msgstr "Tabel verwijderen?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1946 msgid "DROP" msgstr "VERWIJDER" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1950 msgid "Permanently delete" msgstr "Permanent verwijderen" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:1953 msgid "and all table data from the database." msgstr "en alle tabelgegevens uit de database." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2002 msgid "Optimize table?" msgstr "Tabel optimaliseren?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2020 msgid "OPTIMIZE" msgstr "OPTIMALISEREN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2030 msgid "Optimize" msgstr "Optimaliseren" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2036 msgid "MySQL locks the table during the time OPTIMIZE TABLE is running!" msgstr "" "MySQL vergrendelt de tabel gedurende de tijd dat de OPTIMIZE-tabel wordt " "uitgevoerd!" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2040 msgid "Table optimization not considered useful! But you can..." msgstr "Tabel optimalisatie niet nuttig geacht! Wel toegestaan..." #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2079 msgid "Alter table?" msgstr "Tabel wijzigen?" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2082 msgid "ALTER" msgstr "WIJZIGEN" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2086 msgid "Loads" msgstr "Laad" #: WPDataAccess/Utilities/WPDA_Table_Actions.php:2089 msgid "into the Data Designer." msgstr "in de Data Designer." #: WPDataAccess/WPDA.php:362 msgid "WordPress table" msgstr "WordPress tabel" #: WPDataAccess/WPDA.php:365 msgid "plugin table" msgstr "plugin tabel" #: WPDataAccess/WPDA.php:492 msgid "ERROR: No WordPress table found" msgstr "FOUT: Geen WordPress-tabel gevonden" #: WPDataAccess/WPDA.php:1350 msgid "" "Schema, table or column name(s) restricting plugin features (click to read " "more and fix)" msgstr "" "Schema,tabel- of kolomnaam(en) die plug-infuncties beperken (klik om meer te " "lezen en te repareren)" #: WPDataAccess/WPDA.php:1359 msgid "" "Schema, table or column name validation not possible (click to read more and " "fix)" msgstr "" "Validatie van schema-, tabel- of kolomnaam is niet mogelijk (klik om meer te " "lezen en te repareren)" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:183 msgid "List View" msgstr "Lijstweergave" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:184 msgid "Excerpt View" msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:349 msgid "No items found." msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:484 msgid "Select bulk action" msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:486 msgid "Bulk Actions" msgstr "Bulk acties" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:497 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:499 msgid "Apply" msgstr "Toepassen" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:553 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:1405 msgid "Show more details" msgstr "Toon meer gegevens" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:621 msgid "Filter by date" msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:623 msgid "All dates" msgstr "Alle datums" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: 1: Month name, 2: 4-digit year. #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:638 #, php-format msgid "%1$s %2$d" msgstr "%1$s %2$d" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: %s: Number of comments. #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:694 #, php-format msgid "%s comment" msgid_plural "%s comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: %s: Number of comments. #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:700 #, php-format msgid "%s approved comment" msgid_plural "%s approved comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #. translators: %s: Number of comments. #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:706 #, php-format msgid "%s pending comment" msgid_plural "%s pending comments" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:714 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:736 #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:759 msgid "No comments" msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:736 msgid "No approved comments" msgstr "" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataAccess/Wordpress_Original/WP_List_Table.php:759 msgid "No pending comments" msgstr "" #: WPDataProjects/Data_Dictionary/WPDP_List_Columns.php:124 #: WPDataProjects/Data_Dictionary/WPDP_List_Columns.php:176 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [no table columns]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [veldnamen ontbreken]" #: WPDataProjects/List_Table/WPDP_List_View.php:136 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_View.php:172 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:92 msgid "Data Project page not found [need a valid project_id and page_id]" msgstr "" "Data Project pagina niet gevonden [voer een bestaande project_id en page_id in]" #: WPDataProjects/List_Table/WPDP_List_View.php:214 #: WPDataProjects/List_Table/WPDP_List_View.php:226 msgid "ERROR: Action not allowed" msgstr "FOUT: Actie niet toegestaan" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_Form.php:67 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:78 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:134 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:49 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing mode]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [mode ontbreekt]" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_Form.php:73 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:84 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing parent]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [parent ontbreekt]" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_Form.php:79 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:90 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing child]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [child ontbreekt]" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_Form.php:188 msgid "Error create relationship (insert failed)" msgstr "Fout bij maken van relatie (invoegen mislukt)" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:320 msgid "ERROR: No value for parent key found" msgstr "FOUT: Geen waarde voor bovenliggende sleutel gevonden" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:381 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:429 msgid "Delete Relationship" msgstr "Relatie verwijderen" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:382 msgid "Delete child row (this only affects the relationship table)" msgstr "" "Onderliggende rij verwijderen (dit heeft alleen invloed op de relatietabel)" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table.php:385 msgid "Delete child row" msgstr "Onderliggende rij verwijderen" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:67 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:316 msgid "Child List" msgstr "Onderliggende lijst" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:109 msgid "Add selected rows" msgstr "Geselecteerde rijen toevoegen" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:123 msgid "Nothing selected" msgstr "Er is niets geselecteerd" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:193 msgid "Row added" msgstr "Rij toegevoegd" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:195 msgid "rows added" msgstr "rijen toegevoegd" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Child_List_Table_Selection.php:209 msgid "Not all rows have been added" msgstr "Niet alle rijen zijn toegevoegd" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:140 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing child_request]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [child_request ontbreekt]" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:155 msgid "Parent List" msgstr "Terug naar bovenliggende lijst" # NO TRANSLATION NEEDED #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:526 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:533 #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:536 msgid "show more" msgstr "toon meer" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_Form.php:534 msgid "show less" msgstr "toon minder" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:56 msgid "" "Delete current item and all its relationships?\\nThis action cannot be undone." "\\n\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to delete." msgstr "" "Wilt u het huidige item en alle bijbehorende relaties verwijderen?\\nDeze " "actie kan niet ongedaan worden gemaakt.\\n\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\' " "OK \\' om te verwijderen." #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_Table.php:112 msgid "Delete parent row and its child rows" msgstr "Bovenliggende rij en de onderliggende rijen verwijderen" #: WPDataProjects/Parent_Child/WPDP_Parent_List_View.php:230 msgid "Back" msgstr "Terug" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:39 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:212 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:31 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:36 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:174 msgid "Project ID" msgstr "Project ID" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:40 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:213 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:32 msgid "Page ID" msgstr "Pagina ID" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:41 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:214 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:39 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:177 msgid "Add To Menu" msgstr "Toevoegen aan menu" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:44 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:217 msgid "Schema Name" msgstr "Schemanaam" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:46 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:219 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:480 msgid "Template Set Name" msgstr "Sjabloon set naam" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:47 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:220 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:36 msgid "Mode" msgstr "Modus" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:48 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:221 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:37 msgid "Allow insert?" msgstr "Toevoegen toestaan?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:49 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:222 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:38 msgid "Allow delete?" msgstr "Verwijderen toestaan?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:50 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:223 msgid "Allow import?" msgstr "Importeren toestaan?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:51 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:224 msgid "Allow bulk actions?" msgstr "Bulkacties toestaan?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:52 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:225 msgid "Allow full table export?" msgstr "Volledige tabelexport toestaan?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:53 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:226 msgid "Post" msgstr "Bericht" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:54 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:227 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:40 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:55 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:228 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:41 msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "Ondertitel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:56 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:229 msgid "Role" msgstr "Rol" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:58 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:231 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:764 msgid "Default ORDER BY" msgstr "Standaardvolgorde" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_Form.php:59 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:232 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:42 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:41 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:179 msgid "Seq#" msgstr "Seq #" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List.php:108 msgid "Shortcodes" msgstr "" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Page_List_View.php:39 msgid "Content" msgstr "Inhoud" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:37 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:175 msgid "Project Name" msgstr "Projectnaam" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:38 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:176 msgid "Project Description" msgstr "Projectomschrijving" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:164 msgid "Info copied to clipboard!" msgstr "Info gekopieerd naar klembord!" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_Form.php:167 msgid "Could not copy info to clipboard!" msgstr "Kan geen informatie naar het klembord kopiëren!" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:43 msgid "IMPORT DATA PROJECTS" msgstr "GEGEVENSPROJECTEN IMPORTEREN" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:115 msgid "Data Forms shortcode" msgstr "" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Project_List.php:165 msgid "Get Data Forms shortcode" msgstr "" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:137 #: WPDataProjects/WPDP.php:521 msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing page]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [pagina ontbreekt]" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:150 msgid "Relationships" msgstr "Relaties" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:151 msgid "List Table" msgstr "Lijst tabel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:152 msgid "Data Entry" msgstr "Gegevensinvoer" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:230 msgid "ERROR: Reverse engineering table failed" msgstr "FOUT: Reverse engineering-tabel is mislukt" # MENU ITEM #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:239 msgid "Table added to respository" msgstr "Tabel toegevoegd aan respository" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:325 msgid "ERROR: Argument wpda_table_name not found" msgstr "FOUT: Argument wpda_table_name niet gevonden" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:525 msgid "Template list" msgstr "Sjabloon lijst" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:642 msgid "Hyperlinks - uncheck to disable" msgstr "Hyperlinks" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:659 msgid "Manage table settings for table " msgstr "Tabelinstellingen beheren voor tabel " #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:670 msgid "Template set name" msgstr "Sjabloon set naam" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:685 msgid "Tab label" msgstr "Tablabel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:713 msgid "Hyperlinks parent" msgstr "Hyperlinks, bovenliggende" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:723 msgid "Hyperlinks child" msgstr "Hyperlinks, onderliggend" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:741 msgid "Child table setting only" msgstr "Alleen onderliggende tabelinstelling" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:750 msgid "Default WHERE" msgstr "WHERE-clausule" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:789 msgid "Save table info" msgstr "Tabelgegevens opslaan" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:793 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1158 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1433 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1760 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1818 msgid "Back to list" msgstr "Terug naar lijst" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1091 msgid "Manage relationships for table" msgstr "Relaties voor tabel beheren" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1106 msgid "Source column name" msgstr "Naam bronkolom" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1110 msgid "Target table name" msgstr "Naam van doeltabel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1113 msgid "Target column name" msgstr "Naam doelkolom" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1117 msgid "Relation table name (only n:m)" msgstr "Naam relatietabel (alleen n:m)" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1121 msgid "" "Table shown on the other end of the n:m relationship (instead of target table " "shown for 1:n relationships). Not available for 1:n relationships." msgstr "" "Tabel weergegeven aan de andere kant van de n:mrelatie (in plaats van de " "doeltabel weergegeven voor 1: n-relaties). Niet beschikbaar voor 1: n-relaties." #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1154 msgid "Save relationships" msgstr "Relaties opslaan" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1227 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1446 msgid "Invalid structure" msgstr "Ongeldige structuur" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1241 msgid "Manage columns for list table of table" msgstr "Kolommen voor lijst tabel van tabel beheren" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1256 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1475 msgid "Data type" msgstr "Gegevenstype" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1259 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1478 msgid "Key" msgstr "Sleutel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1262 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1481 msgid "Mandatory" msgstr "Verplicht" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1265 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1484 msgid "Visible" msgstr "Zichtbaar" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1268 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1493 msgid "Label" msgstr "Label" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1272 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1501 msgid "Lookup" msgstr "Opzoeken" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1429 msgid "Save list table columns" msgstr "Kolommen met lijst tabellen opslaan" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1460 msgid "Manage columns for data entry form for table" msgstr "Kolommen voor gegevensinvoer formulier voor tabel beheren" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1487 msgid "Read only" msgstr "Alleen-lezen" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1490 msgid "Less" msgstr "Minder" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1505 msgid "ID?" msgstr "ID?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1509 msgid "Enable to hide ID in lookup" msgstr "Vink aan om ID in lookup te verbergen" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1756 msgid "Save data entry form columns" msgstr "Kolommen met formuliergegevens invoer opslaan" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1775 msgid "Reconcile columns for table" msgstr "Tabel afstemmen" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_Form.php:1814 msgid "Reconcile Table" msgstr "Tabel afstemmen" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:104 msgid "Add Project Template To Repository" msgstr "Projectsjabloon toevoegen aan repository" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:140 msgid "Add Template For Selected Table To Repository" msgstr "Sjabloon aan repository toevoegen voor geselecteerde tabel" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:224 #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:241 msgid "N/A" msgstr "N/B" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:228 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:230 msgid "No" msgstr "Nee" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:319 msgid "Copy project template set?\\n\\'Cancel\\' to stop, \\'OK\\' to copy." msgstr "" "Projectsjabloon kopiëren?\\n\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\'OK\\' om te " "kopiëren." #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:385 msgid "Could not copy table options [source not found]" msgstr "Kan tabelopties niet kopiëren [bron niet gevonden]" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:395 msgid "Table options copied" msgstr "Tabelopties gekopieerd" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:403 msgid "Could not copy table options [too many rows]" msgstr "Kan tabelopties niet kopiëren [te veel rijen]" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:481 msgid "Exists in DB?" msgstr "Bestaat in DB?" #: WPDataProjects/Project/WPDP_Project_Table_List.php:482 msgid "Has Relationships?" msgstr "Heeft relaties?" #: WPDataProjects/WPDP.php:230 WPDataProjects/WPDP.php:249 msgid "ERROR: Repository table(s) not found!" msgstr "FOUT: Repository tabel(len) niet gevonden!" #: WPDataProjects/WPDP.php:538 msgid "ERROR: Project page initialization failed" msgstr "FOUT: Initialisatie van project pagina is mislukt" #: WPDataRoles/WPDA_Roles.php:97 msgid "Role(s)" msgstr "Rol(len)" #: admin/class-wp-data-access-admin.php:1109 #: admin/class-wp-data-access-admin.php:1179 msgid "ERROR: Repository table not found!" msgstr "FOUT: Repository tabel niet gevonden!" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:585 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdataaccess in a post!" msgstr "Sorry, u deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een bericht!" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:591 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdataaccess in a page!" msgstr "Sorry, u deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een pagina!" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:652 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadiehard in a post!" msgstr "Sorry, u deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een bericht!" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:658 msgid "Sorry, you cannot use shortcode wpdadiehard in a page!" msgstr "Sorry, u deze shortcode niet gebruiken in een pagina!" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:686 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument(s) [(project_id and page_id) or table_name]" msgstr "FOUT: Ontbrekend argument(en) [(project_id en page_id) of table_name]" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:767 msgid "ERROR: No access to MySQL meta data" msgstr "FOUT: Geen toegang tot MySQL-metagegevens" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:773 msgid "ERROR: Missing argument [table_name]" msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [tablenaam]" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:845 msgid "ERROR: No access [could not determine user role]" msgstr "FOUT: Geen toegang [kon de gebruikersrol niet bepalen]" #: public/class-wp-data-access-public.php:860 msgid "ERROR: No access [missing role]" msgstr "FOUT: Geen toegang [ontbrekende rol]" #: wp-data-access-diehard.php:116 msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan" #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme msgid "WP Data Access" msgstr "WP Data Access" #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "" msgstr "" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "" "The best WordPress table plugin with an intuitive table builder and a highly " "customizable form builder to support data entry" msgstr "" #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "Passionate Programmers B.V." msgstr "Passionate Programmers B.V." #~ msgid "Pub ID" #~ msgstr "Pub-ID" #~ msgid "Publication Name" #~ msgstr "Publicatienaam" #~ msgid "Default order/by" #~ msgstr "Standaardvolgorde" #~ msgid "Advanced Settings" #~ msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen" #~ msgid "Table options (advanced)" #~ msgstr "Tabelopties (geavanceerd)" #~ msgid "Publication extentions" #~ msgstr "Publication extentions" #~ msgid "Publication shortcode" #~ msgstr "Publicatie shortcode" #~ msgid "Get publication shortcode" #~ msgstr "Ontvang publicatie shortcode" #~ msgid "Test Publication" #~ msgstr "Test publicatie" #~ msgid "Test publication" #~ msgstr "Test publicatie" #~ msgid "Could not copy publication [source not found]" #~ msgstr "Kan publicatie niet kopiëren [bron niet gevonden]" #~ msgid "Publication copied" #~ msgstr "Publicatie gekopieerd" #~ msgid "Could not copy publication [too many rows]" #~ msgstr "Kan publicatie niet kopiëren [te veel rijen]" #~ msgid "ERROR: Publication not found" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Publicatie niet gevonden" #~ msgid "Show Advanced Settings" #~ msgstr "Geavanceerde instellingen weergeven" #, php-format #~ msgid "Table %s settings and administration panel" #~ msgstr "Instellingen voor tabel %s en beheerpaneel" #, php-format #~ msgid "Explore, filter and maintain %s table data" #~ msgstr "Tabelgegevens van %s verkennen, filteren en onderhouden" #~ msgid "Missing source table name value" #~ msgstr "Ontbrekende waarde voor brontabel naam" #~ msgid "Missing destination table name value" #~ msgstr "Ontbrekende waarde voor de doeltabel naam" #~ msgid "Publication style" #~ msgstr "Publicatiestijl" #~ msgid "Save Publication Settings" #~ msgstr "Publicatie-instellingen opslaan" #~ msgid "Reset Publication Settings To Defaults" #~ msgstr "Publicatie-instellingen opnieuw instellen op standaardwaarden" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "publication in repository" #~ msgstr "publicaties in repository" #~ msgid "SQL (add WP prefix)" #~ msgstr "SQL (WP prefix toevoegen)" #~ msgid "List label (uncheck to hide column)" #~ msgstr "Lijstlabel (schakel het selectievakje uit om de kolom te verbergen)" #~ msgid "Form label (uncheck to hide column)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Formulierlabel (schakel het selectievakje uit om de kolom te verbergen)" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "WP Data Access Premium" #~ msgstr "WP Data Access Premium" #~ msgid "" #~ "Local and remote data administration, publication and app development tool " #~ "available directly from the WordPress dashboard." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Lokale en externe gegevensbeheer, publicatie- en app-ontwikkelingstool " #~ "rechtstreeks beschikbaar vanuit het WordPress-dashboard." # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Data Explorer" #~ msgstr "Data Explorer" #~ msgid "" #~ "Once started, a CSV import cannot be interrupted.\\n\\nDo you want to " #~ "continue?" #~ msgstr "Een CSV-import kan niet worden onderbroken.\\n\\n Wilt u doorgaan?" #~ msgid "" #~ "Ones started, a CSV import cannot be interrupted.\\n\\nDo you want to " #~ "continue?" #~ msgstr "Een CSV-import kan niet worden onderbroken.\\n\\n Wilt u doorgaan?" #~ msgid "NL > BR?" #~ msgstr "NL > BR?" #~ msgid "Data Publisher" #~ msgstr "Data Publisher" #~ msgid "Premium" #~ msgstr "Premium" #~ msgid "Data Designer" #~ msgstr "Data Designer" #~ msgid "Remote table: not checked!" #~ msgstr "Externe tabel: niet gecontroleerd!" #~ msgid "Click here to download your export file" #~ msgstr "Klik hier om uw exportbestand te downloaden" #~ msgid "" #~ "This is an estimation!\n" #~ "Click to read more..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Dit is een schatting!\n" #~ "Klik hier om meer te lezen..." #~ msgid "Import CSV" #~ msgstr "Importeer CSV" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Plugin" #~ msgstr "Plugin" #~ msgid "Back-end" #~ msgstr "Back-end" #~ msgid "Front-end" #~ msgstr "Front-end" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Uninstall" #~ msgstr "Deinstallatie" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Manage Repository" #~ msgstr "Repository beheren" #~ msgid "Manage Roles" #~ msgstr "Rollen beheren" #~ msgid "System Info" #~ msgstr "Systeeminformatie" #~ msgid "Data Publisher Tool Access" #~ msgstr "Data Publisher Tool Access" #~ msgid "Selected database" #~ msgstr "Geselecteerde database" #~ msgid "(reflects table access only)" #~ msgstr "(weerspiegelt alleen de toegang tot de tabel)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Delete old backup tables?\\nThis action cannot be undone.\\n\\'Cancel\\' to " #~ "stop, \\'OK\\' to delete." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Wilt u de oude backup tabellen verwijderen?\\nDeze actie kan niet ongedaan " #~ "worden gemaakt.\\n\\'Annuleren\\' om te stoppen, \\' OK \\' om te " #~ "verwijderen." #~ msgid "Data Projects" #~ msgstr "Data Projects" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Data Menus" #~ msgstr "Data Menus" #~ msgid "Data Logging" #~ msgstr "Data Logging" #~ msgid "Plugin dashboard debug mode" #~ msgstr "Debug-modus voor plugin dashboard" #~ msgid "Page Type" #~ msgstr "Pagina Type" #~ msgid "Project WPDAPRO_Templates" #~ msgstr "Projectsjablonen" #~ msgid "Show Shortcode" #~ msgstr "Shortcode weergeven" #~ msgid "Copy Shortcode" #~ msgstr "Kopieer shortcode" #~ msgid "Could not copy shortcode to clipboard!" #~ msgstr "Kan shortcode niet naar het klembord kopiëren!" #~ msgid "" #~ "No tables listed? Grant access in front-end settings! Click to see how..." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Geen tabellen zichtbaar? Geef toegang in front-end instellingen! Klik hier " #~ "om te zien hoe..." #~ msgid "Test shortcode in popup" #~ msgstr "Test shortcode in popup" #~ msgid "Shortcode test not available for remote database connections" #~ msgstr "Shortcode test niet beschikbaar voor externe databaseverbindingen" #~ msgid "Show/copy shortcode in popup" #~ msgstr "Shortcode weergeven/kopiëren in pop-up" #~ msgid "Enabled" #~ msgstr "Ingeschakeld" #~ msgid "Shortcode [WPDATAACCESS]" #~ msgstr "Shortcode [WPDATAACCESS]" #~ msgid "Shortcode [WPDADIEHARD]" #~ msgstr "Shortcode [WPDADIEHARD]" #~ msgid "Use roles in shortcode wpdadiehard (Data Projects)" #~ msgstr "Rollen gebruiken in shortcode wpdadiehard (Data Projects)" #~ msgid "Project Page Shortcode" #~ msgstr "Project Page Shortcode" #~ msgid "Manage table" #~ msgstr "Tabel beheren" #~ msgid "" #~ "Child table setting only (parent table settings are available on Data " #~ "Projects page)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Alleen instelling voor onderliggende tabel (bovenliggende tabelinstellingen " #~ "zijn beschikbaar op de Data Projects pagina)" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Add Table To Repository" #~ msgstr "Tabel toevoegen aan repository" #~ msgid "Manage Projects" #~ msgstr "Projecten beheren" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Manage Table Options" #~ msgstr "Tabelopties beheren" #~ msgid "Peter Schulz" #~ msgstr "Peter Schulz" #~ msgid "Back to Data Explorer" #~ msgstr "Terug naar Data Explorer" #~ msgid "Back to main page" #~ msgstr "Terug naar de hoofdpagina" #~ msgid "?" #~ msgstr "?" #~ msgid "ERROR: Publication ID not found" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Publicatie-ID niet gevonden" #~ msgid "Back to Favourites" #~ msgstr "Terug naar Favorieten" #~ msgid "Back To List" #~ msgstr "Terug naar de lijst" #~ msgid "Save Changes To Database" #~ msgstr "Wijzigingen opslaan" #~ msgid "See the" #~ msgstr "Zie de" #~ msgid "what's new" #~ msgstr "wat is er nieuw" #~ msgid "page for new features added to WP Data Access." #~ msgstr "pagina voor nieuwe functies toegevoegd aan WP Data Access." #~ msgid "SHOW MORE" #~ msgstr "MEER WEERGEVEN" #~ msgid "SHOW LESS" #~ msgstr "MINDER WEERGEVEN" #~ msgid "No hyperlinks defined" #~ msgstr "Geen hyperlinks gedefinieerd" #~ msgid "Ouput" #~ msgstr "Uitvoer" #~ msgid "Type (responsive only)" #~ msgstr "Type (alleen responsief)" #~ msgid "Show Icon (responsive only)" #~ msgstr "Pictogram weergeven (alleen responsief)" #~ msgid "Image(s)?" #~ msgstr "Afbeelding(en)?" #~ msgid "Attachment(s)?" #~ msgstr "Bijlage(n)?" #~ msgid "Settings can be changed in the Data Explorer > Manage > Settings" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Instellingen kunnen worden gewijzigd in de Data Explorer > Manage > Settings" #~ msgid "Column names" #~ msgstr "Veldnamen" #~ msgid "Reset Form" #~ msgstr "Formulier terugzetten" #, php-format #~ msgid "%d tables exported" #~ msgstr "%d tabellen geëxporteerd" #~ msgid "Schedule Exports (Data Backup)" #~ msgstr "Geplande exports (Data Backup)" #~ msgid "Media Type" #~ msgstr "Media type" #~ msgid "Activated?" #~ msgstr "Geactiveerd?" #~ msgid "Back-end Settings" #~ msgstr "Back-end-instellingen" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Data Publisher Settings" #~ msgstr "Data Publisher instellingen" #~ msgid "Data Backup Settings" #~ msgstr "Data Backup Settings" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Manage Plugin" #~ msgstr "Plugin beheren" #~ msgid "All * marked items must be entered" #~ msgstr "Alle * gemarkeerde items moeten worden ingevoerd" #~ msgid "Remove image" #~ msgstr "Verwijder afbeelding" #~ msgid "Column Media Types" #~ msgstr "Media typen" #~ msgid "" #~ "Assign the WordPress media library screen to specific database columns " #~ "[help opens in a new tab or window]" #~ msgstr "" #~ "WordPress Media Library-scherm toewijzen aan specifieke databasekolommen " #~ "[help wordt geopend in een nieuw tabblad of venster]" # MENU ITEM #~ msgid "Reload Table Settings" #~ msgstr "Tabel instellingen opnieuw laden" #~ msgid "(file download)" #~ msgstr "(bestand downloaden)" #~ msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing WPDA_PARENT_KEY*?]" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [WPDA_PARENT_KEY*? ontbreekt]" #~ msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments [missing relationship]" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten [relatie ontbreekt]" #~ msgid "Item type" #~ msgstr "Gegevenstype" #~ msgid "Image" #~ msgstr "Afbeelding" #~ msgid "Attachment" #~ msgstr "Bijlage" #~ msgid "Table Created" #~ msgstr "Tabel gemaakt" #~ msgid "Table Has Relations" #~ msgstr "Tabel heeft relaties" #~ msgid "--- NOT FOUND ---" #~ msgstr "---NIET GEVONDEN---" #~ msgid "Click to learn more about Data Projects (opens in a new tab or window)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Klik voor meer informatie over Data Projects (wordt in een nieuw tabblad of " #~ "venster geopend)" #~ msgid "" #~ "WP Data Access helps you to manage your WordPress data and database from " #~ "the WordPress dashboard and to publish table data on your website." #~ msgstr "" #~ "WP Data Access helpt u om uw WordPress-gegevens en database te beheren " #~ "vanuit het WordPress-dashboard en om tabelgegevens op uw website te " #~ "publiceren." #~ msgid "Load table from database (reverse engineering)" #~ msgstr "Tabel laden uit database (reverse engineering)" #~ msgid "" #~ "You are about to edit a table containing a large number of rows. This might " #~ "slow down your system! Are you sure you want to continue?" #~ msgstr "" #~ "U staat op het deel van een tabel te bewerken die een groot aantal rijen " #~ "bevat. Dit kan uw systeem vertragen! Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?" #~ msgid "Load Bootstrap (version %s) scripts and styles" #~ msgstr "Laad Bootstrap (versie %s) scripts en stijlen" #~ msgid "Do not load Bootstrap" #~ msgstr "Bootstrap niet laden" #~ msgid "Bootstrap is not needed for jQuery DataTables (it is optional)" #~ msgstr "Bootstrap is niet nodig voor jQuery-DataTables (dit is optioneel)" #~ msgid "Trigger" #~ msgstr "Trigger" #~ msgid "Your repository is available with limitations!" #~ msgstr "Uw repository is beschikbaar met beperkingen!" #~ msgid "Data menu management is available, but without consistency checks." #~ msgstr "Menu beheer is beschikbaar met beperkingen." #~ msgid "Validation failed" #~ msgstr "Validatie mislukt" #~ msgid "" #~ "Succesfully saved changes to database (you might need to refresh your menu)" #~ msgstr "Wijzigingen opgeslagen (het menu moet mogelijk worden ververst)" #~ msgid "Data Menu" #~ msgstr "Data Menu" #~ msgid "Menu ID" #~ msgstr "Menu ID" #~ msgid "Capability" #~ msgstr "Machtiging" #~ msgid "Access to table is disabled (menu page will not be accessible)" #~ msgstr "Geen toegang tot tabel (menu pagina is niet benaderbaar)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Add table in back-end settings, delete menu item or select another table" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Voeg tabel toe in back-end instellingen, verwijder menu item of selecteer " #~ "een andere tabel" #~ msgid "Menu name must be entered" #~ msgstr "Menunaam moet worden ingevoerd" #~ msgid "Table name must be entered" #~ msgstr "Tabelnaam moet worden ingevoerd" #~ msgid "Capability must be entered" #~ msgstr "Machtiging moet worden ingevoerd" #~ msgid "Menu Capability" #~ msgstr "Manu Machtiging" #~ msgid "Structure" #~ msgstr "Structuur" #~ msgid "Menu name" #~ msgstr "Menunaam" #~ msgid "Menu slug" #~ msgstr "Menu slug" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "Table type" #~ msgid "Table %s dropped" #~ msgstr "Tabeltype" #~ msgid "Size (in MB)" #~ msgstr "Grootte (in MB)" #~ msgid "Warning in subtitles?" #~ msgstr "Waarschuwing in subtitels?" #~ msgid "Hide warning in subtitles" #~ msgstr "Waarschuwing in subtitels verbergen" #~ msgid "Add to|- menu" #~ msgstr "Toevoegen aan|- menu" #~ msgid "rows imported" #~ msgstr "rijen geïmporteerd" #~ msgid "INFO" #~ msgstr "INFO" #~ msgid "" #~ "You can only import data into table %s from here. If you want to import " #~ "data into another table, navigate to that table with the data explorer and " #~ "start your import from there. Data is imported immediately after file " #~ "upload." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Je kunt hier alleen gegevens importeren in tabel %s. Als je gegevens wil " #~ "importeren in een andere tabel, navigeer dan naar die tabel met de " #~ "verkenner en importeren je script vanaf daar. Gegevens worden onmiddellijk " #~ "na het uploaden van het bestand geïmporteerd." #~ msgid "WPDA Table" #~ msgstr "WPDA tabel" #~ msgid "Only update if you know what you are doing" #~ msgstr "Wijzig de inhoud alleen als je weet wat je doet" #~ msgid "ERROR: Invalid column name or not authorized" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige kolomnaam of niet geautoriseerd" #~ msgid "ERROR: Invalid project structure" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Ongeldige project structuur" #~ msgid "Tables" #~ msgstr "Tabellen" #~ msgid "Menu type" #~ msgstr "Menusoort" #~ msgid "SELECT COLUMNS" #~ msgstr "SELECTEER VELDEN" #~ msgid "Click to select. Columns are displayed in the order as listed." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Klik om te selecteren. Velden worden weergegeven in de volgorde zoals " #~ "getoond." #~ msgid "Current selection" #~ msgstr "Huidige selectie" #~ msgid "SHOW ALL COLUMNS" #~ msgstr "ALLE VELDEN WEERGEVEN" #~ msgid "Show details" #~ msgstr "Toon details" #~ msgid "Collapsed" #~ msgstr "Ingevouwen" #~ msgid "Expanded" #~ msgstr "Uitgeklapt" #~ msgid "WARNING" #~ msgstr "WAARSCHUWING" #~ msgid "You currently have no access to any database tables and views" #~ msgstr "Momenteel heb je geen toegang tot databasetabellen en views" #~ msgid "Grant access to desired tables and views in front-end settings" #~ msgstr "Verleen toegang in de front-end instellingen" #~ msgid "" #~ "Get access to any database table! Uses WP_Table_List on the back-end and " #~ "jQuery DataTables on the front-end." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Toegang tot elke databasetabel! Met WP_Table_List voor de back-end en " #~ "jQuery DataTables voor de front-end." #, fuzzy #~| msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments" #~ msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments1" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten" #, fuzzy #~| msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments" #~ msgid "ERROR: Wrong arguments2" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Verkeerde argumenten" #~ msgid "ERROR: No table specified" #~ msgstr "FOUT: Geen tabel opgegeven" #~ msgid "Repository status" #~ msgstr "Repository status" #~ msgid "Menu management is not available." #~ msgstr "Menubeheer is niet beschikbaar." #~ msgid "WORDPRESS TABLE" #~ msgstr "WORDPRESS TABEL" #~ msgid "VIEW" #~ msgstr "VIEW" #~ msgid "No data avaliable" #~ msgstr "Geen data" #~ msgid "was written by" #~ msgstr "is geschreven door" #~ msgid "Tested with WordPress 4.8.2" #~ msgstr "Getest met WordPress 4.8.2" #~ msgid "features" #~ msgstr "functionaliteiten" #~ msgid "Access to any database table" #~ msgstr "Toegang tot elke databasetabel" #~ msgid "Access controll through plugin settings" #~ msgstr "Toegangscontrole via plugin instellingen" #~ msgid "Uses WP_Table_List on the back-end" #~ msgstr "Maakt gebruikt van WP_Table_List voor de back-end" #~ msgid "Uses jQuery DataTables on the front-end" #~ msgstr "Maakt gebruik van jQuery DataTables voor de front-end" #~ msgid "Data entry through simple forms (only back-end)" #~ msgstr "Gegevensinvoer via simple forms (alleen back-end)" #~ msgid "" #~ "Add list tables and simple entry forms to your own menus (only back-end)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Tabellen en formulieren voor eenvoudige gegevensinvoer toevoegen aan eigen " #~ "menu's (alleen back-end)" #~ msgid "Access to MySQL information_schema" #~ msgstr "Toegang tot MySQL information_schema" #~ msgid "Visit website for more information..." #~ msgstr "Bezoek de website voor meer informatie..." #~ msgid "" #~ "ADD A LIST TABLE AND ENTRY FORM TO YOUR OWN BACK-END MENU (uses " #~ "WP_List_Table)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "VOEG EEN LIST TABLE MET INVOERFORMULIER TOE AAN JE EIGEN BACK-END MENU " #~ "(maakt gebruik van WP_List_Table)" #~ msgid "A) WITHOUT CODING" #~ msgstr "A) ZONDER TE PROGRAMMEREN" #~ msgid "In \"WP Data Access\" menu click on \"Data Explorer\"" #~ msgstr "Klik in het \"WP Data Access\" menu op \"Verkenner\"" #~ msgid "Find the table you want to add to your menu" #~ msgstr "Zoek de tabel die je wil toevoegen aan je menu" #~ msgid "Click on \"Add to menu\" and follow the instructions" #~ msgstr "Klik op \"Aan menu toevoegen\" en volg de instructies" #~ msgid "B) WRITING YOUR OWN CODE" #~ msgstr "B) MIDDELS EIGEN PROGRAMMACODE" #~ msgid "(1) Wait untill all plugins are loaded" #~ msgstr "(1) Wacht totdat alle plugins zijn geladen" #~ msgid "(2) Add your menu" #~ msgstr "(2) Voeg je menu toe" #~ msgid "(3) Create a (sub) menu handle" #~ msgstr "(3) Creëer een (sub) menu" #~ msgid "(4) Instantiate class WPDA_List_View" #~ msgstr "(4) Instantieer een object van klasse WPDA_List_View" #~ msgid "(5) Show menu page" #~ msgstr "(5) Toon de menu pagina" #~ msgid "" #~ "Add view, insert, update and delete options to your list tables: \"Manage " #~ "Plugin\" > \"Back-end Settings\"" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Voeg bekijken, toevoegen, wijzigen en verwijderen toe aan je list table: " #~ "\"Plugin beheren\" > \"Back-end instellingen\"" #~ msgid "" #~ "Simple forms for insert and update are available on activation of insert " #~ "and update options" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Eenvoudige invoerformulieren voor toevoegen en wijzingen worden automatisch " #~ "toegevoegd als wijzigingen toegestaan is geactiveerd" #~ msgid "" #~ "Invalid table name or not authorized? Grant access to table: \"Manage Plugin" #~ "\" > \"Back-end Settings\"" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ongeldige tabelnaam of niet geautoriseerd? Verleen toegang tot de tabel: " #~ "\"Plugin beheren\" > \"Back-end instellingen\"" #~ msgid "" #~ "ADD A DATABASE TABLE OR VIEW TO YOUR FRONT-END (uses jQuery DataTables)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "VOEG EEN DATABASE TABEL OF VIEW AAN JE FRONT_END TOE (maakt gebruikt van " #~ "jQuery DataTables)" #~ msgid "Click WPDA button in visual editor and follow the instructions" #~ msgstr "Klik op de WPDA knop in de visuele editor en volg de instructies" #~ msgid "" #~ "Add shortcode <strong>wpdataaccess</strong> to your content with parameters " #~ "<strong>table</strong> and <strong>columns</strong>:" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Voeg shortcode <strong>wpdataaccess</strong> toe aan je content met de " #~ "parameters <strong>table</strong> en <strong>columns</strong>:" #~ msgid "Omit parameter <strong>columns</strong> to show all columns:" #~ msgstr "Laat parameter <strong>columns</strong> weg om alle velden te tonen:" #~ msgid "For views add \"your_view_name\" instead of \"your_table_name\"" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Gebruik voor database views \"your_view_name\" in plaats van " #~ "\"your_table_name\"" #~ msgid "" #~ "Invalid table name or not authorized? Grant access to table: \"Manage Plugin" #~ "\" > \"Front-end Settings\"" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Ongeldige tabelnaam of niet geautoriseerd? Verleen toegang tot de tabel: " #~ "\"Plugin beheren\" > \"Front-end instellingen\"" #~ msgid "Check out website for responsive tables" #~ msgstr "Kijk op de website voor responsieve tabellen" #~ msgid "Don't load" #~ msgstr "Laad" #~ msgid "Triggers" #~ msgstr "Triggers"