<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('No direct access allowed'); ?> <?php if (!isset($additional_taxes)) { $additional_taxes = ''; } $price2_filter_data = WOOF_HELPER::get_price2_filter_data($additional_taxes); $price_filter2_1opt_txt = esc_html__('filter by price', 'woocommerce-products-filter'); if (isset($this->settings['by_price']['first_option_text'])) { if (!empty($this->settings['by_price']['first_option_text'])) { $price_filter2_1opt_txt = WOOF_HELPER::wpml_translate(null, $this->settings['by_price']['first_option_text']); } } if (isset($placeholder)) { $price_filter2_1opt_txt = WOOF_HELPER::wpml_translate(null, $placeholder); } $show_count = get_option('woof_show_count', 0); $show_count_dynamic = get_option('woof_show_count_dynamic', 0); $hide_dynamic_empty_pos = get_option('woof_hide_dynamic_empty_pos', 0); $opt_count = 0; $select_id = uniqid('woof_price_select'); ?> <div class="woof_price_filter_dropdown_container"> <label class="woof_wcga_label_hide" for="<?php esc_attr_e($select_id) ?>"><?php esc_html_e('Filter by price', 'woocommerce-products-filter') ?></label> <select id="<?php esc_attr_e($select_id) ?>" class="woof_price_filter_dropdown"> <option value="-1"><?php esc_html_e($price_filter2_1opt_txt) ?></option> <?php if (!empty($price2_filter_data)): ?> <?php foreach ($price2_filter_data['ranges']['options'] as $k => $value): $value = trim($value); ?> <?php $c = 0; $cs = ''; if ($show_count) { $c = (int) $price2_filter_data['ranges']['count'][$k]; $cs = '(' . $c . ')'; } if ($show_count_dynamic AND $c == 0) { if ($hide_dynamic_empty_pos) { continue; } } $opt_count++; ?> <option <?php if ($c == 0 AND $show_count): ?>disabled=""<?php endif; ?> <?php selected($price2_filter_data['selected'], $k); ?> value="<?php esc_attr_e($k) ?>"><?php echo wp_kses_post(wp_unslash($value)) ?> <?php esc_html_e($cs) ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php else: ?> <option value="0"><?php esc_html_e('Not possible. Enter options ranges in the plugin settings -> tab Structure -> Search by price -> additional options', 'woocommerce-products-filter') ?></option> <?php endif; ?> </select> </div> <?php if (!$opt_count) { ?> <input type="hidden" class="woof_hide_empty_container" value=".woof_price2_search_container"> <?php }